countdown to paramedic registration sept 2017

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Countdown to

paramedic registration

Status – Sept 2017


The Paramedic Observer

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Overarching criteria – public safety / public trust does paramedic practice pose potential risk of harm?

do patients take expertise on trust?

Paramedics: make clinical assessments

perform invasive procedures

administer powerful drugs

make critical judgements and decisions

patients accept practitioner competence on trust

paramedic practitioners operate autonomously within a Scope of Practice (SOP)

The why of paramedic regulation

An independent authority registers and controls:

Who enters the profession – i.e. who gets on the register; making

sure that those who are registered are fit and competent - entry

Who stays on the register - ensure those on the register are able

to practice safely and maintain their competence - monitoring

Who is removed from the register - those shown to be lacking

ability or fitness to practice – removal

The outcomes are open to public scrutiny - transparency

How does registration work ?

Registration involves transparency, objectivity & due process

The National Registration & Accreditation Scheme (NRAS)

was established under separate jurisdictional legislation to:

− protect the public by ensuring that only suitably trained and qualified

health practitioners are registered

− facilitate health workforce mobility across Australia

− enable the continuous development of a flexible, responsive and

sustainable health workforce

The NRAS is administered by AHPRA* and a number of

professional regulatory Boards. It provides independent:

− protection of title

− a register of practitioners

− established registration standards

− investigation of complaints

− accreditation of courses

What is NRAS registration ?

*AHPRA - see

What is AHPRA ?

AHPRA is the:

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

AHPRA administers the National Registration and

Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) for the health professions

provides administrative support to the National Boards

provides legal support & interpretation

makes recommendations to Boards

first point of contact for registration matters

The NRAS commenced in 2010 with 10 health professions

Chiropractic Osteopathy

Dental Pharmacy

Medical Physiotherapy

Nursing & Midwifery Podiatry

Optometry Psychology

A further four professions entered the scheme in 2012

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health practice

Chinese medicine

Medical radiation practice

Occupational therapy

Currently registered professions

As at 30 April 2017 there were 676,108 registered health

practitioners in Australia – see details at

At a glance

Who does what ?

Gaining agreement for registration of paramedics has taken many years to gain consensus across all jurisdictions

Three states (SA, Tas & NSW) recognised the risks of practice and introduced interim legislation protecting the title of ‘paramedic’ but using different legislative frameworks:

SA – via amendment to NRAS National Law – October 2013

Tas – via an amended Ambulance Service Act – November 2013

NSW – via an amended Health Services Act - 1 February 2016

Health Ministers in 2015 also agreed to adopt a national Code of Conduct for unregistered health workers -

Note: The provisions of the National Code of Conduct apply to paramedics (and others) if not registered – see

The paramedic journey

6 Nov 2015 - Health Ministers agree to support registration with jurisdictions able to ‘opt-in’. NSW remains the sole stand-out but other jurisdictions continue – see

2016 - Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services appoints a project team to progress the registration case

9 May 2016 – A Senate Committee report fully supports national registration of paramedics – see

7 October 2016 – Health Ministers agree to proceed with national registration - see

February 2017 - Consultation with stakeholders to review the legislative amendments for implementation of registration

The pace quickens

24 March 2017 – Health Ministers agreed to the draft legislative amendments to the National Law - see

April 2017 - AHPRA establishes dedicated webpage to keep people informed of developments - see

29 April 2017 – AHPRA advertises for Paramedicine Board members - target Sept 2017 - see

June 2017 - AHPRA appoints Project Manager (Deb Tapping) for implementation of registration project – see

13 June 2017 - Health Practitioner Regulation Amendment Bill introduced into Qld Parliament – see

11 August – Qld Parliamentary Committee Review Report #42 recommends passage of Bill - see

The current status (Sept 2017)

16 August – Western Australia (WA) tables Health Practitioner Legislation Amendment Bill – see

22 August – AHPRA provides update including FAQs and vacancy for Board Executive Officer – see

17.27 hrs 6 Sept – Queensland Parliament passes the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 – see

18.49 hrs 6 Sept – WA Health Practitioner Regulation Amendment Bill - Second Reading Legislative Council - see

7 September – Flipbook presentation of final debate in Qld Parliament - see

The current status (Sept 2017)

What are some key reforms?

Paramedicine added to the definition of ‘health profession’ under the National Law

‘Paramedic’ becomes a protected title nationally

New s307 and s308 establish the Paramedicine Board of Australia. The Board has:

– limited functions until the participation day s308(1)&(3) but can start work

– same powers and functions as existing 14 Boards from participation day

New s.308 (2) allows Ministerial Council to appoint practitioner members to the Board prior to participation day

New s.310 allows ‘Grand-parenting’ recognition of existing practitioners during the first three years of the scheme

The Paramedicine Board will comprise 6 practitioner and 3 community members. It will consult & progressively develop:

– Registration standards: e.g. continuing professional development, criminal history, English language skills, recency of practice and professional indemnity insurance, for recommendation to Ministers; and

– Codes and guidelines under s39 (see )

The Board will recommend course accreditation arrangements and approve accreditation standards

Make administrative arrangements for processing early applications and other procedural matters for registration

Perform all the functions of a professional regulatory Board (except initially for some specific roles e.g. complaints)

See information guide:

The Paramedicine Board

Timeline of implementation

AHPRA has established a dedicated web page and communication network to provide information on registration in the lead-up to the participation date.

This consists of:

– general information on registration

– frequently asked questions (FAQs)

– an e-news subscription channel

– a short informative video on AHPRA registration

– a potted history of recent developments

For specific matters - contact the AHPRA project manager:Deb Tapping on telephone | 03 8708 9205

Email |

Where to go for further details

For additional information on regulatory and general matters

affecting paramedicine - follow these social media channels:

— Twitter on @ParamedProf and @Arban70 — Paramedic Observer

— Australian Emergency Law

Information on paramedic practice is available on the websites

and social media channels of (in alpha order):

─ Australian and New Zealand College of Paramedicine (ANZCP)

─ Australian Ambulance Services (various jurisdictions)

─ Australian Paramedics Association (various jurisdictions)

─ Council of Ambulance Authorities (CAA)

─ National Council of Ambulance Unions (NCAU)

─ Paramedics Australasia (PA)

─ Private Paramedicine Australia (PPA)

Other information sources

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