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Published - oct 6 2017 11:14AM


2017 / 2018 BACHELOR 3

Spring Semester (S6)

Burgundy School of Business 29 rue Sambin - BP 50608 - 21006 DIJON Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0) 380 725 900 – Fax : +33 (0) 380 725 999 E-mail : – Internet :

Published - oct 6 2017 11:14AM

Summary :

1/ Lists of modules ................................................................................................ 3

2/ Modules .............................................................................................................. 4

Management challenge / Jeu d'entreprise ...................................................................................... 5

English S6 .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Deutsch S6 ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Français S6 ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Espanol S6 ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Italiano S6 ........................................................................................................................................ 10

Chinois S6 ........................................................................................................................................ 11

Wine Tourism: Direct Wine Sales .................................................................................................. 12

Wine Tourism: Tourism Marketing ................................................................................................ 13

Wine Tourism: Professional Wine Tourism Experience ............................................................. 14

Wine Tourism: Viticulture, Oenology, Sensory analysis ............................................................ 15

International Business Management: Strategy ............................................................................ 16

International Business Management: Human Resources........................................................... 17

International Business Management: Administration ................................................................. 18

International Business Management: Finance ............................................................................. 19

French culture and society ............................................................................................................ 20

Intercultural Management and Communication ........................................................................... 21

Force de Vente et Communication Digitale .................................................................................. 22

La Marque et son Offre ................................................................................................................... 23

Politique Tarifaire et Commerciale ................................................................................................ 24

Stratégie de Distribution Multicanal .............................................................................................. 25

Culture & société ............................................................................................................................. 26


1/ Lists of modules

English track

French track

BACH - Y3 S6 English Exchange 2017-18 (Spring)


























'S M






Management Challenge / Jeu d'entreprise Y3 S2 16 2 DAP AJDUKOVIC I

English Y3 S2 16 2 LVC PACAUT S

Deutsch / Espanol / Italiano / Chinois / Français Y3 S2 16 2 LVC CASEAU C

Wine Tourism: Direct Wine Sales Y3 S2 24 3 WS COGAN- MARIE L

Wine Tourism: Tourism Marketing Y3 S2 32 5 WS COGAN- MARIE L

Wine Tourism: Professional Wine Tourism Experience Y3 S2 32 3 WS COGAN- MARIE L

Wine Tourism: Viticulture, Œnologie & Sensory Analysis Y3 S2 32 5 WS COGAN- MARIE L

International Business Management: Strategy Y3 S2 30 4 MOE DITTER JG

International Business Management: Human Resources Y3 S2 30 4 MOE DITTER JG

International Business Management: Administration Y3 S2 30 4 MOE DITTER JG

International Business Management: Finance Y3 S2 30 4 FCD MATEU G

French Culture & Society Y3 S2 20 4 LVC INGHAM C

Intercultural Management & Communication Y3 S2 20 4 LVC INGHAM C

Internship or Final Thesis Y3 S2 420 8 STA GOUDE LACHEREZ V

Total without internship/semester 208 38

Specialization 1: Wine

Tourism (4 modules)

Specialization 2: International

Business Management (4


BACH - A3 S6 Français Echange 2017-18 (Printemps)













































Management challenge / Jeu d'entreprise A3 S2 16 2 DAP AJDUKOVIC I

LVI : Anglais A3 S2 16 2 LC PACAUT S

LV2 : Deutsch / Espanol / Italiano / Chinois / FrançaisA3 S2 16 2 LC CASEAU C

Force de vente et communication commerciale A3 S2 32 4 MKT CHABOUD MC

La marque et son offre A3 S2 32 4 MKT CHABOUD MC

Politique tarifaire et commerciale A3 S2 18 3 MKT CHABOUD MC

Stratégie de distribution multicanal A3 S2 38 5 MKT CHABOUD MC

Culture et société Y3 S1 20 4 LC INGHAM Chantal

Intercultural Management & Communication (in English)Y3 S1 20 4 LC INGHAM Chantal

Stage ou mémoire A3 S2 420 8 STA GOUDE LACHEREZ V

Total 208 38

Spécialisation: Stratégie

Marketing et Commerciale

(4 modules)


2/ Modules


Management challenge / Jeu d'entreprise

Time volume (in hour): 16 Total student workload: 32 ECTS: 2 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: AJDUKOVIC Ivan Pre-requisites: None Description: Online business simulation Learning objectives: - Understand how a company works - Understand relations between different dimensions of the same company

- Identify how competitors can affect your firm's performances

- Improve ability to take decisions

- Enhance teamwork and leadership

- Improve general skills 2, 3 and 4

Methodology: Session 1. Presentation of the module, the business simulation, rules and organization. Decision taking and

results analysis. Deciding of a strategy and applied it.

Session 2 to 7. Analysis of constraints, Decision taking and results analysis. Work on the letter to

shareholders. Deciding of a strategy and applied it.

Session 8. Analysis of constraints, Decision taking and results analysis. Work on the letter to shareholders.

Debriefing of the simulation and feedback on the results. Deciding of a strategy and apply it. Analysis of the

final results regarding the opponents.

Teaching tools: Manual Pedagogical methods: In a team, define and adapt a firm's strategy in order to improve sells and profitability in a competitive environment Assessments: The performance of your firm, measured by the “Cumulative earnings”; 10 points. A letter to shareholders; 10 points. Skills: Knowledge in finance, tax system, marketing and strategy. References: ■ Manual:

■ Website:

■ Presentation video (EN):


English S6

Time volume (in hour): 16 Total student workload: 48 ECTS: 2 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: PACAUT Suzanna Pre-requisites: None Description: The BACH English 6 course is designed to help students develop communication and language skills in order to answer interview questions and lead a discussion. Learning objectives: - Students will lead a class discussion in a group on a business topic or current event. - Students will prepare an information sheet about their subject. - Students will correct common written and spoken errors. - Students will answer common interview questions verbally and in writing. - Students will practice telephoning. Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% References: ■ McCarthy, M. & O'Dell, F. (2004). ■ English Phrasal Verbs in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Folse, K. S. (2009). ■ Keys to Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners. Ann Arbor: Michigan Teacher Training. Harding, K. (2006). ■ International Express Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Deutsch S6

Time volume (in hour): 16 Total student workload: 48 ECTS: 2 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: GRÜNZIG Ina Pre-requisites: Grundkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache, der Grammatik und Kenntnisse des Vokabulars der Semester 1 bis 5 Description: BACH Deutsch 6 - Préparation aux concours d'entrée en Master Intensives Training der für den "concours" erforderlichen Kompetenzen anhand von Dialogen des vergangenen Jahres: Hörverstehen, schriftliche Notizen, Vorbereitung der Synthese und des Kommentars, mündliche Präsentation, Diskussion; Gruppenarbeit sowie individuelles Coaching Learning objectives: Vorbereitung auf die Aufnahmeprüfung in Deutsch an eine Wirtschaftshochschule Der Lernfortschritt hängt vom Niveau der Gruppe ab. Methodology: Teaching tools: CD - Support Audio. E-learning. DVD - Video support. Course support Pedagogical methods: Critical analysis. Oral presentations. Debates. Internet Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% References: ■ Allemand-vocabulaire; Le Robert & Nathan ■ In Wort und Schrift L'expression écrite en allemand, Ellipses ■ Le vocabulaire trilingue ; J. P. Vannier ■ Le Mémento du Germaniste, grammaire et vocabulaire ; Vasseur ■ Heutiges Deutschland, L'Allemagne contemporaine ; Jaques Loisy, Bréal


Français S6

Time volume (in hour): 16 Total student workload: 50 ECTS: 2 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: INGHAM Chantal Pre-requisites: L'inscription à ce module est soumise à l'obtention d'un niveau A2 du CECRL. Description: Ce module est un enseignement du français langue étrangère à visée professionnelle : commerce et affaire. Le module vise à amener l'étudiant à produire un discours simple et cohérent, agir et interagir sur des sujets personnel, public et professionnel dans un contexte français à l'oral et à l'écrit. Lexique : - Le monde professionnel : l'entreprise, la coopération commerciale, les foires industrielles, les voyages d'affaire - La vie quotidienne : les loisirs, les achats, les transports en commun - Les événements : rencontres, incidents, accidents, phénomènes naturels - Les médias : les programmes télévisés, les journaux, Internet Grammaire : - Les temps du passé : le passé composé ou imparfait, le plus-que-parfait, le discours rapporté au passé - La concordance des temps - Le subjonctif - Le passif - La syntaxe de la phrase complexe Learning objectives: L'apprenant doit être capable : - d'utiliser le vocabulaire thématique varié sur des sujets tels que : le travail, le monde de l'entreprise, les voyages d'affaire, la coopération commerciale - de maîtriser les formes grammaticales indiquées dans le contenu détaillé du module - de résumer une source d'informations factuelles : en faire le rapport, justifier des actions et de donner son opinion - de comprendre en audiovisuel une information factuelle : travail, voyage d'affaire, coopération commerciale. Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% References: ■ PENFORNIS, Jean-Luc. Franç, Niveau Intermédiaire : Méthode de français professionnel et des affaires. Paris : CLE International, 2012 ■ PENFORNIS, Jean-Luc. Franç, Niveau Intermédiaire : Cahier d'exercices. Paris : CLE International, 2012 ■ PENFORNIS, Jean-Luc., Niveau Avancé. Paris : CLE International, 2013 ■ PENFORNIS, Jean-Luc., Niveau Avancé : Cahier d'exercices. Paris : CLE International, 2013 ■ PENFORNIS, Jean-Luc. Vocabulaire progressive du français des affaires. Niveau avancé. Paris : CLE International, 2013


Espanol S6

Time volume (in hour): 16 Total student workload: 48 ECTS: 2 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: POUX-MOINE Sandra Pre-requisites: Todos los módulos de Bachelor de BSB Description: BACH 3 Español 6 1) Ejercicios de comprensión oral. En el formato de los examenes y con temas relacionados al concurso. 2) Debates de los temas. Preguntas, expresión de ideas, expresión de desacuerdo y acuerdo, comentarios, etc. 3) Realización de apuntes. Para cada temas, se debe realizar una ficha de datos y resumen. 4) Ejercicios de vocabulario. Ejercicios para practicar y conocer vocabulario relacioando con los temas tratados. Vocabulario Español y Latinoaméricano. 5) Ejercicios de gramática. Ejercicios para practicar los tiempos gramaticales y su uso. 6) Entrevistas individuales. Practica real individualizada para cada alumno. Learning objectives: El alumno practicará sus competencias para el buen desempeño en el examen de selección (concurso) para entrar a una Escuela de Comercio a nivel Maestría. Practicará su comprensión oral por medio de audios con temas similares a los tratados en los exámenes. Desarrollará su expresión escrita al realizar resúmenes y apuntes de los temas escuchados. Realizará entrevistas orales, permitiéndole mejorar su expresión oral y acostumbrarse a el ritmo y tipo de entrevistas. Methodology: Teaching tools: CD - Support Audio. E-learning. Fascicule. Course support Pedagogical methods: Critical analysis. Discussion groups. Oral presentations. Debates. Free discussion around a theme Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100%


Italiano S6

Time volume (in hour): 16 Total student workload: 16 ECTS: 2 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: POUX-MOINE Sandra Pre-requisites: Buona conoscenza della lingua e della cultura italiana. Buone basi grammaticali (vocabolario generale e specialistico). Description: BACH Italiano 6 - Società, Cultura e Economia Il corso prevede una preparazione che dia allo studente la possibilità di "conoscere" in maniera approfondita diversi aspetti attuali della "cultura, società ed economia italiana". Il tutto si svolgerà facendo parallelamente un lavoro di ripasso grammaticale e lessicale (sulla base dei problemi che emergono durante le esercitazioni). Learning objectives: Corso indirizzato agli studenti iscritti al secondo semestre del terzo anno Bachelor. Le lezioni ruotano attorno ai fatti che caratterizzano l'attualità italiana. Il corso mette l'accento sulle attività pratiche. Methodology: Teaching tools: CD - Support Audio. E-learning. DVD - Video support. Periodical. Course support Pedagogical methods: Simulations. Internet Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% References: ■ Grammatica semplificata per stranieri di Marco Derva – Loescher Editore ■ Nuovo progetto Italiano 2 e 3 - Edilingua Nuova Edizione ■ Articoli di giornali relativi ai fatti sociali, economici e politici in Italia: L'Espresso, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, Sole 24 ore.


Chinois S6

Time volume (in hour): 16 Total student workload: 48 ECTS: 2 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: CASEAU Cornelia Pre-requisites: BACH3 Chinois S5 Description: L'approche de la matière se fera de multiples façons: textes inconnus, exercices d'audition, supports visuels, bandes sonores, BD, vidéo, etc. Chaque leçon aura un thème, parfois très large, sur la culture chinoise, des traditions, l'Histoire, la langue, des légendes, etc. ' et des points de grammaire très précis et pointus (aspects duratifs des verbes, sens dérivés des compléments complexes de direction, adverbes corrélatifs, particules passives, phrases relatives, etc.) Learning objectives: Ce cours vise à amener l'apprenant à parler et à comprendre avec une plus grande facilité la langue chinoise. Il lui permet également de pouvoir lire des textes sur des sujets variés à l'aide d'un dictionnaire, ainsi que de rédiger des textes courants. De plus, les points grammaticaux les plus importants ainsi que les notions des particularités grammaticales et lexicales du chinois sont vus, afin de permettre à l'apprenant de poursuivre seul son apprentissage par la suite. Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% References: ■ CHENG, Anne, Histoire de la pensée chinoise, Editions du Seuil, Novembre 1997. ■ Stéphanie Balme, La Chine, Paris, Cavalier Bleu, 2004, coll. "Idées reçues". ■ Pérès Rémi, Chronologie de la Chine au xx siècle : histoire des faits économiques, politiques et sociaux, Vuibert éditions, Paris, 2001. ■ Lemoine Françoise, L’Économie chinoise, La Découverte, Paris, 2003.


Wine Tourism: Direct Wine Sales

Time volume (in hour): 24 Total student workload: 24 ECTS: 3 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: COGAN-MARIE Laurence Pre-requisites: Negotiation and sales skills Description: The students will learn how to welcome tourists in an efficient way in order to maximize visitors' satisfaction and build brand loyalty. They will acquire the basics of wine merchandising. They will learn how to create and manage a wine event or festival. Learning objectives: - Be able to design and manage a wine cellar effectively. - Be able to design and implement a wine event/festival. Assessments: Continuous collective assessment 50% Final collective assessment 30% Continuous individual assessment 10% Continuous individual assessment 10% Skills: To master a professional competency in a sector


Wine Tourism: Tourism Marketing

Time volume (in hour): 32 Total student workload: 60 ECTS: 5 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: COGAN-MARIE Laurence Pre-requisites: Basic notions of marketing Description: This course explores the concepts and components of tourism marketing. It covers the various P's of tourism marketing and their relevance to wine tourism. It will teach the students how to develop the right marketing strategy for a wine tourism structure. It addresses the basics concepts of wine tourism and hospitality, wine and food festivals and wine tourism as a vehicle to build a brand image for the winery, a wine business, or a wine region. Specific focus areas include wine tourism visitor and consumer behavior, the role of the winery cellar-door in wine marketing/distribution, the functions of wine routes/roads, wine region brand building, and wine and/or food festival event fundamentals and management. Learning objectives: - Learn the specifics of wine tourists' profile, their behavior and motivations - Be able to define a marketing strategy for a wine tourism structure - Be able to choose the right distribution channels - Develop direct wine sales at the winery and use the cellar door strategy to promote the winery Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 10% Final individual assessment 40% Final collective assessment 50% References: ■ "Wine Business Management" by Steve Charters & Jerome Gallo, Pearson 2014. ■ "Global Wine Tourism, Research, Management & Marketing" by Jack Carlsen & Stephen Charters, 2006 edition. ■"Wine Tourism around the world, Development, management and markets" by C. Michael Hall, Liz Sharples, Brock Cambourne, Niki Macionis, 2000. ■ "Wine, Food, and Tourism Marketing" (Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol. 14, Numbers 3/4 2003) - C Michael Hall. ■ "Food tourism around the world, Development, management and markets" by C. Michael Hall, Liz Sharples, Richard Mitchell, Niki Macionis & Brock Cambourne, 2003.


Wine Tourism: Professional Wine Tourism Experience

Time volume (in hour): 24 Total student workload: 60 ECTS: 3 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: COGAN-MARIE Laurence Pre-requisites: Tourism marketing and management basics Description: The students will have to draw a business plan for an innovative wine tourism project. They will be coached by a professor specialized in wine tourism. On top of that, they will do field trips in different French wine regions, the objective being to discover the best practices in wine tourism. Intended Learning Outcomes - Study the best practices of wine tourism in France. - Be able to design and manage a wine tourism project for an organization such as a winery, a wine merchant, a museum or a town. Methodology: Visits to wineries and wine tourism structures.

Assessments: Business plan: final group assessment: 50% Field trips' assessment: 50%


Wine Tourism: Viticulture, Oenology, Sensory analysis

Time volume (in hour): 32 Total student workload: 32 ECTS: 5 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: COGAN-MARIE Laurence Pre-requisites: Basic notions of management Description: Learn the basics of oenology and viticulture The objective of the module is to learn the basic oenology & viticulture techniques and the basics of sensorial analysis. This module is split in two sub-modules: oenology/viticulture and sensorial analysis. The first one deals with the basic oenology and viticulture techniques. At the end of the module the students should be able to recognize the viticulture effects that make a good wine. They will also be able to recognize different viticulture techniques and wines from different regions. The second sub-module consists in an introduction to wine tasting & sensorial analysis. The students should acquire the basic wine tasting techniques, be able to sell the sensorial aspect of wines. They will learn how to identify the components of wine and understand why they are important; to understand one’s palate and to respect the differences of others; to learn how to professionally taste and analyze wine; and finally to learn how to pair food and wine. At the end of the module, the students should be able to recognize the sensory characteristics of varietal wines, conduct a sensory assessment of defects, detect deficiencies and diseases of wine. Learning objectives: - Be able to recognize and properly verbalize the basic wine-related sensory sensations. - Be able to discriminate intensity levels for the basic wine-related sensory sensations. - Be able to recognize the main wine styles and to justify an aesthetic/quality judgment. - Be able to communicate wine sensory properties and quality dimensions to the customers. Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 50% Final individual assessment 50%


International Business Management: Strategy

Time volume (in hour): 30 Total student workload: 30 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: DITTER Jean Guillaume Pre-requisites: None Description: This class covers the following issues: - Understand why companies engage in international business. - The steps in global strategic planning and models available to direct the analysis and decision making involved. - Profile the types of strategies available to international managers—both on a global level and on the level of specific entry strategies for different markets. Learning objectives: General learning goal - Acquire skills and practices in international management Specific learning goals - Identify the drivers, purposes and conditions of business internationalisation - Distinguish between the main types of international strategies - Assess the relative merits of different markets and market-entry modes - Assess the relative merits of various organisational structures with regards to business internationalisation Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100%


International Business Management: Human Resources

Time volume (in hour): 30 Total student workload: 30 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: DITTER Jean Guillaume Pre-requisites: None Description: Course contents include the following topics: - Distinguish among various IHRM practices around the world. - Learn about the major staffing options for global operations and the factors involved in those choices. - Emphasize the need for managing the performance of expatriates through careful selection, training, and compensation. - Understand the variations in host-country labour relations systems and the impact on the manager’s job and effectiveness. - Understand how leadership styles and practices vary around the world. Learning objectives: - Understand the strategic importance of the IHRM function to the firm and its various responsibilities. - Become familiar with the use of global management teams to coordinate cross-border business. - Understand the complexity and the variables involved in cross-cultural motivation and leadership. Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% Skills: To master a professional competency in a function Acquire specific skills and practices in international management References: ■ HILL Charles W. L. (2011), International business: competing in the global marketplace, McGraw Hill, 111.74 HIL ■ DANIELS John D (2012), International business: environments and operations [E-BOOK], Pearson Education, 111.74 DAN ■ CAVUSGIL TAMER S. (2014), International business: the new realities, Pearson Education, 111.74 CAV ■ COMFORT Jeremy (2008), The mindful international manager: competences for working effectively across cultures, York Associates, 111.73 COM


International Business Management: Administration

Time volume (in hour): 30 Total student workload: 30 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: DITTER Jean Guillaume Pre-requisites: None Description: The class introduces students to key issues in - International Contracts - International Business Operations Learning objectives: By the end of the module you should be able to: - Deal with the administration of import/export operations, such as international payment and insurance and custom clearance, as well as understand the interface with logistics. - Demonstrate an understanding of the defining characteristics of contract law in international legal systems - Engage in informed discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of contract law harmonisation - Understand their own systems of contract law through discussion and comparison with students from other legal systems. Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% References: ■ AUGUST Ray (2009), International business law: text, cases, and readings, Pearson, 321.81 AUG ■ SCHAFFER Richard (2009), International business law and its environment / 7th ed., South-Western, 321.81 SCH ■ BOYETTE Gwenda (2012), International taxation handbook [E-BOOK], World Technologies, 334.33 BOY ■ HILL Charles W. L. (2011), International business: competing in the global marketplace, McGraw Hill, 111.74 HIL ■ CAVUSGIL TAMER S. (2014), International business: the new realities, Pearson Education, 111.74 CAV


International Business Management: Finance

Time volume (in hour): 30 Total student workload: 60 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: MATEU Guillermo Pre-requisites: basic notions of accounting & finance Description: This module aims at developing abilities to manage international operations, with regards to operational, fiscal and financial aspects. It is split into two sub-modules: - The first sub-module consists of an introduction to international finance, including financial sector regulation, risk management and basic forex risk hedging. - The second sub-module presents international taxation issues:

1. International financial integration (globalization and liberalization): 12 hours Financial liberalization, financial crisis and development of financial structures Financial market integration and financial structures Monetary unions, regulatory framework and convergence of financial structures Conditions of full financial integration Types of financial integration (benefits, risk sharing, costs and capital allocation) Convergence of financial structures and equity premiums 2. International Financial Risk and Hedging: 6 hours Banking regulation, Basel capital accord Systemic risk, regulation risk and transparency Risk

management and financial fragility

3. Introduction to Financial Development Sector: 12 hours Link between financial integration and financial development Comparative description of financial development sector in developing and developed countries Emergence conditions of financial institutions and monetary markets financial innovations and financial institutions performance Cost and benefit of financial development financial development and economic growth

Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% References: ■ RITZMAN Larry (2010), Management des opérations : principes et applications, Pearson Education, 141.55 RIT ■ HULL John C. (2012), Options, futures and other derivatives, Prentice Hall, 134.03 HUL


French culture and society

Time volume (in hour): 20 Total student workload: 20 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: INGHAM Chantal Pre-requisites: None Description: A panorama of current French culture and society: The family, work and employment, entertainment, religion, education, the institutions... Learning objectives: At the end of this module, students will be able to understand the way the French society works, the values and beliefs held by the French, some French idiosyncrasies and cultural differences between their native country and France. Methodology: Preparatory work: reading assignment, lectures and discussions Pedagogical methods: Critical analysis. Group discussions. Oral presentations. Debates Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100% References: ■ Bernstein (Richard). Fragile Glory. Plume. 1990 ■ Nadeau (Jean-Benoît) & Barlow (Julie) Pas si fous ces Français Bernstein. Seuil. 2005 ■ Peyrefitte (Alain) The French Evil Platt (Polly) French or Foe? Culture crossings Ltd. London 1994 ■ Zeldin (Theodore) The French ■ ARDAGH John (1990), France today, Penguin Books, 903 ARD ■ STEELE Ross (2006), The French way: the keys to the behavior, attitudes and customs of the French, McGraw-Hill, 903 STE


Intercultural Management and Communication

Time volume (in hour): 20 Total student workload: 20 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: INGHAM Chantal Pre-requisites: None Description: Foreign culture and communication: foreign students will be mixed in the class to share their experiences and are asked to understand other cultures. They can therefore approach intercultural management during the sessions through exercises and situations from other cultures. Lectures, discussions, critical incidents, role plays, case studies Learning objectives: To be able to communicate in foreign languages, to make the students more communicative in a foreign culture and team building Methodology: Lectures, role plays, case studies, oral presentations Pedagogical methods: Seminars. Researches. Critical incidents. Group discussions. Oral presentations. Simulations. Theater activities Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 70% Continuous collective assessment 30% References: ■ Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind Mc Graw-Hill Cies 2004 ■ HOFSTEDE,Geert Cultural Intelligence Intercultural Press 2004 ■ PETERSON Brooks When Cultures Collide Nicholas Brealey International 2006 ■ LEWIS Richard D. Experiential Activities for Intercultural Learning Intercultural Press 1996 ■ SEELYE H. Ned HALL Edward T. (1990), UNDERSTANDING CULTURAL DIFFERENCES, Intercultural Press, XXXXX ■ BENNETT Milton J. (1998), Basic concepts of intercultural communication : selected readings, Intercultural Press, XXXXX ■ HOFSTEDE Geert (1994), Cultures and organizations : software of the mind : intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival, McGraw-Hill, XXXXX ■ PAIGE Michael (1993), EDUCATION FOR THE INTERCULTURAL EXPERIENCE, Intercultural Press, XXXXX ■ CHANEY Lillian H. (1995), Intercultural business communication, Prentice Hall, XXXXX


Force de Vente et Communication Digitale

Time volume (in hour): 32 Total student workload: 32 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: CHABOUD Mathieu-Claude Pre-requisites: None Description: 1. Management des hommes (22h) Objectifs : - Développer les compétences d'une équipe commerciale - Organiser les moyens de l’action commerciale - Développer les aptitudes à la communication managériale - Motiver les différentes personnalités qui composent l'équipe commerciale Contenu : - Qu’attendent les commerciaux ? - Quels sont les outils à disposition pour guider les collaborateurs vers le succès ? - Comment mener l’entretien annuel d’appréciation ? - Quelles sont les données fondamentales de la gestion de la force de vente ? - Quels outils commerciaux concevoir ? - Quels sont les outils de promotion des ventes à disposition ? - Comment gérer l’organisation et l’animation des salons professionnels, foires et expositions ? - Comment organiser un petit déjeuner VIP ? - Comment utiliser la communication d’influence pour manager l'équipe commerciale ? 2. Réseaux sociaux (10h) - La place des nouvelles technologies dans la communication - Lexicologie des nouvelles technologies - L’entreprise et le site internet - Le blog d’entreprise ou de marque - L'identité numérique Les réseaux sociaux - Les campagnes marketing digitales La mobilité Learning objectives: Dans le cadre du module "Force de vente et communication digitale" vous aurez à : - Savoir gérer les hommes et développer les moyens humains de l'action commerciale - Connaître les technologies et les contenus liés à la communication commerciale digitale Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100%


La Marque et son Offre

Time volume (in hour): 32 Total student workload: 32 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: CHABOUD Mathieu-Claude Pre-requisites: Connaître les théories et principes du marketing et de la vente Description: 1. Gestion de la marque (16h) Objectifs : - Comprendre l'importance stratégique de la marque, ses différentes composantes (identité et image de marque) - Être capable de mettre en place une politique de communication pour une marque en fonction de ses cibles et de ses objectifs. Contenu : - Apprendre ce qu'est une marque et son identité : importance stratégique de la marque ; valeurs tangibles et intangibles ; identité et image de marque - Comprendre la construction du capital-marque : modes d'expression et mesures de la marque ; segmentation du marché et leur marque (valeurs, identité, positionnement et ciblage) - Comprendre la communication de marque et savoir utiliser les principaux outils : outils de communication non-média : les promotions de vente : objectifs, types, modes d'application ; comment créer le ‘buzz’ - Appréhender les principales techniques qui permettent de mieux communiquer grâce à la marque : la publicité donne du sens à la marque ; outils publicitaires ; nouvelles techniques de communication pour les marques - Synthèse d'étude de la marque 2. Achats (16h) - Les acteurs de la négociation : l'acheteur, responsable du processus d’achat ; le vendeur, ambassadeur commercial de l’entreprise - La préparation des achats : préparer la transaction côté acheteur L’entretien de négociation : la démarche de vente - L'entretien de négociation : situation conflictuelle - Vers une relation Win-Win ou Gagnant-Gagnant : la méthode PAN : Penser positif; Agir positif ; Négocier positif Learning objectives: Dans le cadre du module "la Marque et son Offre" vous aurez à : - Savoir négocier dans la fonction achat Connaître les théories et principes du marketing et de la vente - Comprendre la communication de marque et savoir utiliser les principaux outils Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100%


Politique Tarifaire et Commerciale

Time volume (in hour): 18 Total student workload: 18 ECTS: 3 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: CHABOUD Mathieu-Claude Pre-requisites: None Description: - Réflexion préalable à l'élaboration d'un PAC : Diagnostic Segmentation Ciblage des prospects Analyse quantitative des clients existants Analyse qualitative des clients existants Conclusion - Définir un PAC : Introduction Gestion de la ressource "temps" Optimisation des visites commerciales Formulation d'un PAC Conclusion - Mettre en œuvre un PAC : Cycle de vente Progression des affaires Traduction du plan annuel en action Tableau de bord opérationnel Learning objectives: Dans le cadre du module "Politique Tarifaire et Commerciale" vous aurez à : - Savoir définir l'action commerciale - Savoir gérer les accords de référencement (B2B et B2B2C) - Connaître les paramètres de création et mise en œuvre d'un plan d'action commerciale Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100%


Stratégie de Distribution Multicanal

Time volume (in hour): 38 Total student workload: 38 ECTS: 5 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: CHABOUD Mathieu-Claude Pre-requisites: None Description: 1. Distribution B2C (22h) Description générale : étudier les spécificités du Marketing appliqué au point de vente Objectifs d'apprentissage : - Connaître le vocabulaire et les principales techniques commerciales relatives à la gestion du point de vente. - Être capable de faire l'étude de marché d'un point de vente. - Prendre en compte la zone de chalandise et l'analyser en vue d'adapter l'assortiment et la politique commerciale. - Prendre en compte le comportement du consommateur et optimiser la gestion de l'espace de vente. Contenu : - Localisation ; zone de chalandise ; étude de marché du point de vente ; politique d'offre ; assortiment ; services ; politique de prix et marge ; implantation des rayons dans la surface de vente ; implantation des produits ; optimisation de l'espace. 2. Marketing direct (16h) Contenu : - Historique, - Présentation générale ; - Définitions : marketing direct et politique commerciale ; - Axes du marketing direct : informer, prospecter, fidéliser, vendre - Analyses de documents et expérience marketing direct : étude de cas - Importance des fichiers et des bases de données clients en marketing direct - Marketing relationnel - GRC et bases de données Learning objectives: Dans le cadre du module "Distribution Multicanal" vous aurez à : - Connaître les outils et les paramètres de gestion d'un point de vente B2C - Maîtriser les fondamentaux de la GRC et du marketing relationnel Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 100%


Culture & société

Time volume (in hour): 20 Total student workload: 20 ECTS: 4 Semester: Spring Module's Manager: INGHAM Chantal Pre-requisites: Niveau B1 du CECR Description: Le cours constitue un panorama de la culture et civilisation de la France. Il abordera des aspects théoriques et concrets de la vie quotidienne des Français. Learning objectives: - Savoir évoluer dans un environnement multiculturel - A la fin du module, les étudiants devront être capables de mieux comprendre comment la société française fonctionne, quelles sont les valeurs et les croyances des Français, les caractéristiques qui les distinguent des personnes d'autres pays et quelles sont les différences culturelles entre leur pays et la France. Methodology: Lectures personnelles, cours du professeur et discussions en classe Teaching tools: DVD - Video support. Others. Museum, Show. Course support Pedagogical methods: Seminars Assessments: Continuous individual assessment 50% Continuous individual assessment 50% References: ■ MERMET Gérard (2004), Francoscopie 2005 : pour comprendre les Français : faits - analyses - tendances - comparaisons - 10 000 chiffres, Larousse, 122.82 MER ■ NADEAU Jean-Benoît (2005), Pas si fous, ces français !, Le Seuil, 903 NAD ■ Peyrefitte Alain (1990), Le Mal françai Albin Michel.


Internship Teaching time (in hours): 0 Total student workload: 420 ECTS: 8 Semester: Summer Module Manager: Virginie Goude Lacherez Pre-requisites: None Description: • Internship/ Work Placement of 12 to 16 weeks (in France or abroad): - Develop professional experience in international management or areas of specialisation. - Aims to deepen one's knowledge in a specific field and to be able to carry out a mission autonomously. • See Internship/ Work Placement Guidelines in Burgundy School of Business Intranet Learning objectives: The 3rd year internship is a professional experience. It allows student to apply the knowledge acquired in commercial management, negotiation or international business management. It can be an opportunity to prepare and then find a job in sales, commercial activities, marketing, communications, and project management in various sectors such as industries, services, banking and insurance, distribution, trade and logistics, purchasing and export. Through this experience, students have to carry out a mission, if possible an international context, in order to strengthen their professional project. They are asked to: - Be able to carry out a mission or study or manage a project for a company, in a professional way and as a member of this company; - Be able to apply knowledge acquired at school, integrating team work, referring to objectives, cost-efficiency targets and deadlines, making plans to improve the performance of the company; - Be able to analyse the company policies and make recommendations regarding the evolution of the context and environment. Methodology: Before the internship, preparation workshops: advice for researching companies, and information about administrative process and assessment conditions. During the internship, tutor supervision. For further information, see Internship/ Work Placement Guidelines. Assessments: Final individual assessment - Individual executive summary 100% Skills: Behave as a young professional in a company References: ■ "Internship/ Work Placement Guidelines" - Bachelor Programme - 3rd Year


Final thesis Teaching time (in hours): 0 Total student workload: 0 ECTS: 8 Semester: Spring Module Manager: Jean-Christophe Cattane Pre-requisites: All modules from the year Description: The final thesis is a thematic research and analysis about one topic in relation to the academic disciplines that have been studied in the Bachelor programme at Burgundy School of Business. The final thesis is considered as a conclusion to the 3 years of study in marketing, management and international business. It must be carried out with relevant academic references and examples of companies' experiences. The students are expected to: - Select one topic in relation with academic disciplines of the Bachelor programme. - Specify the issues they plan to deal with. - Outline the various aspects and angles of these issues. - Make recommendations referring to examples of experiences of companies. The students are required to: - Research and describe the topic with information from selected sources. - Analyse information referring to relevant academic sources. - Illustrate, explain and clarify the outlined issues by using examples from experiences of companies (in France or abroad). - Make logical conclusions and operational recommendations. - Publish a professional paper respecting the use of a bibliography and confidentiality. Learning objectives: The academic learning objectives are the following: - To be able to make a professional report about one topic in relation with the academic disciplines that have been studied in the Bachelor programme. - To deal with the collecting and analysis of information from academic sources. - To be able to find and analyse examples from companies. - To understand the companies regarding knowledge acquired in the Bachelor Programme at Burgundy School of Business. - To summarise the theoretical knowledge acquired in relation to the real situation of companies and their environment. Methodology: Supervision is organized by the School and the students are helped by a tutor. Teaching tools: other, the use of databases Teaching methods: research Assessments: Final individual assessment - Big lecture hall 100% Final individual assessment - Individual executive summary 100% Skills: Behave as a young professional in a company To deepen one's knowledge in a specific field and to be able to carry out a mission autonomously References: ■ "Final Thesis Guidelines" BSB - Bachelor Programme - 3rd Year

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