commenting a website

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website



    The Ministry of Education sees ICT as a means, not an end in itself. As such, all

    Efforts are concentrated on developing new media as tools in the service of richer

    Curricula, enhanced pedagogies, more effective organizational structures in schools,

    Stronger links between schools and society, and the empowerment of disenfranchised


    Te web provides an alternative to the traditional classroom in the delivery

    education. A number of changes in educational theory and practice, in particular

    theories about what it means to know a language and what the relative roles of

    teachers and students are make it an especially important new educational resource.

    Changes in the new world of communication also, make it necessary for the web to

    become an important component of the educational matrix.

    The concept of ICT in education is seen as a system that enables information

    gathering, management, manipulation, access, and communication in various forms. In

    line with this, the Ministry of Education of Malaysia has formulated three main policies

    related to ICT in education.

    ICT is for all students. ICT is used as an enabler to reduce the digital gap

    between the schools.

    ICT is used as a teaching and learning tool, as part of a subject, and as a subject


    ICT is to be used to increase efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness of the

    management system.

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website



    1. Interaction between the readers and web site.

    Interaction lets the readers to communicate with the web site. If visitors are involved

    with the site there is a greater chance of repeat visits as well as improved loyalty. From

    the web site I chosen, the interaction between the web site and the readers is done

    when activities that teaches an alphabet using is made between the links. For example,

    when you click on the link , you will find how the

    reading activities are done.
  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    From the home page of the web site, cartoon is used to attract the students.

    3. Must have reasons

    Children are very smart nowadays. A web site must have a very good reason on why it

    must be published. If it is published without any means, then no one is going to surf it.

    4. Must have sense of credibility

    Readers are very wise. You have to give them enough proof that your claims are true.

    They need to see some testimonials and even case studies at least so that they are

    sure. What important is, your content must be from yourself.

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    As a future English teacher, I have chosen a very interesting website to be aids

    on teaching my students-to-be.

    The main essentiality why I have chosen the website is because the desire of

    mine to teach reading skills to my students. If you believe that reading merely involves

    the ability to make sound of the words printed on a page (or even in a letter). It is

    important for us to realize that reading is much more complicated than this. My

    understanding of the skill I am going to teach and my choice of how I am going to teach

    the skill will very strongly influence what and how I will teach.

    So, we will take some time trying to understand what reading involves before

    going on to think about how actually to teach it.

    The website is all about reading skill. It teaches students how to use a letter in

    forming a word, the position of letter in a word and many more. Included are the

    activities which interacts student with the website. The aids of graphics and pictures are

    also included so that students will know what things are the words trying to tell the

    student. This website is a kind of simple one selected to be a helps on how to teach

    student about reading skill. What I just hope is that the website will going to enhance the

    students knowledge about reading better.

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website



    The web page displays many different machines. The fonts availability of the

    home page of the website is in comic sans MS. This font appearances is totally fine

    balanced on one platform which making it readable to all. The letters are written with a

    medium sized font. Some of the fonts are written bolded. This s because some

    important things that the reader should take note must be the most attractive one

    appeared. This will take the reader attention so that they know what important thing they

    should be aware about the teaching web site. The fine controls of the fonts, such as the

    cascading style sheets (CSS) which allows specifying of fonts itself, line spacing, size

    etc are being finely managed. For example, most of the statements or the sentences

    are being centered fixed. Other is that when the spacing used between the sentences is

    1.0 which will not make the readers being confused to be read when they are scrolling

    down on the web page.

    Another point to ponder is the colour using of the web site. The use of colour

    from the web page is not being abused. First, the significant proportion of the potential

    viewers of the page does not have any problems with colour. The main reason of this

    statement is because the colour of the fonts and the background is different. These

    unlimited colour palettes will not makes the fonts look gloomy but instead brighter

    colours that has been used in the website interpreted deep-rood emoticon. Why I say

    this? In some cultures, every colour has its own association. As same as the colours

    used in this website, the readers have their own interpretation with the colours of the

    fonts and what it implies when they click on the texts.

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    From my observation, almost all of the texts are a link. This means, they contains

    another pages which shows another information about the one clicked. The texts

    change its colours once they have been accessed, providing cues to the user about

    what material they have already accessed. On teaching progress, we will know which

    part have we taught the children and which part is not by using this advantage. Take a

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    look on the example below:

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    To compare with the different size of the monitors used by all people around the

    world, this websites prevents a very long line of words. It was designed with a maximum

    values of widths which compacting simple understandable words in it.


    While graphics and icons tend to play a significant role in web site page design,

    their use should be carefully thought out. The home page of the web site contains at

    least 6 graphics in it. The first one is below the headings and the other 6 is below the

    links of words which teaches the reading skill of an alphabet. See the example:

    The one below the headings.

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    The one below the links.

    From the graphics, we can see that the background does not vary with it. So it shows no

    complexity between the designations of the graphics used with the one as a


    Another thing to be analyzed on the graphics in this website is that it attracts

    readers by the way it appears. I am saying this because the colour used are not same

    and has their own tone and appealing. The pictures also are different between one

    another even though some of it does not really shows the relationship of the pictures

    itself with the links they shown.

    The pictures are very attracting. This is one of the advantages of the web site if it

    wants to attract pupils to surf the page. The children may feels that the pictures are so

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    interesting because it is in cartoon mode and we all know that children loves cartoon

    much more than a real picture.

    An example of cartoon strips if we click on the link

    from the home page. You may continue clicking on the button to follow

    the stream of the cartoon strip. As the children do this, they may know how to read and

    understand the words in the pictures. This is a perfect teaching method by using a web



  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    Using many different colours within graphics may well result in the browsers for

    older machines running out of entries in the colourmap, with unpredictable

    consequences. In case of the web designation advantages, as discussed earlier, the

    colours of the web page is totally attracting readers especially student to read it. The

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    colour varies one another. For example,

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    From the pictures above, the colours of the background varies with the pictures in it.

    The fonts are pink in colours while the picture doesnt have the same colour used with

    the background. We can also see that the colours used are not just in one tone but it is

    different with the other colours. They are in soft mood and perharps one students read

    it, they will not feel very stress and pressured enough. Let us just think how it will be if

    strong and dark colours are used. No children will going to be attracted for sure.


    A reading text or a group of reading text on a topic in the home page of the web

    site sourced can be used as a stimulus of reading. For example, after studens have

    already know the alphabets very well, some exercise or interactive activities are

    designed to full fill the purpose of the website. For example:

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    The exercise asks the student to click on the pictures that has the same middle sound

    as I pig. This is a kind of way on hoe the web site wants to be interactive with the

    students. It also shows that the web site has a very important role in reading process

    which means that it serves a different pedagogic function.



    From the web site, it is very hard to find a single multimedia content. What was

    mean by multimedia content here is the aids of audios and videos. Movies and sound

    are both available to users of the web. One problem associated with this web page is

    how hard to watch or hear any digital helps. With the help of multimedia materials,

    student will actually going to pronounce the letter better because the page is teaching

    student about reading and phonics. It will also make an explosion of knowledge to the

    student. This is because those multimedia will going to teach the student with

    visualization together with audios.


    To surf the web page, internet connectivity is so necessary. Without internet connection,

    internet explorer is nothing. If student cannot surf the internet, how can they gain the

    information presented by the website?

    Another problem about internet connectivity is that the area where it is necessary to

    connect to the internet is so limited here in our country. Only certain places are being

    located as where internet connection is available.

  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


    As a briefing, internet connection is all about money.


    Using technologies as an aid of teaching means that one have to master the

    knowledge of it first. Teaching to someone without knowing what it should be is like a

    blind which leads another blind. What happened next is that both then fall into the ditch.

    Without knowing how to use the technology helps, how can someone use it as a

    teaching material? The student will be more confused what you are trying to do instead

    og gaining knowledge. For this, we have to know that it is actually not a burden to learn

    about technologies now days but to master it is a must. Especially to the teachers who

    are using todays invention.


    Once computers are very expensive nowadays and only large organizations

    could afford to own them. They are also rather large and unless companies or a person

    have a lot of space, owning several was a practical impossibility. So what the problem

    is? Students are not working. They dont gain money everyday as to show that they

    dont have enough money affording to buy a set of computer. Without any devices that

    can help them to surf the internet, how they will learn about reading skill by using the

    internet? In a short word, owning a device to surf the internet is a problem for some

    middle-classed people, so surfing only to the homepage of the website means a lot to



  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website



    The website is an aid for teaching the alphabets uses in words to the students.

    So I really suggest that the web designer to put some video or any audio in the web site

    to make the student understand the uses of the word in reading processes. For

    example, a video or a moving pictures ( one in a GIF form ) must be added at least one

    in every page so that student will be more attracted to the website and so that they will

    learn how to pronounce ( and use ) the letter very well. This will indirectly teaches them

    how to read better.


    When the teachers attend this short term of courses, they will know how to apply

    technology in their teaching skill. Even though they will not be so expert on it but at least

    they will now know how to teach by using the helps of computer device or the internet.

    Student will indirectly gain those knowledge also and they can easily surf to the website

    to learn about reading and phonics.


    It will be a pleasure for all students if they can surf through the internet in their

    own school. A school with a computer laboratory helps but without internet is actually no

    use. I would like to say that if student can surf to the internet anytime in their school,

    they can surf the web site designed so that they can learn about the reading and

    phonics. Online availability is not only for this purposes but think about the uses of


  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website



    Information technology is constantly evolving. Ways in which information is packaged,

    stored and used are constantly changing. The problem with this approach is that it is not

    based on a systematic evaluation of the pedagogic potential inherent in the web

    recourses. The web site used as an example is not the only one we can use in teaching

    skills. There is still a lot of web site we can use as an aids of teaching and learning skill.




  • 8/14/2019 commenting a website


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