conglomerate scitech quiz prelims

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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Although the successors were all named in a

particular fashion, the first two in the series by virtue of their release in any form

whatsoever, weren’t named in this fashion. If the second one in the

series was BENDER, what was the first called ?

Astrboy as in Android

French Mechanical Engineer Louis Reard decided to name it so after the island group where US conducted its peace

time Nuclear Weapons Test, hoping that “it’d create an explosive commercial

and cultural reaction, similar in intensity to the society’s reaction to the tests”. Time has shown that the anticipated

“explosion” did occur among the media and public. What’s this design ?


The Imitation Game, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, wasn't a

name that was randomly chosen for the sake of it. As is known to many,

it was Alan Turing's method of telling a human and machine apart, where an interrogator questioned

two 'candidates' , whom he couldn't see or hear, and decided on which

was the machine and which the human based on the responses to a series of questions. In the early days of internet, this concept paved way for leetspeak, that is more or less

the same thing. However, today this concept is applied in X, a system that's very commonly used in the

Web. Id X which, is actually an acronym to a rather complicated



Founded in 1976 by venture capitalist Robert Swanson,

Genentech Inc. is regarded as the world’s first BioTech company.

Before it was acquired by Roche Ltd. A while back, what was the company’s ticker symbol at the



X was a 22-year-old working class man when he received his first patent for a machine he called the electrographic vote-recorder. He was one of several

inventors at the time developing methods for legislative bodies, such as the U.S. Congress, to record their votes in a more timely fashion than the time-honored voice vote system. A friend of X's, named Dewitt Roberts, bought an interest in his machine for $100 and tried to sell it to Washington to no

avail. Congress wanted no part of any device that would increase the speed of voting -- decreasing the time for

filibusters and political wheeling and dealing -- so young X's vote-recorder was sent to the political graveyard. ID



In computing, X, an acronym, is a measure of computer performance,

useful in fields of scientific calculations that make heavy use of floating-point calculations. For such cases it is a more accurate measure

than the generic instructions per second. Although the final S stands for "second", singular “X(without an S at the end)" is often used, either as a back formation or a count of these operations carried out by a given algorithm or computer program.

X = sockets*(cores/socket)*clock*(____



X, a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal, started as a substance thought to have medicinal value. The Chinese were the

first to toy with it in the 8th century B.C. Unlike their Western counterparts, who were on a quest to manufacture gold from base

metals, Chinese alchemists hoped to develop an elixir of immortality. They also

used X as a treatment for skin diseases and as an insecticide. There's no record of how

many people died trying to extend their lives. We do know, however, that a Taoist

book from A.D. 850 featured the formula for X and warned readers of the dangers of

working with the substance. Soon after, the Chinese and Arabs were using their elixir of

immortality in an entirely different discipline, not even remotely close to the

Sorcerer’s Stone. Id X.


Former Fermilab director and Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman published a book in 1993 which stated the history

of development of particle physics starting from the era of the Greek

philosophers to the era of Quantum physics. According to Mr Lederman

two reasons why he didn’t name the book

“X: If the universe is the answer what is the question?” was that the

publisher wouldn’t let him use Y in place of X though it is a more

appropriate title, given the villanious nature and expense H is causing and the second reason being the name

had a connection with a book of another sorts referring to The Book of

Genesis. ID H.

Higgs Boson

A Boy and His Atom is a 2012 stop-motion animated short film released

on YouTube by X Research. The movie tells the story of a boy and a wayward atom who meet and become friends. It depicts a boy playing with an atom that takes various forms. One minute

in length, it was made by moving carbon monoxide molecules viewed

with a scanning tunneling microscope, a device that magnifies them 100

million times. These two-atom molecules were moved to create

images, which were then saved as individual frames to make the film. The movie has been recognized by

the Guinness Book of World Records as the World's Smallest Stop-Motion

Film. ID X


Simple and straight:

What is Zenography(from Greek Zeus) the study of ?


This kind of fuse is most commonly

used in the case of domestic wiring and small scale usage. Another name for this type is the X

type fuse. The main composition is of a

porcelain base which holds the wires.ID X, it’s rather

common and sweet name


Da Vinci thought of it. So did Descartes. Adolf

Fick made the first successful model. The first popular ones were made of PMMA. What are we talking about?

Contact Lens

While similar terms have been in use from as early as the late

18th century, the one we’re most acquainted with, emerged around the 1950s. In the

absence of gravity, it’d be spherical. On rising, formation of

Rayleigh-Taylor instability causing inward drawing of air, resulting what may be called afterwinds. Hot gases within rotate in a toroidal shape and afterwinds pull in the dirt and debris that forms the stem.

What are we talking about ?



In the mid 1930s, several DuPont Chemicals scientists led by Wallace

Carothers were secretly slipping their names into the history books through a prototype known then as fiber 6-6. Carothers and company made it by

combining hexamethylenediamine, a crystalline substance that easily

bonds with acids, and adipic acid. They then pulled strands from the

concoction and spun them into plastic thread using a process called

cold drawing. Three years later, DuPont’s production facilities were capable of spinning up to 12 billion pounds of the stuff annually. The

company initially tested X in toothbrushes, but eventually focused

on tapping the women’s hosiery market.


The Black Box is a more general term for the Flight Data Recorder and the Cockpit Voice recorder of

an Aircraft. Both of these are extremely important tools for

investigators in the event of an Air crash. They are usually housed in the empennage (tail section) of an

aircraft as it is the part likely to have least damage in a crash.

These 'black' boxes are actually painted with a heat-resistant

bright _______ colour in order to make them easier to find in the

wreckage resulting from the crash.FITB


X was a third party software included in all Windows versions from 95 through to XP. However, porting of the software from 32-bit to 64-bit resulted in a serious bug in the application – colliding object just passed through like a

ghost. As debugging the app didn’t seem an option worth

spending a lot of resources on, Microsoft dropped it from further

versions of Windows.



The word X comes from a Venetian dialect form of an Italian phrase that roughly

means Forty Days. Although there do remain ambiguities

regarding its origin, the usage is generally accepted to have

come into existence around mid 1300s. It then referred to a

practise in Dubrovnik but time saw this extending to around the globe. The Lima or Yellow

Jack signalled the X at harbours in the early days but today Lima signals that ships are clear and ready for any inspection. A very common usage in the world we

live in, Id X


X was an [in]famous biologist and paleontologist.He was

expelled from Royal society for stealing the discoveries of a paralysed scientist. So great

was his hatred of Darwin that he went to court to have his statue at Kensington Garden moved to

maximum distance possible from that of Darwin .X played a

key role in establishing the British Museum of Natural

History and is credited with discovering several 'dinosaur'

species, the word itself being his contribution.

Richard Owen

X can be used to clean up radioactive waste; they’re able to extract pollutants

like radioactive metal contaminants, through

their roots and store them in stems and leaves. This has resulted in making X the international symbol of nuclear disarmament.

Id X.


After Roy J. Plunkett discovered the slippery, inert substance X in 1938, while working on refrigerants, the company he worked for, DuPont,

wondered what to do with it. First, the company trademarked it in 1945

as X. Then it went in search of a buyer and encountered the U.S.

military. Defense officials found X useful in artillery shell fuses and in the production of nuclear material for the Manhattan Project. After the war, in 1954, French engineer Marc Gregoire figured out how to adhere

X to aluminium. A year later, he launched a Company and began

selling the world's first of a popular consumer product found In almost

all modern households. Id X.


Connect Titania (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Oberon (A

Midsummer Night’s Dream), Ariel (The Tempest), Miranda (The

Tempest) and Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Ophelia (Hamlet).

Not Shakespeare please !


This stained window at

Cambridge is a memoir to the

man who pioneered in the

invention of bowling

machines in cricket. We know

him better for another reason.

Id him

John Venn

When released in the UK it was “Stowaway”

and “Freestyle” in Sweden. A legacy that continues even till this very day, how do we

better know this gamechanger in the

personal entertainment sector ?


X was founded in 1906 in Rochester as The Haloid Photographic Company, which

originally manufactured photographic paper and equipment. In 1938 Chester Carlson, a physicist working independently, invented a

process for printing images using an electrically charged drum and dry powder "toner". Joseph C. Wilson, credited as the "founder of X", took over Haloid from his father. He saw the promise of Carlson's

invention and, in 1946, signed an agreement to develop it as a commercial product.

Wilson remained as President/CEO of X until 1967 and served as Chairman until his death in 1971. Looking for a term to differentiate

its new system, Haloid coined the term ___________ from two Greek roots meaning

"dry writing". Haloid subsequently changed its name to Haloid X in 1958 and then X

Corporation in 1961.ID X


From the world of Tech, why is this a rather special landmark ?

Yosemite National Park and

the El Capitan (OS X)

Sometimes also called inner salts, X simultaneously has both

ionic states in the same molecule, unlike simple

amphoteric compounds that might only form either a cationic or anionic species depending on external conditions. Amino Acids are the best-known examples of




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