come ride with us on….. the only trans-andean luxury - lodge-to-lodge horse back ride to machu...

Post on 08-May-2015






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All Ancient Summit Programs depart on any day with a minimum of 1 Guest – we are dedicated to Private, Authentically Unique, and Custom Travel. The above program can easily be customized to your needs. If you need other arrangements, please contact Ancient Summit for details and pricing. If you wish to stay longer and visit other destinations in Peru, we are happy to assist. Optional visits to many spectacular areas in Peru or add in the Galapagos. We can do that and even more!


In riding a horse we borrow freedom.

A horse is poetry in motion.

…a once in a lifetime physical, cultural, and spiritual

journey that will take you through the magnificent

Salkantay Valley en route to the legendary ruins at Machu


…Challenge yourself as you ride through several

different bio-zones, changing altitudes and varied terrain…

…Marvel at the exquisite beauty of the Salkantay Peak,

Salkantay Glacier and Humantay Glacier Lake…

…Share in the culture and customs of local Andean

families who maintain age-old traditions…

…Witness environmental and social initiatives to

maintain the natural integrity and improve quality of life

in the region…

…Indulge in the comfort of enchanting mountain lodges,

innovative local cuisine, the warmth of our people, and

your daily retreat to a recovery Shangri-la for body, mind

and spirit …

…Be inspired by the majesty of your surroundings and

the knowledge that you are following in the footsteps of

the Ancients… Salkantay Peak, also known as “Apu Salkantay”, among the

locals, which means “the savage mountain goddess”

Ancient Summit invites you to

Trek on the back of your trusted horse along the a Cordillera Vilcabamba mountain range. Still pristine and not too often visited by

tourists, this trail has vistas to inspire, where you can still sense the authentic ancient culture. How often can you travel through 12 different biospheres, possibly witness the majestic Andean condors and so much more….

The opportunity to experience the essence of

adventure within the realm of revitalizing

comforts. A great adventure does not end

there: for it to be a life-changing experience, it

must become an adventure on many levels.

This trek goes far beyond comfortable lodges

and great rides… it is a unique opportunity to

experience ancient history as well as

contemporary manifestations of this deep-

founded culture. Experience the most

interesting and exotic variety of flora and fauna,

culinary surprises, and a determination of local

people to progress.

All Ancient Summit Programs depart on any day with a minimum of 1 Guest – we are

dedicated to Private, Authentically Unique, and Custom Travel.

The above program can easily be customized to your needs. If you need other arrangements,

please contact Ancient Summit for details and pricing. If you wish to stay longer and visit

other destinations in Peru, we are happy to assist. Optional visits to many spectacular areas in

Peru or add in the Galapagos. We can do that and even more!

Nina Enjoying this amazing trek!

See why the majestic peaks with their emerald-

green glacial lakes inspired awe among the

natives who consider them gods

Stunning Humantay lake with its emerald green waters and Humantay peak right above it.

We offer an exciting adventure that takes you on an ancient Inca trail called the

“Salcantay Trail”, the road less traveled to the lost city of the Incas. The route winds

through the Cordillera Vilcabamba, a spectacular Andean mountain range, before

plunging into forested canyons. Discover this magical world which will stay with

you far beyond your return home..

Riding on the unbeaten trails of the mysterious Incas, high in the mountains and

on winding slopes creates an intimate bond between horse and rider based on

mutual trust and the excitement of the journey ahead. These athletic, surefooted

and noble horses are well trained for high altitude and changing terrain, and

travel with outstanding willingness. “after the first few hours on my horse, I was

completely confident that she know much more than I about the days to come

and I was able to relax and experience what I came for” Nina Fogelman-Director,

Ancient Summit, Inc

Each day’s ride ends not in a freezing tent but in one of four cozy lodges with hot

showers, fine gourmet meals, select wines, goose-down bedding, Jacuzzis and

highly personalized service provided by local staff.


The Lodges

Salkantay Lodge Soraypampa – 3,869m / 12,690ft.

Wayra LodgeHuayraccmachay – 3,906m / 12,812ft.

Colpa LodgeColpapampa – 2,870m / 9,414ft.

Lucma LodgeLucmabamba – 2,135m / 7,003ft.

Suggested Itinerary

DAY 1- International arrival to Lima. Welcome and we will assist you across to your hotel just

outside the airport entrance so that you can get a good night’s rest and not deal with Lima

traffic. Assuming late night arrival.

DAY 2 - Transfer to the airport and assisted check in for flight to Cusco. In Cusco welcome

and direct transfer to the Sacred Valley. No tours scheduled today but do enjoy your

beautiful drive through the Andes. Guided tours start tomorrow. . Please stop whenever you

like for photographs (it´s your car and personal driver) and today is your day to take it easy

and adjust to the altitude. Free evening in the Sacred Valley.

Day 3 - Privately guided tour to Pisaq Market and archeological complex at your own pace.

Lunch at home of my dear friends in the Valley. Our friend is a wonderful cook and seasonal

ingredients come from their own organic garden. A member of this family is a well known Peruvian artist. After lunch, leisurely drive back to hotel with interesting stops along the way.

Day 4 -This morning we hike to Moray, Maras and the famous Salt ponds as part of continued

acclimation. After lunch, is a special visit to an authentic village whose inhabitants still

practice their traditional lifestyle. This is not a tourist stop but something we offer our visitors

as it is one of the communities we are dedicated to working closely for sustainability and education of the children.. The Documentary about our work was filmed here. This day

ends in Cusco and you will receive a briefing about the adventure that starts tomorrow

morning. You can wander and explore this UNESCO World Heritage City this evening.

Cusco is glorious at night.


(3,869 m/12,690 ft).

Now you are well acclimated to begin the riding

adventure! After an early breakfast, we leave Cusco with

our guide and vehicle in the direction of the Salkantay

Lodge in Soraypampa. Approximately 1.5 hours from

Cusco, we stop to visit the Inca ruins of Tarawasi near

the town of Limatambo. We then pass through the

mountain village of Mollepata where we stop for a short

coffee break before ascending a winding mountain road

to the Ranch.

Technical Description Day 1

Riding Time: Approx. 4 hours

Type of Terrain: Open roads, some steep ascending trails

Type of Riding: Walk, trot, canter, gallop

Note: Lunch is a picnic lunch en route.

Non-riders activity: Direct transfer to the lodge

At the ranch, we meet and get familiarized with our

horses and begin our ride to the Lodge. Salkantay Lodge

is named after the majestic peak at the head of the valley

–the 2nd most sacred peak in Inca mythology and, at

6,270 m (20,600 ft), the highest in the region. Today's

ride is at a pace to help with acclimating.

The afternoon is spent at leisure to continue adjusting to

the altitude, enjoying the outdoor Jacuzzi or just walking

in the beautiful surroundings. An evening briefing by the

fireplace is followed by aperitifs and dinner.

Photo: On a beautiful sunny morning, a small group of riders

arrive to Salkantay Lodge and enjoy the great scenery.

Technical Description Day 2

Riding Time: Approx. 3 hours

Type of Terrain: Open roads, some steep

ascending trails and open fields

Type of Riding: Walk, trot, canter

Non-rider activity: Hike to Humantay Lake

DAY 6: SORAYPAMPA (3,869 m/12,690 ft).

Today we ride out for 3 hours in the area surrounding the

lodge, to visit the Humantay Lake, fed by glaciers far above on

the slopes of Mt. Humantay. A short walk of about 25 minutes is

necessary in order to reach the lake, but the view is well worth it

and those brave enough can go for a swim. This activity is

excellent for acclimatization. We return to the lodge for lunch,

after which you have the option to ride out again for around 3

hours in the surrounding area, or you may choose to trade the

glacial swim for a relaxing soak in our outdoor Jacuzzi. We

spend the night at the Salkantay Lodge with gourmet food and

warm, comfortable beds. In the evening, the guide briefs us on

gear and the itinerary for the next four days.

Fully enjoying the pleasure of letting one’s horse canter through the pristine


Nina and Fiore


HUAYRACCMACHAY (3,906m/12,812 ft).

Today the ride continues (about 4 hours) towards Machu

Picchu, riding up the Rio Blanco valley and circling

Humantay opposite Salkantay. We reach the highest part of

the ride, 4,638 meters (15,213 ft) where we keep our eyes

open for Andean condors, common to the area. At the pass

we stop to take in views of snow-capped peaks of the

Vilcabamba Range in every direction. From the pass we

continue our descent toward the Wayra Lodge, (“Wayra”:

wind; ‘the place where the wind lives’) our destination for

the evening.

Technical Description Day 3

Riding Time: Approx. 4 hours

Type of Terrain: 80% steep trails , 20% open land

Type of Riding: Walk, trot

Non-rider activity: Transfer to Ollantaytambo or

hiking along the trail

Top: Arrival to Wayra Lodge with stunning Humantay in the background

Left: Thanks to our ongoing training the horses are attentive and very

relaxed which allows the rider to enjoy great company and beautiful


Technical Description Day 4

Riding Time: Approx. 3 hours

Type of Terrain: Steep trails

Type of Riding: Walk, trot

Non-rider activity: Free day in Ollantaytambo

or hiking along the trail


(2,870m/9,414 ft).

Today we continue downhill above the Salkantay River, descending

into the cloud forest, through increasingly verdant scenery. Upon

arrival at Colpa Lodge, located on an open plateau at the confluence

of three rivers. The outdoor Jacuzzi has panoramic views of lush green

mountains. There may be the possibility of enjoying a *Pachamanca

here at the Lodge. One never knows.

*The name Pachamanca comes from the ancient language – Quechua. “PACHA” means

EARTH and “MANCA” means cooking pot, which could be translated as “Earth Oven”

Widely used during Inca times, the Pachamanca is considered part of a ritual. More

than just a method of cooking, it is a celebration of fertility and life. Pachamanca is

buried under the ground and cooked over hot stones for several hours. Cooking

Pachamanca is a way of rendering homage to Pachamama (Mother Earth). Products

return to the earth to be cooked and participants will receive it from the earth and feast

from it. It is both a way of worshiping nature combined with social events and rooted

in Andean culture even today.

Enjoying the magnificent surroundings along the way.


(2,135m/7,003 ft).

Today we head down the Santa Teresa river valley, through

banana and passion fruit orchards and coffee plantations. The

coffee grown here is said to be one of the best organic coffees

in the world. Our ride takes us to the beginning of the

Llactapata Inca Trail, which is where we say goodbye to our

horses. A short 30-minute walk through an avocado orchard

brings us to Lucma Lodge.

Technical Description Day 5

Riding Time: Approx. 4 hours

Type of Terrain: Steep trails and some open roads

Type of Riding: Walk, trot, canter

Non-rider activity:

Transfer by train and vehicle to Lucma Lodge or

hiking along the trail Riding sure-footed horses allows riders to enjoy the surroundings

The trail in the cloud forest, the "Ceja de la Selva"

(eyebrow of the jungle) winds through low lying clouds,

mystically reminding us of bygone peoples and cultures.


MACHU PICCHU TOWN (1,900 m/6,232 ft).

After breakfast, We leave the lodge around 9am and

head uphill for around 2 hours towards Llactapata

pass (2600m / 8500ft). After heading downhill for

about 10 minutes we come upon the recently restored

Llactapata Ruins from where we also have a distant

but very unique view of Machu Picchu from the

southwest, a perspective that few travelers get to

enjoy. We walk another 10 minutes or so to our lunch

spot where we enjoy this view of Machu Picchu. We

then descend to the Vilcanota River through bamboo

forests, orchards and coffee plantations, a descent of 2-

3 hours. After taking a short train ride to Aguas

Calientes we check into our hotel for dinner and a

well-earned rest.

Those who prefer not to hike, can go to the train

station by van after a leisurely morning with breakfast

and lunch at the lodge. The rest of the group is met at

the train station, and we all enjoy the scenic train ride

(45 min.) to Aguas Calientes together.

Day 11: Machu Picchu (2,400m/7,872 ft) to Cusco

We wake up early to have breakfast at the hotel and then,

with your guide, take the bus ride on the famous ZIG ZAG

road up to Machu Picchu for your SUNRISE guided tour.

You will learn about the amazing architecture and

mysterious temples to better understand the sophisticated

ideas of this highly advanced culture. If you are feeling

energetic you can hike to Huayna Picchu. Lunch is at

Sanctuary Lodge and you can have additional time back in

the lost City before heading down to catch the late

afternoon train back to the Sacred Valley and drive to


Day 12 Today is your private tour of the city of

Cusco - the oldest continuously inhabited city in

South America and capital of the Inca Empire. Visit

the Koricancha Temple, a classic example of the

fusion of Inca and Western cultures. The temple

walls were sheathed in gold and silver and were

dedicated to Sun Worship. Anyway.

Sacsayhuaman, Kenko, Puca-Pucara, and the

Tambomachay Ruins are also on the list of visits

today. You will also have time to continue

exploring this fascinating and city on your own

Day 13 To Cusco Airport today for your flight

to Lima. Welcome and begin your Lima City

tour. We will show you Colonial Lima and

the modern section as well. It is a long day so

we have made arrangements for a hotel

room where you can freshen up. It is in the

best and most convenient part of town and

you can have dinner in one of Lima’s world

class restaurants and enjoy the waterfront

until we pick you up for your transfer to Lima

Airport for your international flight.

Assuming late night flight.

Lima`s Lovers on the Pacific

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things

Henry Miller


5 days of moderate to strenuous riding (and optionalwalking on day 6) at elevations of 2,000m-4,600m(6,600-15,000ft) on diverse types of trails rangingfrom flat and grassy to steep and rocky. Riding entailstraversing through 12 different eco zones, whichinvolves changing weather conditions.

Level of difficulty: Intermediate to advanced. Beginners

are welcome as we have different type of horses and

direct assistance from a horseman available for them.

Age: The recommended minimum age of participants is

12 years old. However, we may consider exceptions

depending on experience and physical condition.

For extra precautions horses are fitted with boots or

bandages to protect their extremities. Also, replacement or

back up horses are taken on every trip. Our horses are

trained Western so they are used to neck reining and

going on a loose rein. We mostly use American endurance

saddles, but there are English saddles available for those

who prefer them. We are very careful in checking that the

saddles fit each horse well and we constantly ensure that

the tack and shoeing are in excellent conditions.

We keep groups small, carefully match horses to riders, see

that people of similar skills ride together, and train ride

leaders carefully.

Important NotesHORSES

Quarter Horses specially exercised and trained for

this trip, so they are highly aware and accustomed to

the local terrain, wildlife and to performing at high

altitude, making them a very secure ride. They

combine responsiveness, energy, bravery and

manners to produce the perfect trail horse. All

horses are picked from a pre-selected pool especially

for each trip, according to their level of fitness at the

time. *Nina, owner/director of Ancient Summit is a

horse advocate and proud owner of a rescue horse

in the U.S.

Saddles: We offer our guests two different types of saddles

Helmets: We strongly recommend the use of helmets on this ride. You can bring your own or rent from

us at an additional cost.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must stay in the Cusco area for a minimum of 2 days prior to starting the ride in

order to acclimate. Please see our first few days suggested itinerary above. Contact Us for your pre and

post ride tours and pricing. We have options to suit all of your needs.

Uruguayan Endurance Saddles (similar to English-type; leather)American Endurance Saddles (similar to Western-type; synthetic)

Ancient Summit , Inc. 13833 Wellington Trace E4-Suite 452, Wellington, Florida 33414

561.228.1729 - 877.378.9223 - info@ancientsummit.comFlorida State Licensed Seller of Travel #ST36254

Pack your Bags and…Your SIX Senses!!!

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