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HomeExam Cram SeriesPAK INDIA RELATIONS THE TRADE ASPECT Solved CSS Paper 2010 Geography (Objective)Solved CSS Paper 2010 Geography (Objective)Select the best option/answer and fill in appropriate box on the answer sheet. (20 Marks)PAK INDIA RELATIONS THE TRADE ASPECTMonday, November 01, 2010(I) The Circumference of the Earth at the equator is:(a) 60075 km (b) 50075 km(c) 40075 km (d) None of these

(ii) The proportion of radiation reflected from the snow covered surface is called:(a) brook (b) caldera(c) sinusoid (d) None of these

(iii) Worldwide geocaching is carried out by:(a) GIS (b) Remote Sensing(c) GPS (d) None of these

(iv) Speed of the Earth at 45 N is:(a) 1180.7 km/h (b) 2180.7km/h(c) 3180.7 km/h (d) None of these

(v) Chemical composition of the Earth dominating 34.6% by:(a) Silicon (b) Iron(c) Magnesium (d) None of these

(vi) Temperate, Torrid and Frigid Zones, one ancient example of world climates is attributed to:(a) Plato (b) Herodotus(c) Aristotle (d) None of these

(vii) In Kppen Climate system Aw stands for:(a) Tropical Rainforest(b) Tropical Monsoon(c) Tropical Savanna(d) None of these

(viii) Which of the following civilization was shut down by droughts combined with devastating floods?(a) Nile (b) Indus(c) Inca (d) None of these

(ix) Pumice, Gabbro and Ande-sites are identified as:(a) Sedimentary Rocks (b) Metamorphic Rocks(c) Igneous Rocks(d) None of these

(x) Great Barrier Reef is in the:(a) Atlantic Ocean(b) Pacific Ocean (c) Indian Ocean(d) None of these

(xi) A new sea has been officially created in the Pacific Northwest is called:(a) Palish Sea (b) Salish Sea(c) Valish Sea (d) None of these

(xii) On March 28, 2001 a tornado outbreak in Pakistan was experienced in:(a) Sahiwal (b) Bhalwal(c) Sajawal (d) None of these

(xiii) Agulhas is one of the warm currents of:(a) Indian Ocean (b) Atlantic Ocean(c) Arctic Ocean (d) None of these

(xiv) Land formation with many caves caused by dolomite being dissolved by underground drainage is termed:(a) Horst (b) Mesa(c) Scree (d) None of these

(xv) Frontal Zones where air masses are not moving against each other are called:(a) Occluded Fronts(b) Stationary Fronts(c) Warm Fronts (d) None of these

(xvi) Mountain ranges near water sources can receive high rainfalls because of:(a) Cyclonic activity(b) Rain shadow effect(c) Orographic uplift(d) None of these

(xvii) Cartographers classify maps into two broad categories: reference maps and(a) Topographic maps(b) Thematic maps(c) Atlases (d) None of these

(xviii) The oldest known projection dating back to about 500 BC is:(a) Cylindrical Homolographic(b) Gnomonic (c) Mollweide(d) None of these

(xix) Alexander Von Humboldt famous biogeographer produced five volumes of work in 1845, was called:(a) Kosmos (b) Helios(c) Mellios (d) None of these(xx) Normal cycle of erosion was devised by:(a) Karl Ritter (b) Thornbury (c) Monkhouse (d) None of these

Answers:1.c 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.c7.c 8.b 9.c10.b 11.b 12.b13.a 14.d 15.b 16.c 17.b 18.a19.a20.d


(i) More determined and driven work ethics due to frequent variability in the weather of the:(a) Higher Latitudes(b) Middle Latitudes(c) Lower Latitudes (d) None of these

(ii) Equatorial Paradox is an aspect of:(a) Cultural Geography(b) Regional Geography(c) Economic Geography(d) None of these

(iii) Climatic determinism was intensely studied by:(a) Ellsworth Huntington(b) Carl O Saver(c) Carl Marx (d) None of these

(iv) Environmental Problems must all be understood via:(a) Physical Processes (b) Social Processes(c) Commercial Process(d) None of these

(v) The study of the number of population and its variations in time and space is called:(a) Population Dynamics(b) Population Density(c) Population Distribution(d) None of these

(vi) Rapid Population growth in Urban areas perpetuates:(a) Crimes (b) Safety Issues(c) Poverty (d) None of these

(vii) Sustainability of human settlements have become a matter of:(a) Global Concern(b) Continental Concern(c) Regional Concern (d) None of these

(viii) Settlements can be ordered by size or other factors to define:(a) Morphology (b) Landscape(c) Hierarchy (d) None of these

(ix) South Asian agriculture is considered to be:(a) Intensive (b) subsistence(c) Extensive (d) None of these

(x) Appalachian Industrial area hosts:(a) Iron and Steel (b) Textiles(c) Chemicals (d) None of these

(xi) Turkey possesses plenty of:(a) Power Resources(b) Mineral Resources(c) Water Resources(d) None of these

(xii) What had historically made geography unique was its attention to systematic description of areal variation, said by:(a) Hart Shorne(b) Charles Fisher(c) Ann Buttimer (d) None of these

(xiii) Indus Water Treaty Projects were financed by:(a) Asian Development Bank(b) World Bank(c) Former EEC (d) None of these

(xiv) Ninety percent of Russia is north of the:(a) 60th Parallel (b) 55th Parallel(c) 50th Parallel (d) None of these

(xv) Before 1950, Famine was a harsh reality in:(a) Poland (b) Portugal(c) India (d) None of these

(xvi) Waterways are common transport means in Bengal for carrying:(a) Tea (b) Jute(c) Animals (d) None of these

(xvii) Greek Culture and power expanded into the near and Middle East during:(a) Archaic Period(b) Classical Period(c) Hellenistic Period (d) None of these

(xviii) In the 5th and 4th Centuries BC the most advanced economy was found in:(a) Italy (b) France(c) Greece (d) None of these

(xix) Geographic regions are based on distinctive quality of(a) Variety (b) Homogenity(c) Origin (d) None of these

(xx) Geography affects the culture of a region by:(a) What people do(b) What people possess(c) What people copy (d) None of these

Answers:1.b2.c3.a4.b5.c6.c7.a8.c9.b10.a11.b12.a13.b14.c15.b16.b17.c18.c19.b20.aJahangir SanpaalArticle viewed267times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesFAKE Degrees Solved CSS Paper 2010Solved CSS Paper 2010History of Indo-Pak, Paper-I (Objective)FAKE DegreesSunday, August 01, 2010Select the best option/answer. (20 Marks)

i. Chachnama was originally written in: (a) Persian (b) Arabic (c) Turkish (d) Sindhi

ii. First Muslim Expedition was sent to India by: (a) Hazrat Umar (b) Hazrat Usman (c) Hazrat Ali (d) Hijjaj Bin Yousuf

iii. Muhammad Bin Qasim stayed at Makran before entering Sindh for: (a) 3-months (b) 2 months (c) 1-month (d) 2 weeks

iv. The first mosque in South Asia was built in: (a) Sindh (b) Bhopal (c) Baluchistan (d) Bengal

v. The Ghazanvid rule over present day Pakistan areas lasted for: (a) 300 years (b) 250 years (c) 200 years (d) 150 years

vi. Ibn-i-Batuta travelled for: (a) 35 years (b) 28 years (c) 20 years (d) 15 years

vii. Sultan Qutb-ud-Din Aibak could rule India for: (a) 35 years (b) 18 years (c) 15 years (d) 5 years

viii. The Khilji Dynasty enjoyed Indian rule for: (a) 90 years (b) 70 years (c) 50 years (d) 30 years

ix. The Khayal system of music was founded by: (a) Amir Khusrau (b) Hussain Shah Shariq (c) Mian Tan Sain (d) Baiju Bawara

x. Nur Jahan was born at: (a) Delhi (b) Iran (c) Chaghi (d) Agra

xi. In the year 1719 how many Mughal Kings sat on throne? (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1

xii. Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasion against: (a) Mughals (b) Marathas (c) Sikhs (d) Rajputs

xiii. When the third battle of Panipat was fought? (a) 1526 (b) 1757 (c) 1761 (d) 1764

xiv. The British fought Plassy War against: (a) Haider Ali (b) Tipu Sultan (c) Sirajudaula (d) Marathas

xv. Darsi-Nizami was named after: (a) Nizamuddin Auliya (b) Nizamul Mulk (c) Mulla Nizamuddin (d) Nizamul Mulk Junaidi

xvi. Mahraja Ranjit Singh ruled Punjab for: (a) 60 years (b) 50 years (c) 40 years (d) 20 years

xvii. Karachi was occupied by the British in: (a) 1820 (b) 1839 (c) 1842 (d) 1843

xviii. Delhi fell to the British Army in: (a) 1796 (b) 1803 (c) 1849 (d) 1857

xix. When the first Anglo-Afghan war was fought: (a) 1813 (b) 1820 (c) 1839 (d) 1843

xx. Before 1857, how many universities had been established by the British: (a) 16 (b) 13 (c) 3 (d) Not a single

ANSWERS(i) D (ii) A (iii) A (iv) A (v) D (vi) B (vii) D (viii) D (ix) A (x) B (xi) D (xii) B (xiii) C (xiv) C (xv) C (xvi) C (xvii) B (xviii) D (xix) C (xx) D

History of Indo-Pak, Paper-II (Objective)Select the best option/answer and fill in appropriate box on the answer sheet. (20 Marks)

i. All-India National Congress was established by: (a) An official of British Govt. (b) A British loyalist (c) British Dissident (d) A retired British official (e) None of these

ii. Kabir Das of Bhakti Movement was: (a) A Preacher (b) A Mystic (c) A Poet (d) A Warrior (e) None of these

iii. Kashful Mahjub was written by: (a) Mujadid Alf Sani (b) Syed Ali Hajveri (c) Syed Muinuddin Ajmeri (d) Sheikh Bahauddin Zakriya (e) None of these

iv. The Millenial Movement was launched against: (a) The Mughals (b) The British (c) The Marathas (d) The Muslims (e) None of these

v. The East India Company owes its success in India to: (a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Cornwallis (c) Lord Curzon (d) Warren Hasting (e) None of these

vi. Third Battle of Panipat was fought between: (a) British and Mughals (b) British and Sikhs (c) British and Afghans (d) Afghans and Marathas (e) None of these

vii. Syed Ahmad Shaheed launched his Jihad Movement against: (a) The Christians (b) The Sikhs (c) The Hindus (d) The Hypocrites (e) None of these

viii. The Faraidi Movement was launched in: (a) Bengal (b) Hyderabad (c) Kashmir (d) Maharashatra (e) None of these

ix. Hazrat Mahal who fought during the war of Independence 1857 against the British was: (a) Queen of Jhansi (b) Ruler of Jodhpur (c) Begum of Nizam of Hyderabad (d) Begum of Awadh (e) None of these

x. Darul Uloom Deoband was founded in: (a) 1865 (b) 1855 (c) 1875 (d) 1857 (e) None of these

xi. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah got his early education from: (a) MAO college, Aligarh (b) St. Patrick High School, Bombay (c) Sindh Madrassatul Islam, Karachi (d) Islamia College, Lahore (e) None of these

xii. The Simla deputation of 1906 was led by: (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Nawab Salim Ullah Khan (c) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk (d) Sir Agha Khan (e) None of these

xiii. Delhi Muslim proposals were presented in: (a) 1927 (b) 1925 (c) 1930 (d) 1932 (e) None of these

xiv. One of the main points of Jinnahs 14 points was Muslims representation in the Central Legislature equal to: (a) Half of the members (b) 2/3 of the members (c) 1/3 of the members (d) 1/4 of the members (e) None of these

xv. The inaugural session of Pakistans First Constituent Assembly was chaired by: (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Liaquat Ali Khan (c) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar (d) J. N. Mandal (e) None of these

xvi. The first Chief Minister of West Pakistan Province in 1955 was: (a) Abdul Qaiym Khan (b) Dr Khan Sahib (c) Malik Feroz Khan Noon (d) Hussain Shaheed Shrawardy (e) None of these

xvii. The first Indigenous Constitution was given to Pakistan by: (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Liaquat Ali Khan (c) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (d) Chaudhri Muhammad Ali (e) None of these

xviii. In September 1958, the Deputy Speaker was killed in the provincial assembly of: (a) Bengal (b) Punjab (c) N.W.F.P. (d) Sindh (e) None of these

xix. In the 1970-71 general elections which party got the majority seats in the National Assembly of Pakistan: (a) Pakistan Peoples Party (b) Pakistan Muslim League (c) Awami League (d) National Awami Party (e) None of these

xx. Friday was declared for the first time as an official weekly holiday by: (a) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (b) General Zia-ul-Haq (c) Nawaz Sharif (d) Benazir Bhutto (e) None of these

ANSWERS(i) D (ii) A (iii) B (iv) D (v) E (vi) D (vii) B (viii) A (ix) D (x) E (xi) C (xii) D (xiii) D (xiv) C (xv) A (xvi) B (xvii) D (xviii) D (xix) C (xx) A

Mrs Ayesha HassaanArticle viewed852times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesCHINA'S VISION OF WORLD POWER Solved CSS Paper 2010 Islamiat (MCQs)Solved CSS Paper 2010 Islamiat (MCQs)Select the best option and fill in the appropriate Box on the answer sheet.CHINA'S VISION OF WORLD POWERTuesday, June 01, 2010i. Batha Valley is situated in: (a) Makkah (b) Madina (c) Egypt (d) Jordan (e) None of these

ii. The longest Surah of the Quran is: (a) Surah al Baqarah (b) Surah Aali Imran (c) Surah Al Taubah (d) Surah Yunus (e) None of these

iii. Al-Maeen is a Surah in which there are: (a) 100 or more Ayahs (b) simple orders (c) hard orders (d) less than 100 Ayahs (e) None of these

iv. Arbaeen is that book of Hadith in which there are:(a) 40 Ahadith (b) 50 Ahadith (c) 30 Ahadith (d) Ahadith(e) None of these

v. Fatwa Qazi Khan is an authentic Fatwa of:(a) Fiqh Hanbali (b) Fiqh Maliki (c) Fiqh Shafi (d) Fiqh Hanafi (e) None of these

vi. FIDK Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet as:(a) Fay (b) Booty (c) Gift (d) Loan (d) None of these

vii. QUBA mosque has been mentioned in:(a) Surah Al taubah (b) Surah Anfal (c) Surah Dhuha(d) Surah Al Muzammi (e) None of these

viii. The title given to the pioneers of Islam was:(a) Mushahidoon al awwalun (b) Muslimoon al Awwalun (c) Assabiqoon al Awwalun (d) Al awwalun al awwalun (e) None of these

ix. The meaning of YA SABAHAHO is:(a) Good morning (b) Good Morning declaration(c) Oh, morning danger (d) Wishing good morning (e) None of these.

x. The master of BILAL (MABPH) during embracing Islam was:(a) Abu Jahal (b) Ummayia bin Harb (c) Ummayia bin Khalaf(d) Oqabah bin Abi al Mueet (e) None of these

xi. Splitting of the Moon was occurred in:(a) Arafat (b) Mina (c) Muzdalifa(d) Haram-e-Pak (e) None of these

xii. The IFK event is described in the Quran in:(a) Surah Baqarahv (b) Surah Taubah (c) Surah Noor (d) Surah Yaseen (e) None of these

xiii. The Prohphets stamp comprises of these words:(a) Allah, Rasool, Muhammad (b) Muhammad, Rasool, Allah(c) Rasool, Muhammad, Allah (d) Rasool, Allah, Muhammad(e) None of these

xiv. The heads of Zakat are:(a) Eight (b) Nine (c) Seven (d) Five (e) None of these

xv. MAUWAZATAIN means:(a) A collection of Ahadith (b) Two specific Surahs of Quran(c) A book of Jaffariah Fiqh (d) A book of Hanafi Fiqh (e) None of these

xvi. Ozza was the name of:(a) A specific goddess of Quraish (b) Honour and respect(c) Name of a tree (d) Name of a snake (e) None of these

xvii. LEAAN is:(a) A clause of Islamic Law (b) To receive a reward (c) A term of trade(d) To bargain (e) None of these

xviii. Ashabus sabt means:(a) Jews (b) Christians (c) Muslims (d) Sabieen (e) None of these

xix. The numbers of famous months are:(a) Four (b) Six (c) Seven (d) Two (e) None of these

xx. Jabal-e-Noor is situated in:(a) Arafat (b) Ghari Hira (c) Ghari Saur (d) Jabal Uhud (e) None of these


(i)A (ii)A (iii)A (iv)A (v)D (vi)A (vii)A (viii)B (ix)C(x)C(xi)B (xii)C (xiii)A (xiv)A (xv)B(xvi)A (xvii)A(xviii)A (xix)A (xx)BAfshan Salman (CSP)Article viewed2322times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesDemocracy Rekindles Solved CSS Paper 2010 Current Affairs (Objective)Solved CSS Paper 2010 Current Affairs (Objective)Select the best option / answer and fill in appropriate box on the answer sheet.Democracy RekindlesSaturday, May 01, 2010

1. Which of the following countries is the world's largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere?a) China b) Americac) Russia d) India

2. Who is Stanley McChrystal?a) Commander US forces in Afghanistan b) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM)c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan d) None of these

3. The headquarters of Green Peace International is located at:a) Vancouver b) Amsterdamc) London d) Paris

4. The oldest internet search engine among the following is:a) Google b) MSN Searchc) Yahoo d) Ask.com

5. The power generating capacity of Diamer-Basha Dam would be:a) 3450 MW b) 3800 MWc) 4500 MW d) None of these

6. ANTARA is the news agency of:a) Indonesia b) Malaysiac) Turkey d) None of the these

7. The largest opium producer province in Afghanistan is:a) Helmand b) Nangarharc) Badakhshan d) None of these

8. Silk Air is an airline of:a) Sri Lanka b) Switzerlandc) Singapore d) China

9. Channel Tunnel is an under sea rail tunnel linking:a) England and Ireland b) England and Francec) France and Germany d) None of these.

10. The Strait of Malacca is the main shipping channel between the India Ocean and:a) The North Pacific Ocean b) South Pacific Oceanc) South Atlantic Ocean d) None of these

11. The recently published book "Between Dreams and Realities" is written by:a) Shamshad Ahmad Khan b) Gohar Ayubc) Sahibzada Yakoob Ali Khan d) None of these

12. The largest Agency of FATA by population is:a) Bajaur Agency b) North Waziristanc) South Waziristan d) None of these

13. Which of the following categories of Nobel Prize was established in 1968?a) Medicine b) Literaturec) Economics d) None of these

14. Who is Francois Fillon?a) Prime Minister of Italy b) President of Germanyc) Prime Minister of France d) None of these

15. 3 May is observed Internationally as:a) Environment Day b) Population Dayc) Press Freedom Day d) None of these

16. 2016 Summer Olympics will be held at:a) Sydney b) Madridc) Chicago d) Rio de Janerio

17. Kyat is the currency of:a) Nepal b) Myanmarc) Bhutan d) None of these

18. Environment Treaty Kyoto Protocol will be expired in:a) 2012 b) 2014c) 2015 d) None of these.

1.a 2.a 3.b 4.c5.c 6.a 7.a 8.c 9.b10.d 11.d 12.c13.c 14.c15.c 16.d 17.b 18.aZahid AshrafArticle viewed667times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesDemocracy Rekindles Solved Paper CSS 2010 Everyday Science (MCQs)Solved Paper CSS 2010 Everyday Science (MCQs)Select the best option and fill in the appropriate Box on the answer sheet:Democracy RekindlesSaturday, May 01, 2010

26. It is observed that the total pressure exerted by air on the man of average siz is around 14.7 lb wt. per square inch. But the man feels quite comfortable. It is because of:a) An equal and opposite pressure acts from insideb) Of the height of a manc) Of gravity d) Earth pulls the man upwarde) None of these

27. A nuclear reactor is a device used to carry out controlled nuclear reaction whereas GM counter is a device used to detect:a) Current b) VoltageC) Nuclear Radiation d) Powere) None of these

28. A body can escape the gravitational pull of the earth if it is thrown up with a velocity of:a) 25 miles per sec b) 60 miles per secc) 7 miles per sec d) 10 miles per sece) None of these

29. Night vision is possible with the help of:a) Red light b) Violet lightc) Infrared Rays d) Ultraviolet Lighte) None of these

30. Myopia is a defect of human eye. it can be corrected by using a lens called:a) Convex lens b) Concave lensc) Cylindrical lens d)Plano convex lense) None of these

31. Walnuts can be broken in the hand by squeezing two together but not one. It is because of:a) Work done b) Powerc) Energy d) Volumee) None of these

32. The instrument which is specially designed for recording earth quake wave is called seismograph which measure earth quake waves on aa) Diatonic scale b) Fahrenheit Scalec) Richter scale d) Celsius Scalee) None of these

33. The planet Mercury completes one rotation around the sun isa) 88 days b) 365 daysc) 98 days d) 60 dayse) None of these

34. Fossils found in the lowest geological strata are generally most:a) Advance b) Complexc) Primitive d) Specializede) None of these

35. Evolution can be described as:a) A continuing processb) A catastrophic event in the pastc) Staticd) The attaining of an ideal typee) None of these

36. What is the only source of new alleles?a) Crossing over b)Independent assortmentc) Mutation d) Fertilizatione) None of these

37. Polygenic characteristic are controlled by:a) Dominant genes b) Recessive genesc) Multiple genes d) Mutated genese) None of these

38. Which of the following, lists the four stages of food processing in order?a) Ingestion, digestion, absorption, eliminationb) Digestion, ingestion, absorption, eliminationc) Ingestion, absorption, elimination, digestiond) Absorption, digestion, ingestion, eliminatione) None of these

39. In humans, most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the:a) Small intestine b) Stomachc) Liver d) Large intestinee) None of these

40. The energy needed to fuel essential body processes is called:a) Essential nutrient levelb) Basal metabolism c) None of thesed) Recommended daily allowancee) Optimum energy intake

41. Which of the following is an organic molecule needed by the body in small amounts?a) Protein b) Vitamin Cc) Zinc d) Monosaccharidee) None of these

42. Inhaled air passes through which of the following in the last?a) Bronchiole b) Larynxc) Pharynx d) Tracheae) None of these

43. Which of the following is a form of sexual reproduction?a) Hermaphroditism b) Fissionc) Fragmentation d) Buddinge) None of these

44. Cobalt is a material which is:a) Strongly attracted by a magnetB) Not attracted by a magnetc) Not a magnetd) Weakly attracted by a magnete) None of these

45. Laughing gas has chemical composition of the following two elements which are:a) Nitrogen + Hydrogen b) Nitrogen + Carbon c) Nitrogen + oxygend) Oxygen + Carbon e) None of these

46. Hepatitis A is transmitted to different individuals by:a) Water b) Sneezingc) Spit d) Foecese) None of these

47. The unit that coordinates different devices of the computer system is:a) ALU b) Registerc) Control unit d) Logical instructione) None of these

48.The most abundant element present is in the human body is:a) Nitrogen b) Carbonc) Hydrogen d) Oxygene) None of these

49. Cancer can be treated by:a) Antibiotics and vaccinesb) Radiotherapy and antibodiesc) Chemotherapy and radiotherapyd) Antibodies and chemotherapye) None of these

50. Animals obtain carbon dioxide mainly from:a) Starch b) Sucrosec) Glucose d) Glycogene) None of these


26.D 27.C 28.A 29.C 30.B31.B 32.C33.A 34.C35.A36.C 37.C 38.A 39.A 40.B41.C 42.A 43.A 44.A 45.C46.A 47.C 48.D 49.C 50.D


Jahangir SanpaalArticle viewed1081times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesWhy KINDNESS is GOOD for U Solved Paper CSS 2010 Everyday Science (Objective)Solved Paper CSS 2010 Everyday Science (Objective)Question 1. Select the best option and fill in the appropriate Box on the answer sheet:Why KINDNESS is GOOD for UThursday, April 01, 20101. Water is heated in a kettle. The inside water is heated by convection. A person sitting near the fire receives heat by:a) Conduction b) Convectionc) Radiation d) Reflectione) None of these

2. A time can come when we will be able to design a machine which can go on working for ever without the expenditure of energy. Is it possible?a) No b) Yesc) In due course time d) Very soone) None of these

3. The measurement of rainfall is made by an instrument known as:a) Hydrometer b) Barometerc) Hygrometer d) Pedometere) None of these

4. Light year is a unit of:a) Distance b) Time Periodc) Light intensity d) Timee) none of these

5. Three elements needed for the healthy growth of plants are:a) N,P,K b) N,C,Pc) N,K,C d) N,S,Pe) none of these

6.Copper can be converted into gold by:a) Heating b) Artificial Radioactivityc) Electroplating d) Chemical reactione) None of these

7. In winter an iron pipe feel colder than a wooden window. This is because wood is:a) Conductor b) non-Conductorc) Semi- Conductor d) Not a solid while iron is a solide) None of these

8. The echo (reflected sound) will be distinctly heard only at ordinary temperatures if the distance of the reflecting surfaces from the source of sound is at least:a) 1120 ft b) 120 ftc) 56fft d) 100 fte) None of these

9. It is possible to recognize a person in the dark by simply hearing his unique voice. It is because of the:a) pitch b) Frequencyc) Time period d) Qualitye) None of these

10. When a ray of sunlight enters a dark room, its straight path become visible because of dust particles hanging in the air. It is because light is:a) Visible b) Transparentc) Invisible d) opaquee) None of these

11. A six feet tall lady wants to see her full image in a plane mirror. The minimum length of the mirror will be:a) 6 feet b) 12 feetc) 4 feet d) 3 feete) None of these

12. The principle used in radar is the same as that of Sonar. In radar we use radio waves; whereas in sonar we use:a) red waves b) Infrared wavesc) Ultrasonic d) super sonice) None of these

13. In a fission nuclear reaction, a heavy nucleus breaks up into smaller nuclei whereas in another nuclear reaction two or more than two possibly nuclei are fused to form a heavy nucleus. This nuclear reaction is called:a) Chemical Reaction b) Nuclear reactionc) Fission nuclear reactiond) Fusion nuclear reactione) None of these

14. Parsec is a unit of:a) Energy b) Timec) Power d) Distancee) None of these

15. German Silver is an alloy of:a) Zn + Ni b) Cu + Znc) Cu + Ni d) Cu + Sne) None of these

16. The Continent Antarctica lies at the:a) North pole b) South polec) middle of the earthd) Equator e) None of these

17. The temperature of the dead body is:a) 0 'C b) 37 'c) room temperatured) temperature of the place where it is kepte) None of these

18. Lactometer is a type of Hydrometer which is used to measure the specific gravity of:a) Honey b) Waterc) Milk d) olive oile) None of these

19. Cusec is a unit of:a) Area b) Timec) Distance d) masse) None of these

Note: Cusec is a unit of flow of liquid

20. The deepest place on earth is:a) Trench b) Mariana Trenchc) Mangrove d) Groovee) None of these

21. Twinkling of stars is caused by:a) Reflection of light b) Polarization of light c) refraction of lightd) Interference of light e) None of these

22. Magnifying power of a simple microscope can be increased by:a) increasing focal length of the lensb) Decreasing focal length of the lensc) Lens of large apertured) lens of short aperture e) None of these

23. Bronze medal is made up of metal:a) Copper , Zinc b) Copper , Nicklec) Coppe4r , Tin d) Sopper , Silver

24. One of the countries through which equator passes is:a) Kenya b) Pakistanc) Malaysia d) Maltae) None of these

25. A very important practical application of properties of matter is hoeing or "godi" practiced by the farmers. This property of matter is called:a) Elasticity b) Stressc) Capillarity d) Straine) None of these


1.A 2.A 3.E 4.A5.A6.B 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.A11.A 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.C16.B 17.D 18.C 19.E 20.B21.C 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.CJahangir SanpaalArticle viewed626times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesLife's 20 Toughest Questions Answered General Knowledge Paper-I 2009 (Every Science)General Knowledge Paper-I 2009 (Every Science)1. Role of biotechnology in the production of food is based on:Life's 20 Toughest Questions AnsweredThursday, October 01, 2009A: DecompositionB: Respiration C: DigestionD: FermentationE: None of these

2. Which of the following layers makes radio transmission possible?A: Troposphere B: IonosphereC: Mesosphere D: StratosphereE: None of these

3. Kilowatt-hour is a unit of:A: Power B: Electric currentC: Energy D: TimeE: None of these

4. Which of the following atmospheric layers helps in radio communication?A: Exosphere B: IonosphereC: Troposphere D: StratosphereE: Ozone layer

5. Quartz crystal in quartz watches works on the principle called:A: Photoelectric effectB: Stark effectC: Thermionic effectD: Piezo-electric effectE: None of these

6. The fruits without seed, like banana, are called:A: seedless fruit B: parthenogenesis fruitsC: parthenocarpic fruitsD: placental fruitsE: Organic fruits

7. In a railway track, two rails are joined end to end with a gap in between them because:A: Steel can be saved.B: Accidents due to contraction in winter can be avoided.C: Air gaps are necessary for bearing the weight of running train.D: Accidents due to expansion in summer can be avoided.E: All of these

8. Name the famous book of Ibn-Sina in which he discussed human physiology and medicine:A: Al-Qanoon B: Al-MasudiC: New RenaissanceD: Tadhkira D: None of these

9. Animal which captures and readily kills living animals for its food is called:A: Parasite B: ScavengerC: Predator D: MammalD: None of these

10. Chemical name of vinegar is:A: Sodium NitrateB: Dilute acetic acidC: Chloride of limeD: Calcium E: None of these

ANSWERS:1. D 2. B 3. B 4. B5. D 6. C 7. D 8. A9. C 10. B

Sajida NaeemArticle viewed423times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesJinnah Exposes Hindu Myopic Mind PMS 2009 Solved General Knowledge PaperPMS 2009 Solved General Knowledge Paper1. Press freedom day is observed on _______;Jinnah Exposes Hindu Myopic MindSaturday, August 01, 2009A: May 3 B: May 15 C: May 17 D: May 27

2. _______ is the US Ambassador to the Middle East. A: George Mitchell B: Robert Gates C: Richard Holbrooke D: None of these

3. Swat is situated in the range of _______; A: Hindukush B: Himalayas C: Karakoram D: None of these

4. _______ is the President of the World Bank? A: Robert Bruce Lohaf B: Bill Gates C: Robert Brace Zorllick D: Robert Brace Gate

5. US will withdraw its forces from Iraq by _______. A: 2009 B: 2010 C: 2011 D: 2012

6. Kadima is the political party of _______ A: Israel B: Lebanon C: Syria D: Egypt

7. Marti Ahtasari, the famous Noble Prize winner, is the president of _______ A: Finland B: Sweden C: Norway D: Switzerland

8. Ethnology deals with _______ A: human race B: genes C: psychology D: families

9. Aramco is the oil company of _______ A: US B: Britain C: Saudi Arabia D: Russia

10. Asiana Airline is the airline of _______ A: Malaysia B: Indonesia C: South Korea D: Japan

11. Brain Drain means _______ A: migration of the skilled labour B: Migration of the Intellectual people C: Migration of the technical people D: Migration of the doctors and engineers

12. Which organisation came into being first_______. A: OIC B: D-8 C: ECO D: SAARC

13. In which country the Kurd people are in majority. A: Iran B: Iraq C: Turkey D: Syria

14. Which country has the oldest anthem in the world? A: Japan B: Britain C: US D: China

15. Hamas was founded by _______ A: Khalid Mashaal B: Ahmad Yasin C: Yasir Arfat D: Ismail Haniya

16. The chairman of African Union belongs to _______ A: Nigeria B: Libya C: Sudan D: Ethiopia

17. Seine is the river of _______ A: Germany B: Italy C: Spain D: France

18. CPU stands for _______ A: central processing unit B: central power unit C: computer processing unit D: central programming unit

19. Skin disease is caused due to the deficiency of the vitamin _______ A: b B: k C: d D: c

20. 40 % world oil passes through _______ A: straight of Marmora B: straight of Hormuz C: Black Sea D: Red Sea

21. UAE gave Pakistan the power plant of _______mw. A: 300 B: 310 C: 320 D: 340

22. Who is largest trading partner of Pakistan _______ A: Saudi Arabia B: Japan C: US D: Britain

23. Khmer Rouge is the political party of _______. A: Vietnam B: Thailand C: Cambodia D: Malaysia

24. IMF headquarter is situated in _______ A: New York B: Paris C: Brussels D: Washington, D.C

25. Which area is the largest producer of opium in Afghanistan? A: Helamnd B: Khandar C: Kabul D: Jalalabad

26. Hung Parliament means _______ A: majority of a party B: no political party gets majority C: alliance govt. D: dictator govt.

27. Russia sends gas to Europe via _______ A: Hungry B: Poland C: Ukraine D: Romania

28. Who is the author of The Way of the World _______. A: Ron Suskind B: Michal Korgan C: Samuel Gutter D: William Congreve

29. Parcel Islands are disputed between _______ A: China-Korea B: China-Vietnam C: Vietnam-Philippine D: Indonesia-Malaysia

30. Marco Polo was a _______ A: thinker B: philosopher C: geographer D: traveller

31. Which celebrated the end of 240 years monarchy in 2008? A: Nepal B: Maldives C: Bhutan D: Sri Lanka

32. Anemometer is used for measuring _______ A: electric current B: pressure C: speed of the wind D: waves of the sea

33. Insomnia is the problem of _______ A: lung B: liver C: sleep D: tooth

34. Which Parliament was founded in 930 A.D? A: British B: Japan C: Russia D: Iceland

35. Who was the last king of Afghanistan? A: king Zahir Shah B: king Habiburrehman C: king Dawood D: king Yaqub

36. FIFA world cup 2010 will be held in _______ A: Japan B: South Africa C: China D: London

37. Which is the largest Searching engine. A: yahoo B: gmail C: Google D: hotmail

Answers:1. A 2. A 3. A 4. 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A9. C 10.C 11.A 12.A13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B17.D 18.A 19.D 20.B21.C 22.C 23.C 24.D25.A 26.B 27.C 28.D29.B 30.D 31.A 32.C33.C 34.D 35.A 36.B 37.CJWT DeskArticle viewed348times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesJinnah Exposes Hindu Myopic Mind General Knowledge Solved Paper - I (2009) (Everyday Science)General Knowledge Solved Paper - I (2009) (Everyday Science)1. Dr Abdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors to the unification of:Jinnah Exposes Hindu Myopic MindSaturday, August 01, 2009A: Electromagnetic force and gravitational force B: Electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force C: Gravitational force and weak nuclear force D: Weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force E: None of these

2. Which triplet in DNA codes for valine: A: CTT B: AGU C: CAT D: AAT E: None of these

3. Animal which captures and readily kills living animals for its food is called: A: parasite B: scavenger C: predator D: mammal E: None of these

4. Which of the following is not a part of Darwinism: A: Over production B: Natural selection C: Inheritance for acquired characters D: Competition for survival E: None of these

5. Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with the HIV (AIDS) virus: A: Cigarette smoking B: Using alcohol C: Injection of heroine D: Taking too much aspirin E: None of these

6. Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun? A: Size of the earth in relation to that of moon B: Orbit of moon around earth C: Direction of rotation of earth around sun D: Area of the sun covered by the moon E: None of these

7. Television signals are converted into light signals by: A: Optical fiber B: Transistor C: Decoder D: Photo diode E: None of these

8. Where do most of Asteroids lie? A: In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter B: In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Venus. C: In asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and Venus. D: Everywhere in the sky. E: None of these

9. The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is: A: 2 B: 3 C: 0 D: 4 E: None of these

10. The half life of a radioactive element is 8-days. How long will it take to reduce it from 10mg to 5mg? A: 4 days B: 12 days C: 16 days D: 8 days E: None of these

11. The term 'Blue Shift' is used to indicate. A: Doppler effect in which an object appears bluer when it is moving towards the observer or observer is moving towards the object. B: Turning a star from white to blue C: In future sun would become blue D: Black hole was blue at its start. E: None of these

12. Fuel used in Fast Breeder Reactor is: A: Uranium Oxide B: Uranium Plutonium carbide C: Uranium Plutonium Oixde D: Uranium thorium Oxide E: None of these

13. Monsoon is caused by: A: Seasonal reversal of wind. B: Revolution of earth. C: Movement of the clouds. D: Rise in temperature. E: Rain forests.

14. A moderator is used in nuclear reactor in order to: A: Accelerate the neutrons B: Slow down the speed of the neutrons C: Increase the number of electrons D: Decrease the number of electrons E: None of these

15. Sedimentary rocks are: A: Porous B: Hard C: Rough D: Brittle E: Volcanic

16. Which one of the following is a non-metallic mineral? A: Manganese B: Magnesium C: Gypsum D: Bauxite E: None of these

17. Ozone layer prevents the following radiation from entering the atmosphere: A: Infra-red B: Ultraviolet C: X-rays D: Gamma rays E: None of these

18. The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in northern hemisphere is due to radiations from: A: Ionosphere B: Troposphere C: Mesosphere D: Stratosphere E: None of these

19. Yeast is used in making bread because it produces: A: Carbon dioxide B: Sugar C: Bacteria D: Oxygen E: None of these

20. Oasis is associated with: A: Glaciers B: Desert C: Islands D: Volcanoes E: Fertile land

ANSWERS 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. E 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. E 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. E To Be Contd .Sajida NaeemArticle viewed399times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesMagical Power of Sleep General Knowledge Solved Paper - I (2009) (Everyday Science)General Knowledge Solved Paper - I (2009) (Everyday Science)1. Persons with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient.Magical Power of SleepWednesday, July 01, 2009A: A+ B: B+ C: AB+ D: O+ E: None of these2. Study of life in outer space is known as: A: Endobiology B: Exobiology C: Enterobiology D: Neobiology E: Micro biology3. The name of the common mineral salt present in sweat is: A: Calcium Oxalate B: Potassium Sulphate C: Sodium Chloride D: Iron Sulphide E: None of these4. Sensitive layer of the eye is: A: Choroids B: Sclerotic C: Retina D: Cornea E: None of these5. Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements: A: Nitrogen + Hydrogen B: Nitrogen + Carbon C: Nitrogen + Oxygen D: Oxygen + Carbon E: None of these6. Role of biotechnology in the production of food is based on: A: Decomposition B: Respiration C: Digestion D: Fermentation E: None of these7. Founder of modern astronomy was: A: Archimedes B: William Gilbert C: Nicolas Copernicus D: Michel Faraday E: None of these8. The instrument which measures very high temperature is: A: Manometer B: Thermostat C: Chronometer D: Pyrometer E: None of these9. The science which deals with study of manners and customs of peoples is: A: Ethnology B: Morphology C: Ethics D: Genetics E: None of these10. Chemicals used to kill rats and mice are: A: Insecticides B: Rodenticides C: Fungicides D: Herbicides E: None of these11. Dry ice is: A: Methane Hydrate B: Liquid Nitrogen C: Solid Carbondioxide D: Frozen water E: None of these12. Chemical name of vinegar is: A: Sodium Nitrate B: Dilute acetic acid C: Chloride of lime D: Calcium E: None of these13. Deficiency of following vitamin decreases hemoglobin produc-tion: A: Biotin B: Thiamine C: Niacin D: Pyridoxine E: None of these14. Hygrometer is used for measuring the: A: Speed of sound B: Density of milk C: Humidity of air D: Specific gravity of liquids E: None of these15. Orbital period of the planet Mercury around the sun is: A: 88 days B: 365 days C: 2 years D: 98 days E: None of these16. The most splendid and the most magnificent constellation in the sky is: A: Orion B: Columba C: Canis Major D: Taurus E: None of these17. Black holes refer to: A: Holes occurring in heavenly bodies B: Bright spots on the sun C: Collapsing objects of high density D: Collapsing objects of low density E: None of these18. Eugenics is the study of: A: Altering human beings by changing their components B: People of European origin C: Different races of mankind D: Genetics of plants E: Eunuchs19. The position of earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the sun causing northern summer is called: A: Aphelion B: Perihelion C: Perigee D: Apogee E: None of these20. Diamond is a very expensive ornament. It is composed of a single element. A: Carbon B: Gold C: Silver D: Platinum E: None of these

ANSWERS 1. E 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10.B11. C 12. B 13.D14. C 15. A 16. A 17. A 18.A 19.A20. A

To Be Continued Sajida NaeemArticle viewed406times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesSecrets of Success General Knowledge, Paper-II 2009 (Current Affairs)General Knowledge, Paper-II 2009 (Current Affairs)1. Who is Nicolas Sarkozy? A: German Chancellor B: Canadian President C: French President D: President of GeorgiaSecrets of SuccessMonday, June 01, 20092. What position Hu Jintao holds in China:A: General Secretary of Communist PartyB: President of the countryC: Both a & bD: Prime Minister of the country

3. Who is the president of World Bank?A: Robert Brace ZorllickB: Robert Bruce GateC: Robert Bruce LohafD: Bill Gates

4. Where is the Headquarter of the Amnesty International located?A: Geneva B: LondonC: Paris D: New York

5. Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established in:A: 1964 B: 1966C: 1968 D: None of these

6. Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)?A: Gandhi, Nasser, TitoB: Nehru, Nasser, TitoC: Chou-en-Lai, Bhutto, NehruD: Soe Karno, Nasser, Tito

7. The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is established at:A: Kathmandu B: DhakaC: Dehli D: Islamabad

8. Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987:A: Sheikh Ahmed YassinB: Yasser ArafatC: Abu Nidal D: None of these

9. How many official working languages are recognized by UNO?A: 8 B: 6C: 4 D: None of these

10. In which month does the UN General Assembly usually meet every year?A: August B: SeptemberC: October D: November

11. Which of the following countries have the power of veto in the General Assembly of UNO?A: USA B: RussiaC: China D: All of these

12. The term of office of a judge of the International Court of Justice is?A: 5 years B: 7 yearsC: 9 years D: None of these

13. Alliance among India, Germany, Japan and Brazil to support each others bid for permanent seat on UN Security Council is called:A: Alliance 4 B: G 4C: Big 4 D: None of these

14. The Iran Pakistan India gas pipeline is also known as:A: Friendly pipelineB: Peace pipelineC: Great pipelineD: None of these

15. The first parliamentary elections in Afghanistan were held in:A: 2004 B: 2005C: 2006 D: None of these

16. Which is the National Flower of Pakistan?A: Tulip B: RoseC: Jasmine D: None of these

17. After Pushtuns the largest-ethnic group in Afghanistan is:A: Uzbeks B: HazarasC: Tajiks D: None of these

18. The capital of Argentina is:A: Columbia B: BarcelonaC: Buenos Aires D: Peru

19. Which is the largest country in Africa:A: Sudan B: NigeriaC: Libya D: None of these

20. Name the currency of Sri Lanka?A: Rupiyah B: LekC: Ringgit D: None of these

ANSWERS1.C 2. C3. A 4. B5. B 6.B 7. A 8.A9.B 10.B11. D 12. C13.B 14.B 15. A 16. C17. C 18. C 19. A 20. A

JWT DeskArticle viewed430times.Related Issues WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News HOW TO WRITE A PRCIS WORLD IN FOCUS Vocabulary In News D-8 Leaders Call for Efforts to Boost Trade WORLD IN FOCUS WORLD IN FOCUSAdvertisement

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HomeExam Cram SeriesObama's Collective Vision General Knowledge, Paper-II (2007) (Solved)General Knowledge, Paper-II (2007) (Solved)1. Patronas towers are located in:Obama's Collective VisionFriday, May 01, 2009A: Singapore B: ChicagoC: Kaula LumpurD: None of these

2. Name of the present UN Secretary General is:A: Kofi Annan B: Ban ki MoonC: Batrus Ghali D: None of these

3. The length of common border between India and Pakistan is:A: 90 miles B: 100 milesC: 110 miles D: None of these

4. Last SAARC conference was held in 2004 at:A: Islamabad B: KathmanduC: Colombo D: None of these

5. China became the member of World Trade Organization in:A: 1998 B: 2002C: 2004 D: None of these

6. The number of players in each team of basketball game is:A: 5 B: 7C: 9 D: None of these

7. Which is the largest Surah of the Holy Quran:A: Surah Al-ImranB: Surah Al-BaqarahC: Surah YaseenD: None of these

8. The Olympic Games in 2004 were held in:A: Athens B: SydneyC: California D: None of these

9. How many members the National Security Council (Pakistan) has:A: 11 B: 13C: 15 D: None of these

10. Nobel Peace Prize for year 2006 was awarded to:A: Dr. Mahatir MohammadB: Dr. Mohammad YunusC: Dr. Abul KalamD: None of these

11. Denzil Washington is renowned as:A: USA army generalB: British Naval CommanderC: Hollywood actorD: None of these

12. The number of OIC member States is:A: 55 B: 57C: 59 D: None of these

13. Mahbub-ul-Haq Human Development Center is located at:A: Karachi B: LahoreC: Islamabad D: None of these

14. Hugo Chavez is the president of:A: Venezuela B: BrazilC: Bolivia D: None of these

15. What is the name of the only Pakistani who won a Nobel Prize?A: Dr. Ashfaq AhmadB: Dr. Abdus-SalamC: Dr. Abdul QadeerD: None of these

16. Maple leaf is the National emblem of:A: Germany B: ChinaC: Canada D: None of these

17. Name of Bangladesh-Parliament is:A: People National AssemblyB: Majlis-i-ShooraC: Jatia SangsadD: None of these

18. India has constructed Baglihar Dam in Occupied Kashmirs district of:A: Udhumpur B: DodaC: Jammu D: None of these

19. Hamas was founded in 1987 by:A: Yasser ArafatB: Ismail HaniyeC: Khalid MeshaalD: None of these

20. Which of the following regions of Balochistan will be irrigated through Kachi Canal project?A: Quetta B: ZhobC: Nasirabad D: None of these

ANSWERS1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A5. D 6. D 7. B 8. A9. B 10. B 11. C 12. B13. C 14. A 15. B 16. C17. C 18. B 19. D 20. C

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