colegio labor comenius 2011 - 2013 - productos quiz

Post on 24-May-2015






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EuropeanSchool Project Comenius2011 - 2013

Quiz: The EU and Europe

1. How many countries are there in Europe?

a) 35

b) 46

c) 50

d) 29

2. Which is the largest country in Europe?

a) Ukraine

b) France

c) Germany

d) Russia

3. Which is the most densely populated country in Europe?

a) Holland

b) Malta

c) Greece

d) Luxemburg

4. Which is the less densely populated country in Europe?

a) Russia

b) Iceland

c) Sweden

d) Portugal

5. Which is the largest capital city in Europe?

a) Berlin

b) Moscow

c) London d) Rome

6. Which is the most northernly capital city?

a) Reykjavik

b) Oslo

c) Helsinki

d) Copenhagen

7. Which is the largest island?

a) Iceland

b) Great Britain

c) Sicilia

d) Cyprus

8. Which is the largest country in the E.U.?

a) Germany

b) France

c) Spain

d) Italy

9. Which is the largest port in Europe?

a) Vigo

b) Gdansk

c) Hamburg

d) Rotterdam

10. Rome is known as the:

a) Bridge to Orient

b) Paris of the South

c) The Golden City

d) Eternal City

11. When was the European Union founded?

a) 1970

b) 1965

c) 1980

d) 1957

12. How many countries does the E.U have?

a) 29

b) 25

c) 28

d) 32

13. What is the population of the EU?

a) 500 millions

b) 810 millions

c) 42 millions

d) 200 millions

14. Where can you find the EU headquarters?

a) Brussels

b) Luxemburg

c) Paris

d) Frankfort

15. The EU flag has a circle of stars because it is the symbol of

a) Unity

b) Harmony

c) Peace

d) Mercy

16. Why does the EU flag have 12 stars?

a) Because it is the symbol of perfection

b) Because it is the number of the founding countries

c) Because it is the symbol of unity

d) Because they are the number of years of its existence

17. The anthem of the EU is the “Ode to Joy”, composed by:

a) Beethoven

b) Wagner

c) Bach

d) Mozart

18. The EU motto states:

a) Peace forever

b) United in diversity

c) Different countries, same home

d) Fighting for me same goal

19. The Europe day is:

a) June 15th

b) May 9th

c) February 14th

d) May 30th

20. When was the European Union awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize?

a) On 9 May 2008

b) On 20 November 1975

c) On 12 October 2012

d) On 25 June 2005

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