cloak of visibility: detecting when machines browse a ......draft cloak of visibility: detecting...

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Cloak of Visibility: Detecting When MachinesBrowse A Different Web

Luca Invernizzi∗, Kurt Thomas∗, Alexandros Kapravelos†,Oxana Comanescu∗, Jean-Michel Picod∗, and Elie Bursztein∗

∗Google, Inc. {invernizzi, kurtthomas, elieb, oxana, jmichel}†North Carolina State University

Abstract—The contentious battle between web services andmiscreants involved in blackhat search engine optimization andmalicious advertisements has driven the underground to developincreasingly sophisticated techniques that hide the true natureof malicious sites. These web cloaking techniques hinder theeffectiveness of security crawlers and potentially expose Internetusers to harmful content. In this work, we study the spectrumof blackhat cloaking techniques that target browser, network, orcontextual cues to detect organic visitors. As a starting point, weinvestigate the capabilities of ten prominent cloaking servicesmarketed within the underground. This includes a first lookat multiple IP blacklists that contain over 50 million addressestied to the top five search engines and tens of anti-virus andsecurity crawlers. We use our findings to develop an anti-cloakingsystem that detects split-view content returned to two or moredistinct browsing profiles with an accuracy of 95.5% and a falsepositive rate of 0.9% when tested on a labeled dataset of 94,946URLs. We apply our system to an unlabeled set of 135,577search and advertisement URLs keyed on high-risk terms (e.g.,luxury products, weight loss supplements) to characterize theprevalence of threats in the wild and expose variations in cloakingtechniques across traffic sources. Our study provides the firstbroad perspective of cloaking as it affects Google Search andGoogle Ads and underscores the minimum capabilities necessaryof security crawlers to bypass the state of the art in mobile,rDNS, and IP cloaking.1


The arms race nature of abuse has spawned a contentiousbattle in the realm of web cloaking. Here, miscreants seekingto short-circuit the challenge of acquiring user traffic turnto search engines and advertisement networks as a vehiclefor delivering scams, unwanted software, and malware tobrowsing clients. Although crawlers attempt to vet content andexpunge harmful URLs, there is a fundamental limitation tobrowsing the web: not every client observes the same content.While split views occur naturally due to personalization, geooptimization, and responsive web design, miscreants employsimilar targeting techniques in a blackhat capacity to serveenticing and policy-abiding content exclusively to crawlerswhile simultaneously exposing victims to attacks.

Where as a wealth of prior work focused on understandingthe prevalence of cloaking and the content behind cloakeddoorways, none precisely measured the spectrum of cloakingtechniques in the wild as it affects search engines and adnetworks. Indeed, earlier studies predicated their analysis on

1Draft version: To abide to IEEE copyright policy, the final version of thispaper will be released on the 5th of May, 2017.

a limited set of known cloaking techniques. These includeredirect cloaking in search engine results [16], [18], [24],[27], [33], [34] or search visitor profiling based on theUser-Agent and Referer of HTTP requests [32], [35].An open question remains as to what companies and crawlersblackhat cloaking software targets, the capabilities necessaryfor security practitioners to bypass state of the art cloaking,and ultimately whether blackhat techniques generalize acrosstraffic sources including search results and advertisements.

In this paper, we marry both an underground and empiricalperspective of blackhat cloaking to study how miscreants scru-tinize an incoming client’s browser, network, and contextualsetting and the impact it has on polluting search results andadvertisements. We root our study in the blackmarket, directlyengaging with specialists selling cloaking software. In total,we obtain ten cloaking packages that range in price from $167to $13,188. Our investigation reveals that cloaking softwarespans simple Wordpress plugins written in PHP that check theUser-Agent of incoming clients, to fully customized forks ofthe Nginx web server with built-in capabilities for blacklistingclients based on IP addresses, reverse DNS, User-Agents,HTTP headers, and the order of actions a client takes upon vis-iting a cloaked webpage. We also obtain access to multiple IPblacklist databases, one of which covers 54,166 IP addressesassociated with Bing, Yahoo, Google, Baidu, and Yandex,and a second that contains over 50 million IP addressesfrom universities (e.g., MIT, Rutgers), security products (e.g.,Kaspersky, McAfee), VPNs, and cloud providers. Our analysisyields a unique perspective of which web services miscreantsseek to evade and the technical mechanisms involved.

We leverage our tear-down of blackhat cloaking techniquesto build a scalable de-cloaking crawler and classifier thatdetects when a web server returns divergent content to twoor more distinct browsing clients. We fetch content from 11increasingly sophisticated user emulators that cover a com-bination of Chrome, Android, and a simple robot accessingthe Internet via residential, mobile, and data center networksincluding one associated with Google’s crawling infrastruc-ture. In total, we crawl 94,946 labeled training URLs multipletimes from each profile, totaling over 3.5 million fetches. Wethen build a classifier that detects deviations in the content,structure, rendering, linguistic topics, and redirect graph be-tween all pairs of crawlers, accurately distinguishing blackhatcloaking from mobile and geo targeting with 95.5% accuracy


and a false positive rate of 0.9%. We analyze in depth whichfeatures and browser profiles are critical to detecting cloaking,finding no single approach covers all cloaking techniques.

We apply our system to an unlabeled set of 135,577 GoogleSearch and Google Ads URLs keyed on high-risk terms com-monly targeted by miscreants (e.g., luxury products, weightloss supplements) and find 11.7% of the top 100 search resultsand 4.9% of ads cloak against the Googlebot crawler. Ofthese, the most popular blackhat cloaking techniques involvedetecting JavaScript, blacklisting Googlebot’s User-Agent andIP, and requiring that visitors interact with content beforethe server finally delivers the de-cloaked payload. Despitea menagerie of cloaking techniques in the wild that varydrastically between search and ads, our system neverthelesssucceeds at generalizable detection. We dig into specific casestudies and their monetization approaches, revealing a thrivingmarket that attempts to capitalize on legitimate consumerinterest in nutraceuticals, mobile gaming, and online shopping.

Finally, we explore the fragility of de-cloaking systems,including our own, to miscreant’s adapting their cloakingtechniques. Rather than persist in the arms race to defeatincreasingly sophisticated browser fingerprinting techniques,we argue our approach of comparing the content that cloakedservers deliver to multiple browsing clients naturally extendsto real rather than emulated clients. We discuss the potentialfor client-side detection of cloaking as well as centralizedreporting and scoring. Both of these approaches hinder theability of malicious servers to show benign content exclusivelyto crawlers, though their adoption must overcome potentialprivacy concerns.

In summary, we frame our contributions as follows:

• We provide the first broad study of blackhat cloakingtechniques and the companies affected.

• We build a distributed crawler and classifier that detectsand bypasses mobile, search, and ads cloaking, with95.5% accuracy and a false positive rate of 0.9%.

• We measure the most prominent search and ad cloakingtechniques in the wild; we find 4.9% of ads and 11.7%of search results cloak against Google’s generic crawler.

• We determine the minimum set of capabilities requiredof security crawlers to contend with cloaking today.


We begin by outlining the incentives that bad actors haveto conceal their webpages from crawlers. We also summarizeexisting techniques that websites employ to distinguish be-tween crawlers and organic traffic. For the purposes of ourstudy, we consider websites that deliver optimized content tosmall screens or localized visitors to be benign—our focus isexclusively on blackhat cloaking.

A. Web Cloaking IncentivesWeb cloaking refers to the set of techniques that a web

server uses to fingerprint incoming visitors in order to cus-tomize page content. Benign examples include servers that

redirect mobile clients to pages optimized for small screens(e.g., as opposed to content-rich desktopequivalents. The more insidious variety involves serving en-tirely distinct content to (security) crawlers in order to inflatea page’s search ranking to drive traffic, evade ad quality scan-ners, or stealthily deliver drive-by exploits only to vulnerableclients. These techniques create a discrepancy in how the webis observed by bots and how it is perceived by organic clients.

There are many areas where blackhat cloaking can bebeneficial for miscreants, but here we focus on the followingthree categories: search results, advertisements and drive-bydownloads.

Search results: Cloaking is one tool in an arsenal of tech-niques that miscreants use for Search Engine Optimization(SEO). Servers will manipulate fake or compromised pagesto appear enticing to crawlers while organic visitors areshepherded to (illegal) profit-generating content such as store-fronts selling counterfeit luxury products, pharmaceuticals,and dietary supplements [16], [31], [32].

Advertisements: As an alternative to duping crawlers forfree exposure, miscreants will pay advertising networks todisplay their URLs. Miscreants rely on cloaking to evadead policies that strictly prohibit dietary scams, trademarkinfringing goods, or any form of deceptive advertisements–including malware [9], [36]. Ad scanners see a benign pagewhile organic visitors land on pages hosting scams andmalware. Time of check versus time of use (e.g., delayedURL maliciousness) may also play into a miscreant’s cloakingstrategy.

Drive-by downloads: Miscreants compromise popular web-sites and laden the pages with drive-by exploits. In order toevade security crawlers like Wepawet or Safe Browsing thatvisit pages with vulnerable browsers [6], [26], these payloadswill first fingerprint a client and only attack vulnerable, organicvisitors. While we include this for completeness, we focus ourstudy on search and ad cloaking.

B. Prevalence of CloakingPrevious studies have shown that finding instances of cloak-

ing in the wild requires intimate knowledge of the searchkeywords or the vulnerable pages that miscreants target. Wanget al. estimated only 2.2% of Google searches for trendingkeywords contained cloaked results [32]. A broader method forfinding cloaked URLs involved targeted searches for specificcocktails of terms such as “viagra 50mg canada” where61% of search results contained some form of cloaking [32].Leontiadis et al. reported a complementary finding where32% of searches for pharmaceutical keywords advertised inspam emails led to cloaked content [16]. Keyword targetingextends to other realms of fraud: Wang et al. found 29.5% ofsearch results for cheap luxury products contained URLs thatredirected visitors to a cloaked storefront [31]. Our strategyfor selecting URLs to crawl is built on top of these previousfindings in order to minimize the bandwidth wasted fetchingbenign content.


C. Cloaking Detection Techniques

Researchers have responded to the steady adaptation ofcloaking techniques over time with a medley of anti-cloaking(or de-cloaking) techniques. Early approaches by Wang etal. relied on a cross-view comparison between search re-sults fetched by a browser configured like a crawler and asecond fetch via a browser that emulated a real user [33],[34]. They classified a page as cloaking if the redirect chaindeviated across fetches. This same approach dominates sub-sequent cloaking detection strategies that fetch pages viamultiple browser profiles to examine divergent redirects (in-cluding JavaScript, 30X, and meta-refresh tags) [16], [17],[32], inspect the redirection chains that lead to poisonedsearch results [18], isolate variations in content between twofetches (e.g., topics, URLs, page structure) [31], [32], [35],or apply cloaking detection to alternative domains such asspammed forum URLs [24]. Other approaches exclusivelytarget compromised webservers and identify clusters of URLsall with trending keywords that are otherwise irrelevant toother content hosted on the domain [14]. Our study improvesupon these prior detection strategies. To wit, we build ananti-cloaking pipeline that addresses previously unexploredcloaking techniques as gleaned from the underground; and weexplore additional approaches for cross-view comparisons thatcontends with page dynamism, interstitial ads, network-basedcloaking, and the absence of divergent redirect paths. Ourpipeline also improves on prior work as it discerns adversarialcloaking from geo targeting and content optimization forsmall screens. It does so by comparing across views both interms of textual topic and entities detected in images. Theseimprovements allow us to measure the dominant cloakingstrategies in the wild, and in turn, inform search, ad, andmalware pipelines that must contend with web cloaking.


Cloaking—like the commoditization of exploits, proxies,and hosting [2], [28]—is an infrastructure component for salewithin the underground. To identify potential cloaking servicesand software, we first exhaustively crawled and indexed aselection of underground forums. We then ranked forumdiscussions based on the frequency of keywords related tocloaking software. The most discussed cloaking package wasmentioned 623 times, with the author of the software engagingwith the community to provide support and advertise newdeals. The least popular service was mentioned only 2 times.Through manual analysis and labor, we successfully obtainedthe top ten most popular cloaking packages which ranged inprice from $167 for entry level products up to $13,188 for themost sophisticated advertised features. We note that for legalprotection and to avoid any potential de-anonymization of ourunderground identities, we cannot publicly disclose the namesof the underground forums we harvested, or the names of thecloaking software under analysis.

We analyzed all ten cloaking packages in order to gain aninsight into (1) fingerprinting capabilities; (2) switch logicfor displaying targeted content; and (3) other built-in SEO

TABLE I: Cloaking fingerprinting capabilities reverse engi-neered from the most sophisticated six samples of cloakingsoftware.

Capability Cloaking Type C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

IP Address Network 3 3 3 3 3 3rDNS Network – 3 3 3 – 3Geolocation Network 3 – 3 3 – 3

User-Agent Browser 3 3 3 3 3 3JavaScript Browser 3 – 3 – – 3Flash Browser – – – – – –

HTTP Referer Context 3 3 3 3 3 3Keywords Context 3 – 3 – – –Time window Context – – 3 – 3 –Order of operations Context – – 3 – – 3

capabilities such as content spinning and keyword stuffing.We use this tear down later in Section IV to design ananti-cloaking system capable of defeating all of the cloakingtechniques we discover. We make no claim our investigationexhaustively covers cloaking software or whether our tenparticular programs are widely used by miscreants. Indeed, theprice and skill set required to operate some of the packages en-sures their exclusivity to only the most affluent or sophisticatedmiscreants. That said, in conducting our analysis, we observedthat the set of cloaking techniques among the packages weanalyzed quickly converged to a fixed set of signals. This mayindicate that while our coverage of cloaking software may beincomplete, the best cloaking techniques are frequently shared(or copied) much like exploit kits.

A. Cloaking Software Analysis

Of the cloaking applications we analyzed, only one (co-incidentally, the most expensive) protected itself with a toolwith no publicly available unpacker. Languages for the variouscloaking applications ranged from C++, Perl, JavaScript, andPHP. Sophistication ranged from drop-in scripts and pluginsfor Wordpress pages, while others included a custom compi-lation of Nginx for serving cloaked content. For each of theapplications, we manually investigated the underlying cloakinglogic and any embedded blacklists.

B. Cloaking Techniques

Cloaking techniques among the services we analyzed span agamut of network, browser, and contextual fingerprinting. Wepresent a detailed breakdown of key capabilities in Table I.These techniques only scratch the surface of browser finger-printing that can otherwise enumerate screen size, font lists,header orders, and divergent JavaScript and HTML imple-mentations [3], [7], [8], [20]–[23], [29]. Intuitively, cloakingservices need only to deliver a fingerprinting technique toconsumers that works. Without external pressure, there is noreason for cloaking developers to adapt toward more complexapproaches proposed in research.


TABLE II: Breakdown of crawling bots covered by theblacklist-as-a-service. The top five search engines includeBing, Yahoo, Google, Baidu, and Yandex.

Crawler Operator Blacklisted IPs Overall Bing 21,672 Yahoo 15,069 Google 5,398 Baidu 2,846 Yandex 1,092 2.02%

Other Ask, Lycos, etc. 1,117 2.06%Unknown – 6,972 12.87%

1) Network Fingerprinting

IP Address: Some crawlers make no effort to obfuscate theIP addresses ranges they appear from. This allows cloakingservices to enumerate the set of bot IPs. Of the ten cloakingservices we examine, four embed an IP blacklist; the othersallowed operators to upload their own IP blacklist. Of the fourIP blacklists, three mirrored the same blacklist-as-a-serviceavailable for a $350 annual fee. The list, updated twice daily,contained 54,166 unique IP addresses tied to popular searchengines and crawlers at the time of our analysis. This sameservice provided a capability for cloaking clients to reportback all IP addresses and HTTP headers tied to incomingvisitors to a centralized server which the blacklist servicerecommended for timely detection of new crawling activities.We note that, despite us crawling sites that we later learnedvia side-channels relied on this blacklist, our IPs were neveridentified (potentially due to limited crawling or ineffectivedetection on the service’s part).

Examining the blacklist-as-a-service in detail, we find thatreverse DNS queries on the IP addresses surface crawlersfrom Bing, Yahoo, Google, Baidu, and Yandex as detailedin Table II—the top five search engines based on Alexaranking [1]. A tiny fraction of IPs relate to Ask, Lycos, andsmaller search engines. Consequently, any attempt to de-cloakcontent from these IPs—even with seemingly organic browserprofiles—will fail. Another 6,972 IPs (12.9%) have no rDNSinformation and appear from a distinct /16 CIDR block thanthe top five search engines (which operate out of 77 CIDR/16 blocks). We examine whether any of these overlap withcontemporaneous lists of proxies including 1,095 Tor exitnodes and 28,794 HideMyAss IPs. We find no evidence ofTor or HideMyAss blacklisting.

The last of the four blacklists contained a significant staticlist of CIDR blocks encompassing 51,713,860 IP addressesfrom 122 business entities as annotated in the blacklist(shown in Table III). The coverage advertised by the blacklistincludes 30 security and anti-virus companies (e.g., Avira,Comodo, Kaspersky) as well as 9 popular search engines(e.g., Google, Microsoft, Yahoo). The list also covers multiplehosting providers, public clouds (e.g., Amazon), registrars,and proxy networks such as TOR that are unlikely sourcesof organic traffic. We also find CIDR blocks that blacklistentire ISPs, which as the blacklist author annotates, serve

TABLE III: Breakdown of the types of businesses targetedby the static blacklist, including the number of subnets and IPaddresses in those ranges.

Entity Type Distinct Entities Subnets IP Coverage

Hosting providers 42 508 12,079,768Security companies 30 346 541,860Internet service providers 27 49 1,419,600Search companies 9 32 1,392,640Other companies 3 12 34,628Proxy networks 3 10 1,334Academic institutions 2 14 17,106,682Hacker collectives 2 4 60Individuals 2 4 780Registrars 2 4 19,136,508

Total 122 983 51,713,860

the crawlers for some security companies. Finally, the listcontains a few academic institutions (e.g., MIT, Rutgers),hacker collectives (e.g., Germany’s Chaos Computer Club),and individual researchers. We note that the abnormally largenumber of IP addresses associated with academic institutionsresults from universities such as MIT controlling an entireClass A subnet that the blacklist owner opted to cover.

Interestingly, when comparing the blacklist-as-a-service andthe static list of IPs, we find only two subnets in common, bothof which belong to Google. This indicates that the blacklist-as-a-service is geared toward targeting search engines for SEO,whereas the second blacklist focuses on security companiesand researchers.

Reverse DNS: In the event a crawler appears from a non-blacklisted IP, four of the ten cloaking services perform arDNS lookup of a visitor’s IP. In the absence of a NXDOMAINerror, the software compares the rDNS record against a listof domains substrings belonging to Google (1e100, google),Microsoft, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex, Ask, Rambler, DirectHit,and Teoma. Some of the cloaking services in turn add newlyidentified crawler IPs to their embedded blacklists. As such,any anti-cloaking pipeline must at a minimum crawl from IPswith non-overlapping (or completely absent) rDNS informa-tion.

Geolocation: We find that four of the ten cloaking servicesallow geographic targeting at a country level granularity basedon mappings. One goes so far as to embed a duplicate ofthe MaxMind public GeoIP list for live querying. We donot observe any pre-configured list of blocked geo origins;all targeting is left to the software’s operator. This posesa significant challenge to anti-cloaking pipelines as networkinfrastructure must support arbitrary network vantage pointsaround the globe. However, as we previously discussed, mostcloaking services fail to block Tor or major proxy providers.As such, we consider these services as a potentially acceptablesources of IP diversity.


TABLE IV: User-Agent substrings used by cloaking softwareto identify crawlers.

Crawler User-Agent substrings

altavista aol askj baidu bingbot crawlergigablast google jeeves lycos msn slurpsogou spider teoma yahoo yandex

2) Browser Fingerprinting

User-Agent: Well-behaving search and advertisement crawlersannounce their presence with specialized User-Agent stringscommonly advertised on the operator’s website. Examplesinclude Google’s googlebot; Microsoft’s bingbot and msnbot;and Yahoo’s slurp. We find cloaking services ubiquitously relyon User-Agent comparisons to explicitly block Google, Bing,Yahoo, Ask, Baidu, Teoma, and Yandex. The cloaking servicesalso carve out generic exceptions for crawler and spiderto trigger cloaking logic. We provide a detailed breakdownof the exact substring matching patterns in Table IV. Somesubstrings capture overly broad applications. One cloakingproduct contends with this fact by including a whitelist cover-ing (third-party services operatingon Google’s infrastructure) and via (in-coming translation requests likely from users); however, allother services make no exception.

JavaScript & Flash: JavaScript and Flash (or the lack thereof)can serve as both a crawler fingerprinting technique as well asa redirection delivery method. We find three cloaking servicesrely on JavaScript execution as a technique for blockingrudimentary crawlers. We find no support for Flash-basedcloaking, though there is evidence of such attacks in thepast [9]. One service also allows for operators to input customJavaScript fingerprinting logic executed on each visit—a po-tential route to configure SEO-focused cloakers for drive-byexploit targeting, though we argue such attacks are orthogonaland more likely to come via exploit kits [12]. For our study,we opt to support both JavaScript and Flash when crawling tocover all possible bases.

3) Contextual Fingerprinting

HTTP Referer: The final ubiquitous cloaking techniquewe observe across blackhat applications involves scanningthe HTTP Referer of incoming visitors to verify usersoriginate from search portals. The default whitelist matchesmajor crawlers (previously discussed in Table IV), thoughmiscreants can disable this feature. This technique preventscrawlers from harvesting URLs and visiting them outside thecontext they first appeared. We contend with this cloakingapproach by always spoofing a HTTP Referer, the detailsof which we expand on in Section IV.

Incoming Keywords: Keyword cloaking—supported by twoservices—takes HTTP Referer cloaking a step further andchecks the validity of the search keywords that brought a

purported visitor to a miscreant’s page. Mechanistically, thecloaking software extracts the list of search terms embeddedin the HTTP Referer using a set of customized regularexpressions for each search portal and then compares theterms against an operator-provided list of negative keywordsand positive keywords (e.g., viagra, Tiffany) associated witha page. The software triggers cloaking logic if a HTTPReferer contains any negative keywords or lacks any pos-itive keywords. We adapt to this technique by embeddingexpected keywords in our HTTP Referer—derived from adtargeting criteria or page content. We note that since Googlehas been serving search results over TLS to logged-in userssince 2013, and therefore not passing keywords in the HTTPreferrer, the effectiveness of keyword cloaking has diminished.We have found that keyword cloaking is no longer pivotal, asit has been in previous works [32].

Time Window: Timing-based cloaking prohibits visitors fromaccessing uncloaked content more than once in a specific timewindow. The two services we find offering this capability relyon server side logs of a visitor’s IP address. Any repeat visitorswithin 24 hours are redirected to cloaked content as if theywere a crawler. This raises a potential issue of false negativesfor an anti-cloaking pipeline without a sufficiently large IPpool.

Order of Operations: While most of the cloaking serviceswe study rely on a single doorway page through which allcloaking logic triggers, two of the services supports multiplehops. Upon visiting a page, the software sets a short livedcookie (e.g., minutes). When legitimate users interact withthe page, such as clicking on a URL, the next doorwaychecks whether this cookie is present and within the expirationwindow. This allows cloaked websites to enforce a specificsequence of actions (e.g., visit, click) where crawlers wouldlikely enqueue the URL for visiting at a later time or onan entirely different machine. Our pipeline consolidates allcrawling of a domain to a single short window.

C. Redirection Techniques

We observe three techniques that cloaking applications relyon to deliver split-view content upon successfully fingerprint-ing a client. The first involves redirecting clients via meta-refresh, JavaScript, or 30X codes. Crawlers are either stoppedat a doorway or redirected to an entirely different domain thanlegitimate clients. Alternatively, websites dynamically rendercontent via server-side logic to include new page elements(e.g., embedding an iframe) without changing the URL thatappears in a browser’s address bar. The last technique involvesserving only crawlers a 40X or 50X error. We account for eachof these techniques when designing our anti-cloaking pipeline.

D. Built-in SEO Services

All but one (C6) of the cloaking software under analysissupports automatic content generation aimed at SEO eithernatively or through third-party plugins (e.g., SEnuke, XRumerwhich are content spinning programs that create topically


related documents [37]). The most advanced built-in solutiontakes a set of targeted search terms from the software’soperator, after which the program will automatically querypopular search engines for related content, scrape top-rankedlinks, and synthesize the content into a seemingly relevantdocument from a crawler’s perspective. Furthermore, thesesystems automatically detect and exclude copyright infring-ing content and trademarked names to avoid penalizationor removal by search ranking algorithms. As part of thisdocument construction, the software will intersperse targetedsearch terms with stolen content to increase the frequency ofrelated terms. We rely on this observation later in Section IVin order to detect contextual cloaking that requires a visitor’sHTTP Referer to contain specific keywords as previouslydiscussed in this section.


We leverage our tear-down of blackhat cloaking techniquesto build a scalable anti-cloaking pipeline that detects when twoor more distinct browsers are shown divergent content. Wepreview our system’s design in Figure 1. We start by aggre-gating a diverse sample of URLs to scan for cloaking (Ê). Wethen fetch each of these URLs via multiple browser profiles aswell as network vantage points to trigger any cloaking logic(Ë). We finally compare the content, structure, and redirectgraph associated with each fetch (Ì) before feeding thesefeatures into a classifier to detect the presence of blackhatcloaking (Í). While we note multiple prior studies haveproposed techniques to de-cloak URLs in specific settings—particularly redirection cloaking—our goal with this system isto understand which anti-cloaking techniques generalize acrossweb cloaking (including mobile and reverse-proxy cloaking),and similarly, to understand the minimum set of capabilitiesrequired of security scanners to contend with the currentcloaking arms race. We defer concrete implementation detailstill Section V.

A. Candidate URL Selection

To conduct our study we aggregate a stream of URLsfrom popular websites, search results, and mobile-targetedadvertisements. We split our dataset into two: one part fortraining a classifier based on labeled data from previous studiesof cloaking outlined in Table V; and a second sample that wefeed into our classifier to analyze an unbiased perspective ofcloaking in the wild shown in Table VI.

Our training corpus of benign URLs consists of a randomsample of pages appearing in the Alexa Top Million, all ofwhich we assume to be non-cloaked.2 We later validate thisassumption in Section VII. For labeled instances of cloakeddomains we rely on a feed of counterfeit luxury storefrontsthat fingerprint Google’s search bot, maintained by Wang etal. [31], collected between February, 2015–May, 2015. In total,we rely on 94,946 URLs for training. We note our labeled

2We reiterate that we treat personalization, geo targeting, and reactivedesign as benign and thus non-cloaking. Many of these techniques are presentin the Alexa Top Million. We use a cloaking label only for blackhat techniques.

TABLE V: Breakdown of labeled data we use for trainingand evaluating our classifier.

Labeled Dataset Source Volume

Legitimate websites Alexa 75,079Cloaked storefronts SEO abuse [31] 19,867

Total 94,946

TABLE VI: Breakdown of unlabeled data that we classify tostudy cloaking in the wild.

Unlabeled Dataset Source Volume

Luxury storefronts Google Search 115,071Health, software ads Google Ads 20,506

Total 135,577

dataset has a class imbalance toward non-cloaked contentwhich helps to emphasize false negatives over false positives.

For studying blackhat fingerprinting techniques, we rely ona sample of unlabeled URLs tied to Google Search and GoogleAds targeting mobile users.3 Unlike our training corpus, thesecarry no biases from previous de-cloaking systems. Due tothe targeted nature of cloaking as previously explored byWang et al. [32], we predicate our searches on high-valuekeywords related to luxury products (e.g., gucci, prada, nike,abercrombie) and ad selection on keywords related to weightloss (e.g., garcinia, keatone, acai) and popular mobile softwareapplications (e.g., whatsapp, mobogenie). While it is possiblethis targeting biases our evaluation, we argue that the contentthat miscreants serve is independent from the underlyingtechnology used to fingerprint crawlers. In total, we collect135,577 URL samples, only a fraction of which we assumewill actually cloak.

B. Browser Configuration

While our dataset may appear small, this is because wecrawl each URL with 11 distinct browser and network config-urations in an attempt to trigger any cloaking logic, repeatingeach crawl three times to rule out noise introduced by dynamiccontent or network errors. In total, we perform over 7 millioncrawls. We detail each crawl configuration in Table VII. Wechose this set based on our domain knowledge of reversedblackhat services which target various platforms, environmentvariables, JavaScript, Flash, and cookie functionality. Also,these configurations cover the three possible vantage pointsof anti-cloaking deployments: a search engine advertising itscrawlers with their User Agents and IP addresses, a browserfarm deployed in the cloud, and a stealthy deployment usingmobile and residential networks. In section VI-D, we evaluatehow each of these vantage points contribute to our overallcloaking detection performance.

In total, we provide three native platforms for fetchingcontent: Chrome on Desktop; Chrome on Android; and a

3We assume that Google deploys some defenses against cloaking. As such,our dataset will capture only mature cloaking techniques that evade immediatedetection by Google crawlers.


TABLE VII: List of browser, network, and contextual configurations supported by our system.

Profile Name Platform User-Agent Network Referrer Click

Googlebot Basic HTTP Request only Googlebot Google 7 7Googlebot Desktop Chrome Desktop Googlebot Google 7 3Googlebot Android Chrome Android Googlebot Google 7 3

Basic Cloud (no referer) HTTP Request only Chrome OSX Cloud 7 7Basic Cloud HTTP Request only Chrome OSX Cloud 3 7Chrome Desktop Cloud (no referer) Chrome Desktop Chrome OSX Cloud 7 3Chrome Desktop Cloud Chrome Desktop Chrome OSX Cloud 3 3Chrome Mobile Cloud (no referer) Chrome Android Chrome Android 4.4 Cloud 7 3Chrome Mobile Chrome Android Chrome Android 4.4 Cloud 3 3

Desktop User Chrome Desktop Chrome OSX Residential 3 3Mobile User Chrome Android Chrome Android 4.4 Mobile 3 3

basic HTTP fetch that supports cookies and 30X redirects, butdoes not handle Flash, JavaScript, meta redirects, or embeddedcontent (e.g., iframes, images). We then configure the User-Agent of each platform to mirror the latest version of Chromeon Mac OSX; Chrome on a Nexus 5 Android device; or theGoogle search bot. Finally, we wire the browser to proxy allrequests through a pre-defined network (e.g., mobile, cloud)described shortly. After a successful fetch, we save both theHTML content of a page along with a screenshot. Due to thepossibility of URL visits introducing browser state, we teardown our environment and clear all cookies between fetches.As we show later in Section VII, in practice only a few of theseprofiles are necessary to detect all cloaked content (thoughnot measure the precise cloaking logic). Security crawlerscan adopt this slimmed-down configuration to increase overallthroughput.

Context Selection: We support spoofing three contextualfeatures when fetching URLs: the keywords a user searchesfor; the path our crawler takes to reach a destination (e.g.,the HTTP Referer); and user actions taken upon reaching apage (e.g., clicking). To determine which keywords to spoof,we first fetch every non ad-based URL with a basic Googlebotabsent any HTTP Referer and then extract the (stuffed)keywords on the page. Methodologically, we filter a page’sHTML to include only visible, non-stopword text, after whichwe select the top three most frequent words. Due to howmiscreants spin content to achieve a high search rank (asdiscussed in Section III), these keywords are identical to thosemiscreants expect from legitimate clients. For ad-based URLs,the process is simpler: we rely on the keywords the advertiserbids on for targeting (gathered from Google AdWords).

Since browsers have complex policies on when to set thereferrer (depending on whether the source and destinationURLs are over TLS, and the type of redirect [30], [33]), wehave opted not to spoof a crawler’s path by simply overwritingthe Referer field, as the difference in referrer handlingmight not trigger the uncloaking of a target website. Instead,we first load a Google search page and explicitly create anew element on the page via JavaScript that directs to thedestination URL along with the aforementioned keywordsembedded in the URL’s parameters, after which we click the

element. We support this approach for all types of URLs.Finally, to handle click walls that appear due to order of

operation-style cloaking, upon reaching a URL’s final landingpage we wait a few seconds and then select the largest elementand simulate a user click event. If the click fails to cause thebrowser to load a different URL, we ignore the element andrepeat the process until a loading event occurs or no elementsare left to consider. In this fashion we create a realistic contextin which a user visits a search engine, enters an appropriatesearch query, clicks on the cloaked page’s search, ad, or drive-by URL; and ultimately interacts with the cloaked page’scontent. Note that we only click when using Chrome Desktopor Mobile, and not when using the simple HTTP fetcher (perGooglebot’s typical behavior).

Network Selection: We proxy network requests through a tapthat records all inbound and outbound traffic. Additionally,this tap provides a configurable exit IP belonging to eitherGoogle’s network; a mobile gateway in the United States be-longing to AT&T or Verizon; a datacenter network belongingto Google Cloud; or a residential IP addresses belonging to theresearchers involved in this project. As some of our mobile andresidential IPs exist behind NATs with dynamically allocatedIP addresses, we establish a reverse tunnel to an entry pointwith a statically allocated IP address that forwards requestson to the exit node. Our diverse IP address pool allows us toevade or trigger network-based cloaking on demand.

C. FeaturesDeviations in page content introduced by cloaking include

entirely unique HTML, distinct link locations, alternate cross-origin content, or only a new button appearing on a page. Wecompare the textual, visual, topical, and structural similarityof content between all possible pairs of browser configurations(e.g., Googlebot, Mobile User). Given we crawl every URLthree times per candidate profile, we heuristically select thefetch that generated the largest volume of HTTP logs to serveas the representative sample. We make no assumptions onhow significantly documents must differ to constitute blackhatcloaking. Instead, we rely on classification to learn an optimalcut that differentiates divergent content due solely to blackhatcloaking versus benign dynamism (e.g., breaking news, mobileoptimization).


1) Pairwise Similarity Features

Content Similarity: We detect cloaking that returns entirelydistinct content by estimating the similarity of each docu-ment’s visible text and overall HTML. We begin by removingall whitespace and non-alphanumeric content (e.g., punctua-tion, formatting). We then tokenize the content using a slidingwindow that generates successive ngrams of four characters.Finally, we calculate a 64-bit simhash of all of the tokenswhich converts high-dimensional text into a low-dimensionalrepresentation amenable to quick comparison, originally pi-oneered for de-duping documents in search indexes [5]. Tomeasure the similarity of two documents, we calculate theHamming distance between two simhashes which is propor-tional to the number of document tokens that failed to match.A high score indicates two documents differ significantly. Werun this calculation twice, once for only paragraph and headingtext (that is, visible text in the page) and again for all HTMLcontent.

Screenshot Similarity: Our second similarity score estimatesvisual differences in the layout and media presented to brows-ing profiles of the same window dimensions (e.g., Mobile,Desktop). This approach helps cover syntactically insignifi-cant HTML changes, such as introducing an iframe, thatsignificantly change a page’s visible content. During eachcrawl, we take a screenshot both upon visiting a URL andafter clicking on the largest hotlinked element. We convertthese screenshots from RGB into a grayscale n × m array,after which we normalize each cell’s pixel intensity to a range[0, 255]. We then calculate the per-pixel differences betweentwo screenshots S1 and S2, opting to measure the total pixelsthat differ rather than the absolute value of their difference:

diff =



Sx1,y16= Sx2,y2


A high score in this regard indicates a substantially differentvisual layout.

Element Similarity: While textual differences between crawlsmay arise due to dynamic advertisements or newly generatedcomments, deviations between a website’s template should beless likely. To capture this intuition, we extract the set of URIsE associated with all embedded images per document. Wethen calculate the difference in media content between twodocuments by using the Jaccard similarity coefficient:

1− |E1 ∩ E2||E1 ∪ E2|


A high score indicates there were multiple embedded imagesabsent from one or another crawl. To measure the similarityin the page HTML structure, we repeat this same processwith divs and iframes, first stripping the elements of anyattributes, and then calculating the fraction of overlapping tagsas an additional measure of structural similarity.

Request Tree Similarity: We compare the network requestsgenerated while crawling to detect divergent redirects, mis-matched network errors, and additional content. We beginby representing a sequence of network events (e.g., GET,POST requests) as E = {e1, e2, . . . en} where an event eiconsists of a tuple 〈Method, Domain, Response Code, Path〉.For two sequences E1 and E2 of potentially variable length,we calculate the number of differing requests independent ofany timing information using the Jaccard similarity calculationpreviously outlined in Equation 2. A high score indicates thatcrawls triggered divergent network behavior. As an extension,we separately calculate the difference in total response packetsize between two browsing profiles.

Topic Similarity: As an alternative to the previous fine-grained similarity metrics which may suffer in the presenceof dynamic website content, we compare the overall semanticsimilarity of webpage content by extracting representativetopics based on visible text. Mechanistically, we rely on anLatent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) implementation to extracta set of at most ten topics T per document [10], [13]. Wethen calculate the similarity between two document’s topicsT1, T2, repeating the Jaccard index calculation presented inEquation 2. A high score indicates the topics between pagesdiffers significantly.

Screenshot Topic Similarity: Finally, due to potentially heavyreliance on media rather than text, we also compare the topicsimilarity of documents as detected by a deep convolutionalneural network that uses screenshots as an input [15]. As withour text-based approach, for each screenshot we determine upto ten topics T that describe the visual content. We then repeatthe same similarity calculation as outlined with text-based top-ics. We use this method to catch pages that display additionalspam images (typically with sexual or pharmaceutical content)that drastically changes a page’s perceived topic.

2) Per-page Dynamism FeaturesWe estimate the natural, potentially legitimate dynamism

of individual pages per browser configuration to help ourclassifier identify a minimum threshold above which divergentcontent is likely indicative of blackhat cloaking. As previouslynoted, we crawl each URL three times per browsing profilewhich we denote C1, C2, C3 for clarity. We recompute all ofthe previous metrics for each possible pair Ci, Cj for i 6= j,averaging each metric to arrive at a single per-feature, per-page dynamism estimate. Finally, we provide the classifierboth these similarity scores as well as the previous cross-browser pairwise similarity metrics divided by our dynamismestimates for that same feature (effectively calculating the ratioof cross-profile dynamism with intra-profile dynamism).

3) Domain-specific FeaturesWe extend our feature set with domain-specific signals that

target the entire collection of content crawled per URL (asopposed to pairwise metrics), outlined below. We use thesefor both classification as well as to simplify analysis by


embedding meta-data about how miscreants cloak.

JavaScript, Meta, Flash Redirection: We include a singleboolean feature for whether a server redirects our crawlervia JavaScript, meta-refresh tag, or Flash to a domainthat does not match the final landing page. Such behavior iscommon for (compromised) doorway pages where cloakinglogic operates.

Googlebot Errors: We compare the size of requests returnedto our basic Googlebot profile against all other profiles todetermine whether a server provides the crawler an error.Several of the cloaking packages we reverse engineered offeran option of serving Googlebot a page aimed at downplayingthe relevance of the page. Examples include a 404 interstitial(e.g., “this site is no longer available”), parked domain page,or fake security message such as “this site has been banned”).

Landing Domains: We annotate each URL with the totalnumber of landing page domains reached during all of our 33visits, with an intuition that divergent landing sites are highlysuspicious.

D. Classification

We employ Extremely Randomized Trees—an ensemble,non-linear, supervised learning model constructed from acollection of random forests where candidate features andthresholds are selected entirely at random [11]. For training,we rely on our labeled dataset of benign URLs from Alexaand cloaked search (discussed earlier in this section). Prior toclassification, we normalize all features into a range (0, 1) tosimplify the interpretation of which signals are most salient.During classification, we rely on ten-fold cross validation. Wediscuss the overall performance of this classifier in Section Vand its application to a holdout testing set for analysis inSection VII.


We implement our system on Google Cloud Engine withcrawling and featurization distributed among 20 Ubuntu ma-chines. The classification is performed on a single instance.Our scheduler is built on top of Celery backed by Redis.We compose crawling tasks as a tuple of a URL and profilethat includes the target browser, network vantage point, andcontext to appear from. Celery handles distributing tasks toworkers, monitoring success, and resubmitting failed jobs tolive workers. We operate three types of crawlers: a basic robotthat fetches URL content via the Python Requests library, akinto wget; a headless instantiation of Chrome controlled viaSelenium, configured with a User-Agent for Mac OSX; andthe same Chrome browser except in mobile emulation modemimicking the Nexus 5 device with version 4.4 of the Androidoperating system. Our network vantage points include the au-thors’ residential networks, Google’s cloud network, Google’sinternal network via an agreement for this project, and mobilegateways belonging to AT&T and Verizon as purchased viapre-paid plans. We capture and log all network requests viamitmproxy. Finally, for featurization and classification we rely

TABLE VIII: Performance of the supervised-learning classi-fier on the labeled train/test set, with 10-fold stratified crossvalidation.

Accuracy TN Rate TP Rate FN Rate FP Rate

95.5% 99.1% 82.0% 18.0% 0.9%

10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100

False Positive Rate








e P


tive R


ROC Curve Area Under Curve: 0.98

Fig. 2: Receiver operating characteristic curve for the super-vised classifier (log-scale).

on scikit-learn [25], Pandas [19], and a mixture of librariespreviously mentioned in Section IV for estimating contentsimilarity and topic modeling.


In this section, we explore the overall performance of ourclassifier, sources of false positives, the most salient features,and the feasibility of unsupervised clustering. To conduct ourevaluation, we first train and test a decision tree classifier using10-fold cross validation over our imbalanced dataset of 75,079non-cloaked URLs and 19,867 cloaked URLs previously de-tailed in Section IV. We rely on a grid search to tune classifierparameters related to our decision forest (e.g., number of trees,depth of trees), ultimately electing the configuration with theoptimum overall accuracy.

A. Overall Supervised Performance

We present the overall accuracy of our system in Table VIII.We correctly detect 99.1% of Alexa URLs as non-cloakedwith a false positive rate of 0.9%. To achieve this degree ofaccuracy, we overlook 18.0% of potentially cloaked counterfeitstorefronts. If we examine the trade-off our system achievesbetween true positives and false positives, presented in Fig-ure 2, we find no inflection point to serve as a clear optimum.As such, operators of de-cloaking pipelines must determine anacceptable level of false positives. For the remainder of ourstudy we rely on a false positive rate of 0.9%.

B. Source of Errors

False Positives: We manually investigate a random sampleof URLs our classifier mislabeled to understand the principle


cause of errors. Qualitatively, we find three sources of falsepositives: (1) websites revising content between crawls, (2)connectivity issues, and (3) noisy labels where some AlexaURLs in fact cloak. In our current crawler implementation,we fail to enforce a time window during which all crawlsmust complete. This raises the risk that content substantiallychanges between successive fetches, incorrectly triggering ourdetection. We can solve this problem moving forward byenforcing an SLA on time-to-crawl. A similar problem arises ifour crawler receives a 40X error or if a page is not fully loadedwhen we take a screenshot, resulting in divergent image-basedand network-based similarity scores. Along this vein, we alsofind instances where CloudFlare DDoS protection automati-cally blocks a fraction of our crawls, instead displaying aninterstitial “checking your browser” which we mistake fora malicious interstitial. Finally, in rare cases, we find thatsome of the top Alexa sites serve cloaked ads that swapcontent when presenting to a crawler, likely unbeknownst tothe site embedding the ad. These instances, as observed fromour classifier, are in fact true positives, thus our overall falsepositive rate will be lower in practice.

False Negatives: We execute a similar qualitative analysisfor false negatives, finding the majority of errors arise dueto stability issues tied to cloaked websites. In particular,while crawling pages multiple times from the same profilewe often find that the storefronts involved will throw transienterrors. This causes intra-profile similarity metrics to deviateas strongly as cross-profile metrics, preventing an accurateassessment. We investigate whether cloaking servers introducethese errors intentionally (e.g., potentially blacklisting ourcrawler’s IP address), but we find no correlation between asuccessful crawl and repeated errors afterward. Instead, errorsappear randomly during any crawl. Similarly, we find someof the URLs were taken down or expired by the time wecrawled them. These pages return the same error regardlessof profile, thus leading the classifier to believe they are notcloaking. We also find a high volume of counterfeit storefrontsthat do not cloak, indicating that our labeled dataset is noisierthan expected from a cloaking perspective (while its originalcollection was to study scams). These latter two sources oferrors indicate that our false negative rate is likely lower inpractice, though non-negligible.

Comparison to Previous Work: We note that our definition ofcloaking is the most comprehensive to date, including mobilecloaking, graphical-only cloaking, and testing advanced cloak-ing techniques such as rDNS cloaking. Because of this, theperformance of our classifier is not comparable with previousworks that target specific types of cloaking, such as redirectioncloaking [18], [27] or referrer and user agent cloaking [32]. Ifwe restrict our detection to a specific type of cloaking, suchas redirection cloaking, our classifier exhibits low to no falsepositives. However, such technique-specific restrictions yielda low recall that overlook sophisticated cloaking types such aswhen cloaking software replaces a single embedded image’scontent to deliver a cloaked ad offering. As our study aims

to give a comprehensive overview of cloaking techniques inthe wild, we opted to favor high recall at the expense of somefalse positives.

Additionally, our work is the first to distinguish betweenbenign cloaking (e.g., mobile optimization, geolocalization,personalized results) from blackhat cloaking. For example, ourdetector is capable of determining that the mobile and desktopversion of differ in content, but that difference resultsexclusively from content optimization and should not belabeled as blackhat cloaking. This challenge leads to a higherdegree of false negatives as we favor precision over recall toreduce false positives from polluting our subsequent analysis.

C. Salient Features

We rank the importance of the top 20 features that impactthe accuracy of our classifier according to their Gini impor-tance [4], effectively calculating the weight of the featureacross all trees in our decision forest. We present our findingsin Figure 3. The classifier associates the highest weight withJavaScript redirects that cross an origin boundary. Indeed,41.8% of labeled cloaking URLs rely on this techniquecompared to 0.62% of presumed non-cloaking URLs. Theremaining top 19 features span a spectrum of feature categoriescovering content, network request, topic, and screenshot simi-larity among multiple combinations of browsing profiles. Thisindicates all of our similarity metrics and profiles contributeto classification results, each covering a non-overlapping ap-proach to cloaking.

Exploring feature salience in more detail, we examine theoverall accuracy of our system when trained only a singleclass of similarity metrics. Figure 4 indicates that comparingthe structure of pages is the most effective technique forminimizing false negatives, whereas topic, embedded element,and screenshot-based similarity metrics perform the worst inisolation. We recast this same measurement in Figure 5, exceptthis time removing only a single comparison method fromtraining. We find that a model with no screenshot similarityintroduces the most false negatives, while removing pagestructure alone has the least impact. Our findings reiteratethat an ensemble of comparison techniques are required toaccurately detect split-view content.

D. Minimum Profile Set

Finally, we quantify the trade-off between anti-cloakingpipeline performance, and its efficiency and complexity. Todo so, we start with the full system described here, and werepeatedly identify the crawling profile that, when removed,least impacts the false positive rate. The result of this greedysearch of the anti-cloaking pipeline with the minimum capa-bilities is shown in Figure 6.

As with all classification scores shown here, the scores arethe mean values in a ten-fold stratified cross validation. Theresults indicate that an anti-cloaking pipeline would still havean acceptable performance without a mobile user on a mobilenetwork, and without the content similarity feature class. Ifany more capabilities are subtracted, the false negative rate



e lements s imilarity

Page s tructure s imilarity

Reques t tree s imilarity

Content s imilarity

Topic s imilarity

Screenshot s imilarity

Screenshot topic s imilarity0.0






False Pos itive Rate5 x False Pos itive RateFalse Negative RateTrue Pos itive RateTrue Negative Rate

Fig. 4: Classifier performance when training only a singlefeature class. We include a magnified false positive rate (5x)to emphasize an otherwise minimal variation. We order featureclasses by ascending false positive rates.

No Embedded e lements

s imilarity

No Page s tructure s imilarity

No Reques t tree s imilarity

No Content s imilarity

No Topic s imilarity

No Screenshot s im ilarity

No Screenshot topic s imilarity0.0






False Pos itive Rate5 x False Pos itive RateFalse Negative RateTrue Pos itive RateTrue Negative Rate

Fig. 5: Classifier performance when training on all but oneclass of features. We include a magnified false positive rate(5x) to emphasize an otherwise minimal variation. We orderfeature classes by ascending false positive rates.

doubles, whereas the false positive rate remains fairly loweven for a pipeline composed only by a mobile browser,desktop browser and Googlebot, all crawling from GoogleIPs and cloud IPs. These browsers support clicking, takingscreenshots, and visit URLs with the same profile repeatedly.Since any further simplification of this basic anti-cloakingpipeline doubles the false positive rate, we have establishedthat this is the minimum anti-cloaking platform that is bothefficient, by avoiding unnecessary crawling and featurization,and effective against current cloaking. We caution readers thatthis evaluation of the minimum viable anti-cloaking pipelineshould be performed routinely, so to react in a timely mannerto a spread in popularity of more advanced cloaking tech-

Unaltered reference system

No Basic Cloud

No Basic Cloud (no referer)

No Googlebot Desktop

No Mobile User

No Googlebot Basic

No Chrome Mobile Cloud (no referrer)

No Chrome Desktop Cloud

No Desktop User

No Googlebot Android0.0






False Positive Rate

5 x False Positive Rate

False Negative Rate

True Positive Rate

True Negative Rate

Fig. 6: Classifier performance degradation, when repeatedlyremoving the crawling profile that least affects the falsepositive rate.

TABLE IX: Performance of the unsupervised-learning classi-fier on the labeled train/test set.

Accuracy TN Rate TP Rate FN Rate FP Rate

84.6% 90.3% 61.1% 38.9% 9.7%


E. Unsupervised Alternative

Supervised learning requires a steady stream of training datain the event miscreants adapt their techniques for displayingsplit-view content. As a potential alternative, we compare oursupervised classifier’s accuracy to that of an unsupervisedclustering equivalent based on Gaussian mixture models. Wemeasure accuracy based on the cluster’s separation of our la-beled dataset. We present our results in Table IX. Unsupervisedlearning achieves an overall accuracy 84.6% and false positiverate of 9.7% compared to supervised learning which achievesan accuracy of 95.5% with 0.9% false positives. While thisindicates there is substantial power in merely comparing thesimilarity of content between multiple clients, a supervisedclassifier far outperforms clustering when labeling edge cases.


Having vetted our classifier, we apply it to an unlabeleddataset of 135,577 search results and advertisements targetinghigh-value, commonly abused keywords related to luxuryproducts, weight loss, and mobile gaming. We measure theprevalence of cloaking in the wild and categorize the blackhattechniques involved.

A. Frequency

In Table X, we show the incidence of cloaked contentfor Google Search results and Google Ads. We estimate4.9% of mobile-targeted advertisements predicated on high-risk keywords direct to cloaked content. This demonstrates


TABLE X: Prevalence of cloaking in Google Search and Adsfor URLs tied to high-risk keywords.

Source Keyword Category % Cloaking

Google Ads Health, software ads 4.9%Google Search Luxury storefronts 11.7%

that miscreants readily attempt to abuse the advertisementecosystem as a distribution channel for nutraceuticals andknock-off mobile games and justifies a heightened scrutiny forspecific ad targeting practices. We make no claim that Googlefails to detect these cloaked URLs; only that miscreantspurposefully provide evasive content to Googlebot while URLsremain operational.4 For search, we find 11.7% of URLs inthe top 100 results direct to cloaked content. This is consistentwith previous estimates of pharmaceutical-based cloaking inGoogle search results where Wang et al. estimated 9.4% ofsearch results linked to cloaked doorways [32]. Our resultsillustrate that cloaking remains a common blackhat practicerequiring constant maintenance on the part of security crawlersto keep pace with the arms race. That said, our measurementsshow that miscreants more commonly target search resultsover advertisements, likely due to the cost of advertising.

B. Targeting Techniques

Cloaking sites hide their payload from everyone but the in-tended audience of organic users. We analyze how miscreantsarrive at this distinction and study any differences between adand search-based cloaking. To do so, first we mark all cloakingURLs in the unlabeled dataset with our full classifier. Then,for each class of targeting techniques, such as checking thatthe visitor has a HTTP Referer set, we train a classifier onour labeled dataset but specifically exclude browser profilesthat include the targeting technique under evaluation. We thenmeasure the fraction of cloaking URLs in the unlabeled datasetthat this new classifier identifies as cloaking, effectively actingas a proxy for which targeting criteria is critical to receive de-cloaked content (and thus accurate detection). Note that weuse the unlabeled classifier as our test set to mitigate any biasin our labeled dataset.

We show the fingerprinting checks miscreants use forGoogle Search and Google Ads in Table XI. We find the mostprominent targeting criteria is the presence of JavaScript whichmiscreants use for 49.6% of cloaked ads and 22.4% of cloakedsearch results. This is followed in popularity by checking forGooglebot’s IP address and User-Agent, and finally evidencethat a client interacts with a page (e.g., clicking). Our resultshighlight that any anti-cloaking pipeline must come outfittedwith each of these capabilities to accurately contend withcloaking.

C. Delivery Techniques

Cloaking sites deliver their uncloaked content to organicvisitors in a variety of ways. Some sites opt to redirect visitors

4We do not track whether URLs are eventually pulled, precluding anylongitudinal evaluation for how long it takes before ads are disabled.

TABLE XI: Fingerprinting techniques in the wild that areused to make a cloaking decision. Broken down for GoogleSearch and Ads.

Fingerprinting check Google Search Google Ads

Has referrer set? 6.1% 5.4%User has clicked? 10.6% 18.0%Is Google (IP, User Agent)? 14.3% 20.7%Has JavaScript support? 22.4% 49.6%Is mobile device? 4.9% 8.5%

TABLE XII: Delivery techniques in the wild, broken downfor Google Search and Ads. Same-page modifications includeserver-side targeting as well as client-side rendering.

Cloaking Type Google Search Google Ads

30X redirections 33.6% 19.9%40X client errors 12.0% 8.5%50X server errors 2.5% 4.4%JavaScript redirections 29.9% 6.6%Same-page modifications 22.0% 60.6%

to a monetized URL, either via a server-side decision (viaa 30X redirection), or on the client-side via JavaScript. Tobe less conspicuous, other sites opt to display the uncloakedcontent directly in the landing page, either through a reverseproxy, or a modification of the DOM such as adding div,img, or iframe elements. We analyze the most populardelivery techniques in our dataset as determined by ournetwork logs for sites labeled as cloaking, broken down bytype in Table XII. We find delivery techniques in the wilddiffer substantially between search results and advertisements.For instance, JavaScript redirects account for 29.9% of cloakedsearch URLs compared to 6.6% of ads, with ads insteadfavoring same-page modifications. Our result highlights thatwhile miscreants may cloak against products using a variety oftechniques, our anti-cloaking system nevertheless succeeds atgeneralizing and captures each approach. Any security crawlermust address each of these techniques as well as prepare forfuture iterations of the cloaking arms race.


In this section we present case studies exemplary of themonetization strategies among the Google Search and GoogleAds URLs we identified as cloaking.

Lead Generation for Mobile Apps: We encountered multiplesites that entice mobile users to install both dubious andlegitimate third-party apps. Interestingly, a minority of Alexa’stop domains also exhibit this behavior. For example, weshow how mobile and desktop visitors see opensubtitles.orgin Figure 7. When this site detects a visitor with an Androidmobile User-Agent and a HTTP referrer set, it adds a new divelement via JavaScript. This element randomly loads an adfor a legitimate Android app, or is stylized as fake Androidnotification. When clicked, this notification leads to a dubiousapp that acts as a free app store. When installed, this app


Fig. 7: Observing from different devices canyield completely different content.

Fig. 8: Cloaking site that redirects to advertisements.

riddles the device with unwanted ads (through the AirPushlibrary).

Malware: A few of the cloaking websites we identified aredistributing malware. For example,, delivers tomobile user an Android app that is flagged as malicious by19 AntiVirus engines on VirusTotal. In another case, the userwas encouraged to install a malicious browser extension calledFromDocToPDF.

Traffic Resellers: We have also observed cloaking sites sellingtheir organic traffic to a ring of advertisers. For example, inFigure 8 we show a screenshot of This siteredirects users to third-party advertisers based on the type ofplatform and Referer header. Also, this site geolocates thevisitor and uses this information to decide which ads to run.Visiting the site from outside the US yields a blank page,or a message “We currently don’t have any sponsors for thisdomain name”.

Some traffic reseller employ a wide set of rules to decidewhat content to display. An example of this is,which pretends to be a parked domain when visited fromoutside the US, whereas it delivers tailored content to userson residential and mobile networks, detecting their Internetprovider (e.g., it also displays “Dear AT&T Uverse user”).Also, it delivers content specific to the operating system of theuser, mimicking its appearance when creating fake windows

and alert boxes. The pages to which users get redirectedrange from fake AntiViruses, to fake popular websites (e.g.,Facebook), to surveys.

Affiliate fraud: We found cases where the cloaking siteperforms affiliate fraud. For example,, redirectsevery other user to a major shopping retailer with an affiliateid set. By doing so, this retailer shares a fraction of the profitsfrom a sale to the cloaked domain.


As miscreants adopt increasingly sophisticated application-specific cloaking techniques, it becomes difficult for defendersto keep pace with the cloaking arms race. Currently, oursystem is a viable solution, as it is designed to defeat currentcloaking capabilities. We have determined the minimum capa-bilities a current anti-cloaking pipeline would need preciselyto guide the design of such a pipeline, spending engineeringtime efficiently. On the long run, however, we envision thatmiscreants will add to their cloaking arsenal (e.g., carrier-specific mobile cloaking), increasing the cost of detectionat the expense of driving less organic traffic to their con-cealed offers. To counter this trend, we propose two possiblealternatives that would render significantly harder to deliversplit-view content, although they would require an in-browsercomponent.

Client-side Cloaking Detection: As cloaking hinges on serv-ing benign content to search engine and ad network crawlers,one option is for those same services to embed a succinctdigest of a webpage’s content in the parameters tied tosearch and advertisement URLs. When users are redirectedafter clicking on one of these URLs, the user’s browsercan compare the newly served content against the crawler’sdigest. If the two substantially differ, the browser can raise awarning interstitial that alerts the user to a suspected scam,phishing, or malware attack. Mechanistically, this comparisonnaturally follows the pairwise features we laid out for our anti-cloaking system. The benefit over our current architecture isthat crawlers no longer need to maintain multiple browsingprofiles or network vantages—clients provide the second view.Additionally, this approach respects the privacy of the users,as only the potentially-dangerous pages will be reported bythe participating (i.e., opted-in) users.

There are however some open challenges with this approach.First, dynamic content remains a concern. If miscreants canlimit the deviations introduced by cloaking to within typicalnorms (e.g., including only a small new button or URL),the system may fail to detect the attack. That said, this alsoconstrains an attacker in a way that reduces click through fromusers. Additionally, there is a risk with news sites and otherfrequently updated pages that a crawler will serve incomingvisitors a stale digest due to an outdated crawl, thus burdeningusers with alerts that are in fact false positives. To avoid this,the crawler would either need to immediately re-crawl the pageto confirm the change and suppress the alert, or the digest


should account for the category of the site, allowing for ahigher threshold for news sites.

Distributed Client Content Reporting: To overcome theproblem of staleness, we consider an alternative model wherea user’s browser opts to anonymously report a content digestafter clicking on a search result or advertisement to theassociated search engine or ad network. This server wouldthen review the incoming digest against the copy fetched byits crawler. In the event of a mismatch, the server wouldimmediately re-crawl the URL to rule out the possibility ofan outdated digest. If there is still a client-server mismatchafter crawling, the search engine or ad network involvedcould pull the reported URL from public listing to protectall future clients. From a privacy perspective, the serverreceiving reports would already be aware the user clicked onthe URL, such as how search engines currently redirect visitorsthrough analytic interstitials. However, as users may clickthrough to a signed-in page containing sensitive content (e.g.,, the digest reported must not leak personalizedcontent. Furthermore, this approach opens servers up to anabuse problem where malicious clients may spoof digests tounduly trigger the removal of legitimate search results andadvertisements. However, assuming there are more legitimateclients than malicious and some form of rate limiting, serverscan rely on majority voting to solve this problem, though thelong tail of URLs may yet pose a challenge.


In this work, we explored the cloaking arms race playing outbetween security crawlers and miscreants seeking to monetizesearch engines and ad networks via counterfeit storefrontsand malicious advertisements. While a wealth of prior workexists in the area of understanding the prevalence of contenthidden from prying eyes with specific cloaking techniques orthe underlying monetization strategies, none marries both anunderground and empirical perspective that arrives at preciselyhow cloaking operates in the wild today. We addressed thisgap, developing an anti-cloaking system that covers a spec-trum of browser, network, and contextual blackhat targetingtechniques that we used to determine the minimum crawlingcapabilities required to contend with cloaking today.

We informed our system’s design by directly engaging withblackmarket specialists selling cloaking software and servicesto obtain ten of the most sophisticated offerings. The built-in capabilities of these packages included blacklisting clientsbased on their IP addresses, reverse DNS, User-Agent, HTTPheaders, and the order of actions a client takes upon visiting amiscreant’s webpage. We overcame each of these techniquesby fetching suspected cloaking URLs from multiple crawlersthat each emulated increasingly sophisticated legitimate userbehavior. We compared and classified the content returnedfor 94,946 labeled URLs, arriving at a system that accuratelydetected cloaking 95.5% of the time with a false positive rateof 0.9%.

When we deployed our crawler into the wild to scan 135,577unknown URLs, we found 11.7% of the top 100 search

results related to luxury products and 4.9% of advertisementstargeting weight loss and mobile applications cloaked againstGooglebot. In the process, we exposed a gap between cur-rent blackhat practices and the broader set of fingerprintingtechniques known within the research community which mayyet be deployed. As such, we discussed future directions forbreaking the cloaking arms race that included clients reportingbrowsing perspective to crawler operators, hindering the abilityof miscreants to show benign content exclusively to searchengines and ad networks.


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Fig. 1: Cloaking detection pipeline. We crawl URLs from the Alexa Top Million, Google Search, and Google Ads (Ê).We dispatch requests to a farm of stratified browser profiles covering mobile, desktop, and simple crawlers and networkconfigurations that encompass residential, mobile, and cloud IP addresses to fetch content (Ë). We then compare the similarityof content returned by each crawl (Ì), feeding the resulting metrics into a classifier that detects divergent content indicativeof cloaking (Í).

DRAFT0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Pairwise Screenshot Similarity, after clicking: Mobile User vs Chrome Mobile (no referrer)Pairwise Topic Similarity: Chrome Desktop Cloud vs Chrome Mobile Cloud (both without referrers)

Pairwise Request Tree Similarity: Basic Cloud (no referrer) vs GoogleBot BasicPairwise SimHash HTML Similarity: GoogleBot Desktop vs Chrome Desktop Cloud

Topic diff (just_browse)-pairwise-BurnableChromeProfileNoRef-BurnableChromeProfilePairwise SimHash HTML Similarity: Chrome Mobile Cloud, with and without referrer

Pairwise SimHash HTML Similarity: Basic Cloud vs Googlebot BasicPairwise Topic Similarity: Mobile User vs Chrome Mobile Cloud (no referrer)

Pairwise Topic Similarity: Desktop User vs Googlebot DesktopNumber of landing domains

Pairwise SimHash HTML Similarity: Basic Cloud, with and without referrerPairwise SimHash HTML Similarity: Chrome Desktop Cloud, with and without referrer

Pairwise SimHash HTML Similarity: GoogleBot Desktop vs Desktop UserPairwise Screenshot Similarity: Mobile User vs Chrome Mobile Cloud (no referrer)

Number of redirections to other domainsPairwise SimHash HTML Similarity: Chrome Desktop Cloud vs Desktop User

Pairwise Request Tree Similarity: Basic Cloud (no referrer) vs GoogleBot BasicPairwise SimHash HTML Similarity: Mobile User vs Chrome Mobile Cloud (no referrer)

Pairwise Request Tree Similarity: Basic Cloud, with and without referrerJavaScript redirection


re N




Fig. 3: Top 20 features selected by our classifier ranked by their weight in our model.

top related