crosswinds r/c club...

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MEETING LOCATION, Fire Station 72 located at 7320 S. Parker Road. East side of Parker Road just south of Arapahoe Road.

Meetings Scheduled for 2013

Field Meeting Dates in RED

President: Larry Falsetta (303) 699-2087 Vice President: Jim Brown (303)915-4978 Secretary/Treasurer: Dan Cunningham (303) 680-8992 Safety Officer: Ed Eversole (303) 841-8613 Member at Large: Jack Steinhauser (303) 324-5054 Communications Director: Stuart Carr (303) 690-8408 Membership Director Sean Cyriaque (719) 325-7673 Webmaster Jim Brown (303)915-4978

Crosswinds R/C Club Leadership


January 9 February 13

March 13 April 10

May 8 June 12*

July 10* August 14*

September 11 October 9

November 13 December Xmas Party



January 1

New Years Day “Chilly Fly”

February 1-3 Jeffco Aeromodelers Auction

February 23 Wings Over The Rockies museum show

March 9 Annual “Snow Fly”

April 20 Field Work Day Alternate date 5/11/13

May 10 Littleton Public Schools Flynic

June 22 6th Annual Warbirds Fun Fly

July 20 7th Annual Helicopter Fun Fly

August 10 Annual Fun Fly and Overnighter

September 7 Neighborhood Appreciation Day

October Open for Suggestion

November Open for Suggestion

December 7 Annual Christmas Dinner

April 6 CPR Class at Rattlesnake Fire Depart-ment

April, 2013 Edited by Jack Steinhauser









This is April and it is now time to start thinking of the flying season. Before we do that we have some spring cleaning to do. Jack has sent out a “ownership” list of projects that we are targeting for the workday on April 20, 2013. I would like for every club member to take an ownership in the projects that need to be completed. It is better to work at making your club better than sit on the sidelines.

We are in the process of upgrading our version of Drupal for the website. This will allow easier maintenance and give us an easier interface in the CMS to put content on the site. We have redirected the website from our ISP to the server maintained by Jim Brown. Once that contract expires we will migrate over to Jim’s server fully. Jack, Jim and I have looked into a few new templates that will give the website more “flash.” If we can get a more pro-gressive and attractive website we can attract new mem-bership. I have received several inquiries about the password and user id. That item is not active, it is still in Beta, our goal is to have two modules that will be acces-sible by club membership. One, being a classified adver-tising section and another, a photo gallery where mem-bers can populate their own pictures. We will still have administrative control over the content.

I have been in contact with a couple of paving contrac-tors to do something to repair the east end of the runway and the cracks. The consensus is wait until it gets warmer to do any repairs. The last repair that we made 4 years ago did not survive. So I don’t want to duplicate that type of repair so I am getting as many estimates as I can.

So for now get ready for the flying season and start your helicopters our heli fun-fly is in July.

Larry Falsetta, President

April, 2013

President’s ReportPresident’s Report

Larry Falsetta


Vice President’s Report Vice President’s Report

Jim Brown

Vice President

A gentle reminder to all that dues are due May 1, 2013 and delinquent on June 1, 2013. Our annual lease payment is May 15 so the sooner you get your dues in the easier it is on the cash flow of the club. Remember there is no prorated dues for re-newals. Each member is required to submit the renewing member application, which is included with this newsletter as an attachment, to the Secre-tary/Treasurer with dues payment.

Warm weather is coming which means a new season of

great events at the field. Please be sure to check out the

event calendar and volunteer to help out this summer.

Speaking of helping out, also be sure to volunteer for the

Field Work Day on April 20. We will BBQ and fly after the

work is done!

I have purchased a lot of planes through Craigslist over

the years. It is a great resource for planes, engines, ra-

dios and a variety of parts for our hobby. But, it can also

be a place for scam artists to prey on honest buyers.

Here are a couple of tips when buying on Craigslist that

will lessen your chance of getting ripped off, scammed or


First, always ask for pictures, and do as much of your

communication through e-mail, so you have record of

your agreement. Don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions.

The burden should be on the seller, not on you. If you are

not comfortable with the answers, or are unsure about the

product being offered, be willing to walk away. New items

are offered on Craigslist daily, so the deal you are looking

at surely won’t be the last. And as a general rule, if it

seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Page 2

Continued on Page 5

Dan sends his greetings to all members.

April, 2013

Secretary/Treasurer’s ReportSecretary/Treasurer’s Report

Dan Cunningham


Safety Officer’s Report Safety Officer’s Report

Ed Eversole

Safety Officer

During last months meeting a suggestion was made to find a copy of the AMA Membership Manual and incorpo-rate AMA's Guidelines and practices into my safety re-port. I want to thank Harry as I have studied the manual and found the information very valuable and instructive. Please bear with me as many of you might have heard most of this information many times over in your own ex-periences in the sport of R/C flying.

With our April Club field work day coming up I felt the following information may be beneficial:

Signs: Minimum Posting Recommendations for Public Notice "Flying Site" (This sign may be incorporated with the field rules but should be the leading words in a larger letter size at the top of the sign. Placement of the sign should be situated so that spectators can easily read it.)

• Field Rules

• Current official AMA Safety Code

• "No spectators beyond this point without escort"

• Designated parking area (signs at boundaries)

• Emergency telephone numbers

• GPS coordinates

• Location of nearest hospital or emergency medical


Of the suggestions above, I feel a "No spectators beyond this point without escort" sign would be appropriate by our helicopter and control line area, and possibly another near the entrance to the pit area. I will be at the flight field this weekend to begin my repairs on the split rail fence for the control line area and also on the painting the fre-quency board.

Don’t forget to thank the firefighters at Rattlesnake Fire Department.

Ed Eversole, Safety Officer

On Saturday, April 7, five

members of Crosswinds RC

Club attended a CPR class

at the Rattlesnake Fire

Department. The instructor

was a former volunteer

EMT and the training was


The most important thing

learned was the importance

of chest compressions to

maintain oxygen flow to the

brain. Thirty compressions

then two breaths.

Unfortunately, Larry was

unable to revive his manni-

kin despite a heroic effort!

Page 3

Fellow Pilots,

The flying season has begun!

I was out at Crosswinds both today (Sunday, April 7),

and yesterday. Flying conditions were excellent (winds

down the runway) to normal (crosswinds!). Our club is

well named; crosswinds are frequent and require careful

attention on takeoff and landing.

I spent some time working today with Jim Kropelnicki on

crosswind approaches and landings. Jim is flying an 80

inch yellow Spacewalker that looks wonderful in the air.

Jim was having some difficulty with crosswind landings

so we worked on flying a landing pattern that put him on

a straight line into the runway, pulling back on the throt-

tle to get an ideal glide path to the runway, crabbing the

plane to maintain that straight approach line to the run-

way, and a gentle tug on the elevator and rudder right

before landing to flare and align the plane with the run-

way. Jim was all smiles after a textbook touchdown!

I flew my Mustang, Navy FunCub, and maidened a De-

pron SU-37 yesterday. Today, I flew my Peaks biplane

(patterned after “The Beast” Pitts Special), the SU-37

and an ASW-28 sailplane.

The SU-37 was built from a kit sold by

This kit is made from 6mm Depron and is what is com-

monly referred to as a “flat foamy”. While I like the idea

of building a park jet from Depron, I don’t like the flat

foamy look, so I sandwiched on, carved and sanded four

layers of 9mm Depron to create a more rounded fuse-

lage on the front end of the plane. On the right you can

see photos of the plane during construction, and the

finished result. I plan to add some panel lines and de-

cals to complete this plane.

The SU-37 was maidened with the help of Frank Kaylor

who provided a human “high start” service that can be

seen in the photos on page 7. I am happy to report that

this nifty park jet flew quite nicely on its 80mm electric

ducted fan once it got up “on step”.

We are now less than two weeks away from the Field

Maintenance Day on April 20. I have been very im-

pressed by the outstanding response by certain club

members who have taken responsibility for the many

maintenance projects that need to be taken care of be-

fore the flying season gets into full swing. We have had

fifteen club members step forward and volunteer to man-

age projects. Many of these members have already

started design and materials acquisition work on their


April, 2013

MemberMember--atat--Large ReportLarge Report

Jack Steinhauser


Page 4

Jim Brown Report

Continued from Page 2

When you meet the seller to complete the transaction,

be sure to have exact change. This will assure you don’t

pay more because the seller cannot provide change to

you. And don’t take a lot of extra cash that your spark a


Also let somebody know where you are going and who

you are meeting. While a rare occurrence, you never

know who you are actually meeting and their intentions

may be of a more criminal nature. Additionally, if the

seller is in a sketchy part of town, suggest a meeting

place in a better area so you are not putting yourself at


Jim Brown, Vice President

Here’s the plan for the work day:

8:30 a.m.—Officers arrive to open the field and get

the generator and other equipment ready. Coffee

and donuts will be served.

9:00 a.m.—The Maintenance Work day is officially

underway. Any volunteers that show up will be

assigned to members that have projects underway

on an “as-needed basis”.

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.– Lunch will be served.

Afternoon—work continues if necessary.

Since the members who have stepped forward to take

responsibility for individual projects also have the discre-

tion of how and when they carry out the projects, I don’t

expect that all the work necessary will be completed on

the field maintenance day. Some will occur before, and

some projects may require weeks to complete. The

important thing about the field work day is that we get as

many members as possible involved in what should be a

well-organized and productive day of activity.

Jack Steinhauser, Member-at-Large

April, 2013

Page 5

Jack Steinhauser Report

Continued from Page 4

We have also seen a number of club members step for-

ward to assist with projects. I am hoping we will see

many more turn out on Saturday, April 20, to participate in

sprucing up our club.

For the information of all members, I have attached the

most recent list of maintenance projects and those mem-

bers who have taken responsibility for projects to this


Crosswinds RC Club:

Minutes of Meeting 3/13/2013

Scribed by Dan Cunningham

Present 12 members plus 5 officers.

All present were asked to introduce them-selves

Meeting called to order at 6:30 by President Larry Falsetta

Recite Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of minutes in February Newsletter

President Discussion:

Stuart has decided to move on from the communica-tions director, this is an appointed position asked for volunteers, no one volunteered. Jack Stienhouser agreed to step in and help until a new replacement comes forward. The club acknowledges Stuart's contri-bution and thanks him for his help and support.

Vice President Report

New Website conversion to Drupal 7, Jim, Jack and Larry are evaluating new templates for more vibrant presentation of the site to get more membership. Ap-proval received from membership to spend money for template.

There will be a member sign on with approval from ad-ministrator, this will allow for open posting to the classi-fied add section with approval.

Photo Gallery almost ready, members will be allowed to publish their own photo's with authorized sign on.

Treasury Report:

Dan read the Treasury Report,

Monthly Expenditures recited including funds for prop-erty taxes.

Checking account x,xxx.xx

Lease Security Deposit x,xxx.xx

Time Deposit xx,xxx.xx

Safety Officer Report:

First aid box replenished and cleaned.

Breathing assist bag at field if necessary

Discussion of CPR Class on April 6th at Rattlesnake, contact Ed if you plan on attending.

Discussion of water remediation, Larry mentioned that the only approval we receive from the State is to add a sub foundation to the building. Discussion was held on the possibility of regrading the parking lot. Those pre-sent discussed the fact that this was only a problem a couple of times a year so this item was tabled.

Member at Large Report:

Jack discussed the membership taking ownership of projects for the workday on April 20th. The list of pro-jects was handed out and membership present put their name on certain projects. Jack will discuss this in his article.

Discussion was held on the runway crack repair, we are going to get bids to fix the cracks and the east end where the previous fix is deteriorating

Upcoming events

May 10 – Flynic

May 11, Rocky's Gentlemen Breakfast fly-in.

Decision made to mow the week prior to this weekend.

April, 2013

Page 6

April, 2013

Activity at the Field on April 4, 2013 Page 7

April, 2013

Page 8

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