clubciso survey 2016 invitation v1.0...clubciso survey 2016 invitation v1.0.indd created date...

Post on 19-Feb-2021






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  • Compare the maturity of your security model with your peers

    As a senior EMEA information security professional, we’re inviting you to take part in the third annual ClubCISO security maturity survey. This unique real-time event features interactive polling, instant results, and valuable insight from your peers on the night.

    Held again in the exclusive private cinema of the Bulgari Hotel in Knightsbridge, the event is free of charge. Attendance is strictly limited to individuals with responsibility for organisational security and there are no vendors or sales pitches allowed.

    The interactive voting system generates key benchmarks against which you can compare your organisation with its peers. Previous events attracted members from finance, government, legal, logistics, manufacturing, media, retail, telco and many other sectors. Last year’s results indicated:

    • Continued reluctance to implement full SIEM

    • Falling confidence in maturity of IT supply chain security

    • Stalled cyber breach response planning and data loss prevention initiatives

    We’ll discuss how to meet these and other challenges, and what’s changing in the IS landscape. There’ll be robust discussion around raising common standards. And there’ll be a detailed follow-up report to help you drive security up your organisation’s agenda.

    Refreshments will be served, and you’re welcome to join us for an informal drink after the session.

    What is ClubCISO?

    ClubCISO is an elite group of EMEA CISOs. We welcome new members by invitation, strictly controlling admissions to reflect a balance of industries and appropriate seniority.

    Members are individually registered and verified to maintain the integrity of the group and ensure no substitution.

    By facilitating discussions on information security and cyber resilience in the organisation away from the influence of vendors or sales, members can benchmark their security investments and implementations against peers, obtain hard facts to improve buy-in at board level, and grow their personal networks.

    Find out more at

    Download previous survey results at:

    “We must make sure copies of this survey go to the CFO!”ClubCISO member, commenting on 2015 survey

    THE THIRD ANNUAL CLUBCISO SECURITY MATURITY SURVEYBulgari Hotel, Knightsbridge | Thursday 19 May 2016, 6.00pm


    How to take part

    Because of venue capacity, this event is strictly limited to the first 50 places.

    Please register your interest at or call Sukhi Grewal on 0207 947 9593.

    Supported by


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