common signs of roof damage

Post on 05-Apr-2021






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Neglecting the roof or not maintaining your roof properly and regularly means you are inviting significant problems for your entire home. So, you have to be cautious and check your roof at least twice a year for any signs of damage. You can call the Roofing Company in Virginia for the repair or replacement.


Sterling Roofing


Common Signs of Roof Damage

The roof receives the least amount of attention and care, out of all the areas that require care and maintenance in your home. The reason is that it is not easily accessible, and things that are out of sight tend to go out of mind. However, neglecting the roof or not maintaining your roof properly and regularly means you are inviting significant problems for your entire home. So, you have to be cautious and check your roof at least twice a year for any signs of damage. You can call the Roofing Company in Virginia for the repair or replacement.

Common Signs of Roof Damage

Here Are Some Points That Might Indicate The Early Signs of Roofing Problems

Loosened up tiles of your roof

Debris in your Gutters

Leaks in the Attic of your roof

Sagging Roof

Loosened Up Tiles of Your Roof:-

Loose or missing roof tiles are a type of roof damage that can lead to much bigger problems in terms of expensive roof repairs or replacements. Therefore, if you notice any problem with your roof like this, be sure to address it immediately and call an expert for the repairing or replacement of the roof of your house.

Debris in Your Gutters:-

Check your roof gutters regularly for debris. If you notice an increase in the debris in your roof, including shingle pieces and sand-like granules, that are used to protect the shingles. If such a situation arises call a professional out immediately, as granule loss can be an indication of shingle damage or deterioration.

Leaks in The Attic of Your Roof:-

Whether you see water dripping from the roof of your house or see water stains and marks on the wall or the ceilings, it is a sign that your roof is damaged, and that it’s time for the repair or roof replacement.

Sagging Roof:-

This could be because of a wide number of reasons. However, you should take action immediately, regardless of the reason that your roof is sagging, as it might collapse. Immediately look for an expert to resolve the issue for you.

If you see any indications of roof damage, don’t forget to immediately call in a professional for a free inspection of the roof of your house. Spending a little money on expert help could save you tremendous amounts of money for expensive roof repairs and replacements in the future.

How to Spot Roof Damage on Time?

To spot roof damage on time is a bit tricky, mainly because you are not able to see the roof clearly from the ground. Secondly, most problems are hard to trace for people. It almost always requires a trained professional to track them down and fix the issue. This is because leaks don’t happen exactly at the same place where the stains are appearing. To prevent substantial roof damage and expensive roof repairs and replacement, you have to spot the roof damages early and quickly so that you can avoid any further issues.

Do You See Any Signs?

Some Roof Maintaining Tips

Look up. Twice a year (spring and fall) do a visual and inspect from the ground. Look for these problem areas.

Lifting or missing shingles

Damaged drip edge

Buckling, loose or missing flashing

Missing or exposed fasteners

Sagging or broken gutters

Piles of granules

Clean the gutters.

Call a professional to clean your gutters a few times a year, and especially before a big storm.

Trim the trees.

One good storm can crash the branches into your roof. Trim overhanging tree limbs.

Look for moss and algae.

Prevent moss and algae growth can help you to keep your roof safe.

Keep your attic properly ventilated

Remove debris

Trim overhanging branches.

If low-grade caulking is used during the roof installation, flashings may not hold their seal and cause you a lot of damage. Call for a professional if you think the caulking needs to be changed.


Being negligent with roof's common problems is the biggest mistake that people and homeowners make and end up spending a high amount on roof repairs and replacement. On the other hand, If, you call a professional roofing company for regular roof inspections and preventive maintenance, it will help you to save both time and money. Sterling Roofing Virginia has profound experience and expertise in providing high-quality yet competitively priced Roofing Services Virginia, including inspections and skillful repairs.


Contact Us

Name: Sterling Roofing Virginia

Address: 8466-B Tyco Rd, Vienna, VA 22182

Phone No: (703) 436-4445


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