communication principles and practices that catalyze excellence preconference “standalone”...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Communication Principles and Practices that Catalyze Excellence Preconference standalone slides v. 2
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  • At first glance it appeared to be a normal workplace
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  • but something was missing. What was it?
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  • Gradually I realized they lacked... Drama is waste Paul Akers .DRAMA !
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  • They didnt need phrases for How to deal with difficult people How to handle gossip How to address manipulative coworkers How to cut through defensiveness How to get a sociopath to behave like a normal person How to get people to do their job DRAMA MANAGEMENT
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  • They were eager to learn about How to present compelling visions How to tie steps into your vision How to add flow to your message How to add interest How to create effective communication standards and agreements How to give useful feedback How to brainstorm ideas How to say more with fewer words OPTIMAL COMMUNICATION
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  • Without the waste of...I got to share my best stuff!!! DRAMA
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  • What creates DRAMA? 1. No compelling vision to aspire toward Conversations center around egos, not purpose 2. No clear strategy to achieve a vision Efforts become haphazard 3. Not safe to tell the truth The truth might blow your cover or be manipulated 4. Not being told the truth Secrets and spin keep people guessing Poor leadership
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  • The number #1 leadership quality is HONESTY
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  • Which requires HUMILITY * * Which can be defined as selflessness
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  • A close second is VISION
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  • Your True North is your The purpose of a company is to improve the quality of life of the customer Money is a byproduct of doing that well What is your true north? WHY!
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  • The vision is NOT Vision, or True North does not change The path does change Kata, or how you discover the path does not change Nothing succeeds like imperfectionwhen stumbling blocks are everyone's stepping stonestoward a shared vision the PATH
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  • Incident Commander Rich Harvey We didnt care that he couldnt name the communities had VISION and HONESTY had VISION and HONESTY
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  • Forest Supervisor Jerry Marr The changing winds werent in the plan won our hearts with HUMILITY
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  • Strong leaders We dont know what the fire might do At no point did we ever lose hope The longer this fire burns, the better we get to know it hold the VISION as they ADAPT hold the VISION as they ADAPT
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  • Strong leaders I dont have time for tact I cant afford to have people fear me Dont feed EXECUPHOBIA
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  • The Counterintuitive Power of I dont know Why its a Three-Word PowerPhrase for Innovative Leaders
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  • We like to 1. Look good. Be right 1. Look good 2. Be right look good and be right
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  • Which means 1. Have all the answers 2. Be the only one who knows anything 3. Take all the credit and none of the blame we think we need to:
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  • But do you really know whats around that bend or over that horizon?
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  • Where is your threshold of knowledge?
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  • What do you do when you arrive at Do you Feel threatened when people see things you dont? Make stuff up? Pretend to know? Express guesses as truth? Pull rank and get angry at anyone who questions you? Pressure people to take your word for it? I dont know?
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  • How comfortable are you saying I DON'T KNOW
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  • Lean Leaders know 1. Stop trying to look good and be right 2. SpeakStrong about what you do know (hold the vision) 3. Are willing to use the PowerPhrase: I DONT KNOW 4. Embrace the journey of discovery you look great when you
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  • Thats freeing. It also is It frees you to be authentic about the threshold of knowledge That frees you to iterate beyond your current limits That frees you to get real answers GREAT LEADERSHIP
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  • It helps you avoid When the escalator fails, do people stand waiting for someone to fix it, forgetting that a failed escalator is a staircase? Watch this at: communication/289-failure communication/289-failure Escalator Failure Syndrome
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  • Why Iteraters Make Better Leaders, Learners and Lovers I came, I saw, I iterated
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  • Lean can be a fixed state or goal (Being lean) a set of tools or methods (Doing lean/ toolbox lean) a philosophy (Lean thinking) a continuous change process (Becoming lean through kata)
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  • Are you an iterater or planner? Iterater sayings: Lets try it out Pick a direction and go If all else fails I might read the instructions We fail forward faster If at first you dont succeed, try try again I did not fail, I iterated Planner sayings: Lets think it out Pick a direction and plan Study instructions and implement perfectly Failure is final Failing to plan is planning to fail You succeed or you fail 30
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  • Are you an iterater AND a planner? Know when youve moved from knowledge to speculation 1. Let speculation trigger iteration 2. Let iteration trigger observation 3. Let observation provide information 4. Go back to step one (This is an Improvement Kata a practice that develops skill.) 31 Plan to iterate
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  • The Marshmallow Challenge Video
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  • Why did kindergarteners do better than business school grads? Business students are trained to find the single right plan. And then they execute on it. And then what happens is, when they put the marshmallow on the top, they run out of time, and what happens? It's a crisis. Sound familiar? What kindergarteners do differently, is that they start with the marshmallow, and they build prototypes, successive prototypes, always keeping the marshmallow on top, so they have multiple times to fix ill-built prototypes along the way. What kindergarteners do differently, is that they start with the marshmallow, and they build prototypes, successive prototypes, always keeping the marshmallow on top, so they have multiple times to fix ill-built prototypes along the way. Designers recognize this type of collaboration as the essence of the iterative process. And with each version, kids get instant feedback about what works and what doesn't work. Designers recognize this type of collaboration as the essence of the iterative process. And with each version, kids get instant feedback about what works and what doesn't work. Tom Wujec 33 They ITERATED
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  • Why do iteraters make better leaders and learners? Iterative leaders Provide direction without pulling rank Create a compelling vision to inspire focused aspiration Receive and adapt to feedback Honor the discovery process Encourage people to find their own approaches, styles and answers Recognize brilliance and leadership potential at every level Make it safe to be honest Iterative learners Combine instruction with exploration to develop their own understanding Willing to try things that might fail Dont try to force reality into distorted expectations Build on ideas to keep learning Submit raw ideas and drafts for input Test ideas early and often Are playful and creative Learn when reality doesnt fit their pictures Not trying to prove themselves, or to project an image Not jockeying for power 34
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  • Why do iteraters make better lovers? Lets see what happens if we No expectations, lots of expectancy 35 See previous slide
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  • Shu Ha Ri first learn the basics, then question them, and finally find your own path The cycle of learning
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  • Not Performances of Prowess Id rather be iterating Iteraters have more fun Iteraters get more done Making the world a safe place to iterate in Kata: The cure for il-iteracy Iteraters know, being a beacon of light in the world doesn't mean being a beacon of perfection Improvement happens one iteration at a time I didnt fail, I iterated Dont wait, iterate! One good iteration deserves another I came, I saw, I iterated Don't speculate, iterate! Planning to iterate is planning to discover, lead, learn and succeed 37 Journeys of Discovery
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  • The days of either/or are over The iterative days of plan, do, check, act are here And that requires new communication habits And the embrace of
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  • The Power of Paradox And the opposite is also true
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  • Whoda thunk? Slow down to speed up Plan to succeed by planning to fail well Less is more Going forward often requires going backward The biggest failures lay the groundwork for the biggest successes Collaboratition Respect people by challenging them Paradox
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  • Its a lot to juggle Linear / outcome Structure Authority Rules Formulas One way Black & white Experts Constellar / process Creativity Collaboration Guidelines Possibilities Options Nuance Expertise
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  • Leaders Unify Perspectives Weaving the seemingly unweavable
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  • A bit like choreographing Cirque-de-Soliel Multi-dimensional
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  • We were between worlds Linear / outcome Structure Authority Rules Formulas One way Black & white Experts Constellar / process Creativity Collaboration Guidelines Possibilities Options Nuance Expertise Industry leaders lived in both
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  • Still in Process
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  • And THAT is the Lean Leadership Communication Challenge
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  • Whats the Difference Between a Reaction and a Response?
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  • About 3 Seconds
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  • That gives time to Stop, Drop and Choose
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  • Stop reacting Drop resistance Choose Turn problems and complaints into magnets for focused aspiration The Flipping Point
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  • Its Basic Focus on what you want more than what you dont want Create a compelling vision Then, strive toward that vision Example: We want to collaborate freely. How might we move our discussion forward in that direction? Communication Wisdom
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  • Its a Common strive to eliminate what we dont want criticize and complain about how things are focus on what we dont want more than what we do want pressure and drag Communication best Worst Practice
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  • Define what you WANT with 1. Identify problems, concerns and complaintsbut dont stop there! 2. Flip that to create your vision Example: We DONT want to worry about credit when we share ideas. Instead, we DO want to collaborate freely 3. Strive toward that vision How shall we move our discussions forward in that direction? The Flipping Point
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  • Whats bugging you? Those little irritations are your key to your next improvement Find The Flipping Point
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  • What do you want instead?
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  • The push of problems isnt as powerful as Add the element of striving toward a higher state to trouble-shooting conversations The pull of perfection
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  • Focused aspiration Guide and magnetize: Phrase stems: 1. I dont want 1. I dont want 2. I do want 3. A first step to get there is Conversation Compass
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  • Flip conversations forward Aim your effort toward what you aspire to create instead of what you desire to eliminate Stop, drop and choose
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  • Stop. Drop. Choose PowerPhrases use lean principles and practices to say more with less Lean Speaking
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  • May Your Vision be A long-range vision focuses thinking and doing in lean efforts A long-range communication vision does the same. Imagine communication perfection. How do you describe it? What does it sound like? Clear and Compelling
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  • Pull Communication Push communication answers questions no one ever cared to ask. It uses pressure to push in. It uses rank to enforce. Pull communication responds to interests and needs. It uses attraction to draw out. It uses vision and expertise to influence. May the Pull Magnetize
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  • Flow Communication Flow Communication has a smooth, even current of ideas. Ideas unfold and information is presented in a logical and intuitive stream. You dont start with the punch line, and then go to the setup May the Flow be With You May the Flow be With You
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  • Just in time Communication Just-in-time Communication times information to reach the recipient as close to their actionable time window as possible. It delivers the message based on readiness. You dont download your whole day the minute your spouse walks in the door. May Time be on Your Side
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  • Kata Talk The improvement kata is a routine for moving from the current situation to a new situation in an iterative, directed, systematic way. Communication kata establish routines to improve communication flow and develop communication skills iteratively and systematically. May Kata Catalyze Collaboration
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  • Communication Kanban Communication Kanban are words and situations that trigger the need for conversation, information and communication kata (practices) Sarcasm triggers a communication practice that flips the dig forward May the Kanban Signal You Stop Drop Choose
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  • Mistake-proof Communication Poka-yoke Communication includes spell-check, email attachment checkers, reflective listening practices and communication checklists. May Poka-Yoke Protect You
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  • Visual Communication Visual communication relays information with visual signals instead of texts or other written instructions. Like the Menlo Innovations sticky-note print path May Visuals Guide You
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  • Communication Sorting (Seiri) If a word or idea doesnt add, it goes. A PowerPhrase is as long as it needs to be and no longer. Say it and shut up. Yep. Shut up. May Sorting Simplify Your Communication
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  • Communication Straightening (Seiton) Have a place for every word and every point. Put every word and point in its place. Maximize communication flow toward the vision. Create headers to highlight developing themes. Order your points logically with bullets. Check individual sentence structure for flow. Let your message unfold rather than pushing it. May Straightening Free Your Verbal Flow
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  • Communication Shining (Seiso) Polish your words to perfection Revisit and revise and add to the shine and sparkle Use a full range of communication polishing tools May Shining Polish Your Presentation
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  • Communication Standards (Seiketsu) Establish customized to guide communication toward your vision Establish customized Communication Standards to guide communication toward your vision Adapt, adopt and apply PowerPhrase formulas to important communications Develop your own communication formulas, templates etc. May Standardizing Align Your Communication
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  • Continuous Communication Improvement Sustain (Shitsuke) Maintenance is inherent in kata quests Keep striving toward your vision of communication perfection Update your communication formulas and templates as you learn May Kata Perpetuate Improvement May Kata Perpetuate Improvement
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  • Your Lean Communication Journey: Illuminating Discoveries Successful Quests Uncompromising Collaborations May it be SUCCESSIVE
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  • What questions have we been asking here? These are the same questions others will ask you.
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  • Conference questions* Where do we start? What does that look like? What are the pitfalls? How do I bring this back to my people? How do I get others to see what I see? * Ill customize these at the conference for this group
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  • Plan your conversations What conversations have you planned for when you get back? What will you say? How will you polish your words? Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Start with yourself Your own doubts Your own questions Your own vision, dream and enthusiasm Your own strategy Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Start with your own authenticity Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it Your own confusion and doubts remaining quests are resources for the team Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Keep it Simple Simplifying isnt dumbing down Less is more Customize to: who, what, when, where, why and how Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Pre-call Objections Im busting my butt and dont have time. We tried that before and it didnt work Weve always done it this way Whats up with all this Japanese? Theyre just gonna set hoops for us and walk away I could do this if it werent for them This is HAAAAAARD! Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Share Benefits Everyones favorite radio station is WII-FM What is in it for me? Experiencing is believing Whats in this for you is Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Plan Phrases You know I attended a lean conference. Do you have any concerns about changes I might make? You know I attended a lean conference. Do you have any concerns about changes I might make? We tried some things in the past that meant more work for you and we didnt give you the support. This time will be more operator focused. We tried some things in the past that meant more work for you and we didnt give you the support. This time will be more operator focused. I understand why that might be a concern. Ive talked to others who ran into that and they found(Feel, felt, found.) I understand why that might be a concern. Ive talked to others who ran into that and they found(Feel, felt, found.) Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Invite Open Communication I need to hear about problems quickly so we can address them sooner. If I say or do anything that makes you hesitate to tell me about an issue, let me know. I want nothing between me and the truth of whats going on. (Including my own ego.) Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Engagement Questions Whats the dumbest thing were doing right now? What would you do differently? Whats bugging you? How can we fix it? What are we making harder than it has to be? Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Share and Alchemize Mistakes Lets not waste a good crisis. This will show us our weaknesses. It isnt failure as long as were striving toward out vision and learning from mistakes That wasnt the response we were going for, but it was the response we got. What can we learn from it? Were going to try some things that dont work before we find ways that do. Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Invite Input I could use your help on this. How does this look from where you sit? Its my decision to make, and to make it well, I need honest input from everyone Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Paint Pictures Imagine a world where I dream of An example is Heres what it looks like to me Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Share your excitement Jerry Bussell thinks lean will bring a renaissance to American business. He was pretty excited when he told us that!!! Can you honestly use words like thrilled, delighted and electrified? If you can, do it! Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Excitement Phrases I want to make my company the best company in the world to work for I see this as having the potential of revitalizing American industry Im so excited about this that I might need you to tell me if Im over the top Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Tell stories The aha moment can come from something as simple as hearing about how a team leader didnt just give his employee a new bottle of glue. He didnt just tell the employee how to keep the glue from getting clogged. He showed him how to figure out how to keep the glue from getting clogged again. Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Give examples Make a point Elaborate on the point Illustrate the point Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Show I tell and do I tell, you do You tell, I do Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Use Imagery There is an oak tree in an acorn Can you see it? If you can, youll better care for the seed Imagine that! Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Get Concrete Come down from the clouds of abstraction Into the concreteness of daily activity Use action steps And clear directives Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Drop Rank Remember the Millennial (Gen X) definition of a leader a collaborator with experience and decision- making abilities. You might not take collaboration to that level, but pulling rank doesnt work anymore. (If it ever did) Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • Plan Your Phrases Share personal concerns, insights and enthusiasm Anticipate objections Anticipate benefits Ask questions Tell stories Give examples Paint a picture Use imagery Opportunities in problems Acknowledge their expertise Questions Clarify roles Say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean when you say it
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  • And enjoy drama-free, waste-free communication Simple, clear and lean

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