course code=engl1119€¦ · signs and symbols are language free- graphics that are used to refer...

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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Definition of Non-verbal communication

Non-Verbal Communication Communication without the use of words is called as non-verbal communication. This can include eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, postures and the distance between two individuals.

Non-Verbal Communication

Types of non-verbal communication

Importance of Non-verbal Communication

Non-Verbal communication plays a very important role in understanding the attitude of the participants

( Actions speak louder than words)

Just think about it!

Importance of non-Verbal communication

1. Repeats the message your words are saying

2. Contradicts what your words are saying

3. Be a substitution for your verbal message

4. Adds to the meaning of your message

5. Emphasizes or makes the message stronger, like pounding your fist on a table

It can be both intentional and unintentional. It is perhaps the oldest form of communication known to man. Long before the first words were spoken or the first grunts uttered man communicated with others through non-verbals. When early man became aggressive he communicated it to others through his body language. He expressed his fear through the same channel.

Importance of non-Verbal communication


• Aesthetic communication: occurs through creative expression e.g dance, craft, ballet ,painting and sculpture.


• Physical Communication: It includes body language (kinesics) and facial expressions. Body language includes gestures. Apart from performing its basic biological functions your body can also serve as a vehicle of communication of thoughts, ideas or feelings.

• Visual communication : The communication which is done through sight is called visual communication.

It includes communication through facial expression, gesture, eye contact, signals, map, chart, poster etc. It also includes graphic design, illustration and animation, books, print, magazines, interactive web design, design for advertising, promotion, corporate identity and packaging design etc.

• Audio - visual: short film ,videos and movies


• Signs: are a more mechanical kind of non-verbal communication such as 21-gun salute traffic lights etc

• Symbols: are used for personal, social or religious reasons


Signs and Symbols

In common use the words signs and symbols are often used interchangeably. Signs and symbols are language free- graphics that are used to refer to something or give directions. They are a part of non-verbal communication. One must remember that as a general rule the meaning of signs is literal and straightforward. On the other hand symbols carry a deeper meaning and represent more abstract ideas.

Different Types of Signs

They can be divided as follows for further understanding: 1. Information signs/ guide : show direction , point to services available 2. Direction signs: tell you to stop etc 3. Safety signs/Warning signs: usually have a yellow background with black picture 4. Commercial signs: tell you about businesses, products etc 5. Manual signs: are made by the hand 6. Natural signs: thunder---- which is a sign of storm 7. Conventional signs: have a standard interpretation; full stop represents the end of a sentence.



A symbol stands for another thing and usually holds a deeper and abstract meaning. In other words it can be complex in its interpretation. One symbol may also have more than one meaning. Symbols can be made with the hand or represented through artwork or even words.

Types of Symbols

INTERNATIONAL symbols include:

1. Dove is a symbol of peace.

2. Lighting candles publicly symbolizes remembering someone or something.

3. Lion is a symbol of courage. eg .lion-hearted.

4. Flowers symbolize beauty.

5. Hearts are a universal symbol of love

National Symbols:

1.Flag: symbolizes a nation and its ideology

2. Monuments: symbolize a nation’s historical legacy. e.g Minar-e-Pakistan, Statue of Liberty

3. Military symbols: Nishan-e-Haider awarded for bravery in the Pakistani Army.

Types of Symbols


The star and crescent are a universally recognized symbol of Islam and represents faith in Allah. Similarly other religions also have their distinct symbols.

Types of Symbols

COLOR SYMBOLS Though sometimes culture-specific they symbolize many aspects.

Red symbolizes activity and passion.

Green symbolizes calm and healing

White symbolizes cleanliness and purity.

Types of Symbols

• Symbols of wealth/ Status symbols: Expensive car, clothing, gold jewelry, i-phone etc are symbols of wealth.

• PERSONAL SYMBOLS: Certain things may have symbolic value for an individual. For example, a certain piece of jewelery may have symbolic value for someone as a dear one may have given it to him/her.

Types of Symbols

• Symbols used on computers: We use the symbol @ in our email addresses.

• LOGO: A logo is a visual identification symbol of a company or a product. A brand name is a symbol of quality in business .For example GUCCI or Gul Ahmad.

Types of Symbols

In the next lecture :

We will be studying

Barriers in Effective Communication

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