contents page editing process

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Contents Page editing process

Stacked Magazine.

Step 1…

To create the main ‘contents’ title I had to first select the ‘text tool’ and create the word ‘contents’. I then used the colour brush in order to match the colour to that of my cover. I then used the rectangle and colour tools to create the edging around the title. 

Step 2…

I then inserted my main images be using the picture tool to place the images at the size and place I wanted them. I then used the rectangle tool and text tool in order to make the heading for the contents pages.

Step 3…

I then inserted the main contents text, which featured what people could find in this particular publication. To do this I used the text tool and created a variety of text boxes to place text in, rather than one big one. This was in order to give me more freedom with where I placed text.

Step 4…

I then had to create more text underneath the ‘extra’ section of the contents. Once again I did this by using the text tool and creating a variety of text boxes in order to give me more freedom on placement.

Step 4…

I then had to fill the white space at the top, so I stuck to the codes and conventions of a media publication and decided to include issue number and date and 2 stars. As this was the first issue I felt this warranted making it really big in order to show it off.

Step 5…

Once that was done I had to apply the finishing touches, and part of this was to put text on the images. The boxes are slightly lighter than others and I achieved this effect by changing the opacity on the edit tool and then putting the text overlapping it. This made it pop more and was simple to achieve. Once I had done this, my contents page was complete.

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