cms: sight site cite

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Sight, Site, Cite

Wendy DeGroat, MW LibraryNovember 2010


Citing sources Why? When? How?

Help citing sources Noodle Tools demo Other resources



(Pirillo and Fitzpatrick)


(Weilbacher paranoia)



(Weilbacher romeo)

Citing sources shows you can…

Evaluate sources Interpret existing knowledge Build on that knowledge Add your voice to the scholarly conversation



her r





Give credit to others’…

Words Ideas Images Sounds Research results Data Formulae Code

(MacDonald 7-8)



General Richmond is the capital

of Virginia Olaudah Equiano was an

abolitionist Contextual

Varies with audience and topic

If in doubt, ask teacher

You don’t need to cite




Chicago Manuscript Style

Preferred style for historyExamples in A Student’s Guide to HistoryTwo-part system

Bibliography Footnotes OR endnotes (not both in same paper!)


List of all sources used in paper Alphabetize entries by word that begins citation Most parts of citation are separated by periods Leave first line of citation flush with left margin and

indent any SUBSEQUENT lines by fives spaces Single-space entries, double-space between them. Teacher may require grouping entries in categories

Common for annotated bibliographies Alphabetize entries within each group separately

Footnotes OR Endnotes

Number entries consecutively Number should be appear in-text as superscript Place footnote at bottom of same page as the in-

text reference to which it is connected Most parts of a citation are separated by commas Indent FIRST line of citation five spaces and leave

subsequent lines flush with left margin Single-space entries In Word 2007, use the menu under References

Bibliographic entryAmery, Hussein A. “Water Wars in the Middle East: A

Looming Threat.” Geographical Journal 168 (2002): 313-323. stable/3451474 (accessed December 15, 2009).

Footnote 1. Hussein A. Amery, “Water Wars in the Middle East:

A Looming Threat,” Geographical Journal 168 (2002): 313-323. stable/3451474.

Turabian v. Chicago

Noodle Tools uses Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (7th ed.) as its primary guide

Same as Chicago Manuscript of Style, 15th ed. with slight modifications for students


Name, Writer’s. What S/he Wrote. Where Published: By Whom, When.

Some works may also have: Subtitle (following :) Volume number or s.v. edited by Editor’s name ed. Edition


Name, Writer’s. What S/he Wrote. Where Published: By Whom, When. http://webaddress (accessed date).

Work republished in a collection

Name, Writer’s. “What S/he Wrote.” When First Published. In Title of Collection in which it was Republished, edited by Who Put Collection Together, Page numbers. Edition. Where Collection Published: By Whom, When.

Journal article from a databaseName, Writer’s. “Title of Article S/he Wrote.”

Journal Title volume#, no. issue# (When Published): Page-range. http://webaddress (accessed date).

Issue number – only include for journals that start each issue with p. 1.

(When published) – add month or season to year for journals that start each issue with p. 1 but do not assign issue numbers.

Citation Tips from Noodle Tools

Title: Subtitle; Second SubtitleLeave out The if first word of journal titleEnter Edition number as 3rd not thirdPublisher – omit The and business abbreviations

like Corp., Co., Inc., Ltd.Publication City – cite first one listed: for lesser

known cities, follow with , state abbreviation.Publication Date – cite most recent year

Latin abbreviations

s.v. = sub verbo or by the word Found in citations for encyclopedias in which

entries are organized alphabetically Ibid. = in the same place

Found in footnotes and endnotes

2nd and subsequent notes

Second note (not consecutive) for Amery

2. Amery, “Water Wars,” 315.

Consecutive reference to article by Amery

2. Ibid., 317.

Citing your sources

Why? 1 2 3

When? 1 2

How? Try it now…

Zeitoun, Mark. Power and Water in the MiddleEast: The Hidden Politics of the Palestinian Israeli Water Conflict. London: I.B. Tauris, 2008. December 15, 2009).

2. Zeitoun, Power and Water, 12.

3. Ibid., 17.


As learners, information should engage us,

not passify us.


Lack of interaction shows.

(Weilbacher urban cowboy)

Join the conversation.




Works Cited (in MLA, not Chicago)

Borska, Anna. Woman Computer Scientist/Kobieta informatyk. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 20 July 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2009. < 3740994946/>.

Dombrowski, Quinn. IB English. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 31 Jan. 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2009. <>.

MacDonald, Jean. “To Cite Is Right.” Ames Library. Web. 10 Nov. 2009. <>.Pirillo, Chris, and Brad Fitzpatrick. "The Whole Internet Truth." Cartoon. BLaugh. N.p., 13 Oct. 2006. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

<>. Radulescu, Angela. Toni Morrison (2). N.d. Flickr. N.p., 29 Feb. 2008. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

<>. Robby-T. Nvidia's Closed-source Linux Drivers. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 9 June 2007. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

<>.Schwab, Avi. Common Knowledge Café. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 28 Sept. 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

<>. Singsing_sky. Beyond the Books. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 9 July 2008. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

<>. Smillie, Dana. Suhasini Haidar - India Economic Summit 2008. 16 Nov. 2008. Flickr. World Economic Forum, n.d. Web. 10 Nov.

2009. <>. Weilbacher, Katie. paranoia. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 11 Dec. 2006. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

<>. Weilbacher, Katie. urban cowboy. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 5 Dec. 2006. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

<>. Weilbacher, Katie. romeo. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 11 Aug. 2006. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.

<>. Whitis, Andrew. Give Away Post-its. N.d. Flickr. N.p., 19 Aug. 2006. Web. 10 Nov. 2009.


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