connect communicate collaborate campus best practice vidar faltinsen, uninett nordunet 2009...

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Campus Best Practice

Vidar Faltinsen, UNINETT

Nordunet 2009

Copenhagen, 17 September 2009

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1. Campus Best Practice is also called GN3/NA3/T4

2. EARNEST report on campus issues

3. The Norwegian GigaCampus experience

4. Campus Best Practice Work Plan

5. Future Campus Focus Areas in Norway

6. Campus Best Practice Challenges / Ambitions

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GEANT3: 2009-2013

Joint Research Activities:JRA1: Future NetworkJRA2: Multi-domain Resources and ServicesJRA3: Enabling Communities

Service Activities:SA1: GÉANT Network Architecture Design and Planning, Procuring, Building and OperatingSA2: Multi-Domain Service OperationSA3: End-User Services in a Federated EnvironmentSA4: Software Governance

Networking Activities:NA1: ManagementNA2: Joint Dissemination and Outreach

NA3: Status and TrendsNA4: Liaison and Support

Total four year budget: 181.4 M€


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Campus Best PracticeTask participants

Four countries participate in the work, 14 man years:

Norway / UNINETT

Finland / FUNET

The Czech republic / CESNET

Serbia / AMRES

• Vidar Faltinsen, UNINETT• Gunnar Bøe, UNINETT• Olaf Schjelderup, UNINETT• Wenche Backman, FUNET• Janne Oksanen, FUNET• Jari Miettinen, FUNET

NA3 Activity leader: Karel Vietsch, TERENANA3/T4 Task leader: Vidar Faltinsen, UNINETT

• Jiri Navratil, CESNET• Tomas Podermanski, CESNET• Vladimir Zahorik, CESNET• Mara Bukvic, AMRES• Bojan Jakovljevic, AMRES• Esad Saitovic, AMRES

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Campus Best PracticeTask Objective

Address key challenges for the European campus networksImportant areas of focus:

– Physical infrastructure– Campus network– Wireless infrastructure– Light paths on campus

Challenge NRENs to reinforce their national effortsThe NREN should be a fascilitator that stimulates collaboration between the ”campus guys” at the university level and with the NREN itselfGet working groups up and runningProvide an evolving and to-the-point set of best-practice documents for the community.

Ambitious? 34 NRENs in GEANT… 4000 campus networks… 40,000,000 users…

Network challenges on campus

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EARNEST Report on Campus Issues

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Earnest report on campus issues Published January 2008

52 recommendations regarding issues on campusVery congruent with the Campus Best Practice work plan

Recommendation #12:“Strengthen the collaboration between National Research and Education Networking organisations and institutions to improve the deployment of key services”

Better synchronization of national research networking and campus issues is essential for viable end-to-end services.

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EARNEST Report on Campus IssuesOn infrastructure and services

Set aggressive replacement policies for equipment with a maximum life expectancy of five years.

Adopt institution-wide specifications for networking infrastructure, including elements controlled by departments or faculties.

Ensure seamless end-to-end connectivity where a particular quality of service is required.

Provide support and training for performance optimisation, especially to the research community.

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EARNEST Report on Campus Issues On Security

Adopt security measures that are appropriate for the purpose and do not hinder the effective use of the network.

Establish an institution-wide security team with a high degree of independence.

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EARNEST Report on Campus Issues On Collaboration

Establish strong, formalised arrangements for collaboration with other management domains, e.g., NRENs, intermediate networks, other institutions.

Encourage network teams to share their expertise with colleagues in other management domains.

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EARNEST Report on Campus Issues On Raising awareness and training

A cultural change in networking is taking place with the emphasis moving from providing connectivity to providing network-related services. To speed up this change of focus, institutions should:

provide training courses and good-quality documentation for end-users to raise awareness of the network services available and promote their use, including videoconferencing, multicast, video broadcasting, video-on-demand, voice-over-IP telephony;

Make arrangements for network support teams to retrain in order to keep up-to-date with fast-changing technologies.

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The Norwegian GigaCampus project

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Norwegian GigaCampus

Four years of experience with GigaCampus (2006-2009)

Have working groups in 7 areas operational

Have made 20++ best practice documents (but in Norwegian…)

Have run 25 national procurement processes

Routers, switches, wireless, servers, storage, printers, A/V, telephony, ADSL, software

Have rolled out network monitoring and management solutions on over 30 campuses

UNINETT engineering

task force


best practicedocuments

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Best Practice DocumentsWill be translated to English

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Physical Infrastructure BPDs

Common requirements for:1. Cabling (fibre and twisted pair)2. Data centers and network rooms3. Power supply (incl. UPS and

generators)4. Ventilation and cooling 5. Fire detection and distinction

All major universities have participated in the workThe requirements are coordinated with building owners and will be used in future building projectsExisting campus infrastructure is inspected by GigaCampus. Reports/improvement lists with estimated costs are produced.

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GigaCampus tool boxes Managing 31 campuses

The tool boxes are servers containing a number of management tools:

NAV: Proactive network management nfsen: Netflow traffic analysis Hobbit: Service monitoring tftp server, syslog server, radius server

The tool boxes are placed on campus and used by the local IT staff.

Management, tool enhancements, software upgrades, etc, is done by UNINETT.

Free training in tool usage is given.


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Measuring beacons29 in operation

• Throughput• Packet delay and loss• Multicast connectivity• IPv6 flows• Session intensity• Available capacity• Traffic behaviour

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Back to the European scene…

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Campus Best PracticeWork plan

Translate existing GigaCampus material to English

Focus initially (first two years) on getting results within the four pilot countries (Norway, Finland, The Czech republic, Serbia)

Organize national working groups and national workshopsProduce BPDs – on the national level – in the local tongueTranslate BPDs to English when mature

As the results and recommendations (BPDs) from the countries of the pilot NRENs become available, they will be actively disseminated to the wider European NREN and campus communities.

Available on The task will provide a bulletin board for BPD contributions from other countries as well.

We are planning open campus issues workshops later in the program period.

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Campus Best Practice Subtasksi.e. Areas of Focus

We have defined 9 subtasks / areas:

1. Basic infrastructure

2. A/V

3. LAN infrastructure and IPv6

4. Light path service

5. Wireless

6. Network monitoring

7. SIP and IP telephony

8. Security

9. Procurement

Not all four pilot countries contributing to all subtasks

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Project results?

A bit early…

Each country has made a two year plan

Current focus on:

Organizing working groups

Preparing for writing best practice documents

We will have cross-country workshops

First one on network monitoring in Belgrade in October

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Norwegian campus focus ahead

Translate existing Norwegian BPDs to English, making them available to the GEANT communityContinue work on:

ProcurementsDeveloping network monitoring solutionsWorking groups producing new BPDs

Particular focus areas from 2010-2014:Security on campus.

– Security policy in place. – Security architecture implemented. – Risk and Vulnerability Assessments– Disaster Recovery Planning.

IPv6 transition on all campuses– IPv4 sold out

Rolling out a national SIP infrastructure– Migrating POTS to SIP on campus

…and: eCampus Norway with infrastructure for the lecturer




Procurements BPDs Tools

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GN3 Campus Best PracticeIn summary

Our ambitionGet national campus coordination efforts going

Initially in the participating pilot countries

Produce national BPDs

Disseminate results from the national level to the European scene

ChallengesCultural differences…

Small countries vs big countries…

Red tape / administrative overhead…

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More information / Contact

GEANT3 NA3 Task 4: Campus Best Practice (in English)

Look out for English BPDs coming along…

Bulletin board for BPD contributions from other countries

GigaCampus (mostly in Norwegian)

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