classroom learning vs online learning

Post on 28-Jan-2016






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Classroom Learning Vs Online Learning

It is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study , experience ,or being taught.


A form of teaching or training through traditional classroom setting.

Most commonly and highly preferred method in learning.

Classroom Learning

The study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.

Onl ine Learning

The term e-learning, or electronic learning, often is used interchangeably with online learning.

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It includes learning with assistance of the internet and a personal computer.

Educational technology and e-learning can occur in or out of the classroom. It can be self-paced, asynchronous learning or may be instructor-led, synchronous learning .

Types of online learningSynchronous

similar to the traditional classroom in that you are meeting at a particular time via audio, video streaming or a chat room


Allows you to work at your own time and pace with periodic communication with the instructor

Takes a lot of patience, motivation, self-confidence, dedication and a general knowledge of using a computer


Lower costs


Skill development

Individual instruction



Different learning styles

Disadvantages of E-learning

Needed Internet Connection

Proper Knowledge of Computer is needed

Possible inadequate opportunity to discuss and interact with teachers

Student must be self motivated

Lack of Interpersonal Communication

Confronting computer technology is stressful and consumed more time for beginners

Advantages Of Classroom Learning

Direct access to the instructor in class. Computer resources are not needed.

Better communication between the tutor and students.

More class time. More prepared. Receive grants for the assessments.

Class instructions is not available after the class session is over.

Schedule may be hectic

Disadvantages of ClassRoom Learning

Need your Physical presence

Expensive than online learning

Requires the instructor to have or to learn effective writing and speaking skills.

Statistics of online learning

Recent studies conducted by Britain's Open University have found that e-Learning consumes 90% less energy than traditional courses.

The estimated 5 year annual growth rate for the Asian e-Learning market is 17.3%

The adoption of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) is reaching a plateau.

Comparision of online and classroom learning

online classroom

MODE Discussion through text only

Verbal discussion; a more common mode

Permanent Impermanent


Less sense of instructor control

More sense of leadership from instructor

Easier for participants to ignore instructor

Not so easy to ignore instructor

GROUP DYNAMICS Less sense of anxiety Anxiety at beginning/during meetings

More equal participation

Participation unequal

Online courses are not suitable for all the students

Study is uncomfortable in the online learning system

Classroom learning also depends on sharing of knowledge from teacher to student


Flaws in the both systems of learning

Convenience and Suitability play the role

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