continuous delivery - pipeline as-code

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Continuous Delivery Pipeline as code

Mike van VendelooSoftware Craftsman at JPoint

TU Delft - Computer Science

Scrum master

Assignments at customers like KLM, Rabobank, Government, de Persgroep.

Focus on improvement of software development process and quality

Hobb: Korfball, domotica


Agenda• Definitions CI/CD/Pipeline

• Jenkins 2: Pipeline as code

• Pipeline snippets

• Reuse with pipeline libraries

• Declarative pipelines

• Blue Ocean

• Demo


Definitions - Continuous Integration“Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.“

Martin Fowler

Continuous Delivery: Automate everything“If it hurts, do it more frequently, and bring the pain forward.” ― Jez Humble, Continuous Delivery

Definitions - Continuous Delivery“Continuous Delivery is the ability to get changes of all types—including new features, configuration changes, bug fixes and experiments—into production, or into the hands of users, safely and quickly in a sustainable way.”

Definitions - Continuous Deployment

Definitions - PipelineA pipeline is a set of stages to bring functionality from developer to the end user.

Jenkins pipeline as code

Jenkins 1

Jenkins 2 - Pipeline as code

Sample basic pipeline stages➔ Checkout

Source code checkout from repository

➔ BuildCompile & Unit test

➔ QACode style check & integration testing

➔ DeployDeploy to a server

Basic pipeline definition#!/usr/bin/groovy

node('linux') { stage('Checkout') { checkout scm }

stage('Build') { sh "mvn clean deploy" junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: 'target/surefire-reports/*.xml' }

stage('Deploy') { build "Deployer" }}

Pipeline snippets

Error handlingnode { stage('Doing my thing') { try { sh 'exit 1' } catch (someException) { echo 'Something failed, somebody should be notified!' throw someException } finally {

hipchatSend color: 'BLUE', credentialId: 'hipChat', message: “Build result ${env.BUILD_RESULT}”, room: 'BuildResults' } }}

Pipeline properties - cleanupproperties( [buildDiscarder( logRotator( artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '7', numToKeepStr: '25') ), pipelineTriggers([]) ])

Pipeline properties - Parametersproperties( [parameters( [choice( choices: ['dev', 'test', 'acc', 'prod'], description: 'Kies de omgeving', name: 'omgeving')] ), pipelineTriggers([]) ])

Parallel tasksparallel ‘test’: { sh ‘mvn clean test’ }, ‘mutation-test’: { Sh ‘mvn org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage’ }, failFast: true

Share information between nodes/executorsnode { stage(‘Build’) sh(“mvn -B clean package”) stash excludes:’target/’, includes: ‘**’, name: ‘source’}

stage (‘test’) { unstash ‘source’ }}

Notificationsdef notify(String colorCode, String color, String summary) slackSend (color: colorCode, message: summary)

hipchatSend (color: color, notify: true, message: summary)

emailext (


subject: “Build ${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] result ${currentBuild.result}”

body: “<a href='${env.BUILD_URL}'>${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]</a>”,

recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider']]



Pipeline libraries

Reuse between pipelines: libraries

Library implementationpackage vanvendeloo.jenkins

def checkout(String repositoryName) { git “${repositoryName}”}def updateVersion() {

sh “mvn build-helper:parse-version versions:set -DnewVersion=\\\${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.\\\${parsedVersion.minorVersion}.\\\${parsedVersion.nextIncrementalVersion} versions:commit”}// Return the contents of this script as object so it can be re-used in Jenkinsfiles.return this

Use the library: @Library@Library(‘pipeline-library’)

node { pipelineSteps = new PipelineSteps() stage(‘Preparation’) { pipelineSteps.checkout(‘my-service’) pipelineSteps.updateVersion() }}

Catch: Groovy Sandbox

org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: ↵ Scripts not permitted to use method java.lang.String replaceAll java.lang.String java.lang.String

1. Go to Manage Jenkins > In-process Script Approval

2. Review the pending signatures and click Approve to add them to the whitelist

3. Re-run your job; it should no longer fail (for this particular method call)

Declarative pipelines

Declarative Pipelinesnode { stage(‘Checkout’) { checkout scm } stage(‘Build’) { withEnv(["PATH+MAVEN=${tool 'M3'}/bin"]) { try { sh 'mvn clean install' } catch (e) { currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' }

} }

pipeline { agent any tools { maven 'M3' } stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { checkout scm } } stage(Build) { steps { sh ‘mvn clean install’ } post { success { junit '**/surefire-reports/**/*.xml' } } } }

Blue Ocean

Blue Ocean

Pipeline result

ConclusionsPipeline evaluates with your code

Reuse in libraries keeps your Jenkinsfile clean and simple

BlueOcean definately an improvement, but need to get used to it

Pipeline editor very cool feature!



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