corrigenda test- tecnicas da venda

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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tecnicas de venda





Entidade Formadora: Inforpreparação - Formação Profissional, Lda

Programa: POPH ( Programa Operacional Potencial Humano)

Tipologia: 1.1 - Sistema de Aprendizagem

Nº do Projeto:

Código do Curso: AP-C21/2013

Curso / Ação: Técnico/a de Vendas - 3º Período

Módulo: Língua Inglesa- Técnicas de Venda

Formador: Eliana Silva

Data: 17-04-2015 Nota Final:

Rubrica do Formador:

Nome do




Parte I       Valores         Parte III    Valores       Parte V    Valores

                             Parte II       Valores         

Parte IV    Valores       Parte VI    Valores
















1. Match the CONCEPTS with its correct definition:

A. Sales force

B. Sales figures

C. Salesperson

D. Sales volume

E. Sales meeting

F. Sales target

G. Sales promotion

H. Sales tax

2. Make the following sentences more polite:

a) I want to meet next Monday. Would it be possible to meet next Monday?

b) Send me more information. Could you please send me more information?

c) Give me your email. Can I ask you to send me your email, please?

d) You work at H&T industries, right? Don’t you work at H&T industries?

3. The salesperson needs a special combination of personal qualities and trained skills. A traditional 

methodical approach to selling is to divide the process into seven logical steps.  Put these steps in order: 






A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H 

2  6  8  1  5  4  7  3 


1.    Planning and preparation  

2.    Opening  

3.    Questioning  

4.    Presentation  

5.    Overcoming objections/negotiating  

6.    Closing  

7.    After‐sales follow‐up 

Questioning                   Planning and preparation                  Presentation          After‐sales follow‐up 

Opening                             Closing                            Overcoming objections/negotiating  


4. Complete the following sales pitch with words from the box:

24-hour technical support a multinational brand able to meet customers' needs convenient guarantee maintenance and servicing option to pay in installments

quality control procedures reliable durable

4.1. Our service is extremely reliable. You will save a lot of time and money.

4.2. We are a multinational brand _company with a long tradition of success.

4.3. Help is always at hand - we offer 24-hour technical support.

4.4. We offer a 2-year guarantee for your peace of mind.

4.5. Our product is very durable- you can use it for as long as 5 years without replacement.

4.6. You don't have to pay for everything at once we offer you the option to pay in installments

4.7. Our location is very convenient. You won't need to travel too far.

4.8. If you have any particular requirements, don't worry - we are able to meet customer’s needs.

5. Complete the following rules with the words from the box for making a good sales pitch:

Attention incentive needs objections solution testimonies touch

5.1. Get the______ Attention ____________ of your prospect with a good opening statement.

5.2. Listen carefully to your prospect's_____ needs _________.

5.3. Give_______ testimonies ________ from other customers.

5.4. Listen to and answer the_______ objections ___________ that your prospect raises.

5.5. Provide an ______ incentive _________to take action.

5.6. Stay in________ touch _________ with your customer after the sale.

6. Look at the following extracts from a sales meeting between a small retailer and a representative of a paper company. Which rule (exercise 5) does each sentence relate to?

a. Yes, you are right. It's true that we cannot compete with our competitor's prices, but what we can offer is quality customer service. 5.4

b. Well, in that case, we are the right company for you. We have been operating in the market for over 10 years and we are trusted by over 20 large retailers. 5.2

c. Take a look at the references of some of our main customers. 5.3

d. We offer the largest range of stationary products on the market. 5.1

e. Since you are a first-time customer, I'd like to give you a 10% discount if you buy today.5.5

f. Were you pleased with your first order? Thank you again for doing business with us. 5.6


7. Match some of the most common customers’ objections to buying products or services to what a prepared salesman should say:

7.1. Boomerang

7.2. Question

7.3. Direct denial

7.4. Demonstration

7.1  7.2  7.3  7.4 

c  a  d  b 

a) Of course. You’re completely right but why do you prefer a DVD player over a CD player?

b) Would you like to try it first?

c) Yes, it is expensive, but I don't think you would want to buy your wife a cheap present

d) In fact that is not correct Mr. Cooper, our lamps last for 1000 hours, proven by tests.


8. Read the text above and answer the following questions:

8.1. What is the main objective of a salesman during the initial contact?

To collect information about the customer.

8.2. Identify the two types of contact to have to ensure the sale?

First it can be a phone call or even an email but be sure to make an in-person meeting.

8.3. Explain the meaning of a win-win negotiation.

It’s when both parties, the seller and the customer, compromise in order to get to a solution, for example relating price terms.

9. Mark the sentences as TRUE or FALSE. Correct the FALSE

9.1. Direct request, Command and Immediate gain are after sales techniques. FALSE

Direct request, Command and Immediate gain are closing the sale techniques

9.2. A salesman should use the Command techniques when the customer is a fast decision maker. FALSE

A salesman should use he Command techniques when the customer is having trouble in taking a decision.

9.3. Immediate Gain technique is useful for customers who need to increase profit. TRUE


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