
Post on 14-Oct-2014






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CODEX OF DA ORKPOKALYPSEThis codex is not a stand alone product but must be used along side the Warhammer 40k 5th edition Ork codex and the main Warhammer 40k core rules .The intention of this codex is to allow for the use of the Ork clans, rebel grots, looted vehicles, and gargants in Warhammer 40k.Weather you play standard games of 40k, cities of death, planet strike, or apocalypse you will find all that you need to field these Ork units in all their glory.Army lists are provided here as well as new rules for some of the old units. Some of these rules replace the rules in the Ork codex. When this is the case it will be noted.

The Orks have been around in Warhammer 40k since its beginnings. For many years now the rules for various Ork units have been scattered all over the universe. Some on the internet or in long lost tomes others in back issues of White Dwarf magazine. This resource is an attempt to bring it all together in one place for ease of use. Thanks need to be extended to the guys at Forge World, the Tempus Fugitives, Bell of Lost Souls, and the guys on for the inspiration for this codex. Without their hard work this document would not have been possible.I hope you can make use of this codex in the spirit of good modeling and gaming fun.

The codex is separated into sections as follows.-Ork Wargear.-Ork Artillery.-Looted vehicle rules.-Expanded vehicle upgrades. -Special characters. -Bad Moon.-Blood Axe.-Death Skull.-Evil Sunz.-Freebooterz.-Goff.-Rebel Grots. -Snakebite.-Squat Brotherhood army list.-Gargant rules.-Apocalypse formations.-ORKFEST Missions.-Expanded Ork summary.

This is not an official codex so you will need your opponent’s permission to utilize any of the units or rules in this document. This rule set will be used in Apocalypse games run by or sanctioned by it is not an official GW product. We do not lay any claims to their copyrights or intellectual property. This is an Ork fan produced rule set.


The Ork knows no fear, they cannot be bargained with, they will not stop, for the Orks only drive is warfare, the din of battle is music to their ears, blood shed is as natural to an Ork as the summer rain…Yet they are here which means the ORKFEST is upon us. Woe to those who underestimate the Ork.-Attributed to an unknown Xenos Biologis Tech-priest following ORKFEST I.

Datz roight ya weedy gitz, itz dat time of year wen da Orks krump da oniverse…Make sure ya bring yer choppaz ladz, only way ter be proppa. - Warlord Hakbash.

ORK WARGEARROIGHT! So now you zoggers are finkin yer just gonna come in ere an read some rules and have da no-wotz of a brain boy. Let me tell ya sumfing wot any lad worth his choppa already noze. Orks don’t need no stinkin rules. We were made to fight and win.

The Ork Wargear section is separated into four parts, Close combat weapons, Wargear, Ranged weapons, and Special rules. The clan specific rules are listed with the army lists so you can get to them faster.

Wargear of da Orkpokalypse

All Wargear must be modeled WYSIWYG.

Close combat weapons:-Kutta: A power claw with a chain blade or buzz saw attachment. Most often used by Meganobz to carve up ard stuff. Counts as a power claw in close combat but rolls an extra 1d6 for armor penetration against vehicles or buildings.-Ripper: A powered chain blade or buzz saw outfitted with a power field projector. Counts as a +1 Strength power weapon in close combat.-Kutlass: Freebooter close combat weapon. Counts as a choppa in close combat.-Bangstikk: A spear fitted with a krak grenade at its tip. Counts as a +1 strength power weapon in the first turn of close combat. Counts as a krak grenade against vehicles or buildings in the first turn of combat. Strength 6 +1d6x2 penetration. One shot weapon.-Tiger klawz: Usually they come in pairs. Each klaw is powered by a zzap generator and looks like the claws of a beast. They count as a power weapon, give +1 attack, and you may re-roll wounds.

-Squig parrot: Freebooters keep them as pets. They sit on their shoulders and repeat Orky phrases. Like “You aint proppa” “Weedy git want a cracker” Etc…Counts as an attack squig in all respects +1 attack in close combat. -Knife: Grot sized close combat blade. Counts as a choppa in close combat. -Krak stikkbombs: Stikkbomb full of high explosives. Strength 6 +1d6 against vehicles and buildings in close combat. -Soopa stikkbombs: Meks can’t resist improving something, even if it makes that something hideously dangerous in the process. Soopa stikkbombs are a bundle of krak stikkbombs wired together with a chain pulled trigger. Soopa stikkbombs work just like krak stikkbombs but at strength 10 +2d6 penetration against vehicles and buildings in close combat. If you roll doubles on the 2d6 the mek takes a wound as he gets caught in the blast. -Power Knuckles: A grot sized power glove. Counts as a power weapon and doubles the grots strength in close combat. Grot strikes at normal initiative. -Uge knife: A huge grot sized choppa. Counts as a big choppa. +2 Strength in close combat. -Scepter of da revolution: Rebel Grots only. Makes Grot character holding the device and any Grot unit he joins stubborn. Counts as a +1 Strength power weapon in CC. -Kombat blade: Blood Axe close combat weapon. Counts as a choppa. -Iron Gnashas: A huge iron bionik gob. Counts as a +1 strength power weapon in close combat.

Wargear:-Squiggly suit: A suit made of different colored hair squigs that covers most of the body. Often times leaves and sticks get tangled up with the suit making it blend in very well with surrounding terrain. The suit gives the wearer the USR stealth. -Targeta: A scope outfitted with cross hairs and laser beams. Sometimes it is fitted to a weapon or implanted as a bionik eye. Gives the user a +1 to his ballistic skill. -Flakk armor: Ork ballistic armor grants a 5+ armor save. -Big horns / iron gob: Shows em whose da boss. +1 on leadership. -Grot banna wava: A grot to hold a Bosspole, Ork banna, or Waaagh banna. Counts as Wargear and cannot be removed as a casualty. -Da WAAAGH! Banna: Only one is allowed in the army. Units within 12” may re-roll morale tests; models in the unit get +1 attack in close combat, and +1 in combat resolution. Counts as the army banner. -Lucky face paint / tattoos: Model gains a 6+ invulnerable save. -Blue face paint: Death Skulls only. Model gains a 6+ invulnerable save. -Eye patch / big hat: Freebooters only. Model gets +1 leadership. -Revolution Banna: Grot Rebels only. May only have one in the army. Counts as da Waaagh banna. Units within 12” may re-roll morale tests; models in the unit get +1 attack in close combat, and +1 to combat resolution. -Grot Styboy: Snakebites only. Counts as a grot orderly and/or a grot oiler. -Kickin Grot: “Look out Boss!” BOOM! Grot can be removed instead of the Ork taking a wound. -Komizarr hat/coat: Blood Axe armies only. Counts as a Bosspole.

-Primitive armor: Furs, skins, and pelts. Gives a 6+ armor save.-Hair squigs: Usually colorful sometimes very flashy. Gives the wearer a +1 leadership.-Medi-squig: A medicinal dispensing squig often fitted to mega armor. Gives the wearer feel no pain USR. -Mega-boosta: A squig injected power booster. Makes mega armor no longer slow and purposeful. Though they are still relentless. -Bioniks: Arms, legs, built in weaponry. Counts as +1 strength and +1 attack. -Force Field Projecta: Range 18” Field 12” wide. Counts as a KFF for units shooting through the field. Mek must remain within 18” or the field will drop. -Weirdboyz copper staff: Psykers only. They ignore the first Ead bang result. Nothing happens that turn as the staff channels the warp energy away from the psyker. -Tinbot: Counts as Wargear and cannot be removed as a casualty. The tinbot is a moving kustom force field. 6” radius force field and it must remain within 2” of the mek. -Grot Banna: Gretchin units only. Gives unit +1 on combat resolution. -Ork Banna: Ork units only. Gives unit +1 on combat resolution. -Flash furs/skull trophies/toof necklace: Snakebites only. Each model counts as two when it comes to counting heads for the mob rules. -Sniffer squig: Detect hidden troops within 24”. Model and the unit he is with may take a free shooting phase against the infiltrating unit before the game begins. In addition no assassins may reveal themselves within 18” of a sniffer squig. -Grabba-prod: Counts as both a grabba stick and a grot prod. -Smoke stikkbombs: Kommando mobs may take smoke stikkbombs at +2 points per model. These can be used during the Ork shooting phase and last until the beginning of the next Ork turn. Mob must be surrounded by a suitable marker representing smoke. Cotton wool works fine for this. The mob counts as in cover and get a 5+ cover save. The mob may run but cannot shoot or assault while concealed by the smoke cloud. If they are assaulted they count as being in cover. The mob has enough stikkbombs for one use only during the battle. -Icon of Khorne: Stormboyz of Khorne only. Counts as a Bosspole but inflicts 1d3 wounds on the unit instead of just 1. -Snotling ammunition: You may remove one base of snotlings for a reroll on the shokk attack gun chart if a snotling base is within 2” of the gun. You must use the reroll even if it is worse than the first roll.

Ranged weapons:-Twin linked grot shoota: Range 24” Str 3 Ap –, rapid fire, twin-linked. -Kombi grot shoota/zooka: Grot shoota / rokkit combi-weapon. -Kombi grot shoota/burna: Grot shoota / burna combi-weapon. -Grot pistol: Range 12” Str 3 Ap –, Pistol. Counts as an additional CCW. -Grot shoota: Range 24” Str 3 Ap –, Rapid fire. -Grot sniper rifle: Range 30” Str X AP 6, Heavy 1 sniper.-Kustom slugger: Range 18” Str 4 AP 5, Assault 2. -Kustom kombi weapon: Range 24” Str 1d6 AP 1d6, Assault 1d6, Roll for Strength, armor penetration, and assault values separately. But only roll once for all the kustom kombi weapons in the unit in the same manner as a loota mob. On an assault roll of 6 the weapon is subject to gets hot!

-Kustom slugga: Range 16” Str 5 AP 4, Pistol. Counts as an additional CCW. -Squig katapult: Range 48”G Str 5 Ap 5 Heavy 1, blast, barrage, buzzer squigs.-Smasha gun: Range 36” Str – Ap – Heavy 1, lifta-droppa.-Lifta-droppa: Range 48” Str – Ap – Heavy 1, Lifta-droppa.-Hop splat gun: Range 20+2d6” Str 6 AP 4, Heavy 1, hop splat. -Bubble chukka: Range 36” Str –Ap –, Heavy 1, bubble. -Traktor kannon: Range 72” Str 2d6 Ap -, Heavy 1, tractor beam.-Pulsa rokkit launcha: Range 72” Str – Ap –, Heavy 1, pulsa. -Buzzer squig bomb: Range 12” Str 5 AP 5, Blast, barrage, buzzer squigs. Buzzer squigs are vicious, ill-tempered and have a nasty sting. These tiny wasp-like squigs are even more ferocious when starved. Dozens are stuffed into a clay pot or similar vessel with only a few tiny breathing holes by swollen-skinned gretchin and taken to battle where they are thrown at enemy infantry where they break causing no end of panic and flailing of limbs. May only be used one per battle.-Big-Lobba: Range: 12-48”G Str 6 Ap 4 Ordnance 1, 5” Blast, Barrage -Big-Zzappa: Range: 36” Str 2d6 Ap 2 Heavy D3 -Supa-Scorcha: Range: Template Str 6 Ap 4 Assault 1 -Flakk-Gunz: Range: 48” Str 7 Ap 4 Assault 4, AA Mount -Supa-Kannon: Range: 36-120”G Str 9 Ap 3 Ordnance 1, 5” Blast, Barrage -Grot bomb launcha: Range 24-72” G, Str 8, Ap 3, Heavy 1, blast. Grot guided, may re-roll the scatter dice. One shot weapon.

Special rules:-Vetrunz: Veteran Orks. Mob or character gets +1 attack and +1 leadership. Leadership cannot exceed 9. -Skarboyz: Mob gets +1 strength. -Teleporta: Not available to Snakebites or Rebel grots. Units of Meganobz and Teleporta boyz may deepstrike. Teleporta technology is very expensive and woefully inaccurate but it gets the ladz stuck in fasta.-Umie Advisors: Blood Axe armies only. Army receives a +1 on its reserve rolls.-Untrustworthy gitz: Blood Axes, Freebooterz, and Stormboyz of Khorne only. Units and characters may only mob up with or join other Blood Axe, Freebooterz, or Stormboyz of Khorne units. The other clans just don’t trust a sneeky Blud Axe, a clan less Freebooter, or a spikey worshippin Stormboy.-Go to ground: Gretchin only. When a grot mob fails a morale check due to shooting it may choose to go to ground instead of falling back. Mob counts as going to ground but with a +2 to its cover save instead of just one since the grots are just so slippery. At the end of the mobs next turn the grots may function normally if they pass an unmodified leadership test. If the test is failed they will stay under cover and must test again next turn. -Pile O Junk: Certain ramshackle Ork vehicles are a bit more on the shoddy side. Roll a 1d6 at the start of the movement phase; on a roll of a 1 the vehicle may not move this turn but other wise functions normally. You must roll every turn.


Squig KatapultSquig katapults are made from box girders and scrap metal scavenged by the Orks from crashed and wrecked vehicles. Some are fashioned into crude katapults, while others resemble large crossbows or even a muzzle loaded cannon. Whatever the crude delivery system they all fire the same ammunition. The dreaded buzzer squig bomb.

Work out the shot like a barrage. If you roll doubles for distance on the initial scatter dice than something has gone wrong. Consult the squig katapult mishap table.


1-2 DESTROYED! The katapult cannot stand the strain placed upon it and breaks under tension as it is fired. Bits of metal fly all around and debris is thrown into the air. The katapult is destroyed and its crew slain or injured. Remove the model and two crew.

3-4 OOOOOPS! One of the crew is thrown high into the air in lieu of the squig pot! The Gretchin crashes to the ground 2d6” from the katapults aiming point in the direction indicated by the scatter die. The gretchin is killed on impact and anything unfortunate enough to be standing under the point where the grot lands takes a strength 3 hit.

5-6 MAY NOT SHOOT. A minor fault prevents the katapult shooting this turn. A Gretchin misplaces the squig pot, or maybe a ratchet jams, or a rope loosens. The katapult is unharmed and may shoot as normal next turn.

The buzzer squig pot will break on impact using the small blast template. The buzzer squigs will remain in play and you may have multiple buzzer squig templates in play at any time. If the buzzer squigs caused any wounds or damage to a vehicle they have fed, roll 2d6 and the scatter dice at the beginning of each Ork turn, if they have fed any roll of doubles on the scatter die means the buzzer squigs are sated, you may remove the blast template. If not than the blast template stays in play, the number rolled is the distance in inches the buzzer squigs will move in the direction of the scatter dice. If a hit is rolled on the scatter die you may choose which direction the buzzer squigs move. Any models they move over are hit with a Strength: 5 AP: 5 hit as the buzzer squigs attempt to feed. Any vehicles touched by the template are hit on their rear armor.

Smasha GunThe smasha gun is an Ork invention that utilizes traktor beam teknology. The smasha gun is fired at a target and latches onto it with a strong, narrow beam of traktor energy onto its victim. The gun begins to swing upwards, and the target is lifted into the air high above the battlefield. Once the victim is in the ideal position the beam is switched off, sending the victim hurtling down onto the ground, where hopefully he will land on some of his mates and make a destructive mess.

The smasha gun is a smaller artillery piece based on the more potent lifta-droppa gun. To fire the smasha gun choose a target within line of sight [Not a flyer or a super-heavy vehicle] if the target is in range the smasha gun has hit roll 2d6 and the scatter die. If you roll doubles on the dice something has gone wrong, consult the Smasha gun mishap table. If you roll a hit on the scatter die the target is lifted by the weapons tractor beam and dropped on the spot taking 1d6 glancing hit. If you roll an arrow then the vehicle can be dropped any where within the number rolled on the 2d6 in number of inches still taking 1d6 glancing hits. It cannot be dropped on flyers. If it is dropped onto non-vehicle units they each take 2d6 wounds. If it is dropped on another vehicle they both take 1d6 glancing hits. The models that are under the dropped vehicle are moved aside as if tank shocked. [Except for super-heavy vehicles and gargantuan creatures, which are not moved-instead move the vehicle as if it was being tank shocked.] The dropped vehicle is turned to face in the direction of the scatter die. If the model is dropped into impassable terrain it is destroyed. When resolving the fire of a smasha gun ignore the affects of power fields or void shields.

Smasha Gun mishap table 1d6:1-2 REVERSED POLARITY. The Gretchin firing the smasha gun make a mistake and reverse the polarity of the traktor beam. This means that the smasha gun is lifted into the air instead of the target. The smasha gun falls onto its hapless crew, remove two gretchin crew and the smasha gun as casualties. They count as destroyed.

3-6 OVERHEATING. The smasha gun starts to overheat and sparks and smoke start pouring out of it. The Gretchin crew hurriedly shuts it down before it can explode, but it will take a turn for it to cool down. The weapon may not be fired on this turn or the next turn.

Traktor KannonThe traktor kannon projects a powerful burst of tractor beam energy that latches onto a target and pulls it towards the source of the beam with tremendous force. Even quite large vehicles are tugged helplessly forward, scattering formations and throwing the enemy into panic. Foot troops are thrown to the ground and dispersed like leaves in a gale. Solid structures are likely to be torn apart, and vehicles may be ripped open with a tremendous explosion. Choose a target within line of sight. If it is in range the tractor beam has hit its target. [May not target flyers] Roll 2d6 for strength of the attack. On a roll of an 11 or 12 something has gone wrong, consult the traktor kannon mishap table below to see what happened. If target is a super-heavy vehicle, gargantuan creature, or a building the traktor kannon will do a Strength of the die roll +2d6 armor penetration hit against it’s front armor. Other targets will be affected as above in addition target will be drug half the number of the strength roll in inches towards the tractor kannon. Colliding with anything in its way tank shocking troops and ramming other vehicles. Vehicle counts its speed as the number of inches drug by the tractor beam.

Models that have been drug by the tractor beam may move and attack normally in their own turn. The traktor kannon fires bursts of energy-it does not maintain its beam from turn to turn.

Traktor Kannon mishap table 1d6:1-2 REVERSED POLARITY. The Gretchin firing the Traktor kannon make a mistake and reverse the polarity of the traktor beam. This means that the Traktor kannon is dragged towards the target half the distance in inches rolled on the 2d6 instead. Work out any collision damage as if the tractor kannon were a vehicle with a 10 front armor moving at the speed of the distance moved.

3-6 OVERHEATING. The Traktor kannon starts to overheat and sparks and smoke start pouring out of it. The Gretchin crew hurriedly shuts it down before it can explode, but it will take a turn for it to cool down. The weapon may not be fired on this turn or the next turn.

Hop Splat GunThe hop splat gun is an ingenious artillery piece that fires a special splatta shell, named after the irregular way that it travels across the battlefield. The shell consists of several linked rokkits attached to a length of chain at the end of which is a large metal ball. The initial shot only fires the first rokkit, and the remaining rokkits are fired one after the other by a timed fuse. Once the rokkit shell is fired the ball and chain becomes a whirling menace to anything in its path. When the shell hits the ground the metal ball is catapulted in a new direction by the next rokkit to fire, pulling it into the air once more and sending the whirling ball and chain in a new direction. Because of the haphazard way in which the shell strikes the ground the splatta shell proceeds across the battlefield like a firecracker, jumping this way and that, scattering troops in its erratic path. To fire the gun choose a direction by pointing the kannon in the direction you would like the first shot to travel. Then roll 2d6. If you roll an 11 or 12 something has gone wrong. Consult the hop splat gun mishap table below to see what happens. Add the number rolled on the 2d6 to the range of 20” to find the range of the first shot. If the shot would collide with an obstacle or model stop the shell it hits automatically and work out the damage. Obstacles are counted as anything that would provide at least a 5+ cover save. [Rubble, trees, or walls.] You may fire over friendly models for the first shot only as the crew aim the kannon to shoot over allied units.Once the shell has hit an object or the ground it crazily changes direction and moves up to 12”. Roll for distance 2d6” and the scatter die. If you roll doubles on the distance dice the shell runs out of fuel and stops. If you roll a hit on the scatter die you get to choose which direction the shell travels in. Work out any damage and continue rolling subsequent shots until the shell is out of fuel or it moves off of the table.

Hop Splat Gun mishap table 1d6:1-2 DESTROYED! The Hop splat gun explodes with a mighty crack. Shards of metal fly in all directions leaving a smoking hole in the ground and a cloud of black smoke. The hop splat gun is destroyed and its crew are slain or injured. Remove the gun and two Gretchin crew.

3-6 MAY NOT SHOOT. A minor fault prevents the gun from shooting this turn. Perhaps the fuse is not set properly or maybe the crew mishandled the loading procedure. The gun is unharmed and may fire as normal next turn.

Pulsa Rokkit LaunchaThe pulsa rokkit is really a special force field generator that is hurled into the midst of the enemy ranks by means of a solid fuel rokkit. The rokkit is carried to the battlefield on its own launcher, and is aimed and fired by its crew. The force field generator is a special kind known as a pulsa. When it lands the pulsa sends out powerful bursts of energy, like the ripples a stone makes when it hits water. As they spread outwards the ripples of energy become weaker and weaker. The enemy is thrown into disarray as any troops and vehicles that get in the way are knocked over or spun around.

The pulsa rokkit may only be fired once per battle.

To fire the rokkit choose a target within 72” the shot counts as Ordnance that scatters 2d6”. Once the rokkit has landed and at the beginning of each Ork turn roll on the pulsa chart below to see what happens. Pulsa Rokkit table 1d6: 1 Dud. The pulsa rokkit stutters harmlessly and burns out. It has no further effects. Do not roll again on this table the rokkit is now spent. 2-3 Fzzzzcrack. The pulsa rokkit sends out a short pulse of force. All units within 2d6” must take a pinning test.4-5 Thrrrummm. The ground itself trembles and shakes. All units within 3d6” of the pulsa rokkit must take a pinning test and have their WS and BS reduced to 1 until the beginning of the next Ork turn. 6 Wohhm. The pulsa rokkit thrums and shakes, sending out waves of suppressive energy. All units within 4d6” must automatically go to ground, if able to, and take 3d6 strength 4 hits. Vehicles take 1d3 glancing hits instead.

Bubble ChukkaA wonder of Orky no-wotz the Bubble Chukka creates a force field around its target imprisoning the unit making it helpless as it floats away at the whim of the wind. Eccentric mekboyz usually try to perfect one of these weapons at least once in their lives. The number of big meks found floating in deep space trapped in their own bubbles is a testament to how dangerous these contraptions can be.

To fire the bubble choose an enemy vehicle within line of sight. [May not target flyers, super-heavy vehicles, or gargantuan creatures.] Roll 3d6 If you roll triples on the penetration dice the shot misses and something has gone wrong. Roll on the Bubble Chukka mishap table and see what happens next. If the roll beats the vehicles front armor and it is in range the vehicle is trapped in the bubble and floats a few feet above the battlefield. Vehicle is trapped in the bubble and can do nothing but try and break free. Vehicle inside the bubble has a 2+ invulnerable

save against any outside attacks. Trapped vehicle cannot disembark troops as all of its access points are blocked. Fire points can be used as normal. Bubble counts as Armor value 11. It may be attacked by shooting or close combat and is hit automatically by the unit trapped inside. Attacks that fail to pop the bubble will rebound and automatically hit the trapped vehicle instead counting hits against its rear armor. Allied units may not attack the bubble for fear of hitting the unit inside. Any attack that glances or penetrates the bubble will pop it. Unit inside is free but stunned until the beginning of its next turn. Bubble moves each players turn 1d6” in a direction determined by the scatter die. If you roll a hit the player who rolled the die may choose the direction. If a 1 is rolled for distance moved the bubble pops stunning the unit inside for 1 turn. If the bubble makes contact with troops treat it as tank shock, if it hits terrain, impassable objects, or other vehicles the bubble will pop and the captured vehicle will be stunned as above. If the bubble floats off of the table or the vehicle inside destroys itself trying to escape the unit counts as being destroyed. Mekboy may have multiple bubbles in play at one time. He may turn off a bubble at any time. The Bubble chukka may fire one bubble per turn.

Bubble chukka mishap table 1d6:1-2 OOOPS. The bubble backfires and traps the mekboy and his vehicle in a bubble. Treat the over zealous mek and his vehicle as if they were the target of the bubble chukka. Except this time the mek cannot turn off the bubble. 3-6 POP! The bubble chukka misfires spraying sparks out the end of the chukka. Smoke billows from the whirly gubbinz and the supa-projektas are out of alignment. The mek must reset the chukka so it cannot fire this turn or the next as the mek fiddles with the werky bitz.

LOOTED VEHICLE RULESThe looted wagon vehicle entry in the Ork codex is replaced by these rules. These rules are simple to use and can utilize any vehicle in 40k.

First thing you must do when you plan on looting a vehicle is you must pick a chassis. The chassis falls into 3 categories.

1. Wagon.2. Tank.3. Super heavy.

Wagons are smaller vehicles taken by most armies these include vehicles like the Rhino, Chimera, Falcon, and Devil Fish.

Tanks are a bit larger and more heavily armored. Just about every army in 40k has something to fit into this category. Tanks include the Leman Russ, Landraider, Wave serpent, Monolith, or a Hammerhead.

Super heavies are the biggest of the big vehicles. They include the baneblade and its variants, Tempest, Scorpion, or Cobra.

Chassis:-Looted Wagon = 40 points. Armor value: 11 / 11 / 10 Weapons: 2 Basic +1 Big gun.-Looted Tank = 80 points. Armor value: 12 / 12 / 10 Weapons: 3 Basic + 2 Big guns.-Looted Super Heavy = 100 points. Armor value: 13 / 13 / 11 Weapons: 6 Basic + 3 Big guns.

Once you have chosen a chassis you must add weapons and upgrades from the Ork looted vehicle lists below. Only Ork weapons and upgrades can be used.

Weapon options list:Big guns:-Supa-kannon +80 points, negates transport capacity, limit one per vehicle.-Boomgun +70 points, negates transport capacity, limit one per vehicle.-Big-zappa +65 points, negates transport capacity, limit one per vehicle.-Kill kannon +60 points, negates transport capacity, limit one per vehicle.-Flakk gun +50 points, half transport capacity, and limit one per vehicle. -Big lobba +35 points, half transport capacity, limit one per vehicle.-Supa dupa rokkit +25 points.-Supa-scorcha +20 points. -Kannon, zzap gun, or lobba +15 points. -Twin link a big gun +10 points.Basic Weapons: -Scorcha or kustom mega blasta +15 points.-Rokkit launcha or supa-rokkit +10 points.-Big shoota, burna, or twin link a basic weapon +5 points.

Looted vehicle upgrade listChassis: -Ded ard +50 points. -More rivets +30 points.-Eavy armor plates +20 points.-Ard case +15 points.-Assault ramp +15 points.-Armor plates +10 points. -Open top -15 points.

Upgrades: -Kustom force field +50 points.-Squig fuel injectors +10 points.-Blue paint job +10 points. -Red paint job +5 points.-Turbo boosta +5 points. -Grot gunners +5 points. -Grot riggas +5 points.-Uge exhausts +5 points. -Search light +1 point.

Vehicle Weapons: -Deff rolla +20 points.-Wreckin ball +10 points.-Reinforced ram +5 points.-Grabbin klaw +5 points.-Boardin plank +5 points.-Stikkbomb chucka +5 points.-Spikes n blades +5 points.-Grot sponson +5 points.

EXPANDED VEHICLE UPGRADESAll vehicle upgrades must be modelled WYSIWYG.-Turbo boosta: Any vehicle may take for +5pts. May be used once per battle. Vehicle moves 6” additional this turn, but may not fire. Models carried may not disembark or fire in the turn the vehicle turbo boosts. Vehicles count as obscured if they moved 18” or more when they turbo boosted due to the enormous amount of smoke and oil left behind/around. -Squig fuel injector: +10 points. Adds 2d6” to movement. May be used every turn. If a 6 or more is rolled on the die unit cannot shoot or disembark this turn as they hold on for grim death. Should the vehicle move over 18” in the turn it is counted as obscured. -Moto-X: Warbikes only. +10 points. Bike can ignore difficult terrain treating it as clear and it is no longer dangerous. Dangerous terrain will still affect the warbike like any other vehicle. -More rivets: +30 points. Increase vehicles armor value by +1 on all facings. Up to a maximum of 14. Sometimes it just needs more rivets to be proppa. -Spikes and blades: Not truks or warbikes. +5 points. Enemy infantry that assault vehicle suffer a St 3 AP - hit for each of their misses in CC. -Assault Ramp: +15 points. Vehicle counts as open topped when it comes to assaulting out of it. -Uge exhausts: +5 points. Vehicle counts as having smoke launchers and may pop smoke any turn. Vehicle may not shoot while the cloud of smoke obscures the vehicle. -Force field: +50 points, vehicle has a mounted KFF. 6” radius field from vehicle. -Search light: +1 point. If Night fight rules are used you may light up an enemy unit spotted by the vehicle. Enemy unit may be fired upon by any units in range and LOS. However the enemy can see the search light shining out into the darkness so the vehicle may also be targeted in the enemy shooting phase. -Supa-Rokkit: +10 points. One shot. Unlimited range. Strength 8 AP 3, grot guided rokkit, hits on a 2+. -Ded Ard: +50 points. Looted vehicles only. Increase a looted tank or looted super heavy vehicles armor to 14 on all facings. Fast vehicles are no longer fast due to the weight of the armor plates. -Eavy armor plates: +20 points. Increase vehicles front and side armor by +1 on each facing. May not exceed 14. Fast vehicles are no longer fast due to the heavy weight of the armor. -Blue paint job: +10 points. Death Skull vehicles only. Gives the vehicle a 6+ lucky cover save against shooting attacks. The shot misses, glances off a blue painted surface, or harmlessly impacts on one of its many looted plates. -Grot sponson: +5 points. For an Ork there’s no such thing as too many ‘gunz’ on a vehicle, even if there’s no more room for them in the hull. One solution to this problem is to cobble together some extra platforms and cages for the outside of a vehicle, fit them with some spare big shootas and strap in enthusiastic and completely disposable Grots to fire them. The Grots involved usually have short lived but loud careers as gunners. Each Grot Sponson is an additional Big Shoota which uses a BS of ‘3’. Instead of being treated as standard vehicle mounted weapon, the Grot Sponson uses the same rules for firing as transported models using Firing Points (see the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for more details,) and is not counted as a weapon for the vehicle itself taking damage. However, because of their

precarious nature, every time a vehicle with Grot Sponsons suffers a Glancing or Penetrating hit, roll a D6 for each sponson which is destroyed on a roll of 4+ as the Grot is either splattered across the hull or the whole rig simply falls off! Any Ork vehicle with ‘Tank’ listed in its type can have up to two Grot Sponsons at +5 points each.-Grot gunners: +5 points. A vehicle with grot gunners has a ballistic skill of 3.


ORKRATESThere are many Ork oddboyz in Ork society, none more elusive or rare than the Ork Savant. The Ork Savant seems to fill the role of an Ork thinker or advisor in Ork kulture. Some of the greatest savants being Orkamedies, Grotnardo Ork Vinci, Orkstein, Orkotep, and Orkrates. There are many others scattered across the universe, but wherever they are found the Orks seem to gather more momentum in their waaaghs. More Orky inspired inventions seem to turn up and beyond all skumgrod comprehension actually work.

Orkrates is the greatest thinker of Orkdom. He is ancient and wise. This truly dizzying intellect is lost in thought (and location) on the battlefield. His renown is so great that even the skumgrods consider him of some great value. To the Orks recovering Orkrates is essential. It is only natural to protect such an obviously mad mad boy.

Orkrates counts as an Independent Character and has the following profile.WS 4 BS 2 T 4 W 2 I 2 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 6+Wargear; Chalice of reasonSpecial rules; “Oops sorry my son”. Orkrates cannot be allocated wounds by either side. If he would take a wound from shooting, close combat, a template, or some other event simply substitute another model in the unit to take the wound. Orkrates is just to wise a sage to be hit by incoming fire or falling ordnance, he simply steps behind the nearest model, “Oops, sorry my son” The hapless individual unknowingly takes the hit for the aged Ork. Should the ancient git get caught out in the open without a hapless soul around to take the fall Orkrates takes the wounds as normal.

Lost in thought.Orkrates does not move independently at any time. He will automatically accompany any unit that gets within 2" of him. He must be "picked up" if the controlling player wishes to transfer him to another unit. If he is with an Ork unit he will fight like any normal Ork boy. If held by the skumgrods he is treated as a marker and does not participate in combat. He can be captured from the Orks if the unit he is with is wiped out or caught by a sweeping advance. He can be captured from a skumgrod unit if they are wiped out or forced to retreat.

Mad Mad Intellect.Orkrates has the mind of a savant, his ramblings can affect those around him so at the beginning of the controlling player's turn, roll a D6 and consult the following table:

6 - The Waaagh is Truth. Orkrates convinces an Ork unit that Waaagh is Truth, Truth is Beauty, and to KRUMP is the most beautiful thing in the ooniverse. The controlling unit (and only that unit) can Waaagh this turn. If the Waaagh is called normally this turn, this unit automatically rolls a 6. If controlled by a skumgrod unit, Orkrates spouts existentialist crud to the panzee, justice and wotnot to the Umies, Da greata gud to the

fish'eads, and so on, that unit gets the Fleet USR for this turn. Vehicles get a bonus 1d6” to movement this turn.

5 - Krumpit ergo sum. I krump therefore I am. (Yeah, I know that wasn't Socrates, but it made you laugh anyway.) The controlling unit counts as charging into combat this round if already in close combat. If charging into combat add 1d6" to their charge distance. If in a vehicle, it gets an extra 1d6" of movement. If the vehicle rams add +1 to the ram value.

4 - The only good is krumpage and the only evil, weediness [fear]. The controlling unit is fortified with ancient wisdom and will automatically pass all morale and leadership checks this turn. In addition if he is in an Ork mob of more than 10, they may choose not to be fearless this turn.

3 - I know nothing but the fact of my ignorance. The controlling unit suffers a -2 to all morale checks as they attempt to puzzle out exactly what it is this old geezer is on about. In addition, if in an Ork mob of more than 10, they are not fearless this turn.

2 - There is nothing stable in Orkish affairs. Orkrates has the unit questioning everything. The controlling unit or vehicle will move as if in difficult terrain the entire turn.

1 - Death may be the greatest of all blessings. The old git can be a down- right bummer at times. The controlling unit cannot Waaagh if it is called this turn and it cannot run or fleet. If it is a vehicle it can only move at slow speed this turn. In addition the controlling player will subtract 1 from the die roll for this table on his next turn.

-1 - Orkrates is forced to drink poison from the Chalice of Reason. He’s just being an annoying git and is removed from the game.

DEPLOYMENTOrkrates is hidden in the wreckage of a Gargant at the beginning of the game. He is secretly deployed in the Gargant head / effigy of GORK. Orkrates will be revealed once a unit gets to within 2” of the Gargant head.

VICTORY POINTSThe Orks receive 1 VP if:A) They control Orkrates at the end of the gameB) Orkrates was poisoned while in Ork controlC) Orkrates is killed in combat -- ahh, we woulda poisoned him eventually anyway.

The Skumgrods only receive 1 VP for Orkrates if he is alive and in theircontrol at the end of the game. (Carrying him off the map counts as incontrol).

Governor Jonas MillerThe planet of Windsor is controlled by the stalwart Governor Jonas Miller. Under his unyielding rule the planet has gone well beyond the Imperial tariffs, produces the finest conscripts this side of the eye of terror, and has met the xenos, heretic, traitor, and the mutant with equal fervor. The Governor’s personal aquilla shuttle was shot down as he was retiring from the front. The shuttle has crash landed in no mans land not far from the palace walls. Should the Governor fall into Xenos hands or be slain on the field it will be a great blow to Imperial morale. The loss of such an esteemed individual to the foul greenskins cannot be tolerated. All measures must be taken to rescue the Governor and insure his survival.

Jonas Miller counts as an independent character with the following profile.WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 LD 10 SAVE 4+ [5+] invulnerable save

Wargear; Trademark item [cigar], refractor field, carapace armor, master crafted bolter, and close combat knife.Special rules; Stalwart defender. Any unit joined by Governor Miller gains the stubborn USR and may use Jonas leadership for all morale checks. In addition any friendly units within 12” of the Governor may reroll failed morale checks.

DEPLOYMENTThe Governor starts the game secretly deployed inside the downed aquilla shuttle in no mans land. He will be revealed if any unit comes within 2” of the shuttles cockpit. Once revealed he acts as an independent character in control by the Imperial players side.

VICTORY POINTSThe Imperial player receives 1 VP if the Governor is still alive and not in enemy control at the end of the game. The Ork player receives 1 VP if the Governor is captured by the end of the game.

The Governor is captured by an enemy unit that defeats him and/or his unit in close combat. The Governor model will then be used as a moveable objective counter moving at the speed of the capturing unit until rescued by the Imperial players or he is moved off of the table by the capturing unit. The Governor is rescued if the capturing unit is defeated in close combat. Should the Governor be rescued he will be returned to his normal 3 wounds and may be captured or rescued any number of times during the game. The Governor is still vulnerable to shooting and templates as a normal model. So care must to given whenever shooting around him, though he cannot be taken as a casualty by the Ork player from shooting, if the capturing unit is wiped out during the shooting phase the Governor is counted as slain. Both sides realize just how important the Governor can be so if he is slain by some quirk of fate he counts as 0 VP’s for both sides

Da Red GobboThe Red Gobbo is not really a single individual. There have been many Red Gobbos throughout the years and in many different parts of the Universe. The Red Gobbo is a symbol of Grot independence. Whenever the gretchin slaves take up the banna of da revolution there has always been a Red Gobbo to lead them to freedom. Appointed by the revolutionary committee the Red Gobbo is the inspirational figure head that leads the gretchin on the road to independence.

The Red Gobbo has appeared in many grot rebellions a few of the more prominent ones were the BATTLE OF TERMAL-VALLEY. Where 300 grots stood against 1 million Orks in a bottle necked crag where the Ork numbers counted for little. The grots were slain to the last gobbo but the spirit of da revolution still lives on to this day.

The BATTLE OF LITTLE SQUIG HORN where the Red Gobbo and his band of grot rebels were wiped out by an army of cyboar mounted feral Orks. The grots lost this one too…..But VIVA DA REVOLUTION!

Da Red Gobbo: 1 Unique, Infantry, 85 pointsWS 5 BS 3 St 4 T 4 W 3 I 4 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: It’s a grots life, go to ground, Die hard, Revolutionary leada, Inspiring, Independent character.Wargear: Kustom Slugger, Revolution scepter, frag and krak stikkbombs, knife.Transport: none.Options: May take a Grot Vetrun retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. May take one mob of Grot Vetrunz as a troop’s choice.

The Red Gobbo wields the Revolution scepter. Which counts as a +1 strength power weapon. In addition any grot unit the Red Gobbo leads gains the stubborn USR. The scepter is said to have been taken from the Orkish slavers during the very first grot rebellion. The Red Gobbo also carries a Kustom slugger. Range 18” Str 4 Ap 5 Assault 2.

Special rules:-Inspiring: Any unit of grots within 12” may use the Red Gobbos leadership value.-Revolutionary leada: The Red Gobbo may join any grot unit. Once per game he may call out “Viva da Revolution!” All grot units in the army get the fleet of foot USR for that turn only. -Die hard: Any grot unit within 12” may regroup even if below 50% or within 6” of the enemy. They may test on the Red Gobbos unmodified leadership score to do so.

Zodgrod Wortsnagga, Snakebite RuntmasterZodgrod Wortsnagga is one of the most famous Runtherdz in the whole of Orkdom. He started his career as a member of Ugulhardz Chargerz, a ferocious Snakebite tribe led by the reactionary old Warboss called Ugulhard Duffgrunta. Zodgrod was in charge of the snotlings that were dispatched through the Chargerz Shokk attack gun, and before long he and his specially trained herd of ‘Kommando Snotlings’ began to earn a certain amount of notoriety. As time went on, Zodgrod became more and more loth to waste his highly trained snotlings on anything other than choice targets. This reached a head at the battle of Gimbli’s Bunker, when Zodgrod completely lost his temper with the Mekaniak who operated the Shokk attack gun and ended up firing the unfortunate Mekaniak through his own gun! This was a terminal experience for the Mekaniak and very nearly cost the Chargerz the battle, and not surprisingly Zodgrod was promptly banished from the tribe once the battle was over. Zodgrod left the tribe accompanied only by his herd of faithful runts, and wandered the galaxy, selling his services to the highest bidder. During his travels he came across a set of dusty tomes that detailed the discoveries of a deranged runtherd philosopher called Narflung, who had devised a unique way of training runts to a higher level of performance, creating what he called ‘Supa-Runts’ .Zodgrod copied Narflung’s techniques, which involved ringing bells and rewarding the runts with juicy squigs among other things, and the results were nothing short of remarkable! The Supa-Runts performed better on the battlefield and were generally more aggressive and dangerous. This alarmed most traditionally minded Orks, who viewed Zodgrod’s Supa-Runts as a threat to the stability of Ork kulture, but there were still enough Warbosses who were desperate or reckless enough to hire Zodgrod and try out his dreaded Supa-runts in battle.

Zodgrod Wortsnagga, Snakebite runt master:1 Unique, Infantry, 100 points. WS 5 BS 2 S 4 T 5 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Eavy armorSpecial: Independent character, Mob rules, furious charge, WAAAGH! Supa-runtsWargear: Slugga, Twin-linked shoota, Grabba-prod, Bosspole, Frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: NoneOptions: Super runts: May upgrade one mob of gretchin to supa grotz or one mob of snotlings to supa snotz for free. May take any number of snotling herds which do not take up a slot on the FOC. Zodgrod will not allow his supa-runts to be fired through a Shokk Attack Gun. Supa Grotz WS 3 BS 3 St 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 7Supa Snotz WS 3 BS 2 St 2 T 2 W 4 I 4 A 4 Ld 6

Grabba-prod: Counts as both a grabba stick and a grot prod.

Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub, Bad Moon WarlordIn most ways Nazdreg is a typical Bad Moon warlord: He is rich, ostentatious, over indulgent, and overweight. He loves nothing better than to take his warband raiding both to garner extra wealth and prove how well equipped his boyz are. In one way, however, Nazdreg is anything but ordinary, for he is easily the most cunning and intelligent battlefield commander the Bad moons ever had. Fortunately for the Imperium Nazdreg is only interested in wealth, for if he ever worked up the energy to lead a WAAAGH! There is no doubt that he would be an adversary every bit as dangerous as Ghazghkull Thraka. As it is, however, Nazdreg is an irritation rather than a deadly peril. This being said, Nazdreg leads a large and extremely powerful warband which has devastated at least 11 Imperial worlds so far, and defeated or outwitted all the Imperial forces that have so far been sent against it.Nazdreg’s base of operations is a huge space hulk named Oganzdreg Gargdurslagulkin the Ork tounge and given the Imperial code name ‘Scylla’. It is rumored that Nazdreg’s Mekaniaks have managed to gain some kind of control over the space hulk’s movement, and the ease with which Nazdreg has out maneuvered and escaped pursuing Imperial space fleets would certainly seem to imply that more than mere chance and the ‘luck of the warp’ have been involved. Nazdreg allied with Ghazghkull during the Piscina IV and Armageddon campaigns he was last seen during the fall of Medusa V where his space hulk had crash landed. Imperial authorities presume he is dead.

Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub, Bad Moons Warlord:1 Unique, Infantry, 186 points.WS 5 BS 4 St 5 T 5 W 3 I 4 A 4 Ld 9 Sv 2+ Mega armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, Independent character.Wargear: Bosspole, targeta, mega boosta, medi-squig, kustom blasta-X, frag and krak stikkbombs. Transport: None. Options: May take a Meganobz mob as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. May take one mob of Flashnobz or Meganobz as a troops choice.

Kustom Blasta-X: Nazdreg has persuaded a mekboy to build a special kustom mega blasta onto his mega-armor. This has the following characteristics. Range: 36” Strength: 7 AP: 2 Type: Assault 1, blast, gets hot!

GORMONGER and da Black OrksNo one knows the true origins of Gormonger all they know for sure is that he is a savage, brutal slayer of all those who stand in his way. He only shows himself during the largest of Ork Waaaghs. Appearing through a warp portal with a battered mob of nobz armed to da teef with close combat weapons and armored in spiked plates of black iron. These Black Orks as they are known wear suits of black armor plates covered in silver studs and spikes. All of them wield some type of special close combat weapon, rippas, uge choppas, kuttas, tiger klawz, burnas, and even power klawz. Gormonger is armed with weapons and armor said to have been made by the Ork gods themselves Gork and Mork. During the fiercest fighting Gormonger and the Black Orks arrive through a warp portal slaying all those who oppose them. Once the fighting has stopped Gormonger and his Black Orks will mysteriously vanish back through a warp portal. Gormonger’s unit enters using the deep strike rules even if the scenario doesn’t allow for it. At the end of the battle Gormonger and his Black Ork retinue will jump into a warp portal, vanishing as mysteriously as they appeared, leaving a path of carnage and destruction in their wake.

Gormonger:1 Unique, Infantry, 200+Nobz mob in points.WS 8 BS 2 St 5 T 5 W 3 I 5 A 5 Ld 9 Sv 2+ Armor of Mork.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, stubborn, Hatred, Independent character, deep strike.Wargear: Kustom slugga, Choppa of Gork, Armor of Mork.Transport: None. Options: Must take a Nobz mob as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.

Hatred: Gormonger and his Black Orks hate everybody so every skumgrod is counted as preferred enemies. May re-roll all to hit rolls in close combat. Choppa of Gork: Adds +2 to strength, counts as a power weapon, and Gormonger always strikes first in close combat. Counts as initiative 10 when it comes to who goes first. Armor of Mork: 2+ armor save and a 5+ invulnerable save.

General Lugnutz, Blood Axe GeneralLugnutz was once a Blood Axe warboss until the mad doks got a hold of him after suffering terrible and almost fatal wounds from a mob of crazed Khorne Berserkers. The mad doks took to some experimentin and kustom fittin….and created a mechanical monster. Lugnutz is now more machine than Ork, outfitted with bioniks, mega-armor, and a set of metal jawz called da Iron Gnashas he has gone from a petty boss to a feared and respected warlord. Though his Ork brain is encased in an iron robotic tin head he still thinks like a Blood Axe. Sneeky, treacherous, and a tactical genius his planz have brought many victories and few defeats.

Lugnutz, Blood Axe General:1 Unique, Infantry, 175 points.WS 5 BS 3 St 6 T 5[6] W 4 I 4 A 5 Ld 9 Sv 2+ Mega armor, 5+ inv.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, Independent character, more machine than Ork, taktikal genius.Wargear: Iron Gnashas, targeta, twin-linked shoota, mega boosta, medi-squig, cybork body, bioniks, frag and krak stikkbombs. Transport: None. Options: May take a cybork mob as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. May take one mob of cyborks as a troops choice.

Iron Gnashas: A huge iron bionik gob. Counts as a +1 strength power weapon in close combat.

More Machine than Ork: Gives the general a +1 on his toughness.

Taktikal genius: Any mob within 12” of Lugnutz may use his leadership value when taking morale checks. In addition the army led by him counts Lugnutz as the SUPREME HEADQUARTERS strategic asset for free. [All units within 12” of the General have the following special rules: Fearless, Counter-attack, Night vision/acute senses, and Tank hunters.]

Narwizza Rukkzag, Flyboy BossNarwizza Rukkzag is a flyboy fighta-booma ace pilot and a squadron boss. Known as the only Ork pilot to survive the Sulfur River campaign, his kill ratio was undeniably high, he claims to have shot down more than 30 enemy aircraft and blown up more than 12 bridges during the missions he flew there. Though his grot navigator Grizbo says it was only half that number. Needless to say Narwizza’s skills as a pilot are undoubtedly remarkable for an Ork. This is due in part because of his loyal grot navigator Grizbo, who assists the fly boss during his missions, helping at the controls, calling out targets, and getting the maps turned the right way around goes a long way. Narwizza starts the game in a fighta-bomma. He is so good at dog fighting that while in the cockpit he counts as ballistic skill 3, all his weapons count as anti-aircraft mounted, and he may re-roll all scatter rolls when dropping ordinance. In addition Narwizza may elect to come in on turn 1 of the game rather than turn 2.

Narwizza Rukkzag, Flyboy Boss:1 Unique, Infantry, 75 points +fighta-bomma.WS 5 BS 2 St 4 T 5 W 3 I 3 A 4 Ld 9 Sv 6+.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, Independent character, grot navigator.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, kommunikator, parachute. Transport: Fighta-bomma.

-Kommunikator: Narwizza has a com-link to the nearest base of operations. This allows him to call in ranges and targets if he is on the ground and in LOS to an enemy unit he may use the strategic asset PRECISION STRIKE, allowing him to pick one enemy unit [Not a flyer] in LOS. All friendly models that fire at the chosen unit are found to be in range and hit on a 2+ in the shooting phase. This may be used every turn Narwizza is still alive or not captured. -Parachute: When his Fighta-bomma gets shot down he bails out. Roll for scatter and 4d6” range, if you roll a hit you pick which direction. Treat as a deepstrike except he is killed or captured if he lands on an enemy unit. If he lands in dangerous/difficult/impassable terrain he is immobilized for the rest of the game as his chute is caught in the terrain feature. Otherwise he is unharmed. -Grot navigator: Grizbo always accompanies Narwizza on his flight missions. As the grot navigator he counts as an ammo runt, allowing Narwizza to re-roll all to hit rolls with his big shootas or supa-rokkits. In addition he counts as a kickin grot and gets the “Look Out Boss!” rule. This allows Narwizza to ignore the first glancing or penetrating hit taken during the game as the grot navigator jerks the kontrol stick at the last second before impact. In either case the grot navigator will not be removed until the fighta-bomma is shot down. Grizbo doesn’t get a parachute, but for some reason he seems to survive every crash, returning to the fight once Narwizza gets into another fighta-bomma. [He hides in the empty reserve shoot bag strapped to Narwizzas harness, hopefully he wont need the useless reserve shoot.]

New ORK Units

Special Characters:

Da Red Gobbo:1 Unique, Infantry, 85 points.WS 5 BS 3 St 4 T 4 W 3 I 4 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: It’s a grots life, go to ground, Die hard, Revolutionary leada, Inspiring, Independent character.Wargear: Kustom Slugger, Revolution scepter, frag and krak stikkbombs, knife.Transport: none.Options: May take a Grot Vetrun retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. May take one mob of Grot Vetrunz as a troop’s choice.

Gormonger and da Black Orks:1 Unique, Infantry, 200 + nobz mob in points.WS 8 BS 2 St 5 T 5 W 3 I 5 A 5 Ld 9 Sv 2+ eavy armor, 5+ inv.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, Hatred, stubborn, deepstrike, Independent character.Wargear: Kustom slugga, Choppa of GORK, Armor of MORK.Transport: None. Options: Must take a Nobz mob as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.

Lugnutz, Blood Axe General:1 Unique, Infantry, 175 points.WS 5 BS 3 St 6 T 5[6] W 4 I 4 A 5 Ld 9 Sv 2+ Mega armor, 5+ inv.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, Independent character, more machine than Ork, taktikal genius.Wargear: Iron Gnashas, targeta, twin-linked shoota, mega boosta, medi-squig, cybork body, bioniks, frag and krak stikkbombs. Transport: None. Options: May take a cybork mob as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. May take one mob of cyborks as a troops choice.

Mekboy:Mekboy, 15 points per model.WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorWargear; Meks tools, kustom mega blasta, frag and krak stikkbombs.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh. Transport: None. Options: Mek may replace his kustom mega blasta with any of the following.-Big shoota-free-Rokkit launcha or deffgun for + 5 points.

-Burna or kustom kombi weapon for + 10 points.Mek may take any of the following.-Cybork body for +5 points-Eavy armor for +4 points.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points.-Targeta for +5 points.-May take up to 3 grot oilers at +5 points per model.-Ammo runt at +3 points. -Soopa stikkbombs at +5 points.

Narwizza Rukkzag, Flyboy Boss:1 Unique, Infantry, 75 points +fighta-bomma.WS 5 BS 2 St 4 T 5 W 3 I 3 A 4 Ld 9 Sv 6+.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, Independent character, grot navigator.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, kommunikator, parachute. Transport: Fighta-bomma.

Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub, Bad Moons Warlord:1 Unique, Infantry, 186 points.WS 5 BS 4 St 5 T 5 W 3 I 4 A 4 Ld 9 Sv 2+ Mega armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, Independent character.Wargear: Bosspole, targeta, mega boosta, medi-squig, kustom blasta-X, frag and krak stikkbombs. Transport: None. Options: May take a Meganobz mob as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. May take one mob of Flashnobz or Meganobz as a troops choice.

Orkrates, Ork Savant:1 Unique, Infantry, 50 points. WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 2 I 2 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 6+ Special rules: “Oops sorry my son”, Lost in thought, and Mad mad intellect.Wargear: Chalice of reason. Transport: None. Options: None.

Painboy:Painboy, 30 points per model.WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, feel no pain.Wargear: Doks tools, urty syringe, slugga. Transport: None.Options: All models in the painboyz unit may take cybork bodies for +5 points per model. -May take up to 3 grot orderlies at +3 points per model.-Eavy armor for +4 points.-Bioniks or cybork body at +5 points each.

Zodgrod Wortsnagga, Snakebite runt master:

1 Unique, Infantry, 100 points. WS 5 BS 2 S 4 T 5 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Eavy armorSpecial: Independent character, Mob rules, furious charge, WAAAGH! Supa-RuntsWargear: Slugga, Twin-linked shoota, Grabba-prod, Bosspole, Frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: NoneOptions: Supa-Runts: May upgrade one mob of gretchin to supa grotz or one mob of snotlings to supa snotz for free. May take any number of snotling herds which do not take up a slot on the FOC. Zodgrod will not allow his supa-runts to be fired through a Shokk Attack Gun. Supa Grotz WS 3 BS 3 St 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 7Supa Snotz WS 3 BS 2 St 2 T 2 W 4 I 4 A 4 Ld 6


Warboss: [Replaces entry in codex Orks]Warboss, Infantry, 60 points. WS 5 BS 2 St 5 T 5 W 3 I 4 A 4 Ld 9 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Special rules: Independent character, furious charge, mob rules, WAAAGH!Wargear: Slugga or shoota, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: None.Options: May trade his slugga for any of the following: -Kustom slugga for +2 points.- Twin-linked shoota, kombi shoota/rokkit, or kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Burna for +20 points.-Power claw for +25 points. May exchange his choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +15 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May take any of the following:-May trade in his slugga and choppa or twin-linked shoota for a pair of tiger klaws for +30 points. -Big horns/Iron gob for +5 points.-Kickin grot, ammo runt, or grot banna wava for +3 points each.-Bioniks for +10 points. -Cybork body for +10 points.-Targeta for +10 points.-Bosspole for +5 points. -Attack squig for +15 points. -Eavy armor for +4 points.May take mega armor for +40 points. If in mega armor he may take a mega boosta for +10 points and/or a medi-squig for +15 points. May be mounted on a warbike if he does not take mega armor for +40 points.

Special rules: May take one Meganobz mob or a nobz mob as a troop’s choice.May take a nobz or Meganobz retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.

Bad Dok: Pain Boss, Infantry, 55 points.WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 4+ eavy armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, feel no pain.Wargear: Doks tools, urty syringe, choppa, slugga. Transport: None. Options: May replace Choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power Claw for +25 points.May replace slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Twin linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points.-Burna for +20 points.May take any of the following:-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Cybork body for +5 points.-Bioniks for +5 points.-Attack squig for +15 points.-Bosspole for +5 points.-Up to 3 grot orderlies for +3 points per model.-Grot banna wava for +3 points. May take a mob of squig brained Orks as a retinue. They do not take up a slot on the FOC. If you take a Bad Dok you may take any number of Mad Boyz mobs.

Big Mek: [This replaces the unit entry in codex Orks.]Big Mek, Infantry, 35 points per model.WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Independent character, furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh!Wargear: Slugga or shoota, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs, mek’s tools.Transport: May take a looted vehicle as a dedicated transport. Options: Replace choppa with one of the following.-Ripper for +15 points.-Burna at +20 points.-Power claw for +25 points.Replace slugga with one of the following:-Kustom slugga, Twin-linked shoota, kombi shoota/rokkit, or kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kustom mega blasta or kustom kombi weapon for +15 points.-Kustom Force field for +50 points.

-Force field projecta for +55 points.-Shokk attack gun for +60 points.May take any of the following.-Kickin grot, ammo runt, or grot banna wava for +3 points.-Bioniks for +10 points.-Bosspole for +5 points.-Soopa stikkbombs for +5 points.-Tankbusta bombs at +3 points.-Big horns / iron gob, or hair squigs for +5 points.-Targeta for +5 points.-Cybork body for +10 points.-Attack squig for +15 points.-Eavy armor for +4 points. -Up to 3 grot oilers at +3 points per model. The big mek may take mega armor for +40 points. If in mega armor he may take a mega boosta for +10 points and/or a medi-squig for +15 points. May be mounted on a warbike for +40 points. But not if he takes mega armor.

Special Rules: May take one Deff dread as a troop’s choice. May take a Tinboyz mob or mek boyz mob as a retinue that does not take up a slot on the FOC.

Drill Boss: Drill Boss, Jump Infantry, 45 points.Drill Boss WS 5 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld 9 Sv 4+ eavy armor.Special rules: Independent character, furious charge, mob rules, Deep strike.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs, big horns/iron gob, rokkit pack. Transport: None.Options: May replace choppa with one of the following:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace slugga with one of the following:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Burna for +15 points. -Power claw for +25 points.May take any of the following:-Cybork body for +5 points.-Bosspole for +5 points.-Kickin grot for +3 points.-Bioniks for +5 points. -Tankbusta bombs for +3 points.

May take a Korpz Kommand or a Stormboyz mob as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. One mob of Stormboyz may be taken as a troop’s choice.

Freeboota Kaptin:

Warboss, Infantry, 75 points. WS 5 BS 2[3] St 5 T 5 W 3 I 4 A 4 Ld 9 Sv 4+ eavy armor. Special rules: Independent character, furious charge, mob rules, WAAAGH!Wargear: Snazzgun, kutlass, frag and krak stikkbombs, targeta.Transport: None. Options: May take kustom jobs for his snazzgun at +5 points each. May exchange his kutlass for:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +15 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May take any of the following:-Big hat / eye patch for +5 points.-Kickin grot, ammo runt, or grot banna wava for +3 points each.-Bioniks for +10 points. -Cybork body for +10 points.-Bosspole for +5 points. -Squig parrot for +15 points. May take mega armor for +40 points. If in mega armor he may take a mega boosta for +10 points and/or a medi-squig for +15 points.

Special rules: May take one Meganobz mob or a Flashnobz mob as a troop’s choice.May take a Flashnobz or Meganobz retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.

Painboss: Pain Boss, Infantry, 55 points.WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 4+ eavy armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, feel no pain.Wargear: Doks tools, urty syringe, choppa, slugga. Transport: None. Options: May replace Choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power Claw for +25 points.May replace slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Twin linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points.-Burna for +20 points.May take any of the following:-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Cybork body for +5 points.-Bioniks for +5 points.-Attack squig for +15 points.-Bosspole for +5 points.-Up to 3 grot orderlies for +3 points per model. -Grot banna wava for +3 points.

-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points.May take a mob of cyborks as a retinue. They do not take up a slot on the FOC. May take one unit of Cyborks as a troops choice.

Pig Boss: Pig Boss, Infantry, 55 points.WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+ Primitive armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, feel no pain.Wargear: Meks tools, Doks tools, urty syringe, choppa, slugga or shoota. Transport: May take a squiggoth as a dedicated transport. Options: May replace Choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power Claw for +25 points.May replace Shoota/slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points. -Twin linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points.-Burna for +20 points.May take a Boar for +10 points, a Cyboar for +20 points, or a Supa-Cyboar for +30 points.May take any of the following:-Bangstikk for +10 points.-Attack Squig for +15 points-Ammo Runt for +3 points.-Grot banna wava for +3 points.-Kickin grot for +3 points.-1-3 Grot Styboyz for +3 points each.-Cybork Body for +10 points.-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Bosspole for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points. May take a mob of nobz as a retinue they do not take up a slot on the FOC. If the Pig Boss is mounted then they must take mounts as well. Nobz may take a Cyboar for +20 points per model and cybork bodies for +5 points per model. Da beast boss: May take one unit of boars, cyboars, or a squiggoth as a troops choice.

Weirdboy: See unit entry in codex Orks.Ork Minderz WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ flakk armor. May take 2-4 Minderz at +6 points per model. They are armed with sluggas and choppas. Wargear: Weirdboy copper staff. Options: May take up to 4 minderz as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.

Warphead: See unit entry in codex Orks.

Ork Minderz WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ flakk armor. May take 2-4 Minderz at +6 points per model. They are armed with sluggas and choppas. Wargear: Weirdboy copper staff. Special rules: May take a mob of madboyz or up to 4 minderz as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.


Cybork Mob:Cyborks, Infantry, 5-20 cyborks, 11 points per model.Cybork WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ invulnerable.Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ invulnerable.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, Frag and krak stikkbombs, cybork body. Transport: May take a Truk as a dedicated transport. Options: Entire mob may take:-Upgraded to ardborks and take eavy armor for +4 points per model.-Bioniks for +5 points per model.For every 10 Orks in the mob one may exchange his shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Kustom mega blasta or Burna for +15 points. Character: One Ork can be upgraded to a nob for +10 points. Nob may exchange his choppa for any one of the following:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.Nob may replace his shoota or slugga with one of the following:-Kustom slugga for +2 points. -Twin-linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.May take any of the following: -Boss pole for +5 points.-Big horns / Iron gob for +5 points.May be accompanied by a painboy for +30 points. [See Painboy entry for details.]

Kommandos: See unit entry in codex Orks. Options: May take smoke stikkbombs for +2 points per model.

Korpz Kommand Squad: 0-1Drill nobz mob, 3-10 nobz, Jump Infantry, 25 points per model.Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.

Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, deepstrike.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs, rokkit pack.Transport: None. Options: The entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.One nob may exchange his slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna for +15 points. .Any nobz may replace their choppas with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.Any nobz may replace their sluggas with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Twin-linked shoota, kombi shoota/rokkit, or kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points. They may take any of the following:-Bioniks, Bosspole, Big horns / iron gob, or cybork body for + 5 points.

Kroot Mercenaries: 0-1, See codex Tau. Kroot Warriors, Infantry, 10-20 Kroot, 8 points per model.Warrior WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 6+Hound WS 4 BS 0 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 6+Shaper WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+Special: Eaters of the dead, Field craft, Infiltrate.Wargear: Kroot rifle. Transport: None. Options: Entire mob may take:-Frag stikkbombs for +1 point per model. -Krak stikkbombs for +2 points per model.-Hyperactive Nymune organ for +2 points per model. [Fleet of foot]Mob may take Kroot hounds at +6 points per model. Hounds must number at least half the size of the Kroot warriors up to a maximum of two hounds per warrior. If you take hounds you must take the hyperactive nymune for the warriors and shaper. Entire mob will then gain the USR fleet of foot.Character: One Kroot warrior must be upgraded to a Shaper for +20 points. The Shaper may take any of the following upgrades.-Choppa or slugga for +1 point.-Shoota for +2 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points-Sniffer squig for +3 points. -Veneration charm for +15 points. [Master craft one weapon]-Surefoot charm for +10 points. [Move through cover]-Blood of the stalker for +20 points. [Infiltrates 1d6” closer]

Flashnobz: Flashnobz mob, 3-10 nobs, Infantry, 25 points per model.

Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Eavy armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh!Wargear: Snazzgun, frag and krak stikkbombs, Gitfinda. Transport: May take a truk or battlewagon as a dedicated transport. Options: Entire mob may take-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Targetas at +5 points per model.-Up to 3 ammo runts for +3 points each. The entire mob may take kustom jobs for their snazzguns for:-More Dakka for +5 points per model.-Shootier for +5 points per model.-Blastas for +5 points per model. One nob in the mob may take a heavy weapon to replace his snazzgun. If he takes a heavy weapon he may not take a power claw.-Big shoota for free. -Rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +10 points. Nobs may take any of the following:-Power claw for +25 points.-Big horns / iron gob for +5 points.-Bosspole for +5 points.-Da Jolly Ork or Da WAAAGH banna for +20 points. [Only one may be taken for the entire army.]-Ork banna for +10 points if the mob does not already have the jolly Ork or da Waaagh banna. Character: Mob may be accompanied by a painboy for +30 points. [See painboy entry above for details.]

Grot Snipers: 0-1Grot snipers, Infantry, 5-15 Gretchin, 10 points per model. Grot Sniper WS 2 BS 3[4] S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Sniper Boss WS 2 BS 3[4] S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Special: It’s a grots life; Go to ground, infiltrate, and stealth.Wargear: Grot sniper rifle, frag and krak stikkbombs, knife, targeta, squiggly suit.Transport: None.Options: Entire mob may take tankbusta bombs at +3 points per model. Character: Grot BossOne grot in the mob may be upgraded to a grot sniper boss for +5 points.He may trade in his knife for:-Uge knife for +5 points.-Ripper at +10 points. He may trade in his Grot sniper rifle for a slugga for free.He may take any of the following;-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +5 points.-Squig hound for +5 points.-Gitfinda for +5 points.

Character: May be accompanied by a runtherd for +10 points. Runtherd is armed with a slugga, grabba stick, and a squig hound. Runtherd may replace his grabba stick with a grot prod for +5 points. The runtherd can have any of the following:-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points. -Hair squigs for +5 points

Meganobz: See unit entry in codex Orks. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 2+, 5+ inv, mega-armor.Wargear: Power claw, twin-linked shoota, cybork body, frag stikkbombs. Transport: May take a truk or battlewagon as a dedicated transport. Options: Mega nobs may take any of the following:-Bosspole for +5 points.-Big horns/Iron gob for +5 points.-Da WAAAGH! Banna for +20 points. [Only one allowed per army.] -Ork banna for +10 points, can only take if mob does not have the Da Waaagh banna. -Grot banna wava for +3 points. -Kickin grot for +3 points.-Replace power claw with a kutta for +5 points.-Replace both power claw and twin-linked shoota with a pair of tiger klaws for +5 points. One nob may replace his twin-linked shoota with one of the following:-Scorcha for +5 points. -Big shoota for +10 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points. The entire mob may take up to 3 ammo runts for +3 points per model.The entire mob may take mega-boostas for +5 points per model.The entire mob may take medi-squigs for +3 points per model.The entire mob may take targetas for +5 points per model.

Mekboyz mob:Mekboyz, Infantry, 5-15 boyz, 15 points per model. Mekboy WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh!Wargear: Meks tools, kustom mega blasta, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a truk as a dedicated transport. Options: Mek may replace his kustom mega blasta with one of the following.-Snazzgun-free. May take any kustom job for +5 points each.-Big shoota-free-Rokkit launcha or deffgun at + 5 points.-Burna or kustom kombi weapon at + 10 points.One mek may exchange his kustom mega blasta for one of the following:-Kustom Force Field for +50 points.-Force field projecta for +55 points. -Shokk attack gun for +60 points.Entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs at +3 points per model.

-Eavy armor at +4 points per model.-Targetas at +5 points per model. Meks may take any of the following:-Grot oiler at +3 points.-Ammo runt at +3 points. -Soopa stikkbombs at +5 points.

Ogryn Mercenaries: 0-1, See codex Imperial Guard.Transport: May take a truk or a looted wagon as a dedicated transport.

Tank Bustas: See unit entry in codex Orks.Special rules: Tank hunters.

Trappas:Ork Trappas, Infantry, 5-20 boyz, 10 points per model.Ork WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Sv 6+ Primitive armorNob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+ Primitive armor. Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, Infiltrate, move through cover.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a junka truk as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Smoke stikkbombs for +2 points per model.-Flash furs for +2 points per model.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points.Up to two Orks may exchange their shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna for +15 points. Character: One trappa may be upgraded to a nob for +10 points. Nob may trade his choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points. -Ripper for +10 points. -Power claw for + 25 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole +5 points.-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Sniffer squig for +3 points. -Eavy armor for +4 points. -Flakk armor for +2 points.


Huntas:Huntas, Infantry, 5-30 boyz, 6 points per model. Ork WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Primitive armor.

Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+ Primitive armor. Special: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Shoota, furs and skins, knife. Transport: May take a junka truk as a dedicated transport. Options: Entire mob may take lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points per model.For every 15 Orks in the mob one boy may trade his choppa for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna for +15 points.Character: May upgrade one boy to a nob for +10 points.Nob is armed with a slugga and a choppa.He may exchange his choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole +5 points.-Hair squigs for +5 points. -Grot Banna Wava for +3 points. -Eavy armor for +4 points. -Flakk armor for +2 points.

Madboyz: 0-1Madboyz mob, Infantry, 5-30 boyz, 5 points per model.WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, fearless, Waaagh, loons.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, Frag stikkbombs. Transport: None. Options: None.-Loons: Madboyz are fearless and ignore all morale and pinning tests. Other Orks keep their distance and will never join or mob up with them. At the start of each Ork turn the madboyz must take a leadership test, if they pass the test they may act as normal, if the test is failed they are mad this turn and must roll on the Madboyz disturbed behaviour table to see what they do. Madboyz must re-test at the start of every turn and must roll again for which madness if they fail the test.The only Orks crazy enough to join a madboyz mob are weirdboyz and warpheadz. If they do then the madboyz may use their leadership when testing for madness.

Madboyz disturbed behaviour table; 1d61. Confuzed: One of the clouds is the spitting image of Gork or possibly Mork. The

mob is unsure which one and get confused. They count as pinned this turn.2. Panik: The confused gibbering of one of the mob spreads through the unit until

they are convinced of their impending doom. The madboyz fall back, automatically regrouping at the end of the move.

3. Manik: The mob hates all of the skumgrods they just can’t pick one. All enemy units count as being preferred enemy USR.

4. Frantik: They are looking at us funny. The mob goes into a frenzy and counts as

having fleet of foot USR this turn. 5. Crazed: The madboyz are really crazed this time they think they are Soopa Orks.

Gain feels no pain USR this turn. 6. WAAAGH! : Filled with delusions of grandeur and overcome with visions of

heroism. They decide to show the other Orks whose proppa. They get Fleet of foot, feel no pain, and preferred enemy USR against all enemies this turn.

Snotling Herd : Snotling herd, 5-20 Snotling bases, Infantry, 8 points per model.Snotlings WS 2 BS 1 S 2 T 2 W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld 4 Sv – Runtherd WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Primitive armor. Special rules: Swarms, fearless, snotling ammunition. Runtherd: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Sticks, Rusty knives, and rocks. Transport: None. Options: None.Character: May be accompanied by a runtherd for every 5 snotling bases for +10 points per model. Runtherd is armed with a Slugga, grabba stick, and a squig hound.Runtherd may replace his grabba stick with a grot prod for +5 points. The runtherd can have any of the following:-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points. -Hair squigs for +5 points

Squig Brained Ork Mob: Squig Brained Orks, Infantry, 5-30 boyz, 8 points per model.WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, fearless, feel no pain.Wargear: Slugga, choppa. Transport: None. Options: The entire mob may take cybork bodies at +5 points per model.

Wildboyz:Wildboyz, Infantry, 5-30 boyz, +5 points per model. Orc WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Primitive armor.Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+ Primitive armor. Special: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Choppa, furs and skins, knife. Transport: None. Options: Entire mob may take lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points per model.Character: May upgrade one boy to a nob for +10 points.Nob is armed with a slugga and a choppa.He may exchange his choppa for;-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole +5 points.-Hair squigs for +5 points. -Grot Banna Wava for +3 points. -Eavy armor for +4 points.

-Flakk armor for +2 points.

Rebel Grot Mob: Rebel Grots, 10-30 Gretchin, Infantry, 5 points per modelRebel Grot WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Boss Grot WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Special: It’s a grots life, Go to groundWargear: Grot shoota or grot pistol, frag stikkbombs, knifeTransport: If the mob numbers 12 or fewer models they may take a grotwagon as a dedicated transport. Options: Entire mob may take krak stikkbombs at +1 point per model. For every 10 grots in the mob two grots may form a grot weapons team. They may exchange their grot pistols or shootas, for one of the following;-BIG shoota at +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for + 10 points.-Grot zooka for + 15 points.-Burna for +20 points. One grot in the mob may carry a Grot Banna for +5 points. Mob may take up to 3 bomb squigs at +5 points per model.Character: Rebel Grot BossOne grot in the mob may be upgraded to a rebel grot boss for +5 points.He may trade in his knife for:-Uge knife for +5 points.-Ripper at +10 points. He may trade in his Grot shoota or pistol for:-Slugga for +1 point.He may take any of the following;-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +5 points.-Squig hound for +5 points.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points.


Grotwagon:Grotwagon: Fast vehicle, open topped. Armor value: 10 / 10 / 10 BS3, 35 points.Wargear: Big shoota, grot riggas, grot gunners. Special Rules: Ramshackle, pile o junk Transport: Up to12 models.Options: May replace the big shoota with a rokkit launcha for +5 points or a grotzooka for +10 points.May take any of the following vehicle upgrades:-Red paint job for +5 points.-Stikkbomb chucka for +5 points.-Armor plates for +5 points.-Boarding plank for +5 points.-Wrekin ball for +10 points.

-Reinforced ram for +5 points.-Squig fuel injectors for +10 points.-Uge exhausts for +5 points.-Search light for +1 point.

Junka trukk: Junka trukk: Fast vehicle, open topped. Armor value: 10 / 10 / 10 BS3, 35 points.Wargear: Big shoota, grot gunners. Transport: Up to12 models. Special Rules: Ramshackle, pile o junk.Options: May replace the big shoota with a rokkit launcha for +5 points. May take any of the following vehicle upgrades:-Red paint job for +5 points.-Grot Riggers for +5 points.-Stikkbomb chucka for +5 points.-Armor plates for +5 points.-Boarding plank for +5 points.-Wrekin ball for +10 points. -Reinforced ram for +5 points.-Squig fuel injectors for +10 points.-Uge exhausts for +5 points.-Search light for +1 point

Fast Attack:

Boarboyz:Boarboyz, 5-20 boarboyz, Calvary, 15 points per model. Boy WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+ Special rules: Furious charge, fleet.Wargear: Slugga and choppa or shoota, Frag and krak stikkbombs, bangstikk.Transport: None.Options: Entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Lucky face paint tattoos for +2 points per model.Character: One boarboy may be converted to a nob for +10 points.Nob may trade in his choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.Nob may take any of the following.-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Bosspole for +5 points.

Cyboars:Cyboars, 5-20 cyboars, Calvary, 25 points per model.

Boy WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Special rules: Furious charge, fleet. Wargear: Slugga and choppa or shoota, frag and krak stikkbombs, bangstikk.Transport: None. Options: Entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points per model.Character: One cyboar may be upgraded to a nob for +10 points.Nob may trade in his choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May take any of the following:-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Bosspole for +5 points

Squig herd:Squig Herd, 5-20 squigs, 1-4 Gretchin, Beasts, 8 points per model.Squig WS 4 BS 0 S 5 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 3 Sv 6+Herder WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 6+ Primitive armor.Runtherd WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Primitive armor. Special: Fearless, fleet. Runtherd: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh. Wargear: Herders: Grot blasta, knife, grot prod. Runtherd: Grabba stick, slugga, squighound.Transport: None.Options: For every 5 squigs you must add a grot herder for +3 points. Character: May be accompanied by a runtherd for +10 points. Runtherd is armed with a slugga, grabba stick, and a squighound.Runtherd may replace his grabba stick with a grot prod for +5 points. The runtherd can have any of the following:-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points. -Hair squigs for +5 points

Squig riders:Squig riders, 5-20 Squig Riders, Calvary, 15 points per model.Grot rider WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armorGrot boss WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: Fearless, fleet Wargear: Grot pistol, Knife, Frag stikkbombs, Bangstikk.Options: Entire mob may take krak stikkbombs for +1 point per model. Character: One grot may be upgraded to a grot boss for +5 points.The grot boss may exchange his grot pistol for a slugga for +1 point.He may exchange his knife for a ripper for +10 points. May take any of the following:-Hair squig for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points.

Character: May be accompanied by a runtherd for +10 points. Runtherd is armed with a slugga, grabba stick, and a squighound.Runtherd may replace his grabba stick with a grot prod for +5 points. The runtherd can have any of the following:-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points. -Hair squigs for +5 points

Stormboyz mob: [This Stormboyz mob replaces the one in codex Orks]Stormboyz mob, 5-20 boyz, Jump Infantry, 12 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, deepstrike.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs, rokkit pack.Transport: None. Options: The entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.For every 10 Orks in the mob one boy may exchange his slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota or uge choppa for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha or ripper for +10 points.-Burna or tankhamma for +15 points. Character: One boy may be upgraded to a nob for +10 points. Nob may replace his choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Burna for +15 points. -Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga and choppa with:-Pair of tiger klawz for +30 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole, bioniks, big horns / iron gob, or cybork body for +5 points.-Kickin grot for +3 points. Boss Zagstruk:Instead of a nob, one mob may be led by:Boss Zagstruk for +85 points.

Stormboyz of Khorne: Stormboyz mob, 5-20 boyz, Jump Infantry, 12 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, deepstrike, untrustworthy gits.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs, rokkit pack.Transport: None. Options: The entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.For every 10 Orks in the mob one boy may exchange his slugga for one of the following:

-Big shoota or uge choppa for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha or ripper for +10 points.-Burna or tankhamma for +15 points. Character: One boy may be upgraded to an Aspiring champion of Khorne for +10 points. Champion may replace his choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Burna for +15 points. -Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga and choppa with:-Pair of tiger klawz for +30 points.The Champion may take any of the following:-Icon of Khorne, bioniks, big horns / iron gob, or cybork body for +5 points.-Kickin grot for +3 points.

Warbuggies/wartraks: See unit entry in codex Orks.Options: May take a grot bomb launcha for +5 points.

Heavy Support:

Looted Vehicles: See looted vehicle rules.

Battlewagon: See unit entry in codex Orks.Ork Battlewagons chosen as Heavy Support (see page 102 of the Ork Codex) can also be armed with Supa-Kannon for +80 points each. However such is the size of these weapons that a Battlewagon armed with a Supa-Kannon cannot also have another Big Gun or Killkannon and looses its transport capacity entirely.

Big gunz battery:Big gunz, 1-3 big gunz + 2 Gretchin crew per gun, Artillery, 20 points per big gun.Gretchin WS 2 BS 3 S 2 T 2 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 5 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Runtherd WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Mekboy WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Special: Furious charge, mob rules, waaagh. Gretchin have it’s a grots life. Wargear: Gretchin none, Runtherd has grabba stikk, slugga, and squighound. Transport: May take one truk per big gun as a tow vehicle. Options: The big gunz must all be of the same type chosen from the following list.-Kannons for free.-Lobbas for +5 points per gun.-Zzap guns for +10 points per gun. -Squig katapults for +10 points per gun.

-Grot bomb launchas for +10 points per gun.-Traktor kannon for +15 points per gun.-Hop splat guns for +15 points per gun. -Smasha guns for +15 points per gun.-Pulsa rokkits for +20 points per gun.-Big lobbas for +25 points per gun.-Flakk kannons for +40 points per gun. -Kill kannons for +50 points per gun.-Big zzappas for +55 points per gun. -Supa-kannons for +70 points per gun. Each gun may take up to 2 additional grot crew at +3 points per model.Battery may take up to 3 ammo runts at +3 points per model. Character: Battery may take a runtherd for +10 points. -Runtherd may replace his grabba stick with a grot prod for +5 points.-Runtherd may take hair squigs at +5 points. -Runtherd may take lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points. Battery may take a mekboy for +15 points. [See mekboy listing for options]

Guntrukk: Guntrukk, Vehicle, open top, 35 points.Armor values: 10 / 10 / 10, BS 3 Transport: None. Squadron: 1-3. May take up to 3 Guntrukks for one slot on the FOC. Wargear: Big shoota, grot gunners. Special: Ramshackle. Options: May upgrade the big shoota to a rokkit launcha for +5 points. Must take a big gun from the following list: -Kannon for +15 points. -Lobba for +20 points.-Zzap gun for +25 points. May take any of the following upgrades for the listed points cost:-Ard case for +15 points.-Armor plates or squig fuel injector for +10 points each upgrade.-Grot riggas, red paint job, reinforced ram, uge exhausts, or turbo boosta for +5 points each upgrade.-Search light for +1 point.

Gunwagon: [See unit entry in IA II]Gunwagon, Tank, Open top, 90 points.Armor values: 12 / 11 / 10, BS 2, Transport: 12 models.Wargear: Twin-linked big shoota. Options: May replace its twin linked big shoota with:-Twin-linked rokkits for +5 points.-Kannon, zzap gun, or lobba for +10 points.May take the following upgrades:-Ard case for +15 points. -Armor plates, squig fuel injector, or wreckin ball for +10 points each upgrade.-Grabbin klaw, boardin plank, grot riggas, red paint job, reinforced ram, spikes n blades, stikkbomb chucka, uge exhausts, grot gunners, or turbo boosta for +5 points each upgrade.

-Search light for +1 point.

Fighta-Bomma: Fighta-Bomma, Flyer, 210 points.Armor values: 10 / 10 / 10. BS 2. Transport: None.Wargear: 4 x big shootas with anti-aircraft mounts, twin-linked big shoota, one payload of bombs, and either 2 x supa-rokkits or 2 x burna bombs.

Fighta: Fighta, Flyer, 135 points.Armor values: 10 / 10 / 10. BS 2. Transport: None.Wargear: 4 x big shootas with anti-aircraft mounts and either 2 x supa-rokkits or 1 payload of bombs.

Tinboyz: Tinboyz, Infantry, 3-10 tinboyz, 45 points per model.WS 3 BS 2 S 5 T 5 W 3 I 2 A 2 Ld 5 Sv 3+Special: Fearless, slow and purposeful. Wargear: Uge choppa, big shoota. Transport: None. Options: Any number in the mob may replace their big shoota with one of the following:-Rokkit launcha or scorcha for +5 points.-Deff gun or kustom mega blasta for +10 points.Any number in the mob may replace their Uge choppa with a power claw for +15 points.

Squiggoth:Squiggoth, monstrous creature, 60 / 70 / 80 points per model.Standard size WS 2 BS 3 St 6 T 5 W 3 I 1 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 6+BIG size WS 2 BS 3 St 7 T 6 W 4 I 1 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 5+Massive size WS 2 BS 3 St 7 T 7 W 5 I 1 A 4 Ld 7 Sv 4+Special: Fearless. Wargear: Twin linked big shoota and grot gunners. Crew: 3 Orks and 3 grots.Transport: Big sized can transport up to 12 models, Massive sized can transport 20.Options: May exchange the twin linked big shoota for:-Twin linked rokkit launcha for + 10 points. -Lobba for +10 points. -Kannon for +20 points.-Zzap gun for +30 points.

Big Trakk:Orks love their trukks, but when it comes to fighting in the rough terrain of a shattered hive city or the sinkholes of an ash waste, most trukks just won’t cut it long without getting bogged down or shaking themselves to bits, and something heavier is needed to get the boyz around. For some meks without the parts and watzits to build lots of fully-fledged Battlewagons, the answer is to build Big Trakks. These are basically up-armored trukk chassis or battlefield scavenged rigs fitted out with bigger, (and importantly) louder engines and heavy gauge tank treads able to cope with the roughest terrain. What they lack in speed over Trukks, Big Trakks make up for in raw power,

not to mention the fact they make excellent gun carriers as well; able to mount the larger Big Gunz such as the Big-Zappa or the Killkannon. Some meks even go as far as to mount huge bore ‘Supa-Kannon’ on Big Trakks, much to the Orks’ amusement as the Big Trakk rears up like an enraged tusker from the recoil every time it’s fired.

Big Trakk, 50 points. BS 2, Armor value: 12 / 11 / 10 Unit: 1 Big Trakk Type: Vehicle (Tank, Open Topped) Transport: The Big Trakk has a transport capacity of 12 Orks and may only carry infantry (mega-armored models count as two models each.) Fire/Access Points: If given an ‘Ard case the Big Trakk has two fire points on each side and a rear access door. Weapons: One twin-linked Big Shoota Options: The Big Trakk may have the following upgrades;

• The Big Trakk may upgrade its twin-linked Big Shootas to twin-linked Rokkit Launchas for +10 points or twin-linked Scorchas for +15 points

• Up to two additional Big Shootas for +5 points each • A Boarding Plank for +5 points • An ‘Ard Case for +10 points • Stikkbomb Chukkas for +5 points • Amour Plates for +5 points • Red Paint Job for +5 points • Grot Riggers for +5 Points • The Big Trakk may also have one of the following; Reinforced Ram, Deff Rolla, Wrekin’

Ball or Grabbin’ Klaw for +10 points

Big Gunz: The Big Trakk may also be adapted to carry a single Big Gun from the following list, but if it does so its transport capacity is reduced to 6 models.

• Kannon +10 points • Lobba +10 points • Zzap Gun +15 points • Supa-Scorcha +20 points • Big Lobba for +35 points • Flakk Gun for +50 points • Killkannon +60 points • Big-Zappa +65 points

Alternately the Big Trakk may be fitted with a Supa-Kannon for +80 points, but if it does so it looses its transport capacity entirely!

Special Rules Rumbler: The Big Trakk’s heavy treads enable it to rumble over most adverse terrain with ease, —all the better for the boyz on board to get to grips with any sneaks trying to hide from a good kicking! The Big Trakk may re-roll difficult and dangerous terrain tests as long as it is moving at Combat Speed. A squadron of 1-3 Big Trakks may be chosen as a single Heavy Support Choice for an Ork Army.

Mega Dread:Points: 175

The Mega-Dread is a hulking, armor-plated monster of a walker, much larger and considerably more powerful than the more commonly encountered Killa Kans and Deff Dreads in the Orkish arsenal. Mega-Dreads are usually fitted with a combination of weapons, including some such as the Killkannon which are simply too powerful for their smaller counterparts to carry, and Rippa-claws; gigantic shear-bladed pincers able to rip open heavily armored tanks like ripe fruit. Some mekboyz specialize in building these eccentric creations which make for deadly fighters and devastating siege-breakers, with no two they create exactly alike. They fit enormous hydraulic power in a relatively compact frame which makes them extremely flexible on the battlefield, as opposed to the much larger but less mobile Stompa, (which while mounting a plethora of guns is more akin to a walking fortress than a dreadnought in battle.) Mega-Dreads are highly prized by Ork Warbosses, may of which are willing to hand over a fortune in Teef to acquire them, few Big Meks have the skill to create them and the competition to pilot them is fierce. Orks that do so often go quite insane with the joy of the sheer damage their machines can inflict.

WS BS S F S R I A Mega-Dead 4 2 8(10) 13 13 11 2 3 Composition: 1 Ork Mega-Dread Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker) Weapons and Equipment —Killkannon —Rippa Klaw —Two Big Shootas —Armor Plates Weapon Range STR AP Special Killkannon 24” 7 3 Ordnance 1, 5” Blast Big Shoota 36” 5 5 Assault 3 Scorcha Template 5 4 Assault 1 Rokkit Launcha 24” 8 3 Assault 1 Options

• The Mega-Dread may replace its Killkannon for an additional Rippa Klaw (granting it +1 Attack) for free.

• The Mega-Dread may replace its Rippa Klaw upgrading its Killkannon to become twin linked (loosing -1 Attack) for +35 points.

• The Mega-Dread may replace one or both of its Big Shootas for Scorchas for free, Rocket Launchers for +5 points each, or Mega-Blastas for +10 points.

• The Mega-Dread may have Grot Riggas for +5 points • The Mega-Dread may have a Mega-Charga for +15 points

Special Rules Ramshackle Monster: The Mega-Dread is a smoke-belching monstrosity; heavy plated with ablative armor and is a difficult machine to stop once it’s got going! It has a 5+ Invulnerable save against attacks. Rippa-Klaw: The Rippa Klaw is counted as a dreadnought close combat weapon, and adds +1 to the result rolled on the vehicle damage chart. Additionally in Cities of Death games a model equipped with a Rippa-Klaw always counts as having a Wrecker Stratagem.

Mega-Charga: This upgrade may be used once per game. At the start of the movement phase, roll a D6, on the roll of a ‘1’ the Mega-Dread is immobilized (note the Ramshackle Monster rules do no apply to this damage), on any other result, the Mega-Dread gains the Fleet universal special rule for this turn.

Weirdboy Tower: Weirdboy tower, Tank, 150 points.Armor values: 14 / 12 / 10, BS 2, Transport: None.Wargear: Weirdboy tower, ard case. Options: May take a single big gun:-Kannon for +10 points.-Lobba for +15 points.-Zzap gun for +15 points.May take any of the following upgrades:-Armor plates or squig fuel injector for +10 points each upgrade.-Grot riggas, red paint job, reinforced ram, spikes n blades, uge exhausts, grot gunners, or turbo boosta for +5 points each upgrade.-Search light for +1May take up to four of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points each.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points each.The Weirdboy tower is a specially built battlewagon made to imprison and transport a weirdboy directly to the front lines. The Weirdboy tower itself is outfitted with copper plates and conduits fabricated specifically to channel the powers of waaagh energy, enabling the Weirdboy to more efficiently pulverize the skumgrodz. The weirdboy is already included in the points cost of the weirdboy tower, should the tower be destroyed the Weirdboy may disembark as would a normal transported model and his normal save applies to disembarking from the wreckage. The Weirdboy need not take a psychic test to use his powers the tower is the perfect conduit for warp energy. He must instead roll on the chart below to see what psychic power he gets to use that turn. Roll 1d6 and consult the Weirdboy tower chart for what happens every turn. WEIRDBOY TOWER PSYCHIC CHART

1. Fizzle: The energies raging through the Weirdboy tower go out of control causing a warp energy backlash. The vehicle takes 1d6 glancing hits and may not move or shoot this turn. You may ignore the first Fizzle result on this table due to the copper armor plates dissipating the waaagh energy. Treat it as no psychic power available this turn instead.

2. Power Vomit: The Weirdboy hurls a ball of fluorescent green psycho-plasma from his churning innards. Burning the enemy in a bath of green flames. Choose an enemy unit within line of sight. If it is in range it is hit automatically by the flamer template. The Power vomit has the following profile: Range: 18” Strength: 5 AP: 4 Special: assault 1, Template.

3. Frazzle: The Weirdboy sends out arcs of energy that ground themselves upon the enemy, reducing them to shriveled husks before the eyes of their terrified comrades. Choose an enemy unit within line of sight. If in range, that unit is automatically hit. Frazzle has the following profile: Range: 24” Strength: 6 AP: 3 Special: blast, pinning.

4. Zzap: The eyes of the Weirdboy glow a blazing green, discharging an incandescent beam that strikes with the force of a thunderbolt. Choose an enemy unit within line of sight. If in range, that unit is hit automatically. Zzap has the following profile: Range: 36” Strength: 10 AP: 2 Special: Melta.

5. Foot of GORK: The mighty foot of Gork materializes and stomps down on the enemy. Choose one enemy unit within line of sight. If in range the unit is hit automatically. Foot of Gork has a range of 48”, Infantry units stomped take 2d6 wounds and vehicles stomped take 1d6 glancing hits instead.

6. WAAAGH! The Weirdboy floods the area with the power of the Waaagh suffusing his comrades with primal power. A WAAAGH! is automatically called this turn, as detailed in the Ork codex. This does not use up the normal Waaagh! available to the Ork player. Such is the power of the Weirdboyz energy discharge that this may even allow the Orks to use a Waaagh! on the first turn of the game. Note that multiple Waaaghs have no cumulative effect.

Clan Roolz: Bad MoonzThe symbol of the Bad Moons clan is a grimacing, yellow moon-face wrapped in black flames. Bad Moons are the richest of all the Ork clans. Orks use their teeth for currency. As the Bad Moons teeth grow faster than everybody else’s they are very wealthy. This fact is not regarded as an unfair advantage, as any Ork who is tough enough can always bash a Bad Moon on the head and steal his teeth. The Bad Moons are what passes for a merchant class in Ork kulture. They continually buy, sell, swap, and con to get even more teeth. Bad Moons like to display their wealth with expensive and highly decorated Wargear. They usually have the best Wargear and wear the most gaudy clothes, which usually have yellow and black patterns derived from the clan symbol. They also love to spend their teeth on food, which means that many Bad Moons are a bit stout around the belt.BAD MOONS Special rules:The richest, shootiest, and ded ardest of da lot. Colours: Yellow and Black. Clan glyph: Grinning half moon.

-Betta Ridez: May take a battlewagon as a dedicated transport instead of a truk in units that may take them.-Richest of da lot: You may take a mekboy for +10 points or a painboy for +20 points instead of a nob in mobs that may take them as character upgrades. -Mega Boosta: Mega armoured models ignore the Slow and Purposeful USR for cost indicated in the unit entry. Though they still count as relentless. -Ded Ard: Units that may take eavy armor for the entire mob must take it. They get the armor at a reduced cost of +2 points per model. Bad Moonz can’t resist spending their teef on a snazzy suit of armor if given the chance. -Too many teef: Bad Moonz armies are so wealthy that they may take one extra heavy support choice on the FOC. -Shooty: All character models [IC and squad upgrades] may take kombi weapons, kustom mega blasta, or a snazzgun in place of their ranged weaponry. They may take a Twin-linked shoota, shoota/scorcha, shoota/rokkit launcha, or a snazzgun for +5 points. They may also take kustom jobs for the snazzgun at +5 points for each upgrade. They may take a kustom mega blasta at +15 points. -Teleporta: Units of Meganobz and Teleporta boyz may deepstrike. Teleporta technology is very expensive and woefully inaccurate but it gets the ladz stuck in fasta. -Mo Dakka: Targetas are available to all units at +5 points per model. Bad moons are just that shooty and full of dakka. -Mo teef den sense: Bad Moon vehicles may all use the expanded vehicle upgrades list.



May take a Weirdboy or Warphead with no limits. Big Meks, Painboss, and Warboss are 0-1. Nazdreg may also be taken as an HQ choice.

Warboss: 0-1, 100 points.Wargear: Mega armor, twin-linked shoota, frag and krak stikkbombs.Options: May upgrade his Twin-linked shoota for:-Kombi shoota/scorcha, shoota/rokkit, or shoota for free. -Snazzgun for +5 points. [Kustom jobs are +5 points each.]-Kustom mega blasta for +10 points.-Kustom kombi weapon for +10 points.May take any of the following: -Big horns/Iron gob for +5 points.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points.-Kickin grot for +3 points.-Grot banna wava for +3 points.-Mega-boosta for +10 points. -Targeta for +5 points. -Medi-squig for +15 points. -Bioniks for +10 points. Special rules: May take one Meganobz mob or a Flashnobz mob as a troop’s choice.May take a Meganobz retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.

Elites:Flashgitz, Flashnobz, Meganobz, and Nobz mobs may be taken without limits. Burnas, Kommandos, Lootas, Vetrunz, and Tankbustas are 0-1.

Bad Moon Vetrunz: 0-1Bad Moon Vetrunz, 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 15 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 4+ eavy armor.Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 4+ eavy armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a battlewagon as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take: -Targetas at +5 points per model.-Up to 3 ammo runts at +3 points per model. -Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model. The entire mob may exchange their shootas or sluggas for snazzgunz at +5 points per model. They may take any number of kustom jobs at the points cost listed below.-More Dakka for +5 points per model.-Shootier for +5 points per model.-Blastas for +5 points per model.Up to two Vetrunz may exchange their shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points.

Character: One boy may be upgraded to nob at +10 points. Nob may swap out his shoota or slugga for:-Twin-linked shoota, shoota/rokkit, shoota/scorcha, or snazzgun for +5 points.-Kustom jobs for the snazzgun at +5 points each.-Kustom slugga for +2 points.Nob may replace his choppa with one of the following:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points. -Power claw for +25 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Big horns/Iron gob, Bosspole, or targeta for +5 points.-Cybork body or bioniks for +5 points.-Grot banna wava or kickin grot for +3 points.

Troops:Gretchin and Ork boys can be taken without limits in a Bad Moon army. Madboyz mobs can be taken at 0-1.

Bad Moon Boyz mob: Bad Moon Boyz mob, 5-30 boyz, Infantry, 8 points per modelOrk WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Eavy armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Eavy armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Shoota, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a battlewagon as a dedicated transport if mob is 20 models or fewer in number. Options: The entire mob may take:-One mob in the army may trade in their shootas for sluggas and choppas for free. -Targeta at +5 points per model.-Tankbusta bombs +3 points per model.-May take Da WAAAGH Banna for +20 points. May only have one in the army.-May take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t already carry the Waaagh banna. The entire mob may exchange their shootas for snazzgunz at +5 points per model. They may take any number of kustom jobs at the points cost listed below.-More Dakka for +5 points per model.-Shootier for +5 points per model.-Blastas for +5 points per model.For every 10 boys in the mob one may trade his slugga/shoota/snazzgun for one of the following.-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points.Character: One boy may be upgraded to a nob at +10 points. The nob may take any of the following:-Power claw for + 25 points. -Bosspole +5 points.

-Big horns/Iron gob +5 points.-Up to 3 ammo runts at +3 points per model. -Grot Banna Wava for +3 points. -Bioniks for + 5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points. -Sniffer squig for +3 points. -Gitfinda at +3 points.

Fast Attack:Deffkoptas, Stormboys, Warbikes, Warbuggies and Wartraks can all be taken as 0-1 in a Bad Moons army. Teleporta boyz can be taken without limits as a fast attack choice.

Bad Moon, Teleporta Boyz:Teleporta boyz, 5-20 Ork boyz, Infantry, 12 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Eavy armor.Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Eavy armor.Special: Furious charge, mob rules, WAAAGH, deep strike.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs. Transport: NoneOptions: Entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Targetas for +5 points per model. For every 10 Orks in the mob one may trade in his shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points.Character: One boy in the mob may be upgraded to a nob for +10 points.Nob may replace his shoota with a snazzgun for +5 points. Kustom jobs are +5 points each.Nob may replace his shoota or choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May take any of the following: -Bosspole for +5 points.-Big horns / Iron gob for +5 points.-Bioniks for +5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points.-Ammo runt for +3 points.

Heavy Support:

Battlewagon, Big guns battery, Big trakk, Deff dread, Fighta, Fighta-bomma, Guntrukk, Gunwagon, Killa kans, Mega dread, Tinboyz, and Weirdboy tower may all be taken as heavy support choices without limits for a Bad Moon clan army.

Clan Roolz: Blood AxeThe Blood Axes are not trusted by the other clans who consider them to be treacherous gitz who will march off to war along side other Orks only to run off when things get tough. Blood Axes will even trade and deal with humans, which is considered a sure sign of their lack of proper Orky spirit. In fact, most of this reputation is quite unjustified and evolved because it was the Blood Axes who first encountered the armies of the Imperium and who have had the most contact with Imperial culture. Thus, the Blood Axes have picked up a number of Imperial battle practices that are not used by the other clans, most notably wearing camouflaged Wargear and using captured or traded Imperial vehicles driven by Blood Axe crews. Their warlords tend to have a better understanding of grand strategy and will even retreat if they are losing rather than fighting to the bitter end like other clans. As such, the Blood Axes have earned the reputation of being cowardly gitz with the other clans, who fail to notice that the Blood Axes normally come back later, reinforced with more boyz and better prepared than before. Blood Axe Special rules:Blood Axes are the most tactical of the clans. Often using Umie equipment. Colours: Camo patterns in nearly any colour. Clan glyph: Crossed axes.

-Umie vehicles: Units may take a looted vehicle as a dedicated transport instead of a truk.-Regimented: You may take a mekboy for +10 points or a painboy for +20 points instead of a nob in mobs that may take them as character upgrades. -Mega Boosta: Mega armoured models ignore the Slow and Purposeful USR for cost indicated in the unit entry. Though they still count as relentless. -Komizarrs: All Characters may take a Komizarr hat or coat. They get them at a reduced cost of +2 points per model. Counts as a Bosspole. -Untrustworthy gitz: Blood Axe units and characters may only mob up with or join other Blood Axe units. The other clans just don’t trust a sneeky Blud Axe. -Sneeky gits: Blood Axe Skarboyz get the Infiltrate and move through cover USR. -Umie Advisors: Army gets a +1 on all reserve rolls. -Teleporta: Units of Meganobz and Teleporta boyz may deepstrike. Teleporta technology is very expensive and woefully inaccurate but it gets the ladz stuck in fasta. -Mo sneeky: May only take 0-1 nob biker mobz. -Mo camo den sense: Blood Axe vehicles may all use the expanded vehicle upgrades. -Smoke stikkbombs: Blood Axe boyz may take smoke stikkbombs at +2 points per model. These can be used during the Ork shooting phase and last until the beginning of the next Ork turn. Mob must be surrounded by a suitable marker representing smoke. Cotton wool works fine for this. The mob counts as in cover and get a 5+ cover save. They may run but cannot shoot or assault while concealed by the smoke cloud.


HQ:The Big Mek and the Painboss may be taken without limits. The Warboss, Weirdboy, Warphead and Drill Boss are 0-1. May take General Lugnutz as an HQ choice.

Elites:Mobs of Cyborks, Nobz mobs, Meganobz, and Tankbustas may be taken without limits. Grot Snipers, Burnas, Kroot Mercenaries, Ogryn mercenaries, and Lootas are 0-1.

Blood Axe Vetrunz: 0-1Blood Axe Vetrunz, 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 15 points per model.Vetrun WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, infiltrate.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and kombat blade, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a looted vehicle as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor at +4 points per model.-Take smoke stikkbombs at +2 points per model.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.Two Vetrunz may exchange their shoota/slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna or kustom mega blasta for +15 points. Character: One boy may be upgraded to nob at +10 points. Nob may swap out his shoota/slugga for:-Twin-linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Kustom slugga for +2 points.Nob may replace his Kombat blade with one of the following:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points. -Power claw for +25 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Komizarr hat / coat for +2 points.-Big horns/Iron gob or targeta for +5 points.-Cybork body or bioniks for +5 points.-Ammo runt or kickin grot for +3 points.


May take Gretchin, Kommandos, and Ork boy mobs without limitations. Madboyz are 0-1.

Blood Axe Kommandos: See unit entry in codex Orks. Options: May take smoke stikkbombs for +2 points per model.

Blood Axe Ork Boyz: Blood Axe Boyz mob, 5-30 boyz, Infantry, 6 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and kombat blade, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a looted vehicle as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-May upgrade to Ardboyz and get eavy armor for +4 points per model. -May take smoke stikkbombs for +2 points per model. -May take tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.For every 10 Orks in the mob one boy may exchange his shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna or kustom mega blasta for +15 points. May take Da WAAAGH banna for +20 points. [Only one allowed in the army.]Mob may take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t already carry the Waaagh banna. Character: One boy may be upgraded to nob at +10 points. Nob may replace his kombat blade with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Burna for +15 points. Nob may swap out his shoota for:-Twin-linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Komizarr hat / coat for +2 points.-Targeta for +5 points.-Big horns/Iron gob +5 points.-Bioniks for + 5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points.-Kickin grot, ammo runt, or grot banna wava for +3 points each.

Fast Attack: May take Deffkoptas, Stormboyz, Warbuggies/Wartraks, and Teleporta boys without limitations. Warbikes are 0-1 in a Blood Axe army.

Blood Axe, Teleporta boyz: Teleporta boyz, 5-20 Ork boyz, Infantry, 10 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special: Furious charge, mob rules, WAAAGH, deep strike.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: NoneOptions: Entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor for +4 points per model.For every 10 Orks in the mob one may trade in his shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna or kustom mega blasta for +15 points.Character: One boy may be upgraded to a nob at +10 points. Nob may replace his choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +5 points.-Burna for +15 points. Nob may swap out his shoota for:-Twin-linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Komizarr hat / coat for +2 points.-Targeta for +5 points.-Big horns/Iron gob +2 points.-Bioniks for + 5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points.-Kickin grot for +3 points.-Ammo runt for +3 points.

Heavy Support:

May take Big guns battery, Deff dread, Killa kans, Looted vehicle, or Mega-dread without limitations. May take a Battlewagon, Big trakk, Fighta, Fighta-bomma, Gunwagon, or Weirdboy tower at 0-1 in a Blood Axe army.

Clan Roolz: Death SkullsThe Death skulls are renowned as plunderers of the battlefield. After a battle, the Death Skulls descend upon the wreckage to salvage weapons, equipment, clothes, and anything else they can find. They are also tremendously good at scrounging [Some would say stealing] equipment from their fellow Orks. Thus, the Death Skulls have earned a bad reputation as a bunch of looters, spivs, and petty camp pilferers, and Orks from other clans normally keep a wary eye on any Death Skulls that are hanging around. The clan is named after their horned skull totem, and skulls and bones are prominent among their personal adornments. The Death Skulls are notoriously superstitious and often paint their skin blue to bring them luck. They believe that this war paint earns them the attention of the Ork war gods and brings them better fortune and more stuff to plunder. The oddments the Death skulls pick up on the battlefield or elsewhere are used to augment the warrior’s already bizarre war gear. Death Skulls never seem to throw anything away and end up festooned with weapons, bone amulets, strange items of clothing, and cherished bits of long dead enemies. Death Skull Meks are highly skilled at welding and bolting together bits and pieces of weapons to produce the highly feared, if rather unreliable, kustom kombi-weapons and deff guns with which so many Death Skull boyz are armed. DEATH SKULLS Special rules:The thievin, scrap gatherin, borrowin, scavenging, nickin, lootas.Colors: Blue. Clan Glyph: Skull.

-Looted Ridez: May take a looted vehicle as a dedicated transport instead of a truk in units that may take them.-Scavengers of da lot: You may take a mekboy for +10 points instead of a nob in mobs that may take them as a character upgrade. -Mega Boosta: Mega armoured models ignore the Slow and Purposeful USR for cost indicated in the unit entry. Though they still count as relentless. -Lucky Blue paint: All Death Skulls may take blue face paint for +2 points per model; the lucky gits get a 6+ invulnerable save. Weedy lootas are soft but they get a lucky invulnerable save, just aint proppa. -If it aint blue it aint mine: Death Skull vehicles cannot take red paint job upgrades, they may take blue paint instead for +10 points. This gives the vehicle a 6+ cover save. Cuz every git noze that if it aint blue it aint mine. -Scrap gatherers: Nob bikers are 0-1. They would rather be gathering scrap than scrapin. -Lootin gits: Enemy vehicle wrecks count as objectives in objective based games. Death Skull vehicles can tow away enemy wrecks at slow speed. Doesn’t get any weedier than that.

-Teleporta: Units of Meganobz and Teleporta boyz may deepstrike. Teleporta technology is very expensive and woefully inaccurate but it gets the ladz stuck in fasta. Plus it’s cheaper if you loot it. -Mo looted stuff: Targetas are available to all units at +5 points per model. Death Skulls are just that shooty and full of dakka. Actually they just loot it. -Mo loot den sense: Death skull vehicles may all use the expanded vehicle upgrades list. Nickin gits stole all those upgrades.-Because he nicked it: All character models may take any ranged weapon to replace their shoota at the listed points cost. The nickin gits can use everything. -Weedy, no gud, nickin, lootas: Hakbash may not use a Death Skulls army list or take any Death Skull units as allies. He thinks they aint proppa. Death Skull armies will not ally with Hakbash either, they just say they will, and as soon as the Goff turns his back they loot all his stuff.


HQ:A Big Mek and a Painboss may be taken without limits. A Warboss, Warphead, and Weirdboy at 0-1. Mad Dok Grotsnik may also be taken as an HQ choice.

Elites:Burna boys, Meganobz, and Nobz may be taken without limits. Cyborks, Flashgitz, Kommandos, Mekboyz, Tankbustas, and Vetrunz may be taken at 0-1.

Death Skull Vetrunz: 0-1Death Skull Vetrunz, 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 15 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor, 6+ inv. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor, 6+ inv.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, blue face paint, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a looted vehicle as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Eavy armor at +4 points per model.-Targetas for +5 points per model.Up to five Vetrunz may exchange their shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota or snazzgun for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha or deffgun for +10 points.-Burna, kustom mega blasta, or kustom kombi weapon for +15 points. -May take Da WAAAGH banna for +20 points. May only have one in the army.-May take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t already carry da Waaagh banna.Character: One boy may be upgraded to nob at +10 points. Nob may swap out his shoota or slugga for:-Twin-linked shoota, shoota/rokkit, shoota/scorcha, or snazzgun for +5 points.-Kustom jobs for the snazzgun at +5 points each.-Kustom slugga for +2 points.

Nob may replace his choppa with one of the following:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points. -Power claw for +25 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Big horns/Iron gob, Bosspole, or targeta for +5 points.-Cybork body or bioniks for +5 points.-Ammo runt, grot banna wava, or kickin grot for +3 points.

Troops:Gretchin, Lootas, and Ork boys may be taken without limits. Madboyz mob is at 0-1. Death Skulls Boyz mob: Death Skulls Boyz mob, 10-30 boyz, Infantry, 6 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, WaaaghWargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, frag stikkbombs.Transport: May take a looted vehicle as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Krak stikkbombs at +2 points per model.-Blue face paint at +2 points per model.-Targeta at +5 points per model. -May upgrade to Ardboyz and get Eavy armor for +4 points per model.-May take Da WAAAGH banna for +20 points. May only have one in the army.-May take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t already carry da Waaagh banna. Up to ten Orks in the mob may exchange their shoota or slugga for any of the following. There may be a mixture of weapons in the mob: -Big shoota or snazzgun for +5 points. Snazzgun may take kustom jobs at +5 points each.-Rokkit launcha or deffgun for +10 points.-Kustom kombi weapon, burna, or kustom mega blasta for +15 points per model. Character: One boy may be upgraded to a nob at +10 points. Nob may replace his shoota or choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his shoota or slugga with one of the following:-Kustom slugga for +2 points. -Twin-linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points per model. -Snazzgun for +5 points. [Kustom jobs at +5 points per upgrade.]The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole +5 points.-Big horns/Iron gob +5 points.-Up to 3 ammo runts at +3 points per model.

-Grot Banna Wava for +3 points. -Bioniks for + 5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points.

Death Skull Lootas mob: Death Skull lootas mob, 5-15 boyz, Infantry, 6 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, WaaaghWargear: Shoota, frag stikkbombs.Transport: May take a looted vehicle as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Krak stikkbombs at +2 points per model.-Blue face paint at +2 points per model.-Targeta at +5 points per model. -May upgrade to Ardboyz and get Eavy armor for +4 points per model.-Mob may take up to 3 ammo runts at +3 points per model.Any number of boyz in the mob may exchange their shootas for any of the following. There may be a mixture of weapons in the mob: -Big shoota or snazzgun for +5 points. Snazzgun may take kustom jobs at +5 points each.-Rokkit launcha or deffgun for +10 points.-Kustom kombi weapon, burna, or kustom mega blasta for +15 points per model. Character: One boy may be upgraded to a nob at +10 points. Nob may replace his shoota or choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his shoota or slugga with one of the following:-Kustom slugga for +2 points. -Twin-linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points per model. -Snazzgun for +5 points. [Kustom jobs at +5 points per upgrade.]The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole +5 points.-Big horns/Iron gob +5 points.-Grot Banna Wava for +3 points. -Bioniks for + 5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points. Mob may take up to 3 mek boyz at +15 points per model. [See Mek boy listing for options.]

Fast Attack:

Units of Deffkoptas, Teleporta boys, and Warbuggies/Wartraks may be taken without limits. Stormboyz and Warbikes are at 0-1.

Teleporta Boyz:Teleporta boyz, 5-20 Ork boyz, Infantry, 10 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorNob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: Furious charge, mob rules, WAAAGH, deep strike.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: None Options: Mob may take:-Eavy armor for +4 points per model.-Blue face paint for +2 points per model.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Targetas for +5 points per model. Up to five Orks in the mob may trade in their shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota or snazzgun for +5 points. May take kustom jobs for +5 points each.-Rokkit launcha or deffgun for +10 points.-Kustom kombi weapon, kustom mega blasta, or a burna for +15 points.Character: One boy in the mob may be upgraded to a nob for +10 points.Nob may replace his shoota or slugga with one of the following:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Twin-linked shoota for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Snazzgun for +5 points. May take kustom jobs for +5 points each.Nob may replace his choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points May take any of the following: -Boss pole for +5 points.-Big horns / Iron gob for +5 points.-Bioniks or cybork body for +5 points. -Ammo runt, kickin grot, or grot banna wava for +3 points.

Heavy Support:Battlewagon, Big guns battery, Big trakk, Deff dread, Guntrukk, Gunwagon, Fighta, Fighta-bomma, Killa kans, Mega dread, Tinboyz, or Weirdboy tower may all be taken as heavy support choices without limits for a Death Skull clan army.

Clan Roolz: Evil SunzThe Evil Sunz are irresistibly attracted towards fast warbikes and loud noise. This trait is common among Orks, but especially pronounced in the Evil Sunz clan. They are constantly tinkering with the engines of their bikes and buggies and try to get as much speed out of them as possible. Unsurprisingly, the Evil Sunz have many meks, because Mekboyz are indispensable when it comes to keeping vehicles in running order. The totem of the clan is a blood red face grinning out of a sunburst. Evil Sunz wear red clothes and often paint their machines red too-firmly believing in the old proverb the “red onez go fasta” and “if itz red no ones gonna catch up wif ya.” The Evil Sunz are especially noted for their “biker boyz” who ride large and very noisy Ork warbikes. They dress in leathers marked with the Evil Sunz insignia, bedecked with chains, belt harnesses, and their foreheads are often decorated with metal studs screwed directly into their thick skulls. Evil Sunz Special Rules:The fastest most speed crazed clan.Colours: Red and yellow. Clan glyph: Evil Sun.

-Red onez go fasta: All Evil Sunz vehicles MUST take Red Paint Job for +3pts per vehicle and Grot riggers at +2pts per vehicle. (Cheaper because you don’t get a choice). Evil Sunz vehicles may not take blue paint jobs. If they did they just wouldn’t be proppa. -Bailin' Out: Orks in an Evil Sunz army get feel no pain USR against wounds suffered from disembarking a vehicle, this is in addition to armor saves.-Mega Boosta: Model in mega armor may take mega boostas for the points cost listed in the unit description. Model ignores the Slow and Purposeful USR. Though they are still relentless. -Op on Boyz: Mob rules work a bit differently for the Evil Sunz. Any Ork infantry mob in the Evil Sunz army which during its fall back move comes within 2” of an empty vehicle may embark, and automatically regroups. This is regardless of being below ½ strength, enemies within 6” etc.-Ridez to da fight!: You may not have more infantry mobs then transport vehicles in your army list. It doesn’t matter if they could all fit on the transports, as extra boyz would hang off the sides of other vehicles at cruizin’ speed, but would slog it once they were dropped off/got knocked off by the accelerating drivaz.-Fast Response: Evil Sunz armies are so fast that they start rolling for reserves on turn 1. -Speed Freaks: Evil Sunz armies may have one extra fast attack choice on the FOC. -No Ork left behind: All infantry units may take a truk as a dedicated transport. -Full of meks: You may take a mekboy for +10 points instead of a nob in mobs that may take them as character upgrades.

-Biggest meks: Evil Sunz have the most meks of any clan. They may take a Big Mek that doesn’t take up an HQ choice. -Mo speed den sense: Evil Sunz vehicles may all use the expanded vehicle upgrades list.


HQ:May take a Big Mek with no limits. May take a Painboss, Warboss, or Weirdboy at 0-1. May also take Wazzdakka Gutzmek as an HQ choice.

Warboss: 0-1Special rules: May take one unit of Nobz as a troops choice. Da Biker Boss: If mounted on a bike may take one unit of Nob Bikerz as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.If not on a warbike he may take a truk as a dedicated transport.

Big Mek: Special Rules: May take one Warbuggies/Wartraks unit as a troop’s choice. May take a Tinboyz mob or mek boyz mob as a retinue that does not take up a slot on the FOC.If not on a bike he may take a battlewagon or a truk as a dedicated transport.

Elites:May take Burna boys, Meganobz, Mekboyz mob, and Nobz mobs without limits. May take Flashgitz, Kommandos, Tankbustas, Lootas, and Vetrunz at 0-1.

Evil Sunz Vetrunz: 0-1Evil Sunz Vetrunz, 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 15 points per model.Vetrun Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor. Vetrun Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, bailin out, scouts.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a truk as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor at +4 points per model.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Warbikes for +20 points per model.Two Vetrunz may exchange their shoota/slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna or kustom mega blasta for +15 points. Character: One boy may be upgraded to nob at +10 points. Nob may swap out his shoota/slugga for:-Kustom slugga for +2 points. -Twin-linked shoota, kombi shoota/rokkit, or kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Burna for +15 points.

Nob may replace his choppa with one of the following:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points. -Power claw for +25 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Big horns/Iron gob or a Bosspole for +5 points.-Cybork body, targeta, or bioniks for +5 points.-Ammo runt, grot banna wava, or kickin grot for +3 points.

Troops:Ork boys may be taken without limits, Gretchin are 0-1 in an Evil Sunz army.

Evil Sunz Boyz mob: 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 6 points per model.Boy WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, bailin out.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, Frag stikkbombs.Transport: May take a truk as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Krak Stikkbombs +2 points per model. -Warbikes +20 points per model. -Upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor at + 4 points per model. Mob may take Da WAAAGH Banna for +20 points. Only one allowed in the army.Mob may take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t take the Waaagh banna. For every 10 boys in the mob one may trade his slugga or shoota for one of the following.-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna or kustom mega blasta for +15 points.Character: One boy may be upgraded to a nob at +10 points.Nob may exchange his choppa for one of the following.-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +15 points.-Power claw for + 25 points. Nob may exchange his slugga/shoota for one of the following:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Kombi shoota/rokkit launcha, twin-linked shoota, kombi shoota/scorcha for +5 points.-Burna at +15 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Boss pole +5 points.-Big horns/Iron gob +5 points.-Targeta +5 points.-Ammo runt for +3 points. -Grot banna Wava for +3 points. -Cybork body or bioniks for +5 points.

Gretchin: 0-1Special rules:May take a Grotwagon as a dedicated transport.

Fast Attack:May take Deffkoptas, Outriderz, Warbikes, Warbuggies / Wartraks with no limits. Stormboyz are limited to 0-1.

Outriderz: See warbike unit entry in codex OrksMust take the Scout USR for +5 points per model.

Heavy Support:May take a Battlewagon, Big trakk, Fighta, Fighta-bomma, Guntrukk, Gunwagon, Looted vehicle, Mekboy Dragsta, Uge kopta, or Weirdboy tower with no limitations. May take Big guns battery, Deff dread, Killa kans, or Mega-dread at 0-1 in an Evil Sunz army.

Mekboy Dragsta: [Speedsta]Mekboy Dragsta, vehicle, fast, 70 points. Armor values: 10 / 10 /10 BS 2. Transport: None.Wargear: Twin-linked Kustom mega blasta, kustom force field, red paint job, grot riggers.Options: May replace the twin-linked kustom mega blasta with one mekboy big gun on the following list:-Shokk attack gun for +40 points.-Pulsa rokkits for +45 points.-Lifta-droppa for +50 points.-Bubble chucka for +55 points.May take any of the following vehicle upgrades:-Armor plates for +10 points.-Reinforced ram for +5 points.-Squig fuel injectors for +10 points.-More rivets for +30 points.Special: The pulsa rokkits is a rack of 3 rokkits. Once they are all fired the rack is empty. Note: If any of the weapons misfire they will not damage the Dragsta or its crew, count as no affect instead. The weapons are fitted with the very best gubbinz and are less likely to cause havoc on the Mekboyz greatest invention.

‘Uge Kopta: Uge Kopta, fast, skimmer, open topped, transport, 65 points.Armor values: 10 / 10 / 10 BS2. Transport: 12 models. Special Rules: ‘Erez yoor stop!: Due to the difficulty of disembarking from a deffkopta the vehicle does not count as open topped for disembarking troops or assaults by disembarking troops. This may be ignored

by declaring the vehicle is landing. Until the vehicle moves again the landed kopta is no longer a skimmer. Wat ya meen I kant ride?: Meganobs or tankbustas may never be allowed on a ‘Uge kopta, as they are too dangerous to the temperamental vehicles (even by Ork standards) and weigh too much.Weapons: Twin-linked big shoota. Options: May upgrade twin-linked big shoota to twin-linked rokkits for +10pts.May use the expanded vehicle upgrades list.

Clan Roolz: FreebooterzFreebooterz Special rules:The clan less pirates of Orkdom.Colors: Any color. Clan glyph: The Jolly Ork.

-Freebootin gitz: May take any unit from the Ork codex or other Ork clan lists at 0-1 if it is not listed here. Everyone likes pirates. -Mega Boosta: Mega armoured models ignore the Slow and Purposeful USR for cost indicated in the unit entry. Though they still count as relentless. -Untrustworthy gitz: Freebooter units and characters may only mob up with or join other Freebooter units. The other clans just don’t trust a clan less freeboota. -Teleporta: Units of Meganobz and Teleporta boyz may deepstrike. Teleporta technology is very expensive and woefully inaccurate but it gets the ladz stuck in fasta. -Mo flashy: May only take 0-1 nob biker mobz. -Mo boots den sense: Freebootin vehicles may all use the expanded vehicle upgrades.-ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG! Freebootin players must yell ARRRRRRRRG instead of WAAAGH or somebody steals all the squig rum. -PARLEY! They may re-roll the die to seize the initiative, even if they didn’t make the first roll. If they made the first roll and failed it they may re-roll with 3 dice and choose the highest. In any event if you fail to seize the initiative you may yell PARLEY! And automatically force the opposing side to go second. Seizing the initiative and a squiggoths share of the booty at the end of the battle.


HQ:May take a Bad Dok with no limitations. May take a Big mek, Freeboota Kaptin, Pain boss, Pig boss, Warphead, and Weirdboy at 0-1 in the army. Make take Zodgrod Wortsnagga, Wazzdakka Gutzmek, and/or Old Zogwort as an HQ choice.

Elites:May take Flashnobz, Meganobz, or a Nobz mob without limitations. May take Burna boyz, Grot Snipers, Kommandos, Kroot Mercenaries, Lootas, Ogryn mercenaries, Tankbustas, or Vetrunz at 0-1 in the army.

Freebooter Vetrunz: 0-1

Pirate Vetrunz, 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 15 points per model.Pirate WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor, 6+ inv.Kaptin WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor, 6+ inv.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, untrustworthy gitz.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and kutlass, lucky tattoos, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a truk as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take: -Up to 3 ammo runts at +3 points per model. -Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model. -Targetas for +5 points per model.-Upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor for +4 points per model. May take Da Jolly Ork banna for +20 points. [Only one allowed in the army.]Mob may take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t already carry the jolly Ork banna. The entire mob may take snazzguns at +5 points per modelThey may take the following kustom jobs for their snazzguns:-More Dakka for +5 points per model.-Shootier for +5 points per model.-Blastas for +5 points per model.Up to two Vetrunz may exchange their shoota/slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points. Any number of Vetrun pirates may swap out a kutlass for:-Kustom slugga for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.Character: One Vetrun may be upgraded to a Vetrun Kaptin at +10 points. Kaptin may replace his kutlass with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.The Kaptin may take any of the following:-Big hat / eye patch for +5 points.-Bioniks for + 5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points.-Bosspole for +5 points.-Squig parrot for +15 points. -Grot banna wava or kickin grot for +3 points.

Troops: May take Flashgitz, Freebooter Pirates, Gretchin, and Ork boys mobs with no limitations. May take a Madboyz mob or a Rebel Grot mob at 0-1 in the army.

Freebooter Pirates: Freebooter Pirates, 10-30 pirates, Infantry, 10 points per model.

Pirate WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Kaptin WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, untrustworthy gitz.Wargear: Snazzgun, kutlass, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a truk as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-May take any kustom jobs for their snazzguns at +5 points each per model. -May upgrade to Ardboyz and get eavy armor for +4 points per model. -May take tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-May take targetas at +5 points per model.For every 10 Orks in the mob one boy may exchange his snazzgun for one of the following:-Big shoota for free.-Rokkit launcha for +5 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +10 points. May take Da Jolly Ork banna for +20 points. [Only one allowed in the army.]Mob may take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t already carry the jolly Ork banna. Character: One boy may be upgraded to a Kaptin at +10 points. Kaptin may replace a kutlass with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.The Kaptin may take any of the following:-Big hat / eye patch for +5 points.-Bioniks for + 5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points.-Ammo runt for +3 points. -Bosspole for +5 points.-Squig parrot for +15 points. -Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points.

Fast Attack: May take Deffkoptas, Stormboyz of Khorne, Teleporta boyz, Warbikes, Warbuggies/Wartraks at no limitations. May take Boarboyz, Cyboars, Squig herd, or Squig riders at 0-1 in the army.

Teleporta Boyz:Teleporta boyz, 5-20 Ork boyz, Infantry, 10 points per model.Pirate WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Kaptin WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special: Furious charge, mob rules, WAAAGH, deep strike.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and kutlass, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: None Options: Entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Targetas for +5 points per model.

-Eavy armor for +4 points per model. For every 10 Orks in the mob one may trade in his shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points.Character: One boy in the mob may be upgraded to a kaptin for +10 points.Kaptin may replace his shoota with a snazzgun for +5 points. Kustom jobs are +5 points each. Kaptin may replace his shoota or choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May take any of the following: -Bosspole for +5 points.-Big hat / eye patch for +5 points.-Bioniks for +5 points. -Cybork body for +5 points.

Heavy Support:May take a Battlewagon, Big guns battery, Big trakk, Deff dread, Fighta, Fighta-bomma, Guntrukk, Gunwagon, Killa kans, Looted vehicle, Mega dread, Squiggoth, or Weirdboy tower without limitations.

Clan Roolz: GoffsThe Goffs can be identified by their predominantly black Wargear and the clan totem, a black bull’s head. They have the reputation of being the biggest, ugliest, smelliest, meanest, and most ferocious of the Orks – which is saying something! Of all the Ork clans, the Goffs are the most inspired by the thrill of battle and are specialists in hand-to-hand combat. They consider themselves superior to the cowardly Orks of other clans, who hang back and shoot when they could get into the thick of battle. Most Goffs carry brutal short ranged weapons, such as choppas and sluggas, so they can get stuck in as soon as possible. Black is the preferred color of the Goffs. Other clans that wear brighter colors are marked as “not proppa” Orks or just plain “weedy.” The only decoration normally allowed is a check pattern of black and white or a contrasting border. Excessive deviation from the way of the clan is met with derision, and the miscreant will certainly get clobbered by any boss Ork that comes his way.Goff Special rules:The most krumpy and stompy of the Ork clans. Colours: Black, red, and white. Clan glyph: Bull skull.

-Trukboyz: Units that take a truk as a dedicated transport become a fast attack choice. AKA Trukboyz. -Mega Boosta: Mega armoured models ignore the Slow and Purposeful USR for cost indicated in the unit entry. Though they still count as relentless. -Big horns/iron gobs: All Characters must take them. They get them at a reduced cost of +2 points per model. -Tough as nails: Skarboyz can be taken as troop choices +2 points per model. Goff Skarboyz and Vetrunz get the stubborn USR. -Proppa gits: When a WAAAGH! Is called Goff units may roll 2d6 and use the highest roll for the fleet move. Goffs never suffer from animosity, if you roll snake eyes on the fleet move the unit takes 1d3 wounds on boys who weren’t proppa and were trampled in the charge. -Da WAAAGH banna: Army must take Da Waaagh banna for +15 points. Army can only have one. Da WAAAGH banna allows units within 12” to re-roll morale checks, boyz in unit with banna get +1 Attack in close combat, and they get +1 for combat resolution. -Teleporta: Units of Meganobz and Teleporta boyz may deepstrike. Teleporta technology is very expensive and woefully inaccurate but it gets the ladz stuck in fasta. -Mo stompy: May only take 0-1 nob biker mobz. -Mo choppas den sense: Goff vehicles may all use the expanded vehicle upgrades list. -You aint proppa unless yer uzin yer choppa: Goff boyz don’t get much use out of shootas. That is unless they use it like a club. Goff armies do not take units with shoota boyz but if you can’t be proppa you may take shoota boyz at 0-1 in the army.

-Weedy, no gud, nickin, lootas: Hakbash may not use a Death Skulls army list or take any Death Skull units as allies. He thinks they aint proppa. Death Skull armies will not ally with Hakbash either, they just say they will, and as soon as the Goff turns his back they loot all his stuff.


HQ:May Take a Warboss for no limitations. May take a Big mek, Drill boss, Painboss, Warphead, or a Weirdboy at 0-1 in the army. May take Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka or Mad Dok Grotsnik as an HQ choice.

Elites:May take Burna boyz, Nobz, Meganobz, Skarboyz, and Tankbustas for no limitations. May take Flashgitz, Kommandos, and Lootas at 0-1 in the army list.

Goff Vetrun Skarboyz: Goff Vetrunz mob, 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 15 points per model.Vetrun Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor. Vetrun Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, stubborn.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs. Transport: May take a truk as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model. -Upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor for +4 points per model.-Trade in their sluggas for kustom sluggas for +2 points per model.Two vetrunz may exchange their sluggas for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna or tankhamma for +15 points. Any number of boyz may exchange their choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points per model.-Ripper at +10 points per model. May take Da WAAAGH banna for +15 points. [Only one allowed in the army.]Mob may take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t already carry the Waaagh banna.Character: 1-2 boys may be upgraded to nobs at +10 points per model. Nob may replace his choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga with:-Burna for +15 points. -Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga and choppa with:-Pair of tiger klawz for +30 points.

The nob may take any of the following:-Big horns / iron gob for +2 points.-Bosspole, cybork body, or bioniks for +5 points each.-Grot Banna Wava, kickin grot, or ammo runt for +3 points each.

Troops:May take Gretchin, Ork boys mobs, and Skarboyz mobs for no limitations. May take 0-1 Madboyz mobs in the army.

Goff Boyz mob: Goff Boyz mob, 10-30 boyz, Infantry, 6 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Skarboy WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Slugga and choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a truk as a dedicated transport. Trukboyz become fast attack choices. Options: The entire mob may take:-One mob in the army may exchange their sluggas and choppas for shootas for free. [Yeah right]-May upgrade to Ardboyz and get Eavy armor for +4 points per model. -May upgrade to Skarboyz for +2 points per model.For every 10 Orks in the mob one boy may exchange his slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota or uge choppa for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha or ripper for +10 points.-Burna or tankhamma for +15 points. May take Da WAAAGH banna for +15 points. [Only one allowed in the army.]Mob may take one Ork banna for +10 points if it doesn’t already carry the Waaagh banna.Character: 1-2 boys may be upgraded to nobs at +10 points per model. Nob may replace his choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Burna for +15 points. -Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga and choppa with:-Pair of tiger klawz for +30 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole, cybork body, or bioniks +5 points.-Big horns/Iron gob +2 points.-Grot Banna Wava or kickin grot for +3 points.

Fast Attack:May take Stormboyz and Teleporta boyz for no limitations. Stormboyz of Khorne, Trukboyz, Warbikes, and Warbuggies/Wartraks are 0-1 in the army.

Teleporta Skarboyz: Teleporta Skarboyz, 5-20 Ork boyz, Infantry, 12 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special: Furious charge, mob rules, WAAAGH, deep strike.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: None Options: Entire mob may take:-One mob in the Goff army may exchange their sluggas and choppas for shootas for free.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor for +4 points per model.For every 10 Orks in the mob one may trade in his slugga or shoota for one of the following:-Big shoota or Uge choppa for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha or ripper for +10 points.-Burna or tankhamma for +15 points.Character: 1-2 boyz in the mob may be upgraded to nobs for +10 points per model.Nob may replace his slugga with one of the following:-Kustom slugga for +2 points. -Burna for +15 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May replace his choppa with:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points. May replace his slugga and choppa for a pair of tiger klaws for +30 points.May take any of the following: -Big horns / Iron gob for +2 points.-Cybork body, Bosspole, or bioniks for +5 points.-Kickin grot or grot banna wava for +3 points.

Heavy Support:May take a Battlewagon, Big trakk, Big guns battery, Deff dread, Gunwagon, Killa kans, and a Mega dread for no limitations. May take a Fighta, Fighta-bomma, Looted vehicle, or Weirdboy tower at 0-1 in the army.


REBEL GROTS army list version 1.2

Rebel Grot Special rules: There’s nothing weedier than an uppity rebel grot. Colors: Red and white. Glyph: White star on a red field.

-It’s a grots life: There’s one thing grots are good at and that it clearing out minefields, even in a Rebel Grot army. If a grot mob moves into a minefield take off 3d6 grots as casualties and then remove the minefield. If there aren’t enough grots in the mob to satisfy the casualty quota the minefield remains in play and the grot mob is wiped out. -Go to ground: When a grot mob fails a morale check due to shooting it may choose to go to ground instead of falling back. Mob counts as going to ground but with a +2 to its cover save instead of just one since the grots are just so slippery. At the end of the mobs next turn the grots may function normally if they pass an unmodified leadership test. If the test is failed they will stay under cover and must test again next turn. -So many darn grots: Grot Rebel vehicles must take grot riggers at +2 points and grot gunners for +3 points for each vehicle because there are just so many of them. -Snotling herds: Any number of Snotling bases may be taken in a Rebel Grot army. They do not take up a slot on the FOC. They do not count towards victory conditions or kill points but may contest objectives. In addition all grots receive a +4 cover save if shot at through a screen of snots. Vehicles do not count as obscured as they are just too big to make use of the living carpet of snotlings. Vehicles do not get the cover save. -Grot heavy weapon teams: Ork weapons are just too unwieldy for the little blighters. So the weedy grots form up into grot heavy weapon teams. A grot heavy weapon team counts as one model with 2 wounds. Once the weapon team takes the second wound the weapon is destroyed. -Gretchin mobs may be taken from the Ork codex. These weedy runts represent downtrodden grot slaves that have not yet tasted freedom or any real food for a long time. Given time these Gretchin will grow healthier and stronger later becoming true Rebel Grots. They may not take runtherds. Runtherds are not allowed in a Rebel Grot army except as prisoners of da Revolution. Instead of a runtherd they may take Rebel Grot Bosses in their place for +5 points each. -Grot ridez: All Ork vehicles that they may take must be modeled with grot crews or sealed shut as to not show any Ork crew members. Rebel grots may take a Grotwagon as a dedicated transport for +35 points.

Rebel Grot Wargear:

Da Revolution banna: Units within 12” may re-roll leadership tests. Unit gets +1 attack and +1 on combat resolution.

Kustom slugger: Range 18” Str 4 Ap 5 Assault 2. Scepter of da revolution: Makes Grot character holding the device and any Grot unit he joins stubborn. Counts as a +1 Str power weapon in CC. Hair squigs: +1 leadership. Grot pistol: Range 12” Str 3 Ap – Pistol. Counts as a CCW. Grot shoota: Range 24” Str 3 Ap – Rapid fire. Grot sniper rifle: Range 30” Str X Ap 6 Heavy 1 sniper.Lucky face paint tattoos: 6+ invulnerable save. Soopa stikkbombs: Str 10 + 2d6 AP. Mek is caught in the blast on the roll of doubles and takes one wound normal armor saves apply. Flakk armor: 5+ armor save. Twin linked grot shoota: Range 24” Str 3 Ap – rapid fire, twin-linked. Kombi grot shoota/zooka: Grot shoota / rokkit combi-weapon. Kombi grot shoota/burna: Grot shoota / burna combi-weapon. Knife: Grot sized choppa. Counts as a CCW. Bangstikk: +1 Str power weapon on first round of combat / counts as a krak grenade on vehicles or buildings. One shot weapon. Targeta: +1 on BS. Ripper: +1 Str power weapon. Grot banna: Unit gets +1 on combat resolution. Krak stikkbombs: Str 6 +1d6 AP. Power knuckles: Grot sized double Str power weapon. Uge knife: Grot sized Uge choppa, +2 to Str in CC. Bioniks: + 1 attack +1 str. Tankbusta bombs: Str 6 + 2d6 AP. Weirdboyz copper staff: May re-roll psychic power dice. Tinbot: Counts as Wargear so cannot be removed as a casualty. Must remain within 2” of the mek. Counts as a kustom force field.


HQ:May take a Grot bad dok or a Big grot mek for no limitations. May take a Head honcho or Weirdgrot at 0-1 in the army.May take Da Red Gobbo or Zodgrod Wortsnagga as an HQ choice in the rebel grot army.

Head Honcho: 0-1Gretchin warboss, Infantry, 45 points.WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: It’s a grots life, Go to ground, Independent characterWargear: Slugga, Frag and krak stikkbombs, knife.Transport: May take a grot wagon as a dedicated transport for +30 points. Options: May exchange his knife for:-Uge knife for +5 points. -Attack squig for +6 points.-Ripper for +10 points.

-Power knuckles for +15 points. May exchange his slugga for:-Grot shoota for +1 point.-Twin linked Grot shoota for +5 points.-Kombi grot shoota-zooka for +5 points.-Kombi grot shoota-burna for +5 points.May take any of the following:-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Targeta for +5 points.-Cybork body for +5 points.-Eavy armor for +4 points.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points.-Squighound for +5 points.-Up to 3 ammo runts for +3 points per model. May take Grot Vetrunz for a retinue. [See Grot Vetrunz] May take one mob of Grot Vetrunz as a troop’s choice.

Weird Grot: 0-1Gretchin weirdboy, Infantry, 35 pointsWS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 2 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 6+ Primitive armorSpecial; Psyker, It’s a grots life, go to ground, independent characterWargear: Weirdboyz copper staff. Transport: None. Options: May take a Vetrun Grot Mob as a retinue. [See Vetrun Grot mob.]

BIG Grot Mek:Gretchin Big Mek, Infantry, 25 pointsWS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Eavy armorSpecial: It’s a grots life, Go to ground, Independent character.Wargear: Kustom slugger, Meks tools, frag and krak stikkbombs, knife.Transport: May take a Grotwagon as a dedicated transport for +35 points. Options: He may exchange his Kustom slugger for:-Twin linked grot shoota for +5 points.-Kombi grot shoota/zooka for +5 points.-Kombi grot shoota/burna for +5 points. May exchange his knife for:-Uge knife for +5 points.-Ripper at +10 points. -Attack squig for +6 points.May take any of the following:-Tankbusta bombs at +3 points. -Hair squigs for +5 points.-Targeta for + 5 points.-Cybork body for +5 points.-Soopa stikkbombs for + 5 points.-Bioniks for + 5 points. -Up to 3 grot oilers at +3 points per model.

-Up to 3 ammo runts for +3 points per model.-Tinbot for +50 points. May take Grot Vetrunz as a retinue. [See Grot Vetrunz]May take one unit of killa kanz as a troop’s choice.

Grot Bad Dok: Gretchin Painboss, Infantry, 25 pointsWS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial; Feel no pain, It’s a grots life; go to ground, independent character.Wargear; Doks tools, Urty syringe, slugga Transport: May take a grotwagon as a dedicated transport at +35 points. Options: May take any of the following:-Attack squig for +6 points. -Cybork body for +5 points. -Hair squig at +5 points.-Bioniks for +5 points.-Up to 3 Grot orderlies at +3 points per model.Any mob that he leads may get cybork bodies for +5 points per model. May take Grot Vetrunz as a retinue. [See grot Vetrunz]

ELITE:May take Grot vetrunz with no limitations. Ogryn mercenaries, Kroot mercenaries, and Grot snipers are at 0-1 in the army.

Grot Snipers: 0-1Grot snipers, Infantry, 5-15 Gretchin, 10 points per model. Grot Sniper WS 2 BS 3[4] S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Sniper Boss WS 2 BS 3[4] S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Special: It’s a grots life, Go to ground, infiltrate, stealth.Wargear: Grot sniper rifle, frag and krak stikkbombs, knife, targeta, squiggly suit.Transport: None.Options: Entire mob may take tankbusta bombs at +3 points per model. Character: Rebel Grot BossOne grot in the mob may be upgraded to a grot sniper boss for +5 points.He may trade in his knife for:-Uge knife for +5 points.-Ripper at +10 points. He may trade in his Grot sniper rifle for a slugga for free.He may take any of the following;-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +5 points.-Squig hound for +5 points.-Gitfinda for +5 points.

Grot Vetrunz: Rebel Grot Vetrunz, 5-20 Gretchin, Infantry, 8 points per modelGrot Vetrun WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorVetrun Boss WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5 + Flakk armorSpecial: It’s a grots life, Go to groundWargear; Grot shoota, frag and krak stikkbombs, knifeTransport: If the mob numbers 12 or fewer models they may take a Grot wagon for +35 points. Options: Entire mob may take;-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-Eavy armor at +4 points per model. [Only one mob in the army may upgrade to ard grots.]Mob may trade in their grot shootas for grot pistols for free.For every 10 grots in the mob two grots may form a grot weapons team. They may exchange their grot pistols or shootas, for one of the following;-BIG shoota at +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for + 10 points.-Grot zooka for + 15 points.-Burna for +20 points. One grot in the mob may carry:-A Grot banna for +5 points. - Da REVOLUTION Banna for +15 points. [Only one per army]Mob may take up to 3 bomb squigs at +5 points per model.Character; Rebel Grot Vetrun BossOne grot in the mob may be upgraded to a rebel grot vetrun boss for +5 points.Options: He may trade in his knife for:-Uge knife for +5 points.-Ripper at +10 points.-Power knuckles for + 15 points. He may trade in his Grot shoota for:-Slugga for +1 point.-Grot pistol for free.He may take any of the following;-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Cybork body for +5 points.-Squig hound for +5 points.

TROOPS:May take Gretchin and Rebel grot mobs for no limitations in the army.

Rebel Grot Mob:Rebel Grots, 10-30 Gretchin, Infantry, 5 points per modelRebel Grot WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armor

Boss Grot WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Special; It’s a grots life, Go to groundWargear; Grot shoota, frag stikkbombs, knifeTransport: If the mob numbers 12 or fewer models they may take a Grot wagon for +35 points. Options: Entire mob may take krak stikkbombs at +1 point per model. Mob may trade in their grot shootas for grot pistols for free.For every 10 grots in the mob two grots may form a grot weapons team. They may exchange their grot pistols or shootas, for one of the following;-BIG shoota at +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for + 10 points.-Grot zooka for + 15 points.-Burna for +20 points. One grot in the mob may carry a Grot Banna for +5 points. Mob may take up to 3 bomb squigs at +5 points per model.Character: Rebel Grot BossOne grot in the mob may be upgraded to a rebel grot boss for +5 points.Options: He may trade in his knife for:-Uge knife for +5 points. -Ripper at +10 points. He may trade in his Grot shoota for:-Slugga for +1 point.-Grot pistol for free.He may take any of the following;-Hair squigs for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +5 points.-Squig hound for +5 points.-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points.

Gretchin: [see codex Orks]Special; May not take runtherders but may take Rebel Grot Bosses instead for +5 points per model. Rebel Grot BossWS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: It’s a grots life, Go to ground. Wargear: Slugga, knife, squig hound. Options:He may take any of the following:-Hair squig for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +5 points

FAST ATTACK:May take Grot rough riders, Squig herd, Squig riders, and Warbuggies/Wartraks at no limits in the army.

Squig Riders:Squig riders, 5-15 Squig Riders, Calvary, 15 points per model.

Grot rider WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armorGrot boss WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: Fearless, fleet. Wargear: Grot pistol, Knife, Frag stikkbombs, Bangstikk.Options: Entire mob may take krak stikkbombs for +1 point per model. Character: One grot may be upgraded to a grot boss for +5 points.The grot boss may exchange his grot pistol for a slugga for +1 point.He may exchange his knife for a uge knife at +5 points or a ripper for +10 points. May take any of the following:-Hair squig for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +5 points.

Squig Herd:Squig Herd, 5-20 squigs, 1-4 Gretchin, Beasts, 8 points per model.Squig WS 4 BS 0 S 5 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 3 Sv 6+Herder WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: Fearless, fleet. Wargear: Herders: Grot blasta, knife, grot prod. Transport: None. Options: For every 5 squigs you must add a grot herder for +3 points.

Grot Rough Riders: Grot Rough riders, 5-15 Gretchin, Calvary, 12 points per model.Grot WS 3 BS 3 St 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armorBoss WS 3 BS 3 St 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: Fleet. Wargear: Grot pistol, knife, frag stikkbombs, Bangstikk.Transport: none. Options: Entire mob may take krak stikkbombs for +1 per model. Character: One grot may be upgraded to a Grot Boss for +5 points. The Grot boss may exchange his grot pistol for a slugga for +1 point.The Grot boss may exchange his knife for a Uge knife at +5 points or a ripper for +10 points. He may take any of the following:-Hair squig for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +5 points.

HEAVY SUPPORT:May take Big guns battery, Guntrukk, killa kans and squiggoth at no limitations. Battlewagon or Weirdboy tower at 0-1 in the army.

BIG Guns Battery: [See codex Orks]Special; May not take a runtherder or a mekboy may take a Rebel Grot Boss for +5 points and/or a Mek Grot for +5 points instead. Character: Rebel Grot BossWS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: It’s a grots life, Go to ground. Wargear: Slugga, knife, squighound. Options: He may take any of the following:-Hair squig for +5 points.-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +5 pointsMek Grot

WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial: It’s a grots life, Go to groundWargear: Kustom slugger, Meks tools, frag and krak stikkbombs, knife.Options: May take any of the following:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points.-Soopa stikkbombs for + 5 points.-Tinbot for +50 points. -Up to 3 grot oilers at +3 points per model.

Clan Roolz: SnakebitesSnakebites use technology reluctantly and always feel more comfortable with simple machinery and well established Orky ways and values. They preserve some values that other Orks have long since abandoned and shun certain aspects of recently developed technology. Probrobly the best example of their traditional ways is their preference for riding into battle mounted on the back of a ferocious warboar! The snakebites can be distinguished from other Orks by their tattooed skin, clothes, furs, and rather backward appearance. Their name comes from the strange initiation rites of the clan, which involve a new Snakebite being bitten by poisonous snakes to prove his toughness [the venom is sucked out immediately afterward.] The snakebites are a nomadic clan that rarely settles in one place for long. They always seem to be “lookin fer sumfink and wanderin orf.” They always carry a selection of poisonous snakes with them when they migrate to a new planet, just in case the local serpents prove unsuitably inoffensive.Snakebites Special rules:Feral pelt wearin gitz. Colors: Brown and yellow. Clan glyph: Snake.

-Primitive Ridez: May take a junka truk as a dedicated transport instead of a truk in units that may take them. -No bikes ere: May not take warbikes. Any character or unit that could take bikes may take boars [+10 pts], cyboars [+20pts], or super cyboars [+30pts] at the points cost listed instead. -Too many ladz: Snakebite armies are wild and often times have a large amount of yoofs and feral Orcs, so many in fact that they may take one extra troops choice on the FOC. -Lucky gitz: Snakebites are often thought of as lucky. Even more so with painted faces and tribal tattoos. All Snakebites may take Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points per model. If one model in the mob takes the upgrade they all must take it. -Feral: All Snakebites may take flash furs at +2 points each. If one model in the mob takes them they all must. -Squigs not technology: All Snakebite characters and character upgrades for mobs may take Hair squigs at +2 points per model. -Snots: May take snotling herds which do not take up a slot on the FOC. -Don’t like Tek: Most mechanical units are restricted to 0-1 or not available at all. Tinboyz are not available to a Snakebites army. -Venom is in arr blood: Poisoned weapons suffer a -2 on the roll to wound a Snakebite. Venom is in the blood of the feral gitz.-Beast masters: Snakebite Ork boyz mobs mounted on cyboars still count as troop choices. Nobs mobs mounted on cyboars still count as elites or troop choices. You can still take boarboyz and cyboars as fast attack choices. [Yes it is true you can actually have an army mounted on cyboars]


HQ:May take a Weirdboy or Pig boss at no limits. May take a Big mek, Painboss, Warboss, or a Warphead at 0-1. May take Old Zogwort or Zodgrod Wortsnagga as an HQ choice.

Warboss: 0-1, See unit entry in codex Orks. Options: May take any of the following: -Tankbusta bombs for +3 points.-Kickin grot for +3 points.-Grot banna wava for +3 points.-Bangstikk for +10 points.May take a boar for +10 points, a cyboar for +20 points, or a super-cyboar for +30 points. Special rules: May take one nobz mob as a troop’s choice.May take a nobz retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. The retinue must be mounted if the warboss is mounted.

Elites:May take Trappas or Nobz for no limitations. Burna boyz, Flashgitz, Kommandos, Lootas, Mega-nobz, Snakebite vetrunz, or Tankbustas at 0-1.

Snakebite Vetrunz: 0-1Snakebite Vetrunz mob, 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 15 points per model.Vetrun Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor, 6+ inv. Vetrun Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld 8 Sv 5+ flakk armor, 6+ inv.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, lucky face paint / tattoos, frag and krak stikkbombs. Transport: May take a Junka truk as a dedicated transport. Options: The entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model. -Upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor for +4 points per model.-May be mounted on cyboars for +20 points per model. If they are mounted they may take bangstikks for +5 points per model. Two vetrunz may exchange their shoota or slugga for one of the following:-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna for +15 points. Any number of boyz may exchange their choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points per model.-Ripper at +10 points per model. Character: One Ork may be upgraded to a nob for +10 points. Nob may replace his choppa with:-Power claw for +25 points.

May replace his slugga with:-Kustom slugga for +2 points.-Burna for +15 points. -Power claw for +25 points.May replace his slugga and choppa with:-Pair of tiger klawz for +30 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole, cybork body, or bioniks for +5 points each.-Grot Banna Wava or kickin grot for +3 points each.

Nobz: See the unit entry in codex Orks. Transport: May take a junka truk as a dedicated transport.Wargear: Slugga, choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs. Options: Entire mob may take:-Tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.-May be mounted on cyboars for +20 points per model.Nobs may take any of the following:-Da WAAAGH banna for +25 points. [Only one may be taken for the entire army.]-Lucky face paint / tattoos for +2 points per model. Character: May be accompanied by a Pig Dok for +30 points. Pig DokWS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armorSpecial rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh, feel no pain.Wargear: Meks tools, Doks tools, urty syringe, slugga.Options: May take any of the following.-Cyboar for +20 points.-1-3 Grot Styboyz for +3 points per model.-Kustom mega blasta for +15 points.

Troops:May take Gretchin, Huntas, Ork boyz, and Wildboyz for no limitations. May take 0-1 Madboyz mobs.

Snakebites Boyz mob: Snakebites Boyz mob, 5-20 boyz, Infantry, 6 points per model.Ork WS 4 BS 2 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor. Nob WS 4 BS 2 St 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Flakk armor.Special rules: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Shoota or slugga and choppa, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a junka truk as a dedicated transport if mob is 12 models or fewer in number. Options: The entire mob may take:

-Tankbusta bombs +3 points per model. -One mob in the army may upgrade to Ardboyz and take eavy armor for +4 points per model.The entire mob may be mounted on boars for +4 points per model or on cyboars for +14 points per model. If they are mounted they may take bangstikks for +5 points per model. For every 10 boys in the mob one may trade his slugga or shoota for one of the following.-Big shoota for +5 points.-Rokkit launcha for +10 points.-Burna for +15 points.Character: One boy may be upgraded to a nob at +10 points. Nob may trade his choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points. -Ripper for +10 points. -Power claw for + 25 points.The nob may take any of the following:-Bosspole +5 points.-Ammo runt for +3 points. -Grot Banna Wava for +3 points. -Eavy armor for +4 points.

Snotling herd: Snotling herd, 5-20 Snotling bases, Infantry, 8 points per model.Snotlings WS 2 BS 1 S 2 T 2 W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld 4 Sv – Runtherd WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Primitive armor. Special rules: Swarms, fearless, stubborn, stealth, vulnerable to blast templates. Runtherd: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh.Wargear: Sticks, Rusty knives, and rocks. Runtherd: Grabba stick, slugga,Transport: None. Options: None.Character: For every 5 snotling bases may be accompanied by one runtherd for +10 points.Runtherd may replace his grabba stick with a grot prod for +5 points.

Fast Attack:May take Boarboyz, Cyboars, Squig herd, or Squig riders for no limitations. May take Stormboyz, or Warbuggies/Wartraks at 0-1 in a Snakebites army.

Squig herd:Squig Herd, 5-20 squigs, 1-4 Gretchin, Beasts, 8 points per model.Squig WS 4 BS 0 S 5 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 3 Sv 6+Herder WS 2 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 6+ Primitive armor.Runtherd WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Primitive armor. Special: Fearless, fleet. Runtherd: Furious charge, mob rules, Waaagh. Wargear: Herders: Grot blasta, knife, grot prod. Runtherd: Grabba stick, slugga, squighound. Transport: None. Options: For every 5 squigs you must add a grot herder for +3 points.

Character: May be accompanied by a runtherd for +10 points.Runtherd may replace his grabba stick with a grot prod for +5 points.

Boarboyz:Boarboyz, 5-20 boarboyz, Calvary, 15 points per model. Boy WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+ Special rules: Furious charge, fleet.Wargear: Slugga and choppa or shoota, frag and krak stikkbombs, bangstikk.Transport: None. Options: Entire mob may take tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model. Character: One boarboy may be converted to a nob for +10 points.Nob may trade in his choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.Nob may take any of the following.-Bosspole for +5 points.-Eavy armor for +4 points.

Cyboars:Cyboars, 5-20 cyboars, Calvary, 25 points per model.Boy WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Nob WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 4+ Special rules: Furious charge, fleet. Wargear: Slugga and choppa or shoota, frag and krak stikkbombs, bangstikk.Transport: None. Options: Entire mob may take tankbusta bombs for +3 points per model.Character: One cyboar may be upgraded to a nob for +10 points.Nob may trade in his choppa for:-Uge choppa for +5 points.-Ripper for +10 points.-Power claw for +25 points.May take any of the following:-Bosspole for +5 points.-Eavy armor for +4 points.

Squig riders:Squig riders, 5-20 Squig Riders, Calvary, 15 points per model.Grot rider WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 6 Sv 5+ Flakk armorGrot boss WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 5+ Flakk armor Runtherd WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 5+ flakk armor. Special: Fearless, fleet Runtherd: Furious charge, mob rules, waaagh.Wargear: Grot pistol, Knife, Frag stikkbombs, Bangstikk. Runtherd: Slugga, grabba stikk, and squighound. Options: Entire mob may take krak stikkbombs for +1 point per model. Character: One grot may be upgraded to a grot boss for +5 points.

The grot boss may exchange his grot pistol for a slugga for +1 point.He may exchange his knife for a ripper for +10 points. Character: May be accompanied by a runtherd for +10 points.Runtherd may replace his grabba stick with a grot prod for +5 points.

Heavy Support:May take Squiggoths for no limitations. May take 0-1 Battlewagon, Big guns battery, Big trakk, Deff dread, Gunwagon, Killa kans, Looted vehicle, Mega-dread, or Weirdboy tower in the army.

SQUAT BrotherhoodSQUAT Special rules:-Stubborn: All Squat units have the USR stubborn. -Slow: All Squat infantry units have a -1” movement penalty. Movement is 5” and they may only charge 5” instead of 6”. In addition if they choose to run during the shooting phase or make a difficult terrain check there is a -1“ penalty on the die roll. A natural roll of a 1 on the d6 still counts as 1” of movement [the penalty may not reduce the roll below a 1]. -Hatred: Squats hate Orks and count as having the USR hatred against them. -Imperial allies: Squats may choose to ally with Imperial Guard, Space Marine, Witch hunters, Xenos hunters, Deamon hunters, Mechanicus armies. On several occasions they have allied with the Eldar, Tau, or even Kroot mercenaries. -Make Repairs: Squats are very good mechanics and can repair equipment while in the field with little or no tools at their disposal. Squat engineers and guild masters may attempt to repair any weapon damage, immobilized, or structural damage on artillery, vehicles, and super heavy vehicles. During the shooting phase the Squat engineer/guild master must be within 2” of the damaged model and can do nothing but attempt the repair. Roll 1d6 and on a 5+ the damage result is repaired or 1 structure point restored, on a roll of a 1 the damage is beyond repair, any other result and the Squat may try again next turn. If the Squat is being assisted by other engineers/guild masters he receives a +1 on the roll for each assistant. Note: no matter how many assist in the repair on a roll of a 1 on the d6 it will always fail and be unrepairable without being fully reconstructed in a machine shop. -Grumpy: Squats get grumpy as they get older and the Longbeard veterans are the grumpiest of the lot. Any unit within 12” of a Longbeard squad may reroll leadership tests. In addition if a squad of Squats contain a Longbeard sergeant, then that squad may also reroll any failed leadership tests while the Longbeard remains with the squad. SQUAT ARMY LIST

HQ:Squat Warlord: 0-11 Infantry, 100 points. Warlord WS 7 BS 6 St 4 T 5 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 4+ Carapace armor, 5+ inv save.Special rules: Independent character, stubborn, slow, hatred.Wargear: Power axe, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades, refractor field. Transport: May take a guild bike for +30 points. Options: May exchange his bolt pistol for a plasma pistol for +10 points. May exchange his power axe for a thunder hammer for +10 points or a power fist for +15 points.

May take Squat exo-armor for +40 points. This replaces his bolt pistol and power axe with a bolter and a power fist. If he is in exo-armor he may not take a bike.May master craft any of his weapons for +15 points. May take melta-bombs for +5 points.May take a hearthguard retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC.

Ancient Ancestor: 0-11 Infantry, 125 points. Ancestor WS 8 BS 6 St 5 T 6 W 4 I 5 A 4 Ld 10 Sv 4+ Carapace armor.Special rules: Independent character, stubborn, slow, hatred, psyker.Wargear: Power axe, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades. Transport: May take a guild bike for +30 points. Options: May exchange his bolt pistol for a plasma pistol for +10 points. May exchange his power axe for a thunder hammer for +10 points or a power fist for +15 points. May take Squat exo-armor for +40 points. This replaces his bolt pistol and power axe with a bolter and a power fist. If he is in exo-armor he may not take a bike.May master craft any of his weapons for +15 points. May take melta-bombs for +5 points.May take a Longbeard retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC. The ancient ancestor may use two psychic powers per turn from the following list.-Thunder clap: Range 12”, Strength 4, AP 2, assault 4, shooting attack. -Machine curse: Range 24” causes a glancing hit, used on vehicles only. -Flame belcher: Range template, Strength 5, AP 3, assault 1, shooting attack.-Rune of the ancients: The Ancestor and any unit he is with get a 5+ invulnerable save until the end of the next player turn. -Warp gate: Used during the movement phase. If successful The Ancestor and any unit he is with are removed from the table and may deep strike anywhere within 24”. -Fury of the ancients: The ancestor any the unit he is with have initiative 10 and fleet for 1 turn. -Accuracy of the ancients: The ancestor and any unit he is with may reroll all missed shooting attacks during their shooting phase.

Guild Master: 0-11 Infantry, 90 points. Guild Master WS 7 BS 6 St 4 T 5 W 3 I 5 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 4+ Carapace armor.Special rules: Independent character, stubborn, slow, hatred, make repairs.Wargear: Power axe, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades. Transport: May take a guild bike for +30 points. Options: May exchange his bolt pistol for a plasma pistol for +10 points. May exchange his power axe for a thunder hammer for +10 points or a power fist for +15 points. May take Squat exo-armor for +40 points. This replaces his bolt pistol and power axe with a bolter and a power fist. If he is in exo-armor he may not take a bike.May master craft any of his weapons for +15 points. May take melta-bombs for +5 points.

May take a Guild bike squad as a retinue which does not take up a slot on the FOC, may also take Guild bike squads as troop choices.

Squat Engineer: Squat Engineer, Infantry, 15 points per model.Engineer WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 5+ Flak armor. Special rules: Slow, stubborn, hatred, make repairs.Wargear: Las-gun, las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a Guild bike for +15 points. Options: The engineer may replace his las-gun for any of the following:-Bolter for +3 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points. -Bolt pistol for +2 points. -Plasma pistol for +10 points.-Melta gun for +15 points.May replace his close combat weapon with any of the following: -Power axe for +10 points.-Power fist for +20 points. The engineer may master craft any of his weapons for +10 points per weapon.May take melta-bombs for +3 points.

Hearthguard: 0-1Hearthguard, 4-10 Squats, Infantry, 15 points per model.Hearthguard WS 5 BS 3 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 4+ Carapace armor.Special rules: Slow, stubborn, hatred.Wargear: Las-gun, las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a Chimera as a dedicated transport if they are not on bikes. Options: Two Hearthguard may replace their las-gun with one of the following:-Flamer for +5 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points.-Melta gun for +15 points.One Hearthguard may replace his las-gun with one of the following: -Heavy bolter for +5 points.-Auto-kannon for +10 points.-Missle launcher for +15 points.-Multi-melta for +20 points.-Plasma cannon for +25 points.-Las-cannon for +30 points.The entire squad may take melta bombs for +3 points per model.The entire squad may take power axes for +10 points per model. The entire squad may take exo-armor for +20 points per model. The entire squad may take guild bikes for +15 points per model but if they are mounted they may not take exo-armor. Character: The squad may replace one hearthguard with a Squat medic for +15 points. The squad may replace one hearthguard for a commissar advisor for +20 points.

The squad may replace one hearthguard for a tech priest advisor for +10 points.The squad may replace one hearthguard with a Squat engineer for free.

Squat Medic: Squat, Infantry, 30 points per model.Medic WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 5+ Flak armor. Special rules: Slow, stubborn, hatred, feel no pain.Wargear: Las-gun, las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs, medi-kit.Transport: May take a Guild bike for +15 points. Options: The medic may replace his las-gun for any of the following:-Bolter for +3 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points. -Bolt pistol for +2 points. -Plasma pistol for +10 points.-Melta gun for +15 points.May replace his close combat weapon with any of the following: -Power axe for +10 points.-Power fist for +20 points. The medic may master craft any of his weapons for +10 points per weapon.

Elites:Ogryn Mercenaries: see listing in codex Imperial guardRatling snipers: see listing in codex Imperial guard

Longbeards: Longbeards, 5-10 Squats, Infantry, 12 points per model.Longbeard WS 5 BS 3 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 5+ flak armor.Special rules: Slow, stubborn, hatred, grumpy.Wargear: Las-gun, las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a Chimera as a dedicated transport if they are not on bikes. Options: Two Longbeards may replace their las-gun with one of the following:-Flamer for +5 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points.-Melta gun for +15 points.One Longbeard may replace his las-gun with one of the following:-Heavy bolter for +5 points.-Auto-kannon for +10 points.-Missle launcher for +15 points.-Multi-melta for +20 points.-Plasma cannon for +25 points.-Las-cannon for +30 points.The entire squad may take melta bombs for +3 points per model.The entire squad may take power axes for +10 points per model. The entire squad may take carapace armor for +4 points per model or exo-armor for +20 points per model. The

entire squad may take guild bikes for +15 points per model but if they are mounted they may not take exo-armor. Character: The squad may take a medic or an engineer for +15 points.

Squat Rangers: Squat Trooper, 5-10 Squats, Infantry, 10 points per model.Trooper WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 9 Sv 5+ Flak armor.Longbeard WS 5 BS 3 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 5+ Flak armor. Special rules: Slow, stubborn, hatred, infiltrate, scouts.[Longbeard is grumpy]Wargear: Las-gun or las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a Chimera as a dedicated transport if they are not on bikes. Options: One Squat trooper may replace his las-gun with one of the following:-flamer for +5 points.-plasma gun for +10 points.-melta gun for +15 points.One squat trooper may replace his las-gun with one of the following:-Heavy bolter for +5 points.-Auto-kannon for +10 points.-Missle launcher for +15 points.-Multi-melta for +20 points.-Plasma cannon for +25 points.-Las-cannon for +30 points.Character: One trooper may be upgraded to a longbeard Captain for +10 points.The longbeard may replace his las-gun for any of the following:-Bolter for +3 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points. -Bolt pistol for +2 points. -Plasma pistol for +5 points.-Melta gun for +15 points.May replace his close combat weapon with any of the following: -Power axe for +10 points.-Power fist for +20 points. The Longbeard may take melta-bombs for +3 points.The entire squad may be mounted on guild bikes for +15 points per model.

Troops:Squat Troopers: Squat Trooper, 10 Squats, Infantry, 6 points per model.Trooper WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 9 Sv 5+ Flak armor.Longbeard WS 5 BS 3 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 5+ Flak armor. Special rules: Slow, stubborn, hatred.[Longbeard is grumpy]Wargear: Las-gun or las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a Chimera as a dedicated transport. Options: One Squat trooper may replace his las-gun with one of the following:

-flamer for +5 points.-plasma gun for +10 points.-melta gun for +15 points.One squat trooper may replace his las-gun with one of the following:-Heavy bolter for +5 points.-Auto-kannon for +10 points.-Missle launcher for +15 points.-Multi-melta for +20 points.-Plasma cannon for +25 points.-Las-cannon for +30 points.Character: One trooper may be upgraded to a longbeard sergeant for +10 points.The longbeard may replace his las-gun with any of the following:-Bolter for +3 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points. -Bolt pistol for +2 points. -Plasma pistol for +5 points.-Melta gun for +15 points.May replace his close combat weapon with any of the following: -Power axe for +10 points.-Power fist for +20 points. The Longbeard may take melta-bombs for +3 points.

Fast Attack:Sentinel: see listing in codex Imperial guardHellhound: see listing in codex Imperial guard

Guild bike squad: Guild bikers, 5-10 bikes, bikes, 25 points per model.Biker WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4[5] W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 9 Sv 4+ inv.Longbeard WS 5 BS 3 St 4 T 4[5] W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 4+ inv. Special rules: Turbo boost, stubborn, hatred.[Longbeard is grumpy]Wargear: Las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs. Bike is armed with twin linked bolters.Transport: None. Options: Up to two Guild bikers may replace their las-pistols with one of the following:-Flamer for +5 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points.-Melta gun for +15 points.Character: One Guild biker may be upgraded to a longbeard sergeant for +10 points.The longbeard may replace his las-pistol with any of the following:-Bolter for +3 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points. -Bolt pistol for +2 points. -Plasma pistol for +5 points.-Melta gun for +15 points.May replace his close combat weapon with any of the following:

-Power axe for +10 points.-Power fist for +20 points. The Longbeard may take melta-bombs for +3 points.The squad may upgrade one guild biker to a guild biker engineer for +5 points. The squad may include 1 Guild trike for +40 points. It may take Guild trike upgrades.

Guild trike squad: Guild trikes, 1-3 trikes, bikes, 40 points per model.Trike WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4[5] W 2 I 2 A 2 Ld 9 Sv 4+ inv.Special rules: Turbo boost, stubborn, hatred.Wargear: Las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs. Bike is armed with a heavy bolter. Transport: none.Options: May upgrade the heavy bolter to any one of the following:-Auto cannon for +5 points.-Multi-melta for +10 points.-Las-cannon for +15 points.-Plasma cannon for +20 points.

Heavy Support:Leman Russ battle tank: see listing in codex Imperial guardBasilisk: see listing in codex Imperial guardHydra: see listing in codex Imperial guardGriffon: see listing in codex Imperial guardValkyrie: see listing in codex Imperial Guard.

Squat Thunderers: Squat Trooper, 5-10 Squats, Infantry, 10 points per model.Trooper WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 9 Sv 5+ Flak armor.Longbeard WS 5 BS 3 St 4 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 5+ Flak armor. Special rules: Slow, stubborn, hatred, tank hunters.[Longbeard is grumpy]Wargear: Las-gun or las-pistol, close combat weapon, frag and krak stikkbombs.Transport: May take a Chimera as a dedicated transport. Options: Any four Squat troopers may replace their las-gun with one of the following:-Heavy bolter for +5 points.-Auto-kannon for +10 points.-Missle launcher for +15 points.-Multi-melta for +20 points.-Plasma cannon for +25 points.-Las-cannon for +30 points.Character: One trooper may be upgraded to a longbeard sergeant for +10 points.The longbeard may replace his las-gun with any of the following:-Bolter for +3 points.-Plasma gun for +10 points. -Bolt pistol for +2 points. -Plasma pistol for +5 points.

-Melta gun for +15 points.May replace his close combat weapon with any of the following: -Power axe for +10 points.-Power fist for +20 points. The Longbeard may take melta-bombs for +3 points.

Squat Artillery battery: Squat Artillery, 1-3 guns, artillery, 20 points per gun model.Trooper WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 9 Sv 5+ Flak armor.Engineer WS 4 BS 3 St 3 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 5+ Flak armor. Special rules: Slow, stubborn, hatred.Crew: 2 squat troopers crew each gun. Transport: May take a Chimera as a dedicated transport for each gun and its crew. Options: You must choose the same type of gun for each battery from the following list. -Thudd gun for free.-Tarantula heavy bolter for +5 points.-Tarantula auto cannon for +10 points.-Tarantula missle launcher for +15 points.-Tarantula multi-melta for +20 points.-Tarantula plasma cannon for +25 poionts.-Tarantula las-cannon for +30 points.-Rapier laser destroyer for +35 points.-Mole mortar for +40 points.Character: If the battery has three guns you may include a Squat engineer for +15 points. See the squat engineer unit entry.


Mole Mortar: Range: 12-60” Strength: 6 AP: 4, 5” blast, barrage. Blast comes from under ground, models hit by the template do not get a cover save.

Rapier laser destroyer: Counts as 2 twin linked las-cannons.

Thudd gun: Range: 48” Strength: 6 AP: 4, small blast x 4. Roll for scatter for the first shot. Each additional template will be placed in the direction of the scatter die but touching the previous template. .Tarantula: Range, Strength, and special as weapon type. Counts as twin linked.


First off if yer planning on building one of dese ere Gargants you aint all roight in da ead and should go straight off and see da Mad Dok and get dat fixed. WOT? Youze already gotz da squig brain transplant last week? Well why didn’t ya say so ya zogger. In dat case read on ya git. First thing ya gotz to do is get da structure figured out. There are 9 types of Gargant bodies to choose from. From the wee digga stompa to the mega-gant. You get a base rule set, base point’s value, and da no-wotz to get rollin proppa. Next up ya pick yer weapons load out. Cuz yer kant really blast away at da weedy skumgrods if yer don’t gotz no dakka. Finally you get to the gubbinz section where you get to pick upgrades and all dat sort of stuff…Well get started ya zoggin git fer I hafter git out me choppa.

Gargant special rules.

EFFIGY: The Gargant is a roaring, belching personification of the warrior god Gork [or possibly Mork] that hums with pure Orkiness. All Ork mobs with a model within 12” are fearless.

MOUNTAIN OF IRON: Gargants only. The Gargant is immune to driver stunned critical results, treating them as gun-crew stunned instead.

TOWERING INFERNO: Gargants only. Once crippled the Gargant will tend to erupt in great gouts of flame, careening out of control as internal fires tear it apart from within. Catastrophic Damage Table “Wrecked” results instead move the Gargant ahead 2d6”. All normal movement rules apply. It is no longer scoring, may not fire any weapons, or change its facing. Roll again on the Catastrophic Damage Table at the start of each Ork turn until the Gargant explodes or leaves the table.

DIGGA STOMPAPoint base: 300Structure points: 2Power fields: Not available.Armor value: 13 / 12 / 11Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 Str 10 I 1 Att 1Access points: 1 rear hatch.Fire points: 2 in the hull.Transport: 12 models.

Weapons: Has a hull mounted big shoota.May choose 2 weapons from the following list:-Dreadnought CCW.-Big-lobba. -Kill kannon. -Boomgun. -Twin-linked supa-scorcha.

GOFF STOMPA [KLAW and ROK’N’ROLLA]Point base: 450 / 520Structure points: 4Power fields: 0Armor value: 13 / 13 / 12Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 S 10 I 1 A 7 or 1 with the mega deff rollaAccess points: 1 rear hatchFire points: 3Transport: 30 modelsWeapons: 2 primary and 8 secondary-Two titan close combat weapons or a mega deff rolla.-3 x big shootas or 3 x Burnas.-Twin-linked big shoota or Supa-rokkit.-3 x Supa-rokkits.-Supa-scorcha or Supa-rokkit.Special rules: The klawstompa has a supa-charga and uses the klaw frenzy special rules. The rok’n’rolla has the mega deff rolla special rule.

STOMPAPoint base: 600Structure points: 4Power fields: 0Armor value: 13 / 13 / 12Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 S 10 I 1 Att 1Access points: 1 rear hatch.Fire points: 3Transport: 20 models. Weapons: 2 primary and 8 secondary.-Titan CCW. -Deth kannon with coaxial supa-gatler or co-axial gigashoota. -3 x big shootas or 3 x burnas. -Twin-linked big shoota.-3 x Supa-rokkits-Gaze of Mork / Gork or Supa-scorcha.


Structure points: 4Power fields: 2Armor value: 13 / 13 / 12Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 S 10 I 1 Att 1Access points: None.Fire points: None.Transport: 3 deffkoptas.Weapons: 2 primary and 8 secondary.-Flight deck. -Deth kannon with co-axial supa-gatler or co-axial gigashoota. -2 x big shootas. -5 x Supa-rokkits-Supa-dupa rokkit. Special rules: Uses the evil eye in da sky rules.

BIG MEK’S STOMPAPoint base: 650Structure points: 4Power fields: 2Armor value: 13 / 13 / 12Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 S 10 I 1 Att 1Access points: 1 rear hatch.Fire points: 3Transport: 20 models. Weapons: 2 primary and 8 secondary.-Lifta-droppa, traktor kannon, bubble chukka, or pulsa rokkit. -Deth kannon with co-axial supa-gatler or co-axial gigashoota. -3 x big shootas.-Twin-linked big shoota. -3 x Supa-rokkits-Gaze of Mork / Gork or Supa-scorcha.

MEKBOY GARGANTPoint base: 900Structure points: 6Power fields: 4Armor value: 14 / 13 / 12Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 S 10 I 1 Att 1 Access points: 1 rear hatchFire points: 4Transport: 30 models. Weapons: 3 primary and 10 secondary. -Titan CCW or Supa-lifta-droppa.-Deth kannon with co-axial supa-gatler or co-axial gigashoota.-Lifta-droppa, bubble chukka, traktor kannon, or pulsa rokkit. -5 x big shootas. -Twin-linked big shoota, twin-linked rokkits, kannon, zzap gun, or lobba.

-3 x Supa-rokkits.-Gaze of Mork / Gork or Supa-scorcha.

SLASHA GARGANTPoint base: 1250Structure points: 8Power fields: 6Armor value: 14 / 14 / 12Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 S 10 I 1 Att 2Access points: 1 rear hatch, 1 front hatch. Fire points: 8Transport: 40 models.Weapons: 3 primary and 12 secondary. -Titan close combat weapon, ripper fist, or snapper.-Gutbusta belly gun.-6 x big shootas.-Twin-linked big shoota, twin-linked rokkits, kannon, zzap gun, or lobba.-4 x Supa-rokkits. -Gaze of Gork / Mork or Supa-scorcha.Must choose one arm weapon from the following list:-Deth kannon with co-axial gigashoota or co-axial supa-gatler.-Supa-kannon.-Mega-kannon.-Supa-mega-blasta.-Mega-scorcha. -Supa-zzap macro kannon.-Supa-snazz kannon.

GREAT GARGANTPoint base: 2500Structure points: 12Power fields: 10Armor value: 14 / 14 / 13Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 S 10 I 1 Att 3 Access points: 2 rear hatches, 1 front hatch. Fire points: 10Transport: 60 models.Weapons: 5 primary and 16 secondary.-Titan close combat weapon, ripper fist, snapper, or Supa-lifta-droppa.-Gutbusta belly gun.-2 x shoulder mounts: Can take any combination: Deth kannons, observation tower, or mega-scorchas. -6 x big shootas.-2 x Twin-linked big shootas, 2 x twin-linked rokkits, 2 x kannons, 2 x zzap guns, or 2 x lobbas. [Any combination of 2]

-6 x Supa-rokkits. -Supa-scorcha.-Gaze of Gork / Mork or Gun head. Must choose one arm weapon from the following list:-Supa-kannon.-Mega-kannon or twin-linked mega-kannon. -Supa-mega-blasta.-Mega kannon with co-axial scatter kannon. -Supa-zzap macro kannon.-Supa-snazz kannon.

MEGA-GARGANTPoint base: 4000Structure points: 24Power fields: 12Armor value: 14 / 14 / 14Stat line: WS 4 BS 2 S 10 I 1 Att 4Access points: 3 rear hatches and 3 front hatches. Fire points: 20 in the hull.Transport: 120 models. Weapons: 12 primary and 25 secondary.-Titan close combat weapon, ripper fist, snapper, or krusha ball.-Gutbusta belly gun.-Supa-lifta-droppa.-7 x Deth kannons mounted on gun decks or in the hull. -9 x big shootas.-3 x Twin-linked big shoota, 3 x twin-linked rokkits, 3 x kannons, 3 x zzap guns, or 3 x lobbas. [Any combination of 3]-8 x Supa-rokkits. -Twin-linked supa-scorcha or mega-scorcha.-Gaze of Gork / Mork or Gun head. -2 x Pulsa rokkits or 2 x supa-dupa rokkits. -Weirdboy tower. Must choose two arm weapons from the following list:-Supa-kannon.-Mega-kannon or twin-linked mega-kannon. -Supa-mega-blasta.-Mega kannon with co-axial scatter kannon. -Supa-zzap macro kannon or twin-linked supa-zzap macro kannon.-Supa-snazz kannon or twin-linked supa-snazz kannon.

Gubbinz Section

Now dat yer gotz da no-wotz of a brain boy when it comes to BIG and stompy gantz.Now youze gotz ter git skooled about gubbinz.

You could play any of the gargants above straight away but as you all know, no two Ork war machines are going to be alike. The following list of upgrades can be taken for all gargants at the listed points cost unless noted in the description. Also included here are a few of the more exotic gargant rules. These upgrades and rules are provided to make it easier to fit your kustom built gargant or stompa into Apocalypse games with as little fuss as possible.

-Red paint job: +25 points. Adds +1” to movement. -Blue paint job: +25 points. Death Skulls only. Lucky blue paint makes the Gargant harder to kill. Adds +1 to the gargants power fields or 1 power field if it had none. -Flashy paint job: +25 points. Bad Moons or Freebooterz only. Flashy paint makes the Gargant difficult to miss on the battlefield attracting much more attention than other units. Any units within 12” of the Gargant that are targeted by enemy fire may resolve the hits against the Gargant instead. The flashy Gargant becomes a fire magnet and counts its power fields as normal against the shooting attacks. -Flakk gunz: +25 points per gun. Adds one Flakk gun emplacement to the Gargant. You may take one Flakk gun emplacement for every 4 structure points you have on the base Gargant model. -Krusha ball: +50 points. Not available to the digga stompa. Counts as a titan close combat weapon.-Deff-Arsenal: +120 points. Death Skulls only. The deff arsenal must target one enemy unit. May fire an additional d3 supa-rokkits at separate targets every turn. -Repair krew: +75 points. During the shooting phase the repair krew may attempt to fix one thing per turn. Declare what you want the krew to fix and roll a dice, checking success on the chart below.Repair D6 roll neededWeapon- A single weapon may be fixed and may shoot next turn. 3+Primary Weapon-A single primary weapon may be fixed and may fire next turn. 5+Damaged Drive-A single drive damaged result may be repaired immediately. 5+Structure Point-A single structure point may be regained immediately. 6+-Gaze of Gork / Mork: +25 points. Each Gargant may only have one. -Observation tower: +75 points. Available to Gargants only. Gargant has a tower crewed by a nob and a mob of grots with optic equipment, colored bannas, sniffer squigs, and targetas. Gargant gets a +1 on its ballistic skill. Counts as a weapon and may be destroyed by weapon hits on the catastrophic damage chart. -Flight deck / launch bay: +100 points. Not available to the digga stompa. May carry and launch 3 deffkoptas or 3 grot bombs. Gargant may have any combination of both and may launch one each turn [Deffkoptas during the movement phase and grot bombs during the shooting phase.] Flight deck and deffkoptas/grot bombs cannot be destroyed while the Gargant is still functional. It does not count as a weapon as it is actually part of the war machines hull. Gargant may take one flight deck for every 4 structure points. If the Gargant has multiple flight decks it may launch one from each deck every turn. -Snapper: +50 points. Gargants only. Counts as a Titan close combat weapon. Has an extended range depending on how it is modeled. If the Gargant can reach an enemy unit with the snapper it can assault that unit. Counts as in base contact. It can use the USR ‘hit

and run’ by retracting the snapper. Gargant doesn’t actually move the 3d6” the snapper does. -Ripper fist: + 25 points. Gargants only. Counts as a Titan close combat weapon. Has an under slung Deth Kannon which can only be fired during turns when the Gargant is not engaged in close combat. -Bubble chukka: +35 points. Big Mek’s stompa and Mekboy Gargant only. Replaces a titan close combat weapon or a primary weapon. -Supa-rokkit: +10 points. May add to the gargants supa-rokkit rack up to double its listed size or in the case of the digga stompa you may take up to 3 supa-rokkits. -Supa-rokkit reloads: +10 points per rokkit. You can load up on ammunition for the supa-rokkit racks. May take up to one full re-load for the gargants supa-rokkits. -Traktor kannon: +35 points. Big mek’s stompa and Mekboy Gargant only. Replaces a titan close combat weapon or a primary weapon. -Pulsa Rokkit: +20 points per rokkit. One shot weapon. May take one pulsa rokkit for every 4 structure points on the Gargant. -Assault ramp: +50 points each. Gargant counts as open topped when it comes to troops inside assaulting from an assault ramp. One unit may assault from each ramp. You may have as many ramps as you have access points on the Gargant. -Scrap Hauler: +15 points. Gargant is equipped with a crane and towing chains allowing it to tow other vehicles along behind it. Vehicle wrecks and friendly vehicles may be towed without penalty at whatever speed the Gargant travels during the turn. These towed vehicles may be released at any time before, during, or after movement. Gargant may tow any number of smaller vehicles or one super heavy vehicle. Gargant must have a crane and tow chains modeled. -Krawler: +100 points. Adds tracks to the Gargant making it a super heavy tank a very slow but stable firing platform. The Gargant or stompas fire points, access points, and transport capacity is doubled since all the gubbinz that made the legs work are now gone.-Spikes N Wire: +25 points. A belt of barbed wire and spikes is mounted around the Gargant to keep enemy troops from scaling the sides. Enemy infantry that assault the Gargant will take a ST 3 hit on all of their misses in close combat. -Lifta-droppa: +25 points. Big mek’s stompa and mekboy Gargant only. Replaces a primary weapon or a titan close combat weapon on the Gargant. -Supa-Lifta droppa: +50 points. Gargants only. Replaces a primary weapon or a close combat weapon on the Gargant. Stompas may not take one as it is much too large to mount on a digga stompa or stompa. -Power field generator: +50 points. Stompas only. Gives the stompa 2 power fields. The digga stompa is much too small to mount the power field generator and may not take this upgrade.-Bolt on big shoota: +10 points each. Gargant may take as many bolt on big shootas as it has fire points so long as the fire points are not covered by grot sponsons. -Extra armor plates: +25 points. Gargant has 1 extra structure point. The damage will be absorbed or deflected away by the armor plates. The heavy armor plates make the Gargant heavier and slower so you must subtract 1” from its movement every turn. You may add as many armor plate upgrades as half the Gargants structure point total. [Example; A slasha Gargant has 8 structure points so it may take up to 4 extra armor

upgrades for total cost of 100 points. It would get +4 structure points but move 4” slower.]-Spot lights: +10 points. Counts as a search light but Gargant may light up multiple units. Any units it spots during a night fight battle it may illuminate with one of its many spotlights. This of course makes the Gargant an easy target as it is covered in lights. Any enemy units can spot the Gargant in the darkness. -Squig injected turbines: +25 points. Adds 2d6” of movement to the Gargant or stompa in the movement phase when the injectors are engaged. Unit may not shoot if it moves more than 18” and it counts as obscured if it does. -Boss Gant banna: +25 points. Only one Gargant or stompa in the army may take the boss gant banna. All Ork units within 24” of the Boss Gargant or Boss Stompa become fearless. -Grot krows nest: +25 points. Grot spotters are perched high above the Gargant calling out ranges and targets. Gargant gets a +1 to hit or they may re-roll for scatter during the shooting phase against one enemy unit. There can be only one crows nest mounted on any Gargant. -Supa-charga: +25 points. Stompas and digga stompas only. Stompa may assault 12” instead of the usual 6”. The stompa is outfitted with heavy duty pistons and werky bitz as well as a turbo-charged squig injected power turbine. Allowing for an extra burst of speed. -Mega-turbo boosta: +25 points. Stompas and digga stompas only. Large turbo charged engines allow the stompa to reach high speeds however the speed doesn’t allow for shooting. Stompas or digga stompas may use the fleet of foot USR; they may not shoot while running. -Big-lobba: +25 points per gun. Adds one big-lobba emplacement to the Gargant. You may take one Big-lobba emplacement for every 4 structure points you have on the base Gargant model. -Belly gun: +150 points. Stompa and mekboy Gargant only. Mounts a gut busta belly gun on a stompa or mekboy gargant. The belly gun may not fire on turn 1. After the first turn it may fire once every other turn and must choose only one type of ammunition for the entire game. Scatter shot, chain shot, or solid shot. -Gun head: +50 points. Gargants only. Head has a single deth kannon mounted in place of its eyes. May not take gaze of Gork/Mork with this upgrade.-Steam powered: +50 points. Snakebites only. Gargant is steam powered and produces a large amount of smoke and steam. During the movement phase the Gargant can use this smoke/steam to cover its movements. [Use a suitable marker to indicate this, cotton wool works great.] If it chooses to do this it counts as obscured and may not shoot as the Gargant is blinded by the cloud of fumes. Affect lasts until the beginning of the next Ork turn. -Mega kustom force field generator: +100 points. Gargants and stompas only. Gargant counts as having a KFF with a 12” range. The Gargant may choose to use its power fields if it has them or the KFF save but not both in the same turn. Units within 12” may use the KFF save every turn regardless of weather or not the Gargant makes use of the KFF save that turn. -Grot sponson: +5 points per gun. Gargant may take as many grot sponsons as it has fire points if the fire points aren’t already taken up by bolt on big shootas.

For an Ork there’s no such thing as too many ‘gunz’ on a gargant, even if there’s no more room for them in the hull. One solution to this problem is to cobble together some extra platforms and cages for the outside of a gargant, fit them with some spare big shootas and strap in enthusiastic and completely disposable Grots to fire them. The Grots involved usually have short lived but loud careers as gunners. Each Grot Sponson is an additional Big Shoota which uses a BS of ‘3’. Instead of being treated as standard vehicle mounted weapon, the Grot Sponson uses the same rules for firing as transported models using Firing Points (see the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for more details,) and is not counted as a weapon for the gargant itself taking damage. However, because of their precarious nature, every time a gargant with Grot Sponsons suffers damage, roll a D6 for each sponson which is destroyed on a roll of 4+ as the Grot is either splattered across the hull or the whole rig simply falls off! -Bigger rivets: +50 points. The Gargant has bigger rivets, giving it +1 on its armor value on all of its facings up to a maximum of 14. Every Ork knows it just needs bigger rivets. -Mo Dakka: +120 points. Bad Moons or Freebooterz only. Gargant is equipped with extra flashier and snazzier guns. It counts as a deff arsenal. -Mo ammo: +10 points per ammo crate. May take as many ammo crates as the gargant has structure points. Each ammo crate gives the Gargant a re-roll to hit with any one of its weapons in the shooting phase. Each crate can only be used once and they must be discarded after use. They may be modeled as ammo crates or ammo grots or a mixture of the two. -Supa-dupa rokkit: +20 points. One shot grot guided rokkit. Hits on a d6 roll of 2+. You may take one supa-dupa rokkit for every 4 structure points on the gargant. -Klaw frenzy: Goff stompas only. A klawstompa is specifically built for close combat. It gains a +2 bonus on all rolls on the vehicle damage table, super-heavy damage table, and the catastrophic damage table. This includes the usual bonus of +1 for using a titan close combat weapon. If a klawstompa destroys a vehicle it may throw it using the lifta-droppa rules. In addition when making a stomp attack the klawstompa may re-roll its “to hit” rolls. -Mega deff rolla: Goff stompas only. The rok’n’rolla stompa may make a special assault move at the start of its assault phase. It moves its full assault range +1d6”directly ahead.Any models that it moves over not including super-heavies or gargantuan creatures take a destroyer hit on the roll of a 4+. Any immobile vehicles in the deff rollas path are hit automatically. Modesl which would end up under the rok’n’rolla after it completes its movement are moved 1” away. If the deff rolla comes into contact with a super heavy or a gargantuan creature it will initiate close cambat as normal but with a bonus of +1d3 extra attacks instead of +1 in the first round of close combat. If the rok’n’rolla comes into contact with terrain features it could feasibly crush they are removed. If it comes into contact with impassable terrain it takes 1d3 strength 10 hits on its front armor. -Evil eye in da sky: Evil eye in da sky stompa only. Counts as having a flight deck. The deffkoptas launched by the stompa get the strategic redeployment strategic asset for free. The deffkoptas must take a dangerous terrain check when they use it. Spottas: When the evil eye in da sky is firing at a target within 24” and in LOS of one of its deffkoptas it may re-roll its to hit rolls for any of its rokkits.

It’s gonna blow: Should the stompa be destroyed then the Big mek Dakrok may try to escape on an unlaunched deffkopta. On a 4+ Dakrok escapes on a deffkopta which counts as an Ork objective if he survives the battle and acts as a normal deffkopta in all respects. Any other unlaunched deffkoptas are destroyed.-Ejektion system: +25 points. Should the stompa or gargant get destroyed the boss mek may activate da ejection system. Roll a 1d6 on a roll of 4+ the ejection system works and the explosive bolts in the gargants neck explode igniting the rocket assisted jets built into the gargants head. Turning the gargants kommand center into an escape pod. The head will shoot away from the gargant in a random direction 4d6”roll the scatter dice. If you roll a hit you may pick the direction of the scatter. If it lands on any models treat it as a lift-droppa attack, though the gargant head can’t suffer anymore damage from the drop. Once it lands it becomes an objective and still retains its special rule Effigy of Gork / Mork.-Weirdboy tower: +100 points. Gargants only. May take a Weirdboy tower that has all the same effects as a weirdboy tower battlewagon. It has no weapons other than the imprisoned Weirdboy himself. Note that the gargant is just to large to take feedback damage from the fizzle result on the weirdboy chart. Count it as no psychic power available this turn instead, Gargant may move and shoot normally otherwise.

GARGANT WEAPONSGargants are big, mean, and ugly behemoths of mass destruction and their weapons reflect this. Weapon: Range Strength AP Special rulesDeth Kannon: 72” 10 1 Ordnance 1, 7” blast, P.Gigashoota: 48” 6 4 Heavy 6d6, CX, P.Supa-rokkitz: Unlimited 8 3 Heavy 1, one shot, GG.Supa-Scorcha: Hellstorm 6 3 Assault 1, template placed 12” from weapon.Supa-Gatler: 48” 7 3 Heavy 2d6, Psycho-Dakka-Blasta!, CX, P.Gaze of Mork/Gork: 60” 2d6 2 Heavy 3, Roll Str for each shot, 11-12 = D.Lifta-Droppa: 48” - - Lifta-Droppa.Gut Busta Belly Gun: Select a single type of ammo each shot.-Scatter shot: 72” 7 3 Ordnance 1, 3d6” blast, P.-Solid shot: 72” D - Ordnance 1, 5” blast, D, P.-Chain shot: 72” 9 3 Ordnance 1, 7” blast, P.Mega-Scorcha: Hellstorm 7 3 Assault 1, template placed 18” from weapon, P.Scatter Kannon: 72” 8 3 Heavy 6d6, CX, P.Ripper Fist: CC D - Titan CCW, D, P. Snapper: CC D - Titan CCW, D, P. Krusha Ball: CC D - Titan CCW, D, P.Mega-Deff Rolla: CC D - Titan CCW, D, P.Supa-Lifta-Droppa: 60” - - Lifta-Droppa, P.Pulsa Rokkit: 120” - - Pulsa rokkit, one shot. Mega-Kannon: 96” D 2 Ordnance 1, 10” blast, D, P.Flakk Gunz: 48” 7 4 Assault 4, AA.Supa-Kannon: 36-120” 9 3 Ordnance 1, 5” blast, barrage, P.Big-Lobba: 12-48” 6 4 Ordnance 1, 5” blast, barrage. Supa-Mega-Blasta: 72” 10 1 Ordnance 1, 10” blast, melta, P.Deff arsenal: 120” 9 3 Heavy 3d6.Tractor kannon: 72” 2d6 - Heavy 1, tractor. Bubble chukka: 36” - - Heavy 1, bubble. Supa-dupa rokkit: Unlimited 10 2 Heavy 1, one shot, GG.Grot bomb launcha: 24-72” 8 3 Heavy 1, blast one shot, barrage, GG. Supa-zzap macro kannon: 180” D 2 Ordnance 1, 10” blast, D, P. Supa-snazz kannon: 72” D 2 Heavy 3, 5” blast, D, P. AA = Anti-aircraft weapon.CC = Close combat only.

CCW = Close combat weapon.CX = Co-axial weapon.P = Primary weapon. D = Destroyer.GG = Grot guided hits on a 2+.Melta =Roll 3d6+10 for armor penetration against targets under the hole in the center of the template, and 2d6+10 against other targets.


STORM KORPS Points: 100 + models.1 Drill Boss 0-1 Korpz command squad2-5 Stormboyz mobs0-3 Fighta-bommas

Special rules: -Deepstrike: Drill Boss must enter by deepstrike. All other units will deepstrike within 12” of the boss, they will not scatter.-Must enter in strategic reserve.-High altitude bombing: Formation gets a free orbital bombardment strategic asset to represent high altitude bombing run. For every fighta-bomma in the formation you may add +1 to the apocalyptic barrage markers number of attacks.

Ork Mega-Gunz Battery Point value: 600 Armor value: 14 / 13 / 12Structure points: 4Power fields: 3Wargear: Power field generator, armor plates, Mega-kustom force field. Weapons: 3 Mega-GunzSpecial:Mega-Gunz gives the unit an orbital bombardment strategic asset that can be used every turn. It has a minimum range of 72” maximum range is unlimited. Counts as an Apocalyptic barrage [6]. For every gun destroyed it looses 2 from its attack value. [St 8, AP 3, Ordnance, pinning. Always hits side armor on vehicles.]

Immune to driver stunned and drive damaged results on the catastrophic damage table, treat as no effect instead.

GOFF BIG MOB 75 points + models.AKA Da GOFF Tide. [Counts as a green tide] Warboss and 100+ Ork boyz

A single large mob numbering at least 100 Ork boyz led by a Warboss. Number of Orks in the formation is unlimited. For every 10 Orks in the mob you may upgrade one to a nob for the listed points cost in the unit entry. For every 10 Orks in the mob you may take one heavy weapon for the listed points cost in the unit listing.Warboss may not take a bike and unit may not take any dedicated transports.

Stampede: May use the move through cover USR. May also WAAAGH! every turn. Should the rest of the army also WAAAGH! that turn the Goff big mob may roll 2d6 and choose the highest when determining how far it moves.

Follow me ladz: Any Ork mobs that fallback within 48” of the Goff big mob are removed and added to the big mob. They may not be closer to the enemy than the Warboss and must be in unit coherency.

Giblet Grinda Battle Fortress Point value: 400Type: Super-heavy tank.Armor value: 14 / 13 / 11Structure points: 3 Transport: 30 models. Access points/Fire points: For the purposes of transported models only, the giblet Grinda counts as open topped.Weapons: -Deff rolla.-2 x turret mounted boom guns or kill kannons.-2 x big shootas mounted on the gun turrets.-4 x twin-linked big shootas.-One hull mounted kannon, lobba, or zzap gun.-3 x supa-rokkits. Options: The Giblet Grinda may replace its twin-linked big shootas for twin-linked rokkits for free. The Giblet Grinda may take up to 3 additional supa-rokkits at +10 points each. The Giblet Grinda may take any of the following vehicle upgrades:-Red, blue, or flashy paint job for +10 points. -May take up to 2 grot sponsons at +5 points each.-Spot lights for +5 points.-Armor plates for +15 points.-Squig injected turbines for +15 points.-Grot gunners for +50 points.-Grot riggas for +10 points.

Gun Fortress Point value: 500Type: Super-heavy tank.Armor value: 14 / 13 / 11

Structure points: 3 Transport: None. Access points/Fire points: None.Weapons: -2 x turret mounted boom guns or kill kannons.-2 x big shootas mounted on the boom gun/kill kannon turrets.-4 x twin-linked big shootas.-One kannon, lobba, or zzap gun.-3 x supa-rokkits.Must choose one of the following big guns:-Supa-lifta droppa.-Supa-kannon.-Mega-kannon. -Mega-scorcha.-Supa-mega-blasta.-Mega kannon with co-axial scatter kannon. -Supa-zzap macro kannon.-Supa-snazz kannon.Options: The Gun Fortress may replace its twin-linked big shootas for twin-linked rokkits for free. The Gun Fortress may take up to an additional 3 supa-rokkits at +10 points each. The Gun Fortress may take any of the following vehicle upgrades:-Red, blue, or flashy paint job for +10 points. -May take up to 2 grot sponsons at +5 points each.-Spot lights for +5 points.-Armor plates for +15 points.-Grot gunners for +50 points.-Repair crew for +50 points.-Grot riggas for +10 points. Special: The big gun counts as a primary weapon.

Da WAAAGH Battle Fortress Point value: 500Type: Super-heavy tank.Armor value: 14 / 13 / 11Structure points: 3 Transport: 30 models. Access points/Fire points: For the purposes of transported models only, the battle fortress counts as open topped.Weapons: -Deff rolla.-2 x sponson mounted big zzap guns.-2 x pintle mounted rokkit launchas, anti-aircraft mounted.-4 x twin-linked big shootas.-Top mounted kannon.-Hull mounted supa-scorcha.

Wargear: Grot gunners, grot riggas, armor plates, stick bomb chucka, squig injected engines.

Da Waaagh Fortress was originally built by Big Mek Krooza, an infamous inhabitant of the Ork world known simply as Orkland. This massive vehicle was the latest in a line of increasingly ambitious creations, and intended for Grimek, an acquisitive Bad Moonz mek from another Ork-dominated world some distance away. Krooza's original design was armed to the teeth and able to crush anything before it. Krooza managed to build the basic vehicle and fit some guns, but then his wandering eyes were distracted by another, even more grandiose project, and he lost interest. Hoping to palm it off to his wealthy kustomer anyway, he had it painted up in a flashy yellow and black scheme. Grimek, who apparently had more teef than sense, saw it on a viewscreen and fell for it immediately. It was only when he had shipped it back to his own planet that he discovered that most of its worky bitz were missing. Disgusted, Grimek left it outside the gates of his stronghold with a 'fer sale' sign on it.

There it sat for a while, rusting quietly in the perpetual damp that permeated Grimek's world. This is where Gooba the Arch Loota, chief mek of the Konvicts tribe, saw it. He traded Grimek a bag of shiny things for it (promptly stealing them back when he wasn't looking), and arranged for it to be transported to his own home planet, Amorkia. After unloading it from the transport, Gooba towed it away to his junkyard and positioned it in pride of place amongst his other prizes. However, while the Konvicts pestered him to finish it and put it into action, Gooba found that he couldn't be arsed doing the necessary work - he had become despondent about what he saw as the loss of traditional Ork kulture, and no longer saw any point. So da Waaagh Fortress once again sat neglected and seemingly unwanted.

More time passed, then a group of small, hooded figures with suspiciously squeaky voices visited Gooba's junkyard. They seemed to know exactly what they wanted, and quickly made an offer for the hulking vehicle. Gooba barely bothered to bargain with them, and didn't notice the small size of the teef he received. Nor did he notice when, as soon as the deal had been done, a teleporta beam snatched the vehicle from his junkyard and whisked it up to the small 'ulk orbiting overhead. There, the Grots threw off their cloaks and began clambering all over their new acquisition, cackling with glee at their good fortune. Satisfied, they set a course back to the stronghold of da Thousand Tribes.

It should have been a quick trip, but unfortunately for the Grots the 'ulk was rather unreliable, and its engines misfired. It shot away from Amorkia and into space. After veering from one direction to another, it began to disintegrate over a huge red planet known simply by its initials, PRC. The section containing da Waaagh Fortress plummeted to earth on a small, humid moon that circled the planet - by a bizarre coincidence, this moon was Grimek's homeworld, although of course he had no idea that his former acqusition had returned. Miraculously, it survived the impact, coming to rest near a tall, ramshackle Ork building.

This building was the lair of Oddballz, a Big Mek affiliated with the Death Skullz and an inveterate tinkerer. Oddballz knew a good thing when he saw it, and sent his assistant meks out to claim da Waaagh Fortress. Once it had been brought into to his rather cramped mekshop, Oddballz gave it a good lookover and, as was his wont, immediately began planning to alter it. He replaced its weedy kannon with a kustomised killkannon, fitted more gunz, souped up the engine and decorated it with numerous glyphs, intended to mark it out as unmistakably his property. During its many test runs, it acquired a panoply of weapons, gear and junk, and soon became indistinguishable from Oddballz' other tanks. He then began to paint it bloo, but before he had got very far it disappeared - snatched back by the Grots of da Thousand Tribes, who'd been searching frantically for their missing prize while desperately keeping the 'ulk more-or-less in one piece.

The 'ulk made its way unsteadily back to Amorkia, but before it reached da Thousand Tribes' stronghold it finally fell apart and crash-landed on Kanuk, a frigid continent in the northern hemisphere. The Orks of Kanuk were an easy-going lot who liked to engage in bizarre winter sports and didn't realise they were actually part of Amorkia. The Grots managed to extricate da Waaagh Fortress - still, amazingly, undamaged - from the wreckage of the 'ulk. They were

then able to con a friendly Kanuk mek into repairing it and repainting the damaged bits. As soon as he'd finished, they hit him over the head with his own spanner and drove da Waaagh Fortress south to their stronghold, where they were met with much rejoicing before being sent off to clean out the drops as a reward.

It was the Thousand Tribes who christened it 'da Waaagh Fortress'. They also carefully bolted a few more of their personalised glyphs onto it, to avoid any 'misunderstandings' should any of its previous owners reappear. Finally, after many years and travelling uncounted miles, during which it had never fired a shot in anger, Krooza's creation was ready for war...

Ork Landa Point value: 900Type: Super-heavy flyer.Armor value: 12 / 12 / 12Structure points: 3 Power fields: 1 Transport: 60 models. May transport any models listed on the Apocalypse super-heavy transport chart on page 198 of the Apocalypse book. In addition tanks/battlewagons count as 30, mega-dread/truks count as 15, and killa kanz count as 5 models for the purpose of transporting models. Access points/Fire points: Assault ramp in the front. For the purposes of transported models only, the Ork landa counts as open topped. No fire points are available.Weapons: -2 x hull mounted twin-linked zzap guns.-4 x twin-linked big shootas with anti-aircraft mounts.-24 x bomms.-6 x supa-rokkits or 6 x burna bomms.-Twin-linked big shoota in a rear facing anti-aircraft mount/turret.Special: You can elect to have the landa drop as many bomms as you wish in a single bombing run-for each bomm dropped, roll once on the Apocalyptic Barrage template. But remember, each bomm can only be dropped once-when they are gone, they’re gone. The twin-linked zzap guns automatically hit, you may re-roll the strength of the hit.

GROT BIG MOB 75 points + models.AKA Da GROT Tide. [Counts as a green tide] Zodgrod Wortsnagga, 100+ Gretchin, and 0-20+ Snotling bases.A single large mob numbering at least 100 Gretchin led by Zodgrod Wortsnagga. Number of grots or snots in the formation is unlimited. For every 10 Grots or 5 snotling bases in the mob you may add one Runtherd for +10 points, he may trade in his grabba-stikk for a grot prod for +5 points. You may choose not to take the required amount of runtherds because the Runtmaster Zodgrod is so adept at runt wrangling he doesn’t need many assistants. The Runtmaster Zodgrod may not take a bike and unit may not take any dedicated transports.

Living carpet: May use the move through cover USR. May also use the WAAAGH! Rule every turn. Should the rest of the army also WAAAGH! that turn the Grot big mob may roll 2d6 and choose the highest when determining how far it moves.

Follow me runtz: Any Gretchin or Snotling mobs that fallback within 48” of the Grot big mob are removed and added to the big mob. They may not be closer to the enemy than the Runtmaster and must be in unit coherency.

Note: Only one mob of 30 grots or 20 snotling bases may be upgraded to supa-runts by Zodgrod.

Ork BattlewagonsThe following Ork tanks are some of the old school vehicles which were available in the Epic game. I’ve thrown them in because I see them often at Apocalypse games but there are not any current rules for them.These Ork tanks take up a heavy support choice on the force organization chart. You may take them in squadrons of 1-3 tanks. These are all dedicated tanks therefore they do not have a transport capability. The space ordinary taken up by embarked troops is full of machinery to move the guns, fuel tanks, and ammunition for its weapons. They are counted as having a ard case.They may take all the same options/vehicle upgrades as a battlewagon, see the Ork codex for the unit entry.

Bone Breaka Point value: 185Type: Tank.Armor value: 14 / 12 / 10 Transport: None. Access points/Fire points: None.Weapons: -Deff rolla.-Turret mounted Boom gun.-Big shoota.Options: The Bone Breaka may take any of the following vehicle upgrades in addition to those available to a battlewagon:-Squig fuel injectors +10 points.-Blue paint job +10 points. -Turbo boosta +5 points. -Grot gunners +5 points. -Uge exhausts +5 points. -Search light +1 point.-Spikes n blades +5 points.-Grot sponson +5 points.

Bone Krusha Point value: 185Type: Tank.Armor value: 14 / 12 / 10 Transport: None. Access points/Fire points: None.Weapons:

-Deff rolla.-Turret mounted Twin-linked kill kannon.-Big shoota.Options: The Bone Krusha may take any of the following vehicle upgrades in addition to those available to a battlewagon:-Squig fuel injectors +10 points.-Blue paint job +10 points. -Turbo boosta +5 points. -Grot gunners +5 points. -Uge exhausts +5 points. -Search light +1 point.-Spikes n blades +5 points.-Grot sponson +5 points.

Bowel Burna Point value: 105Type: Tank, fast.Armor value: 13 / 12 / 10 Transport: None. Access points/Fire points: None.Weapons: -Turret mounted Supa-scorcha.-Big shoota.Options: The Bowel Burna may take any of the following vehicle upgrades in addition to those available to a battlewagon:-Squig fuel injectors +10 points.-Blue paint job +10 points. -Grot gunners +5 points. -Uge exhausts +5 points. -Search light +1 point.-Spikes n blades +5 points.-Grot sponson +5 points.

Gobsmasha Point value: 155Type: Tank, fast.Armor value: 13 / 12 / 10 Transport: None. Access points/Fire points: None.Weapons: -Boom gun.-Big shoota.Options: The Gobsmasha may take two side sponsons with a pair of the following weapons:-2 x Twin-linked big shootas for +20 points.

-2 x Twin-linked rokkit launchas for +30 points. -2 x Twin-linked kustom mega blastas for +40 points. The Gobsmasha may take any of the following vehicle upgrades in addition to those available to a battlewagon:-Squig fuel injectors +10 points.-Blue paint job +10 points. -Grot gunners +5 points. -Uge exhausts +5 points. -Search light +1 point.-Spikes n blades +5 points.-Grot sponson +5 points.

Lung Bursta Point value: 175Type: Tank.Armor value: 14 / 12 / 10 Transport: None. Access points/Fire points: None.Weapons: -Turret mounted Boom gun.-2 x dreadnaught close combat weapons. -Big shoota.Options: The Lung Bursta may take any of the following vehicle upgrades in addition to those available to a battlewagon:-Squig fuel injectors +10 points.-Blue paint job +10 points. -Turbo boosta +5 points. -Grot gunners +5 points. -Uge exhausts +5 points. -Search light +1 point.-Spikes n blades +5 points.-Grot sponson +5 points.

Rokkit Wagon Point value: 185Type: Tank.Armor value: 12 / 11 / 10Transport: None. Access/fire points: None.Weapons: -Twin-linked big shoota.-Supa-dupa rokkit or pulsa rokkit.-6 x supa-rokkits.

Options: May replace its twin-linked big shoota with twin-linked rokkits for +5 points. May take one set of reloads for the supa-rokkits for +60 points. [6 additional supa-rokkits]May take the following vehicle upgrades:-Armor plates, blue paint job, squig fuel injector, or wreckin ball for +10 points each upgrade.-Grabbin klaw, boardin plank, grot riggas, red paint job, reinforced ram, spikes n blades, stikkbomb chucka, uge exhausts, grot gunners, or turbo boosta for +5 points each upgrade.-Search light for +1 point.

Spleen Rippa Point value: 195Type: Tank.Armor value: 14 / 12 / 10 Transport: None. Access points/Fire points: None.Weapons: -Supa kannon.-Big shoota.Options: The Spleen Rippa may take any of the following vehicle upgrades in addition to the ones available to a battlewagon:-Squig fuel injectors +10 points.-Blue paint job +10 points. -Turbo boosta +5 points. -Grot gunners +5 points. -Uge exhausts +5 points. -Search light +1 point.-Grot sponson +5 points.



IMPERIAL: Secret objective…………………transmission,.Imperial high command.

Brother Raphael has been captured and crucified by the xenos greenskinz. Recovery of battle brother Raphael or the recovery of his gene seed is invaluable to the Imperium. Let no xenos scum touch the revered battle brothers remains.

ORK: Sekrit Fing wot da lot of da bosses wants….unknown gretchin slave.

Da Orks have captured a weedy beakie and hung him up to dry. Da no gud skumgrod just refuses to die….which gives endless amusement to da greenskinz. Of course da warboss dat claims he captured da unkillable skumgrod will get all sorts of followers. A nurdgrod like dat is down roight proppa.

Whichever side controls the crucified marine on the bunker of blood will receive 1 VP for the battle. Any non vehicle unit within 6” can claim control.

If the blood bunker is contested at the end of the game, all units within 12” may fight until control is gained at the end of the battle. Roll for initiative and fight a mini game.

Originally used in ORKFEST V. The weedy skumgrod Blood Beakies claimed the objective. Though in the end it still didn’t win them the battle.


Double Secret Imperial Orders

Not known to the players, the Imperials and their allies have a secret order which automatically goes into affect as soon as any Skumgord player shouts out “THE GROTS ARE IN THE WIRE!” If in fact any gretchin units are actually in a barded wire obstacle the game stops and all Imperial players and allies get a free shooting phase. Only weapons under strength 5 may be fired as the Imperial defenders open up with their defensive weapons in a last ditch attempt to stop the mad rush of greenskins from over

running their defensive lines. Units count as stationary when this free fire phase takes affect allowing them to double tap or to fire at maximum range with rapid fire weapons. If it happens during the Ork players turn the Ork players may finish moving their grot units before the shooting starts just to get more grots into range, no other units may move until the skumgrods complete their shooting. This special order may only be used once per game.

NOTE: This rule has never gone into affect. It has been an unspoken rule now since ORKFEST II. I created the rule as a salute to one of my skumgrods Shas O Bob. He really hates grots and often shouted things at our games like F….ing grots, GROTS ARE IN THE WIRE, Darn tunnel rats, etc…I figured I’d make a special rule just for the git. Unfortunate for the skumgrods that it hasn’t been used yet, now that I’ve written it down I’m sure it will see some game play in future battles. [You reading this Shas O Bob?]


Apocalypse games are fun, but by adding a few secret orders to the game you can add a little mayhem and some fluffy fun to the mix. Only way to be proppa if you ask me.

Each side in the mega-bash must choose a General. This General will be the leader for his/her side of the battle. The General will have the responsibility of passing out the strategic assets for the game as well as giving out the secret orders to the players. This should de done before both sides start to deploy. Players are free to reveal their orders to the other players but it is more fun if they conceal the orders until the end of the game. Every order is a little different. Some are army specific while others are general in nature. They all work the same in that at the end of the game the side that completes the most secret orders will get bonus victory points for the battle. So it is in the best interests of the General to pass the orders on to players who can actually achieve them.

The secret orders are listed here general ones are first followed by army/race specific.


ASSASSIN: Take out an army general, HQ unit, or independent character.BERZERKER: Take out more enemy units in close combat then you bring to the table. FIRST BLOOD: Be the first on your side to get the first ‘confirmed’ kill in close combat.LEAD FROM THE REAR: Avoid close combat for the entire game.LIGHTNING RAID: Get at least 50% of your army into the enemy deployment zone.PEACE THROUGH SUPERIOR FIREPOWER: Take out more enemy units by shooting then you bring to the table. [Use Kill points]TANK HUNTER: Destroy an enemy super heavy vehicle.

TITAN KILLER: Destroy an enemy Titan.BIG GAME HUNTER: Destroy an enemy gargantuan creature.

ARMY SPECIFIC NECRON: Protect the tomb. Take and hold the tomb entrance. No enemy or allied forces must be within 6” of the objective. The tomb may be placed at the start of the game anywhere in the enemy deployment zone but not closer than 18” from your deployment zone.

DARK ELDAR: Slave raid. Capture enemy models in close combat. Units you destroy in close combat count towards your slave quota. The amount of slaves needed to fill your quota is the amount of kill points you bring to the table. Should you fail to meet or accede the quota you yourself become the slave.

Eldar Exodite world: This is an Eldar Exodite world and it must be free from the taint of the Xenos scum. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table. This may include allies. Only Dark Eldar units do not count towards your total.

TYRANID: Consume a mind. Kill an enemy psyker in close combat.

The great devourer. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table. Any units you destroy count including those of your allies.

TAU: For the greater good. Prove to the galaxy that the Tau are here to stay. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table.

CHAOS DEAMON ARMY:Consume their souls. For CHAOS! Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table. You may destroy allied units as well and they count towards your kill point total.

SQUATS:Book of grudges. Past grudges are about to be avenged. Destroy more Ork units in kill points than you bring to the table.

ELDAR: Secure the web way. Place an Eldar objective marker some where in the enemy deployment zone. This is a web way gate that must be secured and sealed before the enemy discovers its true use. Take and hold the objective.

Eldar Exodite world: This is a sacred Eldar world, it must not be defiled by Xenos scum. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table. You may attack any non-Eldar units to make this quota including your Imperial or Tau allies.

IMPERIAL GUARD:Archeotech hoard. You are secretly working for the Mechanicus and must secure the archeotech to further the arch magos forbidden research. Take and hold the archeotech. Pick any industrial building in the enemy deployment zone as housing the archeotech. You must secure this for the arch magos. No enemy or allies can be within 6” of this objective.

For the Emperor. The Imperial temple must be taken and held against the forces of disorder, if it falls into enemy hands it would be a great blow to morale. Choose one of the Imperial temples as your objective to take and hold for the Emperor.

Tank Ace. Destroy more enemy vehicles in kill points than you bring to the table using your own armored vehicles. Kills only count if the killing shot is from one of your vehicles.

INQUISITION: [Gray Knights, Witch Hunters, Deamon Hunters, Xenos Hunters.]Purge the unclean. Destroy more units of Deamons/beastmen/mutants in kill points than you bring to the table.

Burn the heretic. Destroy more units of Traitors/Chaos marines/Cultists in kill points than you bring to the table.

Suffer not the alien to live. Destroy more units of Eldar/Orks/Tau/Tyranid/Necron/Dark Eldar/Kroot in kill points than you bring to the table.

Sanctify Imperial shrines. Imperial angel statues count as Imperial shrines. You must secure more of them than the enemy. Do not let the foul denizens of chaos despoil them.

Defenders of the faith. Imperial temples must be held at all costs. You must make sure that all the Imperial temples remain in Imperial control. They may not be infested by xenos allies or taken by the enemy.

Dismantle the works of the Xenos. Destroy more enemy vehicles in kill points than you bring to the table. Only alien vehicles count towards your total. Allied vehicles also count towards this total if you destroy them.

Stop the ritual. The foul minions of chaos are erecting an unclean idol to their gods and are performing a heretical ritual. Discover the location of this sacrilege, stop the ritual, and secure the idol for destruction. Treat the unclean chaos idol as a take and hold objective.

SPACE MARINES:Emperors champion. Slay an enemy independent character with one of your independent characters.

Avenging angels. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table.

Dark Angels. Hunt for the fallen. There are at least 10 of the Fallen in this warzone. You must capture them at any cost by defeating them in close combat. Let no one stand in your way. Each Fallen counts as one kill point and you must capture as many fallen in kill points as you bring to the table.

Space Wolves. For Russ. You must get to the enemy before the Dark Angels and destroy more units in kill points than you bring to the table. Preferably more than the Dark Angels.

Chapter relic. An ancient chapter relic has been located on this world, it must be secured for the honor of the chapter. Place an objective some where in the enemy deployment zone, at least 18” from your deployment zone. Take and hold the objective.

CHAOS: The nine arrows of chaos.-The Annihilator. Destroy the biggest enemy super heavy.-The Desecrator. Take and hold an Imperial temple. -The Defiler. Take and hold angel statues. Hold more then the enemy. -The Despoiler. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table. -The Destroyer. Destroy the biggest Imperial building using a dirty bomb and an apocalyptic explosion. Any infantry unit may set the bomb. Unit must remain stationary and do nothing while arming the bomb, next turn it explodes during the shooting phase. -The Mangler. Destroy more enemy vehicles in kill points than you bring to the table.-The Skull taker. Destroy more enemy infantry units in kill points than you bring to the table, in close combat. -The Unclean. Place the unclean chaos idol in one of the Imperial temples then take and hold the unclean shrine while you perform unholy rituals for the minions of chaos. Idol is a moveable objective which starts with your forces and moves with them, Idol may be carried along by any chaos unit. Once placed in a temple it cannot be moved.-The Violator. Capture an enemy independent character in close combat.

ORKS: Biggest boss. Be the first warboss to draw blood and get a personal kill. Biggest mek. Make a successful repair on a super heavy vehicle.Grot rebellion. Put down or start the Grot rebellion. Put down the uppity Grots: Sacrifice grot units in pointless charges using them as a meat shield, you must have no grot units left at the end of the battle. Or Viva da Revolushun: Preserve the weedy little gits, keep them alive at all costs, do not loose any grot units during the battle. You must choose which order you want to follow at the beginning of the game by telling the General what you plan to do. I’m da big boss now. Be the last warboss standing, through your actions or the actions of others be the only warboss left at the end of the battle. Killy. Destroy more enemy infantry units in kill points than you bring to the table.

Krumpiest. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table, in close combat only. Loota. Loot more wrecked vehicles than you bring to the table in kill points. Vehicle wrecks may be towed by another vehicle at 6” per turn. Treat all vehicle wrecks as take and hold objectives or they may be towed off of the table to count as looted. Skumgrod stompa. Slay a skumgrod independent character with your warboss. Squig-reetaz. Secure the squig juice. Place an appropriate objective in the enemy deployment zone at least 18” from your deployment zone. This counts as a take and hold objective. Stompiest. Destroy the biggest enemy super heavy vehicle. Tank busta. Destroy more enemy vehicles in kill points than you bring to the table.Weediest. Don’t loose any units during the battle. BAD MOON: Mo dakka. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table, using only shooting.BLOOD AXE: Kommizaar. Execute one of da ladz every time you fail a leadership test, roll a 1 for running, roll a 1 for power of the WAAAGH, or roll a 1 while shooting. You must execute at least one Ork boy during the battle for every kill point you bring to the table. DEATH SKULL: Masta loota. Loot a super heavy vehicle. Must be towed off of the board by a recovery vehicle [Any vehicle with a wreckin ball or grabbin klaw will do.] or treated as a take and hold objective to count as looted. EVIL SUNZ: Red onez go fasta. Must get at least 50% of your army into the skumgrod deployment zone, must include your army general, and you have to be the first Ork player to do so. FREEBOOTERZ: Zoggin Pirates. Destroy enemy units and loot em. Destroy more enemy units in kill points than you bring to the table. Enemy vehicle wrecks are treated as objectives and they count as kill points towards your total. Vehicle wrecks may be towed off of the table as loota or masta loota above. GOFF: Proppa. Goffs think they are the only “proppa” Orks so to prove it you must get more kill points in destroyed enemy units than any other Ork player. GROT REBELS: Grot rebels. Must take and hold at least one battlefield objective with grots only. SNAKEBITE: Stompede.Get your squiggoths and cyboars into the skumgrod deployment zone and stomp em flat. Must get at least 50% of your army into the enemy deployment zone and each squiggoth that makes it there must destroy at least one enemy unit.

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