clean sustanaible energy

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Sustainable energy is the form of energy obtained from non-exhaustible resources, such that the provision of this form of energy serves the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

GENERATION OF TECHNOLOGIES First-generation technologies:First-generation technologies are most competitive in

locations with abundant resources. Their future use depends on the exploration of the available resource potential, particularly in developing countries, and on overcoming challenges related to the environment and social acceptance.

Second-generation technologies:Markets for second-generation technologies are strong

and growing, but only in a few countries. The challenge is to broaden the market base for continued growth worldwide. Strategic deployment in one country not only reduces technology costs for users there, but also for those in other countries, contributing to overall cost reductions and performance improvement.

Third-generation technologies:Third-generation technologies are not yet widely

demonstrated or commercialised. They are on the horizon and may have potential comparable to other renewable energy technologies, but still depend on attracting sufficient attention and RD&D funding

RENEWABLE ENERGY Anaerobic Digestion:Is a collection of processes by which microorganism break

down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. The process is used for industrial or domestic purposes to manage waste and/or to produce fuels. Much of the fermentation used industrially to produce food and drink products, as well as home fermentation, uses anaerobic digestion.

Biofuel:A biofuel is a fuel that contains energy

from geologically recent carbon fixation, such as plants. These fuels are produced from living organisms.

Biomass:Biomass is biological material derived from living, or recently

living organisms. It most often refers to plants or plant-based materials which are specifically called lignocellulosic biomass. As an energy source, biomass can either be used directly via combustion to produce heat, or indirectly after converting it to various forms of biofuel. Conversion of biomass to biofuel can be achieved by different methods which are broadly classified into: thermal, chemical, and biochemical methods.

Geothermal energy:Is thermal energy generated and stored in the

Earth. Thermal energy is the energy that determines the temperature of matter. The geothermal energy of the Earth's crust originates from the original formation of the planet (20%) and from radioactive decays of materials (80%).

Hydropower:Is power derived from the energy of falling water and

running water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes. Since ancient times, hydropower from many kinds of watermills has been used for irrigation and the operation of various mechanical devices, such as gristmills, sawmills, textile mills, trip hammers, dock cranes, domestic lifts, and ore mills.

Solar energy:Solar energy is radiant light and heat from

the sun harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture and artificial photosynthesis.

Tidal power:Is a form of hydropower that converts the

energy of tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity.

Wave power:Is the transport of energy by ocean surface waves,

and the capture of that energy to do useful work – for example, electricity generation, water desalination, or the pumping of water (into reservoirs). A machine able to exploit wave power is generally known as a wave energy converter (WEC).

Wind power:Is extracted from air flow using wind turbines or sails to

produce mechanical or electrical power. Windmills are used for their mechanical power, windpumps for water pumping, and sails to propel ships. Wind energy as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation and uses little land. The effects on the environment are generally less problematic than those from other power sources.

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