copernica dm summit 2012: lonneke spinhof - ux in e-mailmarketing, spreek de taal van je publiek

Post on 13-May-2015






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E-mailmarketing kan ingezet worden als een effectieve manier om gericht te communiceren met uw klanten. Om alle voordelen te halen uit e-mailmarketing campagnes is het van belang je publiek te kennen en te leren uit elke campagne die je doet. Tijdens deze presentaties wordt aan de hand van enkele duidelijke cases en do’s en dont’s uitgelegd hoe je de taal van je publiek kunt (leren) spreken.


Success in email marketing is no magic

UX in email marketing, speak the reader’s language

Today on the menu:

Does it still make sense to send emails?

What are the commercial uses of email?

Best practice – few hints.

Emails and mobile users.

Email is not dead. It’s doing fine!

“58% of people

start their online

day by reading


Source: ExactTarget’s Email X-Factor Study, 2010

Is email marketing still a good idea?• Over half of internet users

check or send email daily

• Emails are green

• Emails can be triggered automatically

• No limit to personalization

Examples of email uses

E-mail is read ‘on the go’

“The dominance of email activity

on mobile devices increased

from 37.4% to 41.6% of US mobile

internet time.”

Source: The Nielsen Company

Email Client market shareCalculated from 77.9 million opens tracked by Litmus Email Analytics in July 2012

Consider the mobile experience

Source: “Optimizing email for mobile audiences” by Litmus

Use the email space wisely

Know your subscribers

• m

Make segments

Build personas

Automate as much as you can

Be relevant

Content is key

Don’t get blacklisted

Source: “Best Practices for Email Marketing” by Icontact

Push ONE message per email

Make your mail readable (even without images)

Use Clear call-to-action

Use check list

Copernica in-built checks:

Optout function

No high spam score

Not on a blacklist

HTML source code

is correct

Authentication data

(SPF, SenderID, DKIM)

is set up correctly

ALWAYS allow to unsubscribe

test, TEST, T E S T

Test example 1/2

Test example 2/2

Copernica stats


• “50 simple but highly effective email marketing tips” by

Tamara Gielen

• 22 Amazing Mobile Email Marketing Statistics by http


• “Email Marketing” by Iain Davenport

• “Transactional Email Best Practices” by Silverpop

• “Best Practices for Email Marketing” by Icontact

• “Optimizing email for mobile audiences” by Litmus



@humix @lonnekespinhof



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