content marketing 2016 trends

Post on 26-Jan-2017






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Videos Will Continue To Dominate

2016 will be the year of videos, more than 50% mobile traffic is already dominated by videos.

Start experimenting with video. Think story-telling not high production value.


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

Attention Spans Will Continue

To Fall

Create content which gets to the point quickly and engages.

For videos, engage in first few seconds. For Images, drop the collages and keep them crisp. For articles, listicles :)


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

Quality Will Beat

Quantity, Hands Down

Instead of creating a lot of content, focus on the kick-ass ones, which engage and deliver value to users.

Remember the 80-20 rule?


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

Rise of Instagram

And WhatsApp

I'll be experimenting a lot with creating native content for Instagram and WhatsApp and build them as an alternate content distribution platforms in 2016.


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

Rise ofBranded Content

2016 will see rise of branded content, not ads masquerading as content but genuine content which is useful, relevant and adds value to users’ lives. Also, with Ad blockers becoming popular, content must earn the eye-balls.


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

Not Visual,But Virtual

ContentThe second half of 2016 should see the rise of virtual content and with Facebook acquiring Oculus Rift, virtual reality could eventually become mainstream.


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

Think BigBut Execute

For Tiny Screens

When you’re reviewing any creative or video, the first questions to ask before any creative or story-telling logic:

How would it work onthat tiny screen?


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

Multi-Skilled Storytellers

In Every Team

We’d need filmmakers to double up as designers, writers to pickup design skills, and filmmakers to learn how to write headlines.


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

Keep Experimenti

ngLet 2016 be the year of crazy experiments: try new formats, new features, get obsessed with your users' lives and add value in every content piece.


Content Marketing 2016 Trends - By Aashish Chopra

There's One More Thing

I’m finally writing that book!About the story of learnings from the content marketing trenches, of how experiments became best practices for multi million views viral videos.

Join the mailing list and I’ll inform you when it’s out :)


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