creation of wealth final

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Creation of Wealth Final




    WealthR. M. Lala

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    About the Author Editor, publisher and author, Russi M. Lala

    began his career as a journalistin 1948, atan ageof nineteen

    In 1959,he becamethe Managerofthefirst Indian book publishinghousein London

    Hehas been thedirectorof Sir DorabjiTrustsince 1985

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    The TATAsfrom the 19th tothe 21st Century

    The Creation of Wealth is R.M. Lala's best-

    selling account of how the Tatas have been at

    the forefront in the making of the Indian nationnot

    just by their phenomenal achievements asindustrialists and entrepreneurs but also by their

    signal contributions in areas like factory reforms,

    labour and social welfare, medical research,

    higher education, culture and arts, and ruraldevelopment

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    Money is like manure.

    It stinks when you pile it, it grows when you spread it

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    thereis a difference

    between making money

    foroneself and creatingwealthforothers.

    Thisisthestoryof a housethathas createdwealthfor a nation.

    An unfinishedstory

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    reface Those who create wealth & those who

    consume it.

    Wealth created by an Industrial house isnot to be measured alone by its balancesheet but also in terms of its skilledmanpower, its advanced technology and its

    ability to conduct satisfactory industrialrelations.

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    Jamsetji Tata and his sons were products ofan era in which bold and adventurous men

    made fortunes by exploiting the scientificdiscoveries and inventions of the 19th andearly 20th centuries of steam, electric power,railways and the motor car amongst others.

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    Tatas Shared the spirit of enterprise andboldness.

    Under colonial rule India was being by-passedby the industrial revolution, which wastransforming America & Europe.

    Eons of Glory. Tatas principal goal: To develop basic


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    Jamsetji Tata

    When you have to give the lead in action, inideas a lead which does not fit in with the

    very climate of opinion, that is true courage,physical or mental or spiritual, call it what youlike and it is this type of courage and visionthat Jamsetji Tata showed.

    - Jawaharlal Nehru

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    The spirit of Adventure

    Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata was born in a familyParsi priestsin 1839

    Green Scholar

    Ageof 29 Privatetradingfirm. Careerin textiles Presentduringthefoundation of Indian National

    Congressin 1885 Hydroelectric power,technical education &


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    The Steel Saga

    In 1899 viceroy, lord Curzon, liberalised the mineralconcession policy.

    The hidden wealth of India surfaced for her first

    great industrial adventure. On February 16, 1912, the first ingot of steel rolled

    on the lines of Sakchi plant.

    In November 1924, the steel company was on the

    verge of closing down, not one worker wasretrenched.

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    TISCO, 8 % holding by Tatas, fifty percentheld by Public financial institutions includingthe Unit Trust and nationalised banks and the

    rest held by 2,65,000 shareholders,predominantly with small holdings

    Tata Steel was the first company in the

    private sector to touch Rs.2,000 croreturnover

    The Steel Saga

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    Impulse to learningWhat advances a nation or community isnot so much to prop up its weakest andmost helpless members, as to lift up thebest and the most gifted so as to makethem of the greatest service to the


    - Jamsetji Tata

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    Impulse to learning 1892, Jamsetji endowed a fund for the higher

    education abroad of deserving students

    He set aside 14 of his buildings and 4 landedproperties in Bombay to establish a universityof science. The donation was worth Rupees 30lakhs

    The Indian Institute of Science opened in1911

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    Tata Electric.

    Two parks Bhulabhai Desai rd., Colabawoods.

    Environmental development in thecatchment areas of Hydro electricreservoir.

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    The Taj Mahal.

    First building in Bombay to be lit byelectricity

    Taj Goa encouragement to artisans andcraftsman

    Majority of the holdings in Taj hotels belongto Lady Tata Memorial trust, Sir Ratan Tatatrust, Sir Dorab Tata trust

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    CSR activities Lady Tata Memorial trust which uses its

    funds for Leukemia research.

    Sir Dorab Tata trust has founded nationalinstitutions like Tata Memorial hospital, Tata

    Institute of Fundamental Research and TataInstitute of Social Sciences.

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    J. N. Tata Endowment

    Set up in 1892

    Endowments awardsonly loan scholarships

    Endowmenthas been helpingscholarsof merittorealisetheirdreamsofgetting a world-classeducationthroughits loan scholarship programme

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    Sir Ratan Tata Trust

    Set up in 1918

    Has changedthetraditional ideasof charity

    andintroducedthe conceptof philanthropy The Trustsupportseffortsin thedevelopmentof

    society,throughinstitutional grantsin areasof RuralLivelihoods andCommunities, Education,Enhancing

    Civil Society and Governance, Health and Arts andCulture

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    Set up in 1932

    Oldest, non-sectarian philanthropic organisationsin India

    Itoperatesin thespiritofidealism anddedication to nation-building activities

    Itstrivesto promoteexcellence andrelevancein all areasofhuman endeavor

    Sir Dorabji Tata Trust

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    J. R. D. Tata Trust

    Establishedin 1944

    Itgivesinstitutional donationsto promote

    the advancementof learning,supportsresearchgrantandscholarships

    It providesdisasterrelief and backssocial

    welfare projects

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    Gifted by The Sir Dorabjee Trustto Mumbai

    Itis Indias premiersocio-culturalcentre and perhapstheonlyoneofitskindin Asia

    TATA Theatre

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    Indian Institute of Science

    Tata Institute of Social Sciences

    Tata Memorial Centre for Cancer Research and Treatment

    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

    Tata Agricultural and Rural Training for the Blind

    National Centre for the Performing Arts

    National Institute of Advanced Studies

    JRD Tata Ecotechnology Centre

    Institutions promoted bythe TATA trusts

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    Establishedin 1936, as Sir Dorabji Tata GraduateSchool ofsocial workin India

    In 1944,itwasrenamed asthe Tata InstituteofSocial Sciences

    Sincethen,ithas been expanding continuouslyintermsofeducational programmes andinfrastructure

    Tata Instituteof Social Sciences

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    Cont Tata Instituteof Social Sciences

    Ithasworkedforthe promotion ofsustainable,equitableand participatorydevelopment,social welfare andsocialjusticethrough :

    o Value based professional education for Social work

    o Social research anddissemination ofsociallyrelevantknowledge

    o Social intervention throughtraining andfield action projects

    o Contribution tosocial andwelfare policy

    o Professional responseto national calamities,throughrelief,rehabilitation anddisaster management

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    Tata Memorial Centre

    Initially commissioned bythe Sir Dorabji TataTruston 28th February 1941

    Itwas a centrewithenduringvalue and a missionfor concern forthe Indian people

    In 1957,the Ministryof HealthtookovertheTata Memorial Hospital

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    Tata InstituteofFundamental Research Establishedin 1945

    400 scientistsworkingin the Institutein variousdisciplines

    The Institutehasseveral fieldstations andresearchfacilitiesin different partsofthe country

    Thefacilitiesof TIFR include :o A large librarywith morethan onehundredthousand books and journalso A powerful central computingfacilitytogetherwithindividually

    assigned computers andworkstationsfor computation, control andmonitoringofexperiments anddata analysis

    o A liquidhelium facilityforvery low

    temperatureexperimental studieso A largeworkshop andglass blowingsection for manufacturinghigh precision


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    CSTata Consultancy Services Limited(TCS) is the world leading information

    technology consulting, services, businessprocess outsourcing, and engineeringservices organization.

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    information technology

    In 1998, after the devastating earthquake Maharashtra state, India),valuable IT infrastructure support was provided to the localGovernment

    The R&D centre in Pune has developed low-cost water filters usinginexpensive rural technology

    TCS employees at various locations address environmental and civicproblems, and sponsor the setting up and maintenance

    of infrastructure for initiatives such as urbanbeautification, pollution reduction and healthcare

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    Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) hasbeen selected the winner of the Golden

    Peacock Global Award for CorporateSocial Responsibility - 2007' forCorporate Social Responsibility in the

    Large Business' category

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    Cyclone Relief

    A devastating cyclone struck coastal Saurashtra in June 1998, causingsevere damage to rural houses and electrical transmission lines

    Under the supervision of TCSRD, repair work was initiated includingpartial repair of roofs and the re-construction of fully blown-off roofs

    About 1,192 houses were repaired in 28 Okhamandal

    villages in the days following the cyclone

    Tata Chemicals Society

    for Rural Development

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    Gujarat Earthquake Relief

    Mobilised relief operations on a war footing in the days following thedevastating earthquake that hit Gujarat on January 26,2001

    Within hours of the calamity, the Tata Relief

    Committee was set up to identify and coordinate

    relief operations in the regions of Kutch andSaurashtra

    Tata Chemicals Society

    for Rural Development

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    Womens Programmes

    Self-help groups and mandals

    Training programme for SHGs

    Food Processing

    Handicrafts Promotion

    Agro-based produce

    Tata Chemicals Society

    for Rural Development

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    If Voltashasa core,itisitsbusinesses. If Voltashasaheart,it

    isits volunteers.

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    Voltasoffersengineeringsolutionsfor a widespectrum ofindustriesin areassuch asheating,ventilation and air conditioning,refrigeration,electro-mechanical projects,textile machinery,machinetools, mining and construction equipment,materialshandling,water management, buildingmanagementsystems,indoor airquality and



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    Leader in air conditioning projects

    Largest projects exporter in Mechanical,Electrical and Public Health works

    Largest projects exporter in Mechanical,Electrical and Public Health works

    No. 2 brand in air conditioners

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    A heritage


    Voltas,truetothe Tata tradition ofimprovingthequalityof life,has longregarded participation insocial development as a whole-heartedpreoccupation thatenrichesthe corporation itself.

    projectsthat bring about upliftmentin the livesof

    the underprivileged andthedeprived.

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    A true corporatevision mustencompass morethan thosetowhom theCompany markets

    itsservices and products.Voltasunderstandsthatthetime andresources

    thusinvested andthe professionalexpertisesharedwiththe nation come back

    tothe corporation in the longrun as

    expecteddividendsofreputation,opportunity and acceptance.

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    ofVoltas. Muliple Sclerosis Societyof India Shanti Avedna Ashram

    National Centreforthe Performing Arts

    WorldwideFundfor Nature

    National Association forthe Blind Vatsalya


    Bal Asha Ghar

    School of Hope Mother Theresa's Home

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    Voltasitesrun for a worthy cause

    VOW demonstrates lovingthroughgiving

    Trainingin 'EffectiveVolunteering'

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    GROUP 3:

    Angelica Gomes 18

    Rinku Khivesara 20

    Aditi Nakaskar 30Nazneen Roowalla 43

    Samir Shanbag 46

    Charushil Sadanand 53

    Sarfaraz Vanjara 58

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