contents discourse studies, vols. 1(1999)-10(2008 ·...

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Contents Discourse Studies, Vols.

1(1999)-10(2008) Alphabetical by name

of first authors

Abdi, R. (2002). Interpersonal metadiscourse: an indicator of interaction and

identity. Discourse Studies, 4(2), 139-145.

Abell, J., & Sokoe, E. H. (1999). ‘I take full responsibility, I take some

responsibility, I’ll take half of it but no more than that’: Princess Diana and

the negotiation of blame in the ‘Panorama’ interview. Discourse Studies, 1(3),


Abu-Akel, A. (1999). Episodic boundaries in conversational narratives. Discourse

Studies, 1(4), 437-453.

Agne, R. R., & Tracy, K. (2001). 'Bible babble': naming the interactional trouble at

Waco. Discourse Studies, 3(3), 269-294.

Agyekum, K. (2008). The pragmatics of Akan greetings. Discourse Studies, 10(4),


Antaki, C. (2002). "Lovely": turn-initial high-grade assessments in telephone

closings. Discourse Studies, 4(1), 5-23.

Antaki, C. (2002). Personalized revision of 'failed' questions. Discourse Studies,

4(4), 411 – 428.

Antaki, C. (2006). Producing a 'cognition'. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 9-15.

Antaki, C., & Wetherell, M. (1999). Show concessions. Discourse Studies, 1(1), 7-


Antaki, C., Barnes, R., & Leudar, I. (2005). Diagnostic formulations in

psychotherapy. Discourse Studies, 7(6), 627-647.

Arminen, I. (2005). Sequential order and sequence structure - the case of

incommensurable studies on mobile phone calls. Discourse Studies, 7(6),


Arminen, I., & Leinonen, M. (2006). Mobile phone call openings: tailoring answers

to personalized summonses. Discourse Studies, 8(3), 339-368.

Askehave, I. (2007). The impact of marketization on higher education genres - the

international student prospectus as a case in point. Discourse Studies, 9(6),


Aukrust, V. G. (2004). Explanatory discourse in young second language learners'

peer play. Discourse Studies, 6(3), 393-412.

Barnes, R., & Moss, D. (2007). Communicating a feeling: the social organization

of 'private thoughts'. Discourse Studies, 9(2), 123-148.

Barton, E. L. (2000). The interactional practices of referrals and accounts in

medical discourse: expertise and compliance. Discourse Studies, 2(3), 259-


Beacco, J. C., Claudel, C., Doury, M., Petit, G., & Reboul-Toure, S. (2002).

Science in media and social discourse: new channels of communication, new

linguistic forms. Discourse Studies, 4(3), 277-300.

Benwell, B., & Stokoe, E. H. (2002). Constructing discussion tasks in university

tutorials: shifting dynamics and identities. Discourse Studies, 4(4), 429-453.

Biber, D. (1999). A register perspective on grammar and discourse: variability in

the form and use of English complemente clauses. Discourse Studies, 1(2),


Billig, M. (2006). A psychoanalytic discursive psychology: from consciousness to

unconsciousness. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 17-24.

Blum-Kulka, S. , Huck-Taglicht, D. , & Avni, H. (2004). The social and discursive

spectrum of peer talk. Discourse Studies, 6(3), 307-328.

Bolden, G. B. (2000). Toward understanding practices of medical interpreting:

Interpreters' involvement in history taking. Discourse Studies, 2(4), 387-419.

Buchbinder, M. H. (2008). 'You're still sick!' Framing, footing, and participation in

children's medical play. Discourse Studies, 10(2), 139-159.

Bucholtz, M., & Hall, K. (2005). Identity and interaction: a sociocultural linguistic

approach. Discourse Studies, 7(4-5), 585-614.

Burusphat, S. (2002). Discourse studies in Thailand. Discourse Studies, 4(4), 501-


Calsamiglia, H. , & Ferrero, C. L. (2003). Role and position of scientific voices:

reported speech in the media. Discourse Studies, 5(2), 147-173.

Cekaite, A. , & Aronsson, K. (2004). Repetition and joking in children's second

language conversations: playful recyclings in an immersion classroom.

Discourse Studies, 6(3), 373-392.

Chang, H. C. (2001). Harmony as performance: the turbulence under Chinese

interpersonal communication. Discourse Studies, 3(2), 155-179.

Charaudeau, P. (2002). A communicative conception of discourse. Discourse

Studies, 4(3), 301-318.

Cheung, M. (2008). 'Click here': the impact of new media on the encoding of

persuasive messages in direct marketing. Discourse Studies, 10(2), 161-189.

Ciapuscio, G. E. (2003). Formulation and Reformulation Procedures in Verbal

Interactions Between Experts and (Semi-) Laypersons. Discourse Studies,

5(2), 207-233.

Cicourel, A. V. (2006). The interaction of discourse, cognition and culture.

Discourse Studies, 8(1), 25-29.

Clark, C. , Drew, P. , & Pinch, T. (2003). Managing prospect affiliation and rapport

in real-life sales encounters. Discourse Studies, 5(1), 5-31.

Cobb-Moore, C., Danby, S., & Farrell, A. (2008). 'I told you so': justification used

in disputes in young children's interactions in an early childhood classroom.

Discourse Studies, 10(5), 595-614.

Corts, D. P. (2006). Factors characterizing bursts of figurative language and gesture

in college lectures. Discourse Studies, 8(2), 211-233.

Couper-Kuhlen, E., & Thompson, S. A. (2008). On assessing situations and events

in conversation: 'extraposition' and its relatives. Discourse Studies, 10(4),


Coupland, N. (2001). Stylization, authenticity and TV news review. Discourse

Studies, 3(4), 413-442.

Cuenca, M. J., & Bach, C. (2007). Contrasting the form and use of reformulation

markers. Discourse Studies, 9(2), 149-175.

De Beaugrande, R. (1999). Discourse studies and the idoelogy of ‘liberalism’.

Discourse Studies, 1(3), 259-295.

De Fina, A. (2000). Orientation in immigrant narratives: the role of ethnicity in the

identification of characters. Discourse Studies, 2(2), 131-157.

De Oliveira, J. M., & Pagano, A. S. (2006). The research article and the science

popularization article: a probabilistic functional grammar perspective on

direct discourse representation. Discourse Studies, 8(5), 627-646.

Del-Teso-Craviotto, M. (2008). Gender and sexual identity authentication in

language use: the case of chat rooms. Discourse Studies, 10(2), 251-270.

Deunk, M., Berenst, J., & De Glopper, K. (2008). The development of early

sociodramatic play. Discourse Studies, 10(5), 615-633.

Dickerson, P., (2001). Disputing with care: analysing interviewees' treatment of

interviewers' prior turns in televised political interviews. Discourse Studies,

3(2), 203-222.

Duranti, A. (2006). The social ontology of intentions. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 31-


Dyer, J., & Keller-Cohen, D. (2000). The discursive construction of professional

self through narratives of personal experience. Discourse Studies, 2(3), 283-


Edwards, D. (2005). Moaning, whinging and laughing: the subjective side of

complaints. Discourse Studies, 7(1), 5-29.

Edwards, D. (2005). Moaning, whinging and laughing: the subjective side of

complaints. Discourse Studies, 7(1), 5-29.

Edwards, D. (2006). Discourse, cognition and social practices: the rich surface of

language and social interaction. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 41-49.

Edwards, D. (2006). Facts, norms and dispositions: practical uses of the modal verb

would in police interrogations. Discourse Studies, 8(4), 475-501.

Eerdmans, S. L., & Di Candia, M. (2007). Watching paint dry: the sequentiality of

idiomatic expressions in NS-NS and NS-NNS talk-in-interaction. Discourse

Studies, 9(5), 579-595.

Egbert, M., & Voge, M. (2008). Wh-interrogative formats used for questioning and

beyond: German warum (why) and wieso (why) and English why. Discourse

Studies, 10(1), 17-36.

Filliettaz, L., & Roulet, E. (2002). The Geneva Model of discourse analysis: an

interactionist and modular approach to discourse organization. Discourse

Studies, 4(3), 369-393.

Finkel, N., Harré, R., & Rodriguez Lopez, J. L. (2001). Commonsense morality

across cultures: notions of fairness, justice, honor and equity. Discourse

Studies, 3(1), 5-27.

Fitch, K. L. (2006). Cognitive aspects of ethnographic inquiry. Discourse Studies,

8(1), 51-57.

Fitzmaurice, S. (2004). Subjectivity, intersubjectivity and the historical

construction of interlocutor stance: from stance markers to discourse markers.

Discourse Studies, 6(4), 427-448.

Ford, C. E. (2004). Contingency and units in interaction. Discourse Studies, 6(1),


Fortanet, I. (2005). Honoris Causa speeches: an approach to structure. Discourse

Studies, 7(1), 31-51.

Fortanet, I. (2005). Honoris Causa speeches: an approach to structure. Discourse

Studies, 7(1), 31-51.

Fox, B. A. (2007). Principles shaping grammatical practices: an exploration.

Discourse Studies, 9(3), 299-318.

Fratila, A., & Sionis, C. (2006). Activating memories in interviews: an instance of

collaborative discourse construction. Discourse Studies, 8(3), 369-399.

Friginal, E. (2008). Linguistic variation in the discourse of outsourced call centers.

Discourse Studies, 10(6), 715-736.

Fujimura-Wilson, K. (2007). Japanese exact repetitions involving talk among

friends. Discourse Studies, 9(3), 319-339.

Gensbacher, M. A., Tallent, K. A., & Bolliger, C. M. (1999). Disordered discourse

in schizophrenia described by the Structure Building Framework. Discourse

Studies, 1(3), 355-372.

Georgakopoulou, A. (2006). The other side of the story towards a narrative analysis

of narratives-in-interaction. Discourse Studies, 8(2), 235-257.

Giles, D. (1999). Retrospective accounts of drunken behaviour: implications for

theories of self, memory and the discursive construction of identity. Discourse

Studies, 1(4), 387-403.

Golebiowski, Z. (2006). The distribution of discoursal salience in research papers:

Relational hypotaxis and parataxis. Discourse Studies, 8(2), 259-278.

Gonzalez, M. (2005). Pragmatic markers and discourse coherence relations in

English and Catalan oral narrative. Discourse Studies, 7(1), 53-86.

Gonzalez, M. (2005). Pragmatic markers and discourse coherence relations in

English and Catalan oral narrative. Discourse Studies, 7(1), 53-86.

Graesser, A. C. (2006). Views from a cognitive scientist: cognitive representations

underlying discourse are sometimes social. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 59-66.

Green, D., & Kupferberg, I. (2000). Detailed and succinct self-portraits of addicts

in broadcast stories. Discourse Studies, 2(3), 305-322.

Griffin, C. (2007). Being dead and being there: research interviews, sharing hand

cream and the preference for analysing 'naturally occurring data'. Discourse

Studies, 9(2), 246-269.

Guendouzi, J. (2001). 'You'll think we're always bitching': the functions of

cooperativity and competition in women's gossip. Discourse Studies, 3(1), 29-


Gunnarsson, B. L. (2000). Discourse, organizations and national cultures.

Discourse Studies, 2(1), 5-33.

Gülich, E. (2003). Conversational techniques used in transferring knowledge

between medical experts and non-experts. Discourse Studies, 5(2), 235-263.

Halcinen, M., & Scirjonen, M. L. (2008). Using niin-interrogative to treat the prior

speaker's action as an exaggeration. Discourse Studies, 10(1), 37-53.

Hale, S. (2002). How faithfully do court interpreters render the style of non-English

speaking witnesses' testimonies? A data-based study of Spanish-English

bilingual proceedings. Discourse Studies, 4(1), 25-47.

Hansen, A., & Machin, D. (2008). Visually branding the environment: climate

change as a marketing opportunity. Discourse Studies, 10(6), 777-794.

Harris, S. (2001). Fragmented narratives and multiple tellers: witness and defendant

accounts in trials. Discourse Studies, 3(1), 53-74.

He, A. W. (2001). The language of ambiguity: practices in Chinese Heritage

Language classes. Discourse Studies, 3(1), 75-96.

Heinemann, T. (2008). Questions of accountability: yes-no interrogatives that are

unanswerable. Discourse Studies, 10(1), 55-71.

Henderson, A., Weaver, C. K., & Cheney, G. (2007). Talking 'facts': identity and

rationality in industry perspectives on genetic modification. Discourse

Studies, 9(1), 9-41.

Henwood, K. (2007). Beyond hypercriticality: taking forward methodological

inquiry and debate in discursive and qualitative social psychology. Discourse

Studies, 9(2), 270-275.

Hobbs, P. (2003). The use of evidentiality in physicians' progress notes. Discourse

Studies, 5(4), 451-478.

Hodges. I. (2002). Moving beyond words: therapeutic discourse and ethical

problematization. Discourse Studies, 4(4), 455-479.

Holmes, J. (2000). Politeness, power and provocation: how humour functions in the

workplace. Discourse Studies, 2(2), 159-185.

Holmes, J. (2005). Story-telling at work: a complex discursive resource for

integrating personal, professional and social identities. Discourse Studies,

7(6), 671-700.

Horton-Salway, M., Montague, J., Wiggins, S., & Seymour-Smith, S. (2008).

Mapping the components of the telephone conference: an analysis of tutorial

talk at a distance learning institution. Discourse Studies, 10(6), 737-758.

Hsieh, C. L. (2008). Evidentiality in Chinese newspaper reports:

subjectivity/objectivity as a factor. Discourse Studies, 10(2), 205-229.

Hutchby, I. (2001). 'Witnessing': the use of first-hand knowledge in legitimating lay

opinions on talk radio. Discourse Studies, 3(4), 481-497.

Hutchby, I. (2002). Resisting the incitement to talk in child counselling: aspects of

the utterance 'I don't know'. Discourse Studies, 4(2), 147-168.

Hutchby, I. (2005). 'Incommensurable' studies of mobile phone conversation - A

reply to Ilkka Arminen. Discourse Studies, 7(6), 663-670.

Hutchby, I. , & Barnett, S. (2005). Aspects of the sequential organization of mobile

phone conversation. Discourse Studies, 7(2), 147-171.

Hutchby, I. , & Barnett, S. (2005). Aspects of the sequential organization of mobile

phone conversation. Discourse Studies, 7(2), 147-171.

Hyland, K. (2005). Stance and engagement: a model of interaction in academic

discourse. Discourse Studies, 7(2), 173-192.

Hyland, K. (2005). Stance and engagement: a model of interaction in academic

discourse. Discourse Studies, 7(2), 173-192.

Inigo-Mora, I. (2007). Extreme case formulations in Spanish pre-electoral debates

and English panel interviews. Discourse Studies, 9(3), 341-363.

Jaworski, A. , Fitzgerald, R. , & Morris, D. (2003). Certainty and speculation in

news reporting of the future: the execution of Timothy McVeigh. Discourse

Studies, 5(1), 33-49.

Jaworski, A., & Galasinski, D. (2000). Vocative address forms and ideological

legitimization in political debates. Discourse Studies, 2(1), 35-53.

Jefferson, G. (2004). A note on laughter in 'male-female' interaction. Discourse

Studies, 6(1), 117-133.

Katz, J. R. (2004). Building peer relationships in talk: toddlers' peer conversations

in childcare. Discourse Studies, 6(3), 329-346.

Katz, J. R. (2004). Building peer relationships in talk: toddlers' peer conversations

in childcare. Discourse Studies, 6(3), 329-346.

Khalil, E. N. (2001). Grounding and its signalling: evidence from short news texts.

Discourse Studies, 3(1), 97-118.

Kidwell, M. (2006). 'Calm down'! the role of gaze in the interactional management

of hysteria by the police. Discourse Studies, 8(6), 745-770.

Kim, M. S. (2005). Evidentiality in achieving entitlement, objectivity, and

detachment in Korean conversation. Discourse Studies, 7(1), 87-108.

Kim, M. S. (2005). Evidentiality in achieving entitlement, objectivity, and

detachment in Korean conversation. Discourse Studies, 7(1), 87-108.

Kitzinger, C. (2006). After post-cognitivism. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 67-83.

Kong, K. (2002). Managing the ambiguous and conflicting identities of 'upline' and

'downline' in a network marketing firm. Discourse Studies, 4(1), 49-74.

Kong, K. C. C. (2006). Property transaction report: news, advertisement or a new

genre?. Discourse Studies, 8(6), 771-796.

Koshik, I. (2003). Wh-questions used as challenges. Discourse Studies, 5(1), 51-77.

Koshik, I. (2005). Alternative questions used in conversational repair. Discourse

Studies, 7(2), 193-211.

Koshik, I. (2005). Alternative questions used in conversational repair. Discourse

Studies, 7(2), 193-211.

Kremer-Sadlik, T. (2004). How children with autism and Asperger Syndrome

respond to questions: a 'naturalistic' theory of mind task. Discourse Studies,

6(2), 185-206.

Kulick, D. (2005). The importance of what gets left out. Discourse Studies, 7(4-5),


Kuo, S. H. (2001). Reported speech in Chinese political discourse. Discourse

Studies, 3(2), 181-202.

Kuo, S. H. (2003). Involvement vs detachment: gender differences in the use of

personal pronouns in televised sports in Taiwan. Discourse Studies, 5(4), 479-


Kuo, S. H. (2007). Social change and discursive change: analyzing

conversationalization of media discourse in Taiwan. Discourse Studies, 9(6),


Land, V., & Kitzinger, C. (2007). Some uses of third-person reference forms in

speaker self-reference. Discourse Studies, 9(4), 493-525.

Lange, P. G. (2008). An implicature for um: signaling relative expertise. Discourse

Studies, 10(2), 191-204.

Lassen, I. (2006). Is the press release a genre? A study of form and content.

Discourse Studies, 8(4), 503-530.

Leitch, S., & Davenport, S. (2007). Strategic ambiguity as a discourse practice: the

role of keywords in the discourse on 'sustainable' biotechnology. Discourse

Studies, 9(1), 43-61.

Lerner, G. H., & Kitzinger, C. (2007). Extraction and aggregation in the repair of

individual and collective self-reference. Discourse Studies, 9(4), 526-557.

Levinson, S. (2006). Cognition at the heart of human interaction. Discourse

Studies, 8(1), 85-93.

Levinson, S. C. (2005). Living with Manny's dangerous idea. Discourse Studies,

7(4-5), 431-453.

Levinson, S. C. (2006). Cognition at the heart of human interaction. Discourse

Studies, 8(1), 85-93.

Liddicoat, A. J. (2004). The projectability of turn constructional units and the role

of prediction in listening. Discourse Studies, 6(4), 449-469.

Limberg, H. (2007). Discourse structure of academic talk in university office hour

interactions. Discourse Studies, 9(2), 176-193.

Lipari, L. (2000). A discourse approach to polling. Discourse Studies, 2(2), 187-


Llewellyn, N. (2006). Arguing against absent arguables: organizing audience

participation in political discourse. Discourse Studies, 8(5), 603-625.

Love, K. (2000). The regulation of argumentative reasoning in pedagogic

discourse. Discourse Studies, 2(4), 420-451.

Lynch, M. (2002). From naturally occurring data to naturally organized ordinary

activities: comment on Speer. Discourse Studies, 4(4), 531 – 537.

Lynch, M. (2006). Cognitive activities without cognition? ethnomethodological

investigations of selected 'cognitive' topics. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 95-104.

MacMillan, K., & Edwards, D. (1999). Who killed the Princess? Description and

blame in the Britosh press. Discourse Studies, 1(2), 151-174.

Maingueneau, D. (1999). Analysing self-constituting discourses. Discourse Studies,

1(2), 175-199.

Maingueneau, D. (2002). Analysis of an academic genre. Discourse Studies, 4(3),


Makitalo, A. (2003). Accounting practices as situated knowing: dilemmas and

dynamics in institutional categorization. Discourse Studies, 5(4), 495-516.

Malcolm, I. G., & Sharifian, F. (2002). Aspects of Aboriginal English oral

discourse: an application of cultural schema theory. Discourse Studies, 4(2),


Margutti, P. (2007). Two uses of third-person references in family gatherings

displaying family ties: teasing and clarifications. Discourse Studies, 9(5),


Marley, C. (2002). Popping the question: questions and modality in written dating

advertisements. Discourse Studies, 4(1), 75-98.

Martin, J. R. (1999). Grace: the logogenesis of freedom. Discourse Studies, 1(1),


Martinez, E. R. (2003). Accomplishing closings in talk show interviews: a

comparison with news interviews. Discourse Studies, 5(3), 283-302.

Maschler, Y. (2001). Veke'ilu haraglayim sh'xa nitka'ot bifnim kaze ('and like Your

Feet Get Stuck Inside Like'): Hebrew kaze ('like'), ke'ilu ('like'), and the

decline of Israeli dugri ('direct') speech. Discourse Studies, 3(3), 295-326.

Maschler, Y., & Estlein, R. (2008). Stance-taking in Hebrew casual conversation

via be'emet ('really, actually, indeed', lit. 'in truth'). Discourse Studies, 10(3),


Matoesian, G. (2005). Nailing down an answer: participations of power in trial talk.

Discourse Studies, 7(6), 733-759.

Maynard, D. W. (2004). On predicating a diagnosis as an attribute of a person.

Discourse Studies, 6(1), 53-76.

Maynard, D. W. (2006). Cognition on the ground. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 105-


Maynard, S. K., (1999). On rhetorical ricochet: expressivity of nominalization and

da in Japanese discourse. Discourse Studies, 1(1), 57-81.

Mazeland, H. (2004). Responding to the double implication of telemarketers'

opinion queries. Discourse Studies, 6(1), 95-115.

McKinlay, A., & McVittie, C. (2006). Using topic control to avoid the gainsaying

of troublesome evaluations. Discourse Studies, 8(6), 797-815.

Mclaren-Hankin, Y. (2008). 'We expect to report on significant progress in our

product pipeline in the coming year': hedging forward-looking statements in

corporate press releases. Discourse Studies, 10(5), 635-654.

Meinhof, U., & Galasinski, D. (2000). Photography, memory, and the construction

of identities on the former East–West German border. Discourse Studies,

2(3), 323-353.

Moirand, S. (2003). Communicative and cognitive dimensions of discourse on

science in the French mass media. Discourse Studies, 5(2), 175-206.

Mondada, L. (2006). Participants' online analysis and multi-modal practices:

projecting the end of the turn and the closing of the sequence. Discourse

Studies, 8(1), 117-129.

Mondada, L. (2007). Multimodal resources for turn-taking: pointing and the

emergence of possible next speakers. Discourse Studies, 9(2), 194-225.

Monzoni, C. M. (2008). Introducing direct complaints through questions: the

interactional achievement of 'pre-sequences'?. Discourse Studies, 10(1), 73-


Morita, E. (2008). Highlighted moves within an action: segmented talk in Japanese

conversation. Discourse Studies, 10(4), 517-541.

Morrow, P. R. (2006). Telling about problems and giving advice in an Internet

discussion forum: some discourse features. Discourse Studies, 8(4), 531-548.

Motion, J., & Doolin, B. (2007). Out of the laboratory: scientists' discursive

practices in their encounters with activists. Discourse Studies, 9(1), 63-85.

Myers, G. (2003). Discourse studies of scientific popularization: questioning the

boundaries. Discourse Studies, 5(2), 265-279.

Nevile, M. (2006). Making sequentiality salient: and-prefacing in the talk of airline

pilots. Discourse Studies, 8(2), 279-302.

Nicolopoulou, A. , & Richner, E. S. (2004). 'When your powers combine, I am

Captain Planet': the developmental significance of individual- and group-

authored stories by preschoolers. Discourse Studies, 6(3), 347-371.

Noordegraaf, M., van Nijnatten, C., & Elbers, E. (2008). Assessing suitability for

adoptive parenthood: hypothetical questions as part of ongoing conversation.

Discourse Studies, 10(5), 655-672.

Norris, S. (2006). Multiparty interaction: a multimodal perspective on relevance.

Discourse Studies, 8(3), 401-421.

Nylund, M. (2003). Asking questions, making sound-bites: research reports,

interviews and television news stories. Discourse Studies, 5(4), 517-533.

O'Reilly, M. (2006). Should children be seen and not heard? An examination of

how children's interruptions are treated in family therapy. Discourse Studies,

8(4), 549-566.

Ochs, E. , Kremer-Sadlik, T. , Sirota, K. G. , & Solomon, O. (2004). Autism and

the social world: an anthropological perspective. Discourse Studies, 6(2),


Oh, S. Y. (2006). English zero anaphora as an interactional resource II. Discourse

Studies, 8(6), 817-846.

Oh, S. Y. (2007). Overt reference to speaker and recipient in Korean. Discourse

Studies, 9(4), 462-492.

Ono, T., Thompson, S., & Suzuki, R. (2000). The pragmatic nature of the so-called

subject marker ga in Japanese: evidence from conversation. Discourse

Studies, 2(1), 55-84.

Orr, W. W. F. (2008). 'Prospecting an encounter' as a communicative event.

Discourse Studies, 10(3), 317-339.

Orulv, L., & Hyden, L. C. (2006). Confabulation: sense-making, self-making and

world-making in dementia. Discourse Studies, 8(5), 647-673.

Page, R. E. (2002). Evaluation in childbirth narratives told by women and men.

Discourse Studies, 4(1), 99-116.

Parkinson, J. , & Adendorff, R. (2005). Science books for children as a preparation

for textbook literacy. Discourse Studies, 7(2), 213-236.

Parkinson, J. , & Adendorff, R. (2005). Science books for children as a preparation

for textbook literacy. Discourse Studies, 7(2), 213-236.

Parkinson, J., & Adendorff, R. (2005). Science books for children as a preparation

for textbook literacy. Discourse Studies, 7(2), 213-236.

Pho, P. D. (2008). Research article abstracts in applied linguistics and educational

technology: a study of linguistic realizations of rhetorical structure and

authorial stance. Discourse Studies, 10(2), 231-250.

Ping, A. L. (2005). Talking themes: the thematic structure of talk. Discourse

Studies, 7(6), 701-732.

Plantin, M. (2002). Argumentation studies and discourse analysis: the French

situation and global perspectives. Discourse Studies, 4(3), 343-368.

Pomerantz, A. , & Rintel, E. S. (2004). Practices for reporting and responding to

test results during medical consultations: enacting the roles of paternalism and

independent expertise. Discourse Studies, 6(1), 9-26.

Potter, J. (2002). Two kinds of natural. Discourse Studies, 4(4), 539-542.

Potter, J. (2006). Cognition and conversation. Discourse Studies, 8(1), 131-140.

Pudlinski, C. (2002). Accepting and rejecting advice as competent peers: caller

dilemmas on a warm line. Discourse Studies, 4(4), 481-500.

Pudlinski, C. (2005). Doing empathy and sympathy: caring responses to troubles

tellings on a peer support line. Discourse Studies, 7(3), 267-288.

Pudlinski, C. (2005). Doing empathy and sympathy: caring responses to troubles

tellings on a peer support line. Discourse Studies, 7(3), 267-288.

Raymond, G. (2000). The voice of authority: the local accomplishment of

authoritative discourse in live news broadcasts. Discourse Studies, 2(3), 354-


Reaser, J. (2003). A Quantitative Approach to (Sub)Registers: The Case of Sports

Announcer Talk. Discourse Studies, 5(3), 303-321.

Reyes, A. (2002). "Are you losing your culture?": poetics, indexicality and Asian

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