communism - can we not afford it?

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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How would we pay for the first stages of socialism


Communist Party of Britain – Exeter and South Devon Branch

Communism – can we not afford it?

When Marx and Engels wrote the Manifesto of the Communist Party, they lived in a world of workhouses, cotton mills, child-labour and extreme differences in wealth. In some ways very little has changed.

In Britain today we still have huge divisions in our society, and we have allowed our capitalist system to move its wage slavery to the furthest corners of the world. The system needs to change, but how could we afford it?

Communist Parties around the world seek to end the wage slavery of capitalism. Here’s how the UK could afford it:

Close “tax avoidance” loopholes - £70bn A “Robin Hood” tax on financial transactions - £30bn A 1% wealth tax on the richest 10% - £39bn Increased corporation tax on business profits - £10bn An empty property tax - £3bn Reduce military expenditure to average European levels –

saving £13bn

A socialist society will democratically and publicly own gas, electricity, water, oil, coal, and the whole transport sector. If private companies can cream off profits, we can use those profits for our future!

Communist Party of Britain – Exeter and South Devon Branch

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