create customer measure formulaes

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Create Customer measureformulas for Fiscal Periodic, QTDand YTD

SAP Product Name: SAP Business Planning and Consolidation ,

version for NetWeaver

Applicable Product Versions: 7.0 SP2 and above

Document Version 1.0

Last Updated: Apr, 2009

Enterprise PerformanceManagement

How To…

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1 ScenarioToday, within BPC NW, there exist the concept of measure formulas to be used withinapplications for reporting. This guide will show how to customize these measure formulasand create your own.

The delivered (system generated) Periodic & QTD measures in an YTD Storage typeapplication work only for calendars which start with January (JAN). In this how to, we willcreate custom periodic & QTD measures for the calendar which does not begin inJanuary.

2 IntroductionCustomers can have YTD Storage type application which allows to input/store YTDmeasure. In this type of application, Periodic & QTD are derived through measureformula. The default measure formula created for Period & QTD in this type ofapplication works for the calendar which starts in January. However, customers mayhave fiscal calendar which does not start in January. This how to guide walks throughstep-by-step implementation of custom measure. This solution is applicable for SAPBusiness Planning and Consolidation 7.0 Version for NetWeaver SP02 & higher.

3 Prerequisites An installed & implemented SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 7.0,

Version for NetWeaver SP02 & higher. SAP ABAP layer access Knowledge in MDX syntax.

4 Restrictions of Measure Maintenance Program Pre-delivered measures cannot be deleted Pre-delivered PERIODIC on a Periodic cube and YTD on a YTD cube measures

cannot be changed. Other measures can be changed at your own risk. Note thatthese changes will be overwritten when you make any changes from Admin clientfor that application. SAP advises to create your own custom measures instead ofchanging the pre-delivered measures.

Formula names cannot be duplicated Formula names must be entered in upper case Usage of Parent node inside the formula is not supported.

5 The Step By Step Solution - Set up YTD StorageApplication.

In this section, we will create a YTD storage application. We will create a YTDapplication by copying PLANNING application delivered in APSHELL

1. Launch BPC AdminClient.

2. Choose your AppSet

3. Click on “Application”

4. Then, click on “Add a newapplication” or “Copy an Application”if you want to use any existingapplication. Here, we will copy fromPLANNING application of APSHELL.

5. Choose the existing application toduplicate as “PLANNING” andprovide name & description for thenew application and click on “Copyan Application”.

6. System will create the newapplication.

7. Now, open internet explorer andLaunch the Web Admin client. Useryou server URL (typically,http://<yourserver:port>/osoft/Admin)

8. Then, go to the application which wejust created by clicking on CVapplication and changing toYTD_PLANNING application.

9. Then, click OK.

10. Then, Click on “Set ApplicationParameters”. If you are not seeingthis option, you don’t have access tomaintain the parameters.

11. Locate YTDINPUT parameter. Then,change to “Yes”.

12. Click on “Update” button to save thischange. Now, we completed to setup a YTD Application.

13. Make sure that your security isadjusted to have access to membersof this application. In this example,we do not secure any members. Todo this, choose the application wejust created and click on ModifyApplication.

14. Secured Dimensions have Y on thesecured column.

15. Choose each dimension and clickSecured button in the bottom toremove the security on thesedimensions. Then, click on ModifyApplication to save the changes.

6 The Step By Step Solution – Create Custom measuresYou can create the custom measures either hard-coding your start period (not year) in themeasure formula or creating an additional property in the TIME dimension which hasyour periods maintained & using this in the custom measure. Here, we will show both themethods.

6.1 Hard-coding the start period in the custom measure

1. Log in ABAP layer from SAP Logonpad.

2. Once logged in, go to transactionSE38.

3. Type“UJA_MAINTAIN_MEASURE_FORMULA” as program name and click

execute button. If you don’t havethis program in your system, you willhave to upgrade to Support Package02.

4. Provided AppSet, Application ID anduser id. Then, click Execute.

5. In the next screen, double click onPeriodic. Here, you can see that firstperiod is assumed as JAN. We willuse this measure as template for thecustom measure.

6. Copy the measure formula from theprevious screen and paste in anotepad.

7. Go back to measure formulamaintenance program and click onCreate .

8. Provide Name and Description.Then, paste the measure formulafrom notepad in the Formula box.

9. Locate the “JAN” period in theformula and change to your firstperiod of your calendar

10. For this example, we changed this toMAY.

11. Locate the “PERIODIC” measurename.

12. Replace this with your custommeasure name. In this case, weused “CUSTOMPER”

13. Click on Save button to save thisformula.

14. Now the formula will be savedsuccessfully.

15. Repeat similar steps custom QTDMeasures starting from pre-deliveredQTD Measure. Here, we will bechanging the period value first.

16. Then, wherever PERIODIC measureis referred, we will be replacing thatwith Custom Periodic measure name(in this case CUSTOMPER).

17. Then, change QTD measure nameto your custom QTD name. We willuse CUSTOMQTD in this example.

18. Then, save the formula.

The MDX codes of custom formulas created here are provided in the appendix.

6.2 Using a new property of TIME dimension

Here, we will a new property in TIME dimension where we will have to maintain eachbeginning period. In the measure formula, we will use this property to determine the firstperiod of each year.

1. Go to Admin client for the AppSetyou want to make change. ExpandDimension Library & locate yourTIME dimension.

2. Click on “Maintain dimensionproperty”.

3. Add a new property. In our example,we will add a property called“BEGINPERIOD” with length of onecharacter. Please do not name thisfield as “ISBEGINNING” as this isreserved field name and SAP usesthis field for other purpose.

4. Click on “Modify DimensionProperty” to save the change.

5. Once completed, go to “Maintaindimension members”.

6. Maintain “X” for Beginning periods.In case of ApShell, this would beTOTAL, Q1, and beginning monthfor each year.

7. Once all years are maintained, saveto server and process dimension.

8. Log in ABAP layer from SAP Logonpad.

9. We will need technical name of thefield we added to refer this field inthe formula. To find this, Go totransaction MDXTEST.

10. Choose “Infoprovider” as catalog.Then, locate you CUBE.

11. Expand TIME dimension and then,expand PROPERTIES.

12. Locate the property we added anddrag and drop to right hand sidewindow.

13. Technical name of the property ishighlighted. Have this name copiedto a notepad.

14. Go to transaction SE38.

15. Type“UJA_MAINTAIN_MEASURE_FORMULA” as program name and click

execute button. If you don’t havethis program in your system, you willhave to upgrade to Support Package02.

16. Provided AppSet, Application ID anduser id. Then, click Execute.

17. In the next screen, double click onPeriodic.

18. Copy the measure formula from theprevious screen and paste in anotepad.

19. Go back to measure formulamaintenance program and click onCreate .

20. Provide Name and Description.Then, paste the measure formulafrom notepad in the Formula box.

21. Replace the PERIODIC measurename with your customer measurename.


With([%TIME%].CURRENTMEMBER.PROPERTIES("<tech name>")="X").

<tech name> - technical name from step 13.

23. Press save.

24. Click OK.

25. Now, we will create QTD formula.Double-click on QTD formula.

26. Copy the formula to a notepad.

27. Click on Create button.

28. Provide Formula Name, Descriptionand paste QTD formula from thenotepad.

29. Change all the PERIODIC measuresto custom measure name. In thisexample, this will be CUSTOMPER.

30. Change QTD measure name to yourcustom measure name. In thisexample, we will use“CUSTOMQTD”.


With([%TIME%].CURRENTMEMBER.PROPERTIES("<tech name>")="X").

<tech name> - technical name from step 13.

32. Press save to save the formula.

33. Click OK to confirm.

34. Now, the custom measures arecreated.

Example Measure formula are provided in the appendix.

7 Appendix

Hard-coding first period in the measure formula:

Elements in bold are changed from the standard formula.



Using TIME dimension’s property in the measure formula:

Elements in bold are changed from the standard formula.




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