color as symbol.docx

Post on 03-Dec-2015






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Color have always been recognized for its symbolic power and an

appreciation of this reaches back to ancient times.  However, the

understanding and interpretation of color symbolism has changed over time

and varies  from  culture to country.




PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)

'Vision After The Sermon', 1888 (oil on canvas)

Red through its association with fire and blood is used to represent danger,

anger and violence. For the same reason it is also associated with affairs of

the heart: love and passion.

In Paul Gauguin's 'Vision after the Sermon', Jacob wrestles with the angel in a

blood red field of spiritual battle, an apt metaphor for his internal struggle

against the will of God.




MARK ROTHKO (1903-1970)

'Orange and Yellow', 1956 (oil on canvas)

Orange symbolizes creativity, change, energy and endurance.  It is the color

that represents Autumn. As a secondary color it combines elements of the

colors used to mix it: the creative passion of red with the energy and joy of


Mark Rothko, the American abstract expressionist artist, encouraged viewers

to stand close to his large paintings so that they became spiritually immersed

in the experience of color. 'Orange and Yellow'  is the door to an inferno of

color with a radiant energy that invites the spectator to open their emotions

to "a spiritual kinship with primitive and archaic art".




ANDRÉ DERAIN (1880-1954)

'The Pool of London', 1906 (oil on canvas)

Yellow is the color of the sun - the life support for our planet. As such it has

come to represent life, energy, happiness, hope and wisdom.

Vincent Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers' is painted almost entirely with yellow and

without any shadows. It expresses the radiance of sunshine rather than

giving us a detailed description of what the flowers look like. Van Gogh also

uses yellow as the symbol of hope and friendship as the 'Sunflower' series

was painted to welcome his friend Paul Gauguin to the Yellow House in Arles.

Van Gogh painted two series of 'Sunflowers' between August 1888 and

January 1889. This example is from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and

is a copy of an earlier version which is in the National Gallery in London.




PAUL CÉZANNE (1839-1906)

'The Bridge at Maincy', 1879 (oil on canvas)

Green, as the color of plants and grass, is the color of nature and all that is

associated with health and growth. However, it is also used to represent

more negative traits such as envy and inexperience.

Cézannes painting of 'The Bridge at Maincy' is a formal composition of

horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines whose rigor is somewhat relieved by

the curves of the bridge. What turns this steadfast structure into a woodland

sanctuary is the myriad of greens which bathe the scene in a magical

emerald light. Paul Cézanne called his paintings, 'constructions after

nature''. He saw painting in abstract terms as the construction and

arrangement of color on a two-dimensional surface.  The composition was

simply a vehicle to assist with the realization of this surface structure of

pattern and color.





'Nocturne, Blue and Silver: Chelsea', 1871 (oil on wood)

Blue is the coolest and most calming of all the colors. As the color of the sky,

it has been used since ancient times to represent heaven. In classical

mythology, blue was the color associated with the gods, Venus and Jupiter. In

Christianity, it becomes the symbol of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven.

As the color of the ocean, it is also suggests qualities like freshness, purity

and hygiene.

The calmness of blue is seldom more visible than in this 'nocturne' of the

River Thames by Whistler. The view is at twilight from Battersea looking

across to Chelsea. The style is strongly influence by the Japanese art

of 'ukiyo-e' which translates as 'pictures of the floating world'.




FYODOR ROKOTOV (1736-1808)

Catherine the Great (1780)

Purple is the color of royalty, wealth and power. In times past, purple dyes

were rare and expensive. Only the rich and powerful could afford to wear

clothes of this luxurious color.

Catherine II, known as Catherine the Great, supported the development of

the arts, literature and education in Russia. Her personal art collection

became the foundation of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. She is

portrayed here wearing a gown of the finest purple silk draped with ermine

robes, clothes worthy of her noble status.




VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890)

'Shoes', 1888 (oil on canvas)

Brown is the color of earth, wood and stone. As such, it evokes craftsmanship

and the great outdoors. It is also used to represent humility: a down to earth


Although this painting is from Vincent Van Gogh's later body of work which is

noted for the brilliance of its color, he reverts to the darker palette of his

earlier work to reflect the humility of the subject matter. These are the tired

old shoes of a humble peasant. Van Gogh paints this image in rugged earthy

browns to suggest the hardship of their owner's life and to pay respect to the

dignity of manual labour.




KÄTHE KOLLWITZ (1867-1945)

'The Widow', 1922-23 (woodcut)

Black and its association with darkness is used to represent death, evil,

witchcraft, fear and mourning.

'The Widow' by Käthe Kollwitz is one of a series of prints from a portfolio

called Kreig (War) which deals with the wretched human tragedy of World

War 1. This is a desolate image of a grief stricken wife who is embracing the

memory of her departed husband. Black is the only appropriate color for such

a sad and distressing subject.




PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973)

'Goat Skull, Bottle and Candle', 1952 (oil on canvas)

Grey is the natural color of some metals and stone, but it also has some

negative associations with the weather, boredom, decay and old age. Grey is

a mixture of black (death) and white (peace) and is the color of ashes and

dust. As such it is also associated with death and mourning.

'Goat Skull, Bottle and Candle' by Pablo Picasso is a modern 'Vanitas' still

life - a traditional genre that addresses the idea of our mortality. Vanitas still

lifes depicted objects that had a symbolic meaning: a skull as a symbol of

death or a candle as the transient flame of life.

It is believed that this painting was inspired by the death of Nikos Beloyannis,

the Greek resistance leader, who was executed for treason. Many thought

that the charges of passing information to the Russians were simply a bogus

excuse to get rid of one of the figureheads of the Communist Party of Greece

(KKE). This incident gave rise to international protests which were supported

by Picasso, calling for his release.

Picasso often painted in monochrome to heighten the emotional tone of his

work. He is noted for his blue and rose periods as well as the unifying brown

tones of analytical cubism. However, he seems to reserve painting in grey

tones (grisaille) for his images of death and oppression: 'Guernica' (1937),

'The Charnel House' (c.1944-48), the Goya inspired 'Massacre in Korea'

(1951) and 'Goat Skull, Bottle and Candle' (1952) which is, in essence, an

elegy for Nikos Beloyannis.





'Suprematist Composition: White on White ', 1918 (oil on canvas)

White and its association with light is used to represent peace, purity and


In 1915, the Russian artist Kazimir Malevich developed a geometric style of

abstract art which he called Suprematism. He believed that pure abstract

form had a spiritual power with an ability to open the mind to ‘the supremacy

of pure feeling’ and there was no purer color for that purpose than white.

Chinese Masks and Color Meanings

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The origins of Chinese masks are rooted in ancient religious shamanism. Over the

centuries and many generations, artists refined the use of colors on Chinese masks.

Today, color continues to be used to indicate emotions or give clues about the identity

of a character.

Types of Chinese Masks

There are several types of Chinese masks: dancer's masks, masks for festive

occasions, masks for newborns, masks designed to keep homes safe and theatrical

masks. When used on the stage, masks help viewers determine, at a glance, the

attributes of a theatrical character. Masks are usually made from wood. However,

Chinese opera masks, possibly the style that is best known in the west, are actually

painted on actors' faces.

Color Meanings

Many colors are used in any given Chinese mask, but the dominant colors impart

specific characteristics.

Red used on masks indicates a positive character. Red can also mean prosperity,

loyalty, courage and heroism. Red shows intelligence and bravery.

Purple is sometimes used as a substitute for red. In its own right, purple can represent

justice and sophistication.

Black means that the character is neutral. Black also indicates impartiality and integrity.

Blue faces are also an indication of neutrality. In addition, blue can show stubbornness,

astuteness and fierceness.

Green shows that the character is violent, impulsive and lacks restraint.

Yellow tells the audience that the character is cruel. Yellow can also mean evil,

hypocritical, ambitious or sly.

White faces indicate that the character is evil and hypocritical.

Gold and silver show the audience that the character is a god or a demon. The

character also may be a ghost or a spirit. Gold and silver symbolize mystery.

100 Art Therapy Exercises - The Updated And Improved List


Daily Art Inspirations on Facebook

Shelley Klammer - Counselling Therapist

Expressive Art Online Workshops 

Collage for Self-Discovery E-Course

- See more at:

"The Healthiest Form of Projection is Art"  

(Fritz Perlz - Gestalt Therapist)

Here is a popular internet list of art therapy activities originally posted up several years ago

by the Nursing School Blog, and as time has gone by over half of the links have become

defunct or out of date. I have researched current links that reflect the inspiring art therapy

directives on the internet today, while aiming to keep them as close as possible to the

original list: 


Deal with emotions like anger and sadness through these helpful exercises.

1. Draw or paint your emotions . In this exercise, you'll focus entirely on painting what

you're feeling.

2. Create an emotion wheel.  Using color, this activity will have you thinking critically

about your emotions.

3. Make a meditative painting.  Looking for a creative way to relax?  Have trouble

sitting still to meditate?  Meditative painting might be just the thing you're looking for.

No painting skill or experience necessary - only a desire to relax and become more


4. Put together a journal . Journals don't have to just be based around words. You can

make an art journal as well, that lets you visually express your emotions.

5. Explore puppet therapy . Puppets aren't just for kids. Make your own and have them

act out scenes that make you upset.

6. Use line art . Line is one of the simplest and most basic aspects of art, but it can also

contain a lot of emotion. Use simple line art to demonstrate visually how you're


7. Design a postcard you will never send . Are you still angry or upset with someone

in your life? Create a postcard that expresses this, though you don't have to ever

send it.

8. Create a family sculpture . For this activity, you makes a clay representation of each

family member-- mother, father, siblings, and any other close or influential family

members to explore emotional dynamics and roles within your family.

9. Paint a mountain and a valley . The mountain can represent a time where you were

happy, the valley, when you were sad. Add elements that reflect specific events as


10. Attach a drawing or message to a balloon . Send away negative emotions or

spread positive ones by attaching a note or drawing to a balloon and setting it free.

11. Collage a heart.  Collage your childhood memories in a heart formation.


Art therapy can be a great way to relax. Consider these exercises if you're looking to feel a

little more laid back.

1. Paint to music . Letting your creativity flow in response to music is a great way to let

out feelings and just relax.

2. Make a scribble drawing . With this activity, you'll turn a simple scribble into

something beautiful, using line, color and your creativity.

3. Finger paint . Finger painting isn't just fun for kids– adults can enjoy it as well. Get

your hands messy and really have fun spreading paint around.

4. Make a mandala . Whether you use the traditional sand or draw one on your own,

this meditative symbol can easily help you to loosen up.

5. Draw with your eyes closed . Not being able to see what you are drawing

intensifies fluidity, intuition, touch and sensitivity.

6. Draw something HUGE . Getting your body involved and moving around can help

release emotion as you're drawing.

7. Use color blocks . Colors often come with a lot of emotions attached. Choose

several paint chips to work with and collage, paint and glue until you've created a

colorful masterpiece.

8. Let yourself be free . Don't allow yourself to judge your work. If you think your

paintings are too tight and controlled, this collection of tips and techniques to try

should help you work in a looser style. 

9. Only use colors that calm you . Create a drawing or a painting using only colors

that you find calming.

10. Draw in sand . Like a Zen garden, this activity will have you drawing shapes and

scenes in the sand, which can be immensely relaxing and a great way to clear your


11. Make a zentangle . These fun little drawings are a great tool for letting go and

helping reduce stress.

12. Color in a design . Sometimes, the simple act of coloring can be a great way to

relax. Find a coloring book or use this mandala for coloring.

13. Draw outside . Working en plein air can be a fun way to relax and get in touch with

nature while you're working on art.


Art can not only help you deal with the bad stuff, but also help you appreciate and focus on

the good. Check out these activities all about reflecting on your personal happiness.

1. Collage your vision of a perfect day .Think about what constitutes a perfect day to

you and collage it. What about this collage can you make happen today?

2. Take photographs of things you think are beautiful . No one else has to like them

but you. Print and frame them to have constant reminders of the beautiful things in


3. Make a collage related to a quote you like . Take the words of wisdom from

someone else and turn them into something visually inspiring.

4. Create a drawing that represents freedom . The Surrealists embraced automatic

drawing as way to incorporate randomness and the subconscious into their drawings,

and to free themselves from artistic conventions and everyday thinking.

5. Document a spiritual experience . Have you ever had a spiritual experience in your

life? Paint what it felt like intuitively.

6. Make a stuffed animal . Soft, cuddly objects can be very comforting. Use this project

to create an animal from your intuitive drawings.

7. Work on a softness project.  Using only soft or comforting objects, create a work of


8. Build a "home."  What does home mean to you? This activity will have you create a

safe, warm place that feels like home to you.

9. Document an experience where you did something you didn't think you could

do. We all have to do things that we're scared or unsure of sometimes. Use this

activity as a chance to commemorate one instance in your life.

10. Think up a wild invention . This invention should do something that can help make

you happier– no matter what that is.

11. Make a prayer flag . Send your prayers for yourself or those around you out into the

universe with this project.


Often, a great way to get to know yourself and your relationships with others is through


1. Create a past, present and future self-portrait.  This drawing or painting should

reflect where you have been, who you are today, and how see yourself in the future.

2. Draw a bag self-portrait . On the outside of a paper bag, you'll create a self-portrait.

On the inside, you'll fill it with things that represent who you are.

3. Choose the people who matter most to you in life and create unique art for

each. This is a great way to acknowledge what really matters to you and express

your gratitude.

4. Collage someone you admire.  If someone has ever helped inspire your path,

collage this person.

5. Create an expressive self-portrait . Paint in expressive colors. Select colors for

emotional impact.

6. Draw yourself as a warrior . Start thinking about yourself as a strong, capable

person by drawing yourself as a warrior in this activity.

7. Create a transformational portrait series . Transform your perceptions about

yourself with this list of self-portrait ideas.

8. Imitate Giuseppe Arcimboldo . Using objects that have meaning to you, create a

portrait of yourself.

9. Create a body image sketch . Practice life drawing to fall in love with all of the

varieties of the human body, including your own.

10. Draw a mirror . This activity is based around a Piet Mondrian quote: "The purer the

artist's mirror is, the more true reality reflects in it." It involves letting die what is not

your true reflection, is getting back a truer reflection of yourself in your mirror. 

11. Draw yourself as a superhero.  Many people like superhero stories. We resonate

with the themes in the stories, with the dilemmas and problems that superheroes

face, and we aspire to their noble impulses and heroic acts.

Trauma and Loss

These activities will ask you to face some unpleasant aspects of life, but with the goal of

overcoming them.

1. Draw a place where you feel safe.  An art therapy directive for finding your safe

place for healing from trauma.

2. Create a mini-diorama . This diorama can showcase an important moment in your

life or some trauma that you've experienced.

3. Create a collage of your worries . What worries you in your life? Cut out pictures

from magazines to represent these worries.

4. Draw something that scares you . Everyone is frightened of something and in this

project you'll get a chance to bring that fear to light and hopefully work towards facing


5. Turn your illness into art . Struggling with a potentially terminal illness? Turn your

illness into something meaningful with the creative journal method.

6. Paint a loss in your life . If you've lost someone you love or something, paint it. This

will help you to remember but also to recover.

7. Make art that is ephemeral .  Sometimes we have a hard time letting go, but this

project will teach you that it's ok if something doesn't last. Use materials like sand,

chalk, paper or water to create art that you will destroy when it's done.


If you prefer to cut and paste rather than draw or paint, these projects are for you.

1. Create a motivational collage . You can hang this collage somewhere you'll see it

everyday. Filled with images you find motivating, it'll help you keep pushing on.

2. Create a face collage on a mask . We all wear masks of some sort. This project lets

you showcase what's in your mask and the face you put on for the world.

3. Create a clutter collage . Are there things cluttering up your life? In this project, use

words and pictures to show the clutter in your way.

4. Create a calming collage.  Choose images that you find soothing, calming or even

meditative and combine them to create an attractive collage that can help you to


5. Collage a painting . To complete this exercise, you'll first need to create a simple,

abstract painting on paper. Then, tear this painting up and create another. Think

about how you felt when you had to tear up the first painting and which you like more.


Examine aspects if who you are and how you see the world through these amazing art


1. Draw images of your good traits.  Creating drawings of your good traits will help

you to become more positive and build a better self-image.

2. Draw yourself as an animal.  Is there an animal that you have a special interest in or

feel like is a kindred spirit? Draw yourself as that animal.

3. Create a timeline and journal the most significant moments in your lif e. This

timeline will be the story of your life, with the most important moments highlighted


4. Put together a jungle animal collage . Choose jungle animals that you find the most

interesting, draw them, and then reflect on why you've chosen these specific animals.

5. Sculpt your ideal self.  If you could make yourself into the perfect person, what

would you look like?

6. Draw the different sides of yourself.  In this project, you'll explore the different

aspects of your personality, giving each a visual representation. You might only have

one or two, or maybe even twelve.

7. Make art with your fingerprints.  Your fingerprints are as unique as you are. Use ink

and paint to make art that uses your fingerprints.

8. Draw yourself as a tree. Your roots will be loaded with descriptions of things that

give you strength and your good qualities, while your leaves can be the things that

you're trying to change.

9. Design a fragments box . In this project, you'll put fragments of yourself into a box,

helping construct a whole and happier you.

10. Paint an important childhood memory.  What was a pivotal memory in your

childhood? This activity asks you to document it and try to understand why it was so

important to you.

11. Write and illustrate a fairy tale about yourself . If you could put yourself into a

happily ever after situation, what role would you play and how would the story go?

Create a book that tells the tale.

12. Design a visual autobiography . This creative journaling project asks you to look

back at your life and make a visual representation of it.

13. Create your own coat of arms . Choose symbols that represent your strengths to

build your own special coat of arms.

14. Draw a comic strip about a funny moment in your life.  Enjoy a moment of levity

with this exercise that will focus in on a comical even that happened to you.

15. Build your own website.  Websites are very versatile ways to express yourself. Build

your own to express what's most important about you.

16. Create a box of values . First, collage or paint a box the represents you. Then, place

items inside the box that represent the things you value the most.


Here you'll find a collection of projects that will help you be happy about what you have and

express your gratitude for it.

1. Document your gratitude visually .What things are you grateful for in your life?

Paint or collage a work that represents these things.

2. Create a family tree of strength . This exercise honors those around you who

support you. Paint those close to you who offer you the strength you need.

3. Make something for someone else . Making something for someone else can be a

great way to feel good and help someone else do so as well.

4. Make anchor art . Who are the anchors in your life? In this project, you'll make an

anchor and decorate it with the people and things that provide you stability and


5. Draw all the positive things in your life.  Everyone has at least one good thing in

life, so sit down and figure out what makes you happy– then draw it.

6. Sculpt your hand in plaster . Once it's dry, write all the good things you can do with

it right onto the hand.

7. Paint a rock . This project is meant to offer you strength. You can approach it in two

ways. One option is to paint the rock with things that empower you. The other is to

paint it with struggles you overcome.

8. Write on leaves to create a gratitude tree . What are you grateful for? This project

asks you to write those things on leaves to construct a tree or banner of gratitude.

9. Map of   consciousness collage . More often than not, in a single day, we can feel

conflicted in our consciousness in several different ways. This directive helps to

explore personality dynamics by mapping them out visually with spontaneous collage

and drawing. 

10. Create a snowflake out of paper . Write ideas about how you are unique on the


11. Build a personal altar.  This is a highly personal project that will help connect you

with your spiritual side and honor your resilience.

Inside the Mind

Take a look inside your mind to see what's going on with these projects.

1. Create a blot art . Like a classic Rorschach test, fold paper in half with paint or ink in

the middle and describe what you see.

2. Mind Mapping.  Make a visual representation of your thoughts to figure out how your

mind works.

3. Make a dreamcatcher . Having bad dreams? Create this age-old tool for catching

your dreams with a few simple tools.

4. Draw your dreams.  You can learn a lot from what goes on in your dreams, so keep

a dream journal and use it for inspiration to draw or paint.


If you're still looking for something to empower, help or soothe you, these projects may fit the


1. Use natural materials . Leaves, sticks, dirt, clay and other natural materials can help

you get in touch with the natural world and the more primal side of yourself.

2. Build an archetype.  Check out this series of projects to build a set of archetypes, or

ideal examples, that can help you explore how you see the world.

3. Use your body as a canvas . You don't need paper when you have you body. Paint

on your hands and feet or anywhere else to feel more in touch with yourself.

4. Sculpt spirit figures . Connect with those that have passed on or your own spiritual

essence using these sculpted figures.

5. Make art out of recycled items.  You can reuse old items that have meaning to you

or just re-purpose something you have laying around. Either way, you'll get insights

into how you can reshape and reevaluate your own life.

6. Collage with old photographs.  If you're uncomfortable using old photos you can

make copies, but with this project you'll draw out one characteristic you see in the

person in the photos.

7. Create your own interpretation of a famous work of art . How would you have

painted the Mona Lisa? Using a famous work as your inspiration, create your own

work. It could help reveal more about your lens on the world.

8. Work collaboratively.  Art can be better when two work at it together, so find a

partner and collaborate on just about anything.

9. Use a found or made object as a paintbrush . Whether it's something sharp or

something soft, make your own artistic tool and use it to express what you're feeling.

10. Make crayon stained glass.  Reflect upon your spiritual side with this project that

lets you create your own stained glass window.

11. Paint a window.  Windows let you see in and see out. Paint yours with things you

want to hide or show to the world.

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#1 Shadow Mask AnalysisMy Shadow Mask In art class, for the past few weeks, we have been studying and modeling our own shadow masks. Shadow masks mean and represent many things to me and many others. To me, a shadow mask means revealing your hidden personality and emotion that you don't often show, because you either can't deal with that part of yourself or because you are afraid of the reaction you're going to get from your peers. It's like a shadow of you that no one can see. But with a mask and anonymity to others, you express yourself in ways you don't to people who know you. So by creating a mask it helps you express your emotions. So the whole concept of the shadow mask is to detail your hidden feelings that are rarely exposed, by modeling and painting them. In the shadows mask we created, each and everything represents something, from the textures to the colours, everything has a meaning. In rny shadow mask it shows my feelings and emotions as a bystander. My wide open eye with a small pupil represents my shock and anger boiling up inside of me. It shows astonishment and my anger. I am astonished of reasons that people fight and argue about, the anger that I am afraid to help the victim.

 The blue strips on my face represent the anger growing and consuming me into its darkness. The red outline of the stripes is the anger, while the blue is trying to calm down the anger and remain in self-control. The blue outline of my eyes represents the helplessness of taking no action at that moment and remaining by standing. My zippered mouth shows my unexplainable fear to say something either stop the bully or to save the victim. I feel imprisoned in my own body, paralyzed in fear of what might happen to me, just for saving the victim. The textures feel rough and circular to show confusion and hard times in life when I witness event like these. I have the color green going around my face in a circular pattern, to me it represents confusion between choosing what to do, and what not to. To me its confusion of decision, it shows when I don't know which side to choose, the bullies or the victims. Both have a consequence depending on which side I choose. The light blue line that separates both sides shows my calmness and control throughout my anger. It shows what I show to others. I show them my calm self, but inside me the anger is boiling up, and is about to burst, but somehow I manage to keep myself together. My right eye represents regret and shame. It's the regret and shame of taking no action to prevent the event from occurring. My eye is half way together with a large pupil showing eyes of regret. Its how I feel after an incident occurs and the bad and uncomfortable feeling I get afterwards. It shows my controllable guilt, it makes me feel as though I could have done something to stop the incident but I chose not to. And realizing that makes me ashamed from the inside. Overall my shadow masks carry my emotion and feeling as a bystander of an incident such as a fight or a gossip. But from my past experiences, I as a bystander have grown to understand my mistakes on what I should of have done. So now if I see a fighting or bullying I just go up to the bully or fighter and I stop it. But I can only do that now because I know them and they trust me. I have learned that always follow what you think is the truth or right. This has helped me live my life peacefully and with less regrets. By a Grade 8 student #2 Shadow Mask AnalysisShadow Masks Shadow masks, masks that show feelings we don't normally show to people, we hold them within. When we make these masks we express those feelings onto the face of the mask. We use certain colours or symbols to represent these emotions. Such as the colour red to show your affection for your dog and a bandage to represent your hope for peace in the world. My mask is split into two colours, red with black stripes and blue with white stripes, both are separated by a black line. The blue side represents the sadness and loneliness I feel when I am insulted by my culture. I believe my culture is unique and if anyone has anything to say about it, they should keep it to themselves. The red side represents anger and revenge, after someone intentionally hurts me; I feel a rage grow in me, but no one outside can notice. The only difference is that I don't talk during this time. These

two emotions are what I feel most of the time so they take up a lot of space on the mask. The long yellow nose represents courage, to say the truth or my opinion. Every time I decide not to show courage the nose gets bigger and bigger. The left eye represents generosity, and the right side emptiness. I don't show my generosity much that how it got its place here, but I'm always ready to give and give. One of the things I give too easily is my trust, I'm too gullible, I will believe whatever they say depending on their status in my life. Such as Mr. Bulay, he is the teacher, so most of what he is saying would be true. The emptiness I feel is when I am reminded of my incapabilitys, I don't have a known special talent like everyone else. The tongue represents my naughtiness that I can only show with some people, so the stored amount stays here. All my life I have been acting one way; quiet and calm, if I suddenly change that, people will think I'm extra, which will add to my anger, making a larger area for it. The pink lips symbolize how much I talk; I can't stop unless my negative emotions take control of me. The tongue is also there to stop the lips from closing into utter silence. The joker's hat may seem odd, but it has a special reason for it. The joker's hat is on the right side because my anger is concealed just like the funny side of me. I make jokes in my head whenever someone says something dumb by accident, but I'm not surprised when the same happens to me. The bandage and two wounds stand for pain. The bandage covers a wound that can be healed. The scar shows the stigma on my life I have put forever and the open wound, a place for everyone to put hatred and pain into. The long arrow stands for love and respect, love that I have for my family and friends. Often I seem not to show respect for them but in the inside I do, but at times to earn that respect, they have to respect me first, although I have a guilty feeling afterwards. The gold around the red shows that love and respect is for valued more than gold to me. On the top of the head I have 5 horns, each just like an element of my life. The light pink represents peace, on earth, the blue caring attitude I have for the environment, and the dark pink for the fury people have generated because of me. The most important out of the five is the yellow and green one. The yellow one displays my stupidity and craziness I have been showing everyone lately, and the green one shows my quick thinking to changing situations. In conclusion I would say I learned my things about myself that I never seemed to notice at all. I thought I acted the same in front of everyone, but I think I have gone way deeper.

Emotions – How To Understand, Identify and Release Your Emotions

  By Mary Kurus

Copyright Mary Kurus 2003

All Rights Reserved

         Why Bother With Emotions:

  Emotions control your thinking, behavior and actions.  Emotions create illness.  Emotions affect your physical bodies as much as your body affects your feelings and thinking.  People, who ignore, dismiss, repress or just ventilate their emotions, are setting themselves up for physical illness.  Emotions that are not felt and released but buried within the body or in the aura can cause serious illness, including cancer, arthritis, and many types of chronic illnesses.  Negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, negativity, frustration, depression cause chemical reactions in your body that are very different from the chemicals released when you feel positive emotions such as happy, content, loved, accepted.  Repressed emotions lower your vibrations.  It takes a lot of your vital energy to repress emotions and keep them repressed – and you wonder why you’re so tired?  This article deals with emotions, how to identify and release your emotions. 

  As a Vibrational Consultant I work with people who come for help because they are feeling ill, fatigued, depressed, or unhappy with their lives.  They want the vibrational medicines I make called Choming Essences to heal them so they can become healthy, energetic, and able to live vibrant lives.  And Choming Essences do this for people.  They cleanse deeply, raise your vibrations to an optimum level so that toxins, parasites, worms, viruses, infectious bacteria, fungus overgrowths such as candida, and metal, chemical and atomic poisons are eliminated, releasing your vital energy to its highest frequency. Parasites, viruses, candida, all types of invaders, cannot live in a high vibration.  But emotional issues can affect your health as much as physical or energetic issues.  Choming Essences also help you to know and release your emotions. 

  For additional information on Vibrational Healing, please visit my website at   Choming Essences are the pure vibrations of plants, flowers, herbs, grasses, trees, gems and crystals.  If emotions are not dealt with in a healthy manner, the wonderful benefits of Choming Essences will gradually fade away and those old complaints of lethargy, fatigue, depression, indigestion problems, and many other symptoms, will return.

         What Are Emotions – Feelings?

  Different people define emotions in different ways. Some make a distinction between emotions and feelings saying that a feeling is the response part of the emotion and that an emotion includes the situation or experience, the 

interpretation, the perception, and the response or feeling related to the experience of a particular situation.  For the purposes of this article, I use the terms interchangeably.

  John D. (Jack) Mayer says, “Emotions operate on many levels.  They have a physical aspect as well as a psychological aspect.  Emotions bridge thought, feeling, and action – they operate in every part of a person, they affect many aspects of a person, and the person affects many aspects of the emotions.”

  Dr. Maurice Elias says, “Emotions are human beings’ warning systems as to what is really going on around them.  Emotions are our most reliable indicators of how things are going on in our lives. Emotions help keep us on the right track by making sure that we are led by more than the mental/ intellectual faculties of thought, perception, reason, memory.”

         Belief Systems

  Underlying much of our behavior is what is called a belief system.  This system within us filters what we see and hear, affecting how we behave in our daily lives.  There are many other elements that affect our lives, including past lives and the core issues we come into this life for resolution, but our belief systems in this life have a major effect on what we think and do.

  Your belief system affects your perceptions or how you interpret what you see, hear and feel.  For example, a person raised by an angry man or woman will view people in the future with beliefs that anger is bad or that it is something to fear.  Another example would be someone who is quite intelligent but who has never been encouraged or honored for their intelligence, this person might believe they are stupid. Men raised in conservative societies might have the belief that women who work outside of the home are not as good as those who do not work outside of the home. 

  It takes a lot of work to look at yourself and identify the beliefs that are affecting your life in a negative manner.  However, knowing your beliefs will give you a sound basis for emotional freedom.  I do believe that it’s wise to deal with the belief systems before dealing with the identification and release of emotions.  First things first!

       Other People, Places, and Things Cannot Change How You Feel

  The only person who can change what you feel is you.  A new relationship, a new house, a new car, a new job, these things can momentarily distract you from your feelings, but no other person, no material possession, no activity can remove, release, or change how you feel. 

  How often do you hear people say things like “when I have enough money, I won’t be afraid anymore”, only to find there never seems to be enough money to stop being afraid.   Or “when I’m in a secure relationship I won’t feel lonely any more”, and finding they are still lonely regardless of their relationship.   We need to understand that we take our feelings with us wherever we go.  A new dress, a new house, a new job, none of these things change how we feel.  Our feelings remain within us until we release them. 

       Emotions Are Not the Only Cause of Illness

  Emotions are not the only cause of illness.  Little babies and young children get ill, and not always because of their emotional issues.  There are many causes of illness including emotions, but they are not the sole cause of illness. 

  The causes of illness today are quite different from the issues causing illness 20 or 30 years ago.  We are living in a world filled with chemical, metal, and atomic poisons, radiation, pollution, and pesticides in our food.  We are bombarded with all types of electricity. These energies affect the physical, mental/ intellectual, energetic and emotional health of people. 

 As we travel more, moving with ease from country to country, different types of infection causing elements are spreading around the world more easily. Infections of parasites, worms, viruses, and different types of infectious bacteria are many times greater than 20 years ago.  Our water supplies are filled with chemicals and metals.  The benefits of antibiotics have also brought with them the difficulty of the candida fungus overgrowth and other physical and emotional difficulties.  The causes of illness today are different.

         Two Basic Emotions In Life – Love and Fear

 There are only two basic emotions that we all experience, love and fear.  All other emotions are variations of these two emotions.  Thoughts and behavior come from either a place of love, or a place of fear. Anxiety, anger, control, sadness, depression, inadequacy, confusion, hurt, lonely, guilt, shame, these are all fear-based emotions.  Emotions such as joy, happiness, caring, trust, compassion, truth, contentment, satisfaction, these are love-based emotions. 

  There are varying degrees of intensity of both types of emotions, some being mild, others moderate, and others strong in intensity.  For example, anger in a mild form can be felt as disgust or dismay, at a moderate level can be felt as offended or exasperated, and at an intense level can be felt as rage or hate. And the emotion that always underpins anger is fear.

         Physical Effects of Emotions

  Emotions have a direct effect on how our bodies work.  Fear-based emotions stimulate the release of one set of chemicals while love-based emotions release a different set of chemicals.  If the fear-based emotions are long-term or chronic they damage the chemical systems, the immune system, the endocrine system and every other system in your body.  Our immune systems weaken and many serious illnesses set in.  This relationship between emotions, thinking, and the body is being called Mind/Body Medicine today.

       You Cannot Control Your Emotions

  You cannot change or control your emotions.  You can learn how to be with them, living peacefully with them, transmuting them (which means releasing them), and you can manage them, but you cannot control them.

  Think of the people who go along day after day seeming to function normally,  and all of a sudden they will explode in anger at something that seems relatively trivial and harmless.  That is one sign of someone who is trying to control or repress their emotions but their repressed emotions are leaking out.

  The more anyone tries to control their emotions the more they resist control, and the more frightened people eventually become at what is seen to be a “loss of emotional control”.  It is a vicious circle.

  It’s important today to be politically correct.  And that means not challenging or disagreeing with what the average person believes.   It means not expressing negative emotions in public.  Showing emotion in public in North American and European societies represents being “out of control” a great sign of weakness.  People feel uncomfortable with those who express strong emotions.  We are a society that is taught to hide our emotions, to be ashamed of them or to be afraid of them.   Regardless, we are born with them and must live with them.  This means learning how to know them, be with them, and release them.

       The Difference Between Core Issues and Emotions

  We each come into this lifetime with at least one core issue to resolve.  Different situations will continue to present themselves in different but repeat patterns until you have dealt with the core issues in your life. 

   A few examples of core issue are abandonment / victimization, demanding justice in all matters, living spiritually rather than materially.  These are overarching issues that affect emotions completely.  Many people find out about their core issues by learning to deal with their emotions.  It is a gentle pathway that leads you into a deeper knowing of your core issues.

         Emotions and Emotional Abuse

  Emotional Abuse is a form of violence in relationships.  Emotional abuse is just as violent and serious as physical abuse but is often ignored or minimized because physical violence is absent.  Emotional Abuse can include any or all of the following elements.  It can include rejection of the person or their value or worth.  Degrading an individual in any way is emotionally abusive, involving ridiculing, humiliating and insulting behavior.  Terrorizing or isolating a person is deeply abusive and happens to children, adults, and often the elderly.  Exploiting someone is abusive.  Denying emotional responses to another is deeply abusive.  The “silent treatment” is a cruel way of controlling people and situations.  Where there is control there is no love, only fear. 

  If you are living in a situation that is emotionally abusive please seek help from either a professional or one of the many helpful organizations present in most communities, to help you sort out your issues. Emotions stemming from 

emotional abuse are deep and complex, requiring ongoing help from those trained to deal with emotional abuse.

         “Go South” – Feeling Your Feelings

  People spend much time talking about how they feel.  They attend workshops, they visit therapists, and they tell others who did what to them and describe how they feel about it.  They talk and talk about their feelings but they don’t feel their feelings.  They intellectualize and analyze their feelings without feeling them. 

  People are afraid to really feel their feelings, afraid of losing control, afraid of the pain involved in feeling their emotions, of feeling the sense of loss or failure or whatever the emotion brings with it.   People are afraid to cry.  So much of life is about what you feel rather than what you think.  Being strongly connected to your emotional life is essential to living a life with high energy and a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

  I was privileged to work with a professional many years ago when I was learning about my emotional self.  I remember the day Fred told me that he knew what I thought about the situation, and then asked me “How did it feel?”  I was smiling as long as I was providing a description of the situation.  As soon as I looked for the feelings inside of me I began to cry.  It did not feel very good.  I was hurting.  Fred used a term “Go South” to help me go to my feelings rather than an intellectual approach.  He used to tell me to “Go South”.  Many of our feelings reside in our midriff and navel area.  Today I will often tell myself to “Go South” Mary, meaning, “How does it really feel Mary”?

       How We Repress Emotions

  When we have an experience that we find painful or difficult, and are either unable to cope with the pain, or just afraid of it, we often dismiss this emotion and either get busy, exercise more, drink or eat a bit more, or just pretend it has not happened.  When we do this we do not feel the emotion and this results in what is called repressed, suppressed or buried emotions. These feelings stay in our muscles, ligaments, stomach, midriff, auras.  These emotions remain buried within us until we bring that emotion up and feel the emotion, thus releasing it.  Emotions that are buried on the long-term are the emotions that normally cause physical illness.

  The following are a few examples of the methods people use to avoid feeling their emotions.

Ignoring your feelings Pretending something hasn’t happened Overeating Eating foods loaded with sugar and fat Excessive drinking of alcohol Excessive use of recreational drugs Using prescription drugs such as tranquilizers or Prozac Exercising compulsively Any type of compulsive behavior Excessive sex with or without a partner Always keeping busy so you can’t feel Constant intellectualizing and analyzing Excessive reading or TV Working Excessively Keeping conversations superficial Burying angry emotions under the mask of peace and love

       Symptoms of Repressed Emotions

  It takes a lot of energy to keep emotions repressed and buried.  If you keep emotions buried for a long period of time, you lower your overall vibrations, and lower vibrations lead to illness and an accelerated ageing process.  Buried emotions create fatigue and depression.  The following are some major symptoms of buried and repressed emotions.

Fatigue Depression without an apparent cause

Speaking of issues/interests rather than personal matters and feelings Pretending something doesn’t matter when inside it does matter Rarely talking about your feelings Blowing up over minor incidents Walking around with a knot in your stomach or tightness in your throat Feeling your anger not at the time something happens but a few days later In relationships, focusing discussions on children/ money rather than 

talking about yourselves Difficulty talking about yourself Troubled personal relationships with family, friends, acquaintances

A lack of ambition or motivation Lethargic – who cares - attitude Difficulty accepting yourself and others Laughing on the outside while crying on the inside

       Effects of Repressed or Buried Emotions

  Repressed or buried emotions can cause major difficulties in the physical body and energetic systems.  They affect all your relationships, and they especially affect your ability to grow spiritually and shift your level of consciousness. 

  Emotions repressed for the long-term can caused serious illness including cancer, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and many other major health problems.  Since repressed emotions can rest either in your body or auras, they can cause holes in your auras, through which your energy leaks out and creating fatigue,  a sense of vulnerability, and low self-confidence.

 When you have repressed emotions, your behavior and reactions to events in the present moment are really reactions to past events as well as the present.  This has a negative effect on all relationships in your life.  You cannot be fully present with those you love in today until you have released your emotions from the past.  You buried emotions because they were too painful and difficult to deal with when they occurred and your reactions to today’s events are affected by this pain and hurt that remains buried in your body.

  It takes a lot of energy to bury emotions and to keep them buried.   There isn’t much energy left over for other activities when your energy is being used to keep stuffing these emotions back down.  By nature, buried emotions want to come up so you can become aware of them, feel them and release them.  You work very hard to keep them stuffed down.

  Our real purpose in being on Mother Earth is to keep increasing our level of consciousness and living a more spiritual or love-based life.  The higher the consciousness someone has, the higher degree of spirituality in his or her life.  The higher the spirituality the closer we are to being what we are meant to be, a fully integrated and loving human being.  You cannot shift to higher levels of consciousness as long as you have major negative emotions buried within you.

   Committing To Emotional Health 

    People who make a deep commitment to themselves to become emotionally healthy are willing to go to great lengths to learn about their emotional selves and to do what is required to release buried emotions. This is often an uncomfortable and difficult journey when you begin, but I  promise you great joy once you’ve gotten over the first few hurdles. Once you make this commitment your journey to identify your issues and release buried emotions will become much easier.

         Methods To Identify Your Emotions

  Emotions are reliable indicators of what is really going on inside of us.  There are many ways to identify emotions and you will have to choose the manner that is most suitable to your personality.  Some people need to do this in solitude whereas others need to do this with others.  Some will want to write while others will use a much more casual approach.  Sometimes it’s best to combine a number of approaches for a deeper identification of emotions.

  The following are a few methods you can use to identify what you are really feeling about a person, place, situation or thing.  Identifying your emotions is the first step to a rich and healthy emotional life. Use a number or all of these methods.  Find the ones that suit you and use them to help you in your journey towards emotional health.

  Awareness is the first step of change!

Use Choming Essences To Dig Out Buried and Repressed Emotions: I have worked with many people who have told me they did not have buried emotions,  even  when  a  Vibrational  Assessment   showed  them they  had many such emotions.  I  have seen these same men and women tell  me after   using   Choming   Essences   for   a   few  months   that   they   began   to remember   old   angers,   resentments,   feel   sadness,   regret,   and   other emotions.  They thought these feelings and memories had long gone from them   and  were   quite   surprised   to   see   they   were   still   present.  Using Choming Essences is a very powerful help in bringing your emotions to the surface!

Choming Essences will dig out buried emotions and memories and bring them to the surface so you can remember them, feel them and release them.  The Choming Essences that are especially  powerful   for   this  are  as   follows:  Chiastolite  Gem Essence;   Love  Lies  Bleeding 

Flower Essence; Pearl Gem Essence; Spirea Bush Flower Essence; the Sunflower Essence; and the White Olive Tree Essence. Many other Choming Essences will also help to bring emotions to the surface so you can feel them. 

To learn more about healing with vibration and Choming Essences, please visit my website at 

Listen To Your Thoughts and Daydreams – We become so accustomed to thinking in certain patterns that we are no longer aware or conscious about our thoughts and daydreams.  Catch those daydreams, hold the thoughts, bring them up into your conscious mind.  This will tell you a great deal about yourself, what you love and hate, and about your relationships.  If you possibly can, keep a written diary of these for a month or two.  Writing down your thoughts and daydreams will help you to organize, experience, and understand your thought patterns and bring them into a higher level of awareness within you.  If you keep a written record for a period of time you will begin to see important patterns in your feeling and thinking. 

Identify Your “Little and Unimportant Hurts” – More people walk around saying it’s not important or it doesn’t matter when it is very important and a big piece of hurting emotion is buried within them.  They will describe this hurt and being small and unimportant.  Men tend to do this rather frequently.  Write down a detailed description of all the “little and unimportant hurts” that somehow don’t go away.  Every little hurt that you keep remembering, that won’t go away, regardless of when it happened, must go on this list.  Many people have many of these little hurts from childhood.  These emotions are buried within creating difficulties with their health.  Identifying these hurts will tell you a great deal about your buried and unexpressed emotions.

Record What Makes You Feel Strongly For Two Months: Keep an ongoing record of strong emotions for 8 weeks.  Regardless of the cause, if it’s the weather, the traffic, your husband, wife, children, politicians, the stock market, your fellow church members, whatever and whoever, add it to your list.  Try to identify what really made you angry.  Sadness is a mask for anger, and anger is a mask for fear.  If you can identify you real fears, what you are afraid of losing or not having, you are well on your way to emotional health.  Again, writing this down will help you see things much more clearly, increase your awareness, and help you to know your emotional self at a much deeper level.

Memories That Won’t Go Away:  If you keep remembering situations, hurts that happened some time ago, you are guaranteed to have repressed 

emotions around this person or situation.  You will need to pull this situation out and re-feel the hurt around it.  Try to document these carefully since these are more than likely causing you much physical distress.  Forgiveness is something that occurs as a result of owning and releasing your emotions.  We often reach for forgiveness without doing the work required to release emotions of hurt and anger.  Forgiveness is a result of an emotional process.  There are no short cuts.

Keep a Journal of the Emotions in Your Dreams: Many people who begin to take Choming Essences find that they begin to remember their dreams, dreams full of emotions, stories and colors.  Keep paper and pencil by your bedside and jot down your dreams as soon as you begin to waken.  Write down the emotions you are experiencing in your dreams.  The activity in a dream can be secondary, the emotions being experienced there are essential.  The emotions in your dreams are the very emotions that you are repressing and burying within.  Dreams can give you a deep insight into your emotional self.

Be Specific About The Emotions You Are Experiencing: Confusion occurs when people are trying to get to know their emotions because they speak in general terms rather that than specific emotions.  A good example of this is depression.  You may be experiencing loneliness for people, loneliness for God (spiritual loneliness), boredom, and a lack of creativity in your life.  You may be feeling abandoned because of a death or divorce.  If you just say you are depressed you will have great difficulty releasing the emotion or finding a solution to the situation causing the emotion.

A good example of this is the difference between jealousy and envy.  Jealousy relates to being resentful of a person’s advantages be they in social standing, education, profession, or it can relate to resentment of a rival in love or affection.  Envy is a discontentment or resentment aroused by another’s good fortune or success.

Are You Using Sex To Release Your Emotions? Sex is a normal and healthy part of life. However today many people engage in sexual acts, with others, alone, or using pornography on the Internet, to release emotions buried within them that they have been unable to feel and release.  These individuals tend to have a very high sex drive since this is their primary way of releasing emotions that are pent up within. These are people who enjoy sex more than once a day. They tend to be very cerebral or intellectual, highly emotional, but very much out of touch with their emotions.  If you identify with this description, keep a record of the thoughts/ experiences/ fears that you are having prior to engaging in this 

types of sex.  Sex can be used to stuff down feelings so you won’t feel them and identifying these feelings and releasing them will help you move into a much healthier and enjoyable sexual life.

Eating, Drinking, Exercising, or Any Type of Compulsive or Excessive Behavior: We often go for weeks, even years acting in a manner that is normal for us – and what is normal for you may not be normal for another person.  Then we will find ourselves overeating, working excessively, drinking daily, engaging in compulsive sex, working long hours, and many other types of compulsive behavior.  We stuff down our feelings through excessive behavior, ensuring we do not feel them at that moment.  We do this because the feelings are too painful or we are just too afraid of these feelings and where they might lead us in our thinking and actions.

Try to identify the times when your excessive behavior was triggered and, as soon as you can, identify the emotion that is causing this behavior.  It can be stress or fear related to a new job, the death of a friend or partner, difficulties with lovers or children.  Document these emotions as best as you can.  We never do anything without getting something from it.  There is a reason why you are engaged in excessive or compulsive behavior.

When What You Say and Do Is Not In Sync With What You Feel: Men and women go through many situations telling themselves that “it doesn’t really matter” or “it’s not important enough to argue about”, basically buying peace by agreeing to something that deep down they do not agree with.  They find themselves feeling unhappy, disgruntled, and angry with the individual involved.  This type of situation creates tensions and unhappiness in relationships.  Buying peace at any price creates negative feelings within you. 

Identify those situations where you have created depressing feelings within yourself by agreeing to something that makes you don’t really agree with.  Write them down.  This will be difficult for people who have difficulty saying no, or who are too anxious to please others.  But the feelings generated by these situations are very important when dealing with your emotional life.   Many times we need to excuse things and just overlook them.  That’s normal in life.  But we apply this to situations that affect us deeply.  It’s these situations we need to  identify.

Positive Emotions: It   is  crucial  that you identify your positive emotions during   these   exercises.  You   are   probably   very   loving,   caring, compassionate, trusting, forgiving, generous, many times in each day.  Be certain to  include the wonderful  and good things about yourself  as you identify your emotional self.  This provides a realistic picture.  If your record only negative emotions, your picture of yourself will be quite distorted and lacking   in   reality.  Each   one   of   us   is   born  with   all   emotions   and   each emotion needs to be seen in its full and loving energy.

The Gentle Whispers of Your Soul:  Find a quiet place and time and listen to that inner voice of intuition within you.  Each person has it.  And listen with your heart rather than your head.  Your heart will hear different things from your head.

There is a very special time just as you are waking up in the morning but before you are fully awake.  This is the time zone when you can often hear your sub-conscious speaking to you.  Listen to your thoughts at this time carefully and you will pick up important messages, messages that can help you to identify your emotions, even your core issues.

Using Your Guides/ Angels/ The Divine Universal Energy: Ask   your guides, angels, or whoever you call on from the Divine Universal Energy, to help you to see not just your emotions, but to see the core issues that you have come to deal with in this lifetime.  Our Guides and Angels need to be asked, they are so respectful. They do not intervene unless asked.  You will be amazed to see the Divine assistance come into your healing  journey once you seek their assistance.  Pray, meditate, ask them to help you see, understand and release your buried emotions.  Believe  in their  help,   it’s guaranteed to come.

        Crying About Your Experience:  Crying is a normal releasing function for each human being.  We are born with this ability because through crying we release pain, hurt, and associated stress.  Please begin to cry about whatever hurts you.

Crying or writing and crying about what has happened to you can help you sort out your experience and understand it.  And understanding is crucial for many people.  If you have had a very painful experience, write one sentence and sit with this sentence and cry.  Then write another sentence and sit and cry.  In time this process will relieve some of the sensitive pain around your experience and eventually make it endurable.  With time, the pain around the situation will lesson, as long as you allow yourself to feel it.

Writing About Your Emotions: We can play all sorts of games with our minds, denying reality is something we all do.  However, it’s much harder to do that when we write things down.  You don’t have to show your list to anyone, but for complete emotional health you have to fully accept your emotions.  This acceptance will be accelerated if you write your list and share this list of emotions with one other human being.  But be very careful and choose someone who will guarantee you confidentiality.  I highly recommend a counselor, minister, priest, and psychiatrist, someone trained in this type of work and who guarantees confidentiality.  A professional can often help you put a healthy perspective on these emotions.  Writing this list is important.

Friends/ Counselor/ Minister/ Therapist: You might want to consider seeking the assistance of a counselor, therapist, or minister.  They can help you to see things in a more balanced fashion, and help you understand more fully what you are observing in yourself.  It can be difficult at times to be objective about yourself.

We need friends who love us and care about us, especially when we are hurting.  And usually this is not the time when you could say we are at our best.  Tell your friends about what hurts you.  Feel their comfort and love.  Make sure they understand you may not want advice on how to resolve your issues.  What we all need is a loving ear to listen to us with their heart.  We need loving friends in our lives. Many people pay for a therapist to listen to them because they cannot tell their friends about their experiences.  Take the risk and share these happenings and your feelings with close friends whom you can trust.

       How To Release Emotions 

Don’t be afraid of your emotions. Don’t fight them, run away from them, and block them out. Welcome them, be with them, regardless of what they are. We were born with all emotions. They are neither good or bad, they just are. Emotions dissipate and slowly disappear if you feel them, and are present with them. Just close your eyes and feel them as deeply as you can.

Use Choming Essences (Vibrational Healing) To Help Release Emotions: Once emotions have come to the surface, been identified, and you are feeling them, effort needs to be made to own them and release them.  Choming Essences are made from flowers, trees, gems, crystals, grasses, bulrushes, and many different elements of nature.  They are very powerful and made by using the healing power of the Universe to help in your healing journey. They help to transmute many emotions, helping 

them to release more easily from your physical and energetic bodies.  The Choming Essences very powerful for releasing emotions are as follows:  Amethyst Gem Essence; Chiastolite Gem Essence; the Sumac Tree Flower Essence; the Stinging Nettle Plant Essence; The Tamarack Tree Essence; and the Weeping Willow Tree Essence.

I have repeatedly found when working with clients that their repressed emotions began to surface once they had eliminated their parasites, candida, toxins, metal and chemical poisons, and all things not natural to the physical and energetic body.  A Detoxification Program with Choming Essences can eliminate all “invaders”.  It seems that once these “invaders” are eliminated and the body is deeply cleansed of toxins and poisons, emotions rise to the surface much more easily.  These “invaders” can be part of repressing emotions.  To learn more about vibrational healing with Choming Essences, please visit my website at

Deciding How To Respond To Your Emotions:  Once you have identified a certain emotion you will at times need to decide how to proceed in dealing with it.  There are many options that need to be considered carefully.  Certain approaches can have very serious effects.  You could lose your job, or you could lose your marriage.  It’s very important to consider your options carefully before saying or doing something that cannot be taken back. 

The following are a few questions you can ask yourself when deciding what response would suit a particular situation best – and each emotion, each situation is different.  *Am I reacting to this situation or is this reaction partially a reaction to a past situation as well?  *Am I able to discuss the issues with the person without venting anger?  *Will I be able to talk about how I feel to the person?  *Is a direct approach the best way to proceed?  *What are the consequences of dealing directly with the person/ situation?  *What do I expect from this discussion?  *Are my expectations realistic?  *Should I discuss this with someone before doing anything? 

By asking these questions you will be deciding whether a direct approach is the best approach, and if so if you are ready do this at the present time.  If your anger is at a “rage” stage, you need to release some of this anger before proceeding to discuss this with anyone.

The Physical Part of Releasing Your Emotions:  There are a number of ways you can begin to release your emotions, especially those relating to anger and hurt.  1) Go into an empty room, or go for a drives alone, and scream, scream as loudly as you can.  Scream the words “I hate”.  So many people have never screamed out their hurt, their rage. Continue to do this 

as long as it feels right inside.  Cry, allow yourself to cry your feeling. 2) If you cannot scream aloud, imagine you are screaming your rage, hurt, and pain.  Imagine it and imagine it.  See it, and hear it, and especially, feel it as deeply as you can.  3) If you are a physical person, take a pillow and keep hitting a chair, your bed, something, feeling your hurt every time you hit that object with the pillow.  Every time you hit that pillow say the words “I hate”; 4) Get yourself a punching bag and hang it in your basement.  Then take time to keep hitting that punching bag, releasing your rage.  5) Take your fists and keep pounding a table saying, “I hate” and just keep doing it.  6) If you like to write, write about your anger; write about your hate; write about how hurt you are; write about how afraid you really are.  Journal about what happened and how it is affecting you today.  Write about what you have lost, or what you have never had that has hurt you so deeply.  Feel the feeling! Don’t be afraid of it!

Under all the anger, rage, hate, and hurt is one emotion – FEAR!

It’s essential to whatever method you choose to realize that you are hating, that you are full of rage and anger, and that this is a safe way to begin to accept your anger, your hate, and to own your anger and hate as your own.  So often we are too afraid to lose control or just afraid of the intensity of our rage, that we run away from it and ignore it.  The more you ignore it, the bigger it gets.

One of the most important things about releasing an emotion is to concentrate on the emotion rather than on what caused the emotion.  Forget who did what that caused the emotion, forget about the person who did something to you, concentrate on the “I hate” or “I am angry” or “I am so hurt”.  It’s the emotion you need to release.  Don’t be afraid to feel your feelings.  Feeling them means owning them.


Speaking Your Truth – To release emotions you need to tell one human being one time only about the situation that caused the feeling buried within you.  You need to explain in detail what happened, your feelings around this experience, and how this experience is affecting your life today.  So often we hide situations and life’s happenings because we are ashamed and somehow feel things happen to us because we are “bad people”.  It’s important to tell your complete story in detail to one person.  This will help you to gain a healthier perspective on the situation. However, if you keep repeating the story to different people, talking about it repeatedly, thinking about it over and over again, this becomes a 

resentment (a recurring negative thought).  The resentment then becomes another problem rather than part of the solution. 

Secrets are shame-based and incidents kept secret or feelings hidden from others will make these feelings deeper and longer lasting.  Emotional secrets lead to emotional and mental illness.

Transmuting Emotions:  Sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, put your head back, and relax as best you can.  Do the following exercise for 10 deep breaths.  Concentrating on your breathing, inhale on the count of six, hold this breath to the count of six, exhale to the count of six, and rest to the count of six, then begin again.  If the count of six is too difficult try the count of four or five.  Concentrate fully on your process of breathing only.  Keep doing this exercise until you feel more relaxed and your head noises have gone away.

Then slowly look for the emotion, find where it is buried in your body.  All repressed emotions rest in your body and at times in the aura as well.  Anger rests around your belly button area but it can also be seen as a black thread-like substance all through the body.  Sadness sits in the midriff area.  Emotions can rest anywhere in your body including the muscles, ligaments, in bone joints. Take your time, find your emotion.

Then take time to really see what this emotion looks like.  I had a huge amount of sadness and when I finally found it I saw that it was the shape of a large mass of clouds, clouds so dense and thick that you couldn’t begin to even dent them.  These clouds were a very dark gray color.

Once you have found your emotion, and described it to yourself, stay with it, hold it, be with it.  Do not try to do anything to it – VERY IMPORTANT - just be with it.  By being with it you begin to integrate this emotion into your very consciousness and this is the next step in releasing your emotion.  As you go back to visit your buried emotion week after week you will find the shape getting smaller and smaller, until eventually it just disappears.  It takes many months to transmute an emotion in this way, but it is a powerful manner to release emotions. This is what is meant by “transmuting emotions”. 

Releasing Resentments:  A resentment is a recurring anger where,  on a recurring basis, we keep thinking about something someone has done to us, reliving all the particulars around this situation, with ongoing anger, hate, hurt, or whatever the emotion might be. 

Pray for the person you are resenting.  Wish for this person every wonderful thing you would want to have in your most perfect life.  Wish them blessing and good

fortune in all things.  In time, this type of a prayer will release you from your resentment.  This is difficult. 

You can also write about this person.  Write all the negative qualities you see in this person.  Then write about all the positive qualities you see in this person.  Eventually, by writing about the different qualities, a shift will occur within you, bringing you peace of mind.

You can write about the situation, what the person did to you and how it affected you, how it made you feel.  Write about how you reacted to this situation, what you said and what you did.  When we accept responsibility for our own behavior, the resentment often disappears.

The Power of Prayer:  Certain emotions just hang on, regardless what you do.  When human effort fails to produce the desired change, then it’s time to hand this over to the God of your understanding or the Divine Spirit of the Universe.  Ask in prayer, that the emotion be lifted from you.  My own personal experience has proved to me that this works, when all human effort has failed.

There is one thing that I have included in my prayers for many years, asking for a grateful heart.  In my late 20s, I was in deep emotional pain and did not believe life was worth living.  I was taught to look for things in my life that I could be grateful for, regardless of the difficulty.  It was  hard to do this when I was in such emotional pain, but it was essential to my healing.  This prayer for a grateful heart has stayed with me for the past 30 years.  And today I do have a grateful heart.  Being very human, it disappears at times, but it returns when my energy goes there.

A Meditation With the Heart of the Universe:  Close your eyes, sitting in a relaxed and comfortable position with both feet on the ground, your hands sitting gently on your thighs.  Begin to breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling slowly and gently, concentrating on your breathing.  Do this deep breathing at least 10 – 15 times, concentrating on only your breathing.  This will help you relax at all levels and clear the noises from you mind.  You will have to practice this relaxation a number of times before proceeding with the full meditation.

Once you have relaxed, feel your heart, be with your heart.  Then go out into the Universe, and visit the stars and the spaces between the stars, until you find that sacred place, the Heart of the Universe.  Approach it slowly, respectfully and with humility.  Then ask that the love of the Universal Heart be more deeply connected with your heart, and that your heart be filled with the love of the Universe.  Stay with this for as long as you can.  Feel the love of this Universal Heart.  Once you

feel your heart has received the love it needs at this time, thank the Universal Heart for sharing its love with you and slowly open your eyes and come back into the present moment.

We need to ask!

Over time, this meditation will expand your ability to love more deeply, shifting out the negative emotions.  It’s a powerful meditation.

Shifting Your Perspective: Life brings injustice, abuse, bad luck, and emotions of hurt, anger, self-pity, and depression.  It’s quite easy to look at what others have done that you consider to be wrong, and these wrongs are very real.  It’s not as easy to look at your response to the real wrong or injustice done to you.  Someone might have demeaned you and degraded you.  Did you punish them in some manner for their behavior?  Was your response to the situation a healthy and loving response?  Emotions around injustice of any kind are complex.  Once we accept personal responsibility for our responses, the emotions around a given situation tend to lose their hold over us.  It’s important to honor that an injustice has occurred.  But it’s equally important to be ready to release that from your life, which involves looking at your own behavior, and accepting responsibility for your own actions.  

Detach Yourself: When your emotions are running high and you are having difficult reducing the intensity, try to detach yourself from the situation and the emotion.  Try to imagine the same situation happening to someone else.  Try to see if the behavior would be the same if someone else were in your situation.  If the answer is yes then you can begin to see that the experience is not necessarily being focused at you.  The other person is probably acting unconsciously, and you just happen to be the individual “in their way”.  Detaching yourself in this manner can help you move through very difficult situations without taking the abuse personally.  You might need to terminate the situation  causing the emotions, but your detachment allows you to look at things more rationally and quietly. 

Knowing Your Fears: What are the fears underlying your emotions?  You will need to know and understand your fears.  To do this you will have to swallow some pride and admit and accept that you have many fears that are affecting what you do each day.  These fears are often not at the conscious level.  Are you afraid of being alone; abandonment; the unknown; adventure; losing face; ridicule; not having enough money; 

loneliness; death; suffering; losing prestige; not being honored for your work and effort; losing your wife or husband – the list is endless? 

Fears are tricky things.  There are some that you need to ignore and just act as if you were not afraid.  Fore example, if you’re afraid to say no, your fear will leave as you begin to say no when you need to say no.  At times it’s like exercising a muscle.  The more you use it the easier it gets.  Other fears are a healthy warning that something is very wrong.  For example, a person might be afraid of another person.  This fear might be the signal to avoid that person, to leave the relationship. 

As you become aware of your fears and own them to be truly yours, a day will come when you will notice that one of them has somehow disappeared.  That’s the way it is with fear.  As you live a life in tune with your emotions, a life focused on coming from that place of love,  you will find that many of your fears will just disappear.

Accepting Responsibility For Your Emotions:  Taking care of ourselves is the greatest way we can love ourselves in a wholesome and healthy manner.  And this means accepting responsibility for our emotions.  Remember, emotions are not good or bad.  They just are.  But be careful and don’t punish yourself or be too hard on yourself.  Balance is the key work.  Each human being is very human, and that means each one of us is born with a full range of emotions.


        Living In Peace: Once you have completed the looking, the understanding, the releasing of your buried emotions, you may find you have become accustomed to being in a more intense emotional state.  The exercises above will heighten your overall emotionality.  If you are relatively certain you have done what can be done, make a decision to live in peace, at peace with yourself, and at peace with others.  You can decide this.  Avoid those situations that you know will create conflict and upsets.  You cannot change others, you can only change yourself.  There are times where it’s important to stand and fight.  It takes a lot of wisdom to “accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you can”.  Wisdom to know the difference brings peace of mind.

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