collaboration project template

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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Lighting Design presentation


Lights! Lights! Lights!


Shapes and Form

Visual Compositions

Mood and Styles

Time of Place

Rhythm of Visual Movement

Central Visual Image

Provide Visibility The main purpose of lighting is to see the performers and


Lights will be above the stage as well as above the audience for outdoor scenes. All can help in properly lighting up the stage.

Shape and FormWintertime takes place during winter. Lighting will be arranged for different settings. Indoor scenes and outdoor scenes make up the play, sometimes at the same time. Indoor scenes can be lit to give it a feel of a room inside the home, perhaps a little dim. For outdoor scenes, the set can be illuminated to give it a feel of sunlight. Lights above the audience can help with this. The audience should be able to tell when they are inside and when they are outside.

Visual Compositions Focus- beams of light are aimed at a particular area

Because of there being so many characters, and each having their own stories, spotlights will be useful. Every time a new character comes in…spotlight! This can hint the continuing rising action in the play.

Spill will be in control so the audience doesn’t turn away from the action on stage overall. The spotlight only enhances the effect of the plot twists.

Mood And Style Opening and ending scenes are romantic. Blue lighting can be

used to portray happiness.

Mood and Style In collaboration with set design, create lighting and backgrounds

that portray snow. This can be used for indoor and outdoor scenes.

Scenes will use the spotlights mentioned earlier to create the suspense that is apparent throughout the play during indoor scenes.

Time and Place Indoor lighting and Outdoor lighting suggesting time of day to be used to

move between scenes.

Set the ”sun” at a proper angle to portray winter

Rhythm of Visual Movement

One big stage for both indoor and outdoor scenes. Indoor makes up one side, outdoor the other. When transitioning, we light up the “inside” and fade out the “outside”, and vice versa.

Central Visual Image Overall mood of the play is suspenseful, continuously throwing

twists at the audience.

Central Visual Image Thrust stage with the proper light fixtures on stage, as well as

above the audience

Central Visual Image Soft edge spotlights!

Useful for creating a single soft beam to cover a large area (sunlight), backlighting, top lighting, and color for the opening and ending scenes.

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