creative juicez

Post on 31-May-2015






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Creative Juicez

Graphic Design , Advertising !And Web Design In Southern California!

Greg Kain!!!

Why Creative Juicez?

!   Creative Juicez is the leading producer of graphic design throughout the Coachella Valley in Southern California.!

!   We can help you get the maximum visibility for your business, both online and in various print medias. !

Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!

Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

Why Creative Juicez?

!   We know that a one-sized-fits-all approach doesn’t work. !

!   We’ll work with you to target your audience and get you the business you want. !

!   Your promotional materials design will fit you and your business - no one else.!

Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!

Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

How We Develop THe "Right Advertising?

!   Using that message, we determine which promotional materials work best.!

!   We spend time with each client to uncover their specific message.!

Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!

Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

What You Can Expect "From Creative Juicez?

!   We can create anything, including coupons, mailers, website design, logos and more. !

!   We welcome your ideas and input, but can also build a campaign completely from scratch.!

!   No job is too large or too small.!

Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!

Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

PAckages FRom Creative Juicez

!   We can start with a logo and create an entire campaign to impress current customers and entice new ones. !

!   We’ll put together a unique package that will provide your company with the right amount of exposure to expand your marketing horizons and draw customers in over and over.!

Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!

Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

Advertisements From Creative Juicez

!   We’ve designed more than 20,000 telephone directory ads in 2 or 4 colors, yet are still able to come up with a completely new design each time.!

!   Whether you have an existing ad or need to start from scratch, we’re sure you’ll love what we can do.!

Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!

Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

Brochures From "Creative Juicez

!   A professionally created brochure can be a great piece of advertising material.!

!   While content is important, an exceptional layout will set your marketing materials out from the rest. !

Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!

Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

WeB Design From "Creative Juicez

!   Forget web design that looks like it’s from a standard template.!

!   We can handle everything from a one page, static website to a five page detailed site with internal links.!

!   We use the latest advanced web technologies to ensure your website is successful that grows with your business. ! Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

About Greg Kain "And Creative Juicez

!   Greg Kain has been providing customers with amazing promotional materials and website design for over 10 years. !

!   With so much experience, customers can rest assured that Greg has their best interests in mind. !

!   If you’re thinking about improving your business’ visibility, let Creative Juicez provide you with a customized price quote.!

Greg Kain | Creative Juicez!!

Promotion Materials Design and Web Design in Southern California!

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