
Post on 15-Dec-2014






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  • 1. Cocaine Emma Philbin

2. History of Cocaine Derived from Coca Plant leaves Stimulant qualities enhanced breathing which increased oxygen intake Originally used by natives to enhance performance and cope with thin air Through science they were able to enhance leaves synthesizing to form white powder know today 3. Cocaine Over Time In 1863 pure cocaine was extracted from leaves and marketed in fortified wine in France Cocaine was introduced into America in 1800 Used to treat depression In 1886 John Pemberton included Cocaine in new drink Coca-Cola Used in surgery as an anesthetic In 1914 Cocaine was regulated in the Harrison Act and later banned 4. Cocaine Cocaine is a white crystalline powder Often mixed with sugar, cornstarch, vitamins and flour Crack cocaine is small rocks, is off-white or pink Cocaine can be injected, snorted, smoked and sniffed. Second most common illicit drug in America One percent or 2.1million Americans use drug 5. Cocaine Effects Insomnia Loss of appetite Blurred vision Vomiting High anxiety Irritability Constricted blood vessels Dilated pupils Nasal infections Nose bleeds Rapid breathing Sweating Violent behavior Twitching Hallucinations Chest pain 6. Cocaine Street Names Blanca Crack flake gold dust haven dust Line White Blow that white B snow white white powder white fluff icing white dust powder Big C 7. Cocaine Social Impacts Marriage/Relationship Drug affects mood swings, violent outbursts Divides family Education Affects concentration and motivation Health As listed before many health impacts Financial Cocaine is expensive and addition drives demand for more drugs Costs grow as addition gets worse. 8. Which is a street name for Cocaine Blow Angel Dust Powder Home Page 9. Which is not a side effect of cocaine? Loss of appetite Loss of hearing Nose Bleeds Home Page 10. Cocaine was a primary ingredient in Coca Cola? True False Home Page 11. Cocaine was used to treat depression? True False Home Page 12. Cocaine comes from the Coca leaves? True False Home Page 13. Sources ames.htm effects.html ne.html information/cocaine-history.html 14. Thats Correct! Click here to continue. 15. Sorry, thats not correct! Click here to continue.

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