comm strategy tools_brief briefing.ppt

Post on 28-Jan-2016






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Strategic Communication Management

generate, evaluate, coordinate


Integrated Communication Brief


4 questions & 4 rules :

Q1. why a brief ?

List of deliverables


A task


A: brief = survival toolOne brain – thousands messagesOversimplifying!One differentiating message – one simple brief

Q2. Why is it call …“brief”?

Rule nr.2: a brief is a… brief because it must contain the ESSENTIAL A good brief should fill a post-it!

A clear brief helps you get a clear thought and a good campaign

Q3. what a good brief does?Ideation cannot jump from zero to hero… it needs a launching pad

Rule nr. 3: get INSPIRATIONAL!


When you fight for something you’ll find people pro and contra.

When you don’t fight for anything you won’t find anybody pro and against you!

Sacrifice = choose best argumented choices. Kill the rest


brief vs briefing











Brief backbone: strategic questions

Brief form


Know what you want. Make the “want”

Golden rule: start with the end!

EX: sometimes it works to chose among three desired objectives which are not exactly aligned!!!

You can have objectives related to specific product attributes:

informing x% of the target regarding the low fat content of the product y

…or image related attributes:

increase spontaneous and prompted awareness with xx%

What do e want them to do as a result of communication?

Actions/ behaviours – not just thinking & feeling


•Use the product

•Recommend it

•Buy it regularly

• try it for the first time

Aligning with the Communication Funnel



How much?

By when?

Key Components of a Measureable Goal

Goals should be defined as quantitative as possible

Sample Goals in Need of Some Work Drive media coverage (food and lifestyle), product awareness and trial by

building consumer buzz Shape the bleach dialogue online   Change the perception from a company that makes computers to a company

that is a leader in global business solutions

Credit Card Company: • Create “card envy” among affluent consumers in the San Francisco market

• Raise awareness that the credit card company offers cardmembers unique experiences, not just more ‘stuff’

Eyeglass Company Vision:• Raise awareness around lens choice and that eyeglass lens choice exists with mid-to-late GenXers, 40 – 45

years old

Spirit Brand Project: • Set emotional connection with consumers (consideration)

• Reinforces “Nightlife experts” credentials

• Key to Lead digital agenda in Brazil

Sample Goals That Are Easy to Measure• 2014 internal comms plan :

• Achieve 65% strategy comprehension in top 3 boxes on pulse survey(s)• Create and execute managers strategy toolkit; achieve 55% manager

participation • Increase Inside site traffic by 15% (from 70% base to 85%)

• Randomize 180 patients for a juvenile fibromyalgia study by October 24, 2015.

• Contribute 40% of the global patients enrolled in a diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain study by September 30, 2015.

• Refer 60 pre-qualified participants for an epilepsy study by the end of 2015.

• Increase the image of PRSA among lapsed members from 6.0 to 7.0 by the end of 2015.

Whom are we to influence?

Target segmentation types

Target understanding

Target understanding Method 1 by Ketchum

Target Audience Profile & insight generation

What is the most concise description of this audience? i.e. age demographics

How many of them are there?

How much have they invested in the product in the past?

What proportion of these are on the customer data base?

Name 3 key words that describe them

How does the product fit into their world? … and their world at work?

What are their key aspirations?

What are their fears?

Who influences them?

Which product have they bought?

Which products are they considering?

If they like the product they own, will they stay with it or want a change of brand when they replace it?

What do they think about the marque / brand? What would it say about them (the brand about the consumers)?

What would they say about the client company?

What would they think about the retailers / distributors?

What do people ask their advice about?

How do their spend their leisure time?

What would they never do under any circumstances?

What do their houses look like?

What kind of clothes do they wear outside of work?

What is the most recent CD / music they have bought?

What is the most recent film they have been?

 Media profile

How do they learn?

How do they entertain themselves?

What experiences do they aspire to have?

What moves them?

Push media (in which the brand informs the customer)

Which channels does the audience consider important and pay particular attention to?

What media channels does the audience spend a lot of time consuming?

Which media channels are subjects of shared discussions with others?

Pull media (in which the customer gets the info about the brand)

Which channels does the audience particularly trust?

How does the audience gather the information? i.e. telephone, internet…

How do they store it?

With whom do they share the info they gather?

How proficient are they with a mobile phone?

How proficient are they on the internet?

How proficient are they with a computer?

What key benefit do we promise?


Attribute is on the product side.

Benefit is on the consumer side (what he takes out of attributes)

The benefit is a product attribute –tangible or intangible - enjoyed by consumers).

Ex: “Cand joc la loterie ma bucur de fantezia castigului, desi nu castig”

Ce beneficiu promitem?

Finding key benefits – consider:

• Consumer needs

•Points of difference

Beneficiile pot fi:

Reason to believe

Tone of voice


communication idea vsBIG IDEA?

USP (unique selling proposition) aka Brand Promise,

Communication Idea, Key Message

USP: the most important part of the brief. The long story shortest possible.

USP: simplifying

Key rule: unique message

Despre USP

Mesaj unic:

• O propozitie/sintagma

• Precis, simplu

• Sa comunice un singur gand/idee

• Fara relatii conjunctive (fara “si”)

• Nu doar un singur atribut/verb, ci o expunere clara care transmite un singur gand

•Un beneficiu cheie

Distinctie USP versus Headline

• USP = un gand clar;

• USP: ceea ce trebuie sa sa inteleaga (cu ce ramane consumatorul)

• Exemple: Nike, Disney

• Eroare: USP = Headline

• Headline = o expresie a USP

• Headline = ce trebuie sa fie vazut sau auzit

Ce inseamna sa inspiri procesul creativ?

…si niste indicii necesaredespre feedback eficient

Cum sa dai feedback in procesul creativ

1. Cine este brandul? Care e istoricul de comunicare?2. Care sunt obiectivele comunicarii?3. Pe cine trebuie sa influentam? Ce trebuie sa faca publicul tinta

(direct si indirect) ca rezultat al comunicarii? Insights?4. Cu ce beneficiu putem asocia actiunea care ii va incuraja sa

faca acel lucru?5. Creative strategy: Care e USP? 6. Ce Reason to Believe sustin USP?7. Care ar fi cel mai eficient ton si stil?8. Communication planning: Canale de comunicare (unde si cand

e publicul mai receptiv)9. bugetul?10.deadline-ul?

Brief form


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