click on the bad guys to kill them (some may take more then one hit) every time you beat a boss, you...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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• Click on the bad guys to kill them (some may take more then one hit)

• Every time you beat a boss, you will appear in a different place.

• Kill everyone before time runs out!

• If you have bad aim, use a never ending level to practice!

• You can only use the mouse

Mission 1

You learn that there is a group of people trying to kill you, they are going to send

people to try and kill you, and you have a sniper! Kill the 3 people!

You have 5 seconds before they kill you!

Mission 2

Kill the Helicopter!

(3 hits)

Then kill the guy who is parachuting to escape!

You have 5 seconds!

Mission 3

Kill the 5 stickmen to win

You have 5 seconds!

Mission 4

Are you ready for the Boss?

You’ll have to destroy a tank, we don’t know how much armor it has so we can’t tell

how many shots it will take to destroy it, it will shoot you in 2 seconds. After you kill

the tank kill the guy.

Mission 5

Kill the light-armored tank, then the helicopter.

You have gotten a scope upgrade also.

They will shoot you in 3 seconds.

Mission 6

Kill the 2 super soldiers.

(5 hits each)

Then kill the random guy.

Tip: Super soldiers have the ability to disappear randomly.

You have 3 seconds!

Mission 7

Destroy the car full of people.

(10 hits)

Then kill the driver of the car.

You have 3 seconds before they kill you!

Mission 8

You are now the enemy’s most wanted person, they will throw at you everything that they’ve got. It’s time for a boss. This

really isn’t a boss though, more like a distraction, The enemy is now trying to

shoot at your helicopter, shoot the missile to save your helicopter!

Mission 9

You are now on the ocean, the enemy is sending war ships to try and kill you.

We have upgraded your scope so you can shoot the war ships from long distance.

Kill the 3 supply ships! We don’t know how many shots it will take to destroy it

because it’s our first time seeing them.

They will kill you in 3 seconds.

Mission 10

We have no clue what they are going to send, and you are going to die in 5

seconds, so good luck!

Mission 11

Good job. We know that there is a war ship coming, and it is heavily armed, it will kill you in around 5 seconds!!!!!! It will take around 10 hits to kill, and it’s fast! Then you’ll have to kill the last survivor of the

ship, it’s a super soldier, Good Luck!

Mission 12

Wow, you actually destroyed the war ship. It’s boss time! You’ll have to destroy one

of the enemy’s aircraft carriers!!!!! We don’t know how many shots it will take to

destroy it, but it will kill you in only 7 seconds!!! The aircraft carrier will send

planes to kill you too, and it has a big, fat layer of steel on it too.

Mission 13

You actually destroyed it within 7 seconds, that’s amazing! Your on a port now, and

we don’t know what they are going to send, and your going to die in 5 seconds,

so try your best!

Mission 14

Good Job. Now you’ll have to kill 2 war ships! You’ll die in 5 seconds!

Mission 15

There’s a gigantic fire demon!!!! We don’t know how many shots it will take to kill it, but your dead in 2 seconds, good luck.

There’s also some random guy, just kill him.


• Click on the video to start it, When you see the red star, it means I left-clicked. (if it keeps freezing, just keep on clicking on it really fast!)

• Have Fun!

Mission 16

Good Job!!!! You killed the Fire Demon!!!! And the random dude. You are back at a field of grass, with 3 tanks!!!! And you are

going to die in 3 seconds, Good luck!

Mission 17

You are now at NASA. You have to kill 3 mini robots, and then a super soldier.

Save NASA!!!! They will destroy NASA in 5 seconds!!!

Mission 18

Kill the 3 minions of the fire demon, then the helicopter! You have 4 seconds!

Mission 19

Your in a rocket ship with the enemy, and they are going to kill you in 3 seconds!!!

Mission 20

You are about to land on the moon, and then, you get attacked by aliens! Kill the aliens! We don’t know anything about

them, your on your own! But we do know your going to die in 2 seconds! Hurry up!

This is the boss!

Mission 21

My pokemon fusions are real?!?!? Sweet! Well, your on the moon, and your attacked

by more pokemons! My super pokemon will kill you in 3 seconds!

Mission 22

You found the enemy’s base!!!

They are sending enemies, kill ‘em all! You will die in 3 seconds!

Mission 23

You are in the enemy’s secret base, you are getting attacked a lot, kill everything! You

are going to die in 5 seconds!

Mission 24

There is a flying eye! And a random dude. The flying eye can shoot lasers! Kill the eye, and the random dude in 1 second!

This is the boss!

Mission 25

Just before he dies, the eye explodes the entire building! Get out of the building

before time runs out! You have 2 seconds!

Mission 26

You are back at NASA (After coming back from the base alive) and you are getting attacked by more people! You have 3


Mission 27

You are on the ocean again, and there is 2 airship carriers! You are going to die in 3

seconds! There is also some random dude! This is the boss!

Mission 28

They are sending lots of stuff to kill you, get ready, you’ll die in 5 seconds!

Mission 29

There is an aircraft carrier, destroy it within 2 seconds! Also destroy the supply ship.

Mission 30

You find a giant aircraft carrier! It is oddly colored, Destroy it!!! You have 3 seconds!

Shoot like crazy!

Your on the aircraft carrier! When you shot it, you somehow teleported onto the ship!

You might as well destroy everyone.

Mission 31

Since you’re here might as well kill everyone, you have 3 seconds!

Mission 32

You have to go in the ship and kill everyone, you have only 3 seconds!

Mission 33

You see a huge robot!! Kill it! You have 3 seconds! This is a boss.

Mission 34

The people who made the robot are really angry now, kill them! They don’t have any

weapons, so take as long as you want!

Mission 35

At the basement of the ship you see the boss, he’s the person trying to kill you! Kill

him before he kills you! This is the final boss!


You beat the boss! You aren’t going to die anymore! You win! (If you are wondering why that person was there, he was there because he was surprised you killed the his boss.) If you beat this level without skipping to it using the levels select option, you get to see the first level of my next game! Just click Continue! (If you did cheat, It will say “Next”.)


• Shoot the enemy’s by clicking on them, sometimes the instructions say click up, click on the button on the screen to use it.

• When you click up, you will be in zoom mode. Click the red button when the enemy’s head is on the red dot, if you click it at the wrong time, you die!

You died!

You won!

Mission 35

At the basement of the ship you see the boss, he’s the person trying to kill you! Kill

him before he kills you! This is the final boss!


You beat the boss! You aren’t going to die anymore! You win! (If you are wondering why that person was there, he was there because he was surprised you killed the his boss.) If you beat this level without skipping to it using the levels select option, you get to see the first level of my next game! Just click Continue! (If you did cheat, it will say “Next”.)

• With your mouse, dodge everything, and stay on the maze path! Don’t get off the path or you lose!

• Click on all the circles!

• When you do die, a circle will appear, when the circle disappears, you basically lose all your lives

• That’s it!

You Lose!

You Win!

Secret Games

Mouse Avoider:

View the credits

Secret Level:

Beat the whole game without Using “Level Select”

Lava Rise:

Click on the secret button

You lose!

You Win!

Instructions• Stay on the Black!• The red stuff is lava, if you touch it, you lose!• If you touch anything gray, you lose!• Click on the circles to make stuff happen• Beware for traps• When the gray blocks are moving, wait for them

to finish moving, before you go through it, or else you lose!

• Go on top of the yellow at the end to win, you don’t have to click!

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