component b: lesson plans

Post on 22-Feb-2018






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  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    T*- $usic

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    T T T T T

    ntroduce the unit:

    On the .irst day o. the unit have /as .or each student to .ind their desk& rearrange desks2 At

    their desk they 3ill have a irate ri4e& Once student are at their desk they 3ill .ind a irate

    letter& 3ith irates o. the caribbean /usic laying in the background2



    On the letter it 3ill say:

    Aye aye /aties?

    @ou have no3 arrived on $iss ;ar/eans Shi& +or the net .e3 3eeks? 3e 3ill be going on a

    Bourney& Through this Bourney? 3e 3ill /eet .earless irates that have beaten all odds and have

    sailed the rough seas& They cature shis? illage rob2 to3ns? and leave chaos in their 3akebehind the/2& Cery soon? you 3ill be able to create your o3n irate na/eD

    @ours truly?

    $iss ;ar/ean


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans



    8&1- $ultiles o. 6nit +ractions

    Day of Week: Monday

    SubBect: $ath

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans



    o nu/ber 1 on age ! 3ith the students&use .raction bars on the s/artboard as a visualsho3 that P is Bust # Nsho3 on s/artboard that N ti/es # is still s/aller than 1*ave students do nu/bers "-E 3ith artners around the roo/i. students look like they are understanding the concet very 3ell have the/ do -11

    3ith the sa/e artner i. they are not call the/ back to their seats and go over "-E

    3ith the/

    i. they do nu/bers -11 3ait until a /aBority o. the class is done to call the/ back to

    the seats and go over the/ as a class&have students do nu/bers 1" at their seat and go over it as a classthen do nu/ber 1#.or nu/ber 1! use /ath talk& . students need to have the/ 3rite do3n 3hat they

    are thinking&+or ho/e3ork you 3ill be doing all even nu/bers on !9 and all evens on E0To/orro3 3e 3ill continue 3orking 3ith this

    I What 3ill you be doing5

    /odeling roble/s .or students3riting de.initions on anchor chartsheling students during s/all grous

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    under the el/o 3e 3ill go over roble/s

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    6se visuals' /odel under el/os/all grous to let students talk out the roble/s*ave student AH2 co/e u to the board and teach the class a roble/

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    >uestions are highlighted throughout the lessonas 3ell as >uestions asked throughout the artner 3ork to seci.ic grous

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    3orking 3ith /e as 3ell as artners through /ath roble/s

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    They have class3ork and ho/e3ork as 3ell as a test at the end o. the unitThe ho/e3ork 3ill be collected the net daythe class3ork 3ill be collected at the end o. the unit

    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    on their ho/e3ork and class3ork and test

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our

    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    G +or ho/e3ork you 3ill be doing all even nu/bers on !9 and all evens on E0


    ay *o3 to read charts? grahs and ti/e lines

    Day of Week: Monday (will carry into Tuesday)

    SubBect: )%A

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    /as? grahs and


    /as? grahs and


    able to dra3 conclusions .ro/ /aterial&

    ;o//on $isconcetions ' $isunderstandings o. Students: consult 3ith your ;T2F

    -/as are outdated Satial thinking allo3s students to co/rehend and analy4e heno/ena

    related to the laces and saces around the/Qand at scales .ro/ 3hat they can touch and see in

    a roo/ or their neighborhood to a 3orld /a or globe&2

    What 3ill you do to revent student /isconcetions ' /isunderstandings5

    -it is hel.ul to have an understanding .or di..erent tyes o. /as

    $aterials uestions: iversity in the 6nited States? anger: *igh SeedD? The A/a4ing1800s

    -)nd o. %esson Test (re oortunity .or ;lass3ork Hrade: *ead o3nhill and +ollo3 the Water

    - el/o

    (lan .or nstruction: te/s to nclude in this section:

    I *o3 3ill you JhookK the students5

    Who thinks that irates are still around today5D ,aise your hand i. you think there are still irates in

    the 3orld&Students? this is a chart about the So/ali irate attacks that have been haening in the ast 10

    years& Sho3 So/alia on a /a2 Students? look at this chart and discuss 3ith artners 3hat they

    think the chart /eans&Walk around the roo/ and listen to conversation and bring it back into a grou discussion& iscuss

    the chart and /ake sure to /ention the labels .or the grah and that a grah needs a title and


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    I *o3 3ill you .ocus the students .or the learning5

    -iscuss 3hat is interesting in the chart and ho3 this hels eole understand 3hat is haening

    around the 3orld and ho3 it is changing through the years&

    -Today? you 3ill be learning /ore about grahs and diagra/s and ho3 these are to be constructed

    to /ake the /ost sense&

    I *o3 3ill students be groued5

    grous 3ill be deter/ined be.ore class

    I What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5 to the teacher /ini lesson ! teacher age instructions to guide your lessonWhat are grahs: give out the student non.iction ele/ent ti sheet circle and %ine Hrahs2' use

    /ini lesson teaching the tet .eature to discuss grah tis as reading tools' >uickly address the

    di..erent tyes o. grahsWhy are they use.ul: *ave students brainstor/ 3hy they are use.ul in tetsdirect instruction: give out iversity in the 6nited States selection discuss the di..erent grah

    .eatures and ho3 they are used together to give us in.or/ation26se Think Aloud dialogue in the teacher lans to lead discussion- Huided (ractice' Aly and co/rehension >uick check: create the >uestions .or the students to

    ans3er on the back o. the selection&iscuss' ans3er a .e3 together 3hole grou2? so/e 3ith artners and so/e indeendently

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    (eriodicals Hrah' ; to the teacher /ini lesson 1! teacher age instructions to guide lessonWhat are eriodicals: give out the eriodicals ti sheet go over tet .eatures and reading tools


    3hy are they use.ul5: discuss ho3 3e use these tet .eatures to hel us 3hen 3e read non.ictiontetirect instruction: give out anger: *igh Seed selection discuss ho3 this election has a /uch

    s/aller chart along the botto/ o and its used as a resource not as the /ain source o. in.or/ation2

    6se Think Aloud dialogue in teacher lans to lead discussionHuided ractice' Aly and ;o/rehension >uick check: create >uestions .or students to ans3er

    on the back o. the selectionlet students 3ork 3ith artners then discuss together

    Ti/e %ines $ulti- to teacher /ini lesson 1 teacher age instructions to guide your lessonWhat are /ulti tiered ti/e lines: give out the /ulti tiered ti/e lines ti sheet Ho over tet .eatures

    and reading tools together2irect instruction:give out The A/a4ing 1800s selection discuss ho3 this selection has ti/e lines

    .or # di..erent categories2 talk about using a sheet o. aer to cover all but one o. the categories at

    a ti/e to read and organi4e the in.or/ation so its not so over3hel/ing- use Think aloud dialogue in

    teacher lans to lead discussionHuided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: 6se >uestions .or the students to ans3er

    on the back o. the Whats 6nder the )arths Sur.ace selection-- going to let students 3ork 3ith

    artners again this ti/e and then discuss together%ightly revie3 /aterial that 3e have gone over in class& uestions asked aloud in class? observing the discussion in grous?

    observing students reactions to >uestions

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    uestions are noted throughout the lesson

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    Working through di..erent grahs? charts and ti/elines

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    ans3ering >uestions about these grahs? charts and ti/elines3orking 3ith other eersans3ering >uestions through class discussion

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    Students 3ill be reading non.iction tet and looking at di..erent grahs? charts? and ti/elines and

    ans3ering >uestions based o.. that /aterial&

    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    Students 3ill be reading non.iction tet and looking at di..erent grahs? charts? and ti/elines and

    ans3ering >uestions based o.. that /aterial&

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson

    should be directly linked to your essential understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be

    identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Test (re ;lass3ork Hrade: Hive out *ead o3nhill and +ollo3 the Water )og like lesson revie3.or indeendent class3ork grade

    "%WER $%&R

    ay o. Week: $onday

    SubBect: $ath

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    /ultilication to /ultily a .raction by a 3hole nu/ber&

    b& 6nderstand a /ultile o. a'b as a /ultile o. 1'b? and use this

    understanding to /ultily a .raction by a 3hole nu/ber& +or ea/le? use a

    visual .raction /odel to eress # U "'!2 as E U 1'!2? recogni4ing this

    roduct as E'!& n general? n U a'b2 = n U a2'b&2

    %earning Targets

    Today a/F /aking

    connections bet3een

    /ultiles o. 3hole

    nu/bers and /ultiles

    o. unit .ractions

    So canF connect the

    relationshi bet3een 3hole

    nu/ber /ultilication and

    reeated addition 3ith .raction

    /ultilication and reeated


    kno3 understand it

    3henF can 3rite a

    .raction as a roduct o.

    a 3hole nu/ber and a

    unit .raction

    ;o//on $isconcetions ' $isunderstandings o. Students: consult 3ith your ;T2


    G Students /ay incorrectly /ultily the deno/inator by a counting

    nu/ber instead o. the nu/erator 3hen .inding /ultiles

    What 3ill you do to revent student /isconcetions ' /isunderstandings5

    G ,e/ind students that the deno/inator is the nu/ber o. e>ual arts in

    the 3hole and it does not change& *ave students use a /odel to visuali4e the


    $aterials uestions

    Hrou 1

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    Ask students 3hat 3e 3orked on today5

    ,evie3 3ith the/ 3hat 3e did

    Hive reteach ages to students

    Ho over /ost o. the >uestions 3ith students

    6se visuals Work 3ith the students on the rest o. the >uestions having all students

    sto at certain >uestions to go over as a 3hole grou

    Hive the/ hel throughout the 3hole rocess

    I What 3ill you be doing5 /odeling roble/s .or students

    /odi.ying 3ork deending on the grou

    *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    +or each grou 3ill adBust 3hat is needed

    Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    Asking students >uestions about the roble/s

    I What 3ill the students be doing5 3orking 3ith /e as 3ell as other students through roble/s

    What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    They have class3ork and ho/e3ork as 3ell as a test at the end o. the unit

    The ho/e3ork 3ill be collected the net day

    the class3ork 3ill be collected at the end o. the unit but checked over

    throughout the lessono *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    on their ho/e3ork and class3ork and test

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our

    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Already assigned h3 .or/ class


    8&"- $ultiles o. .ractions

    Day of Week: Tuesday

    SubBect: $ath

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    I *o3 3ill students be groued5G *ave artners ready

    I What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5

    G Ve.ore 3e start can so/eone tell /e 3hat 3e 3orked on yesterday5M 3e 3orked 3riting a .raction as a roduct o. a 3hole nu/ber and a unit .ractionG 3hats a unit .raction5G alright so lets turn to age E1G unlock the roble/

    - lets look at ea/le " 3e 3orked on this a little bit yesterday? sho3 o. hands?

    3ho re/e/ber using a nu/ber line to .ind the /ultiles5

    G Hood so 3ho can tell /e 3hat these /ultiles are going to be5G do nu/ber " 3ith students ans3er: 3rite the .raction as a su/ o. unit .ractions&

    then 3rite the reeated addition as the roduct o. the nu/ber o. addends and the

    unit .raction&2

    G 3ant you to use the nu/ber line and at your desk .igure out nu/ber 1 by yoursel.&(artner 3ork:

    G go over 3ith class and tell students that they 3ill be doing nu/bers "-9 on the back

    and i. they .inish they can 3ork on 10 and 11&G revie3 ans3ersG 3ork through nu/ber 1" 3ith studentsG .or ho/e3ork have students do all on age E! and evens on the backG ;losure

    Veat the clock: Ask a >uestion& Hive students ten seconds to 3ith

    eers be.ore call on a rando/ student to ans3er&

    I What 3ill you be doing5

    G /odeling roble/s .or studentsG 3riting de.initions on anchor chartsG heling students during s/all grous

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    G under the el/o 3e 3ill go over roble/s

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    G the grou 3ork or artner ti/e really gives /e a chance to see 3ho is

    co/rehending and 3ho is notM Those 3ho are eceeding eectations can create their o3n roble/ using .ractions

    and a 3hole&

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    G >uestions are highlighted throughout the lessonG as 3ell as >uestions asked throughout the artner 3ork to seci.ic grous

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    G 3orking 3ith /e as 3ell as artners through /ath roble/s

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    G They have class3ork and ho/e3ork as 3ell as a test at the end o. the unitG The ho/e3ork 3ill be collected the net day

    G the class3ork 3ill be collected at the end o. the unito *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    G on their ho/e3ork and class3ork and test

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our

    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    G .or ho/e3ork have students do all on age E! and evens on the back


    ay ! *o3 to read charts? grahs and ti/e linesDay of Week: Tuesday (begin where we left off last class)

    SubBect: )%A

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    ;o//on $isconcetions ' $isunderstandings o. Students: consult 3ith your ;T2F

    -/as are outdated Satial thinking allo3s students to co/rehend and analy4e

    heno/ena related to the laces and saces around the/Qand at scales .ro/

    3hat they can touch and see in a roo/ or their neighborhood to a 3orld /a or


    What 3ill you do to revent student /isconcetions ' /isunderstandings5

    -it is hel.ul to have an understanding .or di..erent tyes o. /as

    $aterials uestions: iversity in the 6nited States? anger: *igh

    SeedD? The A/a4ing 1800s

    -)nd o. %esson Test (re oortunity .or ;lass3ork Hrade: *ead o3nhill and

    +ollo3 the Water

    - el/o

    (lan .or nstruction: te/s to nclude in this section:

    I *o3 3ill you JhookK the students5

    Who thinks that irates are still around today5D ,aise your hand i. you think there are

    still irates in the 3orld&

    Students? this is a chart about the So/ali irate attacks that have been haening in

    the ast 10 years& Sho3 So/alia on a /a2 Students? look at this chart and discuss

    3ith artners 3hat they think the chart /eans&Walk around the roo/ and listen to conversation and bring it back into a grou

    discussion& iscuss the chart and /ake sure to /ention the labels .or the grah and

    that a grah needs a title and labels&

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    I *o3 3ill you .ocus the students .or the learning5

    -iscuss 3hat is interesting in the chart and ho3 this hels eole understand

    3hat is haening around the 3orld and ho3 it is changing through the years&

    -Today? you 3ill be learning /ore about grahs and diagra/s and ho3 theseare to be constructed to /ake the /ost sense&

    I *o3 3ill students be groued5

    G grous 3ill be deter/ined be.ore class

    I What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5

    (eriodicals Hrah' ;hart2G to the teacher /ini lesson 1! teacher age instructions to guide lessonG What are eriodicals: give out the eriodicals ti sheet go over tet .eatures and

    reading tools together2G 3hy are they use.ul5: discuss ho3 3e use these tet .eatures to hel us 3hen 3e

    read non.iction tetG irect instruction: give out anger: *igh Seed selection discuss ho3 this election

    has a /uch s/aller chart along the botto/ o and its used as a resource not as the

    /ain source o. in.or/ation2 6se Think Aloud dialogue in teacher lans to lead


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    G Huided ractice' Aly and ;o/rehension >uick check: create >uestions .or

    students to ans3er on the back o. the selectionG let students 3ork 3ith artners then discuss together

    Ti/e %ines $ulti- Tiered2

    G to teacher /ini lesson 1 teacher age instructions to guide your lessonG What are /ulti tiered ti/e lines: give out the /ulti tiered ti/e lines ti sheet Ho over

    tet .eatures and reading tools together2G irect instruction:give out The A/a4ing 1800s selection discuss ho3 this selection

    has ti/e lines .or # di..erent categories2G talk about using a sheet o. aer to cover all but one o. the categories at a ti/e to

    read and organi4e the in.or/ation so its not so over3hel/ing- useG Think aloud dialogue in teacher lans to lead discussionG Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: 6se >uestions .or the

    students to ans3er on the back o. the Whats 6nder the )arths Sur.ace selection--

    going to let students 3ork 3ith artners again this ti/e and then discuss togetherG %ightly revie3 /aterial that 3e have gone over in class&G Test (re ;lass3ork Hrade: Hive out *ead o3nhill and +ollo3 the Water )og like

    lesson revie3 .or indeendent class3ork grade;losure .or each section o. non.iction unit:

    *ave students get into their reading grous& *ave the/ su//ari4e 3hat

    they have learned over the ast .e3 days& (ick a tea/ reresentative to

    co/e u and record their ans3er in .ront o. the iod

    I What 3ill you be doing5

    $odeling /as and 3hat to do .or individual ractice3alking around roo/ listening to and heling students

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    6sing the el/o

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    use visuals+or/ative assess/ents: >uestions asked aloud in class? observing the discussion in

    grous? observing students reactions to >uestions

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    uestions are noted throughout the lesson

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    Working through di..erent grahs? charts and ti/elinesans3ering >uestions about these grahs? charts and ti/elines3orking 3ith other eersans3ering >uestions through class discussion

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    Students 3ill be reading non.iction tet and looking at di..erent grahs? charts? and

    ti/elines and ans3ering >uestions based o.. that /aterial&

    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    Students 3ill be reading non.iction tet and looking at di..erent grahs? charts? and

    ti/elines and ans3ering >uestions based o.. that /aterial&

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our

    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    G Test (re ;lass3ork Hrade: Hive out *ead o3nhill and +ollo3 the Water )og like

    lesson revie3 .or indeendent class3ork grade

    "%WER $%&R

    ay o. Week: Tuesday

    SubBect: $ath

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    Today a/F /aking

    connections bet3een

    /ultiles o. 3hole

    nu/bers and /ultiles

    o. unit .ractions

    So canF connect the

    relationshi bet3een 3hole

    nu/ber /ultilication and

    reeated addition 3ith .raction

    /ultilication and reeated


    kno3 understand it

    3henF can 3rite a

    .raction as a roduct o.

    a 3hole nu/ber and a

    unit .raction

    ;o//on $isconcetions ' $isunderstandings o. Students: consult 3ith your ;T2


    G Students /ay incorrectly /ultily the deno/inator by a counting

    nu/ber instead o. the nu/erator 3hen .inding /ultiles

    What 3ill you do to revent student /isconcetions ' /isunderstandings5

    G ,e/ind students that the deno/inator is the nu/ber o. e>ual arts in

    the 3hole and it does not change& *ave students use a /odel to visuali4e the


    $aterials uestions


    Ask students 3hat 3e 3orked on today5

    ,evie3 3ith the/ 3hat 3e did

    Hive reteach ages to students

    Ho over /ost o. the >uestions 3ith students

    6se visuals

    Work 3ith the students on the rest o. the >uestions having all students

    sto at certain >uestions to go over as a 3hole grou

    Hive the/ hel throughout the 3hole rocess

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    I What 3ill you be doing5 /odeling roble/s .or students

    /odi.ying 3ork deending on the grou

    *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    +or each grou 3ill adBust 3hat is needed

    Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    Asking students >uestions about the roble/s

    I What 3ill the students be doing5 3orking 3ith /e as 3ell as other students through roble/s

    What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    They have class3ork and ho/e3ork as 3ell as a test at the end o. the unit

    The ho/e3ork 3ill be collected the net day

    the class3ork 3ill be collected at the end o. the unit but checked over

    throughout the lessono *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    on their ho/e3ork and class3ork and test

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our

    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Write at the to o. age "

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    express % (&/5! as ' (/5!, reco"niin" this product as '/5. ()n "eneral, n (a/b!

    $ (n a!/b.!

    %earning Targets

    Today a/F

    3orking on /y

    /id chater


    So canF


    /aterial .ro/

    the .irst

    section o.

    this unit

    kno3 understand it 3henF a/ able to

    understand all o. the concets throughout the


    ;o//on $isconcetions ' $isunderstandings o. Students: consult 3ith your ;T2

    F1& $ay incorrectly change the deno/inator 3hen .inding the /ultiles"& $ay incorrectly 3rite the unit .raction as 1 over the nu/erator#& /ay incorrectly /ultily the deno/inator by a counting nu/ber instead o. the

    nu/erator 3hen .inding /ultiles& /ay 3rite the roduct as a .raction and not as the roduct o. a 3hole nu/ber and a

    unit .raction!& /ay incorrectly .ind the nu/ber o. arts used instead o. re/aining nu/ber o. artsE& /ay incorrectly .ind ho3 /any ite/s she needs to .ill the /easuring container .or 1

    batch or 1 ot? not the total nu/ber o. batches or ots

    & /ay incorrectly .ind the .raction o. ie eaten? not the .raction o. re/aining ie

    What 3ill you do to revent student /isconcetions ' /isunderstandings5 these

    are re.ering to 3hat 3ill do 3hen they turn in the aer to get .eedback2

    1& Ask 3hat does not change 3hen 3e are 3orking 3ith unit .ractions 3hen using

    additive roerties"& 3ill underline the directions and e/hasis JandK#& say it is talking about the 3hole .raction not Bust the unit .raction& underline the directions so they .ocus on 3hat they need to 3rite!& /ake sure they understand it is the re/aining arts

    E& /ake sure they understand the >uestion and that they need the a/ount o. ti/es& .ind the .raction o. the overall ie that he is utting on his late


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    I *o3 3ill you JhookK the students5ocean /usic laying in backgroundI *o3 3ill you .ocus the students .or the learning5

    uestions are co/ing

    .ro/ so they can go back and look&G /ove every other student around the classroo/ i. they 3ould like to get a cliboard

    to bare do3n on&G ;losure:

    3ant you to take one roble/ .ro/ the /id chater revie3 and 3rite

    it do3n on a iece o. aer& What con.uses you about this >uestion5

    I What 3ill you be doing5

    G giving .eedback on 3hat students need to .iG /aking sure students are 3orking together as a air and >uietly

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    G 3ill go over the >uestions 3hen students are done and /odel ho3 to do the

    ans3ers 3ith the/

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5G .or /y ); students 3ill /odi.y the check oint

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    A.ter students have .inished the /id chater checkoint 3ill ask >uestions 3hile

    going over the roble/s&

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    G /id chater checkoint


    ay E: ;o/are and contrast

    Day of Week: Wednesday- Friday


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    -Teacher $ini %esson ages .or %essons E? 1? 1E

    - ;o/aring and ;ontrasting Student Ti sheet introduction2

    -Hrahic Organi4ers: Cenn iagra/ )llis sland and Angel sland 1 teacher coy .or )l/o2'

    War/-blooded and cold blooded ani/als 1" coies' 1 er artner grou2' Ani/als vs&

    *u/ans 1 coy er student2

    - Student selections' >uestions: ;o/ing to A/erica? Willo3s heart o. Stone? Ani/als vs&


    - )nd o. %esson Test (re oortunity .or ;lass3ork Hrade: %esson 1 indeendent

    ractice2 Sonar shaes? %esson ! alication2 Salt3ater and +resh3ater

    (lan .or nstruction: te/s to nclude in this section:

    I *o3 3ill you JhookK the students5*ave a visual o. t3o di..erent irate shis

    Ask the students 3hat is di..erent about the t3o ictures irate shi: atched sails? dark andblack? cannons2 vs Vritish Trading co/any shi: lighter? nicer? na/e elegantly 3ritten onback o. shi? 3hite sails2

    I *o3 3ill you .ocus the students .or the learning5n the sa/e 3ay 3e co/ared and contrasted these t3o shis 3e are going to co/are andcontrast /aterial about ani/als and hu/ans and so /any /ore eciting thingsDI *o3 3ill students be groued5

    let students ick grousI What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5

    Ruse comaring and contrasting introduction ti sheetto revie3 the key oints o. the tet

    structure' clue 3ords' etcF that /ake it co/aring and contrasting structure back to

    day 1 grahic organi4er o. non.iction tet structure2irect instruction:Rsend ti/e discussing 3hat the tet .eatures add to the content? and ho3 they are being

    used to suort that articular toic A%SO look .or clue 3ords and key oints that identi.y thetet structure as co/aring and contrasting see student ti sheet2Rgive out co/ing to A/erica selection discuss the di..erent tet .eatures and ho3 they are

    used together to give suort the toic26se think aloud dialogue in the teacher lans to lead discussion as you guide the reading o.

    the tet

    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: "ut the E!!is s!and and Ange!

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    s!and grahic organier on the ELM%/ #ork togetherto co/lete the Cenn iagra/s

    Whole grou2 using in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- on the back create >uestions .or the

    students to ans3er aloud

    irect instruction: gi*e out Wi!!o+s $eart o, Stone se!ectiondiscuss ho3 this selection

    sho3s in.or/ation .ro/ a 3ebsite and ho3 the tet .eatures relate to the toic- really dra3their attention to the links and side-bar2 use the think aloud dialogue in teacher lans to lead


    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: have students get 3ith artners and

    ass out one #arm-'!ooded and co!d-'!ooded anima!s grahic organierto each air/

    have the students 3ork together 3ith their artner to co/lete the grahic organi4er using

    in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- and ans3er the >uestions on the back- >uestions .or the students

    to ans3er 3ith their artner there 3ill be very .e3 si/ilarities on this grahic organi4er- use

    this .act as a 3ay to have students recogni4e that the 3ebsites urose 3as robably to

    oint out ri/arily their di..erences2-irect instruction: gi*e out Anima!s *s. humans se!ection' have students read

    indeendent!y' try to have the/ see ho3 /any clues they can .ind to sho3 that this articles

    structure is co/aring and contrasting-use theThink aloud dialogue in teacher lans saringly so that students have to do /ost o. the

    rocessing alone

    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: ass out an Anima!s *s. $umans

    grahic organier to student to co/lete indeendently using in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- and

    ans3er the >uestions on the back- use >uestions

    Test re class3ork grades: Hive out Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3ater

    selections acket .or an )OH like lesson revie3 .or an indeendent class3ork grade

    ;losure .or Wednesday: )levator itch- @ou are riding u an elevator 3ith your .avorite .a/ous erson

    ever& @ou have tell the/ in #0 seconds a su//ary o. 3hat you Bust learned&;losure .or Thursday:

    ;o/are and contrast t3o o. their .avorite things using key 3ords or signal

    3ords;losure .or +riday:

    *ave students get into their reading grous& *ave the/ su//ari4e 3hat they

    have learned over the ast three days& (ick a tea/ reresentative to co/e u

    and record their ans3er in .ront o. the iod

    What 3ill you be doing5

    $odeling /as and 3hat to do .or individual ractice3alking around roo/ listening to and heling students

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    6sing the el/o

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    +or ); students /odi.y test re acket& . necessary 3ork 3ith the/ at back table and read

    aloud&+or the one student that needs to get u and /ove? as the teacher? ace around the

    classroo/? and 3hen he'she needs to be .ocused ta the/ on the shoulder to signi.y that

    they can stand u to co/lete 3ork&Students are able to talk through >uestions 3ith artners&

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    uestions are noted throughout the lesson

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    Working through di..erent co/are and contrast /aterial and ans3ering >uestions the

    /aterial read3orking 3ith other eersans3ering >uestions through class discussion

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    Students 3ill be reading non.iction tet and looking ho3 to co/are and contrast each set o.


    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    use Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3ater acket .or students to 3ork through

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our assess/ent'evaluation o.

    lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding& +or/ative assess/ents

    should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Test re class3ork grades: Hive out Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3ater

    selections acket .or an )OH like lesson revie3 .or an indeendent class3ork grade

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans



    Day of Week: Wednesday

    SubBect: Social Studies

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    (irates believed that 3earing ierced earrings 3ould i/rove their eyesight&

    I *o3 3ill you .ocus the students .or the learning5

    These are so/e .acts and /yths about irates& One .act that you /ay not kno3 is

    that not all irates 3ere hated by the eole o. the to3n& Today 3e are talking about

    their e..ect on the to3ns o. uestions as

    3e continue throughout the tet& The students 3ill be at their desks&

    I What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5

    Today 3e are going to look at our 3eekly study that have given you& 3ant you to

    .ollo3 along and ay attention to the cause and e..ect throughout the article&

    We 3ill learn /ore about ho3 to identi.y cause and e..ect in )%A but can so/eonetell /e a cause and e..ect that has haened in their lives5,ead .irst age aloud to students&We are going to ocorn read A/erican ndian Wars and (irate (roble/s;all on so/eone to start and re/ind students that 3e only s3itch at the end o. the

    aragrah&6nder War ,ages Throughout

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    rices 3ent u to co/ensate

    )lain to the/ that 3e 3ill be recording videos and 3e 3ill have a green screen

    and 3e are going to /ake a ne3scast to tell another thgrade class at +alston

    )le/entary all about irates&

    - At the end o. each social studies lesson have the/ kee notes o. 3hat

    they could use& ;heck each ti/e&

    I What 3ill you be doing5

    3ill be acing around the classroo/ /aking sure they are aying attention to the


    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    3ill begin reading sections and re.lecting on /y reading by highlighting cause and

    e..ects as 3e read& This 3ill take the students attention as they 3atch their

    class/ates articiate? they 3ill too& . not? .riendly re/inder that 3ill not be here .or

    )OHs and this 3ill be their Bob as th graders to kno3 this&

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    ,ead aloud to ); students*ave AH students create their o3n cause and e..ect involving science toics

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    -as reading rogresses? continue to rod the/ and ask >uestions ertaining

    to the selection&

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    reading through the article

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    n the net class students 3ill use 3hat they have learned .ro/ the article and aly it

    to the .oldable that 3e have /ade& They 3ill ut ea/les .ro/ the tet on the inside


    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    n the net class students 3ill use 3hat they have learned .ro/ the article and aly it

    to the .oldable that 3e have /ade& They 3ill ut ea/les .ro/ the tet on the inside


    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our

    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Students 3ill be navigating through a social studies 3eekly and use this .oldable to

    better understand the tet as 3ell as rovide ea/les to the .oldable under the

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    correct ter/&


    Touchcast a on i(ads

    @ou 3ill create a video o. an intervie3 bet3een " irates and an intervie3er& )ach erson 3ill

    have one Bob and it is the grous resonsibility to 3ork together to create a great video&

    t is this ersons Bob to get into character? 3hether this /eans having an eye atch or a cae or

    a hook? or the intervie3er having a /icrohone and to hat? the /ore creative the better& This is

    Bust a art o. it& The in.or/ation in the video and 3hat is said counts .or /ore? so /ake the

    in.or/ational art o. this a riority& ;reate a scrit o. 3hat needs to be said by each character

    and use this as you record your video&

    We 3ill 3atch these videos as a class and they 3ill also be sent to +alston )le/entary and

    sho3n to a .ourth grade class there& This needs to be your V)ST 3ork because this also counts

    .or a big art o. your grade&

    What the video needs to include:


    (irate X1:

    (irate X":

    +il/ roducer:: n charge o. creating intelligent >uestions that uses the 3ords 3e have learned in class the

    intervie3er could ask a irate .or ea/le? JWhat e..ect does your ro.ession have on the

    econo/y5K2& And all 3ill 3ork together to create intelligent ans3ers .or ea/le? J believe it

    3ould cause a scarcity because take a3ay a roduct that 3as needed or 3anted in the


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    "%WER $%&R

    ay o. Week: Wednesday

    SubBect: $ath

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    Today a/F /aking

    connections bet3een

    /ultiles o. 3hole

    nu/bers and /ultiles

    o. unit .ractions

    So canF connect the

    relationshi bet3een 3hole

    nu/ber /ultilication and

    reeated addition 3ith .raction

    /ultilication and reeated


    kno3 understand it

    3henF can 3rite a

    .raction as a roduct o.

    a 3hole nu/ber and a

    unit .raction

    ;o//on $isconcetions ' $isunderstandings o. Students: consult 3ith your ;T2


    G Students /ay incorrectly /ultily the deno/inator by a counting

    nu/ber instead o. the nu/erator 3hen .inding /ultiles

    What 3ill you do to revent student /isconcetions ' /isunderstandings5

    G ,e/ind students that the deno/inator is the nu/ber o. e>ual arts in

    the 3hole and it does not change& *ave students use a /odel to visuali4e the


    $aterials uestions


    Ask students 3hat 3e 3orked on today5

    ,evie3 3ith the/ 3hat 3e did

    Hive reteach ages to students

    Ho over /ost o. the >uestions 3ith students

    6se visuals

    Work 3ith the students on the rest o. the >uestions having all students

    sto at certain >uestions to go over as a 3hole grou

    Hive the/ hel throughout the 3hole rocess

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    I What 3ill you be doing5 /odeling roble/s .or students

    /odi.ying 3ork deending on the grou

    *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    +or each grou 3ill adBust 3hat is needed

    Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    Asking students >uestions about the roble/s

    I What 3ill the students be doing5 3orking 3ith /e as 3ell as other students through roble/s

    What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    They have class3ork and ho/e3ork as 3ell as a test at the end o. the unit

    The ho/e3ork 3ill be collected the net day

    the class3ork 3ill be collected at the end o. the unit but checked over

    throughout the lessono *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    on their ho/e3ork and class3ork and test

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our

    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Write at the to o. age "

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    .raction /odels oerations 3ith .ractions use a /odel to /ultily a .raction by a

    3hole nu/ber

    ;o//on $isconcetions ' $isunderstandings o. Students: consult 3ith your ;T2F

    Students /ay incorrectly /ultily the 3hole nu/ber by the deno/inator and 3rite it over

    the nu/erator

    What 3ill you do to revent student /isconcetions ' /isunderstandings5

    ,e/ind students that the nu/erator tells the nu/ber o. e>ual arts being considered and

    the deno/inator tells the total nu/ber o. e>ual arts in a 3hole& Students should /ultily

    the 3hole nu/ber by the nu/erator to .ind the total nu/ber o. arts being considered& The

    deno/inator stays the sa/e because the nu/ber o. e>ual arts in a 3hole re/ains the



  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    )a/le " 3ith class

    Okay 3ant you all to 3ork on age 1 3ith a artner& 3ill be 3alking around heling you

    i. you have >uestions&Vring class back together and 3ork through roble/s+or ho/e3ork do all o. age # and evens on

    ;losure:G o the hustleG Students get u raise their hands and high .ive a artner- hustle buddy&G Ask >uestion let the/ discuss the ans3er- listen to resonses&G (lay song 333&youtube&co/'3atch5v=#4ytE>3!do7.eature=youtu&be 2 asa signal .or the/ to .ind a ne3 artner

    I What 3ill you be doing5

    /odeling roble/s .or students3riting de.initions on anchor chartsheling students during s/all grous

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    under the el/o 3e 3ill go over roble/s

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    the grou 3ork or artner ti/e really gives /e a chance to see 3ho is co/rehending and

    3ho is notThose 3ho are eceeding eectations can 3ork on understanding .ractions 3ithout a


    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    What do you need to .ind5

    Why do you /ultily P by # to solve the roble/5in the /odel? ho3 3ill you sho3 P o. a 3hole5ho3 /any e>ual arts are shaded in # 3holes5What .raction o. the # 3holes is this5 )lain&What i. said that Vlackbeard the irate 3e have been learning about2? 3orked on his shi

    hour o. each day .or # days5 ho3 3ould the /odel change5 *o3 /uch ti/e 3ill he

    ractice in # days5*o3 /any siths do you have i. you /ultily " 5i. you /ultily " by "'E 53hat haens to the nu/ber o. siths each ti/e you /ultily the nu/ber o. siths by "53hich nu/ber in the .raction tells you ho3 /any siths there are53hat haens to the nu/erator each ti/e you /ultily it by "5

    3hy does the deno/inator stay the sa/e each ti/e53hat is " 8'E5 )lain ho3 you kno3&

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    3orking 3ith /e as 3ell as artners through /ath roble/s

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    They have class3ork and ho/e3ork as 3ell as a test at the end o. the unitThe ho/e3ork 3ill be collected the net day
  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    the class3ork 3ill be collected at the end o. the unit

    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    on their ho/e3ork and class3ork and test

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our assess/ent'evaluation o.

    lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding& +or/ative assess/ents

    should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    +or ho/e3ork do all o. age # and evens on


    ay : ;o/are and contrast

    Day of Week: Wednesday- Friday


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    Hive visuals .or the venn diagra/s and elain eactly 3hat they are used .or&

    $aterials uestions: ;o/ing to A/erica? Willo3s heart o. Stone? Ani/als vs&


    - )nd o. %esson Test (re oortunity .or ;lass3ork Hrade: %esson 1 indeendent

    ractice2 Sonar shaes? %esson ! alication2 Salt3ater and +resh3ater

    (lan .or nstruction: te/s to nclude in this section:

    I *o3 3ill you JhookK the students5*ave a visual o. t3o di..erent irate shis

    Ask the students 3hat is di..erent about the t3o ictures irate shi: atched sails? dark andblack? cannons2 vs Vritish Trading co/any shi: lighter? nicer? na/e elegantly 3ritten onback o. shi? 3hite sails2I *o3 3ill you .ocus the students .or the learning5

    n the sa/e 3ay 3e co/ared and contrasted these t3o shis 3e are going to co/are andcontrast /aterial about ani/als and hu/ans and so /any /ore eciting thingsDI *o3 3ill students be groued5

    let students ick grousI What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5

    Ruse comaring and contrasting introduction ti sheetto revie3 the key oints o. the tet

    structure' clue 3ords' etcF that /ake it co/aring and contrasting structure back to

    day 1 grahic organi4er o. non.iction tet structure2irect instruction:Rsend ti/e discussing 3hat the tet .eatures add to the content? and ho3 they are being

    used to suort that articular toic A%SO look .or clue 3ords and key oints that identi.y the

    tet structure as co/aring and contrasting see student ti sheet2Rgive out co/ing to A/erica selection discuss the di..erent tet .eatures and ho3 they are

    used together to give suort the toic26se think aloud dialogue in the teacher lans to lead discussion as you guide the reading o.

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    the tet

    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: "ut the E!!is s!and and Ange!

    s!and grahic organier on the ELM%/ #ork togetherto co/lete the Cenn iagra/s

    Whole grou2 using in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- on the back create >uestions .or the

    students to ans3er aloud

    irect instruction: gi*e out Wi!!o+s $eart o, Stone se!ectiondiscuss ho3 this selection

    sho3s in.or/ation .ro/ a 3ebsite and ho3 the tet .eatures relate to the toic- really dra3

    their attention to the links and side-bar2 use the think aloud dialogue in teacher lans to lead


    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: have students get 3ith artners and

    ass out one #arm-'!ooded and co!d-'!ooded anima!s grahic organierto each air/

    have the students 3ork together 3ith their artner to co/lete the grahic organi4er using

    in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- and ans3er the >uestions on the back- >uestions .or the studentsto ans3er 3ith their artner there 3ill be very .e3 si/ilarities on this grahic organi4er- use

    this .act as a 3ay to have students recogni4e that the 3ebsites urose 3as robably to

    oint out ri/arily their di..erences2-irect instruction: gi*e out Anima!s *s. humans se!ection' have students read

    indeendent!y' try to have the/ see ho3 /any clues they can .ind to sho3 that this articles

    structure is co/aring and contrasting-use theThink aloud dialogue in teacher lans saringly so that students have to do /ost o. the

    rocessing alone

    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: ass out an Anima!s *s. $umans

    grahic organier to student to co/lete indeendently using in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- and

    ans3er the >uestions on the back- use >uestions

    Test re class3ork grades: Hive out Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3ater

    selections acket .or an )OH like lesson revie3 .or an indeendent class3ork grade

    ;losure .or Wednesday: )levator itch- @ou are riding u an elevator 3ith your .avorite .a/ous erson

    ever& @ou have tell the/ in #0 seconds a su//ary o. 3hat you Bust learned&;losure .or Thursday:

    ;o/are and contrast t3o o. their .avorite things using key 3ords or signal

    3ords;losure .or +riday:

    *ave students get into their reading grous& *ave the/ su//ari4e 3hat they

    have learned over the ast three days& (ick a tea/ reresentative to co/e u

    and record their ans3er in .ront o. the iod

    What 3ill you be doing5

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    $odeling /as and 3hat to do .or individual ractice3alking around roo/ listening to and heling students

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    6sing the el/oo *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    +or ); students /odi.y test re acket& . necessary 3ork 3ith the/ at back table and read

    aloud&+or the one student that needs to get u and /ove? as the teacher? ace around the

    classroo/? and 3hen he'she needs to be .ocused ta the/ on the shoulder to signi.y that

    they can stand u to co/lete 3ork&Students are able to talk through >uestions 3ith artners&

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    uestions are noted throughout the lesson

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    Working through di..erent co/are and contrast /aterial and ans3ering >uestions the

    /aterial read3orking 3ith other eersans3ering >uestions through class discussion

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    Students 3ill be reading non.iction tet and looking ho3 to co/are and contrast each set o.


    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    use Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3ater acket .or students to 3ork through

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our assess/ent'evaluation o.

    lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding& +or/ative assess/ents

    should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Test re class3ork grades: Hive out Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3ater

    selections acket .or an )OH like lesson revie3 .or an indeendent class3ork grade

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    Friday"'!'1E8&- $ultily a .raction or /ied nu/ber by a 3hole nu/ber

    Day of Week: Friday

    SubBect: $ath

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    the stes and 3hy they are co/leted this 3ay&I *o3 3ill students be groued5

    ick their o3n artner deending on ho3 they are behavingi. not have already assigned artnersI What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5

    @esterday 3e learned ho3 to use a /odel to /ultily a .raction by a 3hole nu/ber&What else have 3e been 3orking 3ith to .ind the roduct o. a 3hole nu/ber and a .raction5reeated addition elain 3hat that is 3ith F Y Y Y = 8'! and our deno/inator does not change3hat is another 3ay5/ultilying the 3hole nu/ber ? by the nu/erator "? and 3rote the roduct over the

    deno/inator& 3rite on anchor chart i. not already u2Turn to age !We have been 3orking 3ith se>uencing and .iguring out things did you kno3 3e could use

    that in /ath too5 We have learned the di..erent se>uences or stes irates took& uences involve s/all stes or

    .ractions o. a turn&ste 1Work on nu/bers 1 and " 3ith students3ork on ea/le on age E 3ith students3hy can you re3rite 81 as 85the identity roerty o. /ultilication states that the roduct o. any nu/ber and 1 is that

    nu/ber (#rite on anchor chart)

    *o3 can you .ind the su/ o. 0'! Y 5

    add the nu/erators and 3rite the su/ over the deno/inator& So the deno/inator stays the

    sa/elook at right colu/n3hy is dividing by ! the sa/e as .inding ho3 /any grous o. !'! are in #"'!5both are .inding ho3 /any 3holes there are and ho3 /any .i.ths are le.t over&%et students 3ork on # and at their desk 3ith artner sitting net to the/go over >uestionshave students 3ork on age X1- in artnersgo over >uestions 3hen .inished3ork on nu/bers 8-1 3ith sa/e artnersgo over >uestions

    do nu/bers 1!-18ho/e3ork: age 9 and odds on 80

    ;losure:G Sno3stor/G *ave students get a iece o. aer and ask the/ one seci.ic iece o.

    in.or/ation that they have learned today& do not 3ant to Bust hear about .ractions it

    needs to be very seci.ic&G Hive the/ a signal and have the/ thro3 it u in the air&

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    G When say 10 eole /ay go ick u oneG Then the net 11G *ave the/ read aloud a .e3&

    I What 3ill you be doing5

    /odeling roble/s .or students

    3riting de.initions on anchor chartsheling students during s/all grous

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    under the el/o 3e 3ill go over roble/s

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    the grou 3ork or artner ti/e really gives /e a chance to see 3ho is co/rehending and

    3ho is notStudents 3ho are eceeding eectations 3ill create their o3n roble/s and teach it to a

    s/all grou&,ead aloud 3ord roble/s to ); students&

    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    -Throughout guided ractice as a/ 3orking through the roble/s at the .ront o. the class&

    As a/ continuing this roble/? ask 3hy 3e are co/leting the stes in this order and

    3hy it is i/ortant to do this& This 3ill reiterate the rocess to students struggling 3ith the

    rocess and allo3 the students 3ho kno3 the in.or/ation to clearly state it .or the class

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    3orking 3ith /e as 3ell as artners through /ath roble/s

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    They have class3ork and ho/e3ork as 3ell as a test at the end o. the unitThe ho/e3ork 3ill be collected the net daythe class3ork 3ill be collected at the end o. the unit

    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    on their ho/e3ork and class3ork and test

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our assess/ent'evaluation o.

    lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding& +or/ative assess/ents

    should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    ho/e3ork: age 9 and odds on 80

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans



    ay 8: ;o/are and contrast

    Day of Week: Wednesday- Friday


  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    Today a/F/aking

    di..erent grahic

    organi4ers such as venn

    diagra/ to co/are and


    So canF



    ho3 to

    co/are and


    kno3 understand it 3henF can read tets

    and co/are and contrast the /aterial 3ith

    co/lete understanding&

    ;o//on $isconcetions ' $isunderstandings o. Students: consult 3ith your ;T2F

    3hat /aterial to co/are and contrastWhat a venn diagra/ is and ho3 it is used

    What 3ill you do to revent student /isconcetions ' /isunderstandings5

    give ea/les o. co/are and contrastHive visuals .or the venn diagra/s and elain eactly 3hat they are used .or&

    $aterials uestions: ;o/ing to A/erica? Willo3s heart o. Stone? Ani/als vs&


    - )nd o. %esson Test (re oortunity .or ;lass3ork Hrade: %esson 1 indeendent

    ractice2 Sonar shaes? %esson ! alication2 Salt3ater and +resh3ater

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    (lan .or nstruction: te/s to nclude in this section:

    I *o3 3ill you JhookK the students5*ave a visual o. t3o di..erent irate shis

    Ask the students 3hat is di..erent about the t3o ictures irate shi: atched sails? dark andblack? cannons2 vs Vritish Trading co/any shi: lighter? nicer? na/e elegantly 3ritten onback o. shi? 3hite sails2I *o3 3ill you .ocus the students .or the learning5

    n the sa/e 3ay 3e co/ared and contrasted these t3o shis 3e are going to co/are andcontrast /aterial about ani/als and hu/ans and so /any /ore eciting thingsDI *o3 3ill students be groued5

    let students ick grousI What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5

    Ruse comaring and contrasting introduction ti sheetto revie3 the key oints o. the tet

    structure' clue 3ords' etcF that /ake it co/aring and contrasting structure back to

    day 1 grahic organi4er o. non.iction tet structure2irect instruction:Rsend ti/e discussing 3hat the tet .eatures add to the content? and ho3 they are being

    used to suort that articular toic A%SO look .or clue 3ords and key oints that identi.y the

    tet structure as co/aring and contrasting see student ti sheet2Rgive out co/ing to A/erica selection discuss the di..erent tet .eatures and ho3 they are

    used together to give suort the toic26se think aloud dialogue in the teacher lans to lead discussion as you guide the reading o.

    the tet

    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: "ut the E!!is s!and and Ange!

    s!and grahic organier on the ELM%/ #ork togetherto co/lete the Cenn iagra/s

    Whole grou2 using in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- on the back create >uestions .or the

    students to ans3er aloud

    irect instruction: gi*e out Wi!!o+s $eart o, Stone se!ectiondiscuss ho3 this selection

    sho3s in.or/ation .ro/ a 3ebsite and ho3 the tet .eatures relate to the toic- really dra3

    their attention to the links and side-bar2 use the think aloud dialogue in teacher lans to lead


    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: have students get 3ith artners and

    ass out one #arm-'!ooded and co!d-'!ooded anima!s grahic organierto each air/

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    have the students 3ork together 3ith their artner to co/lete the grahic organi4er using

    in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- and ans3er the >uestions on the back- >uestions .or the students

    to ans3er 3ith their artner there 3ill be very .e3 si/ilarities on this grahic organi4er- use

    this .act as a 3ay to have students recogni4e that the 3ebsites urose 3as robably to

    oint out ri/arily their di..erences2

    -irect instruction: gi*e out Anima!s *s. humans se!ection' have students read

    indeendent!y' try to have the/ see ho3 /any clues they can .ind to sho3 that this articles

    structure is co/aring and contrasting-use theThink aloud dialogue in teacher lans saringly so that students have to do /ost o. the

    rocessing alone

    Huided ractice' aly and co/rehension >uick check: ass out an Anima!s *s. $umans

    grahic organier to student to co/lete indeendently using in.or/ation .ro/ the tet- and

    ans3er the >uestions on the back- use >uestions

    Test re class3ork grades: Hive out Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3aterselections acket .or an )OH like lesson revie3 .or an indeendent class3ork grade

    ;losure .or Wednesday: )levator itch- @ou are riding u an elevator 3ith your .avorite .a/ous erson

    ever& @ou have tell the/ in #0 seconds a su//ary o. 3hat you Bust learned&;losure .or Thursday:

    ;o/are and contrast t3o o. their .avorite things using key 3ords or signal

    3ords;losure .or +riday:

    *ave students get into their reading grous& *ave the/ su//ari4e 3hat they

    have learned over the ast three days& (ick a tea/ reresentative to co/e uand record their ans3er in .ront o. the iod

    What 3ill you be doing5

    $odeling /as and 3hat to do .or individual ractice3alking around roo/ listening to and heling students

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5

    6sing the el/o

    o *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    +or ); students /odi.y test re acket& . necessary 3ork 3ith the/ at back table and read

    aloud&+or the one student that needs to get u and /ove? as the teacher? ace around the

    classroo/? and 3hen he'she needs to be .ocused ta the/ on the shoulder to signi.y that

    they can stand u to co/lete 3ork&Students are able to talk through >uestions 3ith artners&

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    o Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    uestions are noted throughout the lesson

    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    Working through di..erent co/are and contrast /aterial and ans3ering >uestions the

    /aterial read3orking 3ith other eersans3ering >uestions through class discussion

    o What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    Students 3ill be reading non.iction tet and looking ho3 to co/are and contrast each set o.


    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

    use Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3ater acket .or students to 3ork through

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our assess/ent'evaluation o.

    lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding& +or/ative assess/ents

    should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Test re class3ork grades: Hive out Sonar Shaes and Salt3ater and +resh3ater

    selections acket .or an )OH like lesson revie3 .or an indeendent class3ork grade


    Day of Week: Friday

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    SubBect: Social studies

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    I *o3 3ill students be groued5G table grous

    I What is the ste-by-ste rocess you 3ill use to teach the lesson5The ast .e3 days 3e have been 3orking 3ith our 3eekly article and the .oldables 3e/ade& So 3ant you to get your .oldables out& Today 3e are going to use our articleto ans3er a .e3 >uestions& While you are ans3ering these >uestions 3ant you to belooking .or ea/le o. our ! ter/s& a/ going to slit you u into grous and i. you .inish in ti/e you can do the 3ordu44le on the back&have grous already .igured outWalk around 3hile students are 3orking on the roble/s? try to assist as little asossible and urge the/ to use 3hat they kno3 to .igure out the roble/s& +or theea/les they are allo3ed to ask i. it is correct be.ore 3riting it in their .oldable&

    ,e/ind students that 3e 3ill be recording videos and 3e 3ill have a green screen

    and 3e are going to /ake a ne3scast to tell another thgrade class at +alston

    )le/entary all about irates&

    - At the end o. each social studies lesson have the/ kee notes o. 3hatthey could use& ;heck each ti/e&

    I What 3ill you be doing5giving instruction/odeling ea/les3alking around the classroo/ assisting students

    o *o3 3ill you /odel instruction .or students5assist 3hen asking .or clari.ication on ea/le .or .oldable ter/sguide the/ to the right ans3er or ea/leso *o3 3ill you ensure the needs o. every student are being /et5

    as a/ 3alking around 3ill /ake sure that the students are staying on task andunderstanding the task at hand&+or those 3ho are eceeding eectations have the/ brainstor/ ideas o. de.initionson their o3n&Work 3ith ec student at back tableo Where 3ill .or/ative assess/ents occur5

    Walking around asking students to tell /e 3hat they are thinking .or certain ter/


    I What 3ill the students be doing5

    3orking on >uestions and .oldable ea/leso What 3ill students be doing to ractice internali4e2 the skill5

    6sing the article and 3hat they have learned to give ea/les .or each ter/ on their


    o *o3 3ill students aly the kno3ledge'skill5

  • 7/24/2019 Component B: Lesson Plans


    They 3ill ans3er >uestions .ro/ the tet as 3ell as give ea/les .ro/ the tet on

    each ter/ on the .oldable

    )valuation ' Assess/ent o. %earning:

    I *o3 3ill you kno3 3hat the students have learned5 @our

    assess/ent'evaluation o. lesson should be directly linked to your essential

    understanding& +or/ative assess/ents should be identi.ied throughout the lesson&

    Weekly X1!

    ;oy and aste a coy o. these >uestions into your Social Studies notebooks&

    Ans3er all the >uestions in co/lete sentences and elicitly use tet details to

    suort your ans3ers&

    1& What is Vlackbeards real na/e5

    "& *o3 did iracy a..ect the rices o. ite/s in

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