cloud in 2013

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Comments, views and analysis of evolution of Cloud Computing from mid 2012 to mid 2013


Cloud Computing. Last year

evolution. (from mid 2012 to mid 2013)

Joaquín Rincón


Some things that happened in the last year

Cloud Computing is connected with everything happening today

Some futurist thinkingCome back to reality

Speaking at OracleWorld (2008), CEO Larry Ellison sayd: “the computer industry is more fashion-driven than women's fashion and cloud computing is simply* the latest fashion”

CNetBusiness Insider

* Enphasis added by me

Translation: As I don’t have this, this is nonsense

“Cloud computing is a fantastic opportunity for technology companies to help customers simplify IT”June 2012


Translation: Now that I have this thing, cloud computing rules! (And the competency sucks)

Google Compute Engine

Google starts to offer IaaS

Microsoft starts to offer IaaS

We can see that PaaS is not taking off as expected*, but there’s big opportunity in IaaS, where Amazon is showing the path.

*PaaS has not moved in the Gatner hype cycle in the last year

Dell stops its IaaS offer…

Dell stops its IaaS offer…Showing that IaaS is more than just having the hardware and the data center. You need people, processes, tools, …Keep an eye on IBM & HP…

Microsoft canibalices itself (finally!)

In fact, my opinion is that Cloud Computing is going to save Microsoft. Now there’s a business model: selling services instead of licenses.If you keep trying to sell licenses, somebody will do it for free sooner or later, and you’ll be out of business. Open Source is bigger every day.

Open Source Cloud reach maturity

The new era of the PC


Joaquín’s cloud

PC: Personal Cloud




PC: Personal Cloud

Mobility IS cloud

Big Data IS cloud

Music is software

Enterteiment is software

Driving is softwareThe picture is what a Google car “see” around

Cleaning is software

Stocks market

are software

And with cloud computing, hardware is software

Of course, there are problems…

What did you expect?

It’s easy to create chaos

It’s not so easy to control expenses

But this is not going to stop…

…Cloud Computing is a better model

and Darwinism will make it’s selection

¡¡ Thank you !!

Joaquín Rincón

@jrincon photo

Thanks to the Simpsons!

ReferencesTake off picture (CC): by Nathan Goddard

PC picture (CC): by Maido155

Music picture (CC): by Brandon Giesbrecht

Data Center picture (CC): by Robert Scoble

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