conscious living · osho these 3 days will be a full-immersion into meditation. this is an...

Post on 29-Feb-2020






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With some sincerity and perseverance in the practice of meditation, we are able to find moments of pure being, when we are silent, blissful, and not asking for anything else than the beautiful emptiness that surrounds us. However, it is much more difficult to find the same blissfulness in ordinary, daily activities, especially when we have to cooperate with other people who constantly pressure us for more efficiency and better performance.

CONSCIOUS LIVINGConscious, creative action

05/03/18 10:00from 10/03/18 16:30to


“Meditation is nothing but a way, a method, to connect you with the eternal, to take you beyond time, beyond that which is born and dies, to take you beyond all the boundaries, to take you to the inconceivable and the unk-nowable. And it is not far away; it is as close as it can be. Even to say that it is close is not right, because it is exactly your very being, it is you.” OSHO

These 3 days will be a full-immersion into meditation.This is an opportunity to experience many of

the meditation techniques that Osho has given us, to find again a space of silence within oursel-ves and discover how to bring this quality into each moment of our daily lives. A deep experience, shared with other seekers and fellow travellers.It is possible to join only for the week-end.


09/03/18 10:00from 11/03/18 16:30to


Sufi is a mystical path. Its the essence of the heart of every religious soul. It is the ancient wisdom of the heart, it is the way of love born out of this wisdom. It is to rediscover our true nature and its realization.This group is a meditative process that uses various methods such as rhythm, music, dan-ce, the voice, sound and the poetry in order to enter a state of vacuity.The “Zikhr” (the “remembering”), an essential sufi technique, bring us in contact with va-rious states of our being. The echo and the strength deepens and expands the various qualities of the human consciousness and brings into the silent lake of our being.

The Whirling represents and symbolizes the unity between man and the cosmos. Its a movement in which we dissolve ourselves into a world that cannot be understood by the mind - but heard through the heart.This meeting is a process in which we empty ourselves into ourselves in atmosphere where love flowers in meditation.Furthermore we’ll explore the beauty of the sufi music and sufi poetry.


14/03/18 10:00from 18/03/18 16:30to


*This group starts at 9.30 pmThree days completely dedicated to yourself, to reconnect and enjoy your true nature. With the help of the Koan “Who am I?” we can have the direct experience of reality and who we really are. Moving beyond what we believe we are, beyond masks and layers of personality, to reach the heart (the center) of our true self.resting in one own inner space is a relaxing and well-being experience. This retreat is an intense process and the structure helps to focus the attention inwards.The retreat is residential, in silence and in a protected space.


15/03/18 21:30from 18/03/18 16:30to


2 ° part - Spring 2016Training topics: Astral Body: personal power, its healthy emanation and possible energy distortions also according to the triangle of Kapfmann. Mental Body: air element, expansion and restriction- methods of intervention from the dual mind to pure presence. Look, feel, see with the heart. OpH distance healing method - initiation and practice. Complete session practice reading auric body and interconnection with chakras interview and reading energy with client

OpH Meditation Technique the Heart Teacher OpH Meditation Techniques Open Energy

Description of OSHO Prana Healing - OPH - Basic TrainingOpH is a technique that aims to expand the vital energy (prana) through a series of meditations, specific exercises and methods that act by activating the pranic ray, a vibrational quality that af-fects both the physical and energetic bodies.It is an intensive course that supports the process of balancing the physical, mental and emotio-nal.The OpH brings you in touch with how much vital energy you live and allows you to see and reco-gnize the loss of energy that you have in your life.With this method you have the possibility to increase the energy level instead of continuing to live in a low energy level.More energy available means on one hand the possibility of living life in health, with more joy and with more vitality, on the other hand to bring serenity and relaxation in both working and personal relationship.A path of deconditioning and a rebalancing process for getting in touch with your true self as a form of wellbeing.This technique provides a set of instruments to be able to integrate other “help techniques”for those who already had the reiki initiation, OpH becomes an expansion and a deeper under-standing of the movement of subtle energies.O.p.H. was created by rita Upadhi Maggi and Chidvilas pascariello in Osho Ashram (Spiritual Ma-ster) and has also drawn its source from the answers given by Osho to questions made by them on the movement of energies.Today it is recognized by the academy Olos, by the Academy of Light, from the school of naturopa-thy ANEA, from SICOOL association and by the Tuscany region.

O.p.H. - OSHO prANA HEALING 2Energy Harmonization Training

17/03/18 10:00from 25/03/18 16:30to


OpH has session givers and teachers all over Italy, and it is advisable to be followed by a tutor during the training.O.p.H. in its formation has 3 different Masters: Healing Shocks (for the one that has completed the Basic Training) Healing with Sounds and Colours, open to everyone after interview Memory Access, open to everyone after interview.”prana means: the fundamental unity is energy. Matter is just the surface. prana is the real thing there is....and it is not a thing, it’s more like a no-thing.... Energy is truth. you can feel it here and now, you are energy, the birds that sing on the trees are energy, the trees reaching to the sky are energy, the stars moving, the sun rising every day - everything is energy. And energy is neither good nor bad. Energy is simply neutral”OSHO


This group is for everyone who wants to live spiritually his own creative dimension in the world.probably you already have success in your life - a creative job (on paper), a well paid job, which many would want to have and think you are lucky - or you could be a person who struggles with underpaid jobs, poor working contexts, inner separation because you feel you are wasting your talents and your energy.Both the situations are routed in the effort and will never be satisfying. They are based upon ego, that isgrounded on the need for survival and belon-ging. These two needs are those of the child

who still needs his mother in order to survive and to be loved. Nevertheless, they keep on conditio-ning and distracting you from your whole and joyful creative fulfillment in this life.In one of his talks, Osho invites us to contact our “original face”, the one we had before we were born and started to be corrupted by familiar and social conditioning.This group leads you to discover many aspects of that original face, it helps you to contact your true longings, and the natural resources you have, buried under decades of practice to please the world.discovering yourself is not enough. It is necessary to express your own essence in the “market place”. retiring on the top of Himalaya is not meant for everyone.Come and discover how you can handle your life and go for the real success: the one of your Spirit!you cannot have success if you do not know who you are. you can obtain success if you give your-self the right to be happy.We will help you, gleaning from our vast expertise of methodologies (systemic constellations, creativity techniques, meditation techniques, Eriksonian Hypnosis, trauma healing, inner male and female), experienced during the years, but above all with our personal experience.We are waiting for you.

THE TAO Of THE TrUE SUCCESSA journey to discover your original face

21/03/18 10:00from 25/03/18 16:30to


This Training is for those who have completed all modules of the pulsation Training, Basic and Advanced. The program is designed both for people who want to deepen their under-standing of the work and enhance their skills, and for those who want to take another dive into the work as a self-experience. We will have something for everyone! And most of all this training will be a chance to enjoy meeting old friends again.There will be deeper teachings on subtler aspects of working with clients in pulsation, including ‘hands-on’ work and touch, verbal interventions, leading class/group structures, body types, resting in presence, feeling (sen-

sing) the other, and much, much more. Trainees will also have the chance to lead warm-up exerci-ses within the group. There will be plenty of time for questions…This group is a ‘spring cleaning’ for all of us, a chance to get on the mat and breathe through, and open up whatever feels old, dusty, and tight inside, to bring in fresh air and lightMusic, Heart dance, Singing, and Energy Celebration will help us all heal whatever needs to be hea-led, through acceptance, self-love, and gratitude.


23/03/18 10:00from 27/03/18 16:30to


OSHO pulsation is a therapeutic method of personal growth and meditation. It has its roots in the bio-energetic understanding and emotional release work of Wilhelm reich, which gained a widespread popularity through the Human potential movement in America and Europe in the 1970’s.Over the last 25 years, OSHO pulsation has grown and evolved in a context of meditation as one of the Western psychotherapies used in the OSHO Commune in pune, India.The techniques of OSHO pulsation help peo-ple to contact their repressed emotions, and to re-experience and express them. This ap-proach bypasses the mind by working directly

with the body. Neo-reichian deep breathing and direct ‘hands-on’ work with the muscular armoring, combined with expressive body movements and vocal sounds, release the tensions which hold back the flow of life energy. As these tensions let go, deeply held energies can release in waves of feelings and emotions. Often, memories of the original repressed events spontaneously re-emer-ge and become conscious again. In the aftermath of strong discharges of emotion and energy, the body becomes deeply relaxed and available to softer, expansive feelings of love, joy, trust, and laughter.


30/03/18 10:00from 01/04/18 16:30to


Osho pulsation is a method of self-explora-tion and personal growth which works throu-gh the body and the life energy system, to re-claim our natural aliveness and expressive-ness.pulsation’s body-based approach to personal growth is deeply rooted in the revolutionary work of Wilhelm reich, and is guided by some of the ‘maps’ of body energy flow which he discovered.Techniques using breathing, body movemen-ts, and expressive sounds, form a framework to explore the phenomenon of biological ten-sion and release, also his discovery, called the ‘orgasm formula’.

reich’s idea was that many psychological problems have their origins in a disturbance of this na-tural regulatory function of energetic charge and discharge which governs spontaneous emotional release as well as uninhibited sexual orgasm.Conditioning and de-ConditioningWhenever we block a sexual feeling, stuff down our rage, or swallow our tears, we activate a powerful regulatory system in the body which reich called ‘muscular armor’. The effort to control emotional expression creates a tension in the musculature which blocks the flow of feeling throu-gh the body. Through the unconscious tension of muscular armoring we become ‘cut off’ emotio-nally, fragmented psychologically, and energetically divided against ourselves.pulsation restores a sense of wholeness by reclaiming the rejected and disowned feelings which we have pushed down into the unconscious, the ‘basement’ of our being. Through deep neo-rei-chian breathing and direct ‘hands-on’ work to loosen the muscular armor, we tap into emotional, biological, and instinctual layers which connect us with the Life force itself.Once the inner pressure of unexpressed emotions is released, a profound relaxation follows, deep into the core. We are able to settle into ourselves more easily in silence and meditation.Active MeditationThe pulsation process is supported by OSHO’s Active meditations like the dynamic and Kundalini, and others of his meditations which fit so beautifully with Reich’s understanding. Osho designed his Active meditations especially for contemporary men and women, stressed out by hectic lifesty-les, to gradually move from the busy periphery to the silent core of being.Meditation can give wings to the roots we are growing into the earth through our exploration of the body and its feelings. Through pulsation we become part of the meeting of earth and sky; we learn to accept the whole rainbow of human feeling, from its animal roots in nature, through the human heart, towards the flowering of spirit.******************************************************This Basic Training in pulsation is divided into 3 sections of 7 days each.


30/03/18 10:00from 05/04/18 16:30to


part 1The first step in this training is self-experience, and in these seven days we will use breathing and movement to open the body to a more profound energy flow inside. As we enter inwards, feelings and emotions that have been repressed begin to move and express; frozenness on many levels begins to melt.In an atmosphere of love and support, we can release blocks in the body and the energy field, blocks which also prevent us from feeling positive feelings, pleasure and happiness.In pulsation we allow both outward expression and expansion with active body work, and an inner relaxation, a deep let-go in silence and meditation, where trust is felt as a welcoming in of life.part 2In this second part of the training we will present reichian Theory, combined with continued self experience and individual sessions for all participants.Topics covered will be: What is pulsation? Energy, the Life force The Breathing pulsation Energetic Charge and discharge reich’s Orgasm formula The Seven Segments of Muscular Armoringpart 3In part three we will continue our personal exploration, and will cover further points of reichian Theory. Additionally, participants will begin to exchange sessions within the group, to get a feeling for the hands-on work taught in the Advanced Training.Topics covered will be: The feeling pairs: Anger/Love, fear/Trust, pain/pleasure pulsation and Counterpulsation Understanding the de-Armoring process Sexuality, pleasure, and Intimacy with Tantric pulsation preview of Advanced Training in pulsationWho can benefit from this Training?people come to do a pulsation Training for different reasons:Some professionals will use this training as a way of furthering their understanding and skills in working ‘hands-on’ with energy and emotions.Many people use this longer experience of pulsation as a deeper self-exploration of the de-armo-ring process.Because the group meets three times in nine months, continuity, trust and intimacy are created amongst group members.Advanced pulsation Trainings:year Two, 2 x 7 daysThe focus of the teaching in the Advanced pulsation Training is learning to give Individual Ses-sions. Through trading practice sessions with others in the group, we will explore the seven seg-


ments of muscular armoring in the body, through hands-on practice using touch and verbal inter-ventions applied in giving sessions.A series of ten sessions using neo-reichian ‘de-armoring’ techniques will be taught, to provide both self-experience in the work, and practice teaching for each trainee.The pulsation de-Armoring process: A Series of Ten SessionsThis Advanced pulsation Training is divided into two 7-day sections. It is a journey through the se-ven segments of the muscular armor in the body, exploring the issues, the feelings and emotional memories located in each segment.Emotional anatomy will be taught, as well as the hands-on skills of giving pulsation sessions. Trai-nees will learn how to guide a partner through a session of breathing, expressive body movements and vocal sounds which can lead to spontaneous emotional expression.Trainees will exchange sessions with each other, and will also share feedback with partners and with the group. A personal and deep emotional learning can happen while practicing sessions together. We will explore the qualities of presence, empathy, and ‘holding the space’ for another, containment.for those participating, this Training will be a deep self-experience of the loosening of their own muscular armor, and also a hands-on experience of practicing neo-reichian techniques and lear-ning the skills of supporting a client through an emotional release.pArT 1A review of reichian Theory--pulsation, Energy and Life force, Charge and discharge, reich’s Orga-sm formula, the Segments of Muscular Armor, the feeling pairs, and pulsation/Counterpulsation. Grounding-contact with legs, feet, the roots, and also the eyes A session for the Breathing pulsation A session for preparing the body for de-armoring A session for the Eye Segment A session for the Mouth and Throat Segments A session for the Chest, Arms, and HandspArT 2 A session for the diaphragm and Throat Working with words A session for the Belly Segment A session for the pelvic Segment Sensuality, Sexuality, and pleasure Soft pulsation breathing - a session for IntegrationThe pulsation Basic Training is a pre-requisite to the Advanced pulsation Training.


do you ever feel that something is missing in your life, but you cannot pin-point what it is? In a loving and relaxed way meditation helps you uncover some destiny you have to fulfill. passion is creative, it creates energy. It is fire. Passion is life...and it is the only way for meditation to exist.during these days we will use techniques from an ancient tantric text and Osho’s revo-lutionary methods to light that fire of passion and learn ways of integrating it into our daily lives.Meditation is as natural an urge as sex, and like sex, it has its own if it is time for you. Time to move

passionately and intensely in love with life through meditation.


31/03/18 10:00from 02/04/18 16:30to


The voice is a powerful tool, it is the channel and a vehicle that makes our thoughts and moods audible and brings us in touch with ourselves and with others. Bringing attention and listening to the voice as a sound allows us to become more aware of our experiences and the ability to express them in authentic and effective way, avoiding the creation of blocks and distortions.In these days will be created a space where you can unleash and follow your own voice with totality and trust, opening more and more the way for the expansion and implementa-tion of your own being.With passion and courage we will go beyond

the conditionings and the judgments, you will recognize the “not your voices” that limit you and smother you, singing your thirst for freedom and enjoying the power of your being with vitality and intensity.When you merge with your singing, with grace and ease the mind gives way to the fragrance of the heart and the divine makes your voice heard.The energy can return at the service of the Essence. Singing has nothing to do with logic, when you sing the mind is quieted, beliefs begin to falter, because the mind does not know the language of singing (the mind speaks does not sing!). Singing has its roots in the heart, emerges from the sour-ce of love, is a leap into the unknown, you do not know where you’re going, it’s the voice that brings you and the voice knows where to go. Even when the voice breaks, it breaks, it becomes hoarse, trust! It is there that singing can open up new understandings and visions. The singing voice is a powerful expression vehicle, but it is also a channel that brings you to feel deeply what you are; while you sing the voice vibrates the physical body, the emotional body, the center of power and as a blossoming flower spreads its fragrance all around. And the more you let yourself go in the song as this fragrance will embrace you, and you will raise to a feeling thinner and sacred, in union with the whole. The level of creativity will become unpredictable and inexhaustible. And a precious silence will be established in your center.It is a receptive silence, available, able to get sounds in and out without interfering, and you beco-me more and more a channel in which the voice flows leaving a sense of well-being, joy and peace.Some topics of this weekend:- Breathing and vibrating in the sound- Jibberish and open singing- flowing and melting into the singing- darkness Meditation and singing in darkness- In the center of the soundThe weekend is open to anyone who wants to experience the power of their own voice, listen to


31/03/18 10:00from 02/04/18 16:30to


themself, and to have an introduction to Voicing©.


Many people realize when they are dying that they have not really lived. So many things they really wanted to do were postponed or denied and much of their life was spent living for others.In these three days we will explore what death has to teach us about life, working towards demystifying the experience enough so we can allow ourselves to live life to its fullest potential.”Just the very idea – as if it is the last mo-ment – will transform you. Then there is no need to be jealous, no need to be angry. In the last moment of life, who wants to be angry and jealous, sad and miserable? In the last

moment of life, naturally all grudges and all complaints of life disappear. If each moment is taken as the last – as it should be taken because the next is uncertain – you are changing yourself, and your change is going to be infectious. It may change the whole world, but you had never intended it to. That is my way of changing the world without being aggressive.” OSHO

dyING TO LIVELearning to Get the Most Out of Life

04/04/18 10:00from 08/04/18 16:30to


In Osho’s Book of Secrets he describes cer-tain techniques of meditation—often active meditations, which use the body and the sen-ses as ‘doorways’ to meditation. I call them “energy meditations” because they literally ‘move energy’ through the body. Many of the-se methods use breathing, body movements, sound, inner sensing, visualization and body awareness, to help us connect with, and cir-culate, the naturally healing flow of life energy through the body.

dIVING dEEpEr, fLyING HIGHThe Body as a doorway to Meditation

06/04/18 10:00from 08/04/18 16:30to


feeling the Child• soft bodywork to access the child in us• learning to heal through bodywork• exploring boundary issues and relationship issues• encounter skills• teaching about body typespresentation of the Training: prIMAL TrAINING (in 6 parts)In this training, we want to share our under-standing and our experience of 30 years of work on primal issues around the field of meditation.

Our understanding is that releasing consciously whatever emotion (positive or negative) has remained locked or kept in our past, will give us a chance to be more available to the present, and make space, inside and around us, for emptiness and relaxation.Our experience is that this journey is as much a liberation of true childhood as an initiation into real adulthood.Through the different stages of this teaching, the adult in you will be invited to develop his or her skill as a scientist of the inner world, and challenged to become a warrior for the child. We will sup-port you to trust your healing capacity, and inspire you to rest inside as a meditator. feeling seen and embraced.The child inside you, and in the people that you will work with later, will go through an incredible expansion. This will give you access to energy and natural qualities that had been locked inside the child, repressed and forgotten.When the split between our adult part and our child inside starts healing, we can make peace with ourselves, and share this experience with others. At the core of our exploration, we will find our being, present at the moment of conception, uncontaminated and rich with potential.


11/04/18 10:00from 17/04/18 16:30to


This process is created for people with a deep longing for love in their lives. It will guide you through the labryinth of conditioning about loving yourself, the objections, the fears and the beliefs. With a clear understanding of the-se inner mechanisms, the old habits of self-rejection and doubt begin to fade away, and you can open to your own intrinsic beauty.This is a major step in the rediscovery of your essential value and prepares the way for posi-tive and loving relationships. ”Love yourself. This can become the foun-dation of a radical transformation. don’t be afraid of loving yourself. Love totally, and you

will be surprised: the day you can get rid of all self-condemnation, self-disrespect, the day you can get rid of the idea of original sin, the day you can think of yourself as worthy and loved by God, will be a day of great blessing. from that day onwards you will start seeing people in their true light, and you will have compassion. And it will not be a cultivated compassion; it will be a natural, spon-taneous flow. And a person who loves himself can easily become meditative, because meditation means being with yourself. If you hate yourself -- as you do, as you have been told to do, and you have been following it religiously -- if you hate yourself, how can you be with yourself? And medita-tion is nothing but enjoying your beautiful aloneness, celebrating yourself; that’s what meditation is all about.” OSHO


12/04/18 10:00from 15/04/18 16:30to


A journey into relaxation and into our uncon-scious mind, in a loving and protected en-vironment. for those who want to feel so-mething they have never allowed themselves to feel and embrace the other as if they were themselves.The aquatic element gives us the opportunity to amplify our feelings with a sense of confi-dence and let go, while deepening our aware-ness.In a group and couple context, we will share some floating and diving techniques using techniques from Aqua floating, movements from martial arts and meditations in tune with Osho’s work that will bring us back to the

softness of the womb.The primary work is “being present” without interfering, accompanying our partner in his/her pro-cess, being centered and soft, using our own energy rather than muscular movements.By feeling weightless, the body can expand and relaxation can extend to an almost uterine state, offering us the possibility of letting go of what is no more needed while giving energy to what must be seen and embraced.This group is recommended for those who love silence and inner depth, for those who want to start a new professional activity, but also for those who have motor or joint problems or water trau-ma.

AqUALAB – THE ABC Of CUddLING4 days in the silent embrace of water

12/04/18 10:00from 15/04/18 16:30to


The group starts at 2.30 pmThis workshop invites us to return to childho-od and uncover the pain that was experienced at that time, as well as exposing illusions about family life that we accepted unquestio-ningly from our parents. Because the truth of what we felt as a child was denied and condemned, our natural emo-tions were not allowed expression and were buried in the unconscious part of our minds, where they continue to influence us. In this way, the denied child lives on, limiting our ability to respond authentically and inhibi-ting our relationships with others. Using techniques such as regression, gestalt

therapy, painting therapy, bio-energetics and bodywork, this group allows us to build a bridge back to our childhood. In this way, old, locked up emotions are transformed and create space for love, spontaneity, authenticity and greater maturity. part I (6 days) is about breaking illusion, facing uncomfortable and painful feelings, it is about owning the anger we have and allowing the transformation of it into power and strength, it is about separating and becoming individual. The camel becomes the lion. It is highly structured and hap-pens in isolation.Part II (3 days) is about finding the space of acceptance of the past so that it can loose the grip it has on us. We become aware and take responsibility for the pain we have caused to others, and we learn to dis-identify with the parental Voice. Only when we connect with our heart we can really let go of the past and live joyfully and lovingly in the NOW. The lion becomes the innocent child. Even though it is divided in two parts, this is one workshop and people need to participate to the whole process.Suitable for people with some previous group experience and who are ready to go deeper. Inter-view required ”If there is something, some trouble, some problem, then you go back to the original source from where it started. Because you can go on trying to solve the problem, but unless you go to the roots, it cannot be solved. Effects cannot be solved, they have to be forced back to the cause. It is just as if a tree is there and you don’t want the tree, but you go on cutting the brunches, the leaves, and again more branches sprout. you cut one leaf, three leaves come. you have to go to the roots”. OSHO


20/04/18 14:30from 29/04/18 16:30to


The Meditation Camp starts at 9.30 pmA full-immersion into meditation.This is an opportunity to experience many of the meditation techniques that Osho has given us, to find again a space of silence wi-thin ourselves and discover how to bring this quality into each moment of our daily lives. A deep experience, shared with other seekers and fellow travellers.


20/04/18 21:30from 22/04/18 16:30to


Towards self-awareness in daily lifeGurdjieff was a deeply compassionate ma-ster with a vast knowledge of the condition of the human being. The practical approach he had for working on oneself used both the traditional dances of various esoteric scho-ols and “the spiritual movements” of his own creation.“Their purpose is to awaken a subtler intelli-gence, a clearer thought and to reach a more balanced state in which body, emotions and mind are linked together by presence”.The composer and his disciple Thomas de Hartmann collaborated with Gurdjieff contri-buting greatly with his music, which plays an

important role in the learning process and in the creation of one body of work known as “Gurdjieff Movements”.Each movement gets us in touch with qualities such as silence, beauty, will, connecting with the sacred.In this group we will be experiencing the meeting between Gurdjieff Sacred dances and Osho’s love, in which centering exercises, relaxation and meditation will be used. It is open to everyone and it allows us to experience a space beyond our mechanicalness, meanwhile revealing the “es-sential” aspect of our nature.Video with Gurdjieff Sacred dances


21/04/18 10:00from 25/04/18 16:30to


The core of supports – relationships betwe-en midline and the whole The main subject of Seminar 3 is the explora-tion of the different midlines and their rele-vance in organizing and maintaining unity and wholeness.Embryology is presented as a significant fac-tor to understand the biodynamic approach.The embryonal model is at the basis of the understanding of the forces that underlay the expressions of life in structure and function.The teaching program will follow the structure from the core to the periphery.In the practice sessions we develop skills and

tools to support resolution of patterns and strains of the spine and the fascia system.Special attention will be given to cervical issues in relationship to birth.Additional tools for the resolution of trauma will be presented and practiced.The biodynamic view, which treats the individual and not the symptom, allows the organism to resolve its issues in a holistic way.ContentMorphological and phenomenological embryologyThe formation of the midline and embryological developmentThe different midlines: quantum midline, primary midline, fluid midline, structural midlineThe duraltubeThe spine and vertebraeVertebrae dynamicsClinical skills with fluids and potencyThe horizontal fascia layers: the diaphragmsBirth dynamics and intraosseous tensionsThe occipital triad: occiput, atlas, axisThe function of the autonomic nervous system in self-regulation and stressdynamic stillness and EV4The inherent treatment plan, part 2: Orientation to inhalation and the intelligenceof the Breath of Life.Educational objectivesAfter seminar 3 the student will be able to:perceive and work with different midline dynamicsWork with the state of balance with articular structures and fasciaSupport the normalization of vertebrae dynamicsCooperate with the inherent forces of health and support their expression

CrANIOSACrAL 3Il nucleo portante

23/04/18 10:00from 29/04/18 16:30to


Apply skills for resolving traumatic stressdifferenciate between stillness processesHave a deeper understanding of the concept of the inherent treatment planpart 4: 22 - 28 september 2014 


Deep breathing awakens the fire of your ener-gy. Let it melt your tensions, defences and contractions to unlock your forgotten powers.painful power games keep you trapped and a victim of life. Liberate yourself from all condi-tioning that makes you feeling inferior, unwor-thy or jealous. Heal the pain of rejection and let power bring out the best in you.Take a deep breath and learn to own your power. Understand the dynamics of power in your personal and professional life. refresh your spirits and open your heart for the flight into the mystery of life.”Use power to bring the best out of man.” OSHO

THE BrEATH Of THE drAGONWaking up your power

29/04/18 10:00from 01/05/18 16:30to


Introduction to Healing dance® is a 16 hour weekend course designed for entry level students of aquatic bodywork. The history, principles and applications of Healing dance are covered on land, as well as terminology, communication, and the anatomy related to support of the head and pelvis.In the water, you will be given a direct expe-rience of Healing dance through receiving a mini-session. There the fundamentals of aquatic technique are taught, including how to sense the weight and breath of the receiver, knowing where to support, how to traction, how to be grounded in the stances that we stand in and how to bring our partner into

flow with weight shifts and traveling steps.A simple practice sequence is learned with a clear beginning and finish that is the perfect prepara-tion for taking Healing dance I. you will discover how natural it is to share aquatic bodywork and how it can open a new dimension in relating.A written and photo manual are provided and an Mp4 of the sequence is made available.


29/04/18 10:00from 01/05/18 16:30to


Osho created this group in which he gives wo-men the possibility to live their strength and power without giving up the beauty, ability to love and the grace of being a woman. In the past the woman’s strength and power used to be tied to a man: her father, husband or son. Becoming free of this old domination doesn’t happen by becoming like men, it happens by finding the hidden male energy inside and bringing it together with the female qualities.


04/05/18 10:00from 11/05/18 16:30to


Osho created this group in which he gives men the possibility to discover their true na-ture and to live in freedom. It is for men who want to find out for themselves what it is to be a man. It is for men who want to be in their power, fully engaged in life and enjoy all that life has to offer. It is for men who value having meaningful relationships that nurture and support you.


04/05/18 10:00from 11/05/18 16:30to


part 3: Metaphysical Energy Workyou will connect to the healing power of the heart and bring this power directly to yourself and others. This gives you and your work a magic that is effective and of great benefit to whomever you share it with. you will learn many specific techniques to release, open and heal energy, bringing it back into a natural flow and balance. You will see the rewards and watch in wonder, as your life and the life of people that you touch is transformed.SUBTLE BOdy HEALING TrAININGA unique, in-depth training in energy transfor-mation and intuitive reading and how to be in the healing power of the heart.

Alvina and Prasad  have an intuitive gift with energy. They have developed a distinctive approach to the chakra energy system and a comprehensive map of the subtle bodies, which are the energy layers of the aura. from their vast experience they have distilled the essential elements of energy work and healing that they teach in this training.This training is for anyone who wants to personally enrich their lives by having a deep understan-ding of their energy and how to transform it. you will learn to connect with your natural intuition and healing ability within your heart and to bring this energy into the different areas of your life.Benefits of Subtle Body Healing:Happens in the atmosphere of the heart, through a deep acceptance and non-judgment.Awakens your creative and intuitive intelligence.Connects with your essential nature, and your inner sources of energy which helps you to live and express who you really are.Connects with the universal healing power within you;releases karma and disturbed energy from the past.Restores the natural flow and balance of your energy system.Brings energy, vitality, balance, harmony and clarity into every aspect of your life, for example your relating, your work, your family, a decision you have to take, your home.The technique of Subtle Body Healing can be used for healing yourself and strengthening your per-sonal growth and meditation. Subtle Body Healing can also be used to heal and balance the ener-gy of others. This training qualifies you to give Subtle Body Healing Sessions. It is also beneficial for people who already work with people. It enhances your other healing or therapeutic work, body work, counseling or coaching and adds great value to them.This training is given in clear steps. It happens in a loving, nurturing atmosphere and contains me-ditation techniques, teaching and practical exercises that are clearly explained. The certification program in Subtle Body Healing has 2 levels.Level 1

SUBTLE BOdy HEALING TrAININGprimo livello: riprenditi il tuo destino - Terza parte: La Legge della Sincronicità

14/05/18 10:00from 20/05/18 16:30to


Level 1 is given in three parts and upon completion of these three parts you are certified to give Chakra Energy Balancing sessions. In these sessions you are practicing the basic skills that you learned in Level 1. Chakra Energy Balancing is a simple yet effective session that is very relaxing, rejuvenating and harmonizes your energy as well as the energy of someone you give the session to.part 1: Exploring Aura and Chakras with Leela, prasad, Alvinayou get a clear experience of what the aura is, how the chakras function and how energy moves and flows. You receive a basic understanding of how the energy in the chakras and aura affect work, relationships and wellbeing. This is the base that prepares you to learn how to read and work with energy.part 2: Energy reading TrainingIn this segment you develop your ability to perceive and to read the energy of the chakras, subtle bodies and aura, through opening your intuitive sense. you learn to read your own energy and how to give an energy reading to another person, to make visible the invisible, and to see the deeper connections between how energy flows and the different aspects of life.part 3: Metaphysical Energy Workyou will connect to the healing power of the heart and bring this power directly to yourself and others. This gives you and your work a magic that is effective and of great benefit to whomever you share it with. You will learn many specific techniques to release, open and heal energy, brin-ging it back into a natural flow and balance. You will see the rewards and watch in wonder, as your life and the life of people that you touch is transformed.Level 2Level 2 contains two groups. For certification, you are required to do both groups. Upon com-pleting level 2, you will be certified to give Subtle Body Healing sessions. In Subtle Body Healing sessions you are using the full spectrum of your skills that you have learned and practiced in the training.part 1: releasing Karmayou learn to recognize and release karmic patterns and traumatic experiences from the past in yourself and other people. You understand how past lives influence how we feel and behave in this life. This greatly frees your energy and the energy of people you work with and expands awareness of the here – now. you discover how to truly be in the moment during your sessions and to bring this power of being present here - now into your work with people and all aspects of your life. you also continue to increase your sensitivity and ability to recognize the differences in the vibrations of each of the subtle bodies and chakras.part 2: The fifth ChakraIn level one we mainly work with transforming the lower chakras from the heart. Here you learn to work with the more refined energies of the fifth chakra. You learn to identify and clear mental programs that keep limiting energy patterns, emotions and behavior in place. you connect with the creative power of the fifth chakra giving you and people you work with new choices and creative expression in life. In part 2 you practice integrating all the different elements of Subtle Body Hea-ling to utilize for yourself and to structure a session according to the needs of a client.


The bigger and deeper the roots, the taller and stronger the tree.This is valid also for us but unfortunately we have disconnected from and we hardly know any more our roots. On the other hand we are starting to perceive the need of the recon-nection with the energy of the earth, with our true matrix.The salvation of our planet, in the way we know it, starts with this reconnection, starts with having an ecological attitude toward ourselves.Most of our insecurities in fact derive from a lack of contact with our body, the ground un-der our feet and with all what this represents

on other levels.Bringing back our attention to our body, towards the earth, and reactivating this contact, allows to reconnect our energy to its source; a source that nobody can take away from us.During these 4 days we will put our attention first to our body, the body posture the breathing pat-terns and find out in which way we are affected by the conditioning that the body is against spiri-tual achievement.from the acknowledgment of this misunderstanding we will rediscover the dimension of sacre-dness of our body - our temple - and of matter; the substance that has enabled us to be here as human beings.We will find ways to reorganize our energetic flow through various grounding exercises. In this way we will reach the trust in the earth, cruising through the fear of falling and of not being able to make it in life and start tasting the real nourishment of our roots and the strength of this support in all aspects of our lives.It’s a contact that reactivates the essential qualities of rooted-ness, solidity, consistency and cou-rage.These qualities make us absorb the fear of receiving or expressing violence and give us apprecia-tion for our physical strength.This strength creates the necessary support to be able to open up to our feelings without being overwhelmed by them.It enables us to act in the world maintaining our integrity and dignity and also gives the valid sup-port to enter into deep meditation.Another theme we will confront is the need of identification with a group (ethnic, geographic, cultural, religious, national group, etc.) which nowadays is very much under pressure and presents contradictory realities, creating lot of violent reactions, sense of lost-ness and insecurity.We will work through issues related to our origins, our survival instinct, fear of being stupid or gross, not smart enough, not adequate etc.

THE SOUrCE Of yOUr TrUE STrENGTHAn exploration of the first Chakra

17/05/18 10:00from 20/05/18 16:30to


The outcome is a great sense of fulfillment, strength peace and silence, rich of ancient shamanic wisdom.


during the primary experiences of our life, we __have experienced a sort of dreamlike state, a state of openness and relaxation towards life. The first bodily sensations we felt in our life are linked to fluctuation, to floating and living in suspension in an environment where every need of ours is fulfilled in real time.Once we leave the womb, all the basic needs begin to undergo a series of priorities dicta-ted by the surrounding environment and the family of origin. Our original matrix of trust meets the imprinting imposed by society and family.This is how it happens that we begin to deny, control and judge our own needs. discon-

necting from our feelings, we learn and adopt strategies that distance us from our true essence and do not allow us to be who we really are.By becoming aware of the strategies we apply around our needs, we can reconnect with ourselves and our true feelings, regardless of the world that surrounds us.Water, with its unconditional support, becomes a welcoming and caring container, where it is pos-sible to experience again the original trust, allowing it to surface again. This is the secret of reco-gnizing our true value and living in full satisfaction who we really are, feeling worth to receive love.

ACqUAMATrIX - WEEKENdfree the original matrix

18/05/18 10:00from 20/05/18 16:30to


Essential Life ConsultingLevel 3: Taking responsibility for your LifeUsually, responsibility is considered to be a duty to others or an obligation to fulfill. It is often associated with something emotionally heavy that we carry on our shoulders. The meaning of taking responsibility for your life is not a duty; it is the capacity to respond to the many situations and challenges that life presents to each of us.What does Taking responsibility Mean?Seeing that everything that is happening around you is a reflection of the circle of life you are connected to each moment.Welcoming what is happening in your life

as an opportunity to learn or heal something, or to bring awareness to something that is ready to open and grow in you.responding creatively to the many situations and challenges that life presents from your essential qualities and strengths rather than reacting from old habits, mindsets or emotions.recognizing that the source of your beautiful experiences like love, joy, and happiness is in you, and not caused by another person or event. Someone or something around you can trigger and help expand the beautiful qualities that are already in you.Valuing what you give and what you have in life. This increases your ability to take responsibility and makes you receptive to the many opportunities life is giving you. As you receive, gratefulness naturally happens.Taking responsibility Happens When you Are CenteredThe more you connect with your inner circles, the more taking responsibility naturally happens. The center is the source of your creative expression and response in life, rather than the events, situa-tions and people around you. After receiving the sessions of ELC Level 1 and Level 2, you are now ready in Level 3 to connect even more deeply to your center. This is where the magic really is.Taking responsibility from your center makes a dramatic difference in your life. you start living in the moment rather than through the mindsets of the past. rather than reacting to others and situations around you, you respond with love, understanding and clarity. Being connected to your inner source you have more energy, creativity, and trust and your life becomes an expression of the essential qualities that are part of you. you value what life is giving you, the beautiful moments as well as the challenges, and value yourself as the beautiful expression of life that you are.five Sessions of Level 3In level three, there are five sessions that are designed to give you a direct experience of taking responsibility for your life.Session 11: Inner Law of AttractionIn this session you become aware of how your thoughts, beliefs, expectations, mindsets, desires,


23/05/18 10:00from 27/05/18 16:30to


and fears affect what you attract and have in your life.Session 12: Transforming reactionsIn this session you learn to take responsibility in a reaction by opening your heart to the reaction rather than rejecting it. This means to feel and allow emotions that may be there, from the heart. This makes it possible to bring awareness and healing to accumulated pain and release wounds from the past.Session 13: responding CreativelyIn this session you go one step further in transforming unconscious reactions and learn to respond creatively by shifting how you view the situation, in which you have an emotional reaction. rather than looking from the emotions and mindsets of the reaction, you learn to see the situation from your heart, your essential qualities and center. you recognize opportunities and have the energy to respond in a way that is creative and opens new possibilities for you and others.Session 14: finding the real SourceIn this session you are introduced to an important principle in taking responsibility for your life. You learn that the real source of beautiful and fulfilling feelings is inside, rather than being caused by other people, circumstances or situations outside.Session 15: Valuing yourselfIn this session you learn to value what you do, give and contribute in the different areas in your life. you learn to value yourself, your experiences in life, your strengths and essential qualities, which increases your ability to express your strengths and essential qualities.


Opening to Something BiggerSynchronicity is a natural part of everyone’s life and happens when you are connected to your heart center. When you live in synchro-nicity, your life flows according to what is right and natural for you, and not according to society’s or anyone else’s ideas about who you should be or how you should live your life. When you are in this flow, life feels effortless and gives you what you need to live your true potential.When you experience the magic of synchroni-city… you feel lighter

you have more energy you have the clarity to recognize the many opportunities you have you feel in harmony with yourself, with others and with all of life you recognize the beauty that you have inside and the beauty in others you discover how to live your life in a synchronistic flow within yourself, with others, with nature, and with something greater in life. you become receptive to everything life has to give youBeing in synchronicity is simple. In our group you learn how to connect to synchronicity in your he-art, and how it changes your life in a profound way. you learn easy and effective meditation techni-ques that enable you to be in synchronicity in any situation and receive its many discover simple ways to become more decisive, trusting in your choices and taking the right actions. You find the precious balance between opposite sides of life and see that dualities are in fact complementary. you function as a whole person and do not exhaust yourself with inner or outer conflicts. When you are centered, you are living in the Law of Synchronicity.Synchronicity happens more often than you may realize. When you are in synchronicity, being at the right time at the right place, meeting people who help you, having a good idea intuitively out of the blue, happens naturally. In synchronicity qualities like relaxation, trust, peace, or gratitude, open as a flower opens its petals and releases its fragrance.

LAW Of SyNCHrONICITyLiving your destiny - 3

23/05/18 10:00from 27/05/18 16:30to


* this group starts at 9.30 pmSelf-Healing is an easy, pleasant and efficient method to break free from conditionings and unconscious patterns, that create much discomfort in our lives.Self-Healing is based on four pillars :

- working with the breath- modern body techniques- chigong TaoBuddhist- the Buddhist Sutras of AwarenessThe breath is a natural bridge between body, mind and spirit. When used “rightly” it can give access to these. In fact breath is the only tool that can operate on all levels and prepare

us, through thousands of healings, to a deeper meditation and to numerous small understandings towards a higher consciousness.The work in water enhances and accelerates the activations, generated from the circular breathing, and it contributes to a quick result.Become more responsible of your breath and you will be more responsible of your life.

SELf HEALING - WOrK IN WATErbreathe together in the ancient way of the breath

25/05/18 21:30from 27/05/18 16:30to


The 7th Chakra really is a mystery. It opens the door to something bigger, beyond ego – beyond the limitations of mind. Osho and other enlightened masters throughout the ages have pointed towards this dimension in which we are not just a separate self but part of something vast, in oneness with all of existence.Becoming aware of the 7th chakra has a dra-matic effect in your life. In this dimension the energies of all your chakras work together in oneness and balance. rather than feeling di-vided and in conflict within yourself, you move in life in an inner harmony and peace. rather than perceiving life as something separate,

you trust life, you feel supported and receive whatever life gives you as an opportunity to expand, to grow in meditation and to live a rich and creative life.In this meditation group you deepen your understanding of how meditation transforms your life and how we rise in consciousness. you become aware of the huge potential hidden deep inside each of your chakras and what is at the center of all of life. At the center, all the chakras start fun-ctioning together in oneness, their energies are transformed and the 7th chakra opens. We grow in consciousness and live in all dimensions of life simultaneously.In our 5 days together we explore stumbling blocks that get in the way of growing in consciou-sness and how karma and misunderstandings from the past can limit the deepening of our medi-tation as well as choices we make in life. One of the most painful and crippling misunderstandings is the belief that we have to sacrifice the joy and passion of life in order to rise in consciousness. releasing karma is simple once you understand how this happens.To help you experience the mystery of the 7th chakra, we use a map of the chakras, which includes the essential function of each chakra in our life and how the energy flows between the chakras. We use different meditation techniques that give each participant the opportunity to experience all the 7 chakras in their own way and timing. Each chakra is a doorway into one of the 7 levels of consciousness. you receive an experience of each of the 7 levels of consciousness in the group. The highlight of this group is meditating together in synchronicity and receiving transmissions of the 7th chakra from Osho.We welcome old friends, experienced meditators as well as people wanting to start in the amazing journey of discovering who you really are through meditation.

7TH CHAKrABeyond the Mind

30/05/18 10:00from 03/06/18 16:30to


The group starts at 21.30Watsu® or Water Shiatsu, is the most innova-tive aquatic practice created over the last 30 years; born in California by Harold dull inspira-tion, it is practiced in water at 35 ° C. It combi-nes the principles of an ancient art of massa-ge with the effects of hydrotherapy. pressure and stretching alternate with body movemen-ts’ explorations; the body, gently supported, can allow deep relaxation to happen.Watsu® , combined with water support and caress , evokes feelings of extreme freedom, trust and love, creating a harmonious con-nection between body, emotions, mind and spirit.

The program of these days includes learning the basic sequence, meditations and experiences that, practiced in hot water, amplifies the experience of fluidity and trusting.Watsu® Basic is part of the training Watsu® 1 


01/06/18 21:30from 03/06/18 16:30to


The Meditation Camp starts friday Evening at 21.30These 3 days will be a full-immersion into meditation.This is an opportunity to experience many of the meditation techniques that Osho has given us, to find again a space of silence wi-thin ourselves and discover how to bring this quality into each moment of our daily lives.A deep experience, shared with other seekers and fellow travellers.


01/06/18 21:30from 03/06/18 16:30to


Hara Awareness® Massage - Basic TrainingWe need a good functioning belly feeling (gut feeling): To know who we are in our center helps us in life to stand on our own feet and to meet life with openess and a good feeling selfworth. Also the best decisions we make are based on our gut feeling, our sense in the belly. Our belly feeling gives us clear messa-ges about what we need, what is right for us and what we want to do. If we have learned earlier in life that we need to adjust to the outside completely in order to get loved, we lose the connection to our inner voice from the belly. In order to deny the messages from our belly we built up physical blockages and

tensions in the belly, lower back, spine and pelvis. Then it is difficlut to find a full belly breathing, which is the base for deep relaxation. The blockages disconnect us from the hara, the „source of life“ in the belly.If we are centered we can love and meet the other without getting lost and disorientated. We can stay in our own truth without denying ourselves or getting lost in overdone „helping“.The name Hara Awareness® Massage and some instructions for the direction of the work have been given by Osho: Hara is „the center of being“ and „awareness“ means watchfullness as a tran-sformative power.This training is for everybody interested in strengthening their their center, wanting to be more themselves and learning how to regulate stress and emotions.professionals can learn ways to work on their clients through working on their hara centering.  part 1 : Hara - the silent Strength from your CenterWe connect to the hara center in the belly, the place of being. Here we can find the source of the universal life force. Here body, mind and spirit can become aligned and recharged with cosmic energy.We learn to reconnect with a healthy energy flow in the belly and support it in its ability to regulate stress.Topics:+ Working with the balance of the three levels of the human being: thinking, feeling and being, that are represented in the belly+ conscious touch and sensing the movement of ki – life energy+ learning how to balance energetic fullness and emptiness in the belly+ the imbalance of energy in the belly related to stress and activation of the nervous system+ opening the natural belly breathing in a deep state of relaxation


07/06/18 10:00from 10/06/18 16:30to


+ connecting to the center+ Hara Awareness® Massage on belly, spine and pelvis and legs for grounding+ Katsugen Undo: using the regenerative spontaneous movements of the body to bring balance and integrationEach part it’s complete in itself, you can book the parts separately.  Part 2 : Resolving Energetic Blockages in the BellyJune 7-10, 2018Energetic blockages from past emotional events hinder the free flow of „Ki“ (Japanese for life energy) in the belly and pelvis. They disconnect us from our strenght and our full energetic poten-tial. If we gently dissolve these blockages we can let go of seperation and dissociation.Topics:+ resolving past traumatic events that created energetic blockages in the belly and patterns of thinking in the mind+ reconnecting to our full presence of being+ being one and moving from the center+ qi Gong and working with the spontaneous movement oft he body+ understanding the concept of “kyo” and “jitsu” in relation to the five elements+ working with relaxing the fasciae in the belly+ communication as means of directing “ki” life energy flowEach part it’s complete in itself, you can book the parts separately.  Part 3 : Hara-the Seat of WillNovember 15-18, 2018An old wisdom of Kung-fu martial arts says: „soft overpowers hard, weak overpowers strong“. In this part of the training we explore what seems to be a contradiction: finding our own will and letting go; or finding the unison of strength and vulnerability in the hara. If we let go of efforting we discover the new strength of residing in our center.Topics:+ the psoas muscle in the belly- “the muscle of the soul”+ releasing tension held in the psoas muscle+ understanding how the nervous system activates the fight/flight response and how it can be released+ activating the hara as the “seat of will” - knowing what you want and getting a sense of direction in your life+ sensing and setting your boundaries+ ego and non-ego: understanding “personal will” and “the higher will” of existence+ Katsugen Undo - spontaneous movements from the hara for the integration of willpower+ discover the power of Kiai: sound from the hara+ exercises from Asian Martial ArtsEach part it’s complete in itself, you can book the parts separately.


The advanced training is a step further in exploring the art, science and mystery of mul-tidimensional breath work. More self-expe-rience, advanced teachings in body-psycho therapy and energy work, assisting in sharing groups and supervision by the training lea-ders enable you now to give a series of breath sessions

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING IN-TErNSHIp 1Advanced training Module 1

07/06/18 10:00from 15/06/18 16:30to


The Assistant Training is for those who want to learn about facilitating breath therapy groups and like experiencing the training from a group leaders perspective. you learn in special teachings about group dynamics and how to support the individual and collective training process by leading sharing groups.

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING ASSI-STANTSHIp 1Assistant training Module 1

07/06/18 10:00from 15/06/18 16:30to



OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING BASE 1Basic training Module 1

08/06/18 10:00from 15/06/18 16:30to


The group starts at 21.30Meditation is a confrontation with our self, an individual exploration and journey into the depths of our heart and mind, into what and who we are. It is a process of going deeper and deeper into this reality, dropping condi-tionings, fears, illusions, ideas, dreams, layers after layers...This camp, a deep immersion into Osho’s revolutionary and innovative meditations, is based on Osho’s commentary and explana-tion on the 11th century Tibetan text of Atisha “Seven points of Mind Training (Lo Jong)” (pha-chos Bu-chos). An invaluable guide, and a light for all inner paths, for every meditator,

which can completely transform the mind and heart. An opening to the limitless space of our inner being. SOME Of THE MAIN ISSUES IN THIS rETrEAT The preliminaries. Atisha Meditation, “Tong-Len” (“Giving and Taking” in Tibetan), also known as “Heart Medita-tion”. The arising of Bodhicitta. The base of mind functioning and the illusion of the ego. The four bodies (kaya). The essential meaning of witnessing. The difficulties and fundamental points of the awareness process. The meaning of “Compassion”. The meaning of “Wisdom”. The transcendental function of the five senses. The “Three principal causes” and “The three treasures”. The authentic and true meaning of “freedom”.”These “Seven points of Mind Training” are the fundamental teaching that Atisha gave to Tibet. They are of immense value. ...They are like seeds but contain the infinite. ...Meditate on Atisha, listen to His advice; it is a manual to discipline yourself, is a manual of inner transformation. ...These sutras are golden. Keep them in your heart, ...They will nourish you, they will strengthen you, they will transform you. ... It is the teaching that can help you grow into Wisdom.”OSHO

ATISHA: THE 7 dOOrS TO MEdITATIONOsho Meditation retreat

09/06/18 21:30from 16/06/18 16:30to


In these three days we will explore the contact with ourselves and others through movement, dance and meditation, to invite into our lives joy, trust and love.It will be an opportunity to hear your body in a new way, revealing its full potential to live life with totality.When we come into contact with our power, we bring more vitality into our lives. feeling our natural roots reveals and gives access to our inner qualities. during the workshop we will discover different rhythms within us and their correspondence with the various beha-vioral patterns. This will give us a broader per-spective and understanding about our limits

of expression in everyday life.Through experiential exercises of body movement we will expand our inner horizon of trust in life.The exploration of the trust that you have inside you, and the space of the heart naturally creates a new chance to live your life with totality and passion!

pASSION fOr LIfEJoy, trust, love

15/06/18 10:00from 17/06/18 16:30to


Osho diamond Breath® gives you sophistica-ted techniques from the fascinating world of breath for exploring the early stages of life. In the light of conscious breathing you learn to overcome early life traumas and anxieties.Tantric Breathing reintegrates your pelvis into the movement of your breathing. Now the free movement of the breath wave travelling all along your body makes you aware of the tensions sexual conditioning and the birth trauma have caused in your body-mind.The way you are born and take your first brea-th decides the way you come out in life. In the process of Osho Birth Integration you realize the unfulfilled needs of a newly born baby for

being in loving contact with the mother. After all the chemistry of sex is similar to the chemistry at birth between mother and child.Missing a relaxed birth and warm invitation into life you loose your breath. Without inner balance and trust you develop self-destructive patterns of fighting or collapsing.Trauma Healing allows you to release deep unconscious contractions from the birth trauma and heal the fear of separation and negative bonding with the experience your own rebirth and you learn to guide others through a breath taking birth pro-cess into a new life.

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING 2Basic training Module 2

17/06/18 10:00from 23/06/18 16:30to


The advanced training is a step further in exploring the art, science and mystery of mul-tidimensional breath work. More self-expe-rience, advanced teachings in body-psycho therapy and energy work, assisting in sharing groups and supervision by the training lea-ders enable you now to give a series of breath sessions

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING IN-TErNSHIp 2Advanced training Module 2

17/06/18 10:00from 23/06/18 16:30to


The Assistant Training is for those who want to learn about facilitating breath therapy groups and like experiencing the training from a group leaders perspective. you learn in special teachings about group dynamics and how to support the individual and collective training process by leading sharing groups.

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING ASSI-STANTSHIp 2Assistant training Module 2

17/06/18 10:00from 23/06/18 16:30to


Reflections of the whole, the cranial base.Seminar 4 deepens the studies of classical approaches while keeping the orientation to biodynamic forces and wholeness.The influence of birthing forces, trauma impacts and clinical issues relating to cranial and pelvic patterns are presented.The sphenoba-silar junction (SBJ), a natural fulcrum for the primary midline, allows physiological com-pensatory adjustments that reflect the history of the individual.In this seminar the student learns tools to work with the physiological patterns of the cranial base and its relationship with the tem-poromandibular joint and the pelvis.

ContentInertial forces and their effect on the foramen magnum and jugular foramenVenous sinus and their drainagephysiology and anatomy of the cranial baseClassical dynamics of the temporal bones, occiput and sphenoidphysiological patterns of the SBJpelvis and sacrum in relationship to cranial baseTemporomandilbular jointAdditional tools for trauma resolution: activation and discharge of the ANSThe inherent treatment plan, part 3part 5: 15 - 21 december 2014Craniosacral Biodynamics is an approach to bodywork based on the principle of the Breath of Life. The Breath of Life is the life force, which connects us to our Being, our core and our inherent He-alth. It is a therapeutic force expressing itself as a very slow and constant tidal movement. This subtle motion resembles a deep, inner breath and is therefore also called “primary respiration” (pr). dr Sutherland observed that the motion of pr can be sensed in the whole body. He also witnessed an ordering and organizing principle within its tidal motion, an inherent intelligence of the body-mind. To contact and cooperate with the intelligence of primary respiration for the benefit of the client, a practitioner needs to develop a finely tuned perception, a capacity to listen with the hands and with a compassionate, friendly heart, an open non-judgmental mind and an ability to be patient and still.The trained practitioner can perceive primary respiration and use it as a guide to evaluation and treatment. In this professional training the biodynamic principles and concepts are accurately taught and extensively practiced. The teachings include the biodynamic vision of embryology, ana-tomy, physiology, additional holistic studies and techniques for trauma resolution. The studies of these subjects have the purpose to provide the student with the necessary tools to recognize and

CrANIOSACrAL 4dinamiche classiche della base cranica

18/06/18 10:00from 24/06/18 16:30to


support the expression of the inherent Health of the organism.This training program is for bodyworkers, therapists, and healing professionals. for interested lay people in a time of reorientation. for anyone interested in self-exploration and inquiry through bo-dy-mind awareness. And, it is also for craniosacral therapists who want to be trained in the resour-ce-oriented, fluid and potency approach.


This is the initiation into a new vision of our-selves and the world based on the specific information of this science.We will check the different types of auras and their qualities, using the information of your personal rave Chart that you can download for free from the site: www.jovianarchive.comWe recommend that you know your birth time as accurately as possible.Who are you and who are the others? Where does your reality start and end? Are you awa-re of the kind of influence your aura can have on those who are close to you and vice versa?The themes we will explore are:· The 4 auric types: Generator, projector, Mani-

festator and Reflector· The life strategy connected to your design, which allows you to access decision-making skills· The different inner authorities· The 9 centers, where we will bring clarity to the individual basic potentials and their relevant con-ditioning.· Meditation as a basic quality to be able to watch. Without it, no conscious work is possibleThe work will respond to the needs of the participants according to the dynamics of the group.

HUMAN dESIGNTwo days of experiential interactive exploration

23/06/18 10:00from 24/06/18 16:30to


Here you explore the deepest unconscious imprints on your breath before birth – prena-tal life, conception and your last death in your former lifetime.Life develops following the waves of energy created by your breathing. The way you brea-the you grow from sex to love, live your rela-tionships and let go in the process of dying. your body carries the memories of your life. Interactive Body reading decodes its langua-ge and unveils the secrets of your life.The dance of Conception is the beginning of life. Here you got the first imprint in your breath and energy-body on a cellular level. This program locks you in a breathing pattern

reflecting your parent’s attitude towards sex and you being their child. Moving from prenatal life to conception you experience and let go of this deep conditioning.past Life Healing uses breath as a soft trance work and allows you to meet your death in your last life. you loose your fear of death and love becomes your inner breath. you become a master of breath!

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING 3Basic training Module 3

25/06/18 10:00from 30/06/18 16:30to


The advanced training is a step further in exploring the art, science and mystery of mul-tidimensional breath work. More self-expe-rience, advanced teachings in body-psycho therapy and energy work, assisting in sharing groups and supervision by the training lea-ders enable you now to give a series of breath sessions

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING IN-TErNSHIp 3Advanced training Module 3

25/06/18 10:00from 01/07/18 16:30to


The Assistant Training is for those who want to learn about facilitating breath therapy groups and like experiencing the training from a group leaders perspective. you learn in special teachings about group dynamics and how to support the individual and collective training process by leading sharing groups.

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING ASSI-STANTSHIp 3Assistant training Module 3

25/06/18 10:00from 01/07/18 16:30to


The Inner Judge (also called Superego) is that specific part of our psyche that through judg-ments, prejudices, evaluations, expectations, standards and consequences, runs our daily life.How much time do we spend evaluating our performance, our appearance, our capacities or feeling guilty, ashamed or insecure?Every time we move towards freedom and we challenge the rigid boundaries of perso-nality, the inner judge will attack us cause its function is to protect and maintain the status quo and oppose vitality, change and transfor-mation.The most important step to fully be yourself

and actualize your potential is then to learn to defend against the attacks of the judge by develo-ping focused alertness and skilful means.This workshop is about:UNdErSTANdING: why the Superego is there, how it came to be, what its functions are.LEArNING: how to defend ourselves from the attacks of the Superego and break the inner pattern of conflict and the cycle of attack-reaction.COMING IN TOUCH: with deeper places inside where we can experience ourselves in a relaxed way and reconnect with our Essential Will and Essential Strength.


29/06/18 10:00from 01/07/18 16:30to


This camps starts at 9,30pmdeepen your meditaiton and let go into Mia-sto’ s Warm Water poolTake a break from the routines of daily life and come to OSHO Miasto were we have pre-pared a container to nourish your relationship with spaces of silence, intimacy, relaxation.We will be using meditations that OSHO has indicated supportive for couples, the new warm water pool in Miasto and simple an-cient tantric meditations, that can keep sup-porting the deepening of the intimacy in your daily life.This meditation camp will also be an intro-duction to The Alchemy of Tantra for Couples

in Miasto in december.The prerequisite for participating is that they both want to be together.

A MEdITATION CAMp fOr COUpLESOn Land and in Water

29/06/18 21:30from 01/07/18 16:30to


Learn to enjoy your life with the sensuality, ali-veness and grace of the movements in deep blue water. Trusting, relaxing and letting go is the world of Aquaprana Water Therapy. Water connects you to the origin of life! A pool of warm water acts as a therapeutic womb to reconnect to your spontaneous and self-healing flow of life energy. You refresh, rebalance and rejuvenate your vital powers. you relax your nervous and strengthen you immune system to heal chronic stress and health work with a partner, supporting each other with love and care and connecting with memories from the days before you were

born.You can participate for the first 5 days or stay for 7 days.deepening in the expirience of Aquaprana will bring you back from the time in the womb to the mo-mento of birth giving you the oportunity to heal it’s original shock and trauma.Osho Aquaprana Water Therapy works with a combination of soft bodywork, breathing exercises, trance and deep relaxing movements in the fluidity of water.With meditations you integrate this deep experience of yourself. you come home in the beauty of your body!

dEEp BLUEAqua prana Intensive Experience

04/07/18 10:00from 08/07/18 16:30to


Learn to enjoy your life with the sensuality, ali-veness and grace of the movements in deep blue water. Trusting, relaxing and letting go is the world of Aquaprana Water Therapy. Water connects you to the origin of life! A pool of warm water acts as a therapeutic womb to reconnect to your spontaneous and self-healing flow of life energy. You refresh, rebalance and rejuvenate your vital powers. you relax your nervous and strengthen you immune system to heal chronic stress and health work with a partner, supporting each other with love and care and connecting with memories from the days before you were

born.You can participate for the first 5 days or stay for 7 days.deepening in the expirience of Aquaprana will bring you back from the time in the womb to the mo-mento of birth giving you the oportunity to heal it’s original shock and trauma.Osho Aquaprana Water Therapy works with a combination of soft bodywork, breathing exercises, trance and deep relaxing movements in the fluidity of water.With meditations you integrate this deep experience of yourself. you come home in the beauty of your body!

AqUA prANA INTENSIVE EXpErIENCETrusting, relaxing and Letting go

04/07/18 10:00from 10/07/18 16:30to


We are not born knowing how to love. We have to learn it. All too often, our efforts to find and sustain love result in conflict, disap-pointment and frustration. We find ourselves repeating the same painful patterns over and over again. The problem lies in our co-depen-dency - in the deeply seated wounds we carry inside that lead to dependency or isolation. This process deals with the three roots of our codependence - our wounds of shame, shock and abandonment. It uncovers the source of all the conflicts and difficulties in relationship - our wounded inner child.Through guided meditations and carefully designed partner exercises, we explore this

wounded child inside of us - giving space for each person in his or her own way and time - to connect with this delicate and hidden part. Exploring our inner child opens a door to deeply hidden feelings. By contacting these feelings, we become empowered and we learn how to create inti-macy. This process provides specific tools for resolving conflict, for learning to set boundaries and for expressing our needs simply and clearly.The Learning Love Workfrom Co-dependency to Mature relatingThe focus of the Learning Love work is to teach how to transform the way we relate to ourselves and to others. Normally, we relate to ourselves with self-judgment, fear, and insecurity. In our inti-mate love stories, we are often either dependent or anti-dependent, demanding or rejecting love, we often feel disappointed, frustrated, controlled, or disrespected. This way of relating is based on unhealed wounds that come from childhood traumas and they affect how we live our lives today. We call this wounded part of us, “the wounded inner child”. It is a part of us that is deeply vulne-rable, insecure, frightened, mistrustful, and needy.Specifically, in the Learning Love Work, we deal with the wounds of shame, shock, and abandon-ment, learning to understand, recognize, feel, and express them. When these wounds are not addressed they can cause us to become depressed, addicted, enter into relationships with unavai-lable or abusive partners, or we remain lonely and isolated.When we begin to understand and feel these deeper parts of us, we become able to relate in a more mature and healthy way. We begin to understand that love is a gift and that the other person is not responsible to take away our fears and loneliness. We become able to express our needs but also to allow the other person to have his or her own life and freedom. We learn to take the space we need for ourselves but also make a priority to devote time together for intimacy, depth, and sha-ring. We learn to respect and become kind and sensitive to ourselves and the other person.The Learning Love Work has a specific approach that is gentle but effective. In a relaxed and sup-portive environment, we integrate guided meditations, carefully designed exercises, and teachings,

LEArNING LOVE WOrK 1from Co-dependency to Mature relating

04/07/18 10:00from 08/07/18 16:30to


to help people heal their wounds and discover their natural essence, joy, and passion for life. The work is without pressure in order to give each person the trust and tranquility necessary to explore his or her inner world profoundly and lovingly.


A bright occasion to experience the medita-tion, the friendship, the intensity of the pre-sent moment.Martial Arts, Sufi songs and Zikhrs, sharings, breathing and feelings, Zen walking and even more to touch the joy of living and expres-sing......and much more surprises in the ma-gic and the beauty of the Tuscan countryside.

THE pLAy Of frEEdOMHoliday for teenagers from 15 till 18 years old

09/07/18 10:00from 14/07/18 16:30to


Our love stories and close friendships get more complex and often more difficult the longer we are together and the deeper we go.Without some understanding for the dynami-cs of love and intimacy, it is easy to get lost in conflict, hurt, misunderstanding and even-tually separation. Intimacy brings up deeply buried wounds - disappointments, hurts and frustrations that come from needs not met as a child.Unconsciously, we project these old hurts and frustrations on our lovers and close friends and then problems inevitably start. But with deeper understanding, we can go beyond the usual traps and dramas which cause distance

and separation and learn to grow and mature through the disappointments and frustrations.This process explores the three most important dynamics of loving : The delicate dance of separating and melting, learning to come close and yet give each other space Our expectations - looking behind the strategies and games that we trigger in each other and learning to contain the feelings behind our expectations Communication – ways of expressing ourselves with a quality of mutual understanding, love and respect.This seminar helps build a basis for relating not from a space of fear, clinging and distance but from love and meditation. The Learning Love Workfrom Co-dependency to Mature relating The focus of the Learning Love work is to teach how to transform the way we relate to ourselves and to others. Normally, we relate to ourselves with self-judgment, fear, and insecurity. In our inti-mate love stories, we are often either dependent or anti-dependent, demanding or rejecting love, we often feel disappointed, frustrated, controlled, or disrespected. This way of relating is based on unhealed wounds that come from childhood traumas and they affect how we live our lives today. We call this wounded part of us, “the wounded inner child”. It is a part of us that is deeply vulne-rable, insecure, frightened, mistrustful, and needy.Specifically, in the Learning Love Work, we deal with the wounds of shame, shock, and abandon-ment, learning to understand, recognize, feel, and express them. When these wounds are not addressed they can cause us to become depressed, addicted, enter into relationships with unavai-lable or abusive partners, or we remain lonely and isolated.When we begin to understand and feel these deeper parts of us, we become able to relate in a

LEArNING LOVE 3The Essence of Love

11/07/18 10:00from 15/07/18 16:30to


more mature and healthy way. We begin to understand that love is a gift and that the other person is not responsible to take away our fears and loneliness. We become able to express our needs but also to allow the other person to have his or her own life and freedom. We learn to take the space we need for ourselves but also make a priority to devote time together for intimacy, depth, and sha-ring. We learn to respect and become kind and sensitive to ourselves and the other person.The Learning Love Work has a specific approach that is gentle but effective. In a relaxed and sup-portive environment, we integrate guided meditations, carefully designed exercises, and teachings, to help people heal their wounds and discover their natural essence, joy, and passion for life. The work is without pressure in order to give each person the trust and tranquility necessary to explore his or her inner world profoundly and lovingly.


The group is open to young adults between 19 and 24 years oldIf your heart is beating strongly. If the adven-ture for meditation resonates within you, if you are curious to know the intensity and the totality of yourself and together with others laugh, sing, dance and experiment with many techniques full of wisdom and a bit of mad-nessthen ... welcome and welcome to the beauty of nature Miasto, between the river and spa, sea and forest, overtones and mantra, zikhr and martial arts, dance and tarot ... and much more.

Slowly discover the silence, the incredible magical quality of meditation, the beauty inside and outside of you.This is a treasure that accompanies you and smiles ... this is you! ”A white cloud drifts wherever the wind leads -- it doesn’t resist, it doesn’t fight. A white cloud is not a conqueror, and still it hovers over everything. you cannot conquer it, you cannot defeat it. It has no mind to conquer -- that’s why you cannot defeat it.Once you are fixed to a goal, purpose, destiny, meaning, once you have got that madness of rea-ching somewhere, then problems will arise. And you will be defeated, that is certain. your defeat is in the very nature of existence itself.A white cloud has nowhere to go. It moves, it moves everywhere. All dimensions belong to it, all directions belong toit. Nothing is rejected. Everything is, exists, in a total acceptability. Hence I call my way The Way of the White Clouds.The white clouds have no way of their own -- they drift. A way means reaching somewhere. The White Clouds’ Way means a pathless path, a wayless way. Moving, but not with a fixed mind -- mo-ving without a mind.This has to be understood, because purpose is synonymous with mind. That’s why you cannot conceive how to live without purpose, because the mind cannot exist without purpose. And people are so absurd -- they even come to me and ask:What is the purpose of meditation? Meditation cannot have any purpose because meditation ba-sically means a state of no-mind: it is where you are, not going anywhere; where just being, just to be, is the goal.The goal is here and now. Once the goal is somewhere else mind starts its journey. Then the mind starts thinking, then the mind starts a process. If future is there then mind can flow, then mind can have its course, then mind has space to move. With purpose comes future, with future comes

THE pATHLESS pATHA holiday group for young adults (18-24 years old)

16/07/18 10:00from 22/07/18 16:30to


time. A white cloud hovers in the sky, timeless -- because there is no future and no mind to it. It is here and now. Each moment is total eternity.””OSHO


The body is the temple that we have to beco-me conscious in. Osho has explained that he chose the path of light, love, celebration for his people because it was faster – and more beautiful. And he brought us Zorba the Bud-dha – celebrating life in the body and simulta-neously enjoying the Buddha within.Through dance alchemy: the heart’s acceptan-ce and love, awakening the fire of aliveness, and witnessing, we awaken the body, bringing love, warmth and fun to where it has been frozen, held back.We discover the body’s intelligence, it’s wi-sdom - that is not from the mind, it’s wisdom that can help us in our life if we know how to

listen. “Tantra teaches you to reclaim respect for the body, love for the body. . . . Tantra is really juicy, very alive. The first thing is to learn respect for the body, to unlearn all the nonsense that has been tau-ght to you about the body. Otherwise you will never turn on, and you will never turn in, and you will never turn beyond. Start from the beginning. The body is your beginning...your body is existing at the minimum, that’s why you are miserable. Tantra says: Bliss is possible only when you exist at the optimum -- never before it. Bliss is possible only when you live intensely. How can you live intensely if you are against the body?You are always lukewarm. The fire has cooled down. Down the centuries, the fire has been de-stroyed. The fire has to be rekindled.” OSHO

dANCE, THE ArT Of ECSTASyAwakening the fire, Love, and Body Intelligence Within

19/07/18 10:00from 22/07/18 16:30to


These 3 days will be a “full-immersion” into meditation.We will be experimenting a variety of medita-tion techniques that Osho has transmitted. All this will happen in a playful, non-serious and non-judgemental atmosphere. you’ll be contacting spaces of playfulness, sincerity and silence; alone and together with other seekers and’ll experiment with how to bring medita-tion in any moment in your daily life. “Meditation is not an Indian method; it is not simply a technique. you cannot learn it. It is a growth of your total living, out of your total living. Meditation is not something that

can be added to you as you are. It can come to you only through a basic transformation, a muta-tion. It is a flowering, a growth. Growth is always out of the total; it is not an addition. You must grow toward meditation.” OSHO


20/07/18 10:00from 22/07/18 16:30to


Three days for adults and children in warm water.Three days having fun together and become intimate with the water and conscious com-munication.relaxation, touch, meditation and playful and creative sharing.A chance to have an experience together in Miasto’s Buddhafield.

MAGICABULAWater and flowering

20/07/18 10:00from 22/07/18 16:30to


VOICING© is a therapeutic and innovative spiritual approach, which relies on the use of singing and is recommended to those who feel the passion to continually discover themselves at a deeper level. It is a self-know-ledge tool, which uses and goes beyond the psychological sphere (that includes and goes beyond the therapeutic level). Since ancient origins, humans have expressed their deepest emotions through sound, music and singing. The words, in fact, are not enough to express the intensity of moods such as joy, sorrow, spirituality, sensuality, the triumph, the horror. It is human nature to express the most intima-te experiences through song. It is an innate

knowing that reconnects us to a state of authenticity, uniqueness and truth of our innermost being.Trust in our own voice is an experience of great expansion and emotion. relearn how to gain this tool to use it in our daily life ensures a deep work of transformation. It is both an individual and team work in which one experiences the creation of choral sound with special twists, able to evoke the essential qualities that reconnect us to the sphere of the divine, from the level of personality to that of Essence.It is a process that helps to reactivate and use the many features that the voice has: transformation of the energy blocks; direct and unashamed expression of each emotion; reactivation of its inner power; discovery of the inexhaustible source of our creativity; exploration of different timbres and sound tones; waking up the silences of the heart and of our thirst for novelty and wonder.The uniqueness of the voice of each individual is recognized, liberating it from judgement and cul-tural conditionings that limit the flow of energy, taking responsibility for all energy forms present in us, even the dark ones or relegated in the shadows because they are considered terrifying. So, we rediscover unexpected timbres and tones, sometimes baffling or sublime, a range of communica-tion that we believe inaccessible to us. Everything can be sung and then expressed, understood, accepted and celebrated, so accessing states of higher learn to let go of your attachments and judgments regarding beliefs and conditionings that limit our expressive potential, which favor certain parts and condemn others, creating deep divi-sions within us.Each mood can be expressed with its sound quality, even if the “texture” of the sound will be diffe-rent for each individual. We have developed specific ideas about how one should sing. Not being able to answer these modes makes us say we cannot sing and to believe that only a few have the “gift”.

VOICING©Essence through Sound

23/07/18 10:00from 29/07/18 16:30to


Inizio moduloIn VOICING® it is recognized that singing is a birthright, as well as painting and dance.Everybody can sing when they discover that singing can be a direct expression of our life and the ultimate revelation of our yearning for transcendence, when words are not enough.Allowing ourselves to sing it turns out that everything within us has a reason to be; thanks to the confidence and courage to dig deep within oneself to bring to light what we have denied, will be re-turned to us, through song, the uniqueness, dignity and sense of preciousness that belongs to us.rediscover the art of listening (which is the other side of singing), as a way to learn how to contact our inner world, the emotions: without the ability to hear there is no chance to really communicate. We are the true speaker of our own voice as well as the sounds of the outside world.VOICING© is of particular interest for those who operate in the communication field like: therapi-sts, doctors, health and social workers, teachers, managers, lawyers, media representatives. Ac-tors, singers and musicians can expand the range and quality of their expression.It is aimed at people who have already started a journey of personal growth with work such as Bre-ath, pulsation, primal feeling, primal and to people who come from other avenues of search, prior to a telephone interview via Skype or telephone.


first part: Massage Techniques with two and four hands Breathing Techniques Softening / Melting of the joints Exercises of centering and grounding African dances Union with the elements of fire and Earth Topics relating to the anatomy Active and passive MeditationsSecond part02 January 2017 (21.30) - 06 January 2017 description of Oceanic Bodywork® fire and Earth - Basic Training

”Oceanic Bodywork ® fire and Earth” is a particular synthesis of body work, massage, dance, song, energy work, as well as knowledge of herbs and smoke, who allow themselves to merge in an unusual way. It was inspired by the spiritual master Osho and his views on the relationship betwe-en body, mind and spirit, by Kahuna Abraham and the traditional Hawaiian massage of the temple, from the rites of the indigenous peoples and Native Americans, as well as by natural forces.” Oceanic Bodywork ® fire and Earth “ - brings you back to your roots: This body work is a journey back to your roots. It has been developed by Nirvano and Kaya, dancers and musicians. Together they wanted to combine dances of different cultures, rhythmic movements, as well as dynamic and quiet live music, percussion, songs, sounds and quiet , with deep massages, touches delicates and body work and energy. years of experience gathered in seminars and workshops, as well as in-tensive studies at the shamans of North and South America have contributed to the development.Massage Techniques and dissolution of articulations that come from the rebalancing, work ener-gy supplies to different addresses, new outlets massag -ing that we have developed through years of experience and applications shamanic herbs, you leave well combined with Nare the Hawaiian Bodywork, making of “Oceanic Bodywork ® fire and Earth” an all organic vehicle which can be learned by many people. In a session combine long and flowing lines of massage, deep massage on the connective tissue, melting, rolling joints, wash - ro dynamic power and the laying of volcanic hot stones. Next to the massage with hands - mas will explore, with the forearms and arms.The combination of massage, breathing and dancing, as well as music and song accompaniment arouses in you as a person receiving, memories buried deep in a clean state and leave you immer-sed in a feeling of being at one with the nature. Back to your roots and you come achieved a deep state of physical and spiritual relaxation.This course of basic training is divided into two parts. Along with learning practical techniques of massage Oceanic Bodywork ® get an understanding of functional anatomy and energy, which helps you to enter into a deeper level of body work. Learn a range of techniques that will support the process of discovering your ancestral capacity of intuition and trust in the wisdom of your


25/07/18 10:00from 29/07/18 16:30to


heart , into your hands and into your body. We will work during the day and late at night, including the energy of the sun and moon, of the activity and silence , as well as the forces of nature that surround us. different meditations and songs healers will support you in your process of learning and deepen.This course is a personal process of learning intensive and deep for those who want to rediscover, celebrate and enjoy the body ‘s vital energy and uniqueness. If you are a bodywork therapist, or music, or dance format, you will discover new aspects of which will take advantage of your work and you will live a moment nutritious and touching.


Life is a poetry, not a problem. When we re-di-scover the flow of emotions and sensitivity that we had as a child, it becomes that way again. When we reclaim our birthright, the right to feel, the right to a beautiful, colorful, deep and poignant life, then our feeling ability becomes a joy - rather than the suffering cre-ated by our society’s teaching; that emotions are something wrong, to be hidden, avoided or condemned.In this group we discover the beautiful pos-sibility of dancing feeling. Of celebrating our emotions as they are – so they can be the poetry of our soul instead of a problem.Without awakening our emotional aliveness

we cannot enjoy the depths and beauties of relating, friendship, and the trust of life.Through dance alchemy and Osho’s meditations we can reclaim our body’s natural ability to heal from traumas through movement and dance expression so that we become more whole and centered, joyous and alive instead of weakened by repression and self-condemnation. Through the group process we can unwind the patterns that have haunted our relationships, meditation, cre-ativity, and all areas of life. We will practice tools to take with us into life, to help learn a new way of living and enjoying our emotions creatively, and a new way of relating from vulnerability, tender-ness and self-acceptance.We cannot change the past, but we can rekindle our body’s healing power, and through love and meditation, and the presence of the Master, bring to ourselves what was missing in our emotional upbringing, and begin this new way of living, loving, responding in the moment to life!

THE JOy Of fEELINGEmotional Aliveness and Emotional Intelligence through the power of dance Alchemy

25/07/18 10:00from 29/07/18 16:30to


The Training I concentrates on basic practical and theoretical skills for working in water. It is also a process of discovery, learning to engage the element of water and its healing properties in a playful and relaxed way.In addition to practical skills in Oceanic Bo-dywork® Aqua techniques in the pool (which you can practice and intensify by giving and receiving sessions), the theoretical process on land helps you consolidate what you have learnt.The environment of the group allows one‘s own experience of water to be integrated - it allows you to learn how to give and how to re-ceive, how to lead and how to submit. These

are central aspects in understanding and experiencing how Oceanic Bodywork® Aqua works. This is an unforgettable and enriching experience for all those who want to rediscover and enjoy their body, their feelings and life‘s energy. If you already work in physical therapy, this will help expand your horizons and your understanding.The OBA 1 enables you to give private Oceanic Bodywork® Aqua sessions for friends and family.


31/07/18 10:00from 05/08/18 16:30to


All of us wish love, creative fulfillment and a flowing life and we don’t realize we are alrea-dy all this. We only need to find out what it is that prevents us from flowing: identifications taking us into doubt and mistrust, mecha-nical behaviours, which we wrongly believe to be our true self, forcing us to make unsa-tisfying choices. following the path of Tao Essence we will find the courage to see the patterns through which we interpret reality and step out of them in order to relax in the present moment – the only possible reality. It is from this starting point that we can move, relate, and choose. This deeply transforming process can teach us how to go beyond the

“voices” and movements that drive us in life and are not our inner voice.Our mind, with its judgments , prejudices, deep-rooted fears, family entanglements, past negative experiences, often rules us rather than being at our service. By exploring it, we will see conscious and unconscious ideas, ideals and beliefs that keep us trapped in unfulfilling relationships or living and working situations even if we are long-term meditators and have worked on ourselves. In this way, we will trigger our resources to improve our life and bring harmony to what we like but that cannot still fully bloom.After this step – reconnecting with our roots – we can move on to the second step: we will learn how to choose from our truth and Being discovering and respecting our inner priorities in every area of our life. We will no longer be guided by duty, guilt, the known or the strain of opposing fee-lings but by the courage of being in the Tao Essence, which all comprises and is pure relaxation in what is.Thus, the spark of Love ignites. This spark has nothing to do with the other, with the outside: it is just a dimension of our Being, the dimension from which we can decide to live our life. In it, relating and creativity become our life partners … a wonderful adventure.Guided meditations, gestalt exercises, Star Sapphire Energywork, breath, Ericksonian hypnosis and systemic constellations will help us in this process.

JOUrNEy TO THE rOOTS Of LOVEInner Male and female, relationships and Creativity

31/07/18 10:00from 08/08/18 16:30to


Be in the body ! Love your body! Celebrate your body ! All these are clear understandin-gs that everybody relates to. yet, your body remains a mystery and often difficult to take care .This group will teach you how to be your bo-dy’s best friend and how to express and enjoy living healthy, powerfully connected with your body language with fulfilled sexuality.

THIS VEry BOdy … THE BUddHA!An infinite love affair

01/08/18 10:00from 05/08/18 16:30to


A special holiday in an intense and joyous energy field, to meet old and new friends, par-ticipate in the full program of activities, dive into spaces of silence, to regenerate in the strength and quietness of nature.Besides the daily meditations - dynamic, kun-dalini and evening meditation - the program provides a daily meditation and many beauti-ful events!In the evening music, theater and dance cele-bration.


09/08/18 10:00from 15/08/18 16:30to


Tantric pulsation is an experiment in human energy, a re-awakening of the body’s capacity to feel and enjoy pleasure in its own flowing vitality and aliveness. rooted in the work of Wilhelm reich and in the active meditations of Osho, it is a body/energy approach to Tan-tra. Tantric pulsation is an opportunity to bring new sensitivity and awareness -- the quality of meditation -- to your intimate meetings with others. It is an exploration of the of the ener-getic attraction, the energetic polarity, betwe-en man and woman. Together we learn to meditate within the powerful wave of sexual energy.

Tantric ‘sutras’ from Osho’s “Book of Secrets” will form a basis for: partner meditations using chakra energy work breathing eye contact touch inner sensing sharingThese playful energetic meetings can bring us a taste of bliss in the spontaneity and let-go of each moment, opening up in deep trust and receptivity to the love we all long to give and receive.


11/08/18 10:00from 15/08/18 16:30to


The focus of these days is to remind us to celebrate and learn to expand 3 dimensions:- Live: We are living and very often we com-press vital energy for fear, for convictions, by habit. We will use techniques to increase the awareness of greater vitality and to which possibilities it opens.- Love: We all seek love and often encounter wounds in our relationship. We use much energy to judge ourselves and others. We will contact the power of transforming the heart by opening to the possibility that many of the-se misunderstandings will dissolve and open up to more loving-kindness.- Laugh: Osho told us jokes at every speech.

He also invited us to laugh in The Mystic rose. His message is celebration, to let go, not to take ourselves seriously. Through the technique of laughter, every day we will remember that everything is relative and we can celebrate and relax in the moment that we live in and in what we are.Upadhi will help everyone to expand these dimensions.


11/08/18 10:00from 15/08/18 16:30to


In this second part of the training we will pre-sent reichian Theory, combined with conti-nued self experience and individual sessions for all participants.Topics covered will be:What is pulsation?Energy, the Life forceThe Breathing pulsationEnergetic Charge and dischargereich’s Orgasm formulaThe Seven Segments of Muscular ArmoringOsho pulsation Basic TrainingOsho pulsation is a method of self-explora-tion and personal growth which works throu-gh the body and the life energy system, to

re-claim our natural aliveness and expressiveness.pulsation’s body-based approach to personal growth is deeply rooted in the revolutionary work of Wilhelm Reich, and is guided by some of the ‘maps’ of body energy flow which he discovered.Techniques using breathing, body movements, and expressive sounds, form a framework to explo-re the phenomenon of biological tension and release, also his discovery, called the ‘orgasm formu-la’.reich’s idea was that many psychological problems have their origins in a disturbance of this na-tural regulatory function of energetic charge and discharge which governs spontaneous emotional release as well as uninhibited sexual orgasm.Conditioning and de-ConditioningWhenever we block a sexual feeling, stuff down our rage, or swallow our tears, we activate a powerful regulatory system in the body which reich called ‘muscular armor’. The effort to control emotional expression creates a tension in the musculature which blocks the flow of feeling throu-gh the body. Through the unconscious tension of muscular armoring we become ‘cut off’ emotio-nally, fragmented psychologically, and energetically divided against ourselves.pulsation restores a sense of wholeness by reclaiming the rejected and disowned feelings which we have pushed down into the unconscious, the ‘basement’ of our being. Through deep neo-rei-chian breathing and direct ‘hands-on’ work to loosen the muscular armor, we tap into emotional, biological, and instinctual layers which connect us with the Life force itself.Once the inner pressure of unexpressed emotions is released, a profound relaxation follows, deep into the core. We are able to settle into ourselves more easily in silence and meditation.Active MeditationThe pulsation process is supported by OSHO’s Active meditations like the dynamic and Kundalini, and others of his meditations which fit so beautifully with Reich’s understanding. Osho designed his Active meditations especially for contemporary men and women, stressed out by hectic lifesty-les, to gradually move from the busy periphery to the silent core of being.


17/08/18 10:00from 23/08/18 16:30to


Meditation can give wings to the roots we are growing into the earth through our exploration of the body and its feelings. Through pulsation we become part of the meeting of earth and sky; we learn to accept the whole rainbow of human feeling, from its animal roots in nature, through the human heart, towards the flowering of spirit.


This training outlines the principles of medi-tative therapy. It gives people in the helping profession or those, who want to work with others, a chance to enhance their skills. It also provides everyone a deep experience how to be present and in a loving space with another person.Because of our past conditioning we often have wrong concepts about love. In this course we learn to move beyond such beliefs and come into a space of deep ‘yes’ to life, towards ourselves and others.True help is without effort, without intention and connects a person to a deeper truth wi-thin himself, which leads out of the identifica-

tion with mind into a state of relaxation and alertness.participants will practise session giving under supervision and/or have the opportunity to crystalli-ze and dissolve personal problems around life issues, such as relationship, work and meditation.Even though certain techniques, like Gestalt work, will be taught, our approach will not be techni-que oriented. We learn skills and gain insights that give clarity in many life situations as well as for working with people.Some of the topics we cover are: Communication skills that support self awareness finding presence in oneself and supporting such states in someone else How and when to encourage emotional expression recognizing and working with projection, resistance, desire Responding to different clients with flexibility Understanding the dynamics of relationship and the principles of healthy relating principles of healing traumaText book for the training: “The Zen Way of Counseling: A Meditative Approach of Working with people” by Svagito Liebermeister “The whole life…just a training for how to go back home, how to disappear. Because the moment you disappear, God appears in you. your presence is God’s absence; your absence is God’s presen-ce.” Osho

ZEN COUNSELINGCounseling Skills and relationship dynamics Training

17/08/18 10:00from 23/08/18 16:30to


Several theories state that the first forms of life on this planet came from the oceans and then gained a place on the ground. Our body is mostly made of fluids, which supposedly carry the primordial oceanic biochemical imprint. If we go back to the beginning of time we find that man comes from water. The fetus develops in the amniotic water during nine months while it grows, going through and carrying in itself all the evolutionary stages of man. When we dive into water, especially if it is at body temperature, we can connect again to those fluid body qualities, soft, embracing, sinuous, the ability to welcome and let go. This group is an invitation to our system to

activate a series of feelings, memories, body reminiscences that bring us back to the state where we were deeply merging with existence. A space where there is no separation whatsoever, where it is possible to recognize that we are one and part of the whole.

BEING WATErrediscovering the aquatic Body

17/08/18 10:00from 19/08/18 16:30to


This is a 7 day process created by Osho to rediscover the beauty of childhood without verbalizing or analyzing our past psychologi-cal experiences.__The course includes one hour of allowing yourself to just be a child again, and a second hour of silent sitting together as a group. It also includes OSHO dynamic Meditation, OSHO Kundalini Meditation and the OSHO Evening Meeting.__For the first hour, you behave like a child.Osho says, just enter your childhood. Whate-ver you wanted to do, do it – dancing, singing, jumping, crying, weeping – anything at all, in any posture. Nothing is prohibited except

touching other people. don’t touch or harm anyone else in the group.____We were very small and needed the love of others, it was our only security. The price for that love was that we started “growing old,” rather than just naturally maturing and “growing up.” The day we became good boys and girls was a catastrophe. We stopped growing – we became artificial, unnatural, serious….__Also, the world around us was so exciting and we wanted to go “out” and di-scover everything, and so we became so knowledgeable about everything except ourselves. In the process we forgot who we really are, and lost the innate ability of relaxing into not-knowing.__ Now is our chance to take ourselves back to that same fork in the road.This time we can consciously choose to take the path of playfulness, innocence, naturalness, laughter… rediscovering our originality, individuality, and freedom. And once we are on the road of authenticity, then finding ourselves, finding our center, finding our own inner joy will happen by itself.__Through the one hour of just sitting silently, Osho says, you will be fresher, more innocent, and meditation will become easier.It is a non-verbal energy process._ “This great experiment through which we are passing is basically to achieve your lost childhood again. When I say ‘your lost childhood,’ I mean your innocence, your eyes full of wonder, knowing nothing, having nothing, but yet feeling yourself at the top of the world. Those golden moments of wonder, joy, no tension, no worry, no anxiety, have to be regained, rediscovered. The sage is nothing but the circle that started in your birth coming full way, complete, back to the same point.” “This is your second childhood. You are born again. Your eyes are no longer filled with the dust of knowing. But this not-knowing is a tremendous perceptivity, a great clarity. It does not need to know, because it feels, and feeling is a higher state than knowing. As the clarity becomes more and more transparent, instead of feeling it becomes your being.” OSHO


22/08/18 10:00from 28/08/18 12:00to


This is a 7 day process created by Osho to rediscover the beauty of childhood without verbalizing or analyzing our past psychologi-cal experiences.__The course includes one hour of allowing yourself to just be a child again, and a second hour of silent sitting together as a group. It also includes OSHO dynamic Meditation, OSHO Kundalini Meditation and the OSHO Evening Meeting.__For the first hour, you behave like a child.Osho says, just enter your childhood. Whate-ver you wanted to do, do it – dancing, singing, jumping, crying, weeping – anything at all, in any posture. Nothing is prohibited except

touching other people. don’t touch or harm anyone else in the group.____We were very small and needed the love of others, it was our only security. The price for that love was that we started “growing old,” rather than just naturally maturing and “growing up.” The day we became good boys and girls was a catastrophe. We stopped growing – we became artificial, unnatural, serious….__Also, the world around us was so exciting and we wanted to go “out” and di-scover everything, and so we became so knowledgeable about everything except ourselves. In the process we forgot who we really are, and lost the innate ability of relaxing into not-knowing.__ Now is our chance to take ourselves back to that same fork in the road.This time we can consciously choose to take the path of playfulness, innocence, naturalness, laughter… rediscovering our originality, individuality, and freedom. And once we are on the road of authenticity, then finding ourselves, finding our center, finding our own inner joy will happen by itself.__Through the one hour of just sitting silently, Osho says, you will be fresher, more innocent, and meditation will become easier.It is a non-verbal energy process._ “This great experiment through which we are passing is basically to achieve your lost childhood again. When I say ‘your lost childhood,’ I mean your innocence, your eyes full of wonder, knowing nothing, having nothing, but yet feeling yourself at the top of the world. Those golden moments of wonder, joy, no tension, no worry, no anxiety, have to be regained, rediscovered. The sage is nothing but the circle that started in your birth coming full way, complete, back to the same point.” “This is your second childhood. You are born again. Your eyes are no longer filled with the dust of knowing. But this not-knowing is a tremendous perceptivity, a great clarity. It does not need to know, because it feels, and feeling is a higher state than knowing. As the clarity becomes more and more transparent, instead of feeling it becomes your being.” OSHO


22/08/18 10:00from 28/08/18 16:30to


Meera is suddenly gone, but she is still here with us, in the depth of our hearts. In line with her vision her work will continue.Her workshops will continue in Miasto, first of all the work with children and parents “Creati-vity and Innocence”, where in addition to her team of historical assistants, Svagito will also be present, an expert in family Constellations, who for many years has coordinated the Osho Therapist Training in pune, India.These workshops are dedicated to her and her generosity for giving us a vision so clear about meditation, painting and therapy deve-loped through constant spiritual quest and a total devotion to Osho.

This group is designed to bring love and awareness into family life.The parents and the children sharing the space of creativity is so precious. By painting with chil-dren you will remember the forgotten language of spontaneous expression.What Osho calls Creativity is not coming out of your mind but out of joy and innocence. And once you bridge to this innocent space in you, you will bridge to the very heart of your child.We dance, we play and we meditate.So come and join the caravan of Osho Love, playfulness and, Osho Life in Miasto where you can taste of osho’s work directly.Children can join the group along with parents, relatives or teachers.

CrEATIVITy ANd INNOCENCEMeera painting Course - A group for adults and children

25/08/18 10:00from 28/08/18 16:30to


* This group starts at 21.30What are the thoughts and behavioural pat-terns that undermine your natural self-este-em?What are your priorities in life? What are your real needs?Self-esteem works on how we perceive our own personal resources, either by heightening them or by undermining them.In this group you’ll be guided on how to shed light on the way you value yourself and on how the importance of certain aspects has a bearing on this will identify the obstacles which prevent you from having faith in your own qualities

and you will learn to see more clearly your own individual path, since there is no universal rule on how to strengthen somebody’s own’ll discover the way to stay in touch with your own qualities and to feel safe and reassured about your own worth.By taking us to the very root of conditioning, this investigation will free us from the heavy burden of the unnecessary judgements we still carry inside ourselves.We shall then rediscover an innocent and loving way to look at ourselves and see how we are and how we live. Meditation will play a fundamental part in the group’s structuring, helping to bring about a deep integration of day-to-day life’s understandings and thus create room for a new and better approach to existence.Of those who took part in these groups, many have spoken of their ability to achieve a greater self-awareness when compared to hearing those internal “voices” that detract from, or extol who we are; and of having acquired new tools to groom one’s own true nature in a unique, free and yet to uncover will return to your ordinary existence having been enriched by the experience of what is like to really love Life and to be full of self-confidence.


29/08/18 21:30from 02/09/18 16:30to


These courses are continuation of Meera’s work, inspired by her clear vision of medita-tion, painting and therapy, developed through continuous spiritual quest and total devotion to Osho.Among the courses she created “primal pain-ting” is the master key to original expression. Everybody longs for original and authentic expression and yet so few people allow this magical experience in their life. There are so many erroneous beliefs on creativity and on so called artists. We don’t realize that by trying to be somebody, we are going far away from our authenticity. In this group our appro-ach is from the opposite end, how to unlearn

what we think we know and learn how to be playful and spontaneous.Creating one’s own being is the priority.different methods like: sensory-awareness bioenergetics dance meditationsare used daily.Once one gets in touch with one’s own energy source, painting is just a reflection of joy and inno-cence.

prIMAL pAINTINGMeera painting course - The Birth of Creativity

30/08/18 10:00from 02/09/18 16:30to


After having received the first level of Reiki and having used it actively in ones own life it can happen that one feels the right moment has come to receive the second level in order to deepen ones connection with reiki, with oneself and with life.The second level strengthens ones intuition and therapeutic capacities. This happens by being iniziated to healing symbols and to cor-responding mantras. It implies to strengthen and expand the quantity of energy that can accumulate.furthermore, it allows to melt old conditio-nings and to free inexpressed energies that are at the source. With the second level more

light is brought into oneself and ones own life and this continues to bring more clarity and under-standing as well as an awareness that we are fully responsable for ourselves and our own lives arise.

OSHO NEO rEIKI 2Second level

31/08/18 10:00from 02/09/18 16:30to


psychic Massage is a precise method which helps you to effectively share love through bodywork. In this part of the training, you in-crease your precision by learning to do a brief energy check of the feet and seven chakras at the beginning of the session. This check will show you quickly which parts of the body are like open doors, allowing love to enter, and by contrast, which parts of the body are engaged in the past and future so much that they can-not absorb a gift in the present moment.

pSyCHIC MASSAGE TrAINING pArT 3Body reading—giving a shape to subtle energies

04/09/18 10:00from 16/09/18 16:30to


This training course is not only for people who want to share Osho’s meditations, ei-ther in a professional capacity or simply with friends, but also for those of you who wish to deepen your own meditation.during these seven intense days of medita-tion we will not only be learning how to pre-sent Osho’s meditations, but also practicing different methods ourselves.This will help your understanding of how me-ditation transforms people.We will cover the very important aspect of meditation counseling and how to answer questions about meditation. you will have the opportunity to practice these skills during the

course.On sharing meditation, Osho tells us that whatsoever we have experienced in our meditation – share it – and by sharing it goes on growing. He says that in the inner world the economics is to-tally different than in the outer world. In the outer if you share you lose, but in the inner whatsoever you share is yours forever, not only is it yours forever, it is multiplied. He says, give more and you will have more.Maybe you would like to learn how to share meditation with others, or perhaps you just need a little more confidence in your own silence and meditation.This training is for every sincere seeker on the path.


05/09/18 10:00from 09/09/18 16:30to


Oceanic Bodywork® Aqua is a form of bo-dywork in warm water developed twenty five years ago by Kaya femerling and Nirvano Martina Schulz. Combines gentle stretching movements, massage and mobilization of joints, combined with breathing and energy work, above and below the water surface.Oceanic Bodywork® Aqua is a journey back to your origins, into the endless blue depth of your inner ocean.OBA Basic Liquid Joy is a workshop open to all, where you will learn the basic techniques that will allow you to experience zero gravity, relaxation, trust and the joy of giving and re-ceiving a warm water session. This course is

worth 15 hours for OBA training and is the preparation for OBA 1 that will take place from 18th to 24th September 2017 and will be lead by Nirvano Martina Schulz, creator of this wonderful work.


07/09/18 10:00from 09/09/18 16:30to


do you feel there is more in you than you express in your life? Are you sometimes not sure what direction you want to go in your life and what would make you happy? do you want to find out what you are really good at and how to make it shine?In “Essence of you” you discover that many beautiful qualities that you may be seeking in life are already present in you, qualities like love, joy, courage, trust, clarity, balance and many others. you don’t have to learn them. They are part of your nature and by becoming aware and connecting with them they natural-ly grow and are expressed in your life. Con-

necting with and valuing your essential qualities is what really gives fulfillment.To make it possible for you to express your essential nature in your own unique way, you open your intuitive intelligence and discover your unique strengths, gifts and talents. you learn to recognize and express your strengths and talents very practically in all areas of your life. When you are in touch with your strengths and talents, things that seemed impossible come into your reach. It is a revelation to discover that you always have creative possibilities – even in situations where you feel hopeless or inadequate. This gives you the determination to go for what is important to you and brings a joyful aliveness to whatever you do.This group is a beautiful and uplifting experience. Living your destiny

The journey of living is a miracle, an opportunity to grow and to be who you really are. Living your life according to your true nature is your destiny. This is the real purpose you were born to fulfil. How do you live your destiny? How do you grow beyond your limitations and the expectations placed upon you by others? How do you find the direction that you want to go in your life and stay on track?In “Living Your Destiny” you find the answers to these questions and more. You connect to your inner resources and go beyond your limitations. You recognize your beauty and strength and find the courage and inner wisdom to live and create in life what is meaningful to you and makes a difference. This experience is life changing.”Living your destiny” is presented in three parts:Inner Law of AttractionIn “Inner Law of Attraction” you understand that your life is in your own hands. Through meditation you become centered in the essence of who you are and experience the vast difference between living according to the thoughts and beliefs of your mind versus living from your essential nature

ESSENCE Of yOUTake back your destiny 2

12/09/18 10:00from 16/09/18 16:30to


and the many creative possibilities this gives you.Essence of youIn “Essence of you” you recognize that essential qualities like love, courage, joy and many others are part of your inner nature and are already in you, like diamonds waiting to be discovered. Law of Synchronicity (formerly Law of Grace)

In the Law of Synchronicity you open to a whole new way of living. your life happens in a synchro-nistic flow that feels effortless and you receive what you need in order to live your potential and your unique nature.Each part can be taken independently and in any order.The “Living your destiny” groups are required for the ELC Training. To participate in the Training you have to complete at least 2 of the 3 “ Living Your Destiny” groups. To become a certified Es-sential Life Consultant you need to have completed all 3 groups.


Water is the ultimate fluid element, great master in its continuous flow, in its continuo-us becoming. To be water, to move like water means to be able to contact qualities such as fluidity, surrender and deep relaxation.The flowing quality supports the art of feeling relaxed, receptive, in harmony with your own rhythm. Do not fight, do not swim against the tide, beyond futile efforts just be available to the currents of the river of life.Watsu embodies all these aspects: let your-self be floated and supported by arms that welcome, without judging, without interfering or wanting to make a change, let yourself be just the way you are.

This group represents the first level and you can attend it in two parts or in a single intensive for-mulaIn the first part:Watsu® Basic, you’ll learn the movements and the basic positions, experimenting with how to stand in the water in a proper way, using its natural support.In the Basic, the connection between movement and breath will be highlighted and explored culti-vating a dimension of peace and pure presence.In the second part:The Transition flow, you’ll learn how to connect the learned movements, in a new sequence crea-ting a harmonious and gentle flow .you’ll experiment with how you might support people with different physical structures, learning the principles of postural aquatic dynamics, so that the stress can be reduced to a minimum, incre-asing the level of pleasure and abandon.If you have already attended Watsu Basic, you can participate directly the Transition flow.“The water is life -- because all life arises out of the water. Water is vital. In your body you are ei-ghty-five percent water, so eighty-five percent water, liquid, is meeting with a big river, or the ocean. you have come to the original source of vitality.”OSHO


15/09/18 10:00from 16/09/18 16:30to




15/09/18 10:00from 20/09/18 16:30to




17/09/18 10:00from 20/09/18 16:30to


Level 2 contains two groups. For certification, you are required to do both groups. Upon completing level 2, you will be certified to give Subtle Body Healing sessions. In Subtle Body Healing sessions you are using the full spectrum of your skills that you have learned and practiced in the training.part 1: releasing Karma with Alvinayou learn to recognize and release karmic patterns and traumatic experiences from the past in yourself and other people. you under-stand how past lives influence how we feel and behave in this life. This greatly frees your energy and the energy of people you work with and expands awareness of the here –

now. you discover how to truly be in the moment during your sessions and to bring this power of being present here - now into your work with people and all aspects of your life. you also continue to increase your sensitivity and ability to recognize the differences in the vibrations of each of the subtle bodies and chakras.SUBTLE BOdy HEALING TrAININGA unique, in-depth training in energy transformation and intuitive reading and how to be in the hea-ling power of the heart.Alvina and prasad have an intuitive gift with energy. They have developed a distinctive approach to the chakra energy system and a comprehensive map of the subtle bodies, which are the energy layers of the aura. from their vast experience they have distilled the essential elements of energy work and healing that they teach in this training.This training is for anyone who wants to personally enrich their lives by having a deep understan-ding of their energy and how to transform it. you will learn to connect with your natural intuition and healing ability within your heart and to bring this energy into the different areas of your life.Benefits of Subtle Body Healing:Happens in the atmosphere of the heart, through a deep acceptance and non-judgment.Awakens your creative and intuitive intelligence.Connects with your essential nature, and your inner sources of energy which helps you to live and express who you really are.Connects with the universal healing power within you.releases karma and disturbed energy from the past.Restores the natural flow and balance of your energy system.Brings energy, vitality, balance, harmony and clarity into every aspect of your life, for example your relating, your work, your family, a decision you have to take, your home.The technique of Subtle Body Healing can be used for healing yourself and strengthening your per-sonal growth and meditation. Subtle Body Healing can also be used to heal and balance the ener-

SUBTLE BOdy HEALING TrAINING - LEVEL 2 - pArT 1releasing Karma

19/09/18 10:00from 25/09/18 16:30to


gy of others. This training qualifies you to give Subtle Body Healing Sessions. It is also beneficial for people who already work with people. It enhances your other healing or therapeutic work, body work, counseling or coaching and adds great value to them.This training is given in clear steps. It happens in a loving, nurturing atmosphere and contains me-ditation techniques, teaching and practical exercises that are clearly explained. The certification program in Subtle Body Healing has 2 levels.Level 1Level 1 is given in three parts and upon completion of these three parts you are certified to give Chakra Energy Balancing sessions. In these sessions you are practicing the basic skills that you learned in Level 1. Chakra Energy Balancing is a simple yet effective session that is very relaxing, rejuvenating and harmonizes your energy as well as the energy of someone you give the session to.Part 1: Exploring Aura and Chakras you get a clear experience of what the aura is, how the chakras function and how energy moves and flows. You receive a basic understanding of how the energy in the chakras and aura affect work, relationships and wellbeing. This is the base that prepares you to learn how to read and work with energy.part 2: Energy reading TrainingIn this segment you develop your ability to perceive and to read the energy of the chakras, subtle bodies and aura, through opening your intuitive sense. you learn to read your own energy and how to give an energy reading to another person, to make visible the invisible, and to see the deeper connections between how energy flows and the different aspects of life.Part 3: Metaphysical Energy Work you will connect to the healing power of the heart and bring this power directly to yourself and others. This gives you and your work a magic that is effective and of great benefit to whomever you share it with. You will learn many specific techniques to release, open and heal energy, brin-ging it back into a natural flow and balance. You will see the rewards and watch in wonder, as your life and the life of people that you touch is transformed.Level 2Level 2 contains two groups. For certification, you are required to do both groups. Upon com-pleting level 2, you will be certified to give Subtle Body Healing sessions. In Subtle Body Healing sessions you are using the full spectrum of your skills that you have learned and practiced in the training.Part 1: Releasing Karma you learn to recognize and release karmic patterns and traumatic experiences from the past in yourself and other people. You understand how past lives influence how we feel and behave in this life. This greatly frees your energy and the energy of people you work with and expands awareness of the here – now. you discover how to truly be in the moment during your sessions and to bring this power of being present here - now into your work with people and all aspects of your life. you also continue to increase your sensitivity and ability to recognize the differences in the vibrations of each of the subtle bodies and chakras.


Part 2: The Fifth Chakra In level one we mainly work with transforming the lower chakras from the heart. Here you learn to work with the more refined energies of the fifth chakra. You learn to identify and clear mental programs that keep limiting energy patterns, emotions and behavior in place. you connect with the creative power of the fifth chakra giving you and people you work with new choices and creative expression in life. In part 2 you practice integrating all the different elements of Subtle Body Hea-ling to utilize for yourself and to structure a session according to the needs of a client.


It is possible to participate for 3, 7 or 10 days.More people have experienced Satori with Vipassana than any other method. It is the technique with which Gautama the Buddha became enlightened. However... a new appro-ach, or support, is needed for modern man.Vipassana is an insight meditation, and un-derstanding about oneself comes simply through allowing the mind process to slow down. It can be practiced by anyone at any time in any place. To really learn and expe-rience the depth of Vipassana though, there is no better way than give yourself the time and space of a retreat, with Osho’s active medita-tions to support you and private meditation

counseling as part of your retreat. Allow yourself the luxury of just being, undisturbed by outside influences, and see what is possible when you bring your awareness, your attention back to your-self. ”The world was very different in the past, obviously.About six weeks worth of sensory stimuli six hundred years ago is what we now get in a day. Six weeks worth of stimulation, information, we are getting in a single day - about forty times the pres-sure to learn and adapt. Modern man has to become capable of adapting to new situations every day because the world is changing so fast.It is a great challenge. A great challenge, if accepted, will help tremendously in the expansion of consciousness.One thing is certain: there is no way of going back. The sensory stimuli will go on increasing more and more. you will be getting more and more information and life will be changing, with faster and faster rhythms. And you will have to be capable of learning, of adapting to new things.” OSHO


21/09/18 10:00from 23/09/18 16:30to


It is possible to participate for 3, 7 or 10 days.More people have experienced Satori with Vipassana than any other method. It is the technique with which Gautama the Buddha became enlightened. However... a new appro-ach, or support, is needed for modern man.Vipassana is an insight meditation, and un-derstanding about oneself comes simply through allowing the mind process to slow down. It can be practiced by anyone at any time in any place. To really learn and expe-rience the depth of Vipassana though, there is no better way than give yourself the time and space of a retreat, with Osho’s active medita-tions to support you and private meditation

counseling as part of your retreat. Allow yourself the luxury of just being, undisturbed by outside influences, and see what is possible when you bring your awareness, your attention back to your-self. ”The world was very different in the past, obviously.About six weeks worth of sensory stimuli six hundred years ago is what we now get in a day. Six weeks worth of stimulation, information, we are getting in a single day - about forty times the pres-sure to learn and adapt. Modern man has to become capable of adapting to new situations every day because the world is changing so fast.It is a great challenge. A great challenge, if accepted, will help tremendously in the expansion of consciousness.One thing is certain: there is no way of going back. The sensory stimuli will go on increasing more and more. you will be getting more and more information and life will be changing, with faster and faster rhythms. And you will have to be capable of learning, of adapting to new things.” OSHO


21/09/18 10:00from 27/09/18 16:30to


It is possible to participate for 3, 7 or 10 days.More people have experienced Satori with Vipassana than any other method. It is the technique with which Gautama the Buddha became enlightened. However... a new appro-ach, or support, is needed for modern man.Vipassana is an insight meditation, and un-derstanding about oneself comes simply through allowing the mind process to slow down. It can be practiced by anyone at any time in any place. To really learn and expe-rience the depth of Vipassana though, there is no better way than give yourself the time and space of a retreat, with Osho’s active medita-tions to support you and private meditation

counseling as part of your retreat. Allow yourself the luxury of just being, undisturbed by outside influences, and see what is possible when you bring your awareness, your attention back to your-self. ”The world was very different in the past, obviously.About six weeks worth of sensory stimuli six hundred years ago is what we now get in a day. Six weeks worth of stimulation, information, we are getting in a single day - about forty times the pres-sure to learn and adapt. Modern man has to become capable of adapting to new situations every day because the world is changing so fast.It is a great challenge. A great challenge, if accepted, will help tremendously in the expansion of consciousness.One thing is certain: there is no way of going back. The sensory stimuli will go on increasing more and more. you will be getting more and more information and life will be changing, with faster and faster rhythms. And you will have to be capable of learning, of adapting to new things.” OSHO


21/09/18 10:00from 30/09/18 16:30to


In the West, Tantra was and is often associa-ted with methods to improve sex. However, the tantric perspective goes deeper. Tantra is art, science, a spiritual path and a lifesty-le embracing all aspects of life. It is a path of generation, transformation and freedom through the body, saying yes to sexuality, love and consciousness as equal parts.Skydancing Tantra®, created by Margot Anand and empowered by the vision of Osho, is the first Neo-Tantra approach in our mo-dern world. It offers you tools to consciously liberate and connect with your own body, vitality, sexuality and love. It allows you to transform and to create a deeper and authen-

tic connection with yourself, your partner and loved ones around you in your daily life.SkyDancing Tantra is happy and honoured to offer our first workshop in Miasto!We invite you to come and explore the Tantric path on an introductory workshop.In this weekend you will discover and harmonize the different aspects of your Self through the body using Tantric and other practices and tools in a playful and relaxed way on earth and in water. you will have the opportunity to expand your love and consciousness capacities enjoying and ope-ning new dimensions of sexuality and your own ecstatic flow of energy. You will develop a relaxed and energetic awareness of yourself. All these in a safe and trustful atmosphere with respect of your own boundaries.


21/09/18 10:00from 23/09/18 16:30to


primal Breath is a journey into liberating ourselves from the wounds and conditionings of early life and childhood. It is a master key to get in touch with the reality and the natural intelligence of your body, the power of the cheerful, delicate and daring childlike being within us.This healing “primal Breath” a deep con-nected breath, enables us to travel back in time within our body opening up and gently letting go of old traumas. Safely and playfully, we can release old buried pain, fear, anger, sadness and guilt and uncover our deepest connection with live again.The three days will support you to consciou-

sly re-owning the qualities of the child with it’s tremendous juice for life, a resource which is still inside waiting be be uncovered and lived againIn the 5 days there is a chance to also look more deeply at the individual issues of abuse, shock and the rejection of our elementary needs for love and emotional safety which in the child have left deep traumtic tracks.We will understand the protective pattern of our personality and realizing that it is time to stop sabotaging ourselves, constantly feeling rejected or misunderstood. Instead we learn to dare ope-ning our hearts for ourselves again and taking the risk to move towards loving intimacy with others can join 3 or 5 days

prIMAL BrEATH (5 dAyS)

28/09/18 10:00from 02/10/18 16:30to


practicing meditation and mindfulness has many benefits for your wellbeing, your health and quality of life. Scientific studies show that Meditation reduces stress. It improves concentration and clarity of thinking. It gives more intelligence and creativity. It increases happiness. It encourages a healthy lifestyle. It benefits cardiovascular and immune heal-th and slows aging.More and more people recognize these im-mense benefits of meditation and are wonde-ring how to start practicing meditation. Some-times it’s not so easy to find a way to become

mindful and to relax in meditation.Many people think that in order to meditate they have to be able to sit silently without moving, without thoughts, or emotions. This can be difficult for many people. When they sit and try to go in, they may feel like their body wants to move, and experience thoughts and feelings moving conti-nuously. If this happens to you, you may think that meditation is not for don’t have to be able to sit silently without thoughts and feelings in order to experience the benefits of meditation. Osho has given simple step-by-step methods to come into this moment, to be present and relax with the movements, the thoughts and the feelings that may be there. Being in the moment allows you to open your heart to yourself as you are, without rejection. Being in this moment, here-now, expands your awareness of yourself as well as people, situations and the world around you.Becoming more aware of yourself you discover who you are beyond the surface of thoughts, fee-lings, beyond what you do or what others think you should be like. With awareness you recognize that the relaxation, happiness, compassion, clarity, peace, and silence you may be seeking through meditation, are qualities that are already there in you. In these 3 days you discover how you can connect to these qualities in any moment.As your awareness of you own inner nature and beauty deepens you also become aware of the be-auty of other people around you. This transforms the way you relate and opens you to a synchroni-stic flow with others and with all of life.In these 3 days Alvina is sharing her wisdom and experience of meditation. Using different medita-tion techniques that are easy to apply in your own life, she inspires you to experience the benefits of meditation in your own life. Together we create a light, loving, warm and supportive atmosphere that makes it easy to connect to your inner nature.We use a wide variety of meditation techniques that Osho has given so that you can find the ones that you enjoy and that make meditation easy for you. We use methods that are down to Earth and can easily be practiced in daily life. In synchronicity together we connect to inner states of aware-


28/09/18 10:00from 30/09/18 16:30to


ness, trust, compassion, and receive a deep experience of the peace and silence at the center.This meditation weekend is for everyone interested in meditation. It is for those who want to be introduced to meditation, possibly for the first time, and experience step-by-step the many benefi-ts meditation gives you. It is also for those who have been meditating, perhaps already for a long time, and want to deepen their meditation even more. No matter what your meditation experience is, coming together with other meditators creates an atmosphere in which everyone’s meditation is enhanced in a synchronicity of love.


primal Breath is a journey into liberating ourselves from the wounds and conditionings of early life and childhood. It is a master key to get in touch with the reality and the natural intelligence of your body, the power of the cheerful, delicate and daring childlike being within us.This healing “primal Breath” a deep con-nected breath, enables us to travel back in time within our body opening up and gently letting go of old traumas. Safely and playfully, we can release old buried pain, fear, anger, sadness and guilt and uncover our deepest connection with live again.The three days will support you to consciou-

sly re-owning the qualities of the child with it’s tremendous juice for life, a resource which is still inside waiting be be uncovered and lived againIn the 5 days there is a chance to also look more deeply at the individual issues of abuse, shock and the rejection of our elementary needs for love and emotional safety which in the child have left deep traumtic tracks.We will understand the protective pattern of our personality and realizing that it is time to stop sabotaging ourselves, constantly feeling rejected or misunderstood. Instead we learn to dare ope-ning our hearts for ourselves again and taking the risk to move towards loving intimacy with others can join 3 or 5 days

prIMAL BrEATH (3 dAyS)

28/09/18 10:00from 30/09/18 16:30to



28/09/18 10:00from 30/09/18 16:30to


This group starts at 9:30pmStep-by-step, path Love open your eyes and empower you to live the life you have always dreamed of and hoped for… a life full of joy, aliveness and deep connection to yourself and others, your creativity and your work.The path of Love is an intensive, loving and liberating process in which participants are supported to passionately focus on their sin-cere desire and longing to awaken and realise their full human and spiritual potential.Our longing, courageously combined with a love for the Truth and an inner yearning for peace provides clear inner guidance and di-rection for spiritual unfoldment.

The longing of the heart is benevolent and as it is oriented towards Truth, it perfectly reveals all the inner layers of identification, concepts, beliefs and emotionally charged defensive positions that keep us from directly experiencing our True Nature. By honestly and compassionately facing these layers, the heart opens profoundly into the expe-rience of Love. This opening reveals the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives, directing us to realise our Essence and connection to the divine.This Path of Love process, taken with a firm, focused intention and sincere longing for Freedom, presents the possibility for the participant to have a significant and lasting breakthrough and the shift in consciousness.


03/10/18 20:30from 10/10/18 16:30to


pleasure is to taste a ripe strawberry, to brea-the the salty air while the wind caresses your face, to listen with an open heart to the birds chirping, to watch with the wonder of a child’s eyes, pleasure is the sun setting behind the mountains. pleasure represents the primary orientation of life, and expresses itself throu-gh the strength of the breath that expands and is amplified during fulfilling experiences.pleasure is an experience that belongs to the bodily sphere, it is a state of being that involves all senses and opens for us a door towards the divine.In order to be able to feel totally and embody the pleasure of living, is useful to free oneself

from tensions and thus to fully live the present moment.Water will be for us the amplifying element of our feeling: immersed in its arms, our skin is cares-sed and touched and a multitude of pleasant sensations are absorbed by our system. This sense of liquid pleasure expands the perception of the boundaries of our body, dissolving resistance and tensions and making space for a natural sense of satisfaction and merging with oneself and the other. When the water is charged with loving energy and deep healing, this message is transported and conveyed through our internal fluids to all our cells, and even deeper to the point of nurturing the soul of intimate trust.The focus of this group is to bring you back to the discovery of the source of pleasure that abides within you, to open yourself to a more luxuriant and creative life.

AqUA pLEASUrE-WEreconnecting to the innate principle of pleasure

12/10/18 10:00from 14/10/18 16:30to


This group starts at 9:30pmBeing able to laugh at yourself is a great resource! To know ourselves and our own potential, dive into the stuff we are made of, expose ourselves and watch.The theater game of taking on a character, an emotion, a context, a behavioural cage and then to drop it, gives us the possibility to in-crease our own consciousness through expe-rience. It also gives us the chance to playfully explore our habits.The tools we are going to use come from the body, vocal and expressive improvisational theater training. rebirthing breath will be the catalyst for the process, the lens that brings

the image into focus. The breath kicks in immediately, deeply and throws out all beliefs, making clear the perception of oneself.Osho’s meditations are the basis of the work of watching. We watch, play and enjoy our own being.


12/10/18 21:30from 14/10/18 16:30to


We all happen to have experienced small or big shocks in our life. These shocks are black holes in our aura.We experience these black holes by feeling frozen, paralysed, lost, cut off, embarrassed, and we often feel ashamed or guilty for our being in this state of shock.perhaps, we have all experienced moments of shame in which we have felt inadequate. We often find it difficult to communicate and share this space with others, and we may feel hopeless because of that.This group is conceived to make us under-stand how and when we are in a state of shock, so that we accept more ourselves and

the others. Meanwhile, through the use of the Osho prana Healing, and the work on the hara that goes with it, a process of powerful healing will occur, filling up any black hole with vital energy.


13/10/18 10:00from 21/10/18 16:30to


We all happen to have experienced small or big shocks in our life. These shocks are black holes in our aura.We experience these black holes by feeling frozen, paralysed, lost, cut off, embarrassed, and we often feel ashamed or guilty for our being in this state of shock.perhaps, we have all experienced moments of shame in which we have felt inadequate. We often find it difficult to communicate and share this space with others, and we may feel hopeless because of that.This group is conceived to make us under-stand how and when we are in a state of shock, so that we accept more ourselves and

the others. Meanwhile, through the use of the Osho prana Healing, and the work on the hara that goes with it, a process of powerful healing will occur, filling up any black hole with vital energy.


13/10/18 10:00from 16/10/18 16:30to


One of the ancient texts of tantra practice is the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. This lyrical text recounts a “lover’s conversation” between Shiva (masculine principle) and parvati (Sha-kti - feminine principle).Each aphorism is a world in itself . . . each a doorway to know the “delights of this won-der-filled universe”.Several beautiful translations and commen-taries of Vijnana Bhairava Tantra exist, with the most extensive being Osho’s masterpiece, The Book of the Secrets.Vijnana Bhairava Tantra meditations (sutras) provide potent and meditative doorways that can again and again bring us back to aware-

ness of life as-it-is . . . daring, difficult, delicate, delightful!In this workshop, we will explore many of these body and breath centered meditations in the warm water environment of Osho Miasto pool. The aquatic environment is useful in helping us to soften our habitual patterns and relate to the water’s constant state of flow and change that is much like life. Above all, the warm waters invite us towards relaxation and pleasure in life . . . a stream of the tantric attitude.The tantric meditative explorations include free movement and breath work adapted for an aqua-tic environment, meditative stillness, sound work, partners touch and bodywork and tantric/taoist philosophy inspired by the water.In this shared journey of inner and collective transformation, we will bathe ourselves in the eternal creative flow of life, rest into a space of presence and listen with heart to hear the song of the Divi-ne that sings through each one of us . . . each moment . . . each breath.This workshop is open and very accessible for individuals who simply wish to enhance their awa-reness of the vital flow of life felt through the breath, movement and sound, as well as enriching for yoga and movement teachers and bodyworkers wishing to expand their practice and sharing. We will work individually, in partners and in small groups primarily in the warm water and with some hours on land as well.


18/10/18 10:00from 21/10/18 16:30to


This groups starts at 9.30 pmAccording to the ancient Eastern philosophies as well as according to modern quantum physics the universe is dance of energy. The dance of Shiva creates the world. The dance of subatomic particles gives substance to reality. from the dance of the universe we go tho the essence the visible forms.”Trance “ is derived from Latin “transire” whi-ch means passing go beyond, go through. The trance dance is a way to experience all this:To become really what you are, spirit and matter simultaneously, pure and expanded consciousness expressed through the body and its rhythms.

It is also the most ancient ritual: The world’s first movement is reproduced, through dancing to the sound of the drum and the sacred instruments, in the body, mind and soul, freeing us from the limits that we have set ourselves believing that we only are separate beings. This thousand year old ancient practice is now being relived in a form adapted to our times thanks to the work of the energizers, who have taken up and brought it into our daily lives to make it a source of energy and vitality. In the trance dance ritual one connects with Mother Earth and the forces of nature, ones own passion, ones own creative, magical and expressive side.This group is a preparation for the Trance dance with the use of several powerful techniques: patterns of conscious breathing the sound of drums singing shamanic power postures meeting ones own “magical child”, with its roots deeper and with her own wings.He wakes up the vital energy by breaking those barriers that limit our freedom of expression and our creativity . you establish a deeper contact with themselves.This introductory seminar on the trance dance , open to all, is one of the stages of “ The Way energizers “ path of inner growth for a spiritual approach to life and path of degree credit SICOOL - Italian Society counselor and holistic operator.

TrANCE dANCEThe dance of Life

18/10/18 21:30from 21/10/18 16:30to


This group is a journey of rebellion against what is false and forced upon you, and of recovery of the positive essential spaces that you truly experienced as a child. Step by step, we will go back in time, through each stage of development of your childhood, from school time back to the time of conception. We will explore and understand what conditioning each different individual has received, as well through direct intervention of the parents as through absorbing the holes, deficiencies and fears of family and surrounding. you will be able to recognize what mask you grew used to wear, and how you continue wearing it in the old hope of being acknowledged and

accepted.Once you realize how your free being has been imprisoned and conditioned by all of this, you will have full space and support to put a stop to that, to throw it off, to take off your mask, to let out a shout, to start moving the way you really want, and to celebrate the lightness and freedom that is regained when the old weight is gone. When you conquer and dissolve the negative side of your past, long forgotten treasures will remerge. you will be able to reconnect with the love, the adven-turousness, the spontaneity you felt when you were a will rediscover the deep-seated impulse that has brought you to want to be born and live exactly this life. And you will be able to bow down to the gifts you received from your parents, without having to accept or fight against all the negativity and the conditions that you believed you had to absorb together with those gifts. With those gifts, you will be able to turn away from the past and rejoice in the freedom of creating your own life the way you want it.previous experience with either bodywork, breath or emotions is recommended The Tantra- Sexual deconditioning group (which takes place in Miasto two days after the end of the primal) is a very good continuation.If you can continue right away your process with Tantra, the atmosphere of trust created in the pri-mal will allow you to go through your issues around teenage and sexuality with greater openness.However, if you cannot continue immediately, you will be able to catch up on next year, with equal benefit.

TWICE BOrN: OSHO prIMALChildhood deconditioning

26/10/18 10:00from 02/11/18 16:30to


The group starts at 9.30 pmA journey into your own emotions, to know them better and to be able to express them boldly and directly. More and more coming into contact with our deepest parts. This will help to be more aware of your own emotional universe. his process will be facilitated by the preparatory activities which will take place on the ground, with the help of bioenergetic exercises, modulated specifically to help you to have a greater connection with the body, with the breath and with your feeling. you will experience some of the Social Meditations of the Humaniversity (Netherlands) and a spe-cial, exclusive AUM between Earth and Water,

that will help you connect and interact with other people, bringing more openness in the relation-ship with the other.dynamism and intensity of the AUM, with its cathartic force prepares the correct opening to merge into the Silence that the magical Water can give. It is an AUM reworked with the addition of a long period in water (36 °) that will give us the opportunity to take care of ourselves in pairs, exploring listening, through receiving and giving ...Social Meditations, have been created to tackle the growing isolation that man is living. They are a real experience that through interaction with the other leads you to awaken and get back in touch with sensations and deep emotions, which, in most cases, were inhibited when we were kids. More and more, we forget how to love ourselves and others spontaneously.The stage in warm water, will be facilitated by the Watsu Operator: Jalesh Claudio petrassi (presi-dent of Watsu Association Italy).

MELTING IN THE SILENCEFrom grounding to the flowing of the water

26/10/18 21:30from 28/10/18 16:30to


The Meditation Camp starts at 9.30 pmA full-immersion into meditation.This is an opportunity to experience many of the meditation techniques that Osho has given us, to find again a space of silence wi-thin ourselves and discover how to bring this quality into each moment of our daily lives. A deep experience, shared with other seekers and fellow travellers.


26/10/18 21:30from 28/10/18 16:30to


An exploration of our ability to express what we feel, reopening to the spontaneous flow of our vital energy. The whole body will be invol-ved, with a particular attention to the muscu-lar segments of the mouth, neck and throat. We are going to try to let ourselves go deeper to the impulses that naturally are rising from within, also connecting and melting those tensions usually keeping us stuck.

SAHAJ: THE fIrE Of SpONTANEITyosho pulsation bodywork

01/11/18 10:00from 04/11/18 16:30to


Nitya and Ninad will take you on a journey towards the essence of yoga, which is the recognition of being one with the divine, with Existence or in any way you prefer to call the silent source of life.Thanks to the chanting of sanskrit mantras and active meditation techniques, you will experience a new and deep connection with yourself and what surrounds you, walking the path of bhakti, love and devotion.The music of Nitya & Ninad is a door that opens to silence, to the mystery of life and to healing, celebrating taht which passes throu-gh us at every moment. for many years they have shared this gift of guiding seekers into

this practice, described by many as the most suitable for the historical moment in which we live.The effects of this workshop are multiple:- reactivate and energize all bodies (koshas)-deep “cleaning” thanks to the vibrational massage of the internal organs of the body- the particular use of breathing acts on the nervous system, relaxing it in depth- moving from the constant flow of thoughts allows access to other levels of awareness, beyond the mind- support and guidance on your spiritual pathNo experience with singing or music is required to participate


02/11/18 21:30from 04/11/18 16:30to


As children, our nature was sensuous: tou-ching, feeling, tasting, smelling, hearing, was our innocent way to relate to ourselves, to others and to the surrounding. Most of our parents, teachers and neighbors did not know how to respond to us, and directly or indirectly condemned our naturalness. We had to le-arn to tense up and control our impulses, to become afraid and embarrassed about them. As adolescence started, the awakening of sexuality challenged all the control, the fear, the shame that we had learnt to adopt as children.

TWICE BOrN - OSHO TANTrASexual deconditioning

04/11/18 10:00from 11/11/18 16:30to


O’SHO Connection is a masterful synthesis of several methods that come to life in a mode that is simultaneously healing and meditation. It was born from a long journey begun with Osho’s meditations, continued with the Vipas-sana of the Sensations, the natural healing method of Osho Neo reiki of Usui, the Brea-thing Techniques and reached its peak with Channeling.O’SHO Connection thus becomes the alche-mic union that brings together the stages of this path. A meditative approach that uses light and love energy and allows reunion with one’s essence and existence.Meditation of love and presence, to access

the universal frequencies involved in healing. Being in connection, in union, empty like bamboo canes, in the attention, be in relation to who is there as is: pure consciousness.It works by quickly getting in touch with our own Essence, with our Inner Master, in a space of peace and blissfulness. from this space, when you want to work on others, in presence or distan-ce, you connect with the person and through the quantum resonance phenomenon, the subject is reconnected to his Internal Healer.The O’Sho mantra that is used during the session allows to achieve a vibrational level that ma-kes the healing effects very powerful. O’SHO Connection will for many be a new way to meditate, where presence, being in the Here and Now and the absence of doing, remain the core of this new methodology of the heart. This means to realize the great mystery of becoming bamboo canes and at the same time being healers.The Buddha says: My approach to reality is not to believe, but to see. Ihi passika: come and see

O’SHO CONNECTIONConnection to the inner Master

09/11/18 10:00from 11/11/18 16:30to


The Camp starts at 9.30 pmMost of the meditations will take place in the hot tub of Miasto Sagar. The warm, welco-ming and relaxing water, combined with the effectiveness of the meditation techniques created by Osho, will help us to let us descend more easily and confidently into a quiet space within us.“Il rilassamento è uno stato di cose in cui la tua energia non va da nessuna parte: non va verso il futuro, non va verso il passato; è semplicemente lì presente con te. Il lago silenzioso della tua energia, il calore della tua energia, ti avvolge. Il momento presente è tut-to: non c’è nient’altro. Il tempo si ferma e c’è

rilassamento. finché c’è il tempo, non c’è il rilassamento. L’orologio si ferma, il tempo non c’è più. Il momento presente è tutto, non chiedi altro, semplicemente godi del presente, godi la bellezza di cose ordinarie. OSHO

MEdITATION CAMp (EArTH & WATEr)Meditations on earth and in water

09/11/18 21:30from 11/11/18 16:30to


part 2 - resolving Energetic Blockages in the BellyEnergetic blockages from past emotional events hinder the free flow of „Ki“ (Japanese for life energy) in the belly and pelvis. They disconnect us from our strenght and our full energetic potential. If we gently dissolve the-se blockages we can let go of seperation and dissociation.+ resolving past traumatic events that created energetic blockages in the belly and patterns of thinking in the mind+ reconnecting to our full presence of being+ being one and moving from the center+ qi Gong and working with the spontaneous

movement oft he body+ understanding the concept of “kyo” and “jitsu” in relation to the five elements+ working with relaxing the fasciae in the belly+ communication as means of directing “ki” life energy flow


15/11/18 10:00from 18/11/18 16:30to


It often happens that after some time of being together, couples notice that the passion they felt for each in the beginning of their relation-ships has faded into a kind of routine, or even boredom.This group is an opportunity for couples to relax together, to meet each other afresh; to re-connect with the bio-electric attraction, the masculine and feminine polarity, that original-ly brought them together.We will use: neo-reichian deep breathing movement dance active body meditations

chakra energy work to loosen the body’s muscular “armoring”, opening to deeper layers of rela-xation and sensitivityTantric meditations developed from Osho’s “Book of Secrets” will form a basis for partner medita-tions using: breath eye contact touch inner sensing sharingMeeting and melting with the other in a deep let-go, we can rediscover the natural blissfulness that is a potential of our loving relationships.This group will provide experiences and keys which couples can take home with them and conti-nue to use, keys which can deepen and expand their loving sexual relationship.

This is not a problem-oriented group, but rather a re-affirmation of shared love. It is a space to open up in deep trust and receptivity to the love we all long to give and receive.


16/11/18 10:00from 18/11/18 16:30to


Thanks to the support and to the magic of the harmonies of the bowls, you’ll travel inside yourself, discovering your true nature, learning to love you as you are, and to live in harmony with your being.In this journey you will learn various tools to use in your daily life in order to better welco-me the challenge of difficult times; you will strengthen the confidence in yourself, you will improve your relationship with yourself and with others to live a more vital and profound life.Meditating is also creating an interior space in which to receive answers, a journey to-gether to create harmony and wellbeing.

In these two days, through different meditation techniques, investigations and with the support and the depth of the crystal bowl sounds, you will have the opportunity to orient yourself to your inner world in a careful and delicate way.


17/11/18 10:00from 18/11/18 16:30to


In part three we will continue our personal exploration, and will cover further points of reichian Theory. Additionally, participants will begin to exchange sessions within the group, to get a feeling for the hands-on work taught in the Advanced Training in 2017.Topics covered will be:The feeling pairs-Anger/Love, fear/Trust, pain/pleasurepulsation and CounterpulsationUnderstanding the de-Armoring processSexuality, pleasure, and Intimacy with Tantric pulsationpreview of Avanced Training in pulsation


19/11/18 10:00from 25/11/18 16:30to


This group is about a relationship that exists on the inside of ourselves. Often we see the same relationship reflected on the outside in our partners—or a series of partners. When there are problems on the outside, our efforts to improve things often lead to the feelings of tension or frustration. But if we return to the energetic source of those problems, which we will find on the inside of ourselves, much can be done to help our male part and our female part live in a state of relaxed equilibrium.How did we get out of balance? Typically one part of you (the male or the female) has been supported in the past—supported to experi-ment, supported when it made mistakes to try

again and again and eventually to succeed in its own areas of interest. Now that success is sure, it uses this leverage to dominate.The second part of you (the opposte one) was not so lucky. Whenever it had different ideas of what it wanted to do, it was told to wait, or step aside, because the other part’s activities were more important. And slowly it became accustomed to being less appreciated, inferior, even guilty for “mistakes” which disturbed the first one’s scenario.How to put them in balance? It never happens by compromise, in which each one has to give up half of its life for the other. No, it happens by totality—each living 100% according to its own inte-rests and impulses. It happens thanks to a connection with meditation, or essence, which allows each part of you to consciously choose the moment to act or to rest. Then they play together on a see-saw—one up and one down, then a minute later it’s changed. Equilibrium is not a state that is fixed forever, but rather a conscious adjustment to the needs of each new moment. When both parts of you live in the state of love, they can easily and gracefully give way to each other.“My approach is neither Eastern nor Western, my approach is neither male nor female, my appro-ach is neither of action nor inaction, my approach is that of utter balance, symmetry, in you. This is what Taoists call wei wu wei, action through inaction—the meeting of yin and yang, anima and animus; it brings enlightenment. Imbalance is neurosis; balance is enlightenment.”Osho

A BALANCING ACTMale & female

21/11/18 10:00from 25/11/18 16:30to


The Meditation Camp starts at 9.30 pmA full-immersion into meditation.This is an opportunity to experience many of the meditation techniques that Osho has given us, to find again a space of silence wi-thin ourselves and discover how to bring this quality into each moment of our daily lives. A deep experience, shared with other seekers and fellow travellers.


23/11/18 21:30from 25/11/18 16:30to


Standing up for the Child• emotional release and the use of cathartic methods in childhood work• the art of tranforming raw materials of the unconscious into light and consciousness• encounter skills and open work• exploring thankfulness and compassion• finding positive resources, reframing part 6: dwija - Twice Born: Spring 2016

presentation of the Training: prIMAL TrAINING (in 6 parts)

In this training, we want to share our understanding and our experience of 30 years of work on primal issues around the field of meditation.Our understanding is that releasing consciously whatever emotion (positive or negative) has remained locked or kept in our past, will give us a chance to be more available to the present, and make space, inside and around us, for emptiness and relaxation.Our experience is that this journey is as much a liberation of true childhood as an initiation into real adulthood.Through the different stages of this teaching, the adult in you will be invited to develop his or her skill as a scientist of the inner world, and challenged to become a warrior for the child. We will sup-port you to trust your healing capacity, and inspire you to rest inside as a meditator. feeling seen and embraced.The child inside you, and in the people that you will work with later, will go through an incredible expansion. This will give you access to energy and natural qualities that had been locked inside the child, repressed and forgotten.When the split between our adult part and our child inside starts healing, we can make peace with ourselves, and share this experience with others. At the core of our exploration, we will find our being, present at the moment of conception, uncontaminated and rich with potential.

prIMAL TrAINING 5Standing up for the Child

28/11/18 10:00from 04/12/18 16:30to


The group starts at 9,30 pmIn this work we see how each family System has its own natural order. This natural order can be disturbed for various reasons: the death of a new-born baby, the exclusion of a family member on moralistic grounds, the lack of respect for somebody in the place where they really belong. In this way, without knowing it, another member of the family identifies with the excluded person and takes on their feelings and fate.In family Constellation work the participant represents the members of their own family of origin or their current family to reveal the identifications, the exclusions or the roles that

are present. Only when everyone is honoured and respected for what they have given and for what they have received can one be ready to open to the new. Then a new natural order is born which makes the flow of love possible.

fAMILy CONSTELLATIONWhen Love flows again

29/11/18 21:30from 02/12/18 16:30to


We are born out of water, we enter in the air through breathing and we continue that exchange, throughout the earthly experience, between liquid and gaseous elements.Water has memory and harmony, takes all our forms, in and out of the body. Water and air will be the guidance and the catalyst for the transformation, it will help to bring to surface what is dormant in the protected corners of our inner confines. We will contact the blocks on the path that each individual is ready to look at. We will support the journey with exer-cises that helps recognizing and developing our own resources.Osho Meditations techniques are perfect gill!

A jump in to the “Buddhahood

frOM WATEr TO AIrBorn into this world

30/11/18 21:30from 02/12/18 16:30to


part 1 - Breathing into a new lifepower Breathing - Body Mind Therapy - dyna-mic Stress releasepower Breathing gives you a profound expe-rience of the work of the human breath: for healing, great being and spiritual awakening. you learn a beautiful therapeutic method for great stress release, emotional awareness and inner transformation.They allows you to look deep into the uncon-scious mind and to dissolve it’s most unresol-ved conlficts. It supports your ability for being healthy, joyful, creative and meditative in your daily life. It dissolves negative breathing and chronic fear patterns and opens for the plea-

sure of feeling the flow of your bio-energy.With the help of Body Mind Therapy and dynamic Stress release and Emotional release you learn to relax and vitalize your body, clear mental tensions, balance emotions, open your heart and your spiritual being. Active Meditations, key elements of body-psycho therapy, grounding techniques, tribal dance, the art of therapeutic touch and regression support this process of profound inner healing.A key in working with the power of breath is the understanding of the breath centres. Working with Breath Awareness gives you an insight into their functioning and their effect on reconnecting to an ecstatic state of inner being.

OSHO dIAMONd BrEATH TrAINING 1Basic training Module 1

06/12/18 10:00from 13/12/18 16:30to


This group teaches you to accept, love and transform your self by Trance Energetic Brea-thing.You gently open your life energy flow and rele-ase old fears around intimacy. you relax into the beauty of your body and its senses and experience the greatest gift in life: to open your heart for the joy of being alive.This jourey along the stages of your sexual development brings new health, light and clarity to your love life. you discover amazing breathing techniques to surf on the waves of your energy.Tantric meditations support your inner jour-ney from sex to the heart.

”To transform sex into spirituality is my basic approach. Meditation and love should go hand in hand”.”If we can create a world where lovers are meditators too, then there will be no problem.” OSHO This group is also the beginning of theOsho Diamond Breath® training first part .


06/12/18 10:00from 09/12/18 16:30to


Tantra is yes to each moment. Being in each moment with an openness, an attitude of yes. It is often difficult just to be in this moment.These 3 days are dedicated to nourishing the space of intimacy, lovingness and sweetness in your relationship and an oppurtunity to reconnect and recharge the batteries.This groups involves: A Tantra Map with Ancient Tibetan Bud-dhist Tantric Meditation Techniques that originates from from of the lineage padma Sambhava and has been ”adapted” to wester-ners through Jes Berthelsen and further on through Neel fasting from Vækstcentret in denmark.

Osho’s meditations and teachings on tantra Exercises / Meditations Spaces of sharing dance and Movement What do you get from this group: A structure that takes away the feeling lostness and gropping in the unknown we often have in sex Tecniques that support depth and a spaces of lovingness in relationship and relating in general The space of individuality grows. In your sexual life you’ll find: More relaxation playfulness Creativity Stepping out of having to perform A shift from the other towards yourselfThis group you will give you keys to bring meditation-practise into sex. Through this you’ll beco-mes less focused on outcome and less performing. There is more being in the moment, being in the flow and a sense of trust emerges.In the work and the seminars there is no therapeutic approach, even though the work might have therapeutic results.The prerequisite for participating is that they both want to be together.

THE ALCHEMy Of TANTrA fOr COUpLESThe awakening of intimacy

07/12/18 10:00from 09/12/18 16:30to


Interaction with the worldIn this seminar we will study the dynamics of the face, hard palate and stomatognathic system. The viscerocranium is the part of our cranium, which grows and transforms the most from childhood to adult. Its balance is essential for the full expression of Health. The laws of the tidal body and the expressions of the Long Tide are deepened. Orientation toward Long Tide and field phenomena sup-ports the building of potency for the healing process. We will learn to recognize and appre-ciate the vital spark of ignition as a therapeu-tic process. The work with the motility of the CNS and of the ventricle system is explored

from an embryological point of view. It is an important approach for the expression of the vitality and for the embodiment of the human being.Contents:Non-physiological patterns of the cranial baseThe stomatognathic system: anatomy, physiology and therapeutic approachesEmbryology and the pharyngeal archesNeurocranium and viscerocraniumThe relationship between structures of the viscerocranium, mobility and motilityresolution of inertial patterns of the facial structuresThe tidal body and Long Tidepr and motility of the CNS and the ventriclesThe tour of the minnowThe third ventricle and the ignition processAnamnesisThe inherent treatment plan, part 4: Orientation to neutral and Long TideCraniosacral Biodynamics is an approach to bodywork based on the principle of the Breath of Life. The Breath of Life is the life force, which connects us to our Being, our core and our inherent He-alth. It is a therapeutic force expressing itself as a very slow and constant tidal movement. This subtle motion resembles a deep, inner breath and is therefore also called “primary respiration” (pr). dr Sutherland observed that the motion of pr can be sensed in the whole body. He also witnessed an ordering and organizing principle within its tidal motion, an inherent intelligence of the body-mind. To contact and cooperate with the intelligence of primary respiration for the benefit of the client, a practitioner needs to develop a finely tuned perception, a capacity to listen with the hands and with a compassionate, friendly heart, an open non-judgmental mind and an ability to be patient and still.The trained practitioner can perceive primary respiration and use it as a guide to evaluation and

CrANIOSACrAL 5Accensione, volto, interazione con il mondo

10/12/18 10:00from 16/12/18 16:30to


treatment. In this professional training the biodynamic principles and concepts are accurately taught and extensively practiced. The teachings include the biodynamic vision of embryology, ana-tomy, physiology, additional holistic studies and techniques for trauma resolution. The studies of these subjects have the purpose to provide the student with the necessary tools to recognize and support the expression of the inherent Health of the organism.This training program is for bodyworkers, therapists, and healing professionals. for interested lay people in a time of reorientation. for anyone interested in self-exploration and inquiry through bo-dy-mind awareness. And, it is also for craniosacral therapists who want to be trained in the resour-ce-oriented, fluid and potency approach. 


To be able to grow, to feel good and to expe-reince the subtle manifestations of Being, we need a conscious relation with Space. perhaps you have noticed that when you feel good, when you feel expanded, when you feel connected with yourself, you perceive space in a different way than when you are depres-sed and disconnected.This relation between how we expereince Space (inner and outer) and wellbeing, is fun-damental and relates to our awareness of our self-image and the dynamics with the Inner Judge.One of the basic functions of the Judge is to hold and protect a particular self-image

through habits, judgements and mechanisms of defence and survival. this self-image exists as a collection of psychic, emotional and physical boundaries which define who is “me” and who is the “other”, Very much like the walls of a castle they protect and contain what is “inside” and separate from what is “ouside”.Our perception of Space, both inner and outer, is therefore conditioned by these walls, these ima-ges and by the Superego and they prevent us from experiencing the real nature of the mind: the Void, Space in its abolute purity.


14/12/18 10:00from 16/12/18 16:30to


A 7-day process for 2 hours a day, designed by Osho, to release tensions from the body and mind so meditation and relaxation can go deeper: The first part using gibberish and body movements for expression, frees up our energy. It reconnect us with spontaneity and vitality beyond our day to day analytical mind. Moment to moment participants have the chance to be connected to their own energy expressions and encountering oneself. Then the second part, 1 hour sitting silently witnessing and watching allows a great silen-ce to arise from within.

Osho No Mind is one of the four meditative therapies created by Osho.Scientifically designed for the man of the 21st century, it provides the opportunity for a breakthrou-gh, clearing the way from old garbage and opening the path to meditation.purely an energetic process, simple and effective, giving the opportunity to participants to dissolve tensions, releasing energy from the past and repressions without any interference or intervention.Osho No Mind becomes a bridge to connect us with our natural state of being. TrainingOffered for people who enjoy the Osho No Mind process, and who would like to deepen their own understanding and experience and become Osho No Mind facilitators.The Osho No Mind training happens in the afternoon of each day of the 7-day processThe morning two hours of Osho No Mind process become a necessary and integral part of the training in the afternoon of each may also decide to participate the Osho No Mind Training simply to deepen your own expe-rience of this magnificent and revolutionary process.Below is an excerpt from the talk where Osho first introduced the meditation:“The first part is gibberish. The word ‘gibberish’ comes from a Sufi mystic, Jabbar. Jabbar never spoke any language, he just uttered nonsense. Still he had thousands of disciples because what he was saying was, “your mind is nothing but gibberish. put it aside and you will have a taste of your own being.”‘To use gibberish, don’t say things which are meaningful, don’t use the language that you know. Use Chinese, if you don’t know Chinese. Use Japanese if you don’t know Japanese. don’t use Ger-man if you know German.For the first time have a freedom - the same as all the birds have. Simply allow whatever comes to your mind without bothering about its rationality, reasonability, meaning, significance - just the way the birds are doing. For the first part, leave language and mind aside.


15/12/18 10:00from 21/12/18 13:00to


Out of this will arise the second part, a great silence in which you have to close your eyes and free-ze your body, all its movements, gather your energy within yourself. remain here and now’”OSHO


A 7-day training offered for people who enjoy the OSHO No Mind process, and who would like to deepen their own understanding and experience and become Osho No Mind facili-tators.The Osho No Mind training happens in the afternoon of each day of the 7-day processThe morning two hours of Osho No Mind pro-cess become a necessary and integral part of the training in the afternoon of each may also decide to participate the Osho No Mind Training simply to deepen your own experience of this magnificent and revolutio-nary process.Below is an excerpt from the talk where Osho

first introduced the meditation:“The first part is gibberish. The word ‘gibberish’ comes from a Sufi mystic, Jabbar. Jabbar never spoke any language, he just uttered nonsense. Still he had thousands of disciples because what he was saying was, “your mind is nothing but gibberish. put it aside and you will have a taste of your own being.”‘To use gibberish, don’t say things which are meaningful, don’t use the language that you know. Use Chinese, if you don’t know Chinese. Use Japanese if you don’t know Japanese. don’t use Ger-man if you know German.For the first time have a freedom - the same as all the birds have. Simply allow whatever comes to your mind without bothering about its rationality, reasonability, meaning, significance - just the way the birds are doing. For the first part, leave language and mind aside.Out of this will arise the second part, a great silence in which you have to close your eyes and free-ze your body, all its movements, gather your energy within yourself. remain here and now’” OSHO


15/12/18 10:00from 21/12/18 16:30to


do you often feel that you can not achieve your intent? do you feel limited and incapable of attracting what you would like to get? In truth, there are limitations that you yourself lay, based on thoughts and beliefs that you have on you, coming from what made you believe it is your true being. We attract the events we focus or emphasize on, whether in positive or negative terms.The teachings transmitted in this weekend are aimed to develop and acquire the ability to attract what we really want, expressing our intentions and bringing abundance in all areas of our lives.We will engage in new insights, boosting

self-esteem and inner authority, melting blocks, and encouraging new talents and creative abilities. There will be shared rituals drawn from shamanic teachings, which will open new doors for our “creations”: by transforming ourselves, we will transform, as by magic, the reality around us.It is a journey for all those who choose to bring “the extraordinary in ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary” in everyday life. Having fun !


19/12/18 21:30from 23/12/18 16:30to


These 3 days will be a “full-immersion” into meditation.We will be experimenting a variety of medita-tion techniques that Osho has transmitted. All this will happen in a playful, non-serious and non-judgemental atmosphere. you’ll be contacting spaces of playfulness, sincerity and silence; alone and together with other seekers and’ll experiment with how to bring medita-tion in any moment in your daily life. “Meditation is not an Indian method; it is not simply a technique. you cannot learn it. It is a growth of your total living, out of your total living. Meditation is not something that

can be added to you as you are. It can come to you only through a basic transformation, a muta-tion. It is a flowering, a growth. Growth is always out of the total; it is not an addition. You must grow toward meditation.” OSHO


23/12/18 10:00from 25/12/18 16:30to


In these three days we will explore the contact with ourselves and others through movement, dance and meditation, to invite into our lives joy, trust and love.It will be an opportunity to hear your body in a new way, revealing its full potential to live life with totality.When we come into contact with our power, we bring more vitality into our lives. feeling our natural roots reveals and gives access to our inner qualities. during the workshop we will discover different rhythms within us and their correspondence with the various beha-vioral patterns. This will give us a broader per-spective and understanding about our limits

of expression in everyday life.Through experiential exercises of body movement we will expand our inner horizon of trust in life.The exploration of the trust that you have inside you, and the space of the heart naturally creates a new chance to live your life with totality and passion!

CrEATIVITy ANd CELEBrATIONCreative Movement with Art Therapy

23/12/18 10:00from 26/12/18 16:30to


In the special occasion of the end of the year this is a most nourishing opportunity to ce-lebrate with beautiful people, in the heartful environment of Toscany remote countryside.Having fun, dancing wild, touching silent spa-ces that make you feel at home with yourself. Together with meditations to help you hea-ling unfulfilled expectations of the finishing year and eliminate unwanted tensions Also with guiding you to realese from within yourself so much fire and creative energy that will carry you into a successful 2019

LIGHT My fIrEThe Body, the Energy, the Celebration

27/12/18 10:00from 31/12/18 16:30to


„New years delight“ is an invitation to explore our natural aliveness and sensuality with the support of some wonderful Oceanic Bo-dywork® Aqua (OBA) Techniques!The Body is a temple, a rich world of energy, sensations and feelings. The combination of meditation, deep water work and flowing massage will allow our bodies to relax, to enjoy our sensual flow and our expression of love. A new intimacy can develop, both within yourself and the other !A sacred water ritual focused on our inten-tions will prepare us for the new year so we can keep on surfing the waves of our natural flow in daily life!

NEW yEAr’S dELIGHTA Celebration for Body, Heart and Soul!

28/12/18 10:00from 31/12/18 16:30to


Moving with energy brings us happiness and bliss, struggling with energy brings us unhap-piness.days will be dedicated to:- Recognize the flow of energy, whatever it is inside and around us and move with it.- To perceive the quality of the energy that is expanding and allow us to live it in its rich-ness.- Let the energy flow, going beyond preconcei-ved ideas that can make us lazy, asleep, with attitudes of division.- Understand the energetic origin of these divisions and grasp the possibility of their transformation.

- Realizing that the energy system is neutral, if we follow it we can be happy, satisfied and this is our not miss it, I wait for you!


28/12/18 10:00from 31/12/18 16:30to


The workshop starts at 9.30 pm.part 2: Massage Techniques with two and four hands Breathing Techniques Softening / Melting of the joints fire Breathing Union with the elements of fire and Earth - rhythm and bodily sensations Introduction to the ceremonial smoke - Oce-anic facial massage Energy work and breath Meditations Singing and playing music together

”Oceanic Bodywork ® fire and Earth””Oceanic Bodywork ® fire and Earth” is a particular synthesis of body work, massage, dance, song, energy work, as well as knowledge of herbs who allow themselves to merge in an unusual way. It was inspired by the spiritual master Osho and his views on the relationship between body, mind and spirit, by Kahuna Abraham and the traditional Hawaiian massage of the temple, from the rites of the indigenous peoples and Native Americans , as well as by natural forces. “ Oceanic Bodywork ® fire and Earth “ - Tarti want reported to your roots: This body work is a journey back to your roots . It has been devel-oped by Nirvano and Kaya , dancers and musicians. Together they wanted to combine dances of different cultures, rhythmic movements , as well as dynamic and quiet live music, percussion, songs, sounds and quiet , with deep massages, touches delicates and body work and energy . years of experience gathered in seminars and workshops , as well as intensive studies at the shamans of North and South America have contributed to the development.Massage Techniques and dissolution of articulations that come from the rebalancing , work ener-gy supplies to different addresses , new outlets massaging that we have developed through years of experience and applications shamanic herbs, you leave well combined with Nare the Hawaiian Bodywork , making of ‘ “ Oceanic Bodywork ® fire and Earth “ an all organic vehicle which can be learned by many people. In a session combine long and flowing lines of massage, deep massage on the connective tissue, melting, rolling joints, wash - ro dynamic power and the laying of vulcanic hot stones. Next to the massage with hands - mas will explore, with the forearms and arms.The combination of massage, breathing and dancing, as well as music and song accompaniment arouses in you as a person receiving, memories buried deep in a clean state and leave you immer-sed in a feeling of being at one with the nature. Back to your roots and you come achieved a deep state of physical and spiritual relaxation.This course of basic training is divided into two parts. Along with learning practical techniques of massage Oceanic Bodywork ® get an understanding of functional anatomy and energy , which helps you to enter into a deeper level of body work. Learn a range of techniques that will support


02/01/19 21:30from 07/01/19 16:30to


the process of discovering your ancestral capacity of intuition and trust in the wisdom of your heart , into your hands and into your body. We will work during the day and late at night, including the energy of the sun and moon , of the activity and silence, as well as the forces of na-ture that surround us. different meditations and songs healers will support you in your process of learning and deepen.This course is a personal process of learning intensive and deep for those who want to rediscover , celebrate and enjoy the body ‘s vital energy and uniqueness. If you are a therapist corporeo, or music, or dance format, you will discover new aspects of which will take advantage of your work and you will live a moment nutritious and touching.


*This group starts at 9.30 pmThe greatest gift that you can shower on yourself is meditation OSHO techniques of meditation have tou-ched millions of people around the world and continue to be the most adequate to help you to live counsciously and in love and gratitude with yourself.Wether OSHO has been in your life since longtime or you are recently inspired by his teachings and meditations come and join this opportunity to go deeper along the journey torwards your inner realisation.prashantam practices regularly meditation for more than 40 years focusing specially on

OSHO meditations and he will share his experiences so that your search may be enjoyable and giving you the results you want.This will be a close encounter with OSHO through His meditations.


02/01/19 21:30from 06/01/19 16:30to


*This group starts at 9.30 pmIn this group we will inquiry ourselves about what love is. We will bring to light the many strategies utilized in the nature of relations not just between man and woman but also in friendship, in family relations and in the wor-kplace.We will explore the possibility of beginning to radically change the approach that quite often makes us frustrated and powerless in a rapport we consider difficult.The mystic points us in the direction of “non love” to “Love”. We shall venture out on this road with small but important steps that shall enable us to acknowledge each one of us as

unique and unrepeatable individuals relating with other individuals who are similar but not equal. We shall thus discover our ability to love one another unconditionally, for who we are and love the other for how he/she is.Love creates problems. you can avoid those problems by avoiding love. But those are very essen-tial problems! They have to be faced, encountered; they have to be lived and gone through and gone beyond And to go beyond the way is through. Love is the only real thing worth doing. All else is secondary. All else is just a means, love is the end. (...)What you are asked for it is really not learning love but UNlearning the ways of unlove”OSHO The Secret #2


02/01/19 21:30from 06/01/19 16:30to

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