coastal flood and erosion risk management...coastal risk in england • approximately 1.3 million...

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Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk Management: Delivering multiple benefits

Hannah WilliamsonFCERM Advisor, Strategy & Approaches team 06th March 2018

Coastal risk in England• Approximately 1.3 million

people at coastal flood and erosion risk in England & Wales

• About 1 in 25 properties are at risk from sea flooding

• About a quarter of the coastline eroding at >10cm/year – but up to almost 2m/yr in some places

• About 740 properties at risk from erosion in next 20 years

• 45% of £2.3 billion six-year investment programme will be spent at the coast2

Our Strategic Overview1. Sets the direction for how flood and coastal risk is managed (through Shoreline Management Plans)

2. Ensures the strategic direction is delivered(by approving investment schemes and allocating grant)

3. Responds to the needs of communities

4. Facilitates joined–up working with all those working on the coast – including….


Shoreline Management Plans: priorities• a large-scale assessment of the

risks associated with coastal processes

• identifying sustainable approaches to managing the risks to the coast in the short term (0-20 years), medium term (20-50 years) and long term (50-100 years).

• Contain 4 management policies:Hold the existing line of defenceAdvance the existing defence lineManaged realignmentNo active intervention

Coastal Groups in England: priorities

Coastal Groups• Bring together key partners in coastal management

• Voluntary groups with significant influence

• Established by Defra in 2008

• 7 coastal groups in England

• Maintain, monitor and review SMPs


Integration on the coastManaged realignment• altering the location of the line of defence, working to provide a more

sustainable position from which to manage flood and erosion risks.


Integration on the coastNatural flood management – Saltmarsh creation

• Salt marshes can dissipate wave energy reducing the height of waves in storm surge conditions to decrease the effects of flooding and coastal erosion.


Integration on the coastPartnership working – Boggle hole YHA• Collaborative working with 7 partners; EA, YHA, National Trails

(Cleveland Way), North York Moors Authority, Scarborough Borough Council, Natural England, National Trust. Project to project the YHA, Cleveland Way (a national trail) and a SSSI against coastal erosion.


Priorities for FCERM

Shaping the future:National light touch review of SMPs

Updating the ‘National flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for England’

The next 6 year Capital Programme

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