clip pers project

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Executive Summary

Since 1978, the Los Angeles Clippers have provided an inexpensive, fun night for fans.

The atmosphere throughout the games has been an exciting and upbeat one that continues to

draw fans and consumers looking for a great night out. However, since the mid-80’s, the Clippers

have been regarded as the somewhat inferior NBA team in the Los Angeles area, second to the

Los Angeles Lakers. Nevertheless, stars Blake Griffin and Chris Paul are revolutionizing

Clippers basketball. These stars combined with other entertainment efforts and strategies on

behalf of the Clippers are paving the way for the LA Clippers to be a dominant team not only in

Los Angeles but within the entire NBA. The team improvements and relatively low ticket prices

have already begun to draw more fans and sell out more games than in years past.

Los Angeles is well known for its vast selection of entertainment and recreational

activities from movie theaters, to shopping venues, to several other professional sport franchise

options. The Clippers are well suited to compete against these activities; the team just needs to be

promoted correctly in order to be placed among consumers’ top consideration sets in choosing

entertainment choices. Located in the heart of LA, the Clippers face a lot of competition proving

the importance of adequate positioning on behalf of the team. With more in-game promotions,

kiosks, and concession stands throughout the Staples Center arena, the Clippers can continue to

meet customer needs and increase revenues for years to come. In order to please the Clippers’ fan

base, the following plan will evaluate and analyze potential changes the Clippers can implement

in the near future.

A. IntroductionA major area of research will focus on learning about the existing consumers of the Los

Angeles Clippers and differentiating the various segments within. The current social and

professional networks of the team will be examined. Current and potential consumers will be

located by utilizing personal networks as well as researching in other ways outside of these

networks; such as through social media, flyers, internet postings, and face-to-face interceptions

with the public. By researching market segments as well as the best and worst segments to target,

the recommended consumers the Clippers should focus on will likely change from current

positioning strategies. Research will be focused on the population in Orange and Los Angeles

Counties; as well as on the population found through online communities. After finding the best

segments to target, research will turn to studying the demographics, preferences, and lifestyles of

these segments. In doing so, there will be a particular focus on the target market that will

generate the most ticket sales. Not only will there be a focus on a target market interested in

basketball, but also on segments with equal interest in various forms of entertainment provided

by the Clippers, Staples Center, and surrounding Los Angeles areas.

The general area of research will extend beyond the avid NBA fan and onto consumers

who seek out various entertainment sources. The demographic research will capture the average

fan as well as the average fans' psychographics and preferences. A look into the female segment

of the market will take place because this is a demographic segment people would generally

assume are not as avid of fans as males. Research will be done in different ways to capture this

existing segment as it is half of the population within Los Angeles alone (US Census, 2013). The

article, Female and Male Sports Fans: A Comparison of Sport Consumption Motives, clearly

depicts significant differences on male and female motives. The female segment of the market

tends to have less appreciation towards the NBA than males, but have more appreciation for the socialization factor of the game. However, a further analysis of the female segment of the

market surrounding the area of Los Angeles County, Orange County, and California State

University, Fullerton will be conducted because this segment has likely been wrongly assessed in

their desire to attend basketball games; in particular, the desire to be entertained through


Furthermore, research will focus on the history of the Clippers as well as relevant issues

surrounding the team that may affect purchase decisions. With prominently lower ticket prices

than those of the local Lakers, the Clippers are positioned for consumers on a low to medium

budget, who cannot afford these higher prices. Statistics in researched MRI data demonstrate that

over half of NBA attendees in 2011 were middle income fans (<$59,999 annual salary)

( Not only will this research highlight the consumers and pinpoint the sought after

target market; but it will also help to figure out if the five dollar discounted price tag will help

bring in more Southern California fans than if the discount were not applied.

On top of the above mentioned accomplishments, anticipated research results will help to

sell all of, if not more than, the sixty tickets we were given. Research will be used to find out if it

would be practical to utilize the college and eighteen to thirty four year old fan bases within

Orange and Los Angeles counties. NBA statistics demonstrate that 70,735 NBA fans between the

ages of eighteen and forty three years attended at least one game last season (Southern California

Association of Governments, 2010). As a consequence of this research, exploration of this

segment in communities surrounding L.A. and Orange counties will take place. Additionally,

because college students continually seek forms of entertainment as soon as the weekend comes,

tickets will be strategically sold to this segment. College students seek to find affordable

activities to have a good time and socialize. Research will be conducted to figure out whether these three segments are already being targeted by the Clippers; if not, additional research will be

conducted to find out how these segments can best be reached.

B. Background and Theory

In order to attract people to a basketball game, people’s attention has to be drawn away

from other activities and sporting events in the Los Angeles area. Los Angeles residents have

multiple options to choose from when it comes to being entertained; the problem is convincing

residents that a Los Angeles Clippers game is the best of these entertainment options. In order to

attract people, the first step is to entice them to consider the Clippers as one of their top

entertainment sources. Los Angeles entertainment preferences include sporting events, musical

events, restaurants, nightclubs, sightseeing, shopping, etc. In the greater Los Angeles area alone,

there are nine professional sports franchises and multiple entertainment attractions such as

Disneyland, the beach, and movie theaters.

Theories on how to convince potential attendees to come to Clippers' games will be

talked about later in the report. However, attracting people to games can be difficult with the vast

list of entertainment opportunities available to consumers. Statistics demonstrate that 230,416

people on occasion attend an NBA game annually in the Los Angeles area (US Census, 2013).

While this may seem to be a large amount of attendees, one must take in to account that the Los

Angeles area is inhabited by two professional basketball teams. In order for people to consider

the Los Angeles Clippers over the Los Angeles Lakers, one needs to measure the amount of

brand awareness and association the team has in Los Angeles. These measures will help in

determining the more recognized team in Los Angeles, the growth of the team, and its potential

reach to greater game attendees. By surveying people in Los Angeles, it will be more clear what people associate with the Clippers; for example, is it players like Chris Paul/Blake Griffin, the

Staples Center, the rivalry with the Lakers, the team’s logo and history, the success of the team,

etc. (Ross 2008). With upcoming results stating what the majority of people associate the

Clippers with, it will be possible to more accurately target what people already know about the

team and market those aspects for the Clippers. Furthermore, it will be possible to market

important aspects of the team that people are unaware of. Therefore, in order to succeed in fixing

the main problem of ensuring that the Clippers are among consumers’ top entertainment choices,

a survey will be conducted and ultimately combined with previous research in order to create the

best marketing strategies to the correct target audience.

C. Methods

1. Participants

The purpose of collecting data is to answer the question: what is the best approach to

selling these Clippers tickets? A questionnaire survey will be conducted because it is an

efficient way of collecting unbiased data from a large number of potential customers.

Furthermore, results to a survey are quantifiable and can be measured on a number of

different levels. Data was collected from a number of different people. A questionnaire

was created on and sent out to a wide array of people. The respondents

were all over the age of sixteen. The income level, gender and other demographic

variables varied significantly among our respondents, creating an objective and unbiased

set of responses. Data was collected in a number of different ways. For example, links to

the survey were posted on Facebook while other surveys were handed out in person to

familiar people from classes, family, friends, as well as randomly surveyed people at a

sports bar. Furthermore, email blasts were sent out when California State University,

Fullerton professors sent the link in an email to all of their classes. Most of the time, the survey did not get turned down because its friendly approach and introduction ensured

students that it would take less than five minutes of their time to complete. People were

generally willing to help take the survey without having to create some type of incentive

such as the chance to win a free gift card. The results of this survey allowed for

cross-tabulations and various frequency percentages that will be analyzed later on.

2. Procedure and Materials

The beginning of the study was approached with the marketing research process in mind.

First, the problem was identified which was: how to get individuals to consider the

Clippers as one of their top entertainment choices. Research was conducted with this

question in mind. Next, the objectives that need to be addressed were identified. The

objectives included were identifying why Clippers fans, sports enthusiasts, and general

entertainment seekers chose to attend games; what drew these people to the events

besides being interested in seeing a live sporting event; what the most popular age and

income level associated with attending Clippers games was. Answering these objectives

allowed for a better approach to be implemented when selling tickets. A survey

administered via email, social media, and the California State University, Fullerton portal

with a link from Fluid Surveys was utilized to gather vital information. In addition,

printed surveys were administered to classmates and various strangers who had a minute

to fill it out. Online surveys, as well as printed copies, were the easiest and most cost

efficient ways to survey a large number of responses. The initial responses confirmed

some of the general ideas about who initially were considered to be the best people to

market. No specific stimuli were used with our survey. However, repeat customers were

asked to envision and remember their experiences of the Staples Center and the

surrounding area.

3. DesignThe research design utilized was the descriptive technique. The textbook Sports

Marketing: The Strategic Perspective illustrates descriptive research as a design that

“describes the characteristics of a targeted group by answering questions such as who,

what, where, when, and how often” (Shank, 83). The targeted group is a part of a

population in the geographic region of Los Angeles and Orange County, individuals who

have the most familiarity with the Clippers, and individuals with access to attend

Clippers' games and surrounding entertainment in the Los Angeles area. This design

appeals the most to college students over all others because it helps students address the

problem in a way that gives them specific descriptive details that will be most beneficial

in selling Clippers' tickets. The descriptive details include characteristics such as age,

income level, and reasons why respondents attend Clippers' games. The data collection

technique included both primary and secondary data. The primary data included two

administered surveys (one before and one after the game), which helped to capture more

than just the demographic data. In particular, the primary data captured the levels of

awareness, behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles associated with those in the sample.

Secondary data included indices from MRI plus regarding the demographics and statistics

of those adults who attend basketball games, as well as which media they prefer and how

frequent. Please see Appendix G for a snapshot of the specific MRI Plus data that was

considered. (The full 600 line data can be sent if requested)

4. Measures

Data was measured on a number of different levels. First, analysis of the various

responses and patterns among the data were sought; i.e. if there was a relationship

between age and type of entertainment desired or what the most common response for the

opinion of the Staples Center was. The most popular responses for the age group, twenty one to twenty five year olds were particularly analyzed as this was the segment thought to

be most responsive to entertainment in L.A. Next, tables that summarized the data

directly on the survey website were created. Finally, SPSS was utilized to conduct

frequency tables and cross tabulations in order to see the most common responses to

certain questions as well as relationships between two variables, such as gender and

opinion of the Clippers as a team. Please see appendices for these various measures.

D. Results

Survey Results

The results of the survey were applied to the SPSS data program. The resultant cross tabulations

gave some insight into which groups to target. From these tables strategies were developed

through which to sell as many Clippers tickets as possible. The actual cross-tabs are represented

in Appendix H. The following are some of the results that were found.

• Between men and women, men enjoy watching baseball as their favorite sport at 55.2%

while women were the ones who enjoyed watching basketball the most at 61.9%.

However, women were not the only suggested target because basketball was the next

favorite sport that men preferred to watch. Therefore, both men and women were

targeted throughout the selling tactics. These results helped prove that women are equally

as important to target when selling basketball tickets.

• The results also helped to find that the $10,000 and under income bracket had attended

Staples Center the most out of all the other income level brackets (78.6% of people who

make under $10,000 have been to the Staples Center). While people in the higher income

brackets have also been to the Staples Center, this finding helped justify targeting people

in the 21-25 year old age bracket (who likely make $10,000 and less). There was a focus on the lower income demographic because this was the most common income bracket in

the survey population at 68% (see below). These respondents, who are similar to college

aged students, generally make less than $10,000 per year, enjoy going to the Staples

Center, and have more disposable income to make this a reality. Furthermore, the events

at the Staples Center are pretty accessible to everyone as ticket prices can go as low as

twenty dollars.

• Additionally, people aged twenty one to twenty five rated attending sporting events as

their top form of entertainment at 30%. Furthermore, 37.5% of twenty one to twenty five

year olds perceived the Clippers as playing well. The twenty one to twenty five year olds

also enjoyed going to the bars more than the other age brackets. Therefore, consumers

aged twenty one to twenty five were the best consumers to sell tickets to. This age was

most effective because they can go to bars both around and inside of the Staples Center,

they like the Clippers, and attending sporting events was their favorite way to be


• Furthermore, it was found that the most common dislike about the Staples Center was the

traffic at 24%. Therefore, when selling the tickets, it was important to focus on the fact

that there were multiple forms of public transportation that can be used in order to avoid

the traffic. This helped to sell more tickets because many people did not know about the

accessibility of public transportation and how close it is to the Staples Center.

• The most common likes about the Staples Center were L.A. live at 26% and the fun

atmosphere at 22%. These preferences were in correlation with the twenty one to twenty

five year olds that were the target market, since the majority of young people are ones who enjoy L.A. Live. This is not solely because of their age, but also benefits sought as

people in this age bracket tend to seek the benefits that L.A. Live can provide. Therefore,

these features were highlighted when selling tickets.

• Overall, people’s favorite sport to watch was basketball at 42%. This fact made it

somewhat easier to sell Clippers' tickets.

• The top reason that people attended sporting events was because it provided a social

activity at 34%. Therefore, when attempting to sell tickets, the fact that the game was a

great opportunity to have a family bonding night, have a date night, or have a fun way to

bond with friends was highlighted.

• Finally, it was discovered that people aged forty six to fifty chose safety as what they

appreciate most about the Staples Center at 40%. Although focus was primarily on

twenty one to twenty five year olds, when selling to the older age bracket (especially

those aged forty six to fifty), the focus was placed on safety in the Staples Center as a top

selling technique.

Therefore, based upon all of these results, a pull strategy appears to be the best strategy to move

forward with, creating desire among consumers who then come to us and demand the tickets.

The most desire was created by targeting the twenty one to twenty five year old age group. This

group was targeted because it was somewhat of an easier reach, considering the fact that they

were college students too. However, this segment of the market is also being targeted because as one can see above, their desires closely match all of the benefits the Staples Center, Los Angeles,

and the Clippers games offer. In particular, a few vital tactics utilized in selling tickets were

promoting the fact that public transportation was available and easily accessible, that the tickets

were reasonably priced, that there are many fun bars and restaurants within and around the

Staples Center, and that the Clippers game would be a fun way to create a socialization

opportunity. Furthermore, when tickets were sold to the higher age brackets, focus was on safety

as this was their number one concern. All of these selling tactics were a result of the

aforementioned findings. Moreover, from these findings various other selling techniques were

utilized. The following are the techniques that worked and did not work.

E. Recommendations

In response to the results, the Clippers organization should target younger age groups.

The Clippers should target younger age demographics because this age bracket responded the

best to the tactics utilized in this project. This is likely due to the fact that the Clippers' games

create an exciting and fun atmosphere for this age group as well as a chance for social bonding.

Furthermore, the Staples Center and the surrounding areas are a great place for entertainment for

consumers of these ages. The two best selling strategies recommended are one, to utilize school

websites; and two, to utilize social media.

1) If the Clippers could partner with various colleges within the Los

Angeles/surrounding areas and post the phrase “Discounted Clippers Tickets” on the

school websites; then the amount of responses would likely be astronomical. The

majority of tickets sold throughout this project were from California State University

Fullerton’s website alone. Furthermore, the majority of consumers that were found through the school’s website wanted to attend more than just one game. Therefore,

tickets to multiple games could be sold this way, increasing the potential for repeat

customers. The only downside is that in order to get a large response, the word

‘discounted’ likely needs to be in the posting. Therefore, the cost would be the loss of

five dollars (if this specific discount strategy was what the Clippers continued to use)

times the number of tickets sold.

2) Furthermore, social media was the selling strategy that sold the second highest

number of tickets. If the Clippers utilized their Facebook page, which consists of

272,500 followers, then all of these followers would see what they posted each day.

This amount of followers is astonishing and would likely create a significant response

from the public. By promoting upcoming games on their Facebook page, the Clippers

will help increase awareness and excitement at little to no cost to the Clippers.

Facebook postings are free; the only fee would be the salary of the person posting the

promotions. These promotions can advertise upcoming giveaways, exciting

competitions occurring during the games, prize giveaways at certain games, and

communications about the match-up for the game or about exciting controversial

issues surrounding these teams. These cost-efficient; yet effective promotions are

another great way for the Clippers to sell tickets, box seats, and possibly create more

sponsorship opportunities for the games.

Post-game surveys were distributed to many people who attended the actual game. The

pre-game survey as well as the post-game survey and its graphical results can be seen in

Appendices B, C, & D. It was discovered that 90% of respondents enjoyed themselves at the

game. Furthermore, 38% used public transportation and 62% either drove or carpooled to the

game. In addition, people did not really entertain themselves after the game (only 2% of respondents did so). This could be because the game ended around 10:30pm on a Monday night.

However, entertainment before the game was prominent. The most common form was lunch or

dinner at 44% of respondents; the next most common form of entertainment was shopping and

sightseeing at 12%. Entertainment that did occur after the game included attending bars/clubs at

19%. Finally, 81% said that there was nothing the Clippers could do to make the overall

experience better. However, of the 19% who wanted improvements, the majority stated more

giveaways, better food choices, more food/drink options on the third floor, and shorter lines as

their top improvements. These findings helped shape the following potential ideas presented.


One recommendation is to have more in-game promotions such as a T-shirt toss. This

would help create more excitement during time-outs and breaks. It would also get the fans more

involved with the game, increasing likelihood of a better overall experience and the chance that

fans will come back. While there are some T-shirt tosses during the game, attendees in the 300

level seats were unable to receive or take part in the promotion because the shirts could not reach

them without a shirt cannon device. By having more T-shirt tosses with cannon devices to reach

the top levels, the Clippers can make consumers even more satisfied. Furthermore, the

organization can leverage the promotion to companies wanting to advertise with the Clippers,

and can have the T-shirt toss sponsored by the companies wishing to market themselves with the

team. By having outside companies sponsor the T-shirt tosses, the cost of screening and

purchasing the shirts is eliminated. The only cost of this promotion would be the cost of buying

the T-shirt cannons, which costs about $1,600 a piece (Bleacher Reacher 2013). Another way to get fans engaged in the game and gain more attendance/lifelong fans of

the team would be to incorporate a mini game at half time. The mini game would feature kids

from the local National Junior Basketball leagues around the Los Angeles area and would let the

kids get to play on the same court as some of their favorite players. Not only does this look good

for the organization as a community outreach program, it also would help with marketing and

selling tickets because the families of the kids would want to attend the games. In addition, it

will allow the Clippers to market through many local National Junior Basketball league gyms.

By having the kids play during half time for about seven minutes, this might change many

families’ team preference. It may also improve the possibility of these families to continue

attending games regularly, spending money on the team and becoming lifelong supporters of the


Moreover, the respondents that stayed on the third floor were unhappy with the selection

of food and drinks. There were very large spaces between the kiosks, creating very few choices.

This makes these consumers feel less important and therefore less likely to attend another

Clippers game. By inputting more food and drink kiosks, this will help to decrease the queue

time as well as increase sales. Furthermore, more options will help make the top floor consumers

feel more important and closer to the Clippers as an organization instead of feeling as if the least

attractive options are thrown to the people who pay the least for tickets. Finally, by shortening

the lines, this will create more space in the walkways and decrease fire hazards.

Kiosk vending machines would also be a great addition to Staples Centers for customers

on the third floor. "Presently, the vending machine business is a $41 billion industry and one of

the most pervasive retail business forms" (Lee). Kiosk vending machines are easily accessible

and customer friendly. The cost of a kiosk vending machine can be anywhere from $2,500-$7,500 ("Vending Machine Operators”). There are various forms of vending machines,

which include food/snacks, cold beverages, and hot beverages. The Clippers can purchase a new,

used or refurbished vending machine depending on their preferences and budget. The cost of a

brand new food vending machine is around $2,500- $4,500 depending on the features; the cost of

a brand new cold beverage vending machine is between $4,500-$7,500 ("Vending Machine

Operators"). The adaption of vending machines in the Staples Center would also appeal to our

target audience of twenty one to twenty five year olds. Younger generations are better adapted to

technology and strive for receiving the fastest service possible. "Gen-Y, who has grown up with

technology, is driving much of the innovation in the industry" ("Automation Nation"). Kiosk

vending machines would make a great addition for faster service, shorter lines, and would appeal

to the younger generations we suggest to target.

Furthermore, after researching on various articles and websites, it has been determined

extra concession carts would also be a great addition to the Staples Center. The extra concession

carts would be located in empty areas throughout the Staples Center, especially those located on

the third floor. Concession carts "range from $1,800 for carts used to sell bottled drinks and

snacks to as much as $50,000-$60,000 for modular units that can be linked together to form a

complete kiosk" (Reill). The $1,800 concession carts are designed for basic retail products and

services. Concession carts offer easy accessibility and quick contact with customers. These

concession carts could be easily transportable to different locations throughout the Staples Center

depending on the event. Concession carts would provide extra revenue for the Staples Center

once the initial cost is recovered. The carts can also deliver faster service for customers. By

providing extra concession carts for customers on the third floor, there will be an increase in

satisfied customers due to improved accessibility and a greater selection of food/beverages. Finally, the Clippers can increase the amount of giveaways provided for attending

multiple games. Currently, the Clippers only have six giveaways; consumers are not that happy

with some of them. However, giveaways can be expensive; so, instead of just doing more

giveaways for certain games, the Clippers could create a “ticket mini-plan”. This plan would

help alleviate costs because the Clippers are not simply giving free items away to anyone who

buys one ticket for that night. Instead, the plan could be set up in such a way that if consumers

purchase tickets to a certain amount of games, then they receive a particular giveaway. For

example, if a customer purchases tickets to five games, that customer is entitled to the ‘Red

Package’ which includes two free sodas and hot dogs at each game. If a customer purchases eight

games, that customer receives the ‘White Package’, which includes everything in the Red

Package plus two free t-shirts and the option of switching sodas to beer. Finally, if a customer

purchases ten or more games, that customer will be entitled to the ‘Blue Package’ which includes

everything in the Red and White package as well as two free tickets to a promotional game of

their choice. This helps to increase giveaways while alleviating costs since it encourages

customers to come to more games. This recommendation would also help to increase ticket sales.

The average ticket price for a game in the 200 level (which is where most consumers

preferred to sit) is about seventy dollars. A soda is around five dollars and a hot dog is about six

dollars. Therefore, two hot dogs and two beers come out to be about twenty-two dollars. This is

twenty-two dollars in lost revenue that the customer might have purchased without this

promotion. However, if we consider that the consumer is attending at least five games at seventy

dollars per ticket, the revenue will be $350.00. The costs are the twenty-two dollars per game

times five games which equals $110. This leads to a profit of $240.00. This is worth it because

the customer is less likely to buy tickets to five games without this promotion; therefore the extrarevenue is worth the extra cost. The same is true for the White and Blue Packages. The White

Package is redeemed if the customer attends eight games, which would lead to revenue of $560.

A beer is about eight dollars and fifty cents; so considering the customer upgrades to beer, the

food and beverage cost would be about twenty-nine dollars per game or about $145. However,

the shirts will be free as a result of sponsors. Therefore, profit is $560 minus $145 which equals

$415. Again, the extra revenue is worth this minimal cost of lost potential sales. Finally, the Blue

Package includes the Red and White Package (assume the higher cost of $145) plus two tickets

to any game they choose (another $140) which is a total of $285. The revenue off of at least ten

games is about $700 creating a profit of $415. This is the most worrisome deal as the profit is the

same as the White Package. However, customers who purchase ten games might even purchase

more. On top of this, customer satisfaction, retention rate, increased attendance, and brand

loyalty will be created which are all much more important than the revenue added to the bottom


F. Implementation Results and Post Implementation Evaluation

The following are the techniques that worked and did not work.

What worked?

• The top strategy that worked best was posting the tickets on the school website. At least

75% of tickets were sold this way. College students responded to the post, which boasted

“heavily discounted Clippers tickets”. The posting also had a flyer attached to help sell

the game (see Appendix A). This strategy worked so well that demand was greater than

supply. A desire among the customers, college students in particular, was created, who

then demanded tickets (pull strategy). Students are always seeking forms of affordable entertainment, making this posting on the university’s website a successful strategic


• Word of mouth was also utilized by telling friends and family that tickets were being

sold, as well as announcing it in our classes. This helped to sell at least ten tickets.

• The selling of tickets was posted throughout various social media sites; utilizing

Facebook and Instagram in particular. This definitely helped sell tickets (at least nine

tickets), but not nearly as much as was expected. Nine out of the total eighty-eight tickets

sold is only 10%; it was expected that social media would sell much higher than this

figure. The reasoning behind expecting a larger number of sales through social media was

that the young age bracket that were targeted are the majority of people on social media;

furthermore, these tools reach a large number of people in a very short amount of time.

• Another selling technique that worked (but only slightly) was posting the flyer and

sending out an email at a large fourteen floor law office. Out of all of the employees

there, only about four tickets were sold.

What did not work:

• Many people had no interest in the upper level tickets since they were deemed “nose

bleeds”. Therefore, even though these tickets were at a lower price, focusing on this did

not work. Consumers believed the price of having a night out in Los Angeles was not

worth the “nose bleed” section as they could just watch the game from home.

• Furthermore, selling to older age groups did not work because they simply were not

interested in going into what they called a “party atmosphere”. The focus on the safety

aspect and the fact that the Clippers were a skilled team that would put on a good show

did not work to help sell tickets. Convincing this segment to buy tickets for their

grandkids and have it be a good family bonding experience also did not entice them

because they would rather spend time doing something everyone would enjoy.• Flyers were strategically posted in two Curves gyms but neither received a response. This

might be because the majority of people who attend this gym are older women, which

was found not to be the best demographic to sell tickets to.

• Finally, tickets posted on Craigslist also received no response. This could be because

there have been many scams on Craigslist selling fake tickets. Furthermore, Craigslist

shoppers usually want a better deal than was offered.

Assessing the recommended strategies

The recommended strategies helped to sell more than the original number of tickets

given. The most effective strategy technique was posting the tickets on the school website. By

posting the tickets on the school website, demand became greater than supply. This was a very

effective strategy to target our particular age group of twenty one to twenty five year olds as

well. Social media platforms, word of mouth and flyers were also helpful in selling tickets.

However, these platforms were expected to sell more tickets than they did. Social media allows

interaction between other people, which is why it was surprising that it did not produce very

many ticket sales. Overall, the selling strategies and techniques used created a lot of success

when selling Clippers' tickets.

What would you do same/differently

A selling technique that would definitely be used again is utilizing the school website.

The website allowed for higher individual and group ticket sales. This strong technique allowed

the group to sell over 75% of given tickets. However, tickets should have been placed on the

school website sooner in order to sell even more tickets. In the future, school websites as well as

posting tickets on the Clippers’ social media platforms would be utilized. Furthermore, it is likely

that younger age brackets would be the ones most targeted and flyers would not be placed in Curves gyms. Face to face interceptions and email blasts would still be used. Finally, the

introduction to both surveys would be used again as it helped convince people to fill them out.


With thoroughly developed research and great selling techniques, all of the Clippers

tickets were able to be sold. Researching the general location and demographics of Los Angeles

and Orange County helped immensely in choosing the best target market. In addition, surveying

local residents to determine their perceptions of Los Angeles entertainment, the Clippers, and the

Staples Center was also used. These techniques were essential aspects to find a specific target

market that would purchase Clippers' tickets. The objective was to sell sixty Clippers tickets,

which included ten lower level tickets and fifty upper level tickets. Research and great selling

techniques paired with hard work allowed even more than sixty tickets to be sold (eighty eight

were sold overall).

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