colonists and manifest destiny 1

Post on 17-May-2015






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Colonists and Manifest Destiny

Reading Activity

• Independently Independently read section 10.2 and answer the reading questions.

• You will have approximately 20 min to complete.

Reading Questions

• Who were the original people that lived in Canada?– Native Americans: Algonquin, Huron, Cree,

Blackfoot, Inuit

• After which war did Great Britain take Canada from France?– French and Indian War

Reading Questions

• What were some of the differences between French and English colonists? – French lived with Natives, English lived separate

– Religion: France Catholic, English Protestant

– Language

• How did Great Britain try and solve the conflict?– Created two new provinces : Upper Canada for the

English-Speaking and Lower Canada for French-speaking

Reading Questions

• What were the conditions that caused England to send Lord Durham? What lesson from history had Britain learned? – Royal Governor and Wealthy Brits hold power– Middle class demand more say in government– French resent English rule – Rebellions break out in both Upper and Lower


Reading Questions

• What were the two major reforms proposed by the Durham report? Why?– Reunite Upper and Lower Canada– British immigration should be encouraged – French would become part of a dominant

British culture

Reading Questions

• What were some of the impacts MacDonald’s policies had on Canada? – Westward Expansion – Transcontinental Railroad

• Who were the original inhabitants of New Zealand and Australia?– Maoris – New Zealand– Aborigines- Australia

Reading Questions

• What is a penal colony? – Place where convicts are sent to serve their

sentence as an alternative to jail time– British convicts sent to Australia

• What became the cash crop of Australia? – Wool

Reading Questions

• Why was settlement of New Zealand slower than that in Australia? – Britain recognized the property rights of the


• What was the first country in the world to give the vote to women (white European women at least)?– New Zealand

Reading Questions

• What is the Australian Ballot?– Secret ballot

• Who granted England control of Ireland?– Pope Hadrian IV (who was English himself)

• What was one major conflict between Ireland and the settling English?– Religion

Reading Questions

• What effects did the potato blight have in Ireland? The United States? – Emigration out of the country – Population decline – Us experienced large influx of immigrants that

led to cultural clashes and xenophobia

Reading Questions

• What type of rule was preferred by most Irish? Why did England refuse to grant this type of rule?– Home rule: stay under British Kingdom but

have independent government – Feared for the minority of protestants in the


Reading Questions

• What was the British solution to the violence in Ireland? – Split the country into Northern and Southern

Ireland – Northern remained part of Britain and Southern

had home rule


War with Mexico

• Manifest Destiny – Belief that the US has the right and duty to rule

North America from Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean

– Used to justify a wide variety of transgressions

• Indian Removal Act of 1830 – Federal Government could force Native

Americans off land to make room for settlers – Led to the Trail of Tears

Trail of Tears

War with Mexico

• Mexico wins independence from Spain in 1821 and possesses all the land west and south of the Louisiana Purchase

• Mexico accepts our settlers moving into their lands

War with Mexico

• Many American Settlers in Texas• Texas revolts from Mexico in 1836 and gains its

independence – Revolt led by Americans

• United States annexes Texas in 1845 – Mexico sees this as an act of aggression

– US basically stole their land

– Argue over the border between Texas and Mexico

War with Mexico

• Continue the boarder dispute and US draws Mexico into a war

• US captures Mexico city and forces a surrender

• Mexican Cession – US forces Mexico to cede California and other

Southwest territory as part of the agreement

Gadsan Purchase

• Purchased the bottom portion of New Mexico from Mexico in 1853


• List the top ten inventions (1 being the most important and 10 being the least) of the 19th and 20th centuries


• Edison

• Bell

• Marconi

• Ford

• Wright Brothers

Mass Culture

• Causes of Mass Culture – Public education increased literacy – Mass duplication– Weekend

• Music hall

• Movies

• sports

Scientific Developments

• Germ Theory – Louis Pasteur – Realized that germs were causing the

fermentation – Called Bacteria – Learned that heat killed bacteria – Led to Pasteurization process

Scientific Developments

• Cleanliness linked to spread of disese– Lister’s clean operating rooms save live s– Cities increase sanitation to fight infectious


• Vaccines and cures for diseases

Scientific Developments

• Darwin’s theory of Evolution – Natural Selection – Evolution

• We are related to chimps?

– Book is still banned in some places • Stolen from libraries

– Social Darwinism and Racism

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