cpb 16-28 drugs%2cdiseases

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 CPB 16-28 Drugs%2cDiseases


    CPB 16 – 28 – Diseases, Drugs and Clinical Examples


    • Accumulation of ferritin and hemosiderin

    • eads to free radical generation


    • Progressi!e haemosiderosis

    • "esults in organ damage

    • Associated #ith mutation in the $%E gene

    • &reated #ith' repeated phle(otom) * iron chelator' desferrioxamine

    Iron Deficiency

    • +ost common micronutrient deficienc)

    • torage ion is mo(ili-ed first, haemoglo(in s)nthesis impaired

    • "esults in microc)tic h)pochromic anaemia

    • &reated #ith' .ron supplements


    Clinical Presentation' slurring of speech, (lurred !ision, coarse flapping tremor, mentalconfusion progressing to coma and death

    • Caused ()' i!er cirrhosis, intestinal (acterial o!erload, urea c)cle defects, in(orn errors

    of meta(olism/

    Renal Failure

    • Blood urea increases causing uramia

    Glycogen Storage Disorders (GSDs)

    A(normal s)nthesis or degradation of gl)cogen due to a defect in the genes coding foren-)mes in!ol!ed in gl)cogen meta(olism

    • 0Ds affect the li!er and muscle and disease presentation and se!erit) depend on the role

     pla)ed () the en-)me and its tissue specificit)

    • Signs' $)pogl)caemia and muscle pain*cramps*#eaness

    • GSD V – Mcrdle Disease

  • 8/13/2019 CPB 16-28 Drugs%2cDiseases


    o +uscle phosphor)lase deficienc)

    o +uscle fatigue, m)oglo(inuria

    • GSD I – Von Gier!e"s Disease

    o 06P deficienc), h)pogl)caemia, lactic acidosis, etosis, hepatomegal)

    • GSD II – #ompe"s Disease

    o )sosomal defienc), cardiomegal), char EC0, muscle #eaness, death 2 )rs

    Medium $hain cyl%$o Dehydrogenase Deficiency (M$DD)

    • .ntolerance to prolonged fasting, h)pogl)caemia, impaired etogenesis, recurrent

    episodes of h)pogl)caemic coma #ith an associated mediumchain dicar(ox)lic aciduria

    • &reatment' A!oid fasting and glucose supplements

    Hereditary Myopathy &ith 'actic cidosis

    • Autosomal recessi!e muscular disorder 

    • Exercise intolerance 3childhood onset4 muscle tenderness*cramps*d)spnea*palpitations

    • actic acidosis, chronic

    #yruate Dehydrogenase Deficiency

    • An inherited 35lined4 genetic defect #hich results on congenital lactic acidosis

    • P)ru!ate is con!erted to lactic acid instead of Acet)lCoA

    • De!elopmental defects, muscular spacticit), earl) death 3no therap) exists4

    rsenic poisoning

    • Arsenic is an inhi(itor of en-)mes that use lipoic acid as a cofactor 

    o .nhi(its p)ru!ate deh)drogenase

    •  eurological distur(ances and death

    Vitamin Deficiencies

    • CoA 7 Panthotenic acid 3B4

    •  AD 7 iacin 3B94

    • %AD 7 "i(ofla!in 3B24 3lac of inhi(its $omple I)

    • &PP 7 &hiamine 3B14

  • 8/13/2019 CPB 16-28 Drugs%2cDiseases


    • A deficienc) in an) of these can result in loss of function of p)ru!ate deh)drogenase


    • P)ru!ate, lactate and alanine le!els go up

    • e!ere letharg) and fatigue

    • Dooru*icin inhi(its at $o+

    • Iron deficienc) inhi(its an) of the %econtaining complexes

    • $n and $, inhi(it $omple IV – compete #ith :2 for (inding

    • -# synthase inhi*itor' ,ligomycin 3closes $ channels, : A&P4

    ,.#H,S Diseases (Mitochondrial)

    • Common disorders' Parinson;s, Al-heimers, Cardiom)opathies

    Effects high demand tissues' heart, muscle, ner!ous, idne)

    • 'e*er hereditary optic neuropathy

    o Point mutation in su(unit of 3.4, 3..4, or 3.

  • 8/13/2019 CPB 16-28 Drugs%2cDiseases


    • Benign condition and fructose accumulates in urine

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