
Post on 27-May-2015






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A Quiz about clementinea book by

Sara Pennypacker

Lisa Ann Rodriguez, PhD(c) 2013

What did Clementine have for lunch on Monday?

Hamburger Surprise :-P

p. 1

What did Clementine have for lunch on Monday?

Hamburger Surprise :-P

p. 1

What is the principal’s name?

Principal Rice

p. 1

What did Clementine do wrong in the office?

She answered the phone.

p. 1

What were the two lucky signs that happened on

Monday?There were exactly enough banana slices in Clementine’s cereal, and she got excused from journal writing so she could go to the art room.

p. 2

What were Clementine and her classmates

working on in the art room?

Welcome to the Future projects

p. 2

What does Clementine hate to do in school?

Writing in her journal

p. 2

What does Clementine love to do in school?

glue and paint stuff

p. 2

Who is Clementine’s friend?


p. 2

What kind of mask was Margaret making?

Princess from the Future

p. 2

In what grades are Margaret and Clementine?

Clementine is in 3rd; Margaret is in 4th.

p. 2

Since Margaret is older than Clementine, what

does she think?

That she’s the boss of her.

p. 2

What do Clementine and Margaret always say to

each other?

Margaret - “You can’t touch my stuff”

Clementine - “Why?”

p. 3

What did Clementine do when Margaret looked out

the window?

Touched her mask twice.

p. 4

What did Clementine see in the middle of the

Pledge of Allegiance?

The lunchroom lady and the janitor kissing in his car.

p. 4

Why did Clementine see the lunchlady and janitor


She was looking out the window.

p. 4

What did Clementine notice when she was passing around the

stapler?The art teacher’s scarf had an egg stain on it that looked like a pelican.

p. 4-5

What did people always say to Clementine?”

Pay attention!

p. 5

Why does Margaret take so long in the bathroom?

She washes her hands one finger at a time.

p. 5

Why was Margaret crying?

She had cut her hair to get the glue out.

p. 6

What was Margaret’s hair like?

Straight and brown.

p. 5

What part of her hair did Margaret cut off?

The whole part over her left ear.

p. 6

What did Margaret ask Clementine to do to her


Cut it all off with the plastic art scissors.

p. 9

How did Clementine draw Margaret to make her look


Like a dandelion

p. 10

What special classes do they have for gifted kids?

Math and English

p. 10

What gifted class is Clementine in?


p. 10

What was Clementine’s complaint about the gifted


no gifts

p. 11

Why was Clementine doing on Principal Rice’s


Looking for ceiling snakes

p. 11

How did Clementine try to help Principal Rice?

by answering her phone, ordering new school pets, telling the gym teacher they were never going to play dodgeball again, and making two appointments for her.

p. 13

Why did Clementine pull Margaret into the


To see her hair from all sides because there’s mirrors on all four sides.

p. 15

What did Clementine use to color Margaret’s hair


permanent markers

p. 16

What did Clementine call her baby brother?

Spinach (p. 16)


raddish (p. 61)

rutabaga (p. 74)

turnip (p. 94)

zuchinni (p. 95)

lima bean (p. 110)

pea pod (p. 112)

Clementine’s name is also the name of what?

A fruit

p. 17

Why does Clementine call her brother Spinach?

So his name would be the name of a vegetable.

p. 17

What does Margaret’s mother call Clementine’s

brother, Spinach?

The easy one.

p. 17

In what part of the buiding is Clementine’s


The basement

p. 18

What was the name of the color they dyed Margaret’s


Flaming Sunset

p. 18

Who was home in Margaret’s apartment

when they dyed her hair?

Just her brother.

p. 19

Why doesn’t Clementine like Margaret’s room?

Mascara, the cat, is there and he hisses. Also, being in there makes her itchy.

p. 19

Why does seeing Mascara, the cat, make Clementine


It reminds her of her old cat Polka Dot who died.

p. 19

Where did Polka Dot have kittens?

In Clementine’s bureau drawer.

p. 19

Where did Clementine find names for the kittens?

on labels in the bathroom

p. 20

What were the three kitten’s names?

Fluoride, Laxative, and Mascara

p. 20

Why does Margaret’s room make Clementine feel

itchy?It looks like a magazine picture...everything perfectly matching and organized. Nothing is broken. Everything is clean. Not a speck of dirt is allowed.

p. 21

What does Margaret’s lamp look like?

It’s a china poodle with an umbrella

p. 21

What did Clementine draw on Margaret’s forehead and back of her neck?

Flaming Sunset curls

p. 22

When she grows up, what does Clementine want to


hundreds of tattoos


What did Margaret say she was getting on her teeth?


p. 24

How many times did Clementine’s dad say “I’m sorry” to Margaret’s mom?


p. 25

Why was Margaret jealous of Clementine?

She wanted her red hair.

p. 27

What did Margaret’s mother send to

Clementine’s teacher?

A note saying not to let Margaret be alone with Clementine.

p. 29

What did Clementine put in her milk?

grape jelly

p. 29

What is Clementine’s dad’s job?

He manages the apartment building.

p. 30

What does Clementine’s dad let her do to calm her down when she is mad?

Ride the service elevator.

p. 30

How many times did Clementine’s Dad say she could ride the elevator?


p. 30

What floor of the apartment building was

being painted?


p. 30

What did Clementine see on the 7th floor?

Men painting the ceiling on stilts.

p. 30

What happened everytime Clementine saw Mrs.


Mrs. Jacobi gives her $5 and tells her to go to the store and get her a box of Cheerios.

p. 32

Where does Mrs. Jacobi live?

On the top floor of the apartment building.

p. 32

How much change does Mrs. Jacobi give

Clementine after she buys her Cheerios?

50 cents

p. 32

How old does Clementine think Mrs. Jacobi is?

400 years old

p. 33

What is Clementine saving up to buy?

A gorilla

p. 33

Which apartment does Margaret live in?


p. 33

What did Margaret’s mom tell Clementine when she

came to apologize?That Margaret couldn’t play because she was in her room thinking about the consequences of her actions.

p. 33

What made Clementine laugh when she was talking to Margaret’s

mother?Margaret’s brother, Mitchell, pretended to be pulled into the kitchen.

p. 34

What was in the middle of the living room in

Clementine’s apartment?

a drawing table

p. 36

What does Margaret’s mother always wear?

A dress

p. 36

Where does Margaret’s mother work?

in a bank

p. 36

Why does Clementine’s mother wear overalls or


She’s an artist and gets messy.

p. 36

What do Clementine and her mom see when they look out their window?


p. 38

What does Clementine want to be when she

grows up?

an artist

p. 38

What does Clementine’s dad say she’s very good


noticing things.

p. 38

What did Clementine see in the park?

A woman eating lentils from a thermos with a toothbrush.

p. 42

What did Clementine ask the lady in the park?

If she could draw a picture of the lentils on her toothbrush.

p. 42

How does Clementine feel about lentils?

she hates them

p. 42

What excuses did Clementine make to not

go to school?She had a cracked toe

She had the hearbreak of sore irises

She had arthritis

p. 45

What did Clementine do to her hair?

She cut it all off to make Margaret feel better.

p. 47

What does Clementine’s mom’s side of the bed

smell like?

cinnamon rolls

p. 47

What does Clementine’s dad’s side of the bed

smell like?


p. 47

Where is Clementine’s favorite place to be?

in the middle of the bed

p. 47

What did Clementine’s dad have to fight?

The Great Pigeon War

p. 47

What did Clementine say she’s allergic to?

sitting still

p. 49

What is Clementine’s brother allergic to?


p. 49

What did the cloud that Clementine saw out the

window look like?

a dog that would make a good tattoo with only two legs.

p. 52

What did Clementine think was suspicious about Mrs.

Rice, the principal?

Her arms were always covered, so she thought she might have a tattoo.

p. 53

How does Clementine know who is coming into

the building?

She has memorized everyone’s shoes.

p. 55

Why did Clementine have a hot head?

Her mom made her wear a winter hat to cover up her chopped off hair

p. 56

What did Margaret’s mouth look like with the

bracelets?more beautiful than Disneyland or Sleeping Beauty’s castle- each tooth with a sparkly silver bracelet and blue bits (rubber bands) sprinkled around like tiny presents.

p. 56

How did Clementine make Margaret feel happy?

By cutting off her hair and letting Margaret pick any color to color it with markers.

p. 57

Who is Alan?

Margaret’s mother’s special friend (boyfriend)

p. 57

Where is Mitchell going for the summer?

baseball camp

p. 59

What color did Margaret color Clementine’s hair?


p. 1

Why does Clementine want bracelets on her


Margaret got them

They’re beautiful

They feel wonderful

p. 60

What does it mean when Clementine asks her

brother if he wants to go for a wok?

She puts him in the wok and spins him

p. 61

Why doesn’t Clementine spin her brother twice in

the wok?

He throws up the second time.

p. 62

What did Clementine do with her own hair after she

cut it off?

She tried to glue it onto Margaret’s head.

p. 66

What did Margaret do at Clementine’s party?

Breathed on the M&M rocks in the back of the dump truck, and sat on her sparkle-glitter paint set.

p. 67

What did Clementine say about Margaret’s head?

She had slippery head skin.

p. 66

What does Clementine think Margaret is trying to


look like her

p. 68

Why did Clementine ask her dad for a razor?

She thought she was growing a beard

p. 72

What did Clementine really on her face instead

of a beard?

chocolate frosting

p. 72

What did Clementine and her dad wear to fight the

Great Pigeon War?


p. 75

What did Clementine’s dad let her clean with the


The carved lion above the front door

p. 76

What was Clementine’s solution to the pigeon

poop problem?


p. 78

What did the sound of pigeons cooing sound like?

A million old ladies with secrets

p. 79

What does Clementine hate in her eggs?

clear parts

p. 81

What did Clementine’s dad call the place under

her bed?

The Black Hole

p. 82

Who only talks about going to the mall?


p. 82

What did Clementine have to do during recess?

catch up on her journal writing

p. 83

What did Clementine’s dad say was the 8th

deadly plague to visit Egypt?


p. 86

What was Clementine’s dad’s psychological

solution to the pigeon problem?

A plastic owl to scare them away

p. 86

What did Clementine do with Polka Dottie’s


enlarged it to scare the pigeons

p. 90

When Clementine’s parents said they “only

needed one”, what did she think?

That they were going to get rid of her and only keep her brother, who was easy

p. 93

Why does Clementine sometimes like writing in

her journal?to remind herself of things she might forget like:

She planned to smoke cigars

She did not plan to get married

p. 93

What did Clementine’s parents let her brother do because he got a shot at

the doctor’s?

Rent a video and eat Gummi Worms

p. 94

How old is Clementine’s brother?


p. 95

What did Clementine usually do on Sunday


Play with Margaret

p. 96

Where did Clementine want to put the big picture

of Polka?

In a top window in the middle of the building to scare the pigeons.

p. 96

Why didn’t Clementine visit the man who lived on

the 6th floor?

He smelled like moth balls.

p. 97

How did Clementine try to help the painters?

She put on their stilts and tried to finish their painting.

p. 98

How many times did Clementine fall from the


21 times

p. 98

What did Margaret say to Clementine when she got

on the elevator with Amanda-Lee?

They were going to the mall.

p. 98

Where did Clementine put the picture of Polka?

In Mrs. Jacobi’s window.

p. 100

What did Mrs. Jacobi do with Cheerios?

She fed the pigeons

p. 101

How did Clementine solve the pigeon problem?

She got Mrs. Jacobi to feed them from the window on the side of the building.

p. 103

Why was Mrs. Jacobi happy about feeding the pigeons from her dining

room?She could see them eating while she was eating

p. 104

What does Clementine say grown-ups say when they are not paying attention to


“That’s nice”

p. 110

What didn’t Clementine want her dad to do with

her brother?

Read him the book with a bear with pointy green shoes.

p. 111

What page in the book Clementine’s dad was

reading to her brother had the picture of the bear

with green pointy shoes?


p. 111

What did Clementine do to her bologna?

Folded them and bit eye holes. She made a pair of bologna glasses for her brother too.

p. 112

What things did Clementine glue to the hat

for Margaret?Polka Dottie’s flea color, pepperoni, Barbie’s red shoes, a blue jay feather, M&Ms, Clementine’s charm bracelet, lace from her party socks, pinjk sparkle nail polish, a dead bumble been, the rest of her red curly hair

p. 116

What did Margaret give Clementine at the end


A new Sparkle-Glitter Paint Set

p. 118

What did Clementine hear her mom say on the phone when she was

ordering a cake?

“Goodbye and Good Riddance should be in red icing”

p. 121

What did Clementine do after she heard her mom on the phone ordering the


She started cleaning

p. 122

What did Clementine find in the black hole under

her bed? 4 shoes

3 brushes

hair clips


crunchy Easter Peep

top hat from Monopoly game lost for 2 years

Mr. Potato Head nose

3 library books

book report

Saturn sentences

Halloween mask


2 flashlights

a mitten

green plastic trapezoid

snow globe

half a button

Polka Dot’s rubber mouse

Mom’s yoga video

Dad’s needle nosed pliers

45 cents

What did Clementine think when she heard her

parents say, “One is all we need”

That they were going to get rid of her and keep only one kid

p. 128

What does Clementine call it when her parents hug her at the same time?

a hug sandwich

p. 128

Who were they really saying Goodbye and Good

Riddance to?

the pigeons

p. 130

What was on Clementine’s cake?

A thousand frosting pigeons and “Thank You, Clementine, Hero of the Great Pigeon War!”

p. 130

What did Clementine’s parents mean when they said “We only need one”?

One kitten

p. 132

What did Clementine name her new kitten?


p. 133

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