corporate occupier conditions

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Corporate occupier conditions


EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions - Q4 2011

Falling sentiment increases pressure on CRE teams

The intensification of the Eurozone crisis has further damaged corporate confidence. Amid renewed uncertainty, CRE teams have once again been tasked with driving both cost saving and transformation agendas.

Room for manoeuvre is limited. A lack of quality supply in the markets is encouraging landlords, having made concessions during the global financial crisis, to hold pricing firm.

Transformation is also challenging. Development pipelines are impoverished. Access to quality office space will often require pre-letting strategies to be employed. Corporate reluctance to authorise capital expenditure is also a clear constraint.

2 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011

Introduction Back to the future

It is rare for corporate real estate professionals to look back. Our industry is about preparing for and facilitating the future. It is about responding to operational and organisational changes through the effective use of real estate assets. What happened in the past most often remains in the past. A forward looking gaze is the default setting for CRE professionals. Yet perhaps now, as we approach the closing month of another challenging year, represents a good time to look back and reflect.

It is a year since we conducted an industry first – a truly global survey of corporate real estate leaders. We were keen to understand how the front runners of our industry were facing up to the unprecedented challenges of a global financial crisis and the first global recession since World War II. For the record, we identified four themes that were shaping CRE team strategy and behaviour:

1. A strong push towards more productive and better utilised real estate portfolios

2. The pressures of balancing growth and right-sizing on a global scale

3. A further progression towards partnership with outsourced real estate service providers

4. A battle to access or obtain fresh real estate talent accommodated within more appropriate CRE team structures with stronger mandates

A year on and a different but no less significant operational challenge exists. The intensifying Eurozone crisis, the threat of sovereign debt contagion and associated market turbulence paints another dramatic back-drop for CRE teams and will have lasting impact upon the corporate operating environment. The themes highlighted in our survey have taken on even greater importance. They need to be addressed. But they emerge at a time when the real estate markets of EMEA offer less opportunity for the occupier than 12-24 months ago. The shortage of high quality office solutions in the markets provides occupiers with little opportunity to upgrade their space to deliver productivity gains whilst simultaneously being cost effective. This same shortage has encouraged landlords to hold firm on rents and bring-in incentives. Costs are rising or at best static across most markets at a time when CRE teams are being charged with a new round of cost saves. Moreover, many CRE teams have already made cost saves through renewal and renegotiation strategies. The low hanging fruit has

already been picked. The route to the promised land of real estate transformation and ongoing cost effectiveness requires teams to tread new paths.

Preparing for the future

So next year – an Olympic year – will be a year where teams and individuals will seek to rise above challenges and excel. But success will not be guaranteed. Those that have failed to prepare well; are unable to articulate a clear strategy with implementable tactics; or have not taken themselves to the leading edge of best practice will be consigned to the role of also-rans.

Our dedicated corporate occupier research programme is designed to offer you a competitive edge. Through our thought leadership programme, we will be focusing down on the prime issues in the development and ultimate success of transformative real estate strategies – workplace productivity. In an environment of limited cash and limited market options, how can investment in real estate be maximised by driving a more productive and ultimately more profitable workplace? Our research programme will outline the opportunity, the options and the obstacles.

Our market research will remain forensic and focused but we will be enhancing our delivery channels in order to provide you instant and customisable access to the very latest market views. This publication, EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions (Offices) will become a six monthly publication, issued in February and November, alongside its counterpart focusing on the industrial sector. Instead, regular updates of market conditions will be available though our Global Bespoke Report Generator. This on-line tool will enable you as the user to focus down on just those markets you are interested in at any moment in time and construct a consistent, high quality market report at the touch of a button. Contact those named on the back of this report or your Corporate Solutions contact for more information on how you can access this innovative and valuable reporting tool.

All that remains is for me to offer you the warmest Seasons Greetings. I sincerely hope that you have a peaceful and enjoyable festive period and look forward to working with you in 2012.

Vincent Lottefier Chief Executive Officer EMEA Corporate Solutions

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 3

EMEA Corporate Occupier Market Conditions: Summary

Exhibit 1: Current economic fragility reflected in lower but diverse growth trajectories in 2012 • The fragility of the economic recovery in Europe has been in the

spotlight since late July.

• Sovereign debt problems and fear of contagion has led to heightened financial market turmoil, reducing consumer and business confidence and the downgrading of growth forecasts.

• Disparities across Europe are extending. While Germany, the Nordics and parts of CEE remain strong, Southern Europe is facing more severe headwinds.

• The continued need for fiscal consolidation in most countries and weak global recovery suggests growth will slow in 2012 and uncertainties about the future outlook remain.
























en UK









% 2010 2011 2012

Exhibit 2: Corporate confidence trends downwards to early 2010 levels





2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011-50





Economic Sentiment (LHS) Retail Trade ConfidenceService Sector Confidence Industrial Confidence

• Corporate confidence has taken a hit against this back-drop.

• Having rallied previously following blips in sentiment, a more marked downturn in confidence occurred during Q3.

• Overall business confidence has returned to levels seen at the start of 2010 and sits marginally below the long-term average.

• Declines in sentiment have been particularly marked in the engine-room markets of Germany and the United Kingdom.

• Uncertainty and declining sentiment increases the risk of corporate occupiers putting expansion and portfolio strategies on hold.

Exhibit 3: Take-up levels were sustained q-on-q but are under downward pressure • Despite a worsening outlook, demand for office space across

Europe actually improved q-on-q with 2.9 million sq m of take-up.

• This was also an increase of 16% on volumes seen in the market a year ago.

• More negative sentiment impacted Q3 performance, with many leasing deals completed early in the quarter and commenced during Q2 when sentiment was strong.

• European take-up levels were supported by good quarterly performance in Brussels, Hamburg and Paris.

• Take-up over the period Q1-Q3 is 10% above the same period a year ago. We expect total year end volumes to be on a par with 2010 given declining corporate confidence.






3Q01 3Q02 3Q03 3Q04 3Q05 3Q06 3Q07 3Q08 3Q09 3Q10 3Q110








CEE Western Europe 12 Month Rolling (RHA)

’000 m² ’000 m²

Exhibit 4: Net absorption trending downwards on the basis of market churn, consolidation & further disposals






Q3 2


Q3 2


Q3 2


Q3 2


Q3 2


Q3 2


Q3 2


Q3 2


Western Europe CEE Total

’000 m²

• Much activity witnessed in Q3 and anticipated for the remainder of the year is driven by lease events and will have little positive impact on net absorption.

• Annual net absorption levels remained positive at 2.9 million sq m but this was a decline of 24% compared with Q2 and annual net absorption stands 20% below the 10 year average.

• Declining sentiment and corporate restructuring will fuel the further disposal of surplus assets. This, together with increased consolidation activity, will serve as a negative influence on net absorption.

4 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011

Exhibit 5: Vacancy rates are stable and reflect the availability of large volumes of poor quality stock • The European vacancy rate remained static at 10.2%.

• The Western European aggregate vacancy rate remained unchanged at 9.7% whilst the Central & Eastern European aggregate vacancy rate decreased by 20bps to stand at 14.9%.

• Only two markets within our core European markets recorded increases in vacancy rates – Dublin and Brussels – where the aggregate rate increased by 10bps q-on-q.

• The greatest fall in vacancy was recorded in Prague (-30bps). Moscow’s rate also fell (-20bps) and there were minor reductions in Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Warsaw.

• We expect vacancy rates to remain around current levels at year end and be stable throughout 2012.

• 2nd hand space released by occupiers following upgrades earlier in the year continues to trade sluggishly and will limit decreases in overall vacancy rates.

0 – 5%5 – 10%10 – 15%15 – 25%

Vacancy Rates Q1 2011

0 – 5%5 – 10%10 – 15%15 – 25%

0 – 5%5 – 10%10 – 15%15 – 25%

Vacancy Rates Q1 2011


11.7% 10.6% 13.4%































Exhibit 6: The development pipeline is moderate and could reduce further due to scheme cancellations or postponements




























12Completions (millions sq m) Vacancy rate (%)

Completions Future Completions Vacancy Rate RHS

• Completions of new office space remain low. In Q3 there was 720,000 sq m of new office space completed.

• The volume of new space released over Q1-3 was 2.3 million sq m – some 45% below the 10 year average.

• Western Europe saw a particularly low level of new completions over Q3 with the lowest volumes witnessed since the mid 1990s.

• We anticipate 3.6 million sq m of new office space to complete across the region by year end although further cancellations or postponements of pipeline projects are likely given the economic outlook.

Exhibit 7: Western European Red, Amber, Green Matrix (RAG) • Our RAG charts provide a sense of 5 year forward looking market


• Based on a combination of prime econometric rental forecasts and local market sentiment we identify whether markets are landlord favourable (red), tenant favourable (green) or balanced (amber).

• For mature Western European markets future conditions are mixed but, owing to shortages of quality supply, conditions have hardened markedly with prime rental increases likely sooner as limited quality supply is eroded quickly as demand returns.




London City







London City




Tenant Favourable MarketTenant Favourable MarketBalanced MarketBalanced MarketLandlord Favourable MarketLandlord Favourable Market

Exhibit 8: CEE and MEA sub-region Red, Amber, Green Matrix (RAG)















Tenant Favourable MarketTenant Favourable MarketBalanced MarketBalanced MarketLandlord Favourable MarketLandlord Favourable Market

• In the CEE sub-region, prime rental increases have been marked q-on-q and this has led to markets such as Moscow and Warsaw turning further in favour of the landlord.

• This is very much a function of supply. Despite having reasonably large development pipelines, developers do not tend to build large volumes of space at international quality putting such space at a premium, particularly given improving demand.

• Markets such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi are over-supplied and as such underlying conditions remain firmly in favour of the occupier.

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 5

Exhibit 9: EMEA Office Occupier Clock

Landlord’s Market Tenant’s Market

Rental Growth Slowing

Rents Falling

Rents Rising Decline Slowing

• Prime rents barely changed q-on-q with our European Office Index remaining static q-on-q.

• This apparent stability masks upward and downward changes in rents which effectively cancelled each other out in Western Europe. Prime rents increased q-on-q in Stockholm (2.4%), The Hague (2.4%), Hamburg (2.2%) and Milan (1.9%). This contrasts with rental decreases in Brussels (-3.2%), Dublin (-3.0%), Madrid (-1.9%) and Edinburgh (-1.8%).

• Outside of core European markets and across the year to date rents have decreased most markedly in Athens (-11.8%) and Dublin (-8.6%). Y-on-Y rental growth has been strongest in Moscow (41.2%), Oslo (20%), Lyon (17.4%) and Warsaw (13.6%).

• The current economic outlook suggests that regional differences together with a wide spread in pricing between prime and secondary rents will remain and intensify over 2012.

• As shown by the EMEA Office Occupier Clock above, 39 of the 67 markets covered within this report occupy a clock position at or beyond 6 o’clock and as such reflect conditions of escalating prime rental costs.

• 5 markets are positioned at or beyond 9 o’clock indicating that the rate of rental growth in these markets is slowing although rises in prime rents continue.

Western EuropeCentral and Eastern EuropeMiddle East & Africa

Western EuropeCentral and Eastern EuropeMiddle East & Africa

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out


Belgrade, Brussels, Dublin,Edinburgh, Leeds, MadridBelgrade, Brussels, Dublin,Edinburgh, Leeds, MadridBucharest, Budapest, Sofia, Amsterdam, Utrecht,Luxembourg, Rotterdam, The Hague, Eindhoven Bucharest, Budapest, Sofia, Amsterdam, Utrecht,Luxembourg, Rotterdam, The Hague, Eindhoven Rome, Tri-CityRome, Tri-CityBirmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Frankfurt, Glasgow,Bratislava, Kiev, Prague, Istanbul,Johannesburg, Tunis

Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Frankfurt, Glasgow,Bratislava, Kiev, Prague, Istanbul,Johannesburg, Tunis

St. Petersburg, Manchester, Western Corridor

St. Petersburg, Manchester, Western Corridor

Krakow, Copenhagen, MilanKrakow, Copenhagen, Milan

Berlin, Cologne, WarsawBerlin, Cologne, Warsaw

Gothenburg, Hamburg, MunichGothenburg, Hamburg, Munich

Düsseldorf, Geneva, Lyon,Stockholm, Stuttgart

Düsseldorf, Geneva, Lyon,Stockholm, Stuttgart

Paris, Tel AvivParis, Tel Aviv

London West End, HelsinkiLondon West End, Helsinki

Doha, Dubai, JeddahDoha, Dubai, Jeddah

Cairo, Abu Dhabi, ZagrebCairo, Abu Dhabi, Zagreb

London City London City Oslo, Zurich, MoscowOslo, Zurich, Moscow

Malmo Malmo

Antwerp, Barcelona, Lisbon, RiyadhAntwerp, Barcelona, Lisbon, RiyadhAntwerp, Barcelona, Lisbon, Riyadh



6 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011

WESTERN EUROPE: Corporate Occupier Conditions The fragility of the economic recovery has been in the spotlight since late July. Sovereign debt problems and the risk of contagion has brought heightened turmoil in the financial markets and is weighing down on consumer and business confidence. Regional economic disparities persist with marked contrasts between Germany and the Southern European economies. The continued need for fiscal consolidation in most countries and weak global recovery suggests growth will be slow and moderate in 2012 with uncertainties over the future outlook remaining.

Demand for office space across Europe actually improved q-on-q with 2.9 million sq m of take-up across the continent, representing an increase of 6% q-on-q and 16% on the same period a year ago. Western European markets contributed to this improved picture with good quarterly volumes being recorded in Brussels, Hamburg and Paris. We would however caution that many of the deals signed during Q3 occurred early in the quarter and were founded on negotiations that commenced during Q2 when sentiment was stronger.

There was no change to the overall vacancy rate in Western Europe with only minor increases being experienced in Dublin and Brussels (+10bps). This was offset by decreases of -10bps in the The Hague and Utrecht. We expect vacancy rates to

remain stable into and throughout 2012, reflecting a two tiered market of limited Grade A availability and a plentiful supply of lower quality stock which keeps vacancy rates inflated. Limited choice of high quality stock is being sustained by an impoverished development pipeline with Q3 completion volumes at levels not seen since the mid 1990s. The economic backdrop suggests further downside risk on development completions, with the prospects of current development projects being cancelled or postponed significantly heightened.

Aggregate European prime rents hardly changed during Q3 2011 although there was variance in performance across Western Europe. Prime rents increased in Stockholm and The Hague (2.4% q-on-q), Hamburg (2.2%) and Milan (1.9%) whereas rents decreased in Brussels (-3.2%), Dublin (-3.0%), Madrid (-1.9%) and Edinburgh (-1.8%). All other Western European markets saw prime rents unchanged q-on-q.

Exhibit 10: Western Europe Office Occupier Clock

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

AthensAthensAntwerp, Barcelona, LisbonAntwerp, Barcelona, LisbonBrussels, Dublin, Edinburgh, Leeds, MadridBrussels, Dublin, Edinburgh, Leeds, Madrid

RomeRomeBirmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Frankfurt,GlasgowBirmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Frankfurt,Glasgow

Manchester, Western CorridorManchester, Western Corridor

Copenhagen, MilanCopenhagen, Milan

Gothenburg, Hamburg, MunichGothenburg, Hamburg, Munich

Düsseldorf, Geneva, Lyon,Stockholm, Stuttgart

Düsseldorf, Geneva, Lyon,Stockholm, Stuttgart


Helsinki, London West EndHelsinki, London West End

London CityLondon CityOslo, ZurichOslo, Zurich

MalmoMalmoAmsterdam, Eindhoven, Luxembourg,Rotterdam, The Hague, UtrechtAmsterdam, Eindhoven, Luxembourg,Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht

Berlin, Cologne Berlin, Cologne

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 7


Cost: € 335 / sq m Competition: 57,000 sq m Choice: 17.1%

Occupier activity picked up slightly in Q3, with leasing volumes reaching approximately 57,000 sq m. Volumes were driven by a number of large transactions, from a wide range of sectors, in the city centre and Zuidas districts, with >2,000 sq m transactions accounting for around 60% of activity. The largest deal was recorded in the city centre, where signed a lease for 12,500 sq m of prime office space. Competition is strongest for prime space in areas with good transport links and close proximity to amenities. More peripheral locations such as parts of South East and Sloterdijk have become somewhat less desirable, with these two districts accounting for around 50% of total vacancy. Whilst overall supply remained stable over the quarter at around 1.1 million sq m, choice increased marginally in secondary locations. The overall vacancy rate remains relatively high at 17.1%. With the majority of moves involving a ‘trade up’ in terms of building quality; the amount of relatively old, out-of-date stock on the market continues to increase. Prime rents remained stable at around €280 - €335 / sq m per annum. Costs in peripheral locations are somewhat lower ranging between €175 - €215 / sq m per annum. Rent free periods remain the most commonly used incentive, with 12 months rent free on a 5-year lease obtainable in large parts of the market.


Cost: € 145 / sq m Competition: 30,710 sq m Choice: 11.5%

Occupier activity in Q3 reached 30,710 sq m across 30 transactions. Deals were driven by the public sector with the two largest transactions accounting for 65% of total take-up. Year to date activity fell 22% compared to the equivalent period last year. After a strong 2010, occupier activity for 2011 as a whole is expected to be near 10-year average levels. Choice decreased slightly due to the lack of completions this year, combined with sustained demand. Over 2011, overall choice in Antwerp fell from 12.9% in Q1 to 11.5% in Q3. Development activity is expected to remain very low over the next few years. Just one project of 5,900 sq m is expected to be delivered speculatively during Q4 2011 in the Ring district. A further two speculative projects are expected to deliver a total of 15,000 sq m in 2012. Costs remained stable over the third quarter in all submarkets. The prime rent currently stands at €145 per sq m for the Center, and at €136 per sq m in the Ring district. Only very limited rental growth is anticipated, driven primarily by supply shortages for the best space.


Cost: € 270 / sq m Competition: n/a Choice: 15.8%

GDP contracted by 3.5% in 2010 according to Eurostat and the latest forecasts suggest this trend is likely to continue this year albeit with a rather broad range, between -3.5% (EU) and -5.9% (National Bank of Greece). Records from Global Insight show severe increases in unemployment of around one in three people aged between 15 and 29 years being unemployed. Choice in the market increased, with a vacancy rate of 15.8%, up 13% compared to the equivalent period last year. The cost of prime space continued to fall and compared to pre crisis levels are down approximately 41% at €270 per sq m. The highest rents continue to be found in the CBD but very few transactions have been recorded given the current climate. Occupier activity has increased more in the north of Athens and top rents here are €216 per sq m which reflects a 5.3% drop on the previous year. Corporate occupiers relocating to the Northern submarkets are driven almost exclusively by cost cutting objectives adding momentum to buildings along or off the National Motorway.


Cost: € 225 / sq m Competition: 60,487 sq m Choice:13.4%

Demand levels in Q3 reached 60,487 sq m, up 19% q-on-q and up 2% on the equivalent quarter last year. Despite the difficult economic situation, demand levels in Barcelona remain strong and the 250,000 sq m forecast for Barcelona at the start of the year remains a realistic figure. On the supply side vacancy rates have begun to trend downwards and stood at 13.4% at end Q3. No speculative development is due to come to the market by the end of 2011, reducing further the choice of new space. Rental costs remained stable during Q3, largely due to a lack of rental evidence, however our rental outlook has been modified and a gentle slowdown in costs is now expected to continue into 2012.

8 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011


Cost: € 252 / sq m Competition:129,500 sq m Choice: 8.8%

Competition continues to strengthen. Over 410,000 sq m of deals have been recorded in the first three quarters of 2011, the highest volume of the last 10 years and 40% ahead of 2010’s total and 25% ahead of the five year average. This was primarily driven by deals in the 1,000-1,500-sq m segment and from activity in the business service sector (25% of volumes). Another strong quarter of activity can be expected in Q4. This will present further challenges to occupiers with overall vacancy remaining at 8.8% - the lowest rate for three years. Space is most freely available in the Innercity East and Innercity West sub-markets, where 41% of all supply is based, but most of this space is of average quality. Both the prime rent and the weighted average rent increased significantly year on year. By the end of the year, we expect a further slight increase in the prime rent due to the continued demand for high quality space. For most space let, rental prices of between €10.00 and €15.00 per sq m per month were paid. Prime values of €21 per sq m per month were unchanged q- on-q but reflect a 5% increase y-on-y.


Cost: € 356 / sq m Competition: 20,500 sq m Choice:20.1%

Competition held up well in Q3 with over 20,000 sq m let, up 40% compared to Q2 2011. Occupiers demonstrated a clear preference for competitively priced Grade B space, which accounted for 63% of Q3 leasing volumes. The most significant inner-city deal this quarter involved the relocation of Vax to 2,200 sq m at 2 Colmore Square from an out of town location into refurbished space within the City centre. Choice increased slightly with vacancy rates reaching highs of 20.1%. Any space re-entering the market is largely second hand or refurbished. In contrast occupiers face a diminishing range of choice within the Grade A market with vacancy rates falling to 3.6%. There is just 11,000 sq m of space scheduled to complete speculatively over 2012-13 which may force pre-letting. Rental costs stabilised at €356 per sq m, although rents remain heavily supported by incentives with typically around 36 months rent free on a 10 year term. Weighted average rents fell slightly, due largely to the higher proportion of Grade B lettings in the third quarter.


Cost: €328 / sq m Competition: 6,500 sq m Choice: 13.0%

Occupier demand remains relatively subdued with leasing volumes down 38% on the equivalent period last year. Looking ahead, we expect annual take-up in Bristol city centre to be around 38,090 sq m, some 10% below the level achieved in 2010 and well below the five-year average of 52,000 sq m. The amount of Grade A choice in Bristol city centre rose slightly during Q3. The market also continues to offer a steady stream of second hand space although it is unattractive to most occupiers. The two speculative schemes under construction in the city centre are both due to complete by year-end, with Bridgewater House already completed to shell & core. Prime rents remained stable at €328 per sq m. Incentives remain generous in the city centre at up to 18 months on a five year term and up to 36 months on 10 years, although this is deal specific. With Grade A supply continuing to fall, we expect incentives to move in over the next 12 months.


Cost: € 300 / sq m Competition:120,350 sq m Choice: 10.9%

Occupier activity improved over Q3 with volumes surpassing the total achieved during H1 2011. This was due to a major transaction of 46,000 sq m by the EU administration. While we have seen some activity from the public sector, there has been a slow down in activity from the corporate sector. There were no new speculative completions during Q3, resulting in further erosion of choice. Overall vacancy rates fell to 10.9% and to 6.3% in the CBD. Development activity remains constrained and this will further limit occupier choice, particularly in the CBD. Prime rents fell slightly to €300 per sq m in the prime district, the Leopold district, and to €195 per sq m in the North district. Costs remained stable in all other districts, ranging from €165 sq m in the Periphery to €230 sq m in the Pentagon or in the Louise district. The top quartile and weighted average face rent for Brussels remained relatively flat at €222 and €177 per sq m respectively.

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 9


Cost: € 250 / sq m Competition: 11,100 sq m Choice: 10.8%

Leasing volumes remained strong over Q3. The amount of space taken during the first nine months of the year stands at 37,210 sq m – a level up 81% on the 5-year annual average. Activity was driven by 118 Ltd’s sub-let of 3,298 sq m of space from Zurich at Fusion Point. Supply fell by 12.3% q-on-q to stand at 111,480 sq m of available office space. As with many regional city centres, there continues to be a shortage of high quality or new Grade A space available. Confidence is however returning to the development market with two speculative schemes starting on site during Q3 – namely Capital Quarter (7,060 sq m) and Vision Court (3,298 sq m). Prime headline rents remain unchanged with the city centre at £226 per sq m and out-of-town at £161 per sq m. Typical incentives remain at 12 months for a five-year term and 24 months for 10 years.


Cost: € 258 / sq m Competition: 45,000 sq m Choice:8.2%

Occupier activity decreased in Q3 after a strong first half of 2011 although this reflects a lack of larger transactions with occupier interest still dominated by medium sized companies. Year to date there has already been more activity than the whole of 2010 – up 8%. Cologne City is the preferred location of end users and has witnessed the most deals. However, the increased shortage of high-quality space in this part of the market is causing some occupiers to widen their search area. Choice is further constrained by the very limited vacancy of new space across the market with just 2,000 sq m presently available. Projects under construction will ease this situation somewhat but in the meantime older, outdated, space still accounts for almost a third of vacancy. Around 45% of deals completed over Q1-Q3 2011 were for rents of between €10.00-€14.99 per sq m per calendar month, while 38% were for rents between €5.00-€9.99. This was reflective of both the shortage of high-quality space and a continued cost consciousness amongst occupiers.


Cost: € 242 / sq m Competition: n/a Choice:8.6%

Whilst Q3 saw a slight dip in occupier activity, sentiment remains upbeat. Competition is strongest for prime CBD space with a number of domestic occupiers looking to expand. In secondary locations the public sector is the biggest driver of demand as cost- saving measures have pushed a number of public sector occupiers towards more peripheral districts such as Valby and Glostrup, west of the city centre. The majority of activity in the prime segment in Q3 came from the financial sector, illustrated by a new lease of around 5,250 sq m by “Finansiel Stabilitet”. On the supply side, choice increased by around 70 basis points to stand at 8.6%. However, supply in the prime segment remains tight, with the majority of vacant premises Grade B and C. Construction activity remains relatively low, although there are several projects in the pipeline for 2012 and 2013. Prime CBD rents remained stable at DKK 1,700-1,800. Rents for secondary CBD space were also static at around DKK 1,000-1,125. Incentives are still widely used and include rent free periods, step rents and fit out contributions. In particular the offered step rents can be steep, providing a significant discount in the first two to four years of occupancy. Rental levels in peripheral locations vary considerably. In areas such as Glostrup and Valby prime rents stand at around DKK 1,000 -1,100, while secondary rents range between DKK 600 -700.


Cost: € 344 / sq m Competition: 38,200 sq m Choice:18.9%

For the fourth consecutive quarter overall supply fell in the Dublin office market. At the end of Q3, overall vacancy rates stood at 18.9%, down from 23.0% at the beginning of the year. We anticipate choice will continue to reduce as completions of new office buildings have ceased entirely. Large occupiers seeking units in excess of 10,000 sq m will be faced with a steadily diminishing range of choice, with only eight buildings in the city centre and suburbs able to satisfy these requirements. Building on a strong first six months of the year, occupier activity increased again in the third quarter, up 25% compared to the equivalent period last year. Demand was primarily driven by companies expanding (42% of deals). There is already a significant volume of deals expected to transact in Q4 (c. 30,000 sq m). Prime rents fell slightly, down 3.0% to €344 per sq m. Incentives have tightened over the course of 2011 for leases of five to ten years with around 9-12 months rent free achievable. Further incentives are achievable for longer lease terms and larger deals.

10 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011


Cost: € 282 / sq m Competition: 91,300 sq m Choice:11.9%

Deal volumes are running at average levels, but the number of deals is 25% ahead of average as we are seeing more activity, particularly in the 1,000 sq m to 5,000 sq m market. The City was the most sought-after sub-market and accounted for 17 % of all activity. The amount of choice continued to erode but is still above the 1-million sq m mark with 800,000 sq m available in Düsseldorf city alone. By the end of the year a further 33,000 sq m of office space will be built, of which 27 % will be available, but we still expect choice to decline next year. In terms of costs, prime rents have remained stable for the last six months after increasing twice in succession. Due to competition for high-quality space, a further increase to €24.00 per sq m per month is expected by year end. For most spaces, rental prices are between €10.00 and €15.00 per sq m per month.


Cost: € 337 / sq m Competition: 13,790 sq m Choice: 6.0%

Costs softened slightly in Q3 as occupier demand remained cautious. Prime rents fell 1.8% over the quarter, with incentives still generous at around 32-36 months rent free achievable on a 10 year term. Rents are expected to remain broadly stable but, as the level of supply gradually declines, we could see further upward pressure. Deal volumes were boosted by FNZ, who consolidated three existing properties into 1,600 sq m of space at Tanfield. Improved occupier activity drove down the level of available supply. Supply also fell as a result of some Grade B space being withdrawn for refurbishment. Overall vacancy rates fell to 6.0%, with Grade A supply falling to just 3.2%. Within the city centre, there are just four buildings capable of satisfying Grade A requirements of greater than 5,000 sq m. Despite this, there has been little change to the development pipeline, with Site HI, scheduled to complete in 2013, the only scheme under construction speculatively.


Cost: € 185 / sq m Competition: 7,400 sq m Choice:13.2%

Occupier sentiment worsened in Q3 with a number of occupiers removing their requirements from the market. Whilst the 3,000 sq m deal by IT company 2B interactive in the Western periphery of Eindhoven boosted activity, leasing volumes were down considerably on the first half of 2011. Overall vacancy increased to around 13.2%, up from 12% in Q2. Choice increased in both the Grade A and C segment over the quarter. However, Grade A office space remains particularly tight with a vacancy of around 1.2%. Availability of Grade B and C space is higher at 9.4% and 2.6% respectively. The development pipeline remains limited with just a small amount of speculative office space being developed at Strijp S. Costs remained unchanged in Q3, with prime city centre rents at around €175 - €185 per sq m. Whilst no significant increase in rental levels is expected in the foreseeable future, the tight supply and limited development pipeline should support prime rents at their current level. Prime rents for office space in secondary locations range between €120 and €160 per sq m per annum. Rent free periods have remained unchanged at 12 – 15 months assuming a 5 year lease.


Cost: € 396 / sq m Competition: 88,600 sq m Choice:13.6%

Occupier activity slowed in Q3 with deal volumes of around 88,600 sq m. Sentiment is still strong, however, and the deals done illustrated the preference for quality space: 60% of volumes were “high-quality”. Geographically, occupier preference has been for the City, Banking District and Westend (all with double-digit percentage shares this year). The largest deal in Q3 was the 18,400-sqm letting by Deutsche Lufthansa in the Squaire at the airport. All other deals remained below 10,000 sq m. The amount of choice fell with vacancy rates dropping from 14.3% to 13.6%. Around 36% of supply is considered high quality, and this percentage has remained more or less unchanged this year, however only c.35,000 sq m of high-quality space will be brought onto the market in 2012, so we expect further reductions in choice. While demand for quality remains high, enquiries in the prime segment have dropped off somewhat and the prime rent therefore remained unchanged at €396 per sq m per annum. Rents across the sub-markets also remained stable with average rents from Frankfurt at c. €227 per sq m per annum.

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Cost: € 862 / sq m Competition: n/a Choice: 0.3%

Demand for the best office space remains high in the Geneva office market particularly from financial institutions, wealth managers and associated service providers as well as international organisations such as the Red Cross and the United Nations. Supply remains tight, however, particularly in the limited CBD area. The few opportunities that exist are usually in the range of up to 250 sq m with units of more than 500 sq m being extremely rare. Office vacancy rates in the city centre are at levels of sub 1% and there are limited development opportunities, compounded by a restrictive planning process. Some companies are considering peripheral locations in order to secure larger and less expensive space. New space is predominantly constructed south of the CBD and around the airport. The most notable project is the “SOVALP” – a large scale development that will provide some 100,000 sq m once completed in 2014. Competition for space remains high and finding suitable space solutions, especially for larger unit sizes, can be challenging. The existing shortage in the central areas is expected to drive prime rental growth. Prime rents in the CBD currently stand at CHF 1100 per sq m per annum but office space overlooking Lake Geneva usually trades at a premium to this.


Cost: € 344 / sq m Competition: 8,560 sq m Choice: 10.6%

Occupier activity increased in Q3, totalling over 8,500 sq m. The majority consisted of churn in smaller deals. Economic uncertainty continues to constrain decision making however and we anticipate year end leasing volumes to be in line with 2010. The Banking and Finance sector dominated in Q3, accounting for 73% of occupier activity. Overall vacancy rates increased slightly to 10.6% but Grade A choice remains far more constrained with vacancy rates falling from 3.3% to 3.1%. Occupier controlled space increased by 10% over the quarter to 58,000 sq m, with the likes of Shell releasing c.2,000 sq m at 141 Bothwell Street. Construction has resumed at the speculative Copenhagen building, which is on track to deliver c. 6,000 sq m by early 2012. Prime rents remained stable at €344 per sq m, although rent free periods remain generous at between 24-30 months based on a 10 year lease. Incentives remain under pressure for the very best space. As the supply of Grade A space begins to decline we expect incentives to harden further and prime rents to slowly rise.


Cost: € 250 / sq m Competition: 25,500 sq m Choice: 8.2%

The occupational market recorded a strong Q3, with leasing volumes reaching 25,500 sq m, up 45% on Q2. Occupiers from the IT- and Telecom sector accounted for a large share of activity, mainly due to large transactions by ÅF, EA and Saab Security. The public sector also remains an active market player. With no completions in Q3, overall vacancy declined to 8.2%, down from 8.7% in Q2. A further reduction in choice is anticipated in Q4, with no new developments due to be completed in 2011. As at the end of Q3 2011, around 52,000 sq m of new office space is under construction, the majority of which is due to be delivered in the next 12 months. Costs for prime CBD space continued to rise q-on-q with prime rents up 2.2% to stand at SEK 2,300 per sq m. In the wider city centre, costs for Grade A office space moved up as well and range between SEK 2,000 – 2,200 per sq m. Rental levels for office space in more peripheral areas range between SEK 1,200-1,500 per sq m. The number of speculative schemes currently under construction should ease competition for prime space.


Cost: € 282 / sq m Competition: 172,700 sq m Choice: 8.8%

Occupier demand is expected to remain strong throughout this year with an annual volume of 500,000 sq m expected. However the ongoing euro crisis and potential effects on the economy could damage sentiment. Occupier activity in Q3 was driven by business service providers, followed by public administration – with the State Ministry for Urban Development and the Environment’s move to Wilhelmsburg representing a considerable 45,000 sq m transaction. Preference remains on the city centre (Innenstadt) and the adjoining sub-markets of City South (core area), Habour and HafenCity. In terms of supply, the SPIEGEL building among others was completed in HafenCity and total completions over the year to date now amount to 120,000 sq m. A further 68,000 sq m is in the pipeline for the remainder of the year, of which around half is speculative. Development is expected to remain stable until the end of the year. Prime and average rents grew further in Q3 to reach €282 per sq m per annum and €167.76 per sq m per annum respectively. Further increases can be expected next year.

12 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011


Cost: €294 / sq m Competition: n/a Choice: 10.0%

Occupier activity remained fairly stable in the third quarter of 2011, although competition from international occupiers decreased somewhat in reaction to the European debt crisis and fears regarding the economic recovery. Whilst prime space in the CBD is most popular with occupiers, choice remains limited. Large floor plates are virtually non-existent, increasingly driving occupiers to the business park hubs in areas such as Ruoholahti, Keilaniemi and Leppävaara. Furthermore, new developments in the bay area adjacent to the CBD (Töölönlahti) have attracted strong occupier interest. The overall vacancy rate remained relatively stable q-on-q at around 10%. Choice in the CBD is much lower at around 4.5%. The development pipeline is considerable at 230,000 sq m for 2012 and 2013. However, competition for this new space has been strong and overall these schemes are expected to be around 90% prelet on completion. Prime CBD rents remained stable at €24.50 per sq m per month. In the more peripheral office districts, rents range between €192 - €204 per sq m per annum. However, if competition for space in the new developments slows, rents will most likely see some falls.


Cost: € 323 / sq m Competition: 10,770 sq m Choice:10.6%

Occupier choice fell slightly over Q3, but remains inflated at 6.1% above the level at the end of 2010. While there was little change to overall supply, the availability of Grade A space fell much faster with vacancy rates falling from 5.6% in Q2 to just 4.9% at the end of Q3. Work has commenced at 2 Bond Court which is due to deliver around 1,500 sq m of space on a speculative basis by 2012. The signing of a pre-let to Clarion in Q2 for 1,500 sq m, has also allowed development to start at Elizabeth House which will deliver around 1,000 sq m speculatively. The most significant deal in Q3 involved the acquisition of 2,400 sq m by Yorkshire Housing at Dyson Chambers. Prime rents were stable at €323 per sq m. Incentives remain stable but generous with around 30 months rent-free achievable on a 10 year term. We expect some hardening of incentives as the availability of Grade A supply begins to tighten, however this is somewhat dependent on the level of new demand.


Cost: € 228 / sq m Competition: 14,040 sq m Choice:11.7%

Portugal’s economic woes continued to impact on occupier confidence. Activity remained weak resulting in just 14,040 sq m let in Q3. Year to date leasing volumes are 63% below five year average levels. The majority of activity was concentrated in Zone 6, which accounted for around 40% of total floor space let in Q3. Activity continues to be driven by an increase in renegotiations and renewals. There were no new completions in Q3. Consequently, occupier choice fell with vacancy rates moving from 11.9% in Q2 to 11.7%. Despite the weak dynamics, prime rents held up at €228 per sq m over the third quarter. However, landlords continue to compete by offering generous fit out packages and increasing levels of incentives. Incentives for prime space are in the range of 1 to 3 months rent free, based on a three to five year lease. Across the wider market incentives are more generous with around 3 to 6 months rent free achievable on a three to five year term. Rents in the secondary market also remained stable, however we do anticipate downward pressure on secondary rents from the beginning of next year.

London City

Cost: € 688 / sq m Competition: 88,900 sq m Choice: 7.6%

Occupier activity improved upon Q2 levels but was still weak and represented the lowest Q3 total since 2003. Although 1.4 million sq ft remained under offer, with confidence subdued, occupiers are likely to delay decisions into 2012. Active requirement volumes continued to increase, however, with demand from the Service industry dominating volumes. Choice increased 10% as several refurbished and a new build scheme (Cannon Place, EC4) came online. As a result, overall vacancy rates increased to 7.6% with Grade A at 4.4%. Prime rents remained stable, with rent free periods assuming a 10 year term at 22 months. With the lack of quality prime space, we do anticipate further rental growth, however expectations have been tempered significantly by economic uncertainty.

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London West End

Cost: € 1187 sq m Competition: 60,500 sq m Choice: 4.4%

There was 60,500 sq m let across 42 deals in Q3, which represents a 22% decrease q-on-q. This brings the total for the year-to-date to 198,100 sq m which is 22% lower than the equivalent period last year and reflects a more cautious sentiment in the market. The most notable deal of the quarter was Debenhams plc’s 13,470 sq m pre-let at British Land’s 10 Brock Street (Regent’s Place), NW1.The Service sector again dominated take-up accounting for 54% of take-up across 18 deals, with the TMT sub-sector accounting for 22% of the total. Overall demand decreased slightly to 410,200 sq m, and the TMT sub-sector dominated this also, accounting for 25% of the total with new requirements from Linkedin, O2 and Gamesys. With limited moderate take-up and limited development completions, overall supply fell by -5% to 369,950 sq m, which equates to a vacancy rate of 4.4% (from 4.6% last quarter). Grade A vacancy also fell to 2.2%, its lowest level since mid-2007. Overall, the volume of space under construction speculatively remained stable at 173,400 sq m with the Debenhams’ pre-let offsetting new commencements at 79-97 Wigmore Street, W1, and 6 Agar Street, WC2. Prime rents stabilised at €1,187 / sq m, while rent-free periods remained at 16 months, assuming a 10-year lease. We expect rents to increase again in the latter half of next year.


Cost: € 456 / sq m Competition: 38,470 sq m Choice: 6.7%

Occupier activity over the year to date increased 51% compared with the equivalent period last year. Pre-lets and acquisitions accounted for around a third of all take-up activity in 2011, which underpins confidence in the market. The business services sector, together with Banking & Finance were responsible for 72% of deals. There were no new completions during Q3 and occupier choice diminished further with vacancy rates falling to 6.7%. The development pipeline remains constrained with just 24,000 sq m due to be delivered speculatively over the remainder of 2011. Thereafter, the development pipeline is expected to decrease further to a low level of 48,000 sq m in 2012, of which 33,000 sq m is speculative and this will drive choice lower. Costs remained stable across all submarkets in the third quarter, peaking at €456 per sq m in the CBD. We expect the prime rent to remain relatively flat over 2011, however incentives have begun to tighten. Given declining levels of supply, we expect upward pressure on prime rents, although forecasts currently remain modest.


Cost: € 270 / sq m Competition: 43,970 sq m Choice: 6.5%

There was a slowdown in occupier activity in Q3 with just under 44,000 sq m let, a 40% reduction on the very strong Q2. Year to date volumes are slightly softer than 2010 – a modest 2% reduction. The amount of choice for occupiers has continued to decline with supply dropping 3.6% over the quarter and volumes over 6% lower than the end of 2010. Vacancy rates are now 6.3%, down from the cyclical high of 6.8% reached in early 2010. Prime rents in Lyon have remained at €270 per sq m for the second successive quarter after the market witnessed very strong growth in H1. The annual rate of rental growth remains at 17.4%. In the wider market weighted average rents are around €150 per sq m and have been relatively flat this year reflecting a widening differential. Incentives have also been flat, at around 6 months for a 6-9 year lease.


Cost: € 312 / sq m Competition: 71,579 sq m Choice:10.6%

Leasing volumes were typical for Q3, the quiet quarter of the year, and stood at 71,579 sq m (excluding high-tech space). Five transactions of greater than 5,000 sq m completed and accounted for 42% of total take-up in Q3. The Periphery dominated demand with occupiers focusing on well-located and good quality business centres. The average size of space leased ranges between 800-850 sq m. Overall office vacancy increased slightly during Q3 to 10.6%. However, the CBD saw a slight decrease in choice as no new product is on the market and the level of demand in this market area has remained relatively strong. New supply is concentrated in the Periphery (Julián Camarillo area) and Satellite market areas. We expect a trend of occupiers moving towards the periphery which would impact on vacancy rates in the CBD. There is limited future supply in the pipeline as projects are being delayed and there is a lack of defined schemes from 2013 onwards. Prime rents continued to decline over Q3, down 1.9% to €312 per sq m, because of the disequilibrium between supply and demand, even for the best quality products.

14 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011


Cost: € 228 / sq m Competition: 12,500 sq m Choice: 7.1%

The occupational market registered a drop in activity in Q3, with leasing activity totalling at around 12,500 sq m. Nevertheless, so far in 2011, competition has been significantly higher compared to 2010 and year-end leasing volumes are forecast to be up over 50% on a y-on-y basis. The high activity can partially be explained by choice - new developments offering modern and highly efficient office space. Occupiers from the IT sector have been particularly active in Q3, accounting for a large share of volumes. On the supply side, no new choice was added to the market in Q3 2011, although in the Lund district a 7,400 sq m project is due to be completed in Q4. In 2012 around 60,000 sq m will complete. Consequently, the overall vacancy rate of 7.1% should increase next year. Prime CBD rents remained stable in Q3 and range between SEK 1,800 – 2,100 per sq m. Furthermore, occupiers are often offered substantial incentives such as rent free periods (depending on lease length) or rebates. Rental levels for good quality space in the peripheral office districts remained stable at around SEK 1,200 – 1,500 per sq m. Some further upward pressure at the very prime end of the market is expected towards the end of 2011.


Cost: € 379 / sq m Competition: 14,570 sq m Choice: 11.9%

Overall choice in Manchester city centre fell 5.2% over the third quarter, to 245,700 sq m. Vacancy rates were down from 12.5% in Q2 to 11.9% at the end of Q3. This was driven by declining levels of both Grade A and Grade B supply which fell by 4.0% and 7.0% respectively. Grade A choice, remains far more constrained, reflecting a vacancy rate of just 2.9%. There was little change to the development pipeline over Q3, with no new speculative starts and nothing under construction on a speculative basis. However, we do anticipate construction to commence soon at 1 St Peters Square on the back of a 6,000 sq m pre-let to KPMG. Activity was modest due to the absence of any larger deals, with just two transactions over 1,000 sq m. There are just two schemes currently capable of satisfying Grade A requirements of greater than 5,000 sq m. Given declining levels of supply, prime rents increased by 5.3% over the quarter to €379 per sq m. Incentives however remain generous with 30 months rent-free still achievable on a 10 year term.


Cost: € 530 / sq m Competition: 58,460 sq m Choice:10.1%

Occupier activity this year has been broadly in line with 2010. Q3 witnessed few large deals, with the most significant deal of the quarter involving AXA, who acquired 10,000 sq m in the Semi-centre area. IT company, Reply also leased around 8,000 sq m in the Lorenteggio area. Prime rents increased by 1.9% over the quarter to €530 per sq m. Rental levels remain high in the centre, particularly for transactions involving banks. Despite this, around 70% of deals in Q3 were at rents of below €300 sq m and transactions involving rents of over €500 per sq m, accounted for only 14% of the total deals. Q3 witnessed around 30,000 sq m of new completions. Consequently the vacancy rate increased to 10.1% over the quarter, however, this was driven primarily by increasing supply in the Periphery and Hinterland. Occupier choice within the Centre remained broadly stable. There have been no new development commencements.


Cost: € 360 / sq m Competition: 233,100 sq m Choice:10.1%

Occupier activity remains very strong with 230,000 sq m let and a year to date volume the strongest since 2001. Many lettings were driven by expansion leading to a net reduction in choice. Most activity has been witnessed in the city centre and across all unit sizes. Industrial corporate occupiers have been the largest takers of space this year, while business service providers closed the largest number of deals. In the third quarter there was again evidence of occupiers pursuing prelet options, such as the NUOFFICE project in Schwabing-North. Following high levels of building activity in the period from 2008- 2010, when up to 300,000 sq m was completed per year, completions will be much lower this year and especially next year and further restrictions in choice can be expected. Prime rents and incentives have remained stable at €360 per sq m but further increases can be expected next year. Average rents ended the quarter at €164 per sq m.

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Cost: € 457/ sq m Competition: 172,000 Choice: 7.5%

Occupier activity increased considerably with leasing volumes up 23% on Q2. Competition is strongest for prime office space in the CBD and western fringe of Oslo. There is a drive, in particular from the larger occupiers, towards more efficient office space, which can usually only be found in new developments. Besides ministries, occupiers from the IT and oil related sectors are the main drivers. On the supply side, Oslo has seen a relatively low volume of new construction in 2011 with just 60,000 sq m of office space added to the market. Consequently, choice has gradually declined over the year, with an overall vacancy rate of around 7.5%, the lowest in almost two years. 2012 is expected to see around 300,000 sq m of new office space added, however choice is expected to remain relatively constrained with the majority of the development already pre-let. Prime rents remained stable in Q3 2011 at NOK 3,600 per sq m. Strong demand for prime office space has pushed up rents by 15% over the year. Secondary locations did not record any rental growth over the last 12 months. Rents for good quality space in the city centre range between NOK 2,800 – 2,200 per sq m. Competition for prime space in the CBD is considerable and incentives in this part of the market are low to non-existent. Outside the CBD rent free periods of 6-12 months are achievable.

Paris CBD

Cost: € 750 / sq m Competition: 115,840 sq m Choice: 4.5%

While occupier activity in Greater Paris increased significantly in Q3, it was driven by deals completing that had been in negotiations for some time and the CBD region itself, although it witnessed an 11% q-on-q increase, is running around 2% below the Q1-3 volumes of last year. Deals were constrained by the low amount of choice in the CBD. Vacancy declined to just 4.5%, the lowest amount since 2008. In addition to a lack of choice impacting occupiers’ ability to move, the effect of austerity was increasingly felt, particularly for large companies, which are looking to curtail their real-estate costs and consolidate locations. Prime rents were unchanged at €750 per sq m and there is a sense that the market will become quieter with occupiers increasingly hesitant given the Eurozone concerns. Average second-hand rent was recorded at €501 in the CBD region, a 33% discount to prime. Rent free periods have been unchanged all year at between 9 and 15 months assuming a 6-9 year lease.

Paris La Defense

Cost: € 590 / sq m Competition: 20,650 Choice: 5.0%

The La Défense market was one of the few European markets to show strong rental growth in Q3 with prime rents increasing 7% to reach €590 per sq m. Average second hand rents ended the quarter at €492 per sq m, a 17% discount to prime reflecting a more standard quality of accommodation in this submarket. The rental increases were driven by further erosion in choice, with vacancy rates declining from 5.4% to 5.0% - the lowest level since Q1 2010. The leasing market, however, has seen a relative lack of large deals and volumes are down 14% compared with last year with just over 20,000 sq m let in Q3. Demand remains fragile and going forward prospects of an economic slowdown are encouraging participants to be cautious as well as extremely selective. A difficult end to the year is therefore expected generally, but the lack of choice in the La Défense market will support pricing and incentives although the growth witnessed in Q3 is unlikely to be repeated next year.


Cost: € 420 / sq m Competition: 29,900 sq m Choice:6.3%

Occupier activity reached almost 30,000 sq m in Q3, down on the start of 2011 but year to date volumes were up nearly 50% compared to the equivalent period in 2010. Occupiers continued to focus primarily on the CBD and central areas, with around 50% of Q3 take-up in these areas. The remainder of activity was focused on the EUR area. Occupiers demonstrated a clear preference for Grade A space. The most active sectors in Q3 were the Services and Manufacturing sectors. The Public sector, which has traditionally played a leading role in Rome’s office market, substantially reduced the amount of space taken up, a reflection of the necessary rationalisation of the public real estate portfolio. This is likely to have a significant impact on Rome’s office market. The vacancy rate increased to 6.3%, due largely to the release of second hand space in the Tiburtina area. The development pipeline remains relatively stable, with several completions expected in Q4, but there are no new significant projects to add to those already envisaged out to 2014. Prime rents and incentives are generally stable, with the prime rent remaining at €420 per sq m.

16 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011


Cost: € 195 / sq m Competition: 20,100 sq m Choice:16.3%

Occupier activity decreased by around 52% in Q3. This was mainly due to the absence of any large scale transactions, rather than a shift in sentiment. The upturn in competition seen in 2011 can, to some extent, be explained by the levelling in prices (headline rents and / or incentives) in some segments of the market between the wider Rotterdam region and some smaller, more regional cities. Choice increased for the fifth consecutive quarter. The overall vacancy rate stands at 16.3% as at the end of Q3, up from 15.7% in the previous quarter. The development pipeline remains significant. Whilst most developments have high pre-let rates, there are a number of speculative schemes expected to be added to the market in the second half of 2012. Rental levels remained virtually unchanged with prime rents at €195 per sq m and no change in incentives. The only rental movement recorded in Q3 was in the ‘Modern Scheepvaartkwartier’ district, where rents edged up by 2.9% to stand at €180 per sq m. Costs in the peripheral office areas North and South of the city remained stable with prime rents at around €150 - €170 per sq m. Rental conditions are expected to remain stable in the foreseeable future.


Cost: € 456 / sq m Competition: 73,050 sq m Choice:10.5%

Leasing volumes of just over 73,000 sq m were recorded in Q3. Whilst down on H1, sentiment remains relatively strong, with occupiers from the recruitment and staffing sector particularly active. On the supply side, choice continued to decline with no new office space added to the market. The overall vacancy rate decreased to 10.5%, down from 11.4% in Q2. Vacancy in the CBD remained particularly tight at a record low of 3.7% with occupiers having difficulties securing large, efficient floor plates in central locations. Whilst choice in peripheral locations remains plentiful, available space is expected to remain low in central locations with a limited amount of speculative space in the pipeline for the next few years. Prime rents increased for the second consecutive quarter, from SEK 4,100 per sq m to SEK 4,200 in Q3. Some further rental growth is expected, with prime rents forecast to edge up to SEK 4,300 per sq m by the end of the year before stabilising in 2012. Rental levels in peripheral office locations such as Kista and the adjacent suburbs remained stable at around SEK 1,400 – SEK 2,000. Incentives continue to be under pressure in prime locations with rent free periods of 3-6 months achievable on a 5 year lease.


Cost: € 216 / sq m Competition: 78,100 sq m Choice:6.5%

The Stuttgart market has not reflected the cooling economic mood. While deal volumes declined on Q2, on a y-on-y basis take-up increased by 71% to 200,000 sq m. Generally, small deals have dominated leasing volumes and the majority of deals were of average quality. Since certain large requirements remain active, we expect take-up to remain strong over Q4 and forecast total volumes of around 250,000 sq m for 2011 as a whole. Occupier activity has driven a further decline in the vacancy rate by 0.5 percentage points in the third quarter. The prime rent remains unchanged at €216 per sq m, with average rents showing little change at €138 per sq m. Around half the year to date completion volumes occurred in Q3. In Q4 further completions of around 40,000 sq m are expected. Next year we expect vacancy rates to stabilise.

The Hague

Cost: € 215 / sq m Competition:5,488 sq m Choice: 10.9%

Overall occupier sentiment remained relatively subdued in Q3, with leasing volumes down on the first half of the year. Competition is strongest for Grade A office space in the city centre districts such as the Beatrixkwartier, with occupiers in the public administration, transport and education sector most active. On the supply side, choice continued to increase with overall vacancy at a record high of 10.9% at the end of Q3, although the majority of available supply is of Grade B quality. Choice was more or less unchanged for Grade A properties, with only a modest increase to 2.3%. The tight market for Grade A is underlined by the split in leasing transactions by quality, with just three small sized Grade A occupier transactions recorded in 2011 so far. Rental costs for the prime end of the market increased over the quarter. Prime rents for Grade A space in the Beatrixkwartier increased by 2.4% to stand at €215 sq m per annum. Costs remained unchanged across all other submarkets with prime rents for office space adjacent to the city centre ranging between €175 - €205 sq m per annum. Incentives were stable over the quarter with rent-free periods remaining at 9 - 18 months, assuming a 5-year lease.

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 17


Cost: € 220 / sq m Competition: 22,400 sq m Choice:13.9%

The occupier market recorded a relatively slow quarter with six transactions reported. However, the total leasing volume was up by around 60% over the quarter, due to the 18,000 sq m transaction by Danone in the Rijnsweerd district. Competition for the best office space in the city centre continues to be strong, in particular from banking, finance and public administration sector occupiers. However, the absence of choice holds back activity with vacancy estimated at just 2%. Choice is not expected to increase in the short term in the city centre. In the wider market choice increased in Q3, with around 22,000 sq m of new office space added to Utrecht. Overall vacancy increased to 13.9%, the highest level ever recorded. The majority of choice is located in peripheral locations such as the Papendorp district which accounts for roughly 20% of total vacant office space. Whilst costs remained stable at the prime end, office space in secondary locations became less expensive in Q3. Prime rents in the city centre range between €190 - €220 per sq m. Rental levels in the secondary/ peripheral locations such as Kanaleneiland, Overvecht and Lage Weide/ Catesiusweg saw a further 3%-4% decrease to range between €125 – 145 per sq m.

Western Corridor

Cost: € 330 / sq m Competition: 55,900 sq m Choice:13.8%

The level of active named occupier requirements stabilised in Q3 at c.300,000 sq m and continues to be dominated by the Manufacturing and Services sectors, which together accounted for around 88% of named enquiries in Q3. Deal activity improved to reach 55,925 sq m, 9% higher than the five-year quarterly average. Supply levels continue to be slowly eroded, driven in particular by declining Grade A stock. This is most pronounced in the West London submarket where the vacancy rate stands at just 2.9%, the lowest level for nearly 10 years. There is currently around 33,305 sq m of speculative space under construction, with only 3,902 sq m due to complete before year-end. Prime rents increased marginally, driven by upward pressure in Reading town centre and Chiswick. Incentives were stable at 30 months rent free on a 10 year lease in the Thames Valley and 24 months in West London. We expect annual prime rental growth of 1.4% over 2011 as a whole.


Cost: € 902 / sq m Competition: n / a Choice: 4.6%

Strong demand for office space in recent quarters has led to rising rents and low levels of availability. The market will also see a large volume of new supply. Over the next four years around 400,000 sq m of new office space will be delivered mainly in Zurich West and Zurich Nord. Much of the new space has been taken by occupiers present in the market already which are currently actively relocating to this new, modern space from their CBD locations and gradually releasing their former space. The new supply is expected to ease competition for space and increase choice in the CBD. Hence, the Zurich CBD will soon face vacancies of an unprecedented quantity which will put pressure on cost. Prime rents are at around CHF 1100 per sq m. Expectations are that rents might see a further slight increase towards the end of the year but this may be short-lived. Outside the prime segment, rents range from CHF 350 to CHF 800 per sq m depending on location and quality, with second-hand space seeing the biggest discounts.

18 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011

Western European Corporate Occupier Markets at a glance

Competition (Take-up as a % of stock) Choice (% Vacancy Rate) Costs (Rents EUR / sq m / pa)

Market Q3 2011 12-month outlook Q3 2011 12-month outlook Prime, Q3 2011 12-month outlook WE Amsterdam 0.9 17.1 335 Antwerp 1.6 11.5 145 Athens n/a 15.8 270

Barcelona 1.0 13.4 225

Berlin 0.8 8.8 252 Birmingham 1.3 20.1 356 Bristol 0.4 13.0 328

Brussels 0.9 10.9 300

Cardiff 1.1 10.8 250 Cologne n/a 8.2 258 Copenhagen n/a 8.6 242 Dublin 1.1 18.9 344 Dusseldorf 1.0 11.9 282

Edinburgh 0.6 6.0 337

Eindhoven 0.5 13.2 185

Frankfurt 0.7 13.6 396

Geneva n/a n/a 0.3 862 Glasgow 0.6 10.6 344 Gothenburg 0.8 8.2 250 Hamburg 1.2 8.8 282 Helsinki n/a 10.0 294 Leeds 0.9 10.6 323 Lisbon 0.3 11.7 228 London City 0.9

7.6 688

London West End 0.7 4.4 1187 Luxembourg 1.2 6.7 456 Lyon 0.8 6.5 270 Madrid 0.5 10.6 312 Malmö 0.6 7.1 228 Manchester 0.4 11.9 379 Milan 0.5 10.1 530

Munich 1.2 10.1 360

Oslo n/a 7.5 457

Paris CBD 1.7 4.5 750

Paris La Defense 0.5 5.0 590

Rome 0.2 6.3 420

Rotterdam 0.6 16.3 195

Stockholm 0.6 10.5 456

Stuttgart 1.0 6.5 216

The Hague 0.1 10.9 215

Utrecht 0.9 13.9 220

Western Corridor 0.7 13.8 330

Zurich n/a n/a 4.6 902

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 19

CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE: Corporate Occupier Conditions

The intensifying Eurozone crisis, the threat of sovereign debt contagion and associated market turbulence continues to dominate news flow across Europe and set the back-drop for corporate real estate teams operating across the EMEA region. Against this backdrop, Central and Eastern Europe has continued to perform strongly. Forecasts point to a continued divide in the pace of growth between advanced and emerging economies. While GDP growth in the Eurozone has decelerated and other activity indicators have worsened markedly in Q3, growth in Emerging Europe has been better than anticipated, partly due to the strong performance of CEE economies. Poland in particular is forecast to see GDP growth at 4.2% in 2011, well above the European average, with the Czech republic and Hungary anticipated to record 2.0 and 1.0 % GDP growth respectively this year. Russia too, is forecast to see solid GDP growth of 3.8% in 2011.

Across Europe and despite a sombre economic backdrop, demand for office space has held up well. The overall European market is on track to at least match last year’s total take-up. However, the demand picture is becoming more mixed. Take-up

levels in the CEE region are a third higher than in the same period last year, and volumes are anticipated to be well above 2010 levels by the end of the year. How long this demand will be sustained, in light of recent macroeconomic turbulence is uncertain. Across Europe, uncertainty and declining sentiment are increasing the chances of corporate occupiers putting expansion and relocation plans on hold. Strong domestic demand will be crucial if CEE is to maintain current activity levels.

With development finance still severely constrained, international occupiers continue to face challenges in CEE sourcing appropriate Grade A product in central locations. Development pipelines in Moscow and Warsaw in particular look well-stocked over the medium term, but in the short term, prime options remain much more limited than headline vacancy rates suggest.

Prime rents remained stable over the quarter in all Central and Eastern European markets. However this stability comes after double digit percentage increases earlier in the year in Moscow, Warsaw, and St Petersburg. Expectations for 2012 are likely to be dampened by the ongoing Eurozone crisis. Deflated confidence levels are beginning to feed through to net absorption and leasing volumes in Western Europe, although the impacts have so far been uneven. An escalation of sovereign debt and financial sector troubles to the core euro area would be likely to undermine growth in Central and Eastern Europe, given tight financial and economic linkages. But to date, both economic growth and demand for office space have proven more resilient in CEE markets than in their Western European neighbours.

*Central Europe and the Balkans

Exhibit 11: Central & Eastern Europe Office Occupier Clock

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

BelgradeBelgradeBucharest, Budapest, SofiaBucharest, Budapest, SofiaTri-CityTri-CityBratislava, Kiev, PragueBratislava, Kiev, Prague

St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg





20 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011


Cost: € 186 sq m Choice: 22%

Occupier activity remained fairly stable in Q3 2011, with a handful of transactions pushing total leasing volumes to around 4,500 sq m. Competition is strongest for floor plates up to 700 sq m in the New Belgrade business district, where most of the Grade A stock has been delivered in the last six years. Small to medium sized legal and media firms have been particularly active in recent quarters. On the supply side, the overall vacancy for Grade A and B office stock declined to 22%, down from 23% in Q2. Prime rents remained stable at €15.50 per sq m per month for Grade A space in the Downtown area. Rental levels for Grade B space in the wider city centre also remained unchanged at around €10 - €13 per sq m per month. Incentives are still widely used with 3-months rent free (on a 5-year lease) achievable. Furthermore, reduced parking fees or the allocation of free parking lots are increasingly used incentives to attract occupiers.


Cost: € 198 sq m Choice: 10.8%

Occupier activity decreased over the quarter, with total leasing volumes of 21,100 sq m, down 32% on q-on-q. However, at 64,500 sq m for the year so far, competition is strong compared to 2010. Occupiers in the IT and telecommunications sectors have been most active, accounting for almost 40% of leasing volumes. On the supply side, just over 40,000 sq m was added in Q3, with the completion of the Westend Square project (17,800 sq m) in Bratislava IV and the City Business Centre III – V (22,600 sq m) in Bratislava II. Choice increased to 10.8% but the polarisation between Grade A and B space continues to increase with choice for Grade A space much more constrained. Whilst Q4 will not see any speculative completions, there are several projects currently under construction for next year, increasing choice in a number of districts. Costs for prime office space in Bratislava’s best locations remained stable in Q3, with rents ranging around €14 - €17 per sq m per month. Rental levels in the Inner City zone range between €10.5 - €12.5 per sq m per month, while rents in the Outer City district have stabilised between €8 -€10 per sq m per month. Costs are expected to remain stable in the short term.


Cost: € 228 / sq m Choice: 16.0%

Occupier activity reached almost 65,000 sq m in Q3 with most activity in the centre north (including CBD), capturing 32% of take-up. Office activity (including renewals and renegotiations) so far in 2011 reached 212,000 sq m, the same levels as the whole of 2010. No new completions were delivered to the market in Bucharest leaving stock levels close to 1.85million sq m. In the last quarter we expect the completion of an additional 54,000sq m of space from six buildings (50% being already pre-leased). The pipeline in 2012 is limited to 120,000 sq m (50% preleased) comprising of some projects delayed from 2011.The cost of prime space is still in the region of €19 per sq m per month with no major fluctuations expected over the next three quarters.. The overall vacancy rate dropped to 16% with large leases being signed in existing buildings located in decentralized submarkets. Choice will continue to decline due to the limited pipeline over 2012 to H1 2013. The overall incentive package is mainly applicable to large pre-leases which is crucial for any project to attract finance and commence construction work.


Cost: € 240 / sq m Choice: 20.7%

Office activity increased by 39% q-o-q in Budapest to 65,950 sq m with the highest demand recorded in Pest Central South submarket. There were no new completions released on to the market. Despite the lack of new supply, choice remained relatively stable with a vacancy rate of 20.7% at the end of the quarter. The highest availability is still registered at the Pest Non-Central submarket, however the vacancy rate managed to decrease the most in this submarket (by 200 bps to 32%). The lowest speculative office vacancy rate is registered at Buda North at 17.4%. Prime office rents have been stable, standing at €20 per sq m per month. Average headline rents are in the range of €10-13.50 per sq m per month depending on location.

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 21


Cost: € 313 / sq m Choice: 12.0%

Occupier activity was relatively stable compared to last quarter with take-up levels reaching 22,934 sq m. Activity was dominated mainly by international companies with the manufacturing and business service companies the most active. Demand for office space is still price sensitive in the Kiev market, with the highest demand for Grade B stock. There has been a steady increase in total office stock over the last few years and in Q3 2011 the volume of completions was 31,950 sq m. There were four new Class B business centres delivered to the market and still potential for further office stock development. The largest will be Premium Centre (36,000 sq m) located on the “Right Bank”. Choice declined with the vacancy rate falling 50 bps to 12.0% driven by increased market activity. Prime rents remained stable at US$420 / per sq m per annum and no change is expected before the end of 2011.


Cost: € 180 / sq m Choice: 8.4%

Krakow witnessed an increase in occupier activity in Q3 2011. There were rising numbers of enquiries from occupiers seeking new office space with a short notice period of around 3-6 months. High levels of demand are therefore anticipated in the next two quarters. Occupiers’ enquiries are also focused on space under construction. The largest recent transaction signed was for 6,700 sq m in Bonarka 4 Business, building B. Choice is relatively stable, however over 60,000 sq m is currently under construction. The cost of prime space in Krakow’s core central locations is stable at €14-15 per sq m per month. Effective rents remain lower than headline rents by approximately €1.50 – 2.50 per sq m per month, especially for pre-lets. Additionally, occupiers may receive cash contributions, moving cost coverage and fit-out contribution depending on the initial standard of a building and individual clients' requirement.


Cost: € 894 / sq m Choice: 16.6%

Moscow continued to witness strong demand in Q3 2011, 30% higher than the equivalent period last year. Despite the recently announced city-centre construction restrictions, the current pipeline is relatively high compared to other European cities with 2.5m sq m still planned to come into the market by 2014. However International occupiers looking for core prime space still have limited options as only 20% of the current pipeline located is inside the CBD. In terms of choice, the vacancy rate decreased slightly to 16.6%, 20bps down from the previous quarter. The cost of prime space also remained unchanged at US$1,000- 1,200 per sq m per annum (excluding operational expenses and VAT), Class A base rents amounted to US$600-850 per sq m per annum; Class B+ base rents amounted to US$400-600 per sq m per annum; and Class B- base rents were US$300-400 per sq m per annum. The less competitive buildings attract occupiers by additional incentives given by landlords that include lower rental rates for the first year; a rent free period (4-6 months) and partial fit-out compensation. The average lease length is currently 5-7 years.


Cost: € 252 / sq m Choice: 11.8%

Occupier activity was fairly subdued with volumes of 27,323 sq m, down 10% from the equivalent period last year. Six new properties were delivered to the market in Q3 2011, totalling 47,980 sq m. A further 161,000 sq m is now under construction with completion scheduled between Q4 2011 and Q1 2013. The cost of prime space has remained stable over nine consecutive quarters, although there are some signs that landlords of the very best space are considering higher asking prices. For the time being prime rents stand at €252. Rental levels on non prime buildings have also remained stable with Inner City projects commanding between €14.90-17.50 per sq m per month and Outer City locations ranging between €13-14.50 per sq m per month. Second hand products in all submarkets stand at approximately €1.50 below the above mentioned ranges. The pressure to provide incentives differs significantly from property to property, depending on both the situation within the submarket and the length of vacant period in the property itself.

22 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011

St Petersburg

Cost: €410 sq m Choice: 13.1 %

The total volume of new choice entering the market in Q3 was 67,200 sq m, the highest since the beginning of 2011. Six new office projects were delivered to the market in the last three months, including the speculative part of a large-scale Class A project St. Petersburg Plaza (37,600 sq m of leasable space). The future office projects currently under construction are limited with 100,000 sq m scheduled for completion by the end of 2011 and only 150,000 sq m is scheduled for completion next year. Occupier activity was subdued in Q3 2011, reflecting the seasonally quieter summer months. Choice in the market has risen slightly with a vacancy rate of 13.1%. This upward movement is temporary and we expect the trend to start falling as space is absorbed, although rental growth is expected to remain limited amidst the high vacancy levels. Costs remained stable in Q3 with only minor changes explained by currency rate at US$330-400 for Class A and US$250-320 for Class B office buildings.


Cost: € 144-174 / sq m Choice: 10.3%

Although office leasing activity is slightly ahead of last year most of the take up now is from relocations from older buildings into newer stock rather than into the City from outside. Only one new office building of 1,550 sq m was released to the market in Q3 2011, leaving the level of choice relatively stable at 10.3% compared to 10.2% last quarter. Vacancy is expected to remain stable in Q4 2011; although it may increase slightly in 2012 as five buildings providing over 30,000 sq m of available space are planned for delivery in 2012. Prime rents are falling but we expect them to bottom out shortly. In Gdynia, prime rents are at ca. €14 per sq m per month. Sopot and Gdansk are slightly cheaper at €12 -€13 per sq m per month.


Cost: € 300 / sq m Choice: 6.7%

Occupier activity in Q3 2011 reached 95,000 sq m, 22% up from the previous quarter. Demand is strong in the city with pre-lease agreements also picking up, with a 24% share this quarter. In terms of choice, around 60,000 sq m was delivered to the market. Although this may seem fairly robust, in reality 2011 is likely to see the lowest number of completions for six years with only 130,000 sq m delivered in total. Some new developments have been initiated on a speculative basis as developers become more confident. At the end of Q3 2011, approximately 6.7% of the modern office stock in Warsaw was vacant (7.0% in the CBD, 7.3% in the City Centre Fringe and 6.4% in Non-Central locations). In spite of a slight increase in choice this quarter, Warsaw’s vacancy is still expected to continue the downward trend. Prime headline rents remained unchanged this quarter and prime office space in Warsaw City Centre can now be secured from € 22 to € 25 per sq m per month although some exceptional buildings are quoting rents even higher than this. The best Non-Central locations, such as Mokotów, are being leased at € 15.00 to € 15.50 per sq m per month.


Cost: € 180 / sq m Choice: 9.5%

Sentiment remains subdued, with just a handful of small lease transactions and renewals recorded in Q3. Occupiers are focused on better quality / more efficient space, rather than actual expansion. On the supply side, choice increased to 9.5%, up from 8.5% in Q2. Furthermore, choice is likely to increase in the next two years, with around 157,000 sq m currently under construction of which approximately 23,000 sq m will be delivered before the end of 2011 with the completion of the Green Gold office building. Choice is considerably lower in prime CBD locations as competition is strongest for modern office space in central locations. Costs remained stable in Q3, with rents for Grade A office space ranging from €12 per sq m per month in the out-of-town locations to around €17 per sq m per month for the best space in prime CBD locations. Landlords remain reluctant to offer any tenant incentives, but with an improved position, occupiers are now able to achieve rent free periods of up to 2/3 months on a 5-year lease as well as contributions towards fit out costs. The occupier negotiating position is set to strengthen further in 2012, with choice expected to increase amidst stable completion.

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 23

Central & Eastern Europe Corporate Occupier Markets at a glance

Choice (% Vacancy Rate) Costs (Rents EUR/sq m/pa)

Market Q3 2011 12-month outlook Prime, Q3 2011 12-month outlook CEE Belgrade 22 186

Bratislava 10.8 198 Bucharest 16.0 228

Budapest 20.7 240

Kiev 12.0 313

Krakow 8.4 180

Moscow 16.6 894

Prague 11.8 252

St Petersburg 13.1 410

Tri-City 10.3 144-174

Warsaw 6.7 300

Zagreb 9.5 180

24 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011

MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA: Corporate Occupier Conditions

The region is very mixed in terms of economic and market outlook with political and social unrest hampering business investment. The UAE has generally positioned itself as a safe haven from the troubles and is better protected than most due to its oil output and increased government spending. The finalisation of Dubai’s debt deal has also improved confidence and lifted the outlook. GDP growth is forecast to be 5.1% over 2011 and 5.0% next year. In Egypt, the Interim Government which took power in February is facing up to serious social and policy challenges which are creating a difficult operating environment for business. GDP forecasts have been dramatically lowered to just 0.3% growth for 2011 compared with a forecast of 5.8% at the start of the year. Forecasts have also been downgraded in Morocco as regional unrest creates uncertainty.

In a number of the regions markets, demand levels have been inflated by an active government sector. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to display strong public spending and is generously funding public services such as health care and

education. These are translating into new expansionary office demand. In Riyadh for example, the General Organisation for Social Insurance is negotiating for a single tenant deal for some 80,000 sq m. A similar situation is apparent in Doha. Against a backdrop of the Arab Spring, GDP growth of 13% and substantial exports of liquefied gas, the state is equipped to spend. Government agencies and affiliated companies continue to control much of the new and high quality stock and maintain rents at high levels.

The markets in the UAE remain oversupplied and there is no clear end to this dynamic, although the future supply pipeline continues to diminish. Many development projects are delayed given the economic environment. It should also be noted that much of the emerging supply is located in areas outside of the well-connected inner city areas demand by international occupiers or the licensed sub-markets that are a pre-requisite for many financial occupiers.

Real estate costs are also varied across the MEA region. Two markets, Casablanca and Istanbul, are predicted to witness rental growth over the next 12 months. Four of the sub-regions markets are likely to witness rental stability whilst oversupplied markets such as Abu Dhabi, Doha, Jeddah and Riyadh will see rents under downward pressure.

Exhibit 12: MEA Office Occupier Clock


Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Rental GrowthSlowing


Rental GrowthAccelerating

RentsBottoming Out

Cairo, Abu DhabiCairo, Abu Dhabi

Istanbul, Johannesburg, TunisIstanbul, Johannesburg, Tunis

Tel AvivTel Aviv

Doha, Dubai, JeddahDoha, Dubai, Jeddah


On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 25

Abu Dhabi

Cost: € 355 / sq m Choice: 20.0%

While estimations of the future supply for the market continue to be scaled back as developers cancel or delay projects, more than 1.1 million sq m of additional office space could still enter the market before the end of 2013. Overall choice increased to approximately 20% and is expected to rise further. Government entities and state-owned occupiers currently comprise the majority of competition for large requirements. However, this has limited impact on demand in private developments as they typically occupy purpose built sites. Competition for private sector buildings is dominated by the professional services and financial sectors, along with engineering and construction firms and those in the energy sector. In the short term, occupier activity will be driven by existing occupiers upgrading their space but many occupiers are also delaying decision making until the market has adjusted for further supply deliveries. Overall costs decreased over the quarter, with Grade A rents down in Q3 to AED 1,750 per sq m per annum, while rents for Grade B space remained unchanged in Q3 (AED 1,300 per sq m per annum). Whilst rents for both grades are expected to decline, Grade B quality rents are likely to drop at a greater pace. The expanding choice of high quality space is making Abu Dhabi’s office market increasingly tenant favourable and this will lead to further rental incentives and inducements.


Cost: € 480 / sq m Choice: 4%

Demand for office space is starting to become increasingly driven by established foreign companies and those looking to hurdle the legislative and authority constraints in setting up a business. International Grade A office space still remains very scarce and supply of new space is often limited to residential conversions. The centre of Algiers continues to suffer from a poor operational environment. Modern space is sporadic around the city apart from Bab Ezzouar, which is moving slowly towards a financial and business hub benefiting from good infrastructure, modern office space and good accessibility. The ongoing construction of additional towers will increase choice and bring larger floor plate availability. There are also signs of new, fully serviced properties starting to be planned around the Les Pins area as well as the Bab Ezzouar area. Overall Grade A office space is available at rents of DZD 3,500 - 4,200 per sq m per month. Good Grade B space which continues to compete with Grade A space given its low availability remains at levels of DZD 2,500-3,000 per sq m per month.


Cost: € 367 / sq m Choice: 35%

The Cairo office market is expected to see high volumes of completions, increasing stock from c. 700,000 sq m now to over 2.9 million sq m by the year 2015. New choice will continue to be added to the new, preferred satellite areas. These areas have grown in popularity and see the majority of demand as they offer modern office stock, access to business services, amenities for staff, enhanced security and the opportunity to avoid the congested and polluted downtown areas of Cairo. However, accessibility is vital and dedicated business parks on the outskirts of Cairo continue to see vacancies because of poor access. While activity is returning it continues to be focused on upgrading and yet many occupiers remain in a “wait-and-see” mode until the medium future becomes more obvious. As choice increases the balance of power has shifted more towards the occupier, evident in increasing flexibility of landlords on rental terms. Asking rents for the Nile City Tower are at US$50 per sq m per month and at US$44 per sq m per month for the Star Capital building. However average Grade A rents in Central Cairo are around US$41 per sq m per month and around US$22 per sq m per month in New Cairo.


Cost: € 220 / sq m Choice: 10%

The market continues to lack international Grade A quality space, with the majority of new supply of Grade B or A- quality and designed to suit local demand. While the supply situation is likely to improve over the medium term, a lack of quality stock continues to be a market constraint and it remains difficult for occupiers to find larger single floor plates. Larger lots are more frequently available in larger developments such as the Marina or Anfa Place, which will be developed on euro-norm standards, alongside some singular developments in the area of Sidi-Maârouf. The latter continues to be a popular office area alongside isolated developments in the CBD. The first deliveries of the Casablanca Marina are expected in 2012 but the pricing may be prohibitive to many given high costs of land acquisition. Occupier demand remains high especially for larger and high quality space, but also as an effect of the decline in the business confidence in other countries in the area. In the core areas rents are around MAD 210 per sq m per month and continue to grow. Rents for new Grade A new space in non-central areas have remained at marginally to MAD 150 per sq m per month.

26 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011


Cost: € 435/ sq m Choice: 20 %

Recent turmoil in other countries in the region has not affected Doha. Total city-wide office stock is currently estimated at 3.4 million sq m with the majority of Grade A stock, approximately 1.2 million sq m, located in the Diplomatic District and West Bay. Office buildings in these areas continue to lead the prime market, housing major government bodies, financial institutions, oil and gas and other multinationals and can command a cost premium of up to 35% above average asking rental rates. Despite Qatar’s strong economic fundamentals, the market continues to see oversupply due to a marked slowdown in competition and smaller requirement sizes. Choice in West Bay has increased significantly and rents are under pressure. The overall vacancy rate stands at around 20%. Government sector activity has led to some stabilisation in costs with prime office rents now QAR 190 per sq m per month. Although government entities will continue to provide the major proportion of office demand, we will see an increasing number of construction, engineering and professional services occupiers setting up in Doha to expand their regional operations, to service the large amount of infrastructure work in advance of the 2022 World Cup.


Cost: € 328 / sq m Choice: 44%

The future development pipeline has reduced significantly but despite the welcome slowdown, the future supply pipeline for 2012 and 2013 still totals 1.3 million sq m, though consisting largely of strata-title properties in non-CBD areas. Despite increased supply, overall choice remained relatively unchanged at 44% city-wide (27% for CBD Single Ownership Properties) indicating positive absorption levels. On the demand side, foreign occupiers continue to be cautious and delaying decision making. Occupiers remain selective preferring single-ownership buildings in well-connected CBD locations. Competition in the short term will remain driven by occupiers looking to upgrade to better quality and / or locations at lower rents. Costs remained unchanged on the quarter, with prime rents in the CBD stable at AED 1,615 per sq m per annum although the range of buildings being able to attract these rents has decreased. Rents in the DIFC remained stable, too, at AED 1,615-2,370 per sq m per annum. Space outside the CBD or DIFC decreased to AED 1,060 per sq m per annum in Q3 2011. While the lower end of asking rents remained stable, the higher range reduced in many parts as landlords compete aggressively for occupiers, offering generous incentives which continues to widen the gap between asking and achievable rents.


Cost: € 360 / sq m Choice: 9.1 %

The Istanbul office market continues to see high volumes of new supply. Since the beginning of the year 227,000 sq m has been added, compared to a mere 62,000 sq m in the same period last year. For the rest of the year, another 190,000 sq m is expected to complete with a total volume of new supply of 793,000 sq m. 242,000 sq m of this will be located on the Asian-side and 551,000 sq m on the European side. On the demand side, take-up remains strong with 18,000 sq m leased in Q3. The total take-up for Q1-Q3 2011 reached 85,000 sq m, 46% higher than in the same period last year. Despite this, the increase in demand wasn’t able to absorb the high levels of supply and vacancy rates increased further. While the vacancy for the overall market now stands at 9.1%, vacancy in the CBD remains low at 3.2%. Prime rents remained stable at €30 per sq m per month and are expected to remain stable until mid 2012. The completion of a few landmark projects are however expected to lead to an increase in prime rents.


Cost: € 209 / sq m Choice: 15%

The office market continues to see new completions with 15,000 sq m completed in Q3. The current estimate for completions by end 2013 is approximately 1.1 million sq m. However, actual deliveries might be lower as projects continue to be cancelled and delayed. Nevertheless, the market will experience a major increase in supply in 2012 when Zahran business centre and Headquarter will be completed. Most of the pipeline supply will increase the availability of quality space and increase competition amongst landlords for tenants resulting in further incentives. The private sector remains the major driver of competition which is focused on the CBD. Choice in the CBD decreased from 29% in Q2 to 26% in Q3. However, citywide choice averaged at more or less same level of 15% during Q3 2011. The high volume of supply is certainly not being able to be absorbed by future demand and vacancy is expected to increase. Office rents remained stable in Q3. Overall, Grade A rents are around SAR 1,050, per sq m per month while Grade B rents average SAR 882 per sq m per month. Average city-wide rents stabilized around SAR 700 per sq m per month during Q3 2011.

On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011 27


Cost: € 205 / sq m Choice: 10.5%

Competition for office space in Q3 2011 was strongest in secondary sub-markets which offer a rental discount relative to prime. Accessibility remains a key factor and nodes within reach of the new Gautrain transport network, are expected to see an increase in deals, with enquiries already increasing. Office supply in Johannesburg increased by 97,000 sq m, to total nearly 8.5 million sq m. In the current climate, the new stock offers occupiers increased opportunities to upgrade. Vacancies in Q3 demonstrated a marginal decline from 11.1% to 10.5. Choice varies between nodes with areas such as Illovo, Morningside, Houghton and Milpark witnessing rates below 6% with more secondary nodes (notably the Johannesburg CBD and Randburg) with rates as high as 15%. Average gross rents for Grade A offices range around ZAR 140 - 150 per sq m per month. Occupiers are increasingly focussed on consolidation, increased space utilisation and in some cases are prepared to relocate from prime to secondary nodes in an attempt to alleviate the increasing cost of occupancy. Gross rentals for Prime A+ office space appear to have reached a ceiling in 2010 and corporate occupiers have offered strong resistance in 2011 to move beyond that level, particularly as costs for utilities continue to increase. Prime rents in Q3 2011 remained at ZAR 185 per sq m per month.


Cost: € 397/ sq m Choice: 12%

Office space in Riyadh increased by 20,000 sq m over the quarter and the market is expected to experience a supply shock of c 1.4 million sq m when Granada Business Park, KAFD, and Olaya Tower complete in 2013/2014. Actual deliveries may be lower or delayed as developers are finding it difficult to meet their deadlines due to the huge work load for contracting firms. On the demand side, Riyadh is usually heavily influenced by public sector activity although the private sector was more active over Q3. Choice remained at Q2 levels, with city-wide vacancies of 12% and vacancies inside the CBD decreasing to 16%. Office rents were almost at the same level as Q2 with average rents paid for CBD space are c. SAR 1,060 per sq m per month with prime Grade A space commanding asking rents of SAR 2,000 per sq m per month compared to high quality space which usually trades around SAR 1,300 per sq m per month. Grade B rents average SAR 1,075 per sq m per month. With new supply being delivered early next year, rental levels are likely to face further downward pressure.

Tel Aviv

Cost: € 307 / sq m Choice: 3-4%

Israel’s economy continues its expansion course despite the weaker prospects for the Eurozone and the US. The worries about the outlook for the Eurozone and the US are mainly of relevance for a few international occupiers that are reviewing earlier expansion plans. However these headwinds have not had any effects on local businesses or developers and the market for commercial properties remains characterised by ongoing strong demand for office space and low volumes of new supply. Supply – existing and new - is very tight, especially in the City centre and occupiers struggle to find Grade A space especially if looking for larger floor plates. At ILS 125 per sq m per month, prime rents increased slightly over the quarter. However landlords face increased reluctance from occupiers to pay these levels. Rents in areas such as Herzliya or Ra’anana in the North of Tel Aviv offer modern office space too, but at a significant discount to prime with ILS 70-80 per sq m per month and ILS 65-70 per sq m per month respectively. These areas prove particularly popular with occupiers from the software and high-tech industry.


Cost: € 80 / sq m Choice: 12 -15%

Tunis is in the early stages of evolving towards an office market of international standard and many developers have restarted development projects. The majority of the existing stock does not meet international standards and only a fraction of the market is available for lease as the dominating local private developers continue to prefer selling a building after completion for owner occupation. While this is likely to persist over the near future, leasing is now becoming an accepted practice considered for international occupiers. The main area for new construction of Grade A office space remains around the “Lac de Tunis” which is increasingly seen as the new prime office area offering a more secure environment and is seen as the main business location. Vacancy in the “Lac de Tunis” area in the past has been considerably lower than in other parts of Tunis and will be more so given the operational advantage of the area. This will accelerate possible business relocations from the city centre and also the development of other neighbouring business centres of around Lac de Tunis. For the short term, rents are expected to remain unchanged at around TND 160 per sq m per annum with current occupiers cautious about timing.

28 On Point • EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – Q4 2011

Middle East and African Corporate Occupier Markets at a glance

Choice (% Vacancy Rate) Costs (Rents EUR/sq m/pa)

Market Q3 2011 12-month outlook Prime, Q3 2011 12-month outlook MEA

Abu Dhabi 20.0 355 Algiers 4 480

Cairo 35 (Grade A: 5) 367 Casablanca 10 220 Doha 20 465 Dubai 44 328 Istanbul 9.1 360

Jeddah 15 209

Johannesburg 10.5 205 Riyadh 12 397 Tel Aviv 3-4 307

Tunis 12-15 80

Business Contact: Corporate Solutions

Vincent Lottefier Chief Executive Officer EMEA Corporate Solutions Paris +33 1 40 55 49 92 Report Contacts: Research

Dr Lee Elliott Director EMEA Research London +44 (0)20 3147 1206 Tom Carroll Associate Director EMEA Research London +44 (0)20 3147 1207 Acknowledgements: We gratefully acknowledge the help and assistance of the following Jones Lang LaSalle alliance partner firms in the preparation of some of this material: Akershus Eiendom AS, Athens Economics and Sadolin & Albæk.

EMEA Corporate Occupier Conditions – November 2011 OnPoint reports from Jones Lang LaSalle include quarterly and annual highlights of real estate activity, performance and specialised surveys and forecasts that uncover emerging trends.

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