cobinatorial algorithms for nearest neighbors, near-duplicates and small world design - yury...

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Combinatorial Algorithmsfor Nearest Neighbors, Near-Duplicates

and Small-World Design

Yury LifshitsYahoo! Research

Shengyu ZhangThe Chinese University of Hong Kong

SODA 2009

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Similarity Search: an ExampleInput: Set of objects

Task: Preprocess it

Query: New object

Task: Find the most

similar one in the dataset

Most similar

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Similarity Search: an ExampleInput: Set of objects

Task: Preprocess it

Query: New object

Task: Find the most

similar one in the dataset

Most similar

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Similarity Search: an ExampleInput: Set of objects

Task: Preprocess it

Query: New object

Task: Find the most

similar one in the dataset

Most similar

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Similarity Search

Search space: object domain U, similarityfunction σ

Input: database S = {p1, . . . ,pn} ⊆ UQuery: q ∈ UTask: find argmax σ(pi,q)

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Nearest Neighbors in TheorySphere Rectangle Tree Orchard’s Algorithm k-d-B tree

Geometric near-neighbor access tree Excludedmiddle vantage point forest mvp-tree Fixed-height

fixed-queries tree AESA Vantage-pointtree LAESA R∗-tree Burkhard-Keller tree BBD tree

Navigating Nets Voronoi tree Balanced aspect ratio

tree Metric tree vps-tree M-treeLocality-Sensitive Hashing SS-tree

R-tree Spatial approximation treeMulti-vantage point tree Bisector tree mb-tree Cover

tree Hybrid tree Generalized hyperplane tree Slim tree

Spill Tree Fixed queries tree X-tree k-d tree Balltree

Quadtree Octree Post-office treeYury Lifshits, Shengyu Zhang ()Combinatorial Nearest Neighbors 4 / 29

Revision: Basic Assumptions

In theory:Triangle inequalityDoubling dimension is o(logn)

Typical web dataset has separation effect

For almost all i, j : 1/2 ≤ d(pi,pj) ≤ 1

Classic methods fail:Branch and bound algorithms visit every objectDoubling dimension is at least logn/2

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Revision: Basic Assumptions

In theory:Triangle inequalityDoubling dimension is o(logn)

Typical web dataset has separation effect

For almost all i, j : 1/2 ≤ d(pi,pj) ≤ 1

Classic methods fail:Branch and bound algorithms visit every objectDoubling dimension is at least logn/2

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Revision: Basic Assumptions

In theory:Triangle inequalityDoubling dimension is o(logn)

Typical web dataset has separation effect

For almost all i, j : 1/2 ≤ d(pi,pj) ≤ 1

Classic methods fail:Branch and bound algorithms visit every objectDoubling dimension is at least logn/2

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Navin Goyal, YL, Hinrich Schütze, WSDM 2008:

Combinatorial framework: new approach to datamining problems that does not require triangleinequality

Nearest neighbor algorithm

This work:

Better nearest neighbor search

Detecting near-duplicates

Navigability design for small worlds

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Navin Goyal, YL, Hinrich Schütze, WSDM 2008:

Combinatorial framework: new approach to datamining problems that does not require triangleinequality

Nearest neighbor algorithm

This work:

Better nearest neighbor search

Detecting near-duplicates

Navigability design for small worlds

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1 Combinatorial Framework

2 New Algorithms

3 Combinatorial Nets

4 Directions for Further Research

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1Combinatorial Framework

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Comparison Oracle

Dataset p1, . . . ,pn

Objects and distance (or similarity)function are NOT given

Instead, there is a comparison oracleanswering queries of the form:

Who is closer to A: B or C?

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Disorder InequalitySort all objects by their similarity to p:

p r s



Then by similarity to r:

r s


Dataset has disorder D if∀p, r, s : rankr(s) ≤ D(rankp(r) + rankp(s))

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Disorder InequalitySort all objects by their similarity to p:

p r s



Then by similarity to r:

r s


Dataset has disorder D if∀p, r, s : rankr(s) ≤ D(rankp(r) + rankp(s))

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Disorder InequalitySort all objects by their similarity to p:

p r s



Then by similarity to r:

r s


Dataset has disorder D if∀p, r, s : rankr(s) ≤ D(rankp(r) + rankp(s))

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Combinatorial Framework


Comparison oracleWho is closer to A: B or C?


Disorder inequalityrankr(s) ≤ D(rankp(r) + rankp(s))

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Combinatorial Framework: FAQ

Disorder of a metric space? Disorder ofRk?

In what cases disorder is relatively small?

Experimental values of D for somepractical datasets?

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Disorder vs. Others

If expansion rate is c, disorder constant isat most c2

Doubling dimension and disorderdimension are incomparable

Disorder inequality implies combinatorialform of “doubling effect”

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Combinatorial Framework: Pro & Contra


Does not require triangle inequality for distances

Applicable to any data model and any similarityfunction

Require only comparative training information

Limitation: worst-case form of disorder inequality

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Combinatorial Framework: Pro & Contra


Does not require triangle inequality for distances

Applicable to any data model and any similarityfunction

Require only comparative training information

Limitation: worst-case form of disorder inequality

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2New Algorithms

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Nearest Neighbor Search

Assume S ∪ {q} has disorder constant D

TheoremThere is a deterministic and exact algorithmfor nearest neighbor search:

Preprocessing: O(D7n log2n)

Search: O(D4 logn)

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Assume, comparison oracle can also tell uswhether σ(x,y) > T for some similaritythreshold T

TheoremAll pairs with over-T similarity can be founddeterministically in time

poly(D)(n log2n+ |Output|)

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Visibility Graph

TheoremFor any dataset S with disorder D there existsa visibility graph:

poly(D)n log2n construction time

O(D4 logn) out-degrees

Naïve greedy routingdeterministically reachesexact nearest neighbor of the given target qin at most logn steps

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3Combinatorial Nets

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Combinatorial Ball

B(x, r) = {y : rankx(y) < r}

In other words, it is a subset of dataset S: theobject x itself and r − 1 its nearest neighbors


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Combinatorial NetA subset R ⊆ S is called a combinatorialr-net iff the following two properties holds:Covering: ∀y ∈ S,∃x ∈ R, s.t. rankx(y) < r.Separation: ∀xi,xj ∈ R, rankxi(xj) ≥ r OR rankxj(xi) ≥ r

How to construct a combinatorial net?What upper bound on its size can we guarantee?

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Combinatorial NetA subset R ⊆ S is called a combinatorialr-net iff the following two properties holds:Covering: ∀y ∈ S,∃x ∈ R, s.t. rankx(y) < r.Separation: ∀xi,xj ∈ R, rankxi(xj) ≥ r OR rankxj(xi) ≥ r

How to construct a combinatorial net?What upper bound on its size can we guarantee?

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Basic Data Structure

Combinatorial nets:For every 0 ≤ i ≤ logn, construct a n


Pointers, pointers, pointers:

Direct & inverted indices: links between centersand members of their balls

Cousin links: for every center keep pointers toclose centers on the same level

Navigation links: for every center keep pointers toclose centers on the next level

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Basic Data Structure

Combinatorial nets:For every 0 ≤ i ≤ logn, construct a n


Pointers, pointers, pointers:

Direct & inverted indices: links between centersand members of their balls

Cousin links: for every center keep pointers toclose centers on the same level

Navigation links: for every center keep pointers toclose centers on the next level

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Fast Net Construction

TheoremCombinatorial nets can be constructed inO(D7n log2n) time

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Up’n’Down Trick

Assume your have 2r-net for the dataset

To compute an r-ball around some object p:

1 Take a center p′ of 2r ball that is covering p

2 Take all centers of 2r-balls nearby p′

3 For all of them write down all members of theirs2r-balls

4 Sort all written objects with respect to p and keep rmost similar ones.

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4Directions for Further Research

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Future of Combinatorial FrameworkOther problems in combinatorial framework:

Low-distortion embeddingsClosest pairsCommunity discoveryLinear arrangementDistance labellingDimensionality reduction

What if disorder inequality has exceptions?

Insertions, deletions, changing metric

Experiments & implementation

Unification challenge: disorder + doubling = ?

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Combinatorial framework:

comparison oracle + disorder inequality

New algorithms:

Nearest neighbor search

Deterministic detection of near-duplicates

Navigability design

Thanks for your attention!Questions?

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Combinatorial framework:

comparison oracle + disorder inequality

New algorithms:

Nearest neighbor search

Deterministic detection of near-duplicates

Navigability design

Thanks for your attention!Questions?

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http://simsearch.yury.nameTutorial, bibliography, people, links, open problems

Yury Lifshits and Shengyu Zhang

Combinatorial Algorithms for Nearest Neighbors, Near-Duplicates andSmall-World Design

Navin Goyal, Yury Lifshits, Hinrich Schütze

Disorder Inequality: A Combinatorial Approach to Nearest Neighbor Search

Benjamin Hoffmann, Yury Lifshits, Dirk Novotka

Maximal Intersection Queries in Randomized Graph Models

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