cloud services make sense for software firm

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Cloud Services Make Sense for Software Firm

Storetec Services Limited


The benefits of migrating to the cloud have once again been highlighted, with a New Zealand company leading by example in its own country and making the switch.

Xero, an accountancy software firm, is based in the country but also

has development offices across the world, including bases in New York, San Francisco, New York and Melbourne.

Given its global presence, from the very beginning its founders were keen to ensure that all employees were able to share information, while also making sure that all data was kept safe and secure. More specifically, the company's IT chiefs opted for hosting with Rackspace, with its reliability, enhanced security and reputation for excellent customer service helping sway their decision. According to product manager Oliver Furniss, the cloud allowed them to do just this, while also offering the firm the flexibility to scale-up its operations without compromising on security.

Speaking to the ZDNet website, the expert explained: "It is scalability, scalability, scalability. "With that rapid growth we have had is the need to quickly scale and change that scale really fast.' Alongside flexible access and scalability, Xero was also keen to ensure that, not only does its data remain secure and its software free from bugs, but that its employees could rely on being able to gain access to this data any time day or night.

"From the early days, the founders knew that to create a seamless 24-hour network with the levels of speed and uptime needed to be the number one priority," Furniss added, noting again that, by placing almost all of its IT operations on the cloud, the company could enjoy just this. This comes soon after the Register technology website listed its top five reasons why businesses of all sizes will steadily carry on migrating to the cloud in the months and years ahead.

According to the specialist site, security concerns as well as a desire to follow consumers' trends are both likely to drive firms onto the cloud, with economic benefits also playng a role.

Storetec News/Blogs."" ‘Cloud Services Make

Sense for Software Firm’. September 20, 2013. Storetec.

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