cold mountain name: the shadow of a...

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Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary: 6-21 the shadow of a crow Date:__ out of 11 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Read the following phrases from our novel and then choose the BEST definition for each of the underlined words by placing the letter of the BEST answer in the blank.

__ 1. “His right foot had been taken off by grape at Cold Harbor” (Frazier 6).

__ 2. “Every vile deed he had witnessed lately had been at the the hand of a human agent” (Frazier 9).

__ 3. “. . . felt like the tongue of a cat licking, doing no damage, only making a little abraded stripe” (Frazier 10).

__ 4. “. . . the mud of the road was near frozen to the condition of slurry “ (Frazier 10).

__ 5. “Inman just got to hating them for their clodpated determination to die” (Frazier 11).

__ 6. “All that night the aurora flamed and shimmered lurid colors across the sky to the north” (Frazier 13).

__ 7. “He might have been mistaken for a man sitting suspended during a long daguerreotype exposure . . .” (Frazier 17).

__ 8. “Who could strike you for retribution other than yourself?” (Frazier 17).

__ 9. “Inman found this notion dismal indeed, since he had been taught by sermon and hymn. . .” (Frazier 20).

__ 10. “Nevertheless the beautiful and familiar tune was impervious to poor performance . . .” (Frazier 21).

A. pale, yellow, ghastly glow B. wretched, evil, low C. bleak, grim, depressing

D. scratched E. not affected by F. old fashioned picture

G. heavy, clumsy, slow H. a thin, watery mixture of fine insoluble material

I. luminous phenomenon J. multiple small steel balls shot from a cannon

K. retaliation, punishment, vengeance

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary: 27-65 the ground beneath her hands Date:__ out of 17 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Read the following phrases from our novel and then choose the BEST definition for each of the underlined words - see choices below.

__ 1. “. . . she disliked the tenor of the letter” (Frazier 27).

__ 2. “ . . . he had begun to worry that he might soon be conscripted” (Frazier 31).

__ 3. “ . . . all concerning mistakes made by wretched dark-haired women...” (Frazier 34).

__ 4. “This is the way G-d speaks in this particular vernacular” (Frazier 37).

__ 5. “. . . she saw that Monroe lay in complete repose” (Frazier 38).

__ 6. “. . . for the flesh under her hand was so completely inert . . .” (Frazier 38).

__ 7. “. . . her skin was as lucent and shiny as a tallow candle . . .” (Frazier 44).

__ 8. “Teague and his Home Guard roaring around like band of marauders . . . “ (Frazier 45).

__ 9. “He had been keeping a tally of omens and portents from around the country” (Frazier 47).

__ a10. “Her thoughts had been (a) broody and (b) morbid and excessively (c) retrospective for so long” (Frazier 48).

__ b11. __ c12.

__ 13. “. . . explaining his view of the church’s mission and talking theology . . .” (Frazier 56).

__ 14. “Monroe’s greatest debacle as missionary had come later that summer and involved Sally & Esco” (Frazier 57).

__ 15. “The fog that clung to the peaks lifted and lost the tops of the mountains and dissipated in the warmth of the morning” (Frazier 63).

__ 16. “. . . few years of courtship when young ladies were elevated to the apex of their culture” (Frazier 64).

__ 17. “... what she found lacking in her suitors was a certain amplitude - of thought, of feeling, of being” (Frazier 65).

A. inanimate, not moving B. drafted into army C. event about to occur D. restE. peak, pinnacle F. study of G-d, religion G. course, drift H. disaster, catastropheI. shining, giving off light J. recollection, think back K. dwell moodily L. pitiful, miserable, woefulM. scope or breadth N. ravage, plunder O. dispel, disperse P. funereal, macabreQ. ordinary language, colloquial

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary:74-109 Date:

__ out of 13 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Read the following phrases from our novel and then choose the BEST definition for each of the underlined words - see choices below.

the color of despair

__ 1. “...that they could take him with no more weapon than a scythe” (Frazier 74).

__ 2. “That which shows G-d in me, fortifies me” (Frazier 77).

__ 3. “Revelatory metaphors from nature” (Frazier 79).

__ 4. “...and they went to the cabriolet and climbed in and wheeled off” (Frazier 83).

__ 5. “The foul country passing along on either side was vague and ominous in the moonlight” (Frazier 90).

verbs, all of them tiring

__ 6. “...and save having to pay the miller his tithe” (Frazier 93).

__ 7. “...the piano played its own alarming and discordant tune in farewell” (Frazier 98).

__ 8. “Most of them disdained the champagne ...” (Frazier 99).

__ 9. “...drawing up hard plans for the coming day that struck Ada as incongruent with the soft vagueness out the window” (Frazier 104).

__ a10. “...her father had been a (a) notorious local ne’er-do-well and (b) scofflaw called Stobrod Thewes” (Frazier 105).

__ b11.

__ a12. “Ruby had taken the (a) relic piece-more relative to the (b) harquebus than to the current fashion in

__ b13. rifles” (Frazier 109).

A. early portable type gun B. strengthensC. long, single edged blade at angle D. any tax or levy; paymentE. light 2wheeled carriage; convertible F. scorned, hatedG. heirloom; keepsake H. foreboding, menacingI. disclosing; showing J. inconsistentK. not in harmony; clashing L. lawbreaker, criminalM. infamous; famous for criminal activity

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary: 114-142 Date:__ out of 10 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Read the following phrases from our novel and then choose the BEST definition for each of the underlined words - see choices below.

like any other thing, a gift

__ 1. “So Inman relented as he might have anyway and only struck the man midforce ...” (Frazier 114).

__ 2. “I am already betrothed” (Frazier 118).

__ 3. “Her face was white in the firelight, her hair a turmoil” (Frazier 121).

__ 4. “...he realized Inman’s intent, he grew agitated and thrashed about as much as he could while fettered by the neck” (Frazier 121).

__ 5. “But they were benign-seeming, in this quiet bend of the river” (Frazier 126).

__ 6. “As well, the troupe included a little menagerie of Indians of several makes...” (Frazier 128).

ashes of roses

__ 7. “But Ada, increasingly covetous of Ruby’s learning in the ways living things inhabited this particular place...” (Frazier 134).

__ 8. “Observe and understand the working of affinity in nature” (Frazier 138).

__ 9. “She stood there, part in lethargic daze, part watchful...” (Frazier 139).

__ 10. “Lacking them, she could have used a simpler locution, telling her only, Don’t worry or Be brave” (Frazier 142

A. way of speaking B. shackled, tied, bound C. confusion, messD. give in, submit E. engaged F. zoo; various varietiesG. likeness, match H. envious I. innocent, unoffendingJ. sluggish, drowsy, lazy

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary: 147-202 Date:__ out of 15 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Read the following phrases from our novel and then choose the BEST definition for each of the underlined words - see choices below.

exile and brute wandering

__ 1. “...and he could fancy for a time that he was a footloose vagabond with not a thing to fear in creation” (Frazier 147

__ 2. “...had grown tired of skulking and starving and living off of nothing but corn mush and apples...” (Frazier .149).

__ 3. “he worked under the notion that he had acquired a cohort” (Frazier 153).

__ 4. “Eventually he had built a kind of weir, all prickly with limbs . . .” (Frazier 157).

__ 5. “They drank through boon and flash, sprawled in the straw telling tales of exile & brute wandering...” (Frazier 168).

source and root

__ 6. “...finding much worthy of emulation in their outlook on life” (Frazier 176).

__ 7. “...but were left from the Blacks tenure in the cove” (Frazier 177).

__ 8. “She told a long and maudlin story she had read about a recent battle...” (Fraxier 181).

__ 9. “And there were additional details of somber irony” (Frazier 181).

__ a 10. “...brutal and (a) benighted on both sides about equally. (b) Degrading to all” (Frazier 181).

__ b 11.

__ 12. “...reminded Ada of Narcissus, and to further their continuing studies of the Greeks...” (Frazier 192).

__ 13. “...she knew by the look of him that his nature was anchorite and mystic” (Frazier 193).

__ 14. “The look he gave me would serve perfectly as illustration of the word supercilious.” (Frazier 201).

__ 15. “...bright beacons in the indigo sky, neared setting behind a trailing flange of Cold Mountain” (Frazier 202).

A. beast, monster, demon B. comrade,fellow C. imitation, copyD. duration, length E. wanderer F. grave, seriousG. stealthy, furtive, hiding H. pines away for his own reflection I. side or flankJ. intellectually backward or unenlightened K. fence or dam built in stream L. condemning, shaming allM.overbearing, domineering N. hermit or recluse O. bittersweet, sad

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary:205-231 to live like a gamecock Date: __ out of 15 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Use context clues to aid you!

__ 1. “Thick through the barrel as virile males of most mammal species from ape to horse will get in their maturity” (Frazier 205).

__ 2. “The carcass moved not an inch” (Frazier 206).

__ 3. “They reminded him of army engineers and their minions setting to build a bridge...”(Frazier 206).

__ 4. “...had thrown big rocks in place to act as fulcrums” (Frazier 207).

__ 5. “She had later brought her two sisters to live with them, and they had proved her equals in harlotry...” (Frazier


__ 6. “Junior claimed that the sum of his marital experience had caused him to believe that he should have married a thirteen year old and raised her to suit himself” (Frazier 210). [he’s yucky!]

__ 7. “three-legged, patchy haired dog...ran low to the ground and completely soundless on a trajectory straight to Inman...” (Frazier 211).

__ 8. “With all one’s expectations of the world’s plumb line so thrown off...” (Frazier 212).

__ 9. “She balanced it on the crook of her arm and took a deep and resonant swig” (Frazier 215).

__ 10. “They moved to the wall with barely more animation than a parade of cadavers” (Frazier 222).

__ 11. “Lila or one of her sisters, rubbing in various shadowy tableaus...” (Frazier 223).

__ 12. “He struck a formal pose with the shotgun cradled in his arms and commenced a rawk-voiced prothalamion” (Frazier 224).

__ 13. “... hated going unarmed, hated most moving retrograde to his desires” (Frazier 226).

__ 14. “... before dawn of the day, feral hogs descended from the woods, drawn by the tang...” (Frazier 229).

__ 15. “...pattern the drops made to see if it held significance in the direction of augury...”(Frazier 231).

A. lever used to raise things B. masculine, manly C. orbit, pathD. song celebrating marriage E. servile follower, subordinate F. state of being marriedG. remains of an animal H. wild, untamed I. being a whore, hookerJ. divination, destiny K. resounding, reechoing L. corpsesM. recede, falling back N. striking dramatic scene, or pictureO. to determine whether a wall is vertical

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary: 244-258 in place of the truth Date: __ out of 10 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Use context clues to aid you!

__ 1. “Ada’s plait was simple and tight, and when she put her fingers to it she thought if felt like touching a chestnut limb” (Frazier 244).

__ 2. “...the brow contracted into a Tartarean frown, and the eyes fixed as they are fixed in a fit, in madness, or in death?” (Frazier 246).

__ 3. “He had then affected a little pointed goatee and appeared less a soldier than a gentleman vagabond” (Frazier 247).

__ 4. “...but she ended up fugitive, hiding in the balsams” (Frazier 252).

__ 5. “Ada felt no so cavalier about the war and about Inman’s going to it” (Frazier 253).

__ 6. “All in all, she suspected that her performance had been glib” (Frazier 254).

__ 7. “But Lucy did not budge in her view and remained blithe to the point of frivolity...” (Frazier 255).

__ 8.

__ 9. “ he tipped her head to him for the kiss that had eluded them the day before” (Frazier 258).

__ 10. “She guessed she felt to him like a terrapin shut up inside its hull, giving little evidence that a distinct living thing, warm and in its skin, lay inside” (Frazier 258).

A. drifter, tramp B. hilarity, levityC. avoided, fled, escaped D. too smooth; offhand; easyE. braid F. cheerfully unawareG. infernal; wicked H. casual; unceremoniousI. turtle J. escapee, runaway

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary: 260-282 the doing of it Date: __ out of 15 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Use context clues to aid you!

__ 1. “... the valley land seemed cut up into fiefdoms” (Frazier 260).

__ 2. “rising into the low sky like old menhirs stood up by a forgotten race to memorialize the darkest events of their history” (Frazier 263).

__ 3. “She stayed hunkered down, adjusting the trap in great detail, blissful-looking at her task” (Frazier 263).

__ 4. “She was quite old, that much was clear, but aside from the wrinkles and wattles...” (Frazier 263).

__ 5. “Her clothes- voluminous skirt and blouse both - were made of soft tanned hides...” (Frazier 264).

__ 6. “... though the fog closed off all visual check of loftiness” (Frazier 265).

__ 7. “... garish scenes and portraits and crude lettered epigraphs and slogans...” (Frazier 266).

__ 8. “... strings of drying herbs, strings of red peppers, various wizened roots” (Frazier 267).

__ 9. “One face, its features screwed up in anguish, was labeled Job” (Frazier 268).

__ 10. “I take nothing but specie, she said. Three cent” (Frazier 273).

__ 11. “... pulled out a handful of great lozenges made of rolled and bound herbs...” (Frazier 278).

__ 12. “Inman got up and daubed his wounds with the salve and ate his herb medicines...” (Frazier 280).

__ 13. “The woman told a long and maundering tale of a goat-trading mission she had made...” (Frazier 281).

__ 14. “The contentious world but a fading memory” (Frazier 282).

__ 15. “Did she even know her own recent countenance? Long hair as pale as cobwebs...” (Frazier 282).

A. upright megalith, monument B. gaudy, tawdry

C. argumentative, cantankerous D. face, expression

E. pills, capsules F. land section under a person’s complete control

G. balloon like, copious, ample H. withered, shriveled

I. calm, peaceful J. height

K. fleshy, wrinkled skin L. coin made of precious metal

M. smear, plaster, grease N. to talk in an incoherent, rambling waymuch suffered, but did not lose his faith in G-d O. a man who endured

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary: 289-297 freewill savages Date: __ out of 10 points Humanities’ teacher name:

Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Use context clues to aid you!

__ 1. “Trees, Ruby said contemptuously, as if she had expected just such a foolish answer” (Frazier 289).

__ 2. "... it therefore looked like a rare artifact from some primitive period of instrument making” (Frazier 290).

__ 3. “... carving the viper’s head curled over against its body” (Frazier 290).

__ 4. “In it somewhere underneath would be the (4) dire (5) keen of snake warning” (Frazier 292).

__ 5.

__ 6. "... fire that had come out of the opening had charred her flesh near to the bone” (Frazier 293).

__ 7. "... the tune was in the frightening and awful Phrygian mode...” (Frazier 294).

__ 8. "... the tone was startling in its clarity, sharp and pure, and the(8) redundancy in the

__ 9. tuning led to a curious and dissonant harmonic effects. The tune was slow and (9) modal.” (Frazier 296).

__ 10. "... it is ever possible to find some path to redemption, however partial.” (Frazier 297).

A. sensory and harmonic B. cynical, mocking

C. simple or primitive tool D. dreadful, ominous

E. burned, seared F. serpent, snake

G. sharp, piercing sound H. overabundance, surfeit, excess

I. release from sin; saving J. ancient, preserved only in fragments

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary Date: __ out of 15 points Humanities’ Teacher Name:

to live like a gamecock

Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Use context clues to aid you!

__ 1. “Thick through the barrel as virile males of most mammal species from ape to horse will get in their maturity.” p. 205

__ 2. “The carcass moved not an inch.” p. 206

__ 3. “They reminded him of army engineers and their minions setting to build a bridge...”p. 206

__ 4. “...had thrown big rocks in place to act as fulcrums.” p. 207

__ 5. “She had later brought her two sisters to live with them, and they had proved her equals in harlotry” p. 210

__ 6. “Junior claimed that the sum of his marital experience had caused him to believe that he should have married a thirteen year old and raised her to suit himself.” p. 210 [he’s yucky!]

__ 7. “three-legged, patchy haired dog...ran low to the ground and completely soundless on a trajectory straight to Inman...” p.211

__ 8. “With all one’s expectations of the world’s plumb line so thrown off...” p. 212

__ 9. “She balanced it on the crook of her arm and took a deep and resonant swig.” p. 215

__ 10. “They moved to the wall with barely more animation than a parade of cadavers.” p. 222

__ 11. “Lila or one of her sisters, rubbing in various shadowy tableaus...” p. 223

__ 12. “He struck a formal pose with the shotgun cradled in his arms and commenced a rawk-voiced prothalamion.” p. 224

__ 13. “... hated going unarmed, hated most moving retrograde to his desires.” p, 226

__ 14. “... before dawn of the day, feral hogs descended from the woods, drawn by the tang...” p. 229

__ 15. “...pattern the drops made to see if it held significance in the direction of augury...”p.231

A. lever used to raise things B. masculine, manly C. orbit, pathD. song celebrating marriage E. servile follower, subordinate F. state of being marriedG. remains of an animal H. wild, untamed I. being a whore, hookerJ. divination, destiny K. resounding, reechoing L. corpsesM. recede, falling back N. striking dramatic scene, or pictureO. to determine whether a wall is vertical

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary Date: __ out of 10 points Humanities’ Teacher Name:

in place of the truth

Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Use context clues to aid you!

__ 1. “Ada’s plait was simple and tight, and when she put her fingers to it she thought if felt like touching a chestnut limb.” p. 244

__ 2. “...the brow contracted into a Tartarean frown, and the eyes fixed as they are fixed in a fit, in madness, or in death?” p. 246

__ 3. “He had then affected a little pointed goatee and appeared less a soldier than a gentleman vagabond” p. 247

__ 4. “...but she ended up fugitive, hiding in the balsams.” 252

__ 5. “Ada felt no so cavalier about the war and about Inman’s going to it.” p. 253

__ 6. “All in all, she suspected that her performance had been glib.” p. 254

__ 7. “But Lucy did not budge in her view and remained blithe to the point of frivolity...” p. 255

__ 8.

__ 9. “ he tipped her head to him for the kiss that had eluded them the day before.” p. 258

__ 10. “She guessed she felt to him like a terrapin shut up inside its hull, giving little evidence that a distinct living thing, warm and in its skin, lay inside.” p. 258

A. drifter, tramp B. hilarity, levityC. avoided, fled, escaped D. too smooth; offhand; easyE. braid F. cheerfully unawareG. infernal; wicked H. casual; unceremoniousI. turtle J. escapee, runaway

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary Date: __ out of 15 points Humanities’ Teacher Name:

the doing of it

Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Use context clues to aid you!

__ 1. “... the valley land seemed cut up into fiefdoms.” p. 260

__ 2. “rising into the low sky like old menhirs stood up by a forgotten race to memorialize the darkest events of their history.” p. 263

__ 3. “She stayed hunkered down, adjusting the trap in great detail, blissful-looking at her task.” p.263

__ 4. “She was quite old, that much was clear, but aside from the wrinkles and wattles...” p. 263

__ 5. “Her clothes- voluminous skirt and blouse both - were made of soft tanned hides...” p. 264

__ 6. “... though the fog closed off all visual check of loftiness.” p. 265

__ 7. “... garish scenes and portraits and crude lettered epigraphs and slogans...” p. 266

__ 8. “... strings of drying herbs, strings of red peppers, various wizened roots.” p. 267

__ 9. “One face, its features screwed up in anguish, was labeled Job.” p. 268

__ 10. “I take nothing but specie, she said. Three cent.” p. 273

__ 11. “... pulled out a handful of great lozenges made of rolled and bound herbs...” p. 278

__ 12. “Inman got up and daubed his wounds with the salve and ate his herb medicines...” p. 280

__ 13. “The woman told a long and maundering tale of a goat-trading mission she had made...” p. 281

__ 14. “The contentious world but a fading memory.” p. 282

__ 15. “Did she even know her own recent countenance? Long hair as pale as cobwebs...” p. 282

A. upright megalith, monument B. gaudy, tawdryC. argumentative, cantankerous D. face, expressionE. pills, capsules F. land section under a person’s complete controlG. balloon like, copious, ample H. withered, shriveledI. calm, peaceful J. heightK. fleshy, wrinkled skin L. coin made of precious metalM. smear, plaster, grease N. to talk in an incoherent, rambling wayO. a man who endured much suffered, but did not lose his faith in G-d

Cold Mountain Name:Vocabulary Date: __ out of 10 points Humanities’ Teacher Name:

freewill savages

Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition. Use context clues to aid you!

__ 1. “Trees, Ruby said contemptuously, as if she had expected just such a foolish answer.” p. 289

__ 2. "... it therefore looked like a rare artifact from some primitive period of instrument making.” p. 290

__ 3. “... carving the viper’s head curled over against its body.” p. 290

__ 4. “In it somewhere underneath would be the (4) dire (5) keen of snake warning.” p. 292

__ 5.

__ 6. "... fire that had come out of the opening had charred her flesh near to the bone.” p. 293

__ 7. "... the tune was in the frightening and awful Phrygian mode...” p. 294

__ 8. "... the tone was startling in its clarity, sharp and pure, and the(8) redundancy in the

__ 9. tuning led to a curious and dissonant harmonic effects. The tune was slow and (9) modal.” p. 296

__ 10. "... it is ever possible to find some path to redemption, however partial.” p. 297

A. sensory and harmonic B. cynical, mockingC. simple or primitive tool D. dreadful, ominousE. burned, seared F. serpent, snakeG. sharp, piercing sound H. overabundance, surfeit, excessI. release from sin; saving J. ancient, preserved only in fragments

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