commentary on 1 peter part 1 - part 9

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 

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    Things we are going to discuss:

    !  Why Peter wrote this Book!  What is the major theme for this Book!  Faith!  Repentance!  Sanctification!  Election

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    Peter wrote this letter around AD 62 - AD 65 and this was a time in the Roman Empire where

    Christians were persecuted by Nero. People were killed were some were set alight as humantorches as lights his garden. Quite different to what we perceive today as persecution and what

    we experience.

    These were the people Peter wrote to and encouraged. People who are persecuted and suffering

    for Messiah. Peter also wants his readers to understand the GRACE of YHVH that forms the

    main theme for this Letter.

    This letter is very practical and Peter tells his readers how to live a good life as a follower of

    Messiah. When someone becomes a Believer in Messiah, his or her life WILL change. From his

    experience as a disciple of Y'shua he share his knowledge and faith regarding all the things he

    saw Y'shua did, and all that Y’shua taught, encouraging them to live like Y'shua.

    Peter encourages them to stand strong even through these trials of persecution there their faith is

    “tested by fire” as gold is purified – (v7) (interesting word usage matching their persecution).

    Structure of this book: (3 main areas) 

    Destiny of the Believer – Ch 2:4 Living stonesDuty of the Believer Ch 3:5-11

    Discipline of Believer Ch 3 - Ch 5

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    The book’s theme is captured in Ch 5:12 : He tells us exactly what this Book is about, namelyGRACE.

    Through Silvanus, our faithful brother (for so I regard him), I have written to youbriefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it! 

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    dwelled among us during His First Coming. He Will reveal Himself as Judge when Hecomes again at His Second Coming and will rule as the King of kings after the New

    Heaven and Earth is established.

    YHVH provided salvation to Noah in the form of a Boat when He

     judged the world with water. Water in the Hebrew culture representshell where people are captured and tossed to a fro by the wind.

    We as Believers in Messiah Y'shua are made "perfect" by His blood

    and He represents the "boat" that is on top of this "judging" water to

    keep those safe, those who are "in Him" during time of judgement.

    Grace in other words is the privilege to be in the Boat, to be in

    Messiah and to have heard and accepted the calling of God, which

    gives us access to the boat (salvation). Y'shua means YHVH is my salvation, saved from the

    wrath and judgement of God.

    The sea also represents the nations and we as His Disciples, have to catch the "fish" (new believers), and help them into the boat (Y'shua), out of the water (world) and possible

    damnation. This is the second part of grace, after receiving grace you have to extend grace to

    others in the form of "helping them into the Boat", telling them of the judgement and the Boat

    and if they believe, helping them into the Boat. This is the symbolism of the disciples who werefisherman, became "fishers of men" and the “hope” to the nations.

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    Grace is a gift that can only be received through repentance and the Blood of the Lamb, making

    you "perfect" lining up with the story of Noah that was “perfect”. To become perfect in the eyesof YHVH starts with repentance. This is what the message of the Gospel is: "Repent, for the

    Kingdom of God is at hand..." Matt 3:2 

     Mark 1:15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has comenear. Repent and Believe the good news!”  

    Accepting Y’shua as your Saviour goes hand in hand with Repentance. Repentance isthe act to leave the world (water / world), Faith or Belief in Y'shua gets you in the

     boat. Faith is the knowledge of the truth and acting on it. Repentance is a 180-degreeturn and walking away from those things that you know that is wrong in your life

    (part of the water), accepting the things of God (part of the boat).

    How do I know what is right and what is wrong? The only way to know what is rightand what is wrong is to find out what YHVH said about it. It is not based on man’s

    opinion of what is wrong, but what the Word says. That is why we have to read and know the

    Scripture which is the manual for Life.

    We are taught today to only believe in Jesus, accepting His Blood in order to be saved, but it is

    two-fold, consisting of two steps; Repentance and then Forgiveness. Forgiveness is because of

    the Blood but needs to be received by preceded by Repentance.

    The Blood is the payment for sin and Repentance allows you to forgiveness. If you do not

    repent you cannot be forgiven. Faith means nothing without repentance. 

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    !  The “Opportunity” is to be saved.!  Faith is the knowledge of the “Opportunity”!  Grace makes the “Opportunity” possible.!  Repentance is acting on the “opportunity” - receiving it.!  The Blood is the payment for the “opportunity” – forgiveness (avoid judgement)

    !  The Blood is sponsored by the Father that is an act of Grace.

    Faith is the mechanism that you apply to knowledge you received. Wicked people also believe,

     but what they believe is a lie and that lie produces fruit that looks like the one who invented the

    lie, namely Satan. If we find the real Truth that comes from YHVH, then His word / seed will

    grow in you and bear fruit that looks like Him. Faith is not the focus; the Truth is, believing the

    right things more important than believing a lie and faith in a lie will not get you saved. It is very

    important to put the right seed into your spirit (Truth) because

    YHVH says in His word that His people perish because of a lack

    of knowledge. Knowledge of what? Knowledge of the Truth!

    Think of Salvation in this way; to be saved is to be with Himwhere He is in Glory one day. To be with Him you have tofollow Him to end up at the same place He is at the end of your

     journey – like following the Shepherd leading His sheep to green pastures. YHVH told Abraham that He is Abraham’s

    exceedingly Great Reward meaning that we will get HIM as aresult of being saved. What we read about the New Jerusalem

    after His Second Coming is not as important as getting and being

    with Him.

    Gen 15:1  After these things, the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision,saying, Fear not, Abram, I am thy buckler, and thine exceeding Great Reward. 

    Faith or to believe is the knowing who the Great Shepherd is, and Repentance is the process for

    keeping you on track, to stay behind Him, correcting you and navigating you to move back on

    track. Repentance automatically makes you Holy, set-apart - as a sheep from His flock only

    listening to His Voice.

    If you listen to His Voice (Word) and follow Him (obey his Word), you will end up in the same

     place He will at the end of the day – be saved. Verse 5 & 7 confirms this;

    (5)” … who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to berevealed in the last time.” -(7)”…so that the proof of your faith, being more precious

    than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praiseand glory and honor at the revelation of Y’shua the Messiah;” 

    Y’shua means YHVH is my salvation and is simply translated as “Salvation” in some cases. His

    revealed salvation is His Son Y’shua.

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    1Pe_1:2 - What does it mean to be sanctified?

     Sanctified   - Greek word - hag-ee-as-mos'. From G37; properly purification, that is,(the state) purity; concretely (by Hebraism) a purifier: - holiness, sanctification.

    Sanctification of spirit means that your spirit is to be made pure, holy or set apart - This is thework of His Holy Spirit; the Spirit that help us to be holy and also known as the Spirit of

    Truth; He helps us by revealing the truth to us within His Word. Joh_14:16-18, Joh_14:26  

    YHVH's Spirit is our Comforter, Spirit of Truth, teach you all things and bring His Word to your


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    Sanctified unto Obedience", what must we obey? Y’shua is the Great Shepherd but He is also

    the Word of God that became flesh and walked among us. John 1:14. He was also at the beginning, at creation and through Him (Word) all things were created (spoken into existence).

    So if we say we follow the Shepherd and listen to His voice, then we clearly get the picture thatwe should listen and obey His Word. By doing that He is “speaking” into us and thus “creating”

    us to become what He planned us to be. So we are in a constant process of being “created” if wefollow Messiah, created into His Likeness. Gen_1:26-27  

    He reveals His Word to us through the help of His Spirit so that we will obey His Word that

    washes us clean every time we hear it and obey / apply it to our lives, sanctifying or cleansingour souls.

     Eph 5:26   Husbands, love your wives, just as Messiah also loved the church and gave

     Himself up for her, 26so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing

    of water with the Word,27that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory,

    having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.… 

    This is what Holiness actually means; to hear His Word and apply His Word to your life so that

    you, over time, will act and look like Him. God only created man in His image prior to Y’shua,

    we are currently being created into His Likeness though His Word and His Spirit's help. The key

    to Holiness is obedience, if you obey, you will then "look like Him". Holiness or Obedience

    will not save you, only faith in Messiah, but we as the elect, we that are saved are called unto

    obedience and holiness to prepare for His coming so that we will be “perfect” just like Noahwhen He comes again as the Judge.

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 

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    Things we are going to discuss:

    !  What it means to be “begotten”!  Different Baptisms!  Where is Heaven?

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     1Pe_1:3-5   Blessed be the God and Father of our Master Y’shua the Messiah, whichaccording to His abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by theresurrection of Y’shua the Messiah from the dead, 4 To an inheritance incorruptible,and undefiled, and that fades not away, reserved in heaven for you, 5  Who are kept bythe power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 

    Begotten, (anagennao) also translated as “regenerated” or “to bear”, comes from and related to

    the word – gennao - that simply means “to bring forth” or “to be born”. The context is the end

    of time. Within this future time Peter reveals the inheritance that we will receive, all those who

    are “born again”. This inheritance he further describes as incorruptible, undefiled and non-fading

     – this inheritance is referred to as being “reserved in heaven”.

    Q – What does it mean to be “Born Again”?

    We are first going to look at what it means to be “Born Again". General answer is that we are“born again” though the Grace of YHVH, through the Blood of the Lamb and the Power of the

    Spirit and is link to salvation.

    The idea of the term “born again” is found alter in this chapter and talks about “incorruptible

    seed”, the Word of God that we are born again by:

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Q: How many baptisms are there?

    There are three; water, Spirit & Fire. There is a distinction between baptism in Water and

     baptism in Spirit. Scripture tells us that John came baptizing in water but that, CD!)2) $. 1%) +!1+$-- ,14) "05)2 4)8 8 8 ?) +$-- 6(;).E, G+: >.)' )', H+.

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    is past life and background. The water baptism is the symbolism of you getting born again,coming out of the water into the world as a new creation through the Power of the Spirit.

     Rom 6:4-5 Therefore we were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that as

     Messiah was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father; even so we also

    should walk in newness of life. (5) For if we have been joined together in the likenessof His death, we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection;

    This is why sprinkling is not the right method to undergo a micvah (gathering place of water).

    You are born into a new nature through the immersion into the Word and into the Sprit.

    To be Baptised is instructed by Y’shua in Matt 19:

     Matt 28:19-20  Jesus commanded the disciple to “go and make disciples . . . , baptizingthem . . ., and teaching them to obey everything I commanded you.” 

    To know what this baptism symbolise we have to know what the symbol of water is. Water isused in Scripture as a symbol for life and the Word of YHVH as confirming 1 Pet 1:23 where it

    mentions that we are “born again” from the Word of God.

     Eph 5:26-27   Husbands, love your wives, just as Messiah also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing

    of water with the Word  , 27that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory,

    having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.… 

    When you are baptised in water, you are performing a symbolic act that represents something

    deeper; you submerse yourself in the water representing the Word of God and this implies that

    you commit yourself to submerge and saturate yourself with His Word that leads to life and

    godliness. Baptism is a physical symbol of studying and learning about God from His physical


    Baptism in the Spirit is a spiritual baptism where you receive His Spirit to indwell you as well asreceiving one or more Gifts of the Spirit that equips you to serve the Body of Messiah. These

    Baptisms are normally happens close to each other or even at the save event of the Water

    Baptism where hands are laid on people and they receive the Baptism in the Spirit.

    “Us in Him” - Water Baptism: 

    !  It is a physical statement before witnesses that you start a new phase in your life. 

    !  It is a sign of entering into His Covenant and that you are now part of the House of Israeland that you are “grafted into Israel”. You are also now part of His Body. 

    !  It is a sign that you have His Torah/Law written in your heart.

    !  It is a sign that you have a new Master and Teacher and you are immersed into His

    Name, Y’shua, as prove of it. Acts 2:38 

    !  It is a sign of repentance and that you have committed your life and have made a newstart. 

    !  It is the step to become “born again” and is obligated for salvation. !  It is a sign that you have “put on” Y’shua and that you commit to follow Him as your

    Shepherd and to listen to His Voice (Word). 

    !  It is a symbol of immersing yourself into His Word and to “certainly search” so that youwill know and follow the Truth and not man. 

    !  It is the beginning of your personal relationship with YHVH moving from the Laver into

    the Holy Place as symbolised by the Tabernacle pattern.  

    !  You commit to follow Him unto death. !  Your Mikvah is the time to receive the baptism of the Spirit through laying on of hands

    and prayer. 

    !  It is a sign that you have received His New Life. 

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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    The Third Baptism has to do with Judgement, where we will be baptised with fire and only the works that He commanded us to

    do will remain and we will receive a reward accordingly.2 T+0 5$24  @1+ $0 "%; 4"% (3$-/. 1% 5!) 013%/"5$1%+$5! &1-/* .$-#)2*

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    The Realm of Death… She’ol, Hades and the ‘World of the dead’… 

    There is only one place in the Scripture that describes the “realm of death” or holding place of

    the dead and that is found in Luke 16:19-31 where Y’shua explained about Lazarus and the richman who both died and what happened them after they died.

    More detail on this topic is found in the Apocrypha book of Enoch explaining the realm of deathin more detail as well as where the souls go when they die. Some people believe that Enoch is

    not a valid book and cannot be referenced but the Book of Enoch is quoted in the New

    Testament in Jude:

     Jude 1:14-15  And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied to these, saying,

     Behold, YHVH came with myriads of His saints, (15) to do judgment against all, and to

    rebuke all the ungodly of them concerning all their ungodly works which they ungodly

    did, and concerning all the hard things ungodly sinners spoke against Him. 

    This was a well-known manuscript in the NT Times and I believe Paul and the Apostles were

    well familiar with these writings. Enoch chapter 22 gives us some more detail on the realm of

    death and what happens with people who die. Enoch 22:1-13 (1) And thence I went to another place, and the mountain [and] of hard rock. (2)

     And there was in it four hollow places, deep and wide and very smooth. How smooth are the

    hollow places and deep and dark to look at. (3) Then Raphael answered, one of the Holy angels

    who was with me, and said unto me: 'These hollow places have been created for this very

     purpose, that the spirits of the souls of the dead should  (4) assemble therein, yea that all the

    souls of the children of men should assemble here. And these places have been made to

    receive them till the day of their judgement and till their appointed period, till the great

     judgement (comes) upon them. (5) ' I saw (the spirit of) a dead man making their complaints ,

    and his voice went forth to heaven and made suit. And I asked Raphael the angels who was with

    me, and I said unto him: (6) 'This spirit which complain, whose is it, whose voice goes forth and

    complain to heaven ?' (7) And he answered me saying: 'This is the spirit which went forth from Abel, whom his brother Cain slew, and he complains against him till his seed is destroyed

     from the face of the earth, and his seed is annihilated from amongst the seed of men.'  (8)

    Then I asked regarding it, and regarding all the hollow places: 'Why is one separated from

    the other?'  (9) And he answered me and said unto me: 'These three have been made that thespirits of the dead might be separated. And such a division has been make (for) the spirits of

    the righteous, in which there is the bright spring of  water. (10)  And such has been made for

    sinners when they die and are buried in the earth and judgement has not been executed on

    them in their  lifetime. (11) Here their spirits shall be set apart in this great pain till the great

    day of judgement and punishment and torment of those who curse for ever and retribution for

    their spirits. (12) There  He shall bind them for ever. And such a division has been made for

    the spirits of those who make their complaints, who make disclosures concerning their

    destruction, when they were slain in the days of the sinners. (13) Such has been made for the

    spirits of men who were not righteous but sinners, who were complete in transgression, and of

    the transgressors they shall be companions: but their spirits shall not be slain in the day of

     judgement nor shall they be raised from thence.'

    We see four places described here:

    !  Valley Gate - place for the people who’s blood was shed,!  Fountain Gate - for the righteous,!  Dung Gate - for the unrighteous and

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    !  The Pit / Abyss - for the unrighteous who were complete in transgression as well asfallen angels.

    (The names of these places are from the names of the Gates of Jerusalem that seems appropriate

     – my interpretation) 

    The first place is where the people go whose blood was shed and they cry out to Heaven until

    their blood is avenged. This is why there exist “bloodline curded” today, the curses youre

    forefathers can come upon you if there were spilling of blood involved. We read in Enoch;”'This

    spirit which complain, whose is it, whose voice goes forth and complain to heaven ?' … he

    complains against him till his seed is destroyed from the face of the earth, and his seed is

    annihilated from amongst the seed of men.”  

    The second place has a spring of water and this is where the righteous dead goes as described in

    the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke. This is where there is water where Lazarus could

    dip his finger in as requested by the rich man who was in the place for the unrighteous, the placeof punishment. We read in Enoch;”… the spirits of the righteous, in which there is the bright

    spring of water “

    The third place is where the unrighteous dead goes until the day of their judgment; “…And suchhas been made for sinners when they die and are buried in the earth and judgement has not

    been executed on them in their lifetime “  

    The fourth place is like an abyss, where all the most evil spirits go to be bound forever They will

    not receive judgment nor be raised in the second resurrection. We read in Enoch; “…Such has

    been made for the spirits of men who were not righteous but sinners, who were complete in

    transgression” , and of the transgressors they shall be companions: but their spirits shall not

    be slain in the day of judgement nor shall they be raised from thence.. 

    These four smooth deep hollow places are separated from one another to keep the souls in their

     place until judgment. We read the same in Luke 16:26;”… there is a great chasm fixed between

     you and us; so that they desiring to pass from here to you cannot, nor can they pass over to us from there.”

    All the spirits / souls in these “holding places” except one will be released during two events:

    The Righteous dead from the Fountain Gate as well Valley Gate will be released at the First

    Resurrection prior to the 1000 years peace. ( Rev 20:4-6 )

    The Unrighteous dead will be released form the Dung Gate as well as the Valley Gate at theSecond Resurrection after the 1000 years where Satan is released and the final Battle of Gog and

    Magog takes place. After their Judgement they will be cast in the Lake of Fire. ( Rev 20:7-15)

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 

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    Things we are going to discuss:

    !  What is the difference between Trails,Temptations & Tribulations

    !  What is the true meaning of Faith

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    4.  allegiance or loyalty, as to a person or cause5.  a specific system of religious beliefs: the Jewish faith 6.  (Christianity) trust in God and in his actions and promises7.  a conviction of the truth of certain doctrines of religion, esp when this is not based on


    Every person has the ability to believe; it is built into us as humans making faith the mechanismto believe whatever we perceive as true. YHVH gave each one of us the ability to believe, what

    differentiate and define Faith is based on WHAT YOU BELIEVE. Faith is fed by information

    that might be trivial or it might be of significance, it might be physical or spiritual, it might be

    true or false. This faith then becomes part of you and forms who you are and how you react and

    interact with other people.

    Present Faith vs. Future Faith – Seen vs. Unseen 

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    Faith that brings Hope: Here it talks about faith in the Future or faith that produces hope of

    something that has not happened yet, things in the FUTURE. This faith is the result of YHVH’s promises in His Word, everything He promised to His people when they follow Him and whom

    He revealed His promises to. These promises are found written in His Word and is part of the benefits we receive as Children of God.

    Q – What are the promises of YHVH?

    Examples of these promises:

    !  We get YHVH – He is our reward – relationship with Him!  Receiving His Spirit - Ezekiel 36:26-27 !  Freedom from bondage and sin and the old nature of sin – John 8:36, Isaiah 61:1,!  Freedom from death and the death penalty - Romans 8:1-2 !  Salvation and eternal life (our inheritance) – living with Him forever!  Place to live – mansion in the New Jerusalem!  Renewed bodies!  Answered prayers!  Health – healing to the sick!

      Provision – Matt 6:21 

    Faith of the Unseen: It also talks about faith of invisible things that exist, but are not visible to

    man, things in the NOW. This faith is based on information about the Spiritual realm that exists

    that has an impact on the physical realm. Spiritual things are higher that physical things and

    happens first in the spiritual realm before it becomes evident in the physical realm.

    This faith gives you the ability to believe that God exist and Who He is. We are build up in this

    faith by reading God’s Word.

    The phrase “Evidence of things not seen” is the faith we have that YHVH exist and then He will

    show or manifest Himself to you in a tangible way. You start off with believing that God exist,

    then you start to know more about Him and as you grown in your relationship with Him youlearn more about Who He is and he starts to manifest Himself to you in a tangible way. The final

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    stage of this relationship is to see Him as He is when you meet Him at the end of time. This willfulfil the intent of this verse by having “evidence” of the unseen God.

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    Without Truth, faith has no substance. The definition of Truth is; to reveal things as they are andthe highest form of reality. Truth is like switching on a light and can then see things as they

    really are. Without light we will speculate what is in the room and what they look like – this isfaith, but having the light or Truth we know and have certainty of what we believed at first.

    Faith is the first step in finding the Truth. Believing in the Unseen God, seeking Him is the firststep – finding Him through a relationship with Him (His Word and Spirit) adds “light” on theSubject and we start to see Him as He really is and understand His Word the way He really

    meant it.

    Q – Where do we find Truth or Light?

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    People think that we are saved by faith only, faith is the mechanism or vehicle that gives you

    access to Grace that saves you. Grace is the ACTION from the JUDGE providing MERCY tothe guilty. Grace, is a free gift from YHVH that is received through FAITH. , to those who have

    faith in Him and seek Him diligently. We cannot be saved without Grace or without Faith.

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    Yes we are not saved by our own hand through works, but James add another dimension to faith

    and works which makes them inseparable, even contradicting what Paul said.

     Y(- 4$4Q  I35 +$-- ;13 U%1+* g #"$% 4"%* 5!"5 8(.)' >.)'+:) >+0A- .- *,(* J  

     Now I am confused, Paul said faith and grace saves you, not works and James said your faith

    must have works for it to have substance.

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    Abraham’s faith was connected to “works” that proved it to be alive and an act of worship

    through obedience. This act of faith proved him to be faithful to YHVH making him the father

    and example of what faith really is about.

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 

    !"#$ )

    Topics we discussed previously:!  Grace!  Repentance!  Sanctification!  Election by the Father!  What it means to be Born Again!  3 Baptisms!  The concept of Heaven and life after death!  Trials, Tests and Tribulations!  Real Faith

    Things we are going to discuss:

    !  The value and meaning of Prophecy!  Holiness!  What does Fear, Love and Holiness have in common

    !"#$ &'() .- )', #(./ ;:0;+-, +8 30+;',9G1 S P-

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    that has manifested in the First Coming of Messiah and will manifest again in the SecondComing of Messiah.

    Peter is referring to Prophetic Words that were spoken and written in the Scripture as inspired by

    the same Spirit that we can receive today.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    The crucifixion of Y’shua - Zechariah 12:10: "And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and

    supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him asone mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

    All these prophecies was fulfilled at the First Coming of Messiah but it was also relevant for theAudience Peter wrote this letter to because of the fact that they were persecuted and suffered thesame as their Master when He died and suffered for us.

    Peter is underlining two main messages here;

    !  Peter is using these references to encourage the persecuted Believers to show them thatthey are honoured to go through the same suffering as their Master and Saviour.

    !  The Prophets were inspired by the Spirit of Messiah regarding the Messiah and that sameSpirit now is available to the believers, especially those who preach the Gospel and the


    The Spirit of Messiah has the following main functions:

    !  This gives us the main function of the Spirit of Messiah; to REVEAL the Messiah to usthrough His Word and by Divine Revelation.

    !  The second function of the Spirit of Messiah is to give us a new nature, the NATURE OFMESSIAH so that we can become like Him.

    !  The third function of the Spirit of Messiah is to facilitate His Gifts to us so that we canrepresent the fullness of His Body within the Assembly ACTING LIKE Him and doingthe SAME WORK as Him.


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    Q – Will the Spirit lead you contrary to what is written in His Word?  

    We are called by a HOLY God and He calls us unto Holiness. If man is holy, he will be fit or set

    apart for the purpose YHVH created him for. Holiness is a call on your life to set yourself apart

    and make yourself available for YHVH’s purpose. Without Holiness you will become useless. Holiness is not a salvation issue – YHVH can still save someone who declined the call but

    have faith in Him. 

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9


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     Holiness is the word "kadosh" and means to be "set apart" for a specific purpose. That meansthat YHVH created something for one purpose only and if it is use for another, then it is no

    longer holy but "tame" or defiled.

    My Holiness cannot look like your Holiness because my Holiness is a reflection of my

    Relationship with YHVH. You can explain this with the help of the Tabernacle pattern that is a picture of how we approach YHVH.

    Outer Court: The Outer Court is the barrier between Believers and the world and you have to

    come into the Tabernacle through the main Gate, which is Y’shua. He is the only Way and the

    First Step to enter YHVH’s presence.

    Brazen Altar: This is the first Object that you will see when you enter and this represents the

    Blood Sacrifice that is needed as part of your cleaning process so that you may enter into the

     presence of the Father. The Blood of Y’shua is the only Blood that is of value that can pay for

    your entry.

    Laver: Another step in your cleaning process, the washing of the water of the Word that allows

    you a few steps closer to the presence of the Father. This also represents the “Born Again” step

    where we are born from an incorruptible seed, which is His Word and physically expressed by

    our commitment and symbol of the Water Baptism. The Priests could not enter the Holy Placeunless they washed themselves and you cannot enter the Kingdom of YHVH unless you are born

    of the water and the Spirit.

    Holy Place: This is the Place that represents your Personal Relationship with YHVH. In hereyou will find His Spirit (Menorah), His Word (Showbread – 2 stacks: OT, NT) and your Prayers

    (Golden Altar of incense). This is where you will have communion with the Word (Jesus) and

    the Spirit.

    Holy of Holies: This is the Place that represents the Presence of the Father and you can only

    enter into His Holy Presence when you have a relationship with His Son, Y’shua through His

    Word and His Spirit. True Worshippers worship the Father in Spirit and the Truth.

    Your Holiness is defined by the Place you are in regarding your relationship with Him and you

    cannot impose your Holiness Standards onto someone that is still inside the “Outer Court” who

     just came to faith. We should not judge one another regarding our “point of view” but rather

    encourage each other to walk the path of Holiness to come closer to the Father.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Peter is talking about us conducting ourselves in FEAR while we walk the earth. We know thatGod is Love and there should be a balance between Love and Fear and that is what we will now

    look at in depth. To explain this we will have a look at Love first and then Fear: 

     Love is the Hebrew word “ahav” and is first used in Scripture in Gen 22:1 where YHVH told

    Abraham to sacrifice His son Isaac whom he loved.

    Q—What motivated Abraham to proceed with this request to sacrifice his son?

    Abraham believed that YHVH will raise Isaac from the dead and that is captured in Hebr 11.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Q – What do we need to love for what do we need not to fear? 

    We see we need to love YHVH and love our brother. Firstly from verse 17 we see that we need

    not fear the “day of Judgement” but if you read the whole context of this passage it talks aboutfalse prophets (v1), the Antichrist (v3), people in the world – called the world (v4), spirit of error


    As you can see there is only one thing of YHVH that we should not fear and that is His

    Judgement. Then there are 2 spiritual entities; Antichrist and the spirit of error and 2 physicalentities, False Prophets and people in the world listed that we should not fear. We can class

    this as FEAR of the ENEMY (spiritual) and FEAR of MAN (physical).

    Q – Is it good to fear YHVH? 

    Fear  and Reverence can only exist if you know YHVH and understand His awesome greatness

    and Holiness that surpasses our understanding.

     Hebrew FEAR – “yare”  - The Hebrew verb yare can mean “to fear, to respect, to reverence”

    and the Hebrew noun usually refers to the fear of YHVH and is viewed as a positive quality.

    This fear acknowledges YHVH’s good intentions (Ex. 20:20). … This fear is produced by God’sWord (Ps. 119:38; Prov. 2:5) and makes a person receptive to wisdom and knowledge (Prov.1:7; 9:10)” 

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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    Q – Does God obey all His Commandments?

    Q – Did Jesus obey all the Commandments when HE walked the earth?

    YHVH’s Commandments have different categories that is applicable to different people or

    groups which have different functions within His Kingdom. His Commandments capture His

    Character and His Nature and if you could comply with the 100% that means that you will be

    exactly like Him.

    People tend to throw out the baby with the bathwater thinking that all the Commandments arenow null and void replaced by love.

    YHVH still have a Kingdom with a Government with standards by which He will Judge the

    World – if they do not exist then Judgement will not be executed because YHVH’s Justice

    system will be annulled and everybody will be saved regardless of what they have done.

    The key is that we are IN HIM through His indwelling Spirit and have received His Nature sothat we will walk in His Ways and obey His Commandments naturally without effort. The key is

    to do the Commandments form the “inside out” inspired by Love and the Spirit, not externally

    and mechanically out of you own strength.

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 

    !"#$ *

    Topics we discussed previously:

    !  The value and meaning of Prophecy!  Holiness!

      What does Fear, Love and Holiness have incommon

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Things we are going to discuss in this study:

    !  Redemption & the Kingdom of God!  Vain Conversations & Tradition of the Fathers (men)

    !  Corruptible vs. Incorruptible Seed

    !"#$ &'() (0, >, K,*,,#,* 80+#1 &'() (0, ;,+;

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Q - Who will be the Judge? 

    When Y’shua comes again, He will overthrow the kingdoms and systems of the World and

    establish YHVH’s Kingdom on the Earth with His Government and Justice System, as well as becoming the King that will rule over all kingdoms and kings. This is the reason why

    Judgement only happens after His Second Coming. 

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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    This Judgment is not only to judge and remove evil from His Kingdom, but it also

    implies to reign and to govern over all the nations after His Second Coming To

     judge not only means to execute judgement on someone who broke a law, it also

    means to rule as we read in the Book of Judges where YHVH chose Judge to rule

    the people prior to appointing Kings to rule that people.

    The Judgment of the nations will happen in conjunction with the 1000 year reign of Y’shua the

    Messiah also known as the Millennium. Our Redemption becomes relevant when Heestablishes His physical Kingdom and judge the world because you are redeemed and saved

    from the wroth of YHVH through the Judge Y’shua.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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    YHVH is Angry - Judgement exists because of the ENMITY (opposition / hostility) from

    YHVH’s side towards man because of sin - the consequence of this is Judgement and DEATH.

    Yes, YHVH is angry and disappointed that He ever made man and wanted to wipe them all out

    in the time of Moses and start over again but Moses intervened for humanity. This anger is

     postponed and will be released at the time of Jacob’s Trouble during the Great Tribulation

    followed by the FINAL JUDGEMENT.

    Good News - Gospel: The Gospel or “Good News” is captured in the meaning of the word


     Atonement is the Greek word: “katallag! “ and it means: exchange (figuratively

    adjustment), that is, restoration to (the divine) favour: - atonement, reconciliation (-ing).  

    ATONEMENT is the process where an EXCHANGE takes place - exchange from Life to Deathand Death to Life. He gave us His Life and received our DEATH and we have the option to

    accept that LIFE in exchange for our Death. Not everybody will accept this offer and will facethe wrath of YHVH.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Vain Conversation is the real definition of Legalism; “Obeying man instead of YHVH -following the teachings and traditions of the Fathers (men), not following the Word and Spirit of


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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    The OX represents STRENGTH and godlikeness and isthe symbol for the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet –

    the Aleph. This is the reason why many cultures use theox, cow or calf as their symbol representing their gods.

    The vein conversations according to the traditions of the fathers are the traditions we have today

    that gives every different denomination or faith movement our identity but form YHVH’s point

    of view have we created golden calves (oxen) that are dangerous.

    The Ox that killed the second time is an example of what happens if you break all the

    commandments. In Ex 20 we find the Ten Commandments with two main headings, Loving

    YHVH (first 5) and loving your neighbour (second 5). This is also one of Y’shua’s teachings:

    @()) 44$RQ  g% 5!).) 5+1 ,144"%/4)%5. /)Allowing your ox to run free after killing “your neighbour” is a violation of the intent of the 1 st 

    set of Commandments regarding loving YHVH, not respecting His wishes to stone the ox after

    the event, but rather keep your valuable ox. This causes all your neighbours to be at risk and it is just a manner of time before you break the intent of the 2

    nd set of Commandments regarding

    loving your neighbour.

    Religion and traditions of man is similar in nature and cause us to break the intentof these two sets of Commandments. Religion and traditions of man are dangerous

    and will expose your fellow believers to the consequences of your selfish acts(vein conversation), just like a wild OX running free, ready to kill and destroy

     believers. It will not kill you spiritually and not allow you to be free to do what

    the Word asks of you. This OX represents Religion and is found in the time of

    Moses when Aaron build a Golden Calf to please man. He constructed the GoldenCalf (OX) and told the people, this is YHVH, let’s have a feast and celebrate.

    The Golden Calf was an “image” that originated in Egypt, that they “sanctified” through calling

    it YHVH. Is their actions backed up in the Scripture or is this contrary with His Word? YHVH

    explicitly instructed them in the 2nd Commandment NOT to create IMAGES. ( Ex 20:4)

    Q - What did YHVH do with the Golden Calf? 

    He instructed that the OX to be “stoned” and in Moses’ time instructed the Calf to be grind todust” and give it to the people to drink in their water. ( Ex 32:20) YHVH also instructed the

    owner of the OX to be killed just as Moses instructed the people to be killed who led the falseworship ceremony.

    Q – What does the golden dust represent? 

    The Gold dust represents the essence of what YHVH’s Word is that man took and transformed

    into an “image” of who they think He is and what He is all about. This dust is the building

     blocks that are good for us to take in in its smallest purest form without man changing or altering

    it via doctrines, denominations and interpretations.


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    !  Know and understand that the translations are done by man and the latter translations aretranslated with their doctrinal views and sometimes contain commentaries. Test those

    against the full context of Scripture to validate their accuracy.

    !  It is always a good thing to see where a word is used first in Scripture in understandingthe full meaning their off – we have lost the true meaning of phrases, idioms and words

    through our modern culture. The OT is the Dictionary to the NT and a word picturealways tells the truth.

    !  You need to know the true meaning of terms like Faith, Love, Grace, Truth, Light, Love,Fear, etc. in order to interpret the Scripture accurately.

    !  It is a good thing to use the Hebrew meaning of words and where they are yused first tounderstand the Scripture better, especially the NT.

    Incorruptible seed is the Word or Words of YHVH.

    Q - What is Corruptible seed? 

    Corruptible seed is any word or words that are about YHVH or His things, words that are

    twisted by Satan or man through religion or legalism. You bring a curse upon yourself is you

    follow man made traditions (of the Fathers) . Y,0 2J$CSL   D!3. .";. 5!) \12/W T:0-,* h "#+# i 6, )', #(/ >'+ )0:-)- ./ #(/ * "%/4"U). 0-).! !$. "24* "%/ +!1.) !)"25 /)

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 2 

    !"#$ ,

    Topics we discussed previously:

    !  Redemption & the Kingdom of God!  Vain Conversations & Tradition of the Fathers


    !  Corruptible vs. Incorruptible Seed

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Things we are going to discuss in this study:

    !  Tasting the Word –Newborn Babes!  Chief Corner Stone of Stumbling!  Holy Priesthood & Spiritual House

    !"#$ &., 6, -)+/,- ./ )', >( Y,0:-(+0*N )'() G, #(G 70+> )',0,6G W 5 V0 .1 () ;) !"#) )(-),* )'() )', M+0* .- 70(9.+:-F 

    There is a place in Scripture in Psalm 38 where David wrote; C8885".5) "%/ .)) 5!"5 ^?_? $. &11/8889  

    Taste is the Hebrew word “ta-am” that means; to taste and to perceive. This word is first found

    in Scripture in 1 Sam 14:24 where Saul made an oath, releasing a curse over everyone who eatany food until evening that day during the battle with the Philistines.

    Jonathan Saul’s son, and his Armour Bearer went up to the camp of the Philistines and askedYHVH to confirm with a sign whether to attack or run. They received the sign and attacked and

    that caused an earthquake followed by confusion within the camp with Philistines that resulted

    them killing one another, making Israel victorious in battle that day. Jonathan did not hear the

    oath of his father and ate honey he found and his eyes were enlightened.

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    Q - What does this mean in context of 1 Peter 2?

    Peter encourages the young newly born believers to desire the Word of YHVH like a baby

    desiring milk so that they may grow strong and TASTE YHVH’s goodness.

    Jonathan is an example of such a new born Believer, son of a king with zeal and passion.

    This is a great example of New Believers who have a “First Love” and passion for God.

    Q- Do you remember when you were newly born on how you just wanted to do things for God,

     see miracles and learn as much as you can?

    Jonathan, through his faith, went out to face the Enemy with God and his Arms Bearer, made up

    a sign and asked YHVH to confirm the outcome. That is pretty radical in my books. Having a

    “First Love” for YHVH is to go out and concur, not worrying about the “older believers” whoare limited by their experience, good or bad. We tend to copy good experiences and expect

    things to happen the same way again and we are caught out because YHVH can do as He

    pleases. Secondly we avoid bad experiences and stop trying to avoid failure that makes usstagnant. YHVH wants us to get back our FIRST LOVE ( Rev 2:4) to TASTE and SEE that He

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    is GOOD and gracious. Peter was not down playing these new born believers calling themfoolish Babes, he was encouraging them to have the desire and zeal for God in the midst of

     persecution, in similar circumstances Jonathan faced, to be fearless knowing that God is on theirside.

    Enlightened Eyes: Jonathan TASTED the Honey / Word and his EYES were

    ENLIGHTENED. The word enlightened means; “to be glorious” and “to be

    set on fire” or have “fire in his eyes”

    Q - Where have we read this in the Bible? 

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    "%/ 5!) 1%). A,,;./7 )', )'./7- >0.)),/ $% $5* 012 5!) 5$4) $. %)"28 This is why it is importantto study and know His Word as well as doing it because it will protect you in the time of trouble.

    Stone of Stumbling: People in the world will experience Him as Elohim, the “Stone” andWrath, the Righteous Judge that will come and destroy the earthly kingdoms set up by Satan that

    will cause their Images and Towers to Stumble and fall. They will be crushed by this Stone as part of His Wrath and Judgement.

    -38&84("< F'(95 , F'

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Shalom  not only means Peace, it also means “completion of the building process” as in building a house. This peace is a satisfaction thatis described when the Builder has just finished the House he built andstands back to appreciate his handiwork, comparing it with his plan. Inthe same way will Y’shua, the Wise Builder, Prince of Peace, stand back

    and look at the completion of His handiwork, which is us that are shapedand formed to fit perfectly in with one another, forming the structure ofthe House that He will dwell in with His Father.


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    •  They were accountable for accurate weights and measures, calibrating the scales ensuring

    fairness of dealings and trade amongst the people.

    •  Be a witness to the people - set an example

     Neither the priests nor the Levites spent all their time of service at the temple. Most of the year

    they had their own homes, farms, and business of which to take care. According to a fixed

    schedule they took turns performing the duties assigned to them.

    =2/ " )5G C&85942''*?

    Peter made it clear that we are now the new Royal Priesthood, why a newPriesthood?

    Heb 8:7  For if that first covenant  priesthood had been faultless, thenshould no place have been sought for the second (priesthood).

    We have discussed this briefly before by showing what is “Real” in the Spiritualyou need to have a “Shadow” in the physical.

    Heb 8:7 is normally miss-interpreted because of miss-translation. You will see the word

    “covenant” is in italics that means that it is not in the original text and is inserted by the

    translators to make it read more fluently. The context of Hebrews 8 is about the Tabernacle, the

    High Priest and the Priesthood and not the Covenant. This is confirmed in v8 mentioning;

    CX0$%/$%& 0"3-5 +$5! D?e`X9 , (plural) not singular if referring to the Covenant.

    The “Old Priesthood” was a Physical Priesthood making them part of the “SHADOW”. They

    consisted of people without the indwelling Holy Spirit, making them having “faults”.

    The “New Priesthood” is made up with people who are under the Blood of the Lamb and havereceived the indwelling Spirit of YHVH that equips them to be irreproachable or perfect . This is

    from the Spiritual, making them a Spiritual Priesthood, part of the “REAL”. This means that

    YHVH raised the “Standard” regarding His new Priesthood, making the better and more Holy or

    useful within His Kingdom. The fact is that the Priesthood Still exist, just as the Temple and

    High Priest and System of Grace.

    The Levitical Priesthood has been replaced by the new Melchizedek Priesthood. The High Priest

    was changed from the order of Aaron to the order of Melchizedek, from a physical High Priest toa spiritual High Priest Who is Y'shua the Messiah.

    Melchizedek  is formed by 2 words “Melech” that means King and “Tzadik” that means

    Righteous, the King of Righteousness. This High Priest was from Salem that is derived from

    Shalom meaning Peace that fits Messiah’s description perfectly as the Prince of Peace. This

    gives Y’shua His full Title:

    Elohim - YHVH is Salvation – Lamb of God - Anointed One – High Priest – Righteous

    Judge – King of Righteousness – King of kings – Prince of Peace.

    It is not only the High Priest and the Priesthood that changed, the Temple changed as well. It

    changed form a physical Temple to a Spiritual Temple. The absence of the physical Temple

    no longer required the presence of a physical Levitical priesthood that means they could no

    longer perform their service in the Temple according to the Law. All the services changed fromphysical to spiritual, Temple, Priesthood and Sacrifices. (1Pe_2:5).

    Q – Does the Sacrificial System still exist and is it still valid?

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    Yes, without a Sacrificial System that is still active, no one would be able to receive its benefits.

    Another word for Sacrificial System is the System of Grace. Without Grace there would have

     been no Sacrifices and ultimately no Sacrifice of the Lamb of God without the cleaning Blood ofY’shua.

    Sacrifice is the word “karbon” that means “to draw near”. Draw near to who? To draw near to

    YHVH. In the absence of a physical temple, drawing near to YHVH is done by “Spiritual

    Sacrifices” as mentioned by Peter in v5.

    Q – What can we class as Spiritual Sacrifices today?

    Spiritual Sacrifices is the SIGN that show that you are His Royal Priesthood.

    Q - What is the sign of the Priesthood today?

    When you look at the Tabernacle Pattern that is a model

    to show us how to draw near to YHVH it takes us todifferent processes preparing us to enter into the

     presence of YHVH. Everything on the outside of the

    Holy Place is what prepares and allows you into theHoly Place. The Holy place is the place where only thePriest could enter as part of their service to YHVH. The

    Priests fulfilled the following tasks:

    •  Golden Altar: This Inner Altar stood inside, in the Holy Place "before the Veil that is by the Ark of the Covenant. The incense service which was the most beloved part of the Temple service to YHVH. The nominated Priest had to

    get up early to be ready for the tasks at hand. Most of the tasks were

    assigned by the means of 4 Lotteries that will assign different Priests for

    different tasks. This is a beautiful example how YHVH CHOOSES us and gives us

    DIFFERENT GIFTS to fulfil our duties in His TEMPLE as His Priests.

    The Priest on duty had to take coals form the Brazen Altar on the outside and brought it

    into the Holy Place and lit the Golden Altar of Incense. The Altar of Incense is

    symbolizes PRAYER and the smoke that fills the Holy Place is our prayers that go up to

    YHVH. The sweet smell of our sacrifices make Him rest from His anger towards man.

    The Inner Altar is located right in front of the Holy of Holies symbolizing that this is theway to enter into an intimate relationship with the Father. PRAYER is the sign that you

    are part of the New Priesthood accessing the Holy of Holies in a relationship with theFather.

    •  Showbread – Bread of the Presence: They tend to the showbread making sure therewere new breads on the Table of Shewbread every week, changing it

    with new ones each Sabbath. The Priests were entitled to eat the cakes

    that had been removed, as long as they did so in a holy place, as it

    considered the bread to be holy. What is this a picture of?

    Taking in your daily/ weekly portion of spiritual bread / YHVH’s Word eating it in the

    Holy place / personal time and relationship with Y’shua, the Word of God.

    •  Menorah – The lamps of the Menorah was lit daily, from “evening till morning”,starting with the central lamp ( shamash) and then moving form Right to

    Left. “Shamash” means Servant and is the symbol of the Messiah Who

    came as a Servant to die for us fulfilling the prophecy of Messiah ben

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    Yoseph – the Servant. When He comes again He will fulfil the prophecy of Messiah benDavid – the King.

    The High Priest trimmed and replaced the wicks as well as topping up the oil in the

    Menorah making sure it is equipped to burn for the next day without going out. Y’shua is

    our High Priest and the Menorah is the Symbol of the Holy Spirit.Everything regarding the Menorah is done either by the Messiah or by His Spirit. 

    The function of the Menorah is to create Light and Reveal what is on the Showbread(Word). To have access to the Messiah and the Spirit you need to be INSIDE the Holy

    Place implying daily intimacy with Him through studying His Word and Prayer.

    We are the Temple, Messiah is our High Priest, we are His Priesthood and our prayers,

    testimonies, praises and actions are sacrifices unto Him. We stand in for the nations and do

    service so that they may enter into the Kingdom. This is the sign and duties for us being part of

    the Priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek.

    We find ourselves between the Two Comings of Messiah and what we experience now is a

    shadow of what is to come, just like the current is REAL to the shadow that preceded it prior toHis First Coming. Show that implies that there are TWO SHADOWS, one closer to the REAL

    than the REAL-REAL that is coming after the Second Coming.

    Q – What would the REAL-REAL look like?

    Will there be a Temple, a High Priest, a Priesthood and a System of Grace and service within theTemple to draw people closer to YHVH?

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 2 

    !"#$ - 

    Topics we discussed previously: 

    •  Tasting the Word –Newborn Babes •  Chief Corner Stone of Stumbling •  Holy Priesthood & Spiritual House 

    Things we are going to discuss in this study: 

    •  War against the Soul - Battle for Souls •  Submit to Authority •  What is true freedom? •  What is the Will of God? 

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    If you choose to walk according to the “Law of the Spirit” obeying YHVH’s Word, you areseen as His children obeying and serving Him. Care should be taken that you do not defile your

    “nashamah” or spiritual soul through the desires and lusts of the flesh, “nephesh” or physicalsoul. This is an ongoing battle that will only stop when your body will also be restored to a

    higher state. We saw this battle in the previous study when we looked at the battle between Israel

    and Amalec. 

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    When Pharaoh was confronted by YHVH, (through Moses), to let God’s people go, resulted inserious consequences, even death to his first born son. His “FREEDOM” did not stop the

    CONSEQUINCE but the CONSEQUINCE proved his BONDAGE as a result of his CHOICES.

    The word Egypt means “BONDAGE” and the king Pharaoh, was the FREE MAN ruling over

    the “Kingdom of Bondage”.

    Q- Are you the king and authority over your life? Are you so free to make whatever decisions

     you want because of your liberty, grace and freedom?

    The reality is that you may be free to make the decisions you like or think is right, but you WILL

    reap the consequences of every decision you make and bear the consequences of each one of

    them. Freedom and liberty does not lie within the decision process, it is within the

    Consequences. It is these consequences that will either set you free or bind you - real freedom is

    within knowing the Truth and making the right decisions based on the truth so that the TRUTHcan set you FREE.

    The highest law in Satanism – “…do thy own will…”. Satanism rejects authority and promotes

    freedom to do whatever you want or what you feel to do in your heart. This is opposing toYHVH’s Word where He instructs us to follow Him implying His Word and His

    Commandments showing that we love Him and are subject to Him and His will.

    YHVH’s Quality of Life “Chai Olam” is a life lived within His Safety, His Safe Boundaries Heset in His Word (Truth) and if you follow and stay witin these guidelines, you will have a life

    full of Blessings and Freedom. Make Him the King of your life and climb off your selfishthrone, accept His authority and make life changing decisions under the guidance of His Word /


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    This is a good example when you follow your own will instead of YHVH’s will. It ends up indisaster just like the Freedom to Choose ends up in Consequence of bondage.

    1.   Restoring Creation: When Y’shua taught His Disciples to pray He said “let your will bedone, on earth as it is in Heaven…” This gives us an indication of the broader Will of the

    Father which is about establishing Spiritual things into the Physical Realm or in other words,

    to revamp the Earthly things so that it can be good enough for Him to come to and live with

    His people together on the Earth. This restoration process takes place through His First and

    Second Comings as discussed in previous studies. Restoration will take place in the

    following areas:

    •  Remove man’s old nature and give him a new nature – First Coming

    •  Restore His “Breath of Life” - His Spirit– First Coming

    •  Restore Health – First Coming

    •  Remove Satan, fallen angels and wicked people form among us – Second. Coming.

    •  Restore the Garden of Eden state – Second Coming

    •  Restore Jerusalem and the Tempe – Second Coming

    •  Restore His Kingdom– Second Coming

    We are part of that plan but what stands in the way is our Self-will that is rooted in selfishness.

    This proves that YHVH is the opposite of that and that He is Selfless and His Will is for the benefit of others, not for Himself.

    2.  General Will of God: This deals with There is a generic or COMMON “Will of God” thathas to do with us doing the right thing obeying His Word and living good moral lives, loving

    YHVH and loving your neighbour with everything you do, submitting to authorities and people in leadership positions.

    3.   Specific Will of God: Then there is the SPECIFIC “Will of God” that has to do with thePLAN of YHVH and the path that you are on and where YHVH wants you to be and

     become. YHVH Will is founded on His Plan for your life and what He wants you to do. This

    is where you need His guidance through a relationship with Him so that you can learn to hear

    His voice regarding your future.

    The key to find out what the Will of God is for your life is through prayer and relationship with

    Him – there is no other way.

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 2 

    !"#$ . 

    Topics we discussed previously: 

    •  War against the Soul - Battle for Souls •  Submit to Authority •  What is true freedom? •  What is the Will of God? 

    Things we are going to discuss in this study: 

    •  Suffering under Evil Rulers

    •  Suffering of Messiah

    •  The Shepherd of Souls

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    This is what it means: The Perverse Masters “Strength” or Authority will be taken away givingthem “powerless legs” in the same way as YHVH touched Jacob making him powerless. He will

    also change their WALK after establishing His Kingdom on the Earth through Anointing newAuthorities, His Priestly Office that will be His Government ruling under Him.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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    In relation and context of the previous topic Peter mentioned that Y’shua “ suffered on ourbehalf ”. This can also be read as; He suffered “because of us”. He suffered because of OUR

    PERVERSE AUTHORITY, being the “masters” of our own lives, making the “Servant of God”suffer, Who is Y’shua.

    Q – Ever thought of being the Master of your life can cause Him to suffer?

    Mistreating someone is unthinkable and you cannot see yourself doing that to any one else. That

    might be true but you following your will in stead of submitting to His Authority makes youthe wicked Master and makes Him the Suffering Servant, and all the suffering He went

    through is by your hand. This thought lines up with the most debated passage in Scripture:

    H,6 B$RSL   ]12 $5 $. $4

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    The stronger the bondage the more difficult it will be to turn back to YHVH and can make itimpossible. It all depends on the person, on what they have done to allow the bondage back into

    their lives and the type of bondage they allowed. The writer of Hebrews starts this passageexplaining to believers to stop allowing dead works into their lives, laying the foundation every


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    It seems like the writer is frustrated with the people defaulting totheir OLD NATURE allowing “dead works” / sin / fleshliness to

    keep them in bondage ON THE FOUNDATION LEVEL. They

    are not growing, building on this foundation but keep on breaking

    down the layers that were built before through the act of “dead

    works” and sin.

    Y’shua uses the analogy of a house build on a rock, the house that

    will house Himself and His Father to come and live with you. The

    thing is that this House needs to be built first. The “House” you

     build is the first step starting your faith walk and if you “build this

    House” keeping His Word, Y’shua and the Father will move in

    with you.

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    The writer of Hebrews explains that these “backsliders” have partaken in heavenly things andwere enlightened by YHVH’s Word but they have not executed that truth practically,

    BUILDING every LAYER OF TRUTH onto that Initial foundation of Repentance, but stayed on

    the foundation, taking one step forward and two steps back, breaking down everything that was

     built. This makes them foolish gamblers playing with sin and fleshliness and to soothe their

    conscious, they keep on repenting staying on the bare “foundation of Repentance”.

    Repentance activates forgiveness through the Blood of Messiah and they have to go back every

    time to the Cross and deal with the Blood and cleansing of their sin. This act normally happensin public where many people come to “rededicate their lives” over and over again without real

    spiritual growth. This is what the writer is talking about where he said “90:9.8G )', ?+/ +8 =+*(80,-' )+ )',#-,

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    These people have GONE ASTRAY because of sin but YHVH is gathering them back, reunitingthem ALL to serve under one Head and King, Y’shua the Messiah. Paul uses the analogy of the

    OLIVE TREE and the WILD OLIVE TREE to explain this.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    them by YHVH. This sin cause a curse that resulted in them being scattered amongst all nationsuntil this day.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Q – How did He do it?

    The curse on Israel caused them to be scattered among the nations, throughout all the people in

    the world. This means that the 10 Tribes got mixed into the Gentile Nations, lost their identity

    and forgot who they were, but YHVH did not. The people in the Nations’ blood has been mixedin with the blood of the scattered people of Israel and they became eligible to be included in the

    original covenant promises He made with Abraham, thus extending grace to them. He used these

    10 Tribes of Israel to be as a NET cast into the Ocean or Nations that will be pulled back in

    again bringing many people in these Nations to Him.

    Satan thought he was winning causing the breakup and scattering in the first place but YHVH

    used the BAD and turned it into GOOD through Grace. This is why YHVH extended Grace to

    all people and sent His Son to die for all the nations because His people are interweaved with

    ALL the people n the world.

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    When Y’shua walked the earth He could only reach a limited amount of people within a certain

     physical location. He also stated that He came to the Jews (1 Tribe) first and will then reach the

    nations after. In order to reach more people more effectively He decided to “split Himself up”

    and “scatter Himself” among the Nations. This is done through His Spirit, the Spirit of Messiah

    which He anoints many people across the world, in different timeframes with. This anointing is

    the anointing of the Shepherd, the same anointing Y’shua had that will equip believers to gather

     back the lost sheep back to His FLOCK called Israel.

    Q – What is your thoughts about being part of Israel?

    Israel consists of two words; “Yisra – El” that means “Straight ones of Elohim” also translated“Righteous people of Elohim”. YHVH is in the business to restore His people back unto Him,including the 10 Tribes intermingled with the Nations.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Commentary on 1 Peter 3 

    !"#$ / 

    Topics we discussed previously: 

    •  Suffering under Evil Rulers•  Suffering of Messiah

    •  The Shepherd of Souls

    Things we are going to discuss in this study: 

    •  Submitting to Marriage

    •  Married to a lost soul

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    We will now go back to Scripture to look at a few differences between men and women so thatwe can understand the differences and different roles each has to play in order to have a

    successful marriage:

    Men Women

    Adam was formed Eve was fashioned

    Adam was Created first Eve was Created second - 2nd always put

     before 1st – first will be last – last will be


    Adam was made outside the Garden Eve was made inside the Garden

    Created from the ground – interested in the

    earthly things and work

    Made from Adam – interested in people

    and relationships.

    Men are physically stronger Woman are physically weaker

    Logical Emotional

    Realistic Idealistic

    Rigid thinkers Free thinkers open to influences

    Interested in things (ground) Interested in people (Adam)

    Unsympathetic Sympathetic

    Hunter in relationship Hunted in the relationshipWorker & Guardian Helper and Completer

    Man is the giver Woman is the receiver

    Millions of seed One seed every month

    Lots of ideas Cultivate one idea and help bring it to life

    16 Words describing the creation of man

    16 = 2 x 8, 8 = New beginnings & Life

    26 Words describing the making of the

    woman. 26 = YHVH (God)

    Man got better deal to be married to the

     better part.

    Women are superior to men in their


    Generally speaking, men are physically stronger than women. They are guided more by logic

    than are women, who seem to rely a great deal on intuition and emotion. Men are usually more

    objective, women more subjective. Men are often realistic, women idealistic. Many men are self-

    assured, while women frequently need reassurance. Men seem to be more rigid in their thinking,

    while women are often more adaptable and thus more susceptible to the influence of others. At

    the same time, women are generally more sympathetic than men. They seem to be especially

    interested in people, while men are more interested in things. The reason for this is because

    Adam was made from the ground (things) and Eve or “Chavah” (life giver) was made fromAdam (people).

  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    The man is the hunter in the relationship and the woman is the hunted. He is the one who takesthe first step and she plays hard to get. Adam was made outside the garden and Eve inside the

    Garden; this is why the man goes out to work and the woman (normally) works inside the home,raising the children.

    Adam was the worker and guardian while Eve was the helper and completer; men (generally)

    earns the living and protects his family, while woman helps and supports him in this, create a

    home and raise the children.

    The man is known to be the gender that has seed and the woman is the gender that cultivates that

    seed and bring it to life through patience. A man has millions of seed more than once a month

    while a woman only have one egg every month, and without that egg, there cannot be life. In the

    same way we know that a man have a lot of plans, but it is that one plan that his wife help him

    with that will come to life.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    Peter talks about the inner beauty and how the woman’s perfection comes from the inside andthis is true since women are more spiritual than physical beings. When a woman only focuses on

    her outward appeal then she becomes “plastic” and unattractive to most men. With this inner beauty Peter explains on how she must adorn herself with “submission to their husbands”, is like

     putting on beautiful priceless jewellery and fine apparel.

    Q – What is the real meaning of Submission, what do you see as submitting?

    Q – What is the correlation between Submission and Love?

    Submission is related to obedience: H,6 25$2J  _6,G 5!)4 5!"5 !"#) 5!) 23-) 1#)2 ;13*"%/ -:6#.)  ;132.)-#).W 012 5!); +"5,! 012 ;132 .13-.8 

    Love is related to obedience: 2  John 1:6  And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his


    Obedience is what brings Submission and Love to the same level, giving it equal weight.

    The Scripture tells us that a woman needs to submit under her own husband and it also tells the

    husband needs to love his wife.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    The same holds true for the marriage relationship where the husband listens and obey the needsof His wife and the wife listens and obeys the guidance of the husband. The husband LLOVES

    his wife and the wife SUBMITS under her husband due to their created build-in functions andattributes.

    This is called the RELATIONSHIP CYCLE and is made up of these two actions, SUBMISSION

    & LOVE, the one flowing from you while you receive the other. The key to a balanced marriage

    relationship is to keep these two balanced and equal in weight, the one cannot outweigh the other

    for example the man demanding submission from his wife without him loving her and tending to

    her needs. If one or both do not exist in any relationship, then the relationship will not be healthy

    and even destructive.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9




    That does not make her superior but gives her a great responsibility towards her family.With more your are blessed, more will be required of you. Care should be taken not to look

    down on men because of these superior attributes but rather understand how she can fulfil herhalf of the relationship’s responsibilities.

    What she lacks is, logic, stability, direction, wisdom and physical strength. What she needs is

    love, understanding, an ear to listen, provision, and protection.

    From this we conclude that the Woman is the Submissive figure to serve her husband with

    her superior attributes. Just like a Boss having people working for him, they collectively

    know more and can do more than him but he gives the direction. She needs to listen to his

    counsel, logic and wisdom based on YHVH’s Word as well as to find comfort in his stability

    where she receives his love and care so that she in return can create a place called “home” where

    they can be one and function as a healthy family together, raising their children in safety. It is

    easier to manage dirt than to manage people making the role of the woman more complex.

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    To sum it up, true submission comes from both sides but in different forms and it is based on the

    merging of these two diverse sets of attributes. This merging can only take place when weserve one another in love and submission. To make this MERGING work each party has to

    understand their function as well as the end goal or product and both has to give a 100% for the

    Marriage to work. They both need to understand their differences and the reason for those

    differences in order to avoid and manage conflict within their relationship. Let him be who he

    needs to be and let her be who she needs to be and accept and support each of your

    functions and roles within your relationship. These differences are complimentary to eachother because of the different functions and attributes that are build in each half, making a

    complete fully functional unit (Perfect Collective Human Being).True submission is to make yourself vulnerable to your spouse, realising that you truly trust

    the other person knowing you spiritually, emotionally and physically. Knowing all your

    strengths and weaknesses and has the ability to destroy you if he/she wants, that is key to a

    successful marriage.

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    There is one exception to the pervious statement of when the husband does not fulfil his priestly

    and leadership role there is nothing to submit under because you submit to the function, not the

     person. Peter explains this at the hand of servants submitting under their twisted masters relatingit to wives submitting under unbelieving husbands.

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  • 8/20/2019 Commentary on 1 Peter Part 1 - Part 9


    If the guilty party remarries, then his/her new partner commits adultery as well. That is the onlyreason for divorce according to scripture. ( Matt 5:32, Matt 19:9). Scripture advise us not to

    marry an unbeliever in the first place but you might have two unbelievers that are married andone comes to faith, this is where this applies.

    Scripture is clear around divorce and we should not break the marriage bond no matter

    what. The reason for this is so that the ot

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