contract option insures customer or service reading used ... · a quarterly publication for omd...

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A quarterly publication for OMD users

Vol. XXIV No. 4

October 2005

Recover fuel expenses – 2OMD Launches Wireless Solution

for Field Service Techs – 2Red Cheetah API Available – 3User Group Symposium 2005 – 4OMD User Group – 5Opportunities Missed –

Predict Service Solution – 6OMD Executive Seminar – 6OMD Education Center – 7W-2 changes & availability – 8

To insure that a customer or service reading is used to generate the invoice for a meter based contract, aContract Invoicing option has been added to Contract Invoicing Setup (HL). This option requires that eitheran actual or a service read is available within the required timeframe, otherwise the contract will not bill.

The existing option “Actual meter readingonly” may be selected in the Billing tabas a “Base invoicing on “ selection.When no customer reading is available,contracts established with this option willappear on the Missing Meter Report(HY) and/or the Meter Requests (JP)option can be used to fax or e-mailmeter requests to the customer.

Another alternative is to use the newoption “Actual or service meter readingonly” rather than “Actual meter readingonly”. In this situation, a service readingmay be available and can be used togenerate the invoice if no customerreading is provided and thereby reducemeter read collection efforts and relatedcosts. Enhancements are provided inconjunction with the OMD SoftwareEnhancement & Update Subscription Service.

Contract option insures customer or service reading used for billing

New “Base Invoicing on” option Actual or service meterreading only found in Contract Invoicing Setup.

The User Group Symposium 2005 is over but the wealth of information gained at thisfantastic event won’t soon be forgotten by those that were fortunate enough to participatein this educational assemblage. There were 30 different presentations offered throughoutthe three day Symposium that yielded various responses of wonder and excitement - therewere eye-poppers, jaw-droppers, and even a couple of awe-struck onlookers!See pages 4-5 for full details of this annual event!



OMD NewsletterRecover fuel expenses using surcharge feature now available

In response to rising fuel costs and requests from OMD Customers, Dennis Doering, Vice President of Product Develop-ment announced the availability of an enhancement to OMD Vision to calculate a fuel surcharge on contract invoices.

The fuel surcharge is established as a percentage of the amount invoiced or as a flat amount in Program Type Setup (HF)for each program type where it applies. At the time Contract Invoicing (HX) is processed, the surcharge is calculated andincluded on the invoice. The product number used to record the surcharge revenue also controls the description whichappears on the invoice.

On a fee basis, this enhancement is available as a pre-release to Customers with release 2501 or greater installed. As analternative to the pre-release, this enhancement is included at no charge on Release 2505, available in late November. Torequest this release, send an email to Include the Subject: Release 2505 and your name,company name and address plus customer id number, if available, to avoid confusion.

Enhancements are provided in conjunction with the OMD Software Enhancement & Update Subscription Service.

Setup & Processing required to generate the surcharge:1. Set up one or more non-inventory product numbers

in Products & Parts (CK) to be used to invoiceand record the Surcharge revenue.

2. Modify Program Type Setup (HF) to contain parametersfor this Additional Charge (new screen at right).

3. Process Contract Invoicing (HX) and the chargewill be included on the invoice.

OMD Launches Wireless Solution For Field Service TechniciansDarrell Henley, OMD Training Activities Specialist, in conjunction with this product launch, presented asession on this exciting new accessory to OMD Vision at the User Group Symposium in St LouisOctober 16-19. The excitement surrounding this powerful product and it’s potential to assist serviceorganizations made this a popular session at the event. Demonstrations using both the PDA and laptopversions of OMD Service On-The-Go were also provided at OMD’s booth in the Vendor Showcase.

OMD President Donna McAnany states, OMDService On-The-Go provides dealerships with apowerful tool to increase the productivity andprofitability of their service department byempowering their field service teams with the vitalinformation necessary to review and completeservice calls in the field using a PDA, PDA-phoneor laptop with a wireless card, interfacing directlywith OMD Vision software.

OMD Service On-The-Go provides real-timeaccess to information in OMD Vision, includingthe ability to access and update the followingareas: age open service calls, identify the distance to the call, dispatch service calls, close service calls, closeincomplete calls, enter parts required for incomplete calls, scan bar codes for parts used and update meterreads. All of this and more is accessed live, providing the service technician, administration and managementall the necessary information, available in real-time, for an efficient service operation. OMD Service On-The-Gois available now to give the dealer’s field service technicians access to complete and accurate informationwhen they need it.

For more information concerning this product, please contact OMD Sales at (573) 893-8930 ext. 207 or e-mailOMD at

ThreeOMD Newsletter

Red Cheetah API Available

OMD Corporation, the leading provider of business software solutions for dealership automation,announces the availability of an Application Program Interface (API) which imports orders placed viaRed Cheetah’s Office Front application. Red Cheetah’s Office Front provides a robust web storefrontfor the dealer’s customers to place orders for office supplies. In turn, Office Front automatically transmitsand orders designated products from the office supply wholesalers. Office Front passes order informa-tion to the OMD Order Import API which updates OMD Vision. As a by-product order history, accountsreceivable and financial activity are generated.

David Nagel, Vice President of Sales at OMD states “This is a great opportunity for the office equipmentdealer to more efficiently manage their office supply business. Office Front provides a user friendlyinterface for the dealer’s customers to order office supplies and manage the associated inventory require-ments while giving the dealer the benefits of the OMD software for managing the back office operations.”

“We are very pleased to partner with OMD on this exciting integration. The benefits to the independentdealer are immense and are our first and only priority. The combination of the two packages will truly be themost robust offering in the marketplace”, added Red Cheetah Software President, Andrew Morgan. RedCheetah provides online software tools to connect office supply dealers with customers and wholesalers.Designed by office dealers for office dealers, Red Cheetah offers simple, powerful, 100% web basedsoftware built for small, mid-size and large dealers.

To order this API, contact OMD Administration at 573.893.8930 or email . Formore information on Red Cheetah Software please visit or call 512.439.0585.


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OMD Newsletter

Four User Group Symposium 2005

Of the thirty different sessions offered at the Symposium, OMD Staff members either presented orco-presented eight of those including Product Accessories, Bar Coding and Other Tips, SystemUpgrades, SQL Data Preview, Sales Force Automation, Service On-The-Go, Vision Accessories, and What’s New with OMDVision. Aside from the “What’s New with OMD Vision” session presented during the luncheon on Tuesday, the two ProductAccessories sessions presented by Leah Johnson, OMD Application Support Specialist, were the most heavily attended ofthose sessions (according to an unofficial headcount). Leah met numerous OMD Users and answered questions about OMDSoftware as well as reviewed sample reports and printscreens that Users brought seeking assistance. Speaking of the UserGroup Symposium experience, Leah said “We teach our Customers how the OMD software works but due to the control fileselections and flexibility of the software, each Customer can modify it to fit their needs. I was amazed at some of theprocesses Customers were using to accomplish basically the same things.”

Lester Cooper, Rhodes Lauck & Associates, Memphis, TN,visited with Diane Prenger, OMD Documentation Manager, inthe vendor area. Lester had this to say upon returning homeafter the event, “It’s too bad its all over, I really enjoyed themeeting. After seeing VisionX, I finally decided to strictly startusing Vision only.”

Leah Johnson, OMD Application Support Specialist, assistsBilly Haynes, System Administrator (center), and KennySwaggart, Parts Manager (right), both of AIS, Monroe, LA, atthe OMD Booth in the Vendor area.

What they must have thought...The various conversations during the User Group Symposium probably had the staff of the Hyatt Regency in St. Louis wonderingwhere on earth all these people came from! What they heard sounded familiar but they just couldn’t make out exactly what wasbeing said. Was this English? Maybe a new twist on Pig Latin? Or possibly a code language of a secret society?“First you run a DK and compare that to the SG. Make adjustments to the CY and CS’s and then update.” “You can put it in HP,HL, or TM - you’ll get a warning if it’s too high or low.” “Have you ever used UPDD23?” “You can run the TY and then Monarch it,or you might even just do a U/SQL of your own.” And, the phrase most often overheard, “You’re not getting rid of F3, right?”The answer is “Right, F3 remains available for task code access in Vision and Vision Xcelerated.”

Pictured below are Lin Westgard, Purchasing Agent (left),and Ann Gilley, Controller (right), both of Frontier BusinessSystems, Inc., Anchorage, AK. Lin was the winner of the$300 Best Buy Gift Card, one of the sponsor gifts presentedduring the Tuesday luncheon.

Lin attended all the inventory related classes at the Sympo-sium, TWICE! She got different things out of attending thesessions the second time around and enjoyed hearing differ-ent customer questions and details on how they did things.Ann chose varied track sessions such as WinBatch, Mon-arch, Budgets, MultiMeters, Product Accesories, Bar Cod-ing, SQL Data Preview, an Open Forum, and visited withsome vendors in the Vendor Booth area. She was pleased toreceive lots of great information all around. We caught upwith Ann and Lin during the sponsored happy hour Tuesdayevening and Ann had this to say: “I am very excited about allthe changes coming our way from OMD such as VisionXcelerated. It was also really awesome to hear some of myprevious enhancement requests actually being announcedas items in the What’s New presentation.”

Thank you to each of the 350 attendees and our vendors that made this year’s conference such a success! The facilities at the Union Station Hyatt Regency were outstanding; the classes were excellent; and there was prime networking time available in the vendor showcase, during classes and open forums, and at the meals and evening receptions.

The Board of Directors of the OMD User Group would like to thank all the presenters for volun-teering their time to help us all get the most out

of our OMD. The symposium is so successful because of the dedication of all our volunteers, presenters, OMD, and many participating ven-dors. If you would like to get involved next year, help organize the event, or make a suggestion for a class topic please e-mail one of the board members. Our info is on the website.

Next year’s symposium is already in the works...get your ideas to us now and be a part of next year’s OMD User Group Symposium!

Mark your calendar for the next OMD User group confer-

ence! We are already planning our next conference! Your ideas can help shape the event—contact someone on

the board if you have a suggestion or great topic idea. This is for all OMD users....get your two cents in!

Board of Directors 2005-2006


Sandy Wallace Metro Sales

Vice-President Mike Riordan

Usherwood Technologies

Program Director Terrie Brown Sumner Group

Corresponding Secretary

Christen Hawkes Copilabs, Inc


John Shilsky Nevill Business Systems

Recording Secretary

Karen Horton McCartney’s


Carolyn Hackmann Independent Consultant

OMD Representative

Lori Meyer

OMD Newsletter Five

OMD Newsletter S


Opportunities Missed

Annual OMD Owners’ Seminar is now the OMD Executive Seminar

OMD will hold it’s 6th annual conference, now known as the OMD Executive Seminar March 15-16, 2006in Las Vegas, NV, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The seminar will once again be held in conjunctionwith the ITEX 2006 Imaging Technology Education & Exposition. Join Executives from othercompanies currently using the OMD System for this FREE SEMINAR lead by OMD CorporationApplication Specialists. Seminar participants will receive a book and CD packed with a wealth of ideasand information to help their company get the most from the OMD System. Registration for both ITEX andthe OMD Executive Seminar will be available on the OMD Customers Only Web Site during December.To obtain travel and discount hotel information or to register for the optional University Dealer BusinessForum, visit

You don’t need a crystal ball to anticipate the parts and labor requirements of a specific service call.Use the Predict Solution feature available with Dispatch Central (TM) to identify solution alternatives,as well parts which may be required.

The Predict Solution icon is displayed in the Dispatch Central toolbar.

After you enter the call Symptom, click on this icon. The results shown are based on call history forthe same model and symptom. The solution history is automatically maintained when the service callis closed.

Drill down to specific calls with the same problem for additional information. With this feature, youcan insure the technician has the parts and skills required for the call.This feature is currently available on all OMD Vision releases.

The OMD Newsletter is published quarterly by OMD Corporation, Jefferson City, MO. Copyright© 2005, all rights reserved.We encourage you to share your knowledge and ideas about the

OMD Software with us and with other OMD Users. Send ideas, comments, and recommendations to: editor@omdcorp.comEditor-OMD Newsletter • OMD Corporation • P.O. Box 6760 • Jefferson City, MO • 65102

OMD, OMD Vision, iManager, OMD Sales On•The•Go, and OMD Service On•The•Go are registered trademarks of OMD Corporation.All brand and product names used in this newsletter are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.

Display parts used for the call and whether thetechnician has the part on hand.

Predict solution based on historical activity; PercentUsed identifies the solution frequency.

OMD’s newestOMD’s newestOMD’s newestOMD’s newestOMD’s newesttraining coursetraining coursetraining coursetraining coursetraining course

OMD Newsletter Seven

Advanced ServiceManagement SeminarLength: 3 DaysCourse Fee: $750.00

• Automated TechnicianInventory Restocking

• Automated Call Dispatch• Prioritizing Service Calls• Technician Paging• Incomplete Call Staging• Service Parts Warranty• Technician Productivity

Reporting• Customer Profitability

Advanced FinancialManagement SeminarLength: 3 DaysCourse Fee: $750.00

• Balancing Major BalanceSheet Accounts

• Comparative Period Reports• Monthly Equipment

Sales Reports• Financial Analysis Report• Trial Balance Report

Requirements & Updates• Resolving Edits and

Out-of-balance Conditions• Bank Reconciliation• Job Class Reporting

Advanced ContractManagement SeminarLength: 2 DaysCourse Fee: $500.00

• Invoice Presentation• Supply Allocation• Tiered Pricing• Taxing Options• Minimum Billing• Group Usage• Individual Usage• Estimated Meters• Multiple Meters• Missing Meter Report• Tracking Nat’l Account

Commissions• Automatic Commissions• Deferring & Accruing Income• Managing Renewals• Block-of-time Contracts• Non-Metered Combined

Billing• Continual Usage Contracts• Usage Accrual Contracts• Auditing & Correcting

Billing Errors• Faxing & E-mailing Meter


Vision SystemAdministration SeminarLength: 2 DaysCourse Fee: $500.00

• Release Documentation• Release Installation• Architecture of the

client/server setup in Vision• User ID Setup• Printer Setup• Data File Utility• Monitor Vision Servers• Temporary Files• Error Codes• Data Files• Backup and Restore• Winbatch• Wireless Communication• Remote Location

Suggestions• Upgrading to a New Server• Troubleshooting

Performance Issues• OMD iManager

OMD Education CenterFundamental Conceptsof OMD VisionLength: 5 DaysCourse Fee: $1250.00

• System Integration• Help Overview• Order Entry• Contract Billing• Service Call Management• Automatic Commissions• Accounts Receivable• Purchasing & Inventory• Accounts Payable• Financial Management

Advanced Purchasing& Inventory SeminarLength: 2 DaysCourse Fee: $500.00

• Product Configurations &Accessories

• Automatic, Manual andElectronic POs

• Automatic Restocking &Reordering

• Receiving & Transfers• Product Remanufacturing• Suspect Reporting• Physical Inventories• OMD Bar Code Scanning• Inventory Devaluation• Purging Activity• Month End Processing

Dates and Eventsof Interest

Register for any of the courses listed by calling OMDClass Scheduler at (573) 893-8930, Ext. 0

or by sending an e-mail to:

Advance registration required for all OMD Training coursesand Webinars.

Webinar Training

Training and Dealer Meetings

OMD offers a variety of Webinar training presentationslead by OMD Corporation Application Support Special-ists. Topics include both basic and advanced subjects,as well as “what’s new” with OMD. Here’s a brief listingof upcoming Webinars:

Introduction to OMD VisionProduct Accessories

Introduction to OMD iManagerDispatch Tools and Preventive Scheduling

Fundamentals of Contract InvoicingOrder Processing

Introduction to Service On-The-GoAccounts Payable Processing

Visit, click on Customers OnlyWeb Site and the Webinars link may be found on theTraining and Help page.

07-09 Advanced Service Management Seminar14-18 Fundamental Concepts of OMD Vision17-19 Ricoh Dealer Meeting – San Diego, CA24, 25 OMD Offices Closed


05-09 Fundamental Concepts of OMD Vision12-14 Advanced Financial Management Seminar16 OMD Offices Closed Noon - 5pm23, 26 OMD Offices Closed


02 OMD Offices Closed09-10 Advanced Contract Management Seminar16-20 Fundamental Concepts of OMD Vision22-15 Savin Dealer Meeting – Orlando, FL


06-07 Advanced Purchasing & Inventory Seminar13-17 Fundamental Concepts of OMD Vision20 OMD Offices Closed


06-08 Advanced Service Management Seminar09-10 Vision System Administration Seminar14-16 ITEX / OMD Executive Seminar – Las Vegas, NV20-24 Fundamental Concepts of OMD Vision


10-12 Advanced Financial Management Seminar17-21 Fundamental Concepts of OMD Vision


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Print additional copies of the OMDNewsletter from the News sectionof our web site,


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ht Form W-2 changes & availabilityThe Internal Revenue Service changes this year involve new codes to be reported in Box 12 of theForm W-2. New Code Q is used for Nontaxable combat pay for use by military employers. NewCodes Y and Z are for Deferrals under a section 409A on a nonqualified deferred compensationplan. New section 409A was added by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.A new release WILL BE required if: • reported earnings qualify for any of these new codes, or • electronic or diskette filing will be used instead of paper filing.These release updates will be available during December. Vision Multimeter Customers requiringthese udpates should request release 2505.0. Vision Pre-Multimeter and Character Customersrequiring these udpates should request release 2319.0.A new release WILL NOT be required if: • no earnings to be reported qualify for these new Box 12 codes, and • W-2’s will be filed on paper (fewer than 250 Forms W-2). The actual layout of the Form W-2 was not changed this year.Go to for more details and W-2 filing requirements.

Tax Withholding ChangesDon’t forget to update Tax Table Setup (PN) to correspond to the new federal, state, and other taxtable rates. Watch the OMD Customers Only Web Site during December for examples of how toproperly update this record and to coordinate the updates with the Form W-2 processing and newyear payroll cycle.

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