contingency plan

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Contingency Plan

If the plan for filming does not go to plan then we need to create a back up one which will be just as good, but will be more suited and avoidable of problems.

In our urban scenes we intend on using locations such as busy Oxford Street, South Bank underpass, London Tunnels and Truckerdero as these locations capture the urban feel that we wish to portray as well as featuring the general public in the back doing activities specific to those areas. For example on the south bank underpass there is lots of graffiti and people skateboarding also within the Truckerdero there are people break dancing, these aspects will add to the verisimilitude of the urban atmosphere that is showcased within the video. If these locations are unable to be accessed due to timing or costs we could potentially use similar locations that are closer and cheaper to access that will also create the same atmosphere. We could go to Brixton skating zone, which also has graffiti and skateboarders. For the tunnels we could use South Norwood underpass as this has a dirty and gritty ambience which will have the same atmosphere as the South bank however it will be less lively. Instead of using Oxford Street we could also use Croydon high street as we could use this setting to create the same isolated image which we intend on creating on Oxford Street.

For the house setting if we are unable to use a home we will have to create and show the same emotion using a different location, the best possible place that will still show the highs and lows of a relationship between a male and a female would be them going out for dinner illustrating the highs of a relationship and the couple in the street having an argument showing the lows of a relationship and this change in scene could symbolise the change in mood. As there are 2 main settings the problems that may arise are very unlikely however if there are the contingent plans are suitable and allow the same constructed image to be shown.

Another potential problem that may take place are regarding the characters, if we are unable to find characters or mutual times for filming we may be unable to shoot our narrative scenes, therefore we will have to eliminate this aspect of our music video and make it a simple performance video. This is a possible idea however we will have to use different locations and have the artist portray emotion rather than simply performing. We will also have to use more of a variety of camera shots as well as editing techniques in order to prevent the video becoming tedious.

As our video contains ideas that have little potential problems it is very unlikely that our contingency plan will take place however if it does then we will be able to create a video that is still of the same high standard and creates the same ambience and showcases the same idea.

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