content page analysis and double page spread analysis

Post on 25-May-2015






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The Central image is of a band member from the band from main article. This picture is big and used to show which is the most important article in this issue of the magazine. Other images are used to highlight another important articles, this helps to show the reader what to look for and convince them to buy the magazine. I think the images also keep with the overall house style of the magazine which gives it a sense of continuation. It is a 75:25 ratio of picture to text.

The masthead is a cracked and scratched type of font, this connotes ruff and aggrieve feel. The masthead font keeps with the house style of the overall magazine. The yellow is used to highlight the main pieces of text, yellow signifies importance. The kerrang masthead is also used to make the magazine feel connected and makes it look professional.

The page reverences are selected, only showing the best articles, this is to get the consumer to buy the magazine. This also makes the page seem busy so it makes the consumer feel like they’re getting value for money.

The mode of address is informal, this is used to content to the younger audience.

Contact information is used to advertise their own magazine subscription, so the company makes more money. The red back ground colour is effect because it’s a contrast to the rest of it, red connotes bold, aggrieve and perhaps danger.

Inside article preview to get the reader interested

Puff is displayed to interest reader.

The editor’s notes column gives an introduction to the magazine and the themes and features inside.


The headline is a bold and black font this connotes professional, importance and looks like the font on the cover this gives it a sense of countitincy.

The main image here is of a well known singer who is featured in the main article, this is used to show that he is the main focus. His appearance is stereotypical of a rocker especially with the guitar and body language, e.g his tongue. The guitar shows what sub-genre it is. The shot type and angle for this picture is: long shot and normal. This camera shot and angle was used so we can see all of the performers body and action. It also gives the reader an idea of what it’s like to see the performer at a live concert.

Classic Rock

The Red font used highlights the important information, so it is easy for the reader to find and get the consumer to buy it. The black font matches the performer in the picture which makes everything look well put together.

The pages shown are specially selected pages to attract people to buy the magazine by putting the best articles in full view.

The background colour used is a basic white. This is so that the main focus on the picture which in turn is used to promote one the main article. This is also good because it makes the font stand out. The white and black works well together. The white connotes clean, sleek and professional, whereas the black connotes dark, bold and professional. Together these colours compliment each other. The colours also reflect the brand identity and house style because it matches the stereotypical conversions of a rock magazine.


“To be continued” or part two of this article is shown in next weeks issue. This is done so that people will buy the next issue to read the rest of the article, that could have all been put into one article but was more effective in two parts.

The main image is bled, this makes the image has more of an impact and because it is the main focus of the article. The photo shot type for this picture is medium shot. This picture is stereotypical of the sub-genre of rock.

The Outfits and appearance of the band members is a different style that’s very different from what other artist wear from different genre, this helps the consumer identify the sub-genre of the magazine, also helps the magazine’s identity. The facial expressions of the band are serious and detached, which is sometimes assonated with the genre of rock music so is identifying itself again.

Quotation are used to interest the reader about what the articles about, also it is the biggest piece of text so stands out the most. The font they used is a sans font, this connotes relaxed , lay back atmosphere. The colour of the red font connotes rebellions attitude and danger, it’s also the same colour as the main band member’s hair.

The layout for this article is two Columns, this makes the consumer what to read it more because it seems like it won’t take long to read, it also looks neat without taking up too much space, because of this it does not take the attention away from the picture which is the main focus on this page.

The overall colour scheme and design, links in with the house style of the magazine, e.g the main cover, this makes the magazine look: professional, countitive and part of the overall sub-genre and the brand identity.


The picture used is bled across the double page to give it more of an impact and show it’s importance. The camera shot used is medium shot with a high angle. This is used to look different so it’s more appealing to the consumer. The background is darkened, this is keeping with the brand and band identity, which helps identify the audience. In the picture the band are shouting, the facial expressions connotes angry, aggressive and loud.

Drop caps are used to make the text stand out and look more interesting to the reader. It also links in with the picture which looks like the band is shouting.

The font used for the headline is chalk like which connotes child-like, classic and lay back. This helps reflect the mood of the band.

Quotations are used to interest the audience and attract the audience to read the article, which is why it’s in white because it contrast with the black and makes it stand out.

The Colours used are black, white and light blue. The black connotes dark and heavy music, whereas the light blue balance it out and make it calm.

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