codema systems group brochure (english)

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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CODEMA Systems Group Brochure (English)


CODEMA System Group

CODEMA Systems Group, the worldwide market leader, is the holding company of

HAWE Systems, WEVAB and SDF. With more than 50 years experience, the group

offers innovative logistic systems, management and control software, and

(customized) products for the horticulture industry.

Core Values of our solution:

Capacity increment: via our solution, the production capacity of a greenhouse


Cost reduction: our logistic systems reduce costs in production process. In fact

our solutions decrease energy and water consumption, cuts the labour costs as

well as error rates in the production process.

Customized : based on plant type and your demands, we customized and

adjust our solution. As a result, CODEMA can offer full automatic , semi

automatic or manual solutions.

Control: our solutions, give you better control on the production process and

provide you the opportunity to plan the future of your business, from the

production to delivery.

Quality: CODEMA is known worldwide as the company offering high quality

products and services to its clients.

CODEMA Solutions:

HAWE Solutions:

Logistic systems enable customers to customize their logistic processes, to increase

the production and crop quality, and to cut down labour costs.

WEVAB Solutions:

To fulfill different market needs in horticulture, WEVAB designs and manufactures

presentation tables, conveyor belt, roller conveyor, and processed aluminum/steel


SDF Solutions:

To up-date and optimize information management process, SDF provides a

combination of planning, cost control, logistic systems control and sales software.

Moreover, SDF Vision System is specifically developed to grade and sort flowers in


CODEMA: CODEMA delivers growers and

investors tools to increase

their production processes

and to cut down their produc-

tion costs .

CODEMA’s unique knowledge,

50 years experience and inte-

grated approach make the

company the only one in the

world able to design and de-

liver completely integrated


logistic systems.


HAWE Solutions:

The technology which HAWE offers relieves growers of high

labor costs, increases the productivity and accelerates the re-

quired processes in the greenhouse.

In fact, crop transport, materials handling, and completion of

labour tasks are necessary activities within all controlled envi-

ronment plant production systems (CEPPS). Management of

materials and resources for completion of the multitude of

plant culture operations (ex. transplanting, harvesting, watering

etc.) is required.

In fact, nearly all operations require transport of materials or

movement of labours. Therefore, the proper design of auto-

mated systems integrating transportation and robotic capabili-

ties can greatly enhance the efforts of the manager and the

overall production system performance. In short, the core

value of our solutions are as follow:

Core values of our logistic solutions:

Various Solutions:

Based on your demands and crop needs, we offer the most

suitable solutions for you. In fact, machinery and equipment

have been developed to support many types of operations.

These may range from manual or mechanized processes

(mechanization) to flexible automation processes (robotics) or

there may be some combination of each. Effective application

of these processes is essential for the economic viability of the

greenhouse system. Therefor we can offer you the following

logistic solutions:

Full automatic solutions

Semi Automatic Solutions

Manual Solutions


Less energy usage

Less labour costs

Less error rate

Less pesticide

Stronger Plugs

Better Hygiene

Higher Yield

Effective management



WEVAB Solutions:

Via applying 35 years’ experience, WEVAB is specialized in de-

signing, developing and producing aluminium products for gar-

den centres and the horticulture industry.

WEVAB has a very rich product portfolio in horticulture sector.

The company produces several products such as the presenta-

tion tools, the extensive standard range of plant products, trans-

port tools, as well as numerous customised products according

to market needs in horticulture sector. This is often done in co-

operation with market gardeners both in the Netherlands and


Presentation Tools

As the market leader in the Netherlands, WEVAB offers exten-

sive range of presentation tools. According to the clients’ de-

mands, WEVAB has designed and developed several new inno-

vative concepts and presentation tables to enhance quality of

flower exhibition in the flower shops and gardens.

The standard presentation tables for garden centres form the

basis of the WEVAB product range, but the overall package cov-

ers almost all the needs of garden centres. Photo card holders,

potting tables and worktables, cup tables, folding tables, six-

sided tables are other examples of WEVAB’s products.

Transport tools

Solid construction, light weight, being durable and user friendly

are the main characteristics of roller conveyor and conveyer

belts produced by WEVAB. Both are available in all types and

sizes, and can be coupled together into an efficient, practical

and cost-saving logistics system. By collaborating with the part-

ners within the CODEMA Systems Group, WEVAB is also in a

position to develop the control and automation of these systems

to meet your requirements.

New Modular Design Concepts:

To fulfill current market needs, WEVAB has developed new inno-

vative family product portfolio. The goal is to offer not only cur-

rent presentation tables, but also to propose the complimentary

products which are necessary for garden centers.

New innovative modular design give you the opportunity to

decorate your garden center according to your needs and taste.

All the new side, front and top tables and new hanger, card

holders and price tagger can be attached together without any

welding. Therefore, all the time you have opportunity to change

the decoration of your garden center.

SDF Solutions:

To optimize information management process, SDF has developed a com-

bination of planning, cost control, logistic systems control and sales soft-

ware. Moreover, state-of-the-art SDF Vision System is specifically devel-

oped to grade and sort flowers in greenhouses. In general, SDF solutions

can be categorized as follow:

Management Info Systems

Sales and order processing are key factors for the success of your busi-

ness. Many hundreds of large and smaller nurseries use our order soft-

ware, because it has been specially developed for the horticultural indus-

try. Planning of your crops in SDF makes it possible to plan your resources

better and organize your operation in a pro-active way. It will also give

you a great insight in your future product availability. The SDF modules

offer you control on all your costs, such as labor, space, and energy. Thus

they give you insight in cost price, labor efficiency, results per crop, etc..

Logistic control

Many nurseries are using an automated task control system. The green-

house overview shows you the actual position of your crops. Controlling

the movements of your machines and the crops is only a mouse click

away. The combination of planning and control shows you the overall

view, strengths and weaknesses of your own business and processes. In

addition, modern logistical systems, such as container and delivery sys-

tems can be managed and controlled by SDF systems.

Based on standard setting the tasks are automatically generated without

human interference necessary. In addition plant delivery systems of all

major suppliers can be controlled.

Vision systems

SDF Vision Systems supplies the state of the art grading camera’s world-

wide. The software is specially developed to grade living organisms. The

systems can be installed as integrated or stand-alone system. Hundreds

of systems are up and running in many different settings

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CODEMA Systems Group, the

worldwide market leader, is

the holding company of HAWE

Systems, WEVAB and SDF. With

more than 50 years experience,

the group offers innovative

logistic systems, management

and control software, and

(customized) products for the

horticulture industry.

Oosteindsepad 8

2661 EP


The Netherlands

T:+31 (0)10 521 2755

F:+31(0)10 5217616

T:+31 (0) 10 851 6333

F:+31 (0) 10 851 6340

T:+31 (0) 10 522 0998

F:+31 (0) 10 521 5765

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